A Gift Wrapped Christmas | Starring Meredith Hagner | Full Movie | Lifetime

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[♪♪♪] ♪ You got the tree up ♪ A star on the tip-top ♪ With tinsel and twinkling lights ♪ ♪ We put up the stockings ♪ The gifts and the garland ♪ It sure looks like Christmas inside ♪ ♪ You know the mistletoe is right for kissing ♪ ♪ Oh... ♪ There's only one thing that we're missing ♪ ♪ We're calling for snow ♪ And we'll take it in a hurry ♪ Ring the north pole ♪ And tell the elves to scurry ♪ Get Santa to blow a flake or a flurry ♪ ♪ We're callin' for snow Ho-ho-ho... ♪ Hi, Ms. Rogers. I'm loving your hair cut. You cut it. It's much shorter, right? I love them. Okay, I'll take a pair in the size medium. Thanks. Oh, Gwen, they're exactly what I wanted. Now, if only I had-- A matching scarf? Amazing. They're perfect. Hey, Donna, black boots in the window, size eight. I'll be back in a half an hour. They are gorgeous, and I love your new haircut, by the way. [♪♪♪] That one. Thanks, David. [♪♪♪] Perfect. Okay, I'm going to take a size six in the pink, a ten in the red, and... Tiffany, this one's for me. I shouldn't, right? I shouldn't. Actually, you know what, I'm gonna do it. 'Cause you only live once, right? I'm gonna get it. [squeals in excitement] Thank you, Nancy. Merry Christmas. ♪ We're callin' for snow Ho-ho-ho... ♪ Great jacket. Have a good one. Gift Wrapped for all your personal shopping needs, how can I help you? [whispering] Diane wants to see you. Right now? -Yes. -Thanks. Of course we shop for toys. Let me put you through. Hey, guys. Dine, I heard you wanted to talk to me. Oh, Gwen, good, you're here. Wow, Anna, you are about to pop. And I feel that way, thank you. Well, don't pop yet. We've still got four weeks until Christmas. [sighs heavily] And on that note, Gwen, I need you to go see Charlie Baker this afternoon. Anna has a doctor's appointment, and he needs someone ASAP. Yeah, of course. And he is our best client, so pay attention. Got it. Are you sure you're okay? It's just these darn Braxton-Hicks. Uh, this is his office address. His assistant's made an appointment for you at 3:00. Today 3:00? 3:00 today? Because this is, um, downtown, and that's in 30 minutes. I know. So don't be late. Okay, yeah. Got it. All right, feel better. Thank you. [♪♪♪] Come on, Daisy. [engine starter chugging] Come on, Daisy, come on, Daisy... [engine rumbles to life] Whoo! Good girl. [sighs nervously] [ringing bell] Merry Christmas. Hi. Hi. Hi. Can I help you? Yes, you can, Pat. I'm Gwen, I'm Charlie Baker's personal shopper. Well, no, sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I'm not his, like, official personal shopper. His official personal shopper is Anna, who is at a doctor's appointment, because she's having this Braxton-Hicks thing-- Have you had kids? So, anyway, I'm here for her for today. Oh, well, Charlie's just wrapping up a conference call. So, have a seat, and I'll let you know when he's ready to see you. Great, thank you, Pat. Whoa, you're a big coffee fan, huh? Not really. Charlie just likes to give me mugs for every occasion. [chuckling] I love your nude pumps. Uh, excuse me? Gwen? Yeah. Charlie will see you now. Oh, thanks. It's just up the stairs, first door on your right. Great. Thanks. You okay? No, yeah, it's just this chair. It wreaks havoc with my back. Well, feel better, Pat. Yes, well, I'll get those figures to you by the end of the day. Yeah. Well, just don't go talking to anybody else. [chuckles] Yeah, well, I'll make it happen. Bye for now. Positive direction. Excuse me? No, I was just... I was overhearing you, and you were, like, sort of setting the wheels in motion for a positive outcome, you know. And you are..? Sorry, I should have said that first. I'm Gwen Burke. I'm filling in for Anna. Of course. Have a seat. Great. Nice office. Did Anna give you a list? She didn't give me a list. I... can text her. That's fine. The most important thing I need right now is a new suit. I've got a couple of functions I need to attend to, one of them being a Christmas party. Fun. Okay, new suit for the Christmas party. What are you thinking for a tie? I'll just wear this one. You're serious? That one? That's a very out-of-date tie. I'm not sure who even guided you to wear that today. If it's Anna, please don't tell her I said that, but you really can't wear that to a Christmas party, because it's not going with the structure of your suit. Is that most of your collection? I don't really have a collection. We're starting from scratch, and I love that. This is not my first rodeo. I had a client last week, we overhauled his whole closet. Pop that up, there we go. [measuring tape ratchets out] What are you doing? I'm taking your measurements. My tailor already has them. [measuring tape ratchets in] Yeah. Gotcha. [sighs awkwardly] Just make sure it's either grey or black. All right? Nothing fancy. -Really? -[cell phone rings] Because it's a Christmas party. You're gonna go walking in like a dark cloud, and I just-- Do you mind? Whoa. Yeah. Thank you. Karl, just hang on a sec. Also, one more thing, I need a Christmas gift for my son's teacher. Can you tell me anything about her? Uh, is she scholarly? Does she like sports? How would I know? Just get her a mug or something. I mean, Pat will give you the details. A mug? I can't sleep with myself at night if I do that. Do you think that your wife could maybe-- She's deceased. I'm so sorry... Hey. That's exactly why we're on the phone. I don't want to low-ball this thing too hard and lose it. Three minutes ago-- Should I...? Yes. I realize that. I realize that, but-- I'm gonna... I don't... think... ...head out. Well, that's why that email... That's why people invented email. Yeah, and I normally would be, like, "No, thank you." but he's one of Gift Wrapped's biggest clients, and if I do a good job, Diane will probably assign him to me when Anna's on maternity leave. Don't you have enough clients? I mean, you're already working seven days a week. I love working, I love my job. What are you talking about? Well, your love life doesn't. Really? Are you really going to do that? You're going to give me a sisterly lecture right now about how I'm going to end up old and alone? Well, you will if you don't dedicate some time to yourself. For dating? Do you know how rough it is out there? Gwen, after dad died, you made it your mission to make sure that mom was happy, and you're doing the same thing with your clients. I mean, what about you? Thank you. Thank you for that. You're so sweet. Have you heard from mom? No. I think she's still on the Mediterranean cruise. And don't change the subject. I'm just saying that you need a little balance. Thank you, Steph. I really appreciate-- [clearing throat pointedly] Are you talking about my diet? Because if I eat one more salad, I swear I'm going to grow roots right into the ground. What's wrong with salad? No, uh, nothing, if you're a rabbit. Do I look like a rabbit? Do I? Gwen? Honestly? You do. Yeah, I can... I can see it. My friend Sue shaved these two teeth down with a nail file, so... you could probably just do that. Anyway, I'll let you guys figure that one out. But you'll both be very happy to know that the condo I've been eying is going down in price, so I might be out of your hair sooner rather than later. Yay. Bye, wabbit! Go have some fun bunny time! Now I feel self-conscious. All right. Miss Henderson, what are you all about? Um... Hmm. There you are. That was easy. Okay, third trade teacher, been at the school six years, girls' volleyball coach. Cute picture. [muttering] Head of the school library book drive. Boom. [school bell ringing] Dad, do you think next weekend we can get our own Christmas tree? Of course. I'll just call my assistant, and I'll have one ordered to the house. No, I mean, we can go and get our own Christmas tree at the cabin like we used to. I don't know, Owen. I'm really swamped right now, but I'll tell you what, I'm gonna make sure Pat orders a really good one. Okay? An eight-footer, straight to the ceiling. Okay? Mr. Baker! Oh, Mr. Baker... Thank you! Your Christmas present was not only thoughtful, but so generous. It... It was? Of course. I mean, thanks to you, we now no longer have empty shelves in our school library. [chuckles in delight] Great, that's... So you liked the... the books. Liked? I loved them, and so will the kids. [chuckling] Great, well, I'm going to head to work now. Um... I'll see you later on tonight, okay, buddy? Before bed? Yeah, I'll-I'll do my best. [school bell rings] Thank you. Oh, Merry Christmas! [♪♪♪] These are kind of boring, aren't they? Well, that's what Mr. Baker usually buys. Really? I'm gonna fall asleep. Sal... What can you tell me about that suit? [chuckles] No, no, no, he never buys stripes. Come on, Sal, we gotta think outside the box a little bit here. Don't you think that purple would just bring out the green in his eyes? It would be like bam. Well, perhaps, but, honestly, he is very particular. I'll take it. What? What do you think? Don't you get jealous. Come here. No, no. No, no, please, please. Would you... They're very expensive mannequins. [giggles] I'll be with you in a moment. One moment. Knock, knock. I have a surprise for you. I'm so glad you're sitting. Brace yourself, brace yourself. What do you think? It's purple. Pur-- This? This is not purple, Charlie Baker. This is a gorgeous, yet masculine, navy suit with a very delicate purple pinstripe. I thought I was clear. Just try it on. Arms up. [gasping] What? Can I see your arm for a second? This is way too tight. Did you maybe gain a little weight? Of course not. Well, it's okay if you did. You shouldn't feel bad. It's the holidays. It's just, I used the exact measurements that Sal had-- No, it's fine-- --and unless the measurements are wrong, then you gained weight. Well, if you used the measurements from the store, it's... You gained weight. What's wrong is the suit is wrong. If you had just bought what I asked you to buy, we wouldn't have this problem. All right. Well, I'm sorry you don't like it, but it's the holidays, and if I let you go into a Christmas party wearing a black suit, that's about as bad as someone's uncle walking into a wedding in white. I'm not gonna let you do that-- Did you buy books for Owen's teacher? I did buy books for Owen's teacher. Did she like them? I tried to get a whole demographic of books-- Yes, but that's besides the point. You know a mug would have sufficed, or some flowers. Should we ask your secretary if a mug would have sufficed? I think everyone's a little mugged out-- Are you always this difficult? Excuse me? The term "personal shopper," in my mind, is describing someone that makes your life easier, not complicated-- I don't think making people happy is complicated, and I think you should know that all of my clients love my personal touch. And my job title is "personal shopper," so I'm sorry that doesn't work for you. I would appreciate it if you just did what I asked and left your personal feelings or your touch, or whatever it is, out of it. Just for the record, I do think the purple would bring out the green in your eyes. [sighing] Gwen, I need to talk to you. Hi, Diane. You know, if this is about Charlie Baker, let's say I'm-- Actually, it is. --really glad that he's not-- Really? Anna's been ordered on bed rest until her due date. Oh, man, is she okay? Oh, she's fine, it's just a precaution. But the good news is, with Anna out of commission, it looks like Charlie Baker just became your newest client. Isn't that great? [laughing] So great, Diane, so great. It's so great. [♪♪♪] He's just so self-centered, and he's arrogant, and he doesn't even care what gifts he gives, at all. Like, if it were up to him, it would just be like, "Oh, here's a coffee mug. What's your name?" Like, I have no tolerance for that. Then why did you take him on? Because, Steph, he's one of Gift Wrapped's biggest clients. Like, it would look horrible if I said no. [cell phone chimes] Hmm, speaking of which, he needs a dozen Christmas baskets by tomorrow. Oh, well, I hope you can find enough mugs. [whimpering] Hey, Caitlin, is Owen still up? Sorry, Mr. Baker. He went to bed about a half hour ago. [sighs heavily] Okay, well, thanks. I'll see you tomorrow. Yeah. You have a good night. [♪♪♪] That can't be right. Yup, it's, uh, 456 Elm Street, suite 315. Yeah, you got it, Nancy. If you could just make sure to have those in by 5:00, that would be amazing. You too. Merry Christmas. [sighing] You get all those baskets ordered? Almost. Well, if you're not too busy, you should make sure you're home for dinner tonight, because Roy invited a friend over, and you would finish out the table for the four of us. Sounds good. What? I thought I added that to the cart. [gasps] You look so pretty. Where are you going? I have an interview today. Really? Yes. Okay, you have to add this. How perfect is this? What are the odds? Hair up, hair up. Okay. I love what you're wearing, but I feel like it might be chilly in there, and... Just need a little extra? Yeah. Better? I love that. Let's zsuzsh you. Zsuzsh you... You're good. I'm late! [growls] I love you, you're gonna kill it. Stand up straight. Okay, bye! After your meeting with Harry this morning, you have an 11:00 call with Mark Brice, and then lunch down at the Supper Club. Oh, and I received confirmation from Gwen that the last of the gift baskets have been sent out, and you've already received 10 thank you's, and two dinner invitations. For the... For the baskets? That's right. [cell phone rings] Hi. [woman]:<i> Hey, babe.</i> I didn't think you were back until tomorrow. What if I said I missed you? <i> Well, I don't think I'd believe you.</i> Well then, actually, my last meeting got pushed to next week. Did you get my message about Harry? About his sentimental attachment to the company? Yes. <i> That's right. He's usually a cranky old Scrooge,</i> <i> but when it comes to that relic of a business,</i> he turns to mush. Use it. Get that price up. [phone alerts beeping] Hang-- hang on. [clearing throat] Charlie Baker. <i> What color black do you want?</i> Sorry? <i> I'm just picking out the suit you wanted,</i> and I need to know what color black to get. Whatever, just... just black. <i> There's not really, like, a "just black".</i> <i> I mean, there's "midnight," there's "ebony,"</i> <i> there's "charcoal..."</i> Yeah, yeah, I-- Just hang on. Hi. <i> I'm going to have to call you back</i> <i> after my meeting with Harry.</i> Okay. Make sure you kill it in there. Hi. Sorry. Bye, babe. McCallum and Third. Okay, okay. Let's go. Hey, Sal, can you think of, like, <i> a great purple tie you might have</i> <i> with a pop of black?</i> The one on the left. <i> No, no, no.</i> No more purple, okay? Midnight, charcoal, black. Just black, all right? I was talking about for the tie. I... We already talked about this. I already have a tie. <i> Okay, let me fill you in,</i> Men with ties are a lot like women with shoes, you seriously cannot have too many. <i> I mean, my friends have staged an intervention</i> <i> 'cause of the amount of shoes I have, but--</i> Hey, listen, I'm going to have to talk to you later. Harry. Charlie Baker. It's a pleasure to meet you. Charlie Baker? [laughing in delight] Well, what a pleasure. Thank you so much for that outstanding gift basket. 20-year-old McGinty Scotch, how did you know that was my favorite? And the wife has been over the moon with those French macaroons. I was... just happy to-- Well, I am in a mood to return some of that good will. So, let's do business. Great. [laughing merrily] Gentlemen? It went great. I mean, Harry was more than willing to negotiate. I know, can you believe it? Yes, well, I ensured him that... Hey, listen, uh, I gotta go. I'll-- I'll call you back. Okay, bye. It's black. Mm-hmm. It's midnight black with hint of navy blue to offset your pale complexion. So now you think I'm overweight and pale. [chuckles] I didn't mean it like that, I'm just trying to bring out your best. Let's try it on. Arms in. Still fitting a little snug, huh? Well, at least the color works. [laughs] Yup. So how did you know that Harry liked McGinty scotch? I did my research. Like with Owen's teacher? I firmly believe that every present that someone gets should make them feel really special and appreciated, which is why every present I get for my clients is personal. But you... Charlie Baker, not a big fan of the personal touch. Well... for what it's worth, it really did make the difference, so... thank you. You're welcome. I've got to get to another meeting. Thank you. I'll just... Yeah. [sighs sadly] Wow, it smells so good in here. You made a pot roast. This looks amazing. Are we celebrating something? Did you get your job? I haven't heard yet, but come on, Roy's friend just got here, and we're about ready to sit down for dinner. Who? I'll get you a drink. David, this is my sister, Gwen. Hi there, David. A pleasure to meet you, Gwen. Great to meet you, too. Great shirt. Well, why don't you have a seat? I know you must be hungry from your very, very busy day. Yeah. What is that you, uh, do that keeps you so busy? Oh, I'm a personal shopper. Or stylist, some people say "stylist." -Really? -Mm-hmm. Wow. David's a psychiatrist. Really? Psychologist, actually. You're-- You're a psychologist? Yeah. Can I ask you a hypothetical question? Sure. Okay, say I knew somebody, and they had just suffered a great loss, like their wife died, do you think that could make that person unbending, or a little self-absorbed? Absolutely. This is so helpful for me, you have no idea. Like, I could probably help him get him out of his shell, right? Like, I could help show him that there's more to life than work. Like, he should be spending more time with his kid, and it's Christmas-- Hypothetically. Yeah, hypothetically. Uh... Yeah, I'd have to meet this person first to... I'm no doctor, but-- Hi, Gwen, why don't you come help me pick out the wine? Oh, we actually-- Yeah, no, it's right over here. Steph, it's starting to make sense to me now, why he is the way that he is. I mean, why he's so shut down. -What are you doing? -What? Grilling a potential date about Charlie? Who, if I have to remind you, by the way made you so angry. Yeah, that's just it, he made me so angry, until I understand, and now... I get it, I get it. I mean, who could blame the guy? He's so closed off, but of course he is, you know? Gwen, please don't make him another one of your missions. Okay, I just feel like I could help bring his spirit back. Okay, and what about David? Who? The psychiatrist. -That guy? -Yes. The psychologist? You really think that's as good as I can do? Gosh, have a little faith-- I mean, he's cute. He's a nice guy. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. He's a nice guy. Pat, I need your help. I have a huge surprise for Charlie, and I need 30 minutes in his office alone. A surprise? Mm-hmm. Charlie's not big on surprises. Trust me, he's going to love this, and if he says anything, I'm just gonna be like, "I don't know what happened. "The door was left open, "and I don't know, she was out. She must have gone to the bathroom." It'll be totally fine. What do you say? Okay, go. Quick. Really? You get cooler every day. Why did that man get mad when you told him his company wasn't worth as much as he thought? Because some people don't like to hear the truth. Well, it's better when you tell the truth, 'cause if you tell a lie, you might get in trouble. Exactly-- and you remember that. Owen! What are you doing here? No school today? It's bring your child to work day. Wow. Well, isn't this day just full of surprises. Right, Charlie? You bet. Pat, can you get Greg Smith on the phone for me, please? Of course. Right away. Great. Thanks. Oh, boy. Surprise! Wow! You like it? I love it. Who are you? I am Gwen Burke, stylist extraordinaire. High five it. Whoo! That's putting it mildly. Thanks, Dad, this is the best. Well, I mean, I didn't... Well, he must have known that you would really love it. [sighs in confusion] [cell phone rings] Sorry. Did you... know about this? Well... not really, but it is a nice surprise, isn't it? Check it out. [tune chimes and jingles] ♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas... ♪ [singing together] Karl, yeah, listen, I'm... No, it's a toy. ♪ --And a happy New Year Look, I'm gonna have to call you back. Okay? Yeah. -Gwen? -Yeah? Would it be possible to see Sal about another suit, considering the last two haven't really worked out? Yeah, of course. But you're just going to have to go with me. Um, I'm sorry, but isn't the point of having a personal shopper so you don't have to shop? Yes, that's a perk, but your measurements are all off, 'cause I just completely flaked and forgot to bring my measuring tape. Okay. Okay, you know what, Pat, um, we're going to cancel everything for the next hour, because I guess somebody... [sighs] ...has to go shopping. Oh, yes, we have gone up another size. [chuckles] [laughs] Well, you know how these Italian suits fit, they always fit small. Yeah, they're... Those Italians... they're known for that, right? The... [wincing] Dad, look, you should check this out! You have to get it. [Gwen shouts] Try it on! [laughing] No. Oh, come on. Please? Dad, if you like it, you can wear it at Christmas, and I could wear my Christmas sweater. Hear him? Sweater parties are all the rage nowadays. See? Try it on for us. Yes, try it on for us, please, please, please. [pleading] Please! Please? All right. [laughing] [Owen]: Light it up, please, light it up. Oh, light it up! [cheering] Okay, let me get a picture. Let me get a picture of you with your dad. -Okay, ready? -All right. All right, Sal, get in there, bud. One, two, three. Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas. -You wear it very well. -Thanks. I still think that you should get that sweater. I mean, I have some pull with Sal. Dad, look it's Santa! Oh, wow! Can I go and see him? Sorry, Owen, I've really got to get back to the office. I could take him. No, I... Really, I couldn't bother you, and besides, it's bring your kid to work day. Owen and I have another meeting to go to. But, Dad, your meetings are kind of boring, and it's Santa. Yeah, meetings are boring. Let me take him to see Santa. Are you sure you don't mind? Don't mind at all. Okay. Thanks, Gwen. I will see you when I see you then. Put in a good word for me, huh? Go get 'em. Okay. All right. Oh, Owen, look. You're next, you're next. Here, in case Santa is afraid of reptiles. Oh, good thinking. Okay, tell him how good you were. [talking softly] Smile. Did you tell Santa your Christmas wish? I did. I was wishing for my Dad to go tobogganing up at our cabin. That's where we used to spend all of our Christmases. Where do you spend your Christmases now? At home. It's okay, it's just, before my mom died, he would spend the whole holidays with me, but now he's just too busy. Well, I'm sure Santa's going to make your Christmas wish come true, because that's what he does. You want to go get some hot chocolate? Yes! Whoo! Me too. Let's go. All right, hold my hand. [play shooting] No, I got you. Ah, I just got you! [play-fighting] You missed. I didn't miss. [play shooting] Oh, hi! Hi! Hello. Sorry if I was running a little late, I just picked up a few things on my way out. Oh, it's fine. We got hot chocolate and we got candy canes. Charlie, I'm glad to see you finally took my advice and got Owen a nanny. Oh... Gwen isn't, um... -Not a nanny. -Oh. Different career. Yeah. She's my personal shopper. Oh, speaking of which, I actually picked you up something I think you're really going to like. [mumbling] This might be a little too much. It's this. Okay, that's the wrong bag. Wrong bag. [sighing] What do you think? We're corporate professionals, not Vegas entertainers. I hope you kept the receipt. I don't know, it's not the worst. It kind of... shimmers. Yeah, it... I think it's great. It's festive, right? It's festive. It's festive... It's festive. I mean, at least you didn't buy me that sweater. It was really bad. You should have seen it, it lit up, and it was... Well, we should probably get ready for our dinner reservations. Dinner. I completely forgot. Can Gwen come? Aw, that's really sweet, but I have plans tonight. It was so nice to meet you. Victoria Dane. Victoria. Awesome. I had a lot of fun hanging out with you today. Okay, you guys, have a great dinner. Bye, Owen. [Roy chuckling] Ha! [Steph]: I got you. [Steph laughing] Hey, stop! [Roy]: You're going to knock off my peppers. I know, don't do that. [Roy]: Don't you knock off my peppers. [Steph]: Don't mess with my peppers. [Roy]: I'm the pepper king. [roaring and giggling] Oh, hey! Roy is just about to fire up the barbecue for his famous burgers. -Mm-hmm. -Are you in? Yeah. Yeah... That sounds great. You okay? Yeah, I'm good. I'm just-- I've had such a long day, but I'm going to go unwind for a little bit. Yeah, I'll see you guys for dinner. You're being cute right now, you know that? Keeping it alive, keeping that spark alive. Victoria... Dane. There you are. "Victoria Dane, "poised to becoming one of the youngest partners "at Roth and Holtz with Charlie Baker of VistaSun Equities." Well, isn't that just cute. Wow. Whoop-dee-doo. [call ringing] <i> Hi. You've reached Linda.</i> I'm out of the country, <i> but leave me a message, and I'll get back to you.</i> Hi, Mom. It's me, your youngest daughter. I miss you. Um... will you call me when you and Carlos hit dry land? I think you're probably still cruising. Bye. [sighs heavily] [gasps] Oh, no. What? Why couldn't we just go to the Burger Cellar? Because this is where everyone is eating now, sweetheart. Don't worry, buddy, I'm sure the burger you ordered will be great. Okay? Thank you. So, how did your personal shopper end up taking Owen to go see Santa? Uh, I was in a fitting, and then I had to head back to the office, and so she offered. Well, you obviously know her well enough to trust her with your kid. She's awesome! She even decorated Daddy's office for Christmas. Oh, really? She even knows where the best hot chocolate is. And everyone at the stores know her 'cause she's so nice. Hmm. Here's your appetizer. And a Wagu burger with wasabi cotton candy foam. Why is everything so foamy? It's called "gastro molecular." Hey, listen, I was thinking, what if I made a pitch to VistaSun? I mean, if you and I were at the same firm, we could move corporate mountains. And we've already talked about becoming partners-- [spits] Owen, are you all right? Are you all right? So spicy. I'm sure it's not that bad. I'm sorry. Look, why don't you play with your lizard or something while Victoria and I finish up, okay? And then we'll get a burger for you on the way back home-- My lizard! Gwen has it! I gave it to her when I went to see Santa. I can't go to sleep without it. [cell phone rings] Hi, this is so weird, I literally just found the lizard. Yeah, well, I just heard-- Is it Gwen? Does she have it? Can we go and get it? <i> Would it be possible to come by there</i> <i> and pick up the lizard?</i> Yeah. Yeah, of course. Um... here. Yeah. I'm gonna-- I'll just text you my sister's address, and then you guys can just come around the back door. <i> Great.</i> <i> Well, thank you.</i> <i> We'll be there shortly.</i> Okay, yeah. See you-- See you soon. Can we go, Dad? Your father hasn't even gotten his dinner yet. Actually, you know what, it's fine. I'm gonna get Owen's lizard, and get him some real food, and... No, no, you know what, it's totally fine. Actually, I think I saw Clark Bishop back there, and I should be asking him if his equity firm is interested in Greenwood. So... I gotta go. Yeah. Thanks, babe. Hello? Hi. Sorry, I hope we're not disturbing you. Not at all. Come on in. Um, Charlie, this is my brother-in-law, Roy, and this is my sister, Stephanie, and this is Owen. Nice to meet you. Is that a Delouthe suit? Yes. [whistling in appreciation] Well, sweet. Tell you what's really sweet is that classic parked in the driveway. That's my car. Yeah, that's Daisy. She was our dad's car, and then I adopted her. Are those burgers? Those are burgers. Would you like a burger? Oh, no, we can't stay. Please, Dad? I'm starving. I didn't even have dinner. That's not true. That's a... Owen-- He ate. Owen ate. It was just a little too spicy. Wasabi or something. Well then, you gotta have a burger. You want one? Why don't you guys stay? We've got enough food, right, Roy? Right, Steph? -Yeah. -Yeah. Are you sure? Yeah. Okay. Stay. Here, let me take that. Come on, Owen, let's get you a seat. Our mom and dad did not know what to do with her. She was determined to meet Santa Claus. But instead of staying up all night like most kids, Gwen actually wanted to catch him in action, so she actually pulled up a ladder and climbed up onto the top of the roof, and spent all night up there. Did you see him? It's really embarrassing, but, no, Owen, I fell asleep. Yeah, and, thankfully, did not fall off the roof. Yeah, but you want to know the crazy thing? When I woke up, someone had covered me with a red blanket with white snowflakes and green Christmas trees. Santa's blanket? I think it was. Wow. It sounds like you were a... handful. No, it wasn't... I was just... determined. Right? Oh, yeah, for sure. Determined. Yeah, well, don't I know it. Hey, Roy, um, why don't you grab the plates, and Owen and I will go grab some marshmallows for the fire. Do we all get marshmallows? Yeah, if you clean up the plates. He's very food motivated. Right, Roy? Yeah. So you live here with your sister? Yeah, I moved in here after our mom remarried and then, um, sold our family house. But I'm here just until I can save up enough money to buy my own condo. And your... Well, I mean your father, is he... Oh, he passed away. I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you. Yeah, it was a few years ago. We loved him so much, and so for me, my car is, like, very sentimental, even though she's a pain a neck and breaks down all the time. What about you? Do you have a big family? Uh, it's just me. Really? My parents like to spend their winters down south, so during the holidays, it's just Owen and I. Well, that's great. He's really lucky to have you. [sighs] It's freeze-- It got really cold out here. Oh, yeah. Thank you. That's really sweet. [cell phone rings] Here, your phone. I think it's in the right pocket. That's left. No, I think it's here. No, I'm pretty sure-- I got it, I got it. Oh. [call ringing] Okay. Look what Stephanie made me! Wow! A marshmallow snowman. Look at that. It's nice, huh? Ah, got one, too, Roy, huh? Always. [laughs] Always. I could get you one of your own just like Roy here. Well, thank you, but, uh, it's a school night, and it's already past someone's bedtime. Oh, that reminds me... Owen, I was just talking to someone, and he really loves marshmallows. Oh, ho! [laughter] You didn't talk to him. I did. Would you like a marshmallow? Cool. No-- We'd better get going. Here's your coat. Thank you. Thank you for dinner. It was lovely. We were happy to have you. Oh, Gwen, that reminds me, the Christmas party is coming up. I'll need gifts for some of my colleagues. Yeah. I'm on it. Hey, and thanks again. Yeah, it was fun. Bye, Owen! -Bye. -Get home safe. Hmm... What? Hmm, well... What? I can see why you want to help him. I mean, he's handsome, and you two definitely have a little something. Stop it. No. Really. He's... He's my client that, just, he needs a little more encouragement. Besides, he has a girlfriend, so there's that. Well, if that's the case, then you'd better be careful. Hey-- You know what, did you see it? There's something. [bickering] I was almost like, "Ooh...!" There's definitely something. Yeah, yeah. [♪♪♪] [trimmer buzzing] Ah! That isn't going to work. Ah! No! Jeez... ♪ Boop-boop-boop... Ah! Hey, what do you think? Who's that for again? This is for Frank, in accounting, 'cause he goes caving with his wife every weekend. Ooh, and check this out. This is for Tina in sales 'cause she's a habitual gum chewer. But isn't this very cute? I had no idea. Sorry to interrupt. Hi! I thought I should let you know that the office party is about to begin down in the Oyster lounge. Really? Right now? Okay, I gotta finish wrapping these. Oh, gosh. But, uh... Merry Christmas, Pat. [gasps] Thank you, Charlie. Oh... Oh, this... this is wonderful. -Really? -Oh, I love it. I've been needing a backrest for my chair for the longest time. Thank you. Well, I'm just glad you like it. It's perfect. Okay, well, I'd better get down to this party. Well, Gwen, why don't you go? To the party? I don't work here. Like, that would be very weird. Well, you are employed by Charlie. Right, Charlie? Yeah, of course. Yeah, you-- you should come. -Really? -Really, you should come. 'Cause I can't say no to a party. Well then, I'll see you there. All right. [mouthing silently] Do I look okay? Fabulous. That dress is perfect. Really? Okay. Gosh, I need some deodorant. [♪♪♪] [hum of warm conversations] Perfect. This black suit looks so good, but we need a little something. Cufflinks. Perfect. Little sprig of green. You just can't help yourself, can you? [laughing] Mo. Sometimes, I wish I could turn it off. Charlie! Victoria. I thought you were in a meeting. It got canceled. So I thought I'd come here and help make this party a little more bearable for you. Gwen. I'm kind of surprised to see. I thought this was an office party. Oh... I thought Gwen should come. I mean, it's, uh, Christmas after all, right? The more the merrier. Of course. Speaking of, I think I'm ready for a glass of Christmas cheer. Shall we? [clears throat] You scared me. I'm sorry. Christmas cheer. Puh-lease. That woman wouldn't know how to be merry if she tried. Stop... All she's interested in is climbing the ladder, and Charlie is just a rung. Pat, you don't think she loves him? No, I don't. I think she's more interested in him as a business partner than a life partner. And what about him? She's just part of his process of throwing himself into his work. That's the only reason they're together. Oh, I have to go, I'm on game duty. Okay. All right, everyone! It's time for our favorite Christmas game-- "Name That Carol"! [song starts] "Jingle Bells!" "Toyland!" "Joy to the World!" Nope. "Up On the Housetop." Wow! Well, we have a winner. Okay, let's hear it. I mean, you have to sing some of the song when you get it right. That's right. Oh. Oh, um... Just sing a little bit. I don't... know-know it. All right, then. Moving on to the next. [song starts] [♪♪♪] [together]: "Silent Night!" We have a tie! No, I was first! I said it-- Let's have a duet. [everyone clapping] Come on, Charlie. [♪♪♪] Now I'm ready. [chuckling] ♪ Silent night ♪ Holy night ♪ All is calm ♪ All is bright ♪ Round yon virgin ♪ Mother and child ♪ Holy infant ♪ So tender and mild ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace... ♪ [♪♪♪] [everyone cheering] Really great, really great. I'm ready for a refill. Oh. Oh, good grief. [conversations and laughter] [♪♪♪] [sighing] [motor hesitates to start] [starter chugging] [♪♪♪] I can't believe these people are actually your colleagues. I'd better get back to Owen. Oh, thank goodness, let's go. So, I put a little bug in Barry's ear about me coming on at VistaSun. We might actually get the paperwork done before Christmas. It would give us something to celebrate. Are you okay? Oh, hi. Yeah, I just, um, she's a little finicky sometimes. Are you sure? I mean, I could give you a ride, and... I'm good, but thank you. She's fine, it just needs little boost. [knocks on hood] [bangs] The magic touch. I should try that tough love sometimes. All right, well, uh, you guys have a good night. Hey, listen, I was thinking about those accessories. Maybe I could use a pair of cufflinks, or... Cufflinks. Great. I'm on it. Get home safe. Bye! You know, I saw some cufflinks at Tiffany's. They were gold, had real diamonds. If you want me to put in a good word with Santa... I wouldn't want to wear anything that flashy. You're successful, Charlie. You should look it. You know, I saw some other things while I was there. Some bracelets, and some necklaces, and some... rings. Just in case this Santa was wondering. We would be a powerhouse, Charlie. You know that, right? [sneezes] Are you all right? [sniffles] Yeah, it's just... [sneezing and coughing] You're not allergic to this... thing, are you? It's pine. I... [coughing and sneezing] Sorry. You know what, I should put you in a cab. Okay? Just, you know what, you should take something for that, really. It's fine. [sneezing] Mm... [giggles] Any good? Hmm? [laughing] They're great. Bravo. Good, because I am thinking about bringing back Mom's tradition of baking. You know, like she did with us when we were little. Well, you're doing a good job. And I'm really glad that that's going to be you carrying on the tradition, because I do not have a talent for baking. Well, don't worry, because I don't want to bake with you. I want to bake with... my little boy or little girl. [whispers] What are you saying? I'm pregnant. Yay! [laughing in delight] That is so great. Yeah. This is amazing. Really? Does Roy know? Of course. It's like Christmas came early. I mean, he's already tossing names around. But if he thinks that Duke is an option for a little boy, he has another thing coming. Stephie... You're gonna have your own family. [laughs in delight] And you're gonna need your room back. Oh, don't worry about that. I mean, plus, you're eyeing that unit, right? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we could always set up a room in the basement, and I could use the full-time babysitter-- You are so funny. Wow, are you trying to kill me? I'm so happy! [laughing] I'm so happy! This is-- there's a baby in there. There's a baby in there. Oh, my gosh. Hi! I'm your auntie! Daddy, you're home! Hey, kiddo. How was your day? Great. Did you know the tree was delivered? Really? It's huge, just like you said. Yeah? Well, why don't we send Caitlin home, and then set it up. And decorate it? Yeah, and decorate it. Where are the decorations? That way. Where? In the garage? [chuckling] ♪ Gimme back the Christmas that I know ♪ ♪ Hanging up the tree and mistletoe ♪ ♪ I'll meet you there ♪ La-la-la-la... ♪ Gimme back the yuletide that I miss ♪ ♪ Sweep off the dust from old St. Nick ♪ ♪ He's got the list ♪ La-la-la-la... ♪ All I want for Christmas ♪ All my people coming home ♪ All I want for Christmas ♪ Is the Christmas that I know ♪ [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪] Okay... Ta-dah! They're exactly what I would have picked out. Really? Yes! I didn't want to get anything too flashy. Oh, I'm so glad you like them. Yeah, thank you. How do you do that? What? Know what someone wants. Well, I try to... kind of read them. I listen, try to get a sense of who they are as a person. And... who am I? Who are you? Charlie Baker. You're a great guy... who had something really horrible happen... and you threw yourself into your work. And I think, at the end of the day, you like the simple things in life. But that's just... what I'm sensing. I could be totally wrong. [video call chimes] Hey. How are the allergies? <i> Better.</i> Listen, I have to go back to Baltimore for that meeting. <i> I thought maybe you could fly down with me</i> <i> for a night.</i> I don't think I can. I mean, it's the holidays. <i> I wouldn't want to leave Owen.</i> This is why I think you should get him a nanny. Then you don't feel so guilty about leaving him. <i> That's not it. I don't want to.</i> <i> Okay. If you can't make it,</i> <i> then, uh, I'll work it.</i> I know. You always manage to work the angles. <i> Sounds great.</i> <i> Look forward to it.</i> All right, I'm going to head out, 'cause you gotta get back to work, but I'm glad you like the cufflinks. Actually, there was one more thing I was hoping you could help me with. Yeah. What do you need? A new closet. Okay, I know I look very strong, but I'm a terrible carpenter. That probably was... confusing. No, you want me to makeover your wardrobe? Yeah. Yes! I'm so good at it. Not to brag, but I'm pretty good at that. Um... when do you want me to come by? Maybe after work. I mean, assuming you're not too busy. No, no, I'm... free, depressingly. [chuckles] Perfect. Okay. I'm gonna go. But I'll... Yeah, I'll see you later. I'm glad you like the cufflinks. Oh, nice! Nice try, nice try. Okay, gimme one. Gimme what you got. Green 17, say hut! Go! Go long, go long! Ooh! Whoa. Nice... catch. Thank you. Not to brag but I was a little bit of a tomboy growing up. Why does that not surprise me at all? Gwen, can you be on my team? I would-- I would love to be on your team. Yeah! Yeah, come on! [♪♪♪] Baker, you're toast. Baker, you're toast. [laughing] [laughing ruefully] Is that right? 79! Potato! Go! Hut! [♪♪♪] [laughing] I'm watching you, Baker. [laughing] [♪♪♪] [squealing] No, give it to me! [♪♪♪] Are you okay? I'm sorry. Other that suits, this is all I really have. This is perfect. Thank you. Color. I'm sorry? That's what you need for your closet, for the makeover. Maybe like a purple pinstripe? Exactly. [chuckles] I'll let you get cleaned up. [♪♪♪] Dad, wait, don't look! It's your Christmas present. Don't worry, I didn't see anything. Okay, you can look now. So, what about you, any Christmas wishes? Not really. Are you wishing for a gaming console, or some action figures? What about another lizard? Maybe a real one? Well, there is one thing. What's that? A toboggan ride with you. Did you really wish for that? Well maybe you should... add that to your wish list. So I've assessed your closet, and I've got my work cut out for me. [chuckles] Well, thanks. Listen, I should head out, but before I go, Owen... I have a little something for you. Is it Santa's blanket? It is Santa's blanket. I thought it would be good timing, 'cause it's almost Christmas and you can use it when you're waiting up for him, huh? Thank you. Do you like it? -Yes. -Good! It's yours. All right. I'm gonna head out. But that was really fun, Owen. Thank you, and... I'll see you, Charlie. Okay. Wait! I made a Christmas card for you. You did? [gasping] Did you make the reindeer? Whoa. Open it. "Merry Christmas, Gwen." This is the greatest Christmas card I've ever gotten. Thank you. [laughing happily] You have fun tonight, okay? Sleep good. I'll, um... Let me walk you to your car. I'll-- I'll get your coat. Thanks. Let me know when you want me to come by and start working on the closet. I can bring some photos and show you a color palette. Or if you trust me, you could let me start working with what you've got. I think I'll just trust you to work your magic. Really? Well, that's amazing. So, what does a personal shopper wish for for Christmas? Or is the list too long? I can't speak on behalf of all personal shoppers, but what I want for Christmas, you can't buy at a store. Really? No. All I really want for Christmas is... maybe a little snow... and just to sit around and hear some carols. What about you? I haven't wished for anything for Christmas in a really long time. Until now. What about Victoria? I'm gonna go. I... yeah. This door. Okay, all right. So, yeah, the closet, it's gonna be great. I'll... yeah. Bye. [♪♪♪] [carolers singing] ♪ Let every heart... ♪ Prepare... Mm, smells good in here. [sighing deeply] Hello, Gwen. Victoria. Hi... What are you doing here? I'm here to see you. Me? You're here to see me? Can I help you with something? Actually, you can. I'm not sure if you're aware, but it's Charlie's intention to ask me to marry him, and I need you to help him pick out a ring for me. Oh. You know, he never mentioned that. Oh, that's probably because he was hoping to do it himself, although I think it would be better if you were to guide him, don't you think? Anyway, I can send you pictures of rings that I like. From Tiffany's, of course. Simple baguettes, nothing under two carats. I'm really sorry to dampen your plan, but Charlie's my client, not you, so unless he specifically asks me to shop for a ring, I can't just assume it's what he wants. Trust me. It's what he wants. But I do understand the whole client-employee relationship, which is what you are, an employee of Charlie's. So, thank you for listening. [♪♪♪] All right, I got your favorite, chicken lo mein. And I'm the spicy pork. Dad, why don't we ever go spend Christmas at the cabin anymore? I don't know, I just haven't been able to get that much time off work. It's Christmas. You shouldn't be working. Hello? Is anybody home? Victoria, what are you doing here? I just came to surprise my two favorite people. What's that? That is three days spent on the beach, by the ocean, for Christmas. What do you think, Owen? Doesn't that sound like fun? I can't toboggan at the beach. No, but you can swim, and, uh, make sand castles. I don't want to make sand castles. I want to make a snowman. Really, Victoria, I appreciate the sentiment, but maybe we should have talked about this first. But then it wouldn't have been a surprise. Anyway, I'm sure you'd like to spend Christmas on the beach. Why don't we discuss this tomorrow, just the two of us, over dinner? Perfect. I'll have my assistant make us reservations at The Loft. Good night, Owen. [ringing bell] You wanted to see me? Come in. Come in. So... what do you think? It's perfect. Owen's going to love it. -Yeah? -Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think so, too. And what's great is the salesman said that it can sit three people. Then... that's perfect. Yeah, well, I'm going to keep it here, obviously, so Owen doesn't see it. Right, right. Is there anything you need from me last minute? You need me buy, like, um... wine or jewelry for a client, or anyone? No, I think we've covered everyone important with baskets, and.. Oh, there is one thing. [keys jingling] A key... to my... to the house, my house. You know, in case you want to do that closet makeover thing. Yeah, I'll get on that tonight. You're not going to put a singing Santa in there, are you? Like that one, yeah. Yeah, you never know with me, right? Always one for surprises. Well, as long as it has your personal touch, I'm sure I'll love it. I'm going to work on the closet. I'll talk to you later. That-- Okay, 'cause I gotta do this thing. I gotta go to this thing anyway, so... Oh, the seared octopus with the tapenade is supposed to be excellent. I was thinking about the steak. Can we get two orders of the octopus? What color are my eyes? Excuse me? My eyes, what color are they? I don't know, brown? They're hazel. Okay, well, they look brown to me. What is Owen wishing for for Christmas? Oh, I heard that all the kids are really into this new gaming system, um, the YKey40. Right. That octopus was divine. No wonder Victor Porter eats there all the time. In fact, that would be a great ice breaker for the next time I see him at the Supper Club. Hold on one second. Uh, Victor Porter, grilled octopus, The Loft, ice breaker. I don't think this is going to work. Well, do you have another angle with him? No, I mean us. I don't think this is going to work. Of course, it's going to work. It's going to more than work. Together, we can be VistaSun's powerhouse. That's it. I don't want to be a powerhouse. I want to be a father. I want to be the kind of father I was... before. We can work that out. Victoria, I honestly think this just isn't what you want. You want a guy who can just jet off to whatever meeting you have planned next, or Christmas by the beach. I've realized that's just... it's not who I am. I'm not that guy. I think that you're making a really big mistake, but if you won't see the bigger picture, then that's your prerogative. [♪♪♪] Gwen? I'm heading home. Can you lock up for the night? Yeah. Hey, Rhonda, where did this list come from? Anna dropped it off. Said she had meant to give you Charlie Baker's last shopping list. 'Night. [♪♪♪] Ow. God. [sighs heavily] Mm. [intercom buzzes] <i> Charlie, your personal shopper is here.</i> Send her in. Mr. Baker. Hi. Susan Walker. I've been assigned to be your new stylist. I'm sorry, but... Gwen's my stylist. I understand she was your stylist, but she asked to be reassigned. I don't understand. Why? She thought you might be a better match with someone else. Do you think Roy will like this shirt? Mm-hmm. Or maybe I should return it and buy him a green one. Yeah. Green's good. Gwen... -Hmm? -Are you okay? I'm fine. Really? Because you told me never to buy Roy anything green because it makes him look pasty. Okay, the only way you're ever going to get over Charlie is with a distraction. Maybe you should go see... David. David? The psychologist? You think I'm going to see a shrink? Am I really that bad? No. Like on a date, or lunch or something. It can't hurt, right? [sighs wearily] By the way, where did all my Christmas cookies go? I... really don't know. Oh, really? I think Roy ate 'em. [laughing] Oh, really? Roy? Mm-hmm. He ate them all. Not this cookie monster right here? [squealing and laughing] [♪♪♪] Daddy, you're home! Hey. Yeah, I decided to start our Christmas holiday early. -Really? -Yeah. Are you going to the beach? No. But I have a surprise for you. [chuckles] [phone rings] Mom? <i> Gwen!</i> Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry I missed all your calls. My phone's reception up here on the mountain <i> is terrible.</i> Mountain? I thought that you guys were on a cruise. [chuckles] We were, and then Carlos had an idea to climb Machu Pichu. No, I'll tell you all about it later, <i> but while I still have a signal,</i> <i> are you okay?</i> Yeah, I'm good. You know what, I'm not, Mom. I am so confused. There is something that I want so badly, and I'm not sure if I should go and get it. Oh, Gwen. You're always so good at making sure everyone else is happy. <i> I mean, look at me.</i> <i> When your father died,</i> you didn't let me wallow, and you helped me rise above it. It is your gift. But at the same time, you have to ask yourself, what makes you happy? And if that thing you want will, <i> well, you just go after it.</i> Ooh! Darling, I need to go. <i> I love you.</i> Merry Christmas, Mom. Merry Christmas, Gwen. [sighing deeply] All right, let's go, come on. -I'll do it. -You got it? You know what, you were right. It's so much better going out and finding your own tree. Dad, do you think I will get my wish? You know, to go tobogganing? Well... Um... Yeah. We'll just have to wait and see. Hey, why don't you head downstairs and dig up those old decorations so we can get this thing ready for when Santa comes, huh? Okay. Hi. Hi, Gwen! It's so nice to see you. You, too, Pat. Is-Is Charlie here? Oh, I'm sorry, Gwen, he's already left for the holidays. In fact, he surprised me when he said he was leaving a few days early. Seems like you really rubbed off on him. Well, that's just great, isn't it? Merry Christmas, Pat. Aw, thank you. Merry Christmas, Gwen. [telephone rings] VistaSun Equities. <i> Pat?</i> It's Charlie. I've got a serious emergency. Look, somehow, I managed to forget Owen's toboggan at the office. Is there any way that you could have it sent up here? <i> I'm sorry, Charlie.</i> The couriers won't guarantee Christmas Day delivery on Christmas Eve, and I have a family function. <i> Can't you drive down and get it?</i> No, not without Owen noticing, and, besides, I wouldn't be able to get there and back, and decorate the tree, <i> and Owen would be crushed.</i> Don't worry, Charlie. I'll handle it. ♪ Four calling birds three french hens ♪ ♪ Two turtle doves ♪ And a partridge in a pear tree... ♪ ♪ The 12th day of Christmas my true love-- ♪ [cell phone rings] Hey, Stephie, it's me. <i> Gwen, where are you?</i> I am just on my way to Big Bass. What? Why? <i> Charlie forgot Owen's Christmas present,</i> <i>and so I'm bringing it to them.</i> <i> And before you say anything,</i> I just want you to know that I'm not just doing this for him. I'm doing this... because I feel like it's what I need. okay? Gwen, all I was going to say was good luck. Oh. Thanks. <i> Okay, well,</i> we're just about to take off to Roy's parents' for Christmas, so we'll be back later tonight, but if you're not back in time, Merry Christmas, Gwen. I love you. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. <i> Hi to Roy's family.</i> [clattering] Hey, hon'? Three-second rule? Don't tell my mom. Oh, man. I mean... One job! [engine spluttering] What are you doing, Daisy? No... No, no, no, no, not tonight, Daisy. Seriously? [engine spluttering] [engine hissing] [starter chugging] Oh, come on. [♪♪♪] Stay. Hi. Hello. I am so happy to see you. What time is your next bus to Big Bass? In about three hours. Three hours? Mm-hmm. You want a ticket? [sighs] Well, how long is the trip? Well, you got about five stops from here to there, so... about six hours. Six hours? You took the milk route. Okay, I'll take your six-hour-- Yeah, let's do it. Thank you. Thank you. Good trip. [♪♪♪] I didn't realize how many decorations we had down there. Dad, do you think Santa will come and find us here? Of course. All those years that we were here with your mom, he always knew how to find us. Do you think it will snow? Hey, listen, buddy, um... I forgot a special gift for you at my office. I'm so sorry. I don't know where my head was at. That's okay. I'm sure Santa will find a way to get it here. Yeah, but... Just in case he's too busy, I don't want you to be too disappointed. I won't. Besides, Santa never disappoints. Yeah. All right, well, let's get you to bed. I'm sure you're going to want to be up bright and early to see what Santa brought you, huh? Bus 34B to Big Bass is ready for boarding! Ho-ho-ho! Merry Christmas, okay? Get home safe! Gwen? [stammers in disbelief] Y-you're... you're here. Hi. Yeah, I just... I wanted to make sure Owen had his special Christmas wish. Oh, it looks horrible. That looks terrible now. No, no, no, it's fine, really. No, it does. No, the bow was-- -No, no, no, this-- -It was very pretty-- It's fine, really, no. Thank you. I... I can't tell you how much this means to me. Well, that's why I did it. [sighing nervously] Okay, so you guys have... You know, this is great, this is beautiful. I'm gonna head out. Um... I like that sweater, actually, surprisingly. It looks great. I'm gonna go, but I'll see you later. How? Hmm? What? I mean, how? Your ride's gone. [chuckles awkwardly] Can I borrow your phone? 'Cause mine's been dead for a long time, and... it'll be fast. I can even call a car service-- Of course, of course, yeah, no. But why don't you stay? I mean, it's Christmas, after all, and you came all this way, and... and... I got something for you. Come in. It's so cozy in here. Your tree is perfect. Wow... Well done. Here. This is for you. Really? Yeah, go ahead, open it. Okay. I love this. It's everything you wished for. Snow... and sparkling lights, and it even sings a carol. You remembered. I love it. Thank you. Why did you drop me? As a client? I didn't know what was happening with you and Victoria, and I didn't want to get in the way, if you were shopping for a ring. I don't think you should be with her, Charlie. I'm sorry if I shouldn't say that. I just don't think that she's right for you. She's cold, and you are so... not like that-- You're right. You're right. I am? Yeah. It's what I thought I needed, my work, and Victoria, and then you came along, and... it changed everything. You... changed everything. I-I did? Well... I mean, that's my job as a personal shopper. I come into people's lives, and clients of mine, you know, they-- yeah, they-- Owen! Hi! Hey, buddy. Gwen brought you your special gift. See, I told you Santa would find a way. [chuckling] Okay, come here, you. Your Christmas card. [gasping in delight] [Gwen]: Did you make that? [Owen]: It's the three of us. -[Gwen]: Is that me? -[Owen]: Yes. [Owen]: Look outside. Guys, it's snowing. Wow. How beautiful is that? Oh, my gosh. Looks like everybody got their wish.. They sure did. [♪♪♪] [♪♪♪]
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Views: 2,594,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lifetime, mylifetime, lifetime tv, lifetime movies, holiday, christmas, christmas eve, santa, lifetime shows, lifetime channel, dance moms, lifetime dance moms, lifetime full episodes, lifetime original movies, new lifetime movies, lifetime movie promos, lifetime movie trailers, new movies, watch lifetime movies, full lifetime movies, A Gift Wrapped Christmas, watch A Gift Wrapped Christmas, A Gift Wrapped Christmas full movie, Meredith Hagner, Christmas romance, holiday movies
Id: rp-DoteKZtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 6sec (5286 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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