An Octopus Mystery 🐡 Curious George 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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has anyone seen my [Music] mug this was becoming very mysterious not again why does everything keep disappearing uh maybe you simply left it in the other room let's look come on George let's see the rest of the [Music] lab someone had taken the kitten mug the shell and the shoe he didn't know who did it but he had a pretty good idea what they looked like look at that [Music] [Laughter] shell it was a shell all right but it wasn't George's that's a longer head sea turtle [Music] she's injured so we're taking care of her until she [Music] heals George wondered could the sea turtle be the one taking [Music] things those flippers make them very fast in the water but on land they're quite slow if the turtle was slow on land it probably didn't steal georg's shell still it was worth a [Music] look maybe it's time we clean the turtle enclosure and if you're up for it we can use two extra [Music] hands he's right for it extra hands oh I'll help even though I only have two hands every hand helps will need some sponges and a bucket luckily George had brought his own bucket where was it [Music] George couldn't believe it someone had stolen the octopus too his bucket what was it doing over there [Music] [Music] [Laughter] what is it [Music] [Applause] [Music] George wow you did it you solved the mystery George so this is where everything went but how did the octopus get those things into the water octopuses live in the water but they can Venture on to land for short periods of [Music] time yeah why did Octavia take all these things well in nature octopuses collect things like shells and coconut husks to use for protection near their dens like my shoe and my coffee mug and your exactly the collection is called an Octopus's [Music] Garden guess we'll need to secure this lid so she doesn't keep getting [Music] out George liked his shell but he knew some someone who liked it even [Music] [Applause] more it looks like that's how an octopus says thank you George that was very generous of you George you can come back and visit Octavia and your shell any time George thought that any sea shell that got to be part of an octopus's Garden was one lucky [Music] [Applause] shell M definitely not unlikely oh how nice he's a pigeon right uhhuh oh wow I met a pigeon and a monkey on the same day Pinch Me hi there pretty bird look he's on my head say would you like to see some pictures of some deep Sky objects pretty bird Compass wasn't interested in seeing Stars the food was gone and it was time for him to go home but Compass being Compass he went the wrong direction oh dear he wants to get [Music] out use the window birdie that way go to the monkey go to the monkey oh dear it's not working wait I know I'll open the telescope door for him the door is right there it's behind you look oh the tension is too much good idea monkey just don't let him go inside the telescope he might hurt himself or it I can't [Music] look you better take him to the window George he can't find it by himself h [Music] that's it you've almost got [Music] him [Music] uhoh oh no [Applause] [Music] here try this wonderful tuna salad try and guess the secret ingredient h no idea a touch of mustard really h [Applause] [Music] oh George worried Compass might try to exit through the telescope [Music] [Music] um George hi systems restored what happened nothing nothing we were just trying to help the pigeon a pigeon ah is everything all right Mr Griggs I believe so oh dear the telescope is no longer pointing at Mars I'm going to have to move it wait a minute look at this H it's an exploding star a supernova quick fail safe photograph it I'm way ahead of [Music] you oh George this is much better than Comet 331 P thank you [Music] George other astronomers had photographed the comet but only Mr Griggs saw the [Applause] Supernova I couldn't have done it without my curious friend [Applause] [Music] George George was happy that Mr Griggs got the award but he was even happier to learn a little more about the Stars [Music] W sorry we didn't find your [Music] pey let's ask the guys outside they go [Music] everywhere where had all the confetti gone hey guys my friend here lost a parrot py anybody found one not yet but it's a big Park we've got a lot of ground to cover want to come along good [Music] catch how did everything from that big bag fit into that little Barrel nice huh the trash cans are f they cover these underground tubes oo they're like big vacuum cleaners the trash gets sucked down to a central collection area that way trash collectors don't disturb our guests during the day ready to roll I hope you find your pey but Petey wasn't to be found at least not on the streets H it was time for George to search the rides first up the roller coaster George hadn't remembered the coaster being that noisy before well hi little fella what are you doing here a you lost your Parry peti that's tough so's oiling the far wheels on this coaster hey be [Music] careful wish I could do that I want tell you what you oil that side I'll oil this side then we can search the cars for your py [Music] together found nothing at this end how about you [Music] a what's this a map of all the places you went today h all those rides need maintenance too what do you say we help each other out I forgot the most important part to take a test drive think you're up for it [Music] aha there were nuts to be [Music] tightened light bulbs to be [Music] changed and cables to be replaced wow but there was only one more ride to go and George still hadn't found Petey swamp boats it [Music] is George had worked on all the rides and not found py [Music] whenever I lose something it's usually in the last place I look ready George and [Music] peety hey there has anyone seen my monkey [Music] SH now all he had to do was count the Sheep 1 2 3 4 five but where was number six there were seven eight and nine sheep 6 had to be there too George accidentally left the gate open sheep 6 [Music] escaped maybe sheep 6 was in the barn nope not in the barn either well lookie here I guess Mrs rankins must have numbered yall to keep you [Music] organized huh but we only have eight sheep why are you wearing a nine oh I see the nine is just a six turned upside down well I can fix that ah there that's more like [Music] it huh hey sheep 6 came [Music] back but how did he get [Music] [Music] in sheep number six was back but now number nine was gone hi George what are you doing and why are the Sheep wearing our calendar oh I get it you're counting sheep George when I said if you can't sleep count sheep did you think I meant real sheep uhhuh I see well Grandma just meant to count sheep in your imagination not go to an actual sheep pen George thought Grandma's way sounded a lot [Music] easier well I'm going to finish my bike ride I'll see you after your nap but George couldn't take a nap yet he still had to find sheep number [Music] nine T went to get the number six when it turned into a nine then it turned into a six again how was the number doing that a six was an upside down nine and a nine was just an upside down down [Music] six sheep number six and sheep number n were the same animal the missing sheep had been there all [Music] along George's way of counting sheep was harder than Grandma's but it sure tired him [Music] out that night everyone came to George's house to celebrate the New Year ready for the countdown 5 4 3 2 1 happy New Year everyone how do we get over the [Music] log but there's no ramp in the [Music] woods we can bring one [Music] now how are we going to deal with that thorn [Music] bush hard packed Trail makes it easy just you wait it gets a lot harder believe [Music] me these are the thorn bushes I told you about [Music] a okay if you really think it'll [Music] work hey what do you know it worked [Music] huh the rain must have created a creek [Music] good idea [Music] George okay um well here goes [Music] nothing crossing crossing ha I made it all right [Music] oh no mud too sticky for our Wheels guess you were right after all bill it sure was nice up till now though wait you're not you can't turn back we're almost almost there but we don't have a way to get across [Music] woo [Music] but okay this is working so let's figure out how to get more [Music] boards good [Music] thinking nice going [Music] George did it I told you we could do it come on [Music] you ready you bet [Music] wow the super secret middle of the woods pond [Music] wow I must be the only kid who's ever gotten his cast signed by a dog a city kid and a [Music] Frog hey you know what the best part of the super secret middle of the woods Pond is getting to share it with [Music] friends wow [Music] Jumpy's Nest was a hole filled with sticks leaves and [Music] Feathers high up in a [Music] tree magnic my first [Music] accordion Ducks swam in water even in [Music] Winter and they slept in nests of straw [Music] deer slept hidden under many trees on a soft bed [Music] MH now George knew what he needed to make his sleepover a success [Music] [Music] FR f f [Music] for ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah ch gge had made a perfect space for each friend now they just needed to come back inside [Music] success George's friends loved it jumpy nested in his clock dumpling perched in her nest and doy slept on her soft foresty [Music] bed but George was still missing one [Music] thing everyone slept well [Music] the next morning George made sure everyone had the perfect breakfast what on Earth George [Music] uh George the mission so George got back to work he hoped to see the little seal again [Music] afterwards he's on his way [Music] what a big fish Georgette found his first whale and it was white a beluga [Music] whale could there be more [Music] ah number two was a boohead George could tell by its dark coloring one beluga and one Boe head George had already counted two whales [Music] H wow great job George seven belugas and five Boe heads h no narwhals yet they can dive deeper than the others why don't you try going lower George [Music] George wondered what was making that strange sound this whale had a Tusk a narwhal in fact a whole pot of them George knew he better count fast three over there and that one made four this one made [Music] five and all those made George wasn't going to let anything stop him from counting the [Music] rest except maybe an iceberg George are you [Applause] okay I think he hit something an iceberg maybe perhaps George I think it's time to head back with will'll help you find your way whoa what happened H the communication systems must have been [Music] damaged George thought he was heading home but it was hard to [Music] tell George didn't know this well because it was a [Music] seal his friend had found [Music] him and he seemed to be leading George somewhere [Music] oh my I finally caught one oh George you made it you're okay tremendous work you save the mission George hey my fish but George figured the seal deserved it after all he'd LED George [Music] home oh well there are plenty more fish where that came from right George aha [Music] a George could see jumpy was right these nuts were different whoa whoa whoa George people don't eat acorns well not usually we prefer other nuts you know walnuts almonds peacon cashews what have you oh if people didn't like acorns an animal must have taken Jumpy's acorns but which [Music] one deer turkey Crow bear pig squirrel raccoon all these animals ate acorns this needed more [Music] [Music] research George had never seen him before [Music] he carried nuts in his cheeks just like [Music] jumpy George thought he'd find the acorns if he followed that little guy and jumpy thought he'd find them if he followed George H the thing also ate flower bulbs and seeds [Music] [Applause] [Music] the little guy stored food for winter just like jumpy did at last jumpy had surely found where the monkey stashed the nuts [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it wasn't the monkey after all chumpy wanted to give that squirt a piece of his mind but that squirt was kind of cute and generous jumpy didn't like him taking his acorns but anyone could see he was a good kid he just needed someone to show him the ropes someone with experience someone like jump [Music] oh I see you've made a new friend Chipmunks are cute aren't they a chipmunk so that that's what that was my pean [Music] pie that may be the beginning of a beautiful friendship oh [Music] [Music] Assan must have sent us on the scenic route ready to see a lot of fish here we go take a trip see somewhere new learn about what others like to do [Music] there really were a lot of [Music] fish there was one that could blow itself up like a balloon and one that looked like a circus clown and who knew that glassfish had bones let's learn about the wonders of the world [Music] wow that was fun better head back if we want to get to the Village before [Music] dark h [Music] huh must be out of gas no problem just need to refill [Music] it your beach ball that's right here you go huh h uh George did you take the extra gas can out to make room for the beach ball and the flashlight and the flares well I guess we'll have something to play with until someone finds us catch George oh I got it I got it oh good [Music] catch what the [Music] George what are you well look who's here it's your buddies the Dolphins [Music] [Applause] oh wow it's the Dolphins they're stirring up the bioluminescent [Music] Plankton they're tiny tiny sea creatures millions of them they give off a glow when they're moved [Music] George you hear that it's a rescue plane [Music] [Music] oh I am happy to see you my friends how did you ever come up with the plan to get the dophins to light up the water like that um actually we were playing [Music] catch George that was amazing I'm glad you packed that ball let's learn about the wers of the [Music] world has anyone seen my [Music] mug this was becoming very mysterious not again why does everything keep disappearing uh maybe you simply left it in the other room let's look come on George let's see the rest of the [Music] lab someone had taken the kitten mug the shell and the shoe he didn't know who did it but he had a pretty good idea what they looked like look at that shell [Music] [Laughter] it was a shell all right but it wasn't George's that's a loggerhead sea [Music] turtle she's injured so we're taking care of her until she [Music] heals George wondered could the sea turtle be the one taking taking [Music] things those flippers make them very fast in the water but on land they're quite slow if the turtle was slow on land it probably didn't steal Georgia's shell still it was worth a [Music] look h maybe it's time we clean the turtle enclosure and if you're up for it we could use two extra [Music] hands he's right four extra hands oh I'll help even though I only have two hands every hand helps we'll need some sponges and a bucket luckily George had brought his own bucket where was [Music] it George couldn't believe it someone had stolen the octopus too his bucket what was it doing over there [Music] [Music] [Laughter] what is it George [Music] [Applause] [Music] W you did it you solved the mystery George so this is where everything went but how did the octopus get those things into the water octopuses live in the water but they can Venture on to land for short periods of [Music] time yeah why did Octavia take all these things wa well in nature octopuses collect things like shells and coconut husks to use for protection near their dens like my shoe and my coffee mug and your shell exactly the collection is called an Octopus's [Music] Garden good guess will need to secure this lid so she doesn't keep getting [Music] out George liked his shell but he knew someone who liked it even [Music] [Applause] more it looks like that's how an octopus says thank you George that was very generous of you George you can come back and visit Octavia and your shell any time George thought that any sea shell that got to be part of an octopus's Garden was one lucky shell [Music] [Applause] [Music] H definitely not unlikely oh how nice he's a pigeon right uh-huh oh wow I met a pigeon and a monkey on the same day Pinch Me hi there a pretty bird look he's on my head say would you like like to see some pictures of some deep Sky objects pretty bird Compass wasn't interested in seeing Stars the food was gone and it was time for him to go home but Compass being Compass he went the wrong direction oh dear he wants to get [Music] out use the window birdie that way go to the monkey go to the monkey [Music] oh dear it's not working wait I know I'll open the telescope door for him the door is right there it's behind you look oh the tension is too much good idea monkey just don't let him go inside the telescope he might hurt himself or it I can't [Music] look you better take him to the window George he can't find it by himself ha [Music] that's it you've almost got [Music] him [Music] uhoh oh [Applause] [Music] no here try this m wonderful tuna salad try and guess the secret ingredient h no idea a touch of mustard really [Applause] [Music] H George worried Compass might try to exit through the telescope [Music] [Music] wo [Music] W um [Music] George systems restored what happened nothing nothing we were just trying to help the pigeon a pigeon is everything all right Mr Griggs I believe so oh dear the telescope is no longer pointing at Mars I'm going to have to move it wait a minute look at this huh it's an exploding Star supernova quick fail safe photograph it I'm way ahead of [Music] you oh George this is much better than Comet 331 P thank you [Music] George other astronomers had photographed the comet but only Mr Griggs saw the super [Applause] Nova I couldn't have done it without my curious friend [Applause] [Music] George George was happy that Mr Griggs got the award but he was even happier to learn a little more about the Stars wo
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 191,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: U6oTyz-V-qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 18sec (3318 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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