George Takes a Dive 🐡 Curious George 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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[Music] [Applause] welcome to the coral reef George those look like plants and rocks but they are fragile animals called Coral polyps they live in colonies oo skeletons of hard coral are made of limestone [Music] those hard skeletons create the foundation of the reef the Reef's home to all kinds of sea life sort of like our a big city is home to all kinds of [Music] people what happened George can you hear us [Music] the coral reef was so much fun George almost forgot why he was [Music] [Applause] there oh George you're near the satellite head to the C4 [Music] [Applause] [Music] can you see [Music] it what did you find it nice but we're not looking for crabs George [Music] are those sharks those are small reef sharks they're not interested in monkeys the coral reef supplies them with food huh [Music] he found it that's my monkey George can you see an open place to move the satellite [Music] to good now release your emergency [Music] marker a I'll fly over and drop you a line [Music] [Music] all right George now attach the hook to the satellite uhoh [Music] I was going to bring you up one at a time but this worked [Applause] [Music] too H the data module is intact our research is saved thanks to George George yep flying in a helicopter was fun but George liked exploring the ocean better because in the sky there are no sea turtles [Music] he George right now the important thing is stopping this balloon maybe those sandbags were the balloons anchors [Music] oh steady steady well I'm trying but I don't want those bags to hurt my boat hey Clint you know you can't park here loading zone don't drop anything else it makes us lighter so we go up we need to be heavy to go [Music] down officer went my monkey is floating away with the boy next door climb [Music] on it's okay I'll get us down just stay [Music] calm okay they're just [Music] ahead [Music] easy let's try again got it well uh good luck then I've got you George uh that's not a safe and approved manner to ride a balloon I know Bill I I know now don't worry I I'm going to help you ow ow this is what happens if you don't follow the [Music] rules the wind's getting stronger you can tell from that flag down there uh uh uh could be worse huh at least the wind's not blowing us toward the ocean [Music] oh no the wind changed it's blowing towards the sea do you know what that [Music] means well yeah seagull but also we're going to float across the ocean and I don't know how to stop us we probably land in some other country where I don't even speak the language and hate the food I want to go home I wish I knew how you city kids stay so cool under pressure [Applause] [Music] what what is it what is it hey pull that core it will open up the vent and he can fly out the [Music] top we're droing the vent it lets hot air [Music] out so that's how you make a balloon go down George you saved [Music] us oh no the wind's picking up we're going to land in the ocean oh I've got you George I was a little worried but there's a proper way to worry without [Music] panicking my camera oh I forgot to take pictures that's a great one George you took the pictures for me [Music] H if I didn't and you didn't [Music] how oh City kids don't have compasses huh a compass helps tell which direction you're going well it always points North you figure out which way you want to go and you can tell where you're facing because you always know which way is North oh yeah that would help you why didn't I think of that hey can I have that dirt my bunny dug holes all over the lawn and dad says I have to fill them [Music] up boy can that bunny dig thanks anything you want to borrow just [Music] ask [Music] H what you think of something anything you want to borrow [Music] already there uhuh okay gopher stroll in eat delicious grapes trigger the Rope gate slam shut and Wham got you [Music] Gophers o o o hey goers come on in here have a delicious grape oh no no [Music] just are you here to catch them or feed them just uh testing out the Gopher cage works it's pretty [Music] good oh oh boy I'm back don't worry I'm gonna go get the extra heavy equipment which has never ever failed I'll just be back I'm gonna [Music] go George had everything he needed a compass a professional [Music] Digger and a way to get rid of the used dirt [Music] all he needed was enough [Music] time attention Gophers all aboard the calhon crane Express [Applause] [Music] [Music] You Can't Hide anymore [Music] [Applause] ah hey [Music] woohoo w [Music] I I did it I caught you you grap stealing monkey I've got you George Calhoun I have decided the Gophers aren't as annoying as you you go the Gophers can stay oh oh [Music] boy oh what a mess so uh who wants to help me clean this up I can pay in grapes [Music] [Music] this wood was as long as the floor which meant he could do this score another one for monkey brains [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uhhuh huh hm so that's what the goggles were [Music] for this wall needed something to hold it up while he nailed it down [Music] uhhuh just one wall to go huh but George was out of nails and the only wood left was the piece he couldn't lift oh oh luckily Mrs Rankin told him he could have any wood he wanted Mr Quint wasn't home but George had seen him get nails this way George figured a treehouse didn't need a wood roof especially since he was out of [Music] wood how do you like your [Music] new all fixed and solid as a maybe you should have used nails oh I'm dying to know what you've been up to can I look [Music] [Laughter] yet what is it is is it a house I I mean it's a house you built your own treeh house [Music] wow I am very impressed say where did you get all the wood and nail George did you take my chicken's wall George did you take nails from my dark because look uh I'm [Music] wet oh uh I'm I'm sure it was a mistake he'll give everything back George before he'd had a chance to make even one house rule George had to take his Treehouse [Music] apart wait I said you could have any nails you wanted I could have been more specific then I can make a new wall that one looks like it belongs [Music] there now George had a place where he made the rules r rule number one you have to draw on the walls and Rule Number Two always butter your corn with your feet oh this this isn't easy house rules I know [Music] okay the notes didn't climb stairs anymore Betsy for crying out loud I'm thir third grade already Oh Betsy wait what did you do with my xylophone now Betsy don't get [Music] sore I don't [Applause] [Music] know George I need my xylophone Betsy wait [Music] [Applause] George was so desperate he tried [Music] everything what was that my xylophone George [Music] this was hopeless George was never going to figure out how to put on those [Music] keys this key had a number on it H and so did that one they all had numbers the first was eight what comes after eight six was all Roundy like eight they just looked right [Music] together but they didn't sound right and time was running out [Music] what if eight wasn't the place to start maybe number one came first like in [Music] counting George could count to five and the clock helped him get to 12 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 trouble was he had three keys left all right stand in front of the risers I want to get a group photo oh but Aunt Margaret I have to find George and my xylophone oh this will only take a second dear [Music] where did those last three keys go George couldn't count to [Music] 15 each key was smaller than the one before it maybe oh uh 1 2 3 456 78 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 only one way to test if he'd gotten it right say cheese hey that looks like and the notes climb the stairs yeah my xylophone hey what you do to it I can't believe you fixed it huh this key always used to wobble thanks George [Music] [Applause] all [Music] [Applause] [Music] right I know my job is to push this button and let you back inside uhhuh [Applause] and don't forget be a good little monkey space [Music] walker there's nothing a monkey likes better than a space walk [Music] wow that City kid really gets around George knew what he had to do first remove the nuts using the wrench [Music] Why didn't it move he knew the rule Lefty Lucy and righty [Music] tidy he wasn't the first monkey to mix up his Lucy and his tidy just the first one in space [Music] oh uh did I mention George only has enough air to last 2 minutes well you did now George you must complete the mission expeditiously h i mean finish up and get back in the rocket very quickly [Music] putting Replacements in was pretty easy and then it [Music] wasn't maybe he needed to put this stuff in ex exactly where the old stuff [Music] was oh no this last hole was a completely different [Music] shape George you need to head inside side now George I'm going out there after him you can't you don't have a tether oh [Music] boy why it wasn't a different shape at all ah now he needed righty tidy George you have only 5 Seconds of air left that's it I'm going out no you'll float out into [Music] space he made it George is safe yes yes George George did it the telescope controls work [Music] again great work guys you're coming home oh it wasn't 2 minutes it was an hour and 2 minutes my mistake [Music] [Music] maybe dog food made Hundley jumpy only one way to find out George didn't feel any different so so it wasn't the [Music] food Hunley was more energetic than ever now he wanted to go back out to [Music] play was Hundley pretending to be [Music] asleep or had his mood changed again [Music] George did want to play but he had to solve the mystery of Hundley this was too much was Hundley sick no his nose was [Music] cold he sorted his photos into two groups quiet normal Hundley and Lively unusual un Hundley he didn't even know what he was hoping to see then he noticed something normal Hundley had a brown collar but jumpy Hundley had a red collar H chy jumped around a lot and she had a red collar [Music] too George had the solution red collars make dogs jump [Music] more to test his theory George put on a red tie H he didn't feel different he couldn't jump higher maybe it only worked on [Music] dogs Hunley thought he sure was looking good tonight [Music] [Applause] [Music] that explained everything Hunley was acting like two different dogs because he was two different [Music] dogs H blade George doxy I've got you I'll take her my poor little doxy oh yes yes yes she did this is my sister Dorothy doxy has a way of getting loose [Applause] [Music] wow if I didn't see her right there I'd think that was Hunley wrecking the [Music] [Music] place George was having so much fun with doxy maybe someday Hundley would meet a monkey he could have fun with too [Music] the squiggle was much thicker in Sue bm's painting was it because she was bigger or was it because she used a bigger brush uhhuh [Music] [Music] George needed to paint a lavender blob but he had no lavender paint out here Mr glass uh Mr zubel and Mr glass were right above him George worried they'd look down and see the painting ah we could also use lights like this to focus attention on the painting great let's do it there's one other thing I think you should have it's in the oven you keep art supplies in your oven no I make carrot cake oh one piece and back to my Lobby to hang my unique painting George had to finish his painting in the time it took one billionaire to eat one piece of carrot [Music] cake blue was the closest color George had to Lavender but it was wrong [Music] H Char's feet reminded George how Sue burm mixed colors to make different colors [Music] ha chy hadn't made lavender but she had made [Music] [Applause] black George had to find the combination of colors that would make [Music] lavender white turned a color lighter [Music] uh George hoped he could get to the Glass Tower before Mr glass oh hi George hey that's my unique painting and another one just like it there a two and that's not unique there cannot be two every suburn painting is different and why isn't it in my Lobby where I left it monkey H they're almost identical but this one has sub's nose print uhoh the rip one is the original [Music] monkey hold on George did you make this copy because that one ripped uhhuh it's almost perfect you're a good painter George wait wait wait a painting monkey a painting elephant are you thinking what I'm thinking well of course not because what I'm thinking is [Music] unique tell me that anywhere else in the whole world there's an elephant and a monkey painting in a Lobby well I'd say your lobby is unique yes exactly and you know the best part they work for peanuts [Music] first he'd need someone who could distract the [Music] women second he needed someone who could open that cage if anyone could open that cage it was J the dog escape artist next he had to explain his Hundley escape plan to his team of experts he showed them where the cages were and which one had Hundley in [Music] [Applause] [Music] it well you like the flea bath huh you were an itchy [Music] [Music] fella phase one the distractor [Music] I'm coming I'm coming who is it oh Gwen you got to come see this what oh how [Music] sweet oh look at this look I'm going to eat you up well don't you think that's the cutest thing you've ever seen you are too cute [Music] phase two The Escape [Laughter] [Music] Artist At least phase one [Music] worked w w w H who's that we'd better check the [Music] cages there's no one [Music] missing now nooki was getting locked up and George couldn't open the cages [Music] or maybe he could sh please thank you if you squeezed this it move those things and unlock the [Music] door was he forgetting something like the sliding bar across the top [Music] ah he was so sure it slid out maybe he pushed when he should have [Music] [Applause] [Music] pulled George hadn't figured out phase three how to get out out unseen would you please go see what's upsetting [Music] them oh it's just the cleaning lady oh the cleaning lady stop her please I got to pay [Music] her too late she's gone there was one step left to complete George's plan [Music] and now that Hundley felt dignified again George could get back to his [Music] game and Hundley could get back to defending his Lobby's dignity [Music] the show went [Music] on and [Music] [Applause] on and neither George nor Bill missed a single [Music] C but the most difficult queue was still to come she's on all weather looks stylish in leather has tons of B we doing great just that one big que left remember uhuh it's not her sirloin Stakes it's the milk she makes one confetti two curtain three trapo four flat five curtain got it H what startch in her r ends up as fresh butter or milk or cream or Y if you please everything she eats turns into lacto treats from an iceam Sunday to George pull trap 3C no one seat no [Music] that was odd bill was usually so [Music] responsible ribbit ribbit ribbit ribbit you can do this one minute starts in her ends up as fresh butter or milk or cream or yogurt if you [Music] please nice skunk Please Don't Spray me cheese milk and Mak her happy to see your wagger tail a thousand squirts it never hurts when I fill up my pil okay just breathe normally whoa neptun Snickers a skunk just don't alarm it George knew the skunk could spray at any moment and ruin the show but he also knew The Show Must Go On don't upset the skunk he's going to spray he's going to spray so George concentrated real hard so ming please drop what you're doing and thank this lovely creature here now and counted one a b c oh she's a tapsy turny pure red gsy four-legged Miracle of nature look [Music] [Music] oh hi uh I was going to do some frog calls for you here we go ribbit ribbit George you were amazing maybe the best Stage hand ever and that's about [Applause] [Music] it cut and call everyone you fellas too [Music] you know with all the chaos I didn't have time to think about being scared so I wasn't I must say those were some fine frog calls you're just being [Music] [Applause] [Music] kind Mr traga reconnected the pipes then had one last thing to do would you like to open the m and allow everyone to have water again no open it Lefty [Music] Lucy oh Hundley wasn't sure George should be taught things like this George would you like a boat or a nice ducky I'll go first thing [Music] tomorrow um you'll clean up so I can go buy toys [Music] now remember how to use the dishwasher first scrape the food off [Music] [Applause] George being a good little monkey did just as he promised [Music] water was backing up out of the dishwasher this time why Mr augur must have missed a clog it was a good thing George had watched him closely righty tidy shuts off the water [Music] he did everything Mr auger had done but didn't find a clog if the last clog moved to the kitchen maybe this clog had moved down [Music] stairs this was too big a job for one monkey he'd better go get the Man with the Yellow Hat from the store being a good plumber George reopened the water M so everyone would have water being a monkey he forgot he'd open the TAPS in the apartment [Music] Hundley was relieved with George gone nothing sloppy Could [Music] Happen pipes should always be properly tightened [Music] George when you came to the store and wanted me to come home did it have anything to do with the water pouring off of our balcony [Music] no did you call the plumber yet is something wrong I was on the roof feeding the pigeons holy [Music] hinges [Music] hly boy found your clog you can't dump food in the dishwasher [Music] oh and from now on leave Plumbing to The Experts that would be [Music] me his Plumbing day is over George enjoyed a nice hot bath with his new tub toy guaranteed never to slip down the drain [Music] all his friends like the hat so George added more fun for himself and in conclusion blah blood blah Etc so forth and so on well that's some hat and [Music] [Applause] yellow can I see [Music] [Applause] oh boy this is one fun [Music] hat wow if I could have had a hat like this I may never have gotten my yellow [Music] one that was the best thing anyone ever said to George you want me to have it this is the best thing anyone ever gave me oh surprisingly [Music] comfortable you want me to wear it outside sure why [Music] not good after oh some shapo George made [Music] it having people see the man with the yellow monkey fun hat made George feel very proud hi chy oh easy girl oh no I'm late George I've Got 5 minutes to get to the museum for my speech I I have to make a good impression [Music] [Laughter] George was tempted to play with the yellow hat but the man had asked him not to because he needed to wear it to give a very important speech at the Museum oh boy [Music] bye George bye George and if an apple traveling at the speed of light hits a static banana oh everyone's here already great U Professor wisman asked me to speak today about the scientific method [Music] of course we've all heard the saying what goes around comes around um haven't [Music] we um did I say something wrong no continue this is fascinating who what what stuck to my hat oh I'm wearing geores actually I can explain the scientific method is about thinking creatively Taking Chances and being willing to fail and you made that point very dramatically I did uh oh so modest now where can I get a hat like that well George made it I want one I want [Music] [Applause] too and that's how George got his picture on the museum wall
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 143,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: bU5gP_OS1-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 24sec (3564 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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