Curious George 🐵 George's Favorite Foods 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵 Videos for Kids

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[Music] it was a special day for george a visit to the museum but first a stop at pisghetti's for a sweet sunday treat george they're not going anywhere [Music] cannoli a brown crunchy shell with a delicious filling see two just for us [Music] hey gnocchi you have your own house now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] someone's looking for cannoli the last two got taken i'm sorry i don't make any new cannoli today i'm too upset what's going on muchado gnocchi she has been sneaking into the main room and scratching up at the seats it's a disastro you see look what she's done can you believe a little gato a sweet little kid could do such damage [Music] [Music] ah i must ban gnocchi from the restaurant oh well we saw the house you built her it's very nice grazie i plan to add a second story hey oh that is gnocchi she wants to come in i feel terrible she only wants to come in because you say she cannot oh typical cat this kitchen is in torment i suspect there will be no cannoli until this problem is sold back outside [Music] don't worry george i'm sure they'll solve the problem [Music] at the museum george was too distracted to concentrate [Music] ah professor wiseman hey guys welcome to my new exhibit it's called how great scientists got their great ideas these are portraits of some great scientists isaac newton benjamin franklin marie curie and albert einstein once you think like a scientist george you can solve almost any problem george had a problem he wanted cannoli you know scientists think about problems and get ideas to solve them they observe then collect information and if that information doesn't help solve their problem they observe more and get a different idea oh dear excuse me young man get down from there george wondered what great scientists would do if they were monkeys who had no cannoli because gnocchi had scratched the booths [Music] i say do we know for certain that she did it like the chef believes you must think about what you observed hmm george did see nookie scratch the door but could she have scratched the booth too what you observe does not support the chef's idea about gnocchi making the scratches if george could prove gnocchi was innocent chef pisghetti would be happy and george would have cannoli oh i love cannoli george had to observe more it had been a particularly rewarding day at the going out of business store george couldn't imagine how this day could get any better or maybe it could [Music] mabel's department store had added a fresh homemade candy counter [Music] oh i don't know about you but i simply can't walk away from blue candy [Music] but i can't carry this into maples [Music] the pyramid sort of enhances the pinkness don't you think um i'm working on a rhombus shape but it keeps falling over a rhombus that's a work in progress anyway welcome to kaylee's candies i'm kaylee we'd like four small boxes great this is my first order today no one could wait till they got home to try the chocolates [Music] hey george's box has four not six you got short changed he can have two of mine i just wanted to taste anyway so can i have your other three george didn't think it was fair for anyone to sacrifice there was only one right thing to do nuts [Music] oh you want to buy two more [Music] you're missing two [Music] how do i know you didn't eat them [Music] you most certainly haven't eaten any chocolate boy you sure have nice teeth [Music] pick any two you want sorry i shortchanged you i put some of these boxes together at home and my cat distracts me [Music] oh dear i need to pick up more stock but i can't just leave hey would you mind watching the counter [Music] you're obviously extremely honest and i've hardly had any business all day all you have to do is watch the chocolates while i'm gone thank you so much [Music] the mysterious rhombus george wondered if he could make a rhombus it didn't seem hard [Music] why did other shapes stack better maybe they went together by shape not color [Music] george concentrated on his work huh george hadn't expected any customers i want a box of chocolates for my wife do you have mints are these mints what are those [Laughter] that doesn't look like a mint the next blue one had the same filling and it still wasn't meant [Music] well don't you have a flavor chart george always liked helping in the pisghetti's green beautiful garden we need more tomatoes more eggplant more everything daddy we must expand our garden i have a drawn up plan new hoses fresh topsoil more plants but chef where will we expand too the reason george liked their garden so much was that it was right in the middle of the city hey the reason you need more veggies is that you use so many to experiment i must experiment how else can i perfect my recipe for the perfect jardino burger i thought those two were great well they were but only great not perfect the firehouse picnic is in one hour can you get it perfect in one hour i must for i am this catty [Music] so what's gonna make this perfect onion garlic onion no no garlic onion okay let's try it [Music] oh george you have helped me find the perfect mixture [Music] these are my recipes i write down how i make my food so i can make it the same way every time happy with the recipe chef pisghetti grilled a test burger wait i left out the pepper where is my grinder [Music] nettie come here tell me what you think of this be honest all of my giardino burger ingredients came from our garden giorgio taste it taste it [Music] see this is perfect you're not just making those yummy sounds to be nice right i'm your wife and he's a monkey if we are not honest who is [Music] so chef pisghetti quickly made enough burger patties for the firefighters picnic please put this on the back of my truck while i get my grill ready [Music] george put the box on the truck right outside the restaurant but he didn't know there were two trucks out there [Music] hi hey look there's a monkey waving at me monkeys are so friendly [Music] oh nettie if everyone does not love those giardino burgers i will never cook again even if they don't you have a book full of other great recipes i don't care if anything adult goes wrong i'm gonna hang up my big white head forever please relax they will love them george couldn't tell him something went wrong and maybe he didn't have to if that book showed the chef how to make the burgers george could use it too and make burgers that would be exactly the same the ingredients came from the garden here were pictures of things from the garden so he had obviously found the right recipe [Music] so george headed home with one dozen donuts and everything was perfect [Music] [Music] [Laughter] there [Music] you're in charge while i'm gone hundley [Music] george realized he couldn't go home because then those donut people would know where he lived [Music] so in the end george headed home with one dozen donuts there's no monkey on that dog [Music] monkey we lost him [Music] [Laughter] doorman [Music] hundley saw them outside and barked somehow he knew they were looking for you he's so smart [Music] relax monkey donuts are here everything's okay [Music] mmm wow those smell so good i'm sorry i didn't ask you to buy more than one dozen you look hungry george i'll make eggs then it's donut time it's a little dark in here i'll open some curtains [Music] so anything exciting happen today george i passed by the d family they look pretty happy [Music] so what do you want scramble how about fries i never realized how nicely insulated this handle is careful hey wait a minute i don't remember buying this car [Music] did you put that donut there oh what a waste of food now we only have 11 to eat here's the side where'd they all go uh what a hundred dozen donuts a hundred we have one dozen donuts look [Music] wow miss donuts asked me to give you the bell wow what a mistake how could they think you bought a hundred dozen don't [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] why george [Music] [Music] well at least i know you were paying attention we've got to put these donuts in bags or something oh what are we gonna do with them all [Music] so in the end george got one dozen donuts like he was supposed to and hard-working firefighters thought everything was perfect how many left george [Music] sure you can play with that stuff [Music] but don't ride the unicycle without a helmet [Music] wow great stuff let's get to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] betsy aunt margaret says to be home for dinner in an hour holy cow we made our own mini golf course [Music] want to play okay in our game each hole uses a special club [Music] you'll never get it through there you kept hitting the windmill yesterday [Applause] [Music] a hole-in-one great if george can do that i'm gonna break all my golf records on this easy course [Music] george thanks but i really don't need help on this are you keeping track of your score on this easy course steve oh yes okay on the first hole george got a one lucky betsy got a six and i got a six the club for this hole please [Music] [Applause] my first ever looks like i'm going for the record too okay here comes my hole-in-one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a hole in two [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] we're all going for our best scores ever on this course they're our first scores ever on this course yeah so they're still the best what's the club for the last hole [Music] no club it's a blowhole get it whale blow hole okay going around and through the house [Music] oh oh oh oh perfect [Music] at the end of the game i have 40 and betsy has 25 and george got a 21. i told you you'd play better when you knew the rules i'm sorry i said monkeys shouldn't play golf you guys want to play real mini golf tomorrow [Music] thanks but i think we like this better oh can i play again with you tomorrow maybe george can help me improve my game [Music] george wondered what a rubber band would grow into [Music] or a feather [Music] george was going to grow all kinds of exciting things [Music] the man with the yellow hat hadn't finished his speech could grow the rest for him [Music] blah blah blah bleedy bleep blue blah blah thank you this would be the best speech ever [Music] hi have you been just sitting there waiting for me the whole time oh you weren't just sitting there waiting for me the whole time when the man looked like that it meant george was about to hear a long lecture so you see seeds nuts acorns grow my socks the radio the can opener don't grow okay now we have to dig up all those things you buried george where's my speech [Music] okay we have to dig up my speech first unlike jumpy squirrel george didn't know how to find what he wanted everything smelled like dirt [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey you digging a swimming pool uh oh no bill uh george was being a squirrel and buried my speech we can't find it well i'll help huh wait i know someone who can really help she's a great digger no speech here oh digging a pool there are you george buried something and we're trying to find it well i've got a metal detector i use to find coins and such down by the lake maybe that'll help cool uh well my speech isn't exactly made of [Music] help no aha maybe it's what you're looking for no my speech isn't made of me oh are they pirate keys that could be maybe to a treasure chest oh we're we're not gonna find my speech and i can't rewrite it in time i'll just have to skip the tribute [Music] george didn't have the talents of a squirrel but he did have the talents of a monkey which meant he could see really well [Music] you found it the speech well that's not made of metal [Music] ah so this is the air that inspired that wonderful speech are you planting something it's a long story that's not a peanut looks like something you buried is growing maybe you are a little bit squirrel after all [Music] being a dog hundley had tasted a lot of tennis balls but these were the first that ever tasted like ink these were the valuable balls the doorman promised to protect [Music] [Music] hundley couldn't stop george from opening boxes that he thought belonged to him but he knew how to play defense [Music] it was tough for george to guess who sent all this stuff to him [Music] uh hold on there's a monkey and a wiener dog at the door oh those careless delivery guys if any of my balls aren't properly packed i'm gonna be very upset now george understood these boxes belonged here and the delivery man gave them to george by mistake i'll be down to check every last one as soon as i'm off the phone they had to clean up before the ball collector came downstairs [Music] all they had to do was put the balls back into the right boxes how hard could that be [Music] sometimes things don't fit when they look like they should or they fit in more than one place [Music] but there's only one place they really belong and once you figure that out it's easy even if you're a monkey [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] hundley showed george how to lay them flat [Music] they did it all the balls were back where they started kind of [Music] [Music] looks like they're all here oh even the priceless andy turkey rolly perfect score bowling ball i'm back is everything okay my delivery came your dog and monkey took care of everything that's great thank you hundley thank you george it's nice to know hundley has help keeping the place clean and organized george would you like to help hundley again tomorrow morning you can be my official door monkey i won't be here and tomorrow is water delivery day [Music] no one wanted to go in there maybe there was another [Music] [Applause] [Music] way oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was no way george's arm could ever reach the bottom of that hole [Music] hi have you seen george i sent him to the store a while ago and store i saw him running past the store down the street oh the construction site's that way i hope he's being a good little monkey [Music] huh this wasn't as easy as it looked [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] there had to be a machine for this [Music] [Applause] [Music] i inspected every girder last night and i can't find the problem and the only way to be safe is to tear it down and start all over otherwise a big wind or strong shaking might make the whole thing fall down what's that sound hey stop that the sight's closed [Music] this site isn't safe i'll turn off that jackhammer look a broken water main that's what weakened the foundation it was hidden [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i hope george had nothing to do with this [Applause] i am so sorry i didn't know one monkey could knock over a building can i pay for lunch no george didn't cause that that side of the building was unsafe now i'll have to knock it down and start all over no you don't we can save the whole thing by changing the design [Music] hmm very angular modern and it would save money i love it how can i thank you i know here [Music] well what are we waiting for we'll bring back blueberry waffles for everyone [Laughter] and that's how curious george helped design a building and got blueberry waffles too [Music] wow george's friend ally really flipped for flips even when she wasn't doing the flipping did you see that yeah the annual gymtastic tournament was right up alley's alley next year that's gonna be me here comes another one the gymtastic tournament was for gymnasts of all ages there were girl gymnasts and boy gymnasts and a bug gymnast next up is that bundle of dynamite george on the floor matt [Music] i guess i mean the uneven parallel bars or do i uh i mean george on the the rings and there i give up huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he didn't mean to disrupt things you are a natural born gymnast you've got to come to my gymnastics class you teach gymnastics i want to come too me too really do you know how strong your arms have to be to do gymnastics imagine how far a guy could throw in newspaper oh yeah fantastic see you at the community center tomorrow for an introduction to the class three o'clock [Music] oh i bet we'll be tumbling in no time [Music] oh cool look at all this gym equipment [Music] but before you can tumble you have to stretch stretching is one of the three s's of gymnastics stretching s number one [Music] and stretch and stretch [Music] i guess stretched muscles are more bendy [Music] and walking on a balance beam was tricky too oops find a spot to focus on if you stare at something still huh it helps you be still too i'm doing it i'm doing it [Music] so when do we start with these puppies go ahead give it a try [Music] the rings take a lot of strength we'll work our way up to it that you can practice with a bench until your back arms and chest are strong enough to pull you up [Music] uh this is a good time to talk about our other two s's safety and supervision you should always have someone spotting you [Music] when someone spots you they're there to catch you make sure you don't get hurt running can be so much fun [Music] make running fun it just might work [Music] you want to show me something george okay let's go [Music] oh is this a ferris wheel okay i've never been on one of these before [Music] what an amazing view hey look there's the museum i can see my window it looks so small from here the professor had so much fun on the ferris wheel that george took her to all his favorite places [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] the day the professor outran him george knew she was ready for the race i never knew running would make me feel this good i have so much energy now thank you george for the ferris wheel for the balloons for teaching me that running is fun good evening professor oh hi everyone i'm running in that race tomorrow will you be there well we wouldn't miss it for the world [Music] on race day george couldn't believe how many people showed up okay i'm ready oh no i forgot my water thanks [Music] so you really think i can do this go professor wiseman go professor wiseman sis boom ba sis runners take your marks [Music] the race was on [Music] the professor seemed to be doing everything right she ran at a steady pace and there she was drinking water so far so good [Music] george wanted to see the professor cross the finish line so he made sure to get a good spot do you see her i don't see her she looks tired [Music] oh no something's wrong maybe she got a charlie horse huh that's a cramp in your leg george and they can be very painful [Music] hi there i thought it'd be fun if my personal trainer finished the race with me huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i did it i actually ran a race [Music] i got a medal for finishing and the race was a huge success we raised enough money for our trip to oman oh that's terrific and i found out who those anonymous donors were apparently they thought i needed to work a little less and have fun a little more that's right because all work and no play is a crummy way to spend your day [Laughter] to thank you for helping me learn that lesson i want you to have my medal [Music] we should use the wagon wheels [Music] oh yeah we should use the whole wagon [Music] the handle is sort of like a steering wheel [Music] if you want to ride in a race maybe your wheels shouldn't run off without you george needed a way to keep the two car parts together [Music] he knew just how to do it [Music] first he put the steering handle through the hole in the bottom of the boat [Music] then he nailed the boat to the wagon [Music] the car was almost ready okay we've got one two and three [Music] but we still need [Music] hey kids aren't you entering the derby race it starts in ten minutes oh no but we're missing a car part and we don't know where to find it well i'd offer to help you but um we know we know no help allowed well if you see anything you need you're welcome to it thanks grandpa whoa forgot to put on the brain did he say break [Music] george and ali had their break well it looks okay we can test it on the way to the race [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah the racer's ready on your mark [Applause] that said it works hey guys you made it oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gracious that's my kayak and that's my wagon oh go george that's my foggy [Applause] [Music] for a while george and bill were neck and neck [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now let's meet the winner farmer rankin's wagon it was a rather unusual entry but it meant all the rules and our runners up george and dally and bill [Music] [Applause] [Music] if only he had some way to quietly find the kitchen in the dark he couldn't see or hear his way maybe george could taste his way [Music] george don't eat off the floor use a sponge [Music] okay so he couldn't use taste what other senses were there want some honey in your oatmeal maybe touch if george felt honey with his feet he'd know he was going the wrong way [Music] he was so excited about his path he could hardly wait until he couldn't fall asleep to try it out [Music] the honey was working he was finding his way by touch [Music] trouble is once you step in honey it sticks to your feet [Music] and before you know it it feels like it's everything [Music] george what are you do [Music] george needed to feel his way with something less messy huh maybe something soft [Music] we're going for a ride george [Music] george's soft path had to work why because the man's race was tomorrow and he needed to get some sleep oh i'm okay george's stuffed animals would tell him where the furniture was but he needed more soft things to lead him to the kitchen [Music] george sure hoped his path worked [Music] sorry so late i kept falling asleep my big race tomorrow i gotta go to bed early right after something ah george didn't even have to wait until bedtime to try his soft path out [Music] he did it he'd made it to the kitchen and he didn't wake the man [Music] in fact he used his path many many many times because he was so excited about the man's race tomorrow he was the one who couldn't sleep [Music] the next morning george was there to cheer on the man as he swam [Music] and rode [Music] and ran his way to the finish line oh did you see that joy yeah george but george missed the finish all that walking around made a monkey very sleepy [Music]
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,310,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: e3WBr7OV3RQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 52sec (3532 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 22 2022
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