Creature Power Challenge | Action-Packed Adventures with the Kratts | 9 Story Kids

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go all right bro the moment of truth let's find out who's the strongest rhino power elephant [Music] power excellent my disruptive Bots will make their creature power suits go hayw won't Chris and Martin be surprised an elephant is so strong he can push a 15 M tall Acasia tree over with his head rhinos have charge strength powerful enough to push over a 4ton truck oh hey Chris you look thirsty oh yeah how about a drink and elephant Powers win wo not so fast bro you forgot about the Rhino horn huh W ow ow ow ow ow ow ow wao oh yeah the tip of my nose is more powerful than the tip of your nose a slam dunk into the mud puddle will prove that elephant Powers rule over Rhino Powers disrupt [Music] now sleeping lizards I'm an acorn a Eva the creature parach suits are going crazy oh no the bassil's water running feet don't work too well in a dry grassland [Music] a I can't grow here if I even wanted [Music] to whoa Martin quick deactivate me elephants are omers they'll eat nuts good thing bassets are Climbers on any kind of trunk no well that was kind of nuts loving [Music] it just for one day wouldn't you like to be that strong Aviva what in the world is going on with these creature power suits uh I I don't know a glitch or something I'll be right there oh no you're not my disruptor bots not only work on creature power suits but on Turtle ships too hey Chris you feel a Need for Speed always so then how about a race between the world's fastest runner and the world's fastest flyer you're on a 300 met Sprint and to make it fair we both have to start from a dead stop okay so even though a paragan Falcon's top speed is 380 kmph and that's faster than the cheetah's top speed of 113 km per hour the Falcon has to fly up and gain height before she can tuck into her highs speed dive we'll be the first ones to find out who's the fastest animal in a 300 met race cheetah or a paragan falcon on your marks get set go huh and that's worse bass powers are great for a lake habitat yeah and Waller blubber is great for keeping warm and icy oceans but here on the hot African savannah you don't want wallrus Powers we don't belong here in these powers and they know it too huh I can't deactivate I can't either oh these are the times I really appreciate hands ow I wouldn't do that ow I'm telling you you don't want to mess with walrus Powers see these tusks I've really got the wrong Powers here help this vulture thinks I'm a fishy snack hold on bro I'm coming to the creature rescue oh but not with two tons of walrus blubber hey Chris did I hit the button Chris speak up bro I'm not getting any of that yeah nailed it huh wal's powers are no good on the African Savannah I'm powerless a Chris a little help I still can't hear [Music] you get off me oh why didn't you say so aiva where are you these creature power suits are really acting goofy they're giving us the wrong Powers at the wrong times in the wrong habitats what oh no the creature pods are malfunctioning too hey look they're cheering us on hey because I have international lip reading experience I can tell you Aviva is saying don't use the creature power suits go use the creature power suits let me try Jimmy is saying Zach's disrupting our gadgets a viiva fixed them remotely and K's saying all wild craats inventions are under Zach's control oh of course that's the signal for it everything is a okay no problems here and now they want to keep watching our creature power Challenge from their cushy seats in the tortuga yeah okay great all right okay so which powers do we go with now do you think they understood us nope wait a second they're not the ones who feel like racing we are wait a second guys slow down I want to monitor what's going on with the CPS don't do anything until I get there okay Aviva but hurry the animals we need to activate our suits won't stick around for long race time in 30 [Music] seconds ow hey what's wrong with the tortuga doors get used to it I've taken over your turtles ship and all your technology who's the best inventor now Chris Martin it's Zach he's somehow been messing with the creature power suits blizzards comms are down of course comms are down I don't want you warning them Jimmy try flying us to the Bros with Tortuga's hover mode the controls won't work that's right all you can do is watch the show as I make the creature power suits go crazy you can't control my creature power suits oh yes I can there's a flaw in your design usually varmint programming plus crack Brothers equals animal costumes but now ghost programs of past activations are being reactivated at random just enough to cause a whole lot of problems for the crap Bros and to prove to the world once and for all that I am better than you uh sorry Aviva can't wait any longer activate creature [Music] powers activate creature [Music] powers okay and then 300 M away the tortuga is the Finish Line on Your marks get set go cheetah's running powers only lasts around 300 M it's an allout Sprint and I've got to run my fastest from start to finish 113 km all the way a faly can't fly faster than a cheetah runs in a straight line but if I gain my dive height and Tuck into a parag dive I can go faster than a cheetah and even though Martin has a Head Start I think I can catch him at the finish line now it's time for my genius to be [Music] revealed What fast power here I heard about flying fish but on the African Savannah this is ridicul [Music] ridiculous ah I'm a w [Music] ah hey it creature sized us cool do you want to look for salamanders or find a tree to climb both huh look a plane wait is that the wild CRA Tortuga it couldn't be could it this Forest is thick with trees I can't find any place to land I'll ask the Bros if they found a clearing or something uhoh something's wrong I'm not getting a signal gummed up gears I forgot to take a GPS reading I don't even know where we dropped them off these trees look all the same to me it's really hard to find a place to land in a mature Oak Forest check this out the forests were once so thick with Oak and other trees that a squirrel could travel from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River without ever touching the ground wo now that's a lot of trees and that would be one tired [Music] squirrel nice the squirrel got it now he hops [Music] off digs a hole pushes the acorn in covers it with dirt Acorn hidden to eat later yes that's squirrel power so that's not the only acorn in the forest an oak tree can drop 23,000 acorns in the fall and the blue jay's got one she flies [Music] off find some soft soil pushes the acorn into the ground blue JS hide acorns well squirrels can remember where they hid the duts and dig them up in the winter it's going to be dark before I spot a place to land and still no sign of the Bros Aviva you know what trouble those Bros get into we should find them if they need us they'll find a way to contact us besides what kind of trouble can they get into with little squirrels and acorns Martin Martin Martin Martin where are you uh Chris I think you're standing on my face wow being a tree feels weird get me out of this where's the button I don't know but deactivate me ah here it is it's stuck what you got to go for help get help get help get help get help [Music] get bury Acorn bury acorn mustb acorn Chris I'm a tree go get help I've just got to bury these first Chris I'm going I'm going I'll find a Viva to deactivate the suit uh-oh there's a raccoon family moving in they're clean they're soft but it feels like they're living in in my [Music] ear an acorn I didn't know Blue Jays ate acorns me neither let's see if we can find [Music] more found one here's another I found another one me too over here one in here found another huh hey Ronan check it out is that a creature pod it looks like Martin no way that means the Crab brothers must be around here somewhere there it is again it is the toyga let's call them wow this Forest is thick with oak trees a lot of blue jays and gray squirrels [Music] but no clearing big enough to land in and no sign of the crack Brothers hey over here it's me stuck in my squirrel Powers [Music] help oh no go hawk woohoo [Music] uh Chris I'm glad you kept your promise to come back but where's the hell help that's not what I meant there's a knole 10:00 thanks bro that's what I'm here [Music] for ow I'm noticing that a lot of animals have sharp claws whoa you mean Talons that's what they're called on birds of prey I mean sharp what I get the point okay this is getting ridiculous how many animals love acorns and oak trees uh-oh uh Chris need a little help down here Martin I'm not going anywhere right [Music] now this Beaver is going to chop the tree down no me this Beaver is going to chop me down yes they can help us there's a beaver wo it's chewing down a a tree with its teeth cool its teeth always keep growing and twing wood makes them shorter again hey you know a lot about creatures beavers don't talk right the beaver's not talking it's me the tree look a face it's Martin we found him it's me Jenny and Roden we're on the wild craats team yes where's Chris oh he's up there track in a Tree Hole by a hungry gos Haw hey guys cool hey before I come crashing down could you two uh help me out with this busy beaver sure okay take this Branch now go down there and waggle it in front of the Beaver okay like this [Music] was that a creature rescue oh yeah it was because trees are creatures how do you turn into a tree well does it feel weird no you look kind of weird yeah what happened my blue J soup malfunction I got turned into an acor and got planted grer tree yes it feels weird and now I needed even to deactivate me and I'm still trapped in a knot hole oh yeah we were supposed to call them when we found you my creature pod where'd you find it and some bushes back there great oh I've got to get back to normal before something else happens like being claimed as part of a coyote's territory oh great he peed on me that's a message to tell other coyotes who come sniffing around that this is his territory and his acorns coyotes too all sorts of creatures love oak trees oak trees are awesome but I don't want to be an oak tree anymore come in Wild clats we found Martin and he's a tree person and Chris is trapped by a HW and we're right on the edge of the meadow where you can land great job Ronin and Jenny you just got your search and rescue badge and I've got coordinates we're on our way [Music] hey guys great to see you I H lot of fizzle electrostatic energy low give it a boost supercharging ah disc warped realigning huh clearing the area go go go [Music] go deactivate W yeah how many animals depend on oak trees and oak trees depend on those animals plant and animal relationships are awesome by the proximity of the growls we must be only a few yards away fly cam is ready to start [Music] tagging uh not that I'm a scaredy-cat but you sure you want to do this we have to tea devils are disappearing so quickly and the more we know about them the more we'll be able to help protect them from becoming extinct [Applause] maybe I am a scaredy cat oh it's a shadow there's the creature the Tasmanian devil found nowhere else in the world but in Tasmania what's so funny do you really think this is a good time for a tickle fight I'm not tickling you then who is [Music] wa check out The Feeding Frenzy wow by the way they're munching you'd think that carcass was a world class ice cream sunday to them it is scavengers have it made you find an animal that's already died then eat it and if you're going to eat dead things at night those long whiskers on their face help them feel round in the dark it also helps to know when other cheat Devils uh are too close [Applause] we were too close he's defending his meal they're jocking for position at the dinner table Al those snars and the way he's standing tells the other guy I'm tougher than you so back [Applause] off that guy won the standoff and so he's the one who gets the prize oh oh do you hear that pound for bound tea Devils have the strongest jaws of any mammal tea Devils can crunch through teeth bones almost anything oh if I were a tea devil I could chew a branch no problem ah problem in my mouth let's start tagging bro nice one Chris all right t devils nothing's going to happen to you now that the wild crats are on the [Music] job my next Generation security robot is missing something something that'll really keep people away especially pesky [Music] kids ow what [Applause] dog drool we're really sorry Mister we didn't mean to hit the ball so far thanks Rufus pesky kids just like the wild crats who used to bug me when we were kids I will collect all the frogs in the park to power my harping Zach b y y don't be me to those frogs they live in the pond not your robots [Music] I'll get you wild [Music] rat go away stop bugging me the sooner I finish my security robots the sooner I can keep those pesky kids away for good what's this the wild crats crew will be tagging the endangered Tasmanian Devil Tasmanian Devil what's that [Music] [Applause] [Music] a both tea devils are tough but the hungrier one always comes out on top a hungry small one will chase off a not so hungry bigger one wow amazing they can eat almost half their body weight in thir 30 minutes that would be like me eating 256 hot dogs woo that's a lot of [Music] carcass step aside wild rats I have a real purpose for these beasts my next generation are security robots hello guard Bots bye-bye [Music] kids check out this little tough guy you look scary you sound scary you act scary but you're kind of cute I'm got to call you [Music] T-Bone that you were protecting them well think again the wild rats are tagging them so I can catch them Zack boox get a transmitting tag and bring it back to me by tapping into the radio frequency I'll know where to find the Tasmanian devil so I can steal them [Music] all hey Martin check this out uh you're not going to give me a taste test are you tevil whoa what watch out buddy this could cause a creature power suit malfunction I think I'm okay though something smells [Music] good hey Chris I think T-Bone likes me Chris where'd you go Chris [Music] [Applause] hey why are you yanking on me you were just trying to eat a carcass what I'd never eat rotten meat let's get back to tagging the tea Devils Chris trust me your suit was malfunctioning like mad no it wasn't you're turning into a tea devil hey and stop drooling on me Aviva help there's something wrong with Chris's suit Chris looks fine to me never been better what he was just craving carcass meat I'm fine bro come on we got tea Devils to tag oh you're the one acting weird Martin but we're on our way when t devils are angry or fighting their ears turn bright red makes it easier to tag them [Applause] oops I dropped one I can't understand what you're saying you just went all tazzy on me again hand over the remote relax Martin I've never been more focused focused on what being a tea devil I think you're malfunctioning the tevil 2000 could be the most genius security robot I've ever created I could just kiss myself oh zbots I uh didn't hear you come in give me the tagging [Music] transmitter there they are now I have all I need to steal the tea Devils Zack BS go collect as many as you can and step on [Music] [Applause] it why am I craving a big raw steak that's been left out overnight uh yeah because you're half crat and half tea devil no I'm not look at me I'm in control oh no here we go again [Music] we can smell well from up here my nose seems super sensitive too I feel like I could sniff out a rotting carcass from a kilometer away T-Bone smells like it's coming from over there only young tea Devils can climb trees not big Chris devils and totally out of control creature power suits relax Martin I'm fine I'm thinking the little tea Devils climb so they can get higher up to get a better sniff on the carcasses over there let's [Music] go we're getting close to the guy's location what's up Ki aren't you supposed to be keeping track of the tag team tea Devils I can't get any work done because rotten meat and carcasses gross me out I hear you but as part of the wild cats crew we're going to meet all types of animals live ones and ones that have died of natural causes yeah but animals that he rotten stuff yuck hey somebody's got to eat maggoty meat at least it's the tea devils and not us nothing left but bones and the tea devils are still munching look at all that good stuff in inside bone marrow that's nutritious food if you can get to it yeah not every animal has the tooth and jaw strength to bust open the bone and get to the marrow but tea Devils [Music] do hey stop breathing on my neck your teeth are huge and they're growing tevil teeth never stop growing why that's why chewing on hard bones wears them down they need teeth that keep growing so they can crunch bones H the great thing about being a scavenger is you can eat things that other creatures can't nothing goes to waste when a tea Devil's around want a bone T-Bone hey he was just with me a minute ago I'm not getting any signal on the tea Devils you've lost your tea devil mind and now T-Bone is lost too what do you mean lost he's off the radar Ki come in in ki oops I'll be right there Martin oh no what's wrong K 10 t devils are quickly moving West together that's unnatural and then their tracking lights go out and they're gone is tag number nine that's T-Bone one of the disappearing tea Devils yeah and number eight his mom oh no [Music] hover back Zack Bots introducing the tevil bot [Music] 2000 Now That's What I Call kid proofing my GPS tracking function is going nuts we must be close is that Zach's plane what's he doing here is that me that's what I've been trying to tell you bro hey I'm pretty wildl looking and I've got great night vision it's black and white but sharp as attack fly faster Jimmy we've got to save T-Bone and the Tasmanian devils before they're not only endangered but if Zach has his way extinct Drive Jimmy they need my help whatever you say devil dog time to chase away those pesky kids for good tevil 2000s go get him don't be scared of the tea Devils they won't hurt you it's the wild cat hurry we're being attacked by Tasmanian Devil [Applause] robots is that Chris yeah he's a tevil it's a long story don't be afraid tea Devils aren't dangerous they just like to eat dead things they're lying pesky kids you should be very afraid trust me why should we trust you you're a meanie here's the plan if you have any rotten food toss it in front of you I found a yucky baloney sandwich on moldy Rye I've got a wormy Apple a gr banana and a early Pizza Pizza Great throw them oh they won't be able to resist it animals are no match for technology you are so wrong oh stand back looks like the T devil Scavenging instincts are about to kick [Music] in what this is quickly turning into the most ridiculous creature Adventure ever I want to have my snack here Zach Farm attack the robotics inventor who doesn't like animals what's he doing here I'm ready for my cookie now M [Music] tasty H oh does a widow birdie want a cookie well you can't have it give me that I hate [Music] birds well pigeons can be kind of funny yeah we might as well give pigeons a chance at least get to know him a little [Music] better Hey where's she going [Music] she has chicks oh they're kind of cute in a really weird way they look hungry oh bird moms always bring food back for their chicks yeah the thrush brings worms Blue Jays bring caterpillars and paragan Falcons bring other birds so what do pigeons bring cupcakes french fries pizza crust wait a sec huh her peak's empty what's going on [Music] huh am I losing my mind or is the mother pigeon spitting up milk for her baby a bird giving milk but but only mammals give milk kangaroos feed their young milk horses feed milk Bears feed milk but not Birds except for the pigeon a milk-like liquid is definitely flowing out of the walls of her throat directly into the chick's beak pigeon milk pigeons are one of the few birds in the world that feed their young milk weird but way cool we've really got to rethink our thoughts on pigeons yeah even the most ordinary animals do extraordinary things uh Chris do you realize you're leaning on your activation button while the pigeon pecks your nose uh-oh Chris Chris [Laughter] uh Chris you're eating an old French [Music] fry po okay brother of mine now you've got pigeon Powers whatever that is oh and by the way I'm not thirsty for Pigeon milk right now orever Martin I'm feeling really weird this is scary look out Chris she's getting a Talon ready she's going to Talon strike you out of the sky thanks for the playby playay roll right wa wa that was close uh oh she's still after you Chris hey maybe there is some power in this pigeon suit after all woohoo in level flight the pigeon flies fast make that faster than the paragr Falcon huh pigeons may just be more than the funny birds of the bird world after [Music] all we're here where are they well the Falcon is gone and Chris is [Music] missing I'm pooped must land must rest okay I will pose for 5.2 more minutes so paint faster huh those birds bug me Zack Bots get rid of them Zack wait you oh so now you're bird boy and you want to ruin my painting huh no I'm just trying to warn you that pigeons poop when they get scared because it's it's a way to make them lighter for flying faster away from Falcons so if you scare the pigeons well then bam birds are bad they're just doing their natural thing and actually pigeons are really interesting bird swatter you [Music] missed oh this is the worst place for Chris to get lost the African Savannah no problem the Australian Outback no worries but the big city no [Music] way how do I get back [Music] go H but wait a second I have a strong feeling that home is that way something is telling me which way to go of course the pigeon homing Instinct nobody knows for sure how but somehow by looking at the position of the sun or Stars feeling the magnetism of the earth and by smelling pigeons have this incredible ability to find their way home and for me that's the Park yeah I made it home with pigeon power uh-oh old pigeon with a tummy egg trick works every time W incoming uh-oh I got to get lower for this to work a huh oh no she's going with her other move the swoop under Talon grab look out no got me perfect deactivate pigeon powers [Music] activate paragr Falcon [Music] Powers whoa I got to get in on this activate paragan Falcon power oh yeah we did it paragan Falcon in the [Music] city must be your mate let's [Music] fly a nest in the wilderness they're usually on cliffs but in the city buildings make great Nest sites with a hatchling there's a chicken so oh it must have hatched just days ago nowhere near ready to fly yet just Downy feathers to keep them warm no flight feathers for takeoff completely helpless and both dad and mom take care of fluff fluff yeah fluff the Falcon what happens when she gets older ah fluff works for now High wi High wi you up for a a flight test oh [Music] yeah look at this mess up here too you did this my building is the tallest in the entire city and I also want to be the shiniest that b get scrubbing hello little doo bird [Laughter] [Music] goodby did you hear that yeah Falcon alarm ah start at the bottom always start at the [Music] bottom oh they're going to clean right over the Falcon nest and fluff isn't even ready to fly yet oh you again hey Wy here it is home of the macro termes termites now this is a true Fortress it's hard as concrete and built with pure termite power right workers fill with sand and Termite spit one grain at a time if we humans built a building this much bigger than us it'd be seven times taller than the tallest building in the world another amazing termite defense against the digging termite eaters Aviva's shoe where how oh no I hope I'm not too late Aviva K Martin come in go Chris I think I found them but I just hope they're okay huh get out of here out of here oh no call you [Music] back help [Music] me huh no I'm too late too late for what huh you're okay we're fine F but you were yelling help me and stuff yeah help me count these eggs there are thousands of them that's because you found the queen termite the mother of every single termite in the colony Big Mama te she's harmless every single termite yeah She lays about 30,000 eggs every single day for her entire lifetime 15 years of egg laying get out of here that's 164 million eggs million the queen termite is the key to the termite greatest power of all their best defense against predators too the power of numbers hey my shoe thanks these termites keep taking everything yeah like taking these eggs to the nursery where they hatch they can do such amazing things because they're all working together like build this Fortress and battle the termite eaters now that's teamwork hey speaking of teamwork I got to call Martin oh no I'm picking up a pheromone it's saying someone's trying to break into the mound Martin come in is that you up there up where where are you I found aiva and Ki we're all safe inside a colony you call this safe but we're being attacked huh now that's a crazy tongue attack the tongue so if you wouldn't mind letting me go that would be [Music] great ready for testing let's run it powering up treadmill hit the spot Thruster MK bottom hey this is feeling pretty smooth 60 kmph all systems functioning the backbone is really bending 90 kmph bending too much 110 km per hour is this a Razer a bucking COC might want to take down that backbone bendability a little I smell mud nice mud in this puddle huh [Music] guys my Zach terrain vehicle is complete right on time to defeat a very annoying avva roll me out [Music] hey not me me me and my ZTV ZTV Safari Edition the cheat eraser time H where's blur yeah I saw him run away like a scaredy cat and you should too the only place I'm running to is the Finish [Music] Line when's the last time you saw blur well let's see when she tackled me for the third time then what I don't know she probably got tired of toying with me and went for a nap in the shade but she's supposed to win this race I've got to find her the race is starting in 2 [Music] minutes here it is paragan [Music] Falcon activate par Falcon power [Music] oh wait termites activate termite [Music] power termites here I come woohoo hey guys ready for another worker in the colon okay I get it there are already millions of you but have you seen two girls that smell strangely like savannag grass H guess not did aiva add a new feature to this suit whoa my antenna are picking up a termite pheromone there it is a pathway of chemical pheromones that shows all the termites the way back to the nest okay termite Pals let's ride this pheromone Highway straight to your nest and hopefully Aviva and Ki are there oh yeah this is the way to do it stick with one of the best termite Finders on the planet lead me to him ardwolf imagine that being able to hear termites chewing the ears oh if only I could hear termites cutting grass like she can jackpot you just can't hide from the hearing power of the ardwolf oh then the tongue comes out that fat sticky tongue it's the Ard Wolf's built-in termite collector oh hey wait a second not so fast one of those might be my friends slow down you're like a machine I know you can eat thousands in one sitting but I can't keep up Aviva Ki Aviva Ki if you see a couple that look like little people just don't eat them okay termite overload my antenna are picking up another pheromone H what's this new smell signal oh what's going on termite Stampede soldier termites with giant heads and giant Jaws that danger pheromone called them in but why oh that's [Music] why the soldiers are using their jaw defense to protect their fellow termites all for one and one for [Music] all back [Music] off who wo Aviva Ki Martin it's me Oh I thought I heard a girlish Scream real funny hey ardwolf don't eat this termite here he's my brother and what's that talk about a girl or scream bad tasting Turpin that no Predator likes to eat a as soon as there are more yucky soldier termites around than the tastier worker termites the Ard Wolf's out of here to find a fresh batch of termites yes we did it great job guys oh yeah the ardwolf has great termite finding powers and the termites have an answer tough defenses who got to go these guys are on their way back to the nest safely underground where artwolves can't dig to and I've got to get some termite hunting powers that I can use aivan K are out there somewhere and we're not going to stop till we find [Music] [Music] them yes I knew it would work make the sound of a termite cutting grass and attract a Bard Fox oh those ears are incredible 100 times better at hearing than a human's ears this is my second termite Predator a little closer and he'll be in Touching range huh stamans what are those they're these long stalks with the yellowish orange stuff on top that yellowish orangey stuff [Music] is pollen [Music] wow they're sticky they have to be Chris incoming all set he's a honeybee kind of cute little guy you call that cute oh you may not be cute but you are beautiful a beautiful beast beast Beast let's call her Beast whoa whoa whoa no need seat belts when you got a sticky pollen seat to sit on are you getting that exra drinking Chris huh oh yeah drink it up beast wow that pollen is sticking all over her furry face I know how you feel Beast pollen sticks to everything whoa Chris you're like a giant pollen grain cool but I'll just hop off in case [Music] you I'm stuck stuck hold still Beast I'm just going to give my brother a hand well a couple fingers anyway uh-oh I had a feeling you were ready for take off what this mission is going bzerk follow that [Music] be well this definitely wasn't part of the plan and I have no idea where we're going why could this be any cooler woo and look no hands I'm stuck on with pollen more flowers blow hey Beast you still [Music] hungry you did it for yourself you found another flower with more nectar to drink and for the plant you moved these polling grains from the last flower to this flower pollen delivery complete now this plant has what it needs to make more plants H pollen pollen Jay-Z could you pass me that book okay so if Chris is a pollen grain I need to know all about pollen grains uh they're round and sticky that was easy no check it out the pollen grain from one plant is taken to another plant by a bee when the pollen sticks to this part the pistol it sends down a tube that fertilizes the plant then seeds can develop right here and those seeds will grow into new plants a itty bitty wi baby plants they're so cute guys I locked in on Chris's location sending coordinates I'm on my way Chris uh take your time bro I'll just be hanging out in this flower it's comfy and smells great in here ah Beast This Is The Life just flying around from flower to flower drinking sweet nectar it's like a vacation H wa vacation's over look out cra crab spider uh-oh look out for those [Music] jaws go go go quick quick go yes Beast you made it uh-oh uh okay Martin now you can hurry [Music] all right on your marks it [Music] [Applause] [Music] go yeah go Mar go cheetah Chris aren't you going to cheer for your brother hey somebody's got to root for the cheetah wow a running cheetah is a beautiful sight to see Martin's trying really [Music] hard woo [Music] the [Music] wins that was close oh not so close oh so you were the blur I saw going by you win that one blur and the creran took a beating it's a great off-road vehicle but no human-made vehicle can handle this rough turn rain at cheetah speed H we'll see about that let's see cheetah sneaks no creta no what invention could match cheetah speed racing across the Rough and Tumble African savannah don't waste your time aiva the cheetah is the fastest land animal on Earth for a reason it's the perfect design for running across rough ground you can't out run a cheetah on the African Savannah no way uh yes way no way yes way I'm going to invent an invention that can run faster out here faster than a cheetah faster than anything no way will you stop saying that that wasn't me yes it was wait a minute I recognize that voice of course you do it's the voice of the inventor you wish you could be spying on you from within my spy cloud [Music]
Channel: 9 Story Kids
Views: 15,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wild kratts, creature power challenge, animal adventures, educational show, kids entertainment, animal abilities, wildlife exploration, wildlife adventures, animals, animal facts, kratt brothers, episodes, Preschool, Kids education, Kids entertainment, For kids, 9 story, 9 story kids, cartoon for kids, the wild kratts, kratts tv show, wild kratts animals, full episodes, wild kratts full episodes, wild kratts episodes
Id: weHBiZtlBQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 21sec (3861 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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