Setting Up In Ear Monitors Using The X32 Rack The X32 Edit The iPhone and The iPad

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey hey hey good morning guys and gals on this particular video i've taken my x32 rack and i've done a complete factory reset okay so in this video what i want to cover is how to set up your buses for in-ear monitoring okay and when i get finished then we're going to switch over and show how you can adjust these from your iphone or your ipad and the software that i'm using is the x32 edit and as you can see in the top left hand side of this video i am connected okay now the first thing we want to look at is our routing as you can see when it's a factory reset uh the mix bus is coming out of the output one this is on the back of your x32 rack and that's your xlr output that's your physical output so as you can see these go all the way down to number six and then number seven and eight they've got it over here on your left and your right mains okay so if you want to use this x32 rack strictly for in-ear monitoring then you can take these and simply come over here and add them mix bus seven and eight okay that's the first thing now keep in mind when you do this uh you can still get audio out but you're gonna have to use your monitor out or your auxiliary out okay and i don't want to confuse you but this is the first step that you want to do now for me since we've only got 16 input channels i'm going to come up here and edit the x32 edit software i don't need these other channels up here and i'm simply clicking on them you can see how they're highlighted and i'm simply clicking on them and this is going to remove them as you can see from my screen now at this point okay i can add in my buses you see all i'm doing is highlighting those okay so now i've got my channel ends and my bosses on the same screen okay and i'm going to say bank number i'm simply going to come right up here and name it x32 rack okay and then i'm going to click blank okay and now i'm simply going to come back over to edit and click it again and now that part is done now as you can see right up here it says x32 rack okay now guys i'm going to label one channel and i'm going to label one boss and then i'm going to pause this video so i can go back and all i'm going to do is label things okay for your channels it is simple we're going to go to channel one we're going to right mouse click it and i'm going to call this uh vox we can name it vox1 and i'm going to give all these the same name and the same color okay so it's going to be view x1 2 yada yada so now i'm going to come down to my mix buses i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to come up here and put in-ear monitor one and you can name these whatever you want guys but you're only going to have so many characters okay and then we're going to give it a color let's just give it a color of white there okay now very important at this point i'm going to come over and hit save as you can see it's all selected i'm going to say save as a scene okay so i'm going to come back up to where i keep all my scenes and presets and everything and i'm going to call this x32 rack only that's my scene and i'm going to click save all right so give me a second here guys and i'm going to come back and i'm going to label the rest of these channels and as you can see right up here now the box one as well as the in-ear monitor one is now showing up on our main board and this is going to get us to the point where we can start building our mixes for those buses using a process uh called actually there's two names some people call it fader on demand and some people call it sends on fader okay so give me a second and i'll be right back okay guys and we're back now i want to show you one thing over here too uh when i set this up with the only 16 channels i came over here to where it says bank you have to be on mixer see all this disappears but you come over to mixer you'll see where it says save okay and i've already saved it as my x32 rack i'm going to say save it's going to say overwrite i'm going to say yes now this is not a scene guys okay this is simply the bank it's in a bnk format all right so now let's go ahead and i'm going to build these first three channels with the box one it's going to be a uh sm57 i've got it up here as you can see my input levels coming up now i've got it quite a ways away from me and i apologize for that because normally the singer you want them singing at their loudest point and you want them to be hitting right around that negative 18. okay now keep in mind i haven't blended anything with the board yet i am simply setting my input gains okay so if i want to come up here and put a gate on it i can raise this up to where you can see i'm talking again you don't use these settings i'm showing you guys because the microphone is far away from me but you want it to where when you stop okay when they were not you know they're not singing uh then it's going to activate right there because if they start singing a real low part of a song you could actually gate them out and that it go to and that's what it's going to sound like okay so be very very careful when you adjust this gate now the eq here's where you can put on your low cuts uh actually come over here to the eq you've got some presets in here uh that you can use you know however you want to set up uh your your channel config let's go over here and say load we're going to load a preset and uh these are the factory presets okay this is what comes with the factory so you'll find these in there so let's just say that we got a female there where she had i just seen her okay where are you at female vocal right there that is a preset we're going to put it to this channel and we're going to say open and we're going to say select all then we're going to say load now see what just happened guys over here it it put it to the fvox it's already set the the eq it's taken the gate off and it's taken the dynamics off so that's how you load a preset on a channel okay keep in mind all we've done so far is added a preset to this channel and we've adjusted our input gain okay right here so i'm going to take this gate off and i'm going to take the compressor off okay so now we're going to come over to the box 2. now the vox 2 and 3 are uh two behringer c5 condenser microphones that i have this is what i use for my room mics or i can use them for overheads uh they do require uh phantom power and so here i'm going to raise the gain again until i start getting that input signal now these microphones are about probably about 10 foot away from me okay so i've got to jack this gain all the way up now as you can see it's coming out to the main left and right and let's go back to this one as you can see it's coming out to the left main and right but guys if you're going to use this strictly for your in-ear monitoring it doesn't matter because we're gonna switch this out through routing anyway you can leave it on you can leave it off it doesn't matter okay so again the the third uh condenser mic we're gonna raise it all the way up phantom power on and then over here to the left and right okay so you can see we've got our three inputs coming in down here on the board and uh we don't have anything going over here to the master yet because we haven't raised these faders once we start rating these phasors then you're going to see that that is coming up and let's go over to routing and if we put this back on uh seven and eight on our our left and right okay and if we raise this fader up you're gonna see the signal coming in now at this point you would sit here and you would adjust your guitar one guitar two the bass you know you would you would come over and you would set these input levels okay your amps you know you could have a guitar one with a direct box coming in or di a direct line and then you could have the guitar two to where you had like a sn57 up against the guitar amp okay it all depends on how you want to set it up but like i said all we're going to do is raise some volumes here and i want to show you this for an example okay even though we've got no signal coming through them whatsoever and we're just going to make them all look like we were actually doing something here okay so you can see that i've got all these right here done so at this point i'm going to come up and i'm going to save the scene again i want to select all i want to save it as a scene okay let's get out of my factory presets and remember guys i saved the scene as the x32 rack only so that's what i'm going to just keep saving it as you know it's like any other computer program you know when you do so much in a word processor you want to save it you know if not then when you get to the end power goes out you lose it whatever happens then you've lost your whole project keep in mind we are just setting this up okay so at this point we're going to come down to where it says our boss and and i want you to see that we can click on this right here all day long but that is simply showing us the bus okay what you have to do to activate the sins on faders is you've got to come over here and click this one okay now look what happens when we go back over you see we came back over now to our main mixing screen and all these faders have now came all the way down all the power buttons are on and this is where you're going to select how much of each input you want to go in to the in-ear monitor boss one okay so you're gonna say okay well i want some female vocals in there look up here to the right where you see that bus in you you'll see that move okay you're gonna say i want some female vocal uh i just want a little bit of the backup singers uh i love the way my guitar guy plays so i want this one i don't need any bass i do want to hear some keys uh now as far as the drum goes other than the kick i don't want to hear nothing and that's it guys you've just set the in-ear monitor for bus number one okay it's that simple listen to what i'm telling you if you follow this video i just added these channels in the boss one now at that point you're going to come up here and click on main left and right as you can see we're back to our mixing panel and all our faders are still exactly where they were okay but now you see the in-ear monitor now it's getting the signal coming from these microphones as well because we put them in over here now in order to get this signal out to your uh transmitter or your uh p2 if that's what you want to use for your inner monitor this is now your master volume okay now look up here when we go to mains we do not have this going out to the left and right stereo we don't want it going out to the left and right stereo because what happens is this now you've got this volume coming out through the left and right stereo okay and if you go back to your original channels all of these are going out of the left and right stereo so you're all you're doing is just adding a double signal okay and if you hear a lot of uh cracking a lot of just muddy sound a lot of times this is why okay so on your busses you do not want to have this checked okay so now let's set it up for the the second person in the group we come over here to inner monitor two if we go back to the rack again look all of our faders have come down just like they're supposed to okay so uh this guy he's the guitar player he wants to hear the lead singer and he wants to hear uh the bass player and he wants to hear the kick drum that's all he wants to hear and by pushing these levels up now you're giving him this much in his mix so if you can see now over here on bus number two uh the the uh in-ear monitor number two you've got the signal coming up but now the guy says well listen man we're up here playing and i'm getting way too much of that kick in my monitor okay so if you're up here and let's just go ahead and click off of this and we come down to the buses and you say okay we're going to raise this up so now the guy can hear the mix coming through now he says look man i got too much kick coming in through my monitors all right and guys remember this works on wedge monitors floor monitors it works on anything that you're going to connect to that uh output uh xlr on the back of the rack number two so he says okay man i got too much kick base so you as the sound engineer you're going to come back over here and highlight uh his uh in-ear monitor number two you're going to come back up to the rack and you're going to take this volume knob or slider and you're going to bring it down into where he hears exactly what he wants to hear okay once you do that simply come back up here and click on main left and right again now you can come down to the bus he says okay now listen now i love the way the mix sounds but the volume's too high can you lower it just a hair but guys really if you're using any quality in-ear monitoring you're going to be able to adjust this volume yourself so if that's the case run these up to zero okay put these up to infinity and then let the person at the other end adjust their volume control okay and that's it that is so simple to set up your in your monitoring using this program all right now i'm going to go ahead and pause this program again because now i've got to get out my ipads my iphone and get linked into my router i got to set up my external cameras to see if i can get a quality video of this and then we'll take it from there all right i'll be right back okay guys so as you can see right here uh i've now got my iphone uh all i did was go into settings and i connected to the same router that my x32 rack is and as you can see right up here in all the buttons uh all the the things it's got every single thing listed on my iphone as it does on the x32 edit okay so i'm gonna click down here and there's my channels nine through sixteen okay i'm gonna go back up to one through eight you can see where they're labeled now if i go down to iem1 they're in your monitor this is where the person would be up on stage and they would be able to adjust their own inputs okay this is where they can come up and say okay i want uh less uh female vocal so i'm just going to slide it down a little bit i want some more of the guitar one i'm going to raise it up a little bit and guys it's just that simple that's how you use your iphone to set your own in-ear monitors now the guy that's on in-ear monitor number two he would be pushing number two that's what he would be using just you know keep in mind unless you password protect these uh buses that if somebody gets up there and gets on the wrong bus then they're gonna screw somebody else's mix up okay but it's like anything else in this profession guys you gotta practice you know we're professionals when we do this okay so let's say the guy on uh in-ear monitor number two says you know what i think i would like a little bit of the uh third vocal coming in he's simply going to come up here and take this and raise it up okay and there you go now he's got that going in there uh the the program that i'm using on my iphone here is called mixing station okay that's what works for iphones all and give me a second and i'm going to put up the uh ipad and show you the same thing with that all right i'll be right back okay guys so here we are with the ipad okay it's basically now this is the x32 mix program okay same thing with the ipad i set up go to settings i set it to uh be hooked into the same router that the x32 rack is on and you can see my signals and everything coming up here okay on the meters but up here on this you see right here it says sends on fader we want to push that now as you can see the number one is lit up and it says in-ear monitor one this is where you would adjust how much you want going in to that bus number one that in-ear monitoring one okay that's how it's just that simple you go and push number two okay you see it changes the in-ear monitor too you do the exact same thing guys it's the same thing that we we talked about before you're up on stage uh everybody has their own ipad or you have one ipad you know to where somebody can go up there is the band's warming up and they're getting ready to do their sound check and everything then this is how you would do it now once you get finished it's very important you come back up and you push sends on fader again and now you're right back to your regular board channels one through eight channels nine through six okay here you've got your bus sends uh one through eight and uh remember we talked about putting these on zero uh the guy says listen man my my i don't have a volume control knob uh on my uh particular in-ear monitor setup so you can you know can you decrease the volume for me so you would simply come up here and bring this down okay and that's it you are benito all right it's just that simple all right man take care god bless and we are out of here
Channel: Dana Tucker
Views: 14,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Podcasting with Reaper, Reaper DAW, Podcasting, Free Podcasting Course, Audio Books, ACX Training, ACX, Home Studio, Home Recording, Remote Recording
Id: S1K95w6uDz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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