How to Manipulate Others! | Emily is Away Too (Part 1)

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if you're in the chat we're fighting between comedy and more yes by Jim yes my - yeah should watch yes some together Oh together and it's hard that is that is a big win that is big win because that is like oh I'll protect you baby it's okay ha oh yeah hi all those those scary spelunking monsters yeah hide new pits on top fresh okay let's get out [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GG lives where Stephanie was out off saying no I was like hey guys welcome to GG live hey guys this is an awkward this is our artistic way of doing today's live stream this is a scary games Friday no not at all today we're playing Emily is away - we're gonna play Emily's way - I think we should get going I think we should boot her on up Emily knows about family is it called back to an earlier time in life in which people used chat boxes in order to seduce one another in order to talk to the cute girl or boy mostly girl online oh he had a crush on and it was a way to like scandalously talk to them without actually hopping on a phone it was like a phone but it was it's like a phone it's kind of like texting but it was instant messaging right this was a one-semester was true story this is the place where I learned to type because you can take all the like little typing typing programs teach me the Mavis beacons of the world but you are not learning to type like a pro until you're in there trying to run three AOL Instant Messenger conversations and you're nine and you're like oh my god if if I don't carry on all three of these conversations these people are gonna think I went away and they're gonna stop talking to me what yeah I can totally relate can you know I didn't talk to anyone over instant messenger it was the only scandalous thing I did as a nine year old was talked to my friends using AOL Instant Messenger because it's like my parents don't know that we're communicating because we're not using the phone and they're not savvy enough to know that you can communicate instantly over the internet I don't know I don't know why I didn't really talk to people over instant I was too busy like doing work and homework and extracurricular activities you're laughing Emily is a way to new Emily new choices click a chip so we didn't play the also also hold up before we even start I have an itch to kick I have an itch to pick it up and we're gonna play the game look thus begins the commentary on the gating because this is a game commentary stream we we banter look this is my first impression of the game they've already they've already failed in their cursive as someone who writes in cursive and gets yelled at all the time for how illegible it is I know what cursive is supposed look like this is a cursive II ily that's a cursive end and so it's emily is away not emily is a way of saying i always thought it was weird how you had to actually have three little humps for the m and two for the i can never get enough humps in cursive no that's true that's what that's why i use that's why your writing method of choice my only place I can find the humps I don't know why it didn't bother you about three uh Anna Lee is a way to new Anna Lee new choices here we go how about we start which after one let's do it summer 2006 Emily who's Emily my mother would say she's everyone every girl in pink everywhere wait a gender stereotype wife is 2017 we're gender fluid up in here why is the boy not in purple why is the girl not in orange don't you respect me based on my colors yeah the white guy feels restricted by his color every person why is the person in white person's can be in black or gray or brown red whatever you wouldn't be able to see it honestly there's actually probably a pretty specific reason I'm the person is not black in this in yellow yellow person the man drop the colors guys I'm so sorry we're never gonna make it we're never gonna do it Oh every girl every boy every person that anyone is that anyone has ever loved okay so here we go love me Anna leave Thursday August 3rd before senior year connecting is bringing back memories Stephanie yeah this is like little little tot Steph's experience all right all right taught stuff what's your screen name Debbie poo yeah you want to be stuffy stuffy poops Stephie - no it's are you here Stephie poo have you seen my name your first name is Matt Pat all right fine Oh catfishing all right I'm playing the girl but really I'm the boy whoa all right roleplay here we go sorry uh Stephie poo what's your what's your little icon here your avatar ooh this is important TBS it says Sopranos stuff that's soap Randall oh did you think it's super anus did you think it's a super ADA steps would you like would you like to identify a super a today we can give you super anus it's fine great super anus it is and Stephie poo AKA matpat represented by super 8 it's her favorite show I really I actually very familiar with the logo for The Sopranos - it's not like I've never seen that she's also what enough also very familiar with super 8 off to a good start everybody the actors on super anus work very hard man those oh my god so anyway mad at Wow strong start here friends it also it's also I never so personal profile what what color would you like what color background would you like purple best represents my spirit I feel no no what's your tell mine that's really yeah there you go no never mind we got to change that background well I'm not gonna be able to put up with this have a blue this it's all that okay fine great personal what do you want Charmeleon air arctic monkeys or against me what is this for music I guess I don't know music that were tuned that's too hip for either of us great Arctic Monkeys I bet that you look good on the dancefloor it's correct don't know if you're looking for romance or Harry Potter Harry Potter total damn straight it matters not what someone is born but what they grow to be don't be normal we see what we want this is so don't be normal dummy normal okay good we're we're the weirdo yeah suits words we're stepping poo the secret identity of matpat who's a fan of super anus loves blue and yellow and is a big fan of Harry Potter doesn't make sure we don't want to be normal here forever okay Punk forever I said yo map at yo yeah it's Punk for Eva uh yo I think we think we mirror yeah I think we mirrors yeah yo yo Evelyn Punk forever also it's it's worth noting that the other reason why I probably did too a lot of instant messenger is the lack of grammar and punctuation and proper spelling but like even in my text messages I don't abbreviate things my dog I don't like miss capitalize ur and like I was very exact in my typing you weren't you were you were a super actually a perfect representation for you know Evelyn oh no Oh No so many peas Oh so many big thing when it comes to text messaging now and in even my G chat messages and stuff I don't capitalize everything that I should capitalize but I I don't misspell stuff and I'll go back and correct myself I go but yeah but when I was doing AOL Instant Messenger and again again this is all about typing efficiency because the people using this have never typed in their lives so the whole point was a short of care of characters as possible to convey the the greatest ideas possible and so I leaned in to you to the NPS and the lol's and the was ups of the world oh yeah I was all about it see this all this already is stress it's like what what's the problem here you're not abbreviate you you've actually made the word longer and harder and less efficient by adding multiple Peter adding connotation you're adding subtext I'm laid back and hip yo what is up or no no you don't like someone who's trying to fake a really bad Japanese accent what is up boom you know what know what this reminds me of is my computer right now is uh the key it's on the fridge it's the power cord won't hold this is the true real life behind a youtuber right now RL YouTube my my computer a power cord is broken and won't stay in the computer anymore also my you and question marks don't work they only work occasionally and so I'll sit there and like hit you a bunch of times I don't find a decisive work and then when it does work it always types in either two or three uses and so this just reminds me of my broken you it's trying to make you cooler it's your computer trying to make you hip Matt what is up I'm talking about peeps I'm talking to Pete Rhys nut you were arriving some secret snuggle time with skipper how about you come to peeps how about you oh my god this is so this is the level of lame the most conversations on AOL Instant Messenger what it would this is this is like exactly what would happen hey hey what's up and anvil which was not much can you love 2017 Oh is expressing I think also the frustration here which has just played a game I know not much you not much young man there be a lull until someone could think of something to say it was terrible well the other thing about this that where I was like play the game yeah just chilling I can't decide like hey you know what I would be so proud of you punk forever if you get through one sentence without misspelling that would be amazing I can't decide to do the what color zone I believe in you you can do it I believe in you paint those nails on forever you do it good on you you can do it come on Oh Zahraa says y'all will never finish okay sorry but it's such a struggle it's painting the nails is the struggle is real friends the struck man we live in a world where there's so much weighing down on our shoulders but really the colors when it's such a struggle speaking of colors I like your new scheme spent a lot of touch a lot of time definitely a lot of time you know I did spend a lot of time picking it yellow and blue man those nice opposite colors on the color spectrum it's great so how's your son she doesn't like me because I'm too anal she can already tell so how's our summer going um I in the interest of being laid back and cool I'm going to say boring okay yes boring honestly it's been kinda boring see this is how you know that I'm lean back and yeah oh I'm sorry well you've been up to romance no no I think we don't we want to lure her in by by teasing her with some other romance no hanging out with friends we're cool enough to have friends but not cool enough to be in early romance romance is romance oh you know just some summer romance that's the wrong choice no it isn't because then the girls like all Stephie poo is hot enough to be desirable why can't I have stuffy boots it's it's playing stuff you're playing the emotion game no you want to see you have friends girls yeah hopefully no they have too much competition see you look oh my how scandalous I can't believe we go see that's it I've seeded the idea in her mind now she's thinking about it but she's moved on because she's like ooh that matpat guy he's really hot he's really hot he got think about that way stuff uh I can't believe it's go back to school in a month all she's got distressed face I'm gonna say school's okay cash keep it changed yeah keep playing neutral high schools okay high school does not possess okay high school is okay it's a contraction bro okay yeah can be like our history class est bless ya that sounds great no mr. beard back no that class was great because you were in it come on you got oh yo you're totally right Jesus yeah it is got a player psychology you are the thing that made that that great yeah exactly got a really little punk for Eva we never really talked before that rule you still have to hang out with me and my friend sometime definitely definitely definitely yeah yeah show enthusiasm yeah welcome to manipulation the video game otherwise known as IRL high school otherwise known as IRL dating yeah oh my gosh the conversations that we have with people who are sick oh my gosh yeah that'd be awesome great I would love to do that great okay I can choose one two three okay great got any big plans for the rest of the summer moreover end of the summer party nothing I think we go nothing I began then she'll be like ooh we could I get together yeah three oh no really got me and my friends are driving up to the Warped Tour on Saturday oh do you know that's the oldest is the oldest running concert series in the u.s. I did not know that yeah it is been going on for a long time that's cool yeah have you ever been I've never been to the Warped Tour all I really know about it is that blink-182 performed it like every Warped Tour concert in all of the 1990s and early to be be we could we could relate to her about our mutual love blink-182 I did like blink 182 and I was in the middle school Oh shots fired blink Waddington wanting to put on blast by GT lay her baby shots fired blink 182 have you heard anything they've done and last like I don't know nine years they're all jams are still the best jam so great jams but how do I know if I'm still a fan of them if I haven't listened to anything they've done in like decades you can't be a fan of them in regard to their old stuff does that mean that like when your favorite authors die you no longer like them anymore yeah because their repertoire has ended and I know that they're not going to want you to produce any more material that may or may not suck suck on that Chaucer and Shakespeare put on notice lose okay should we ask if she's going to we can't we can't we know what the warp tour is and we don't want to ignore it no don't we ask her if she's gonna mosh which shows that we very clearly know or did more neutral are you excited I think going to go into my going so much are you going to boss this is here we go oh yeah men hitting my boys punk rock shows so much that I won't spell it correctly what's your favorite kind of music punk rock - oh yeah is that too similar you do that are alternative avoid hip hop no definitely not hip-hop cuz if she likes punk rock I can see her being like alternative you're kind of interesting Park is like to exact we want to expose her to new things I think we go alternative Christina V in the chat is inform us of link WA need you just put out any music it sounds a lot like the old music then I would probably wait also I feel like people's tastes evolved from middle school to like the rest of your life shoot I should elected Punk as well [Music] shoot Evelyn will remember that oh she's gonna be disappointed in us but rocks so good though I I like someone I like some of it there we go my favorites no don't want to be we don't want to be flighty hey I like some of it yeah diverse interests eclectic well being eclectic see we could already tell I can't wait to see Senses Fail do you know them maybe maybe I think we go maybe no no I'm gonna go nope there come on maybe if I heard him she's gonna remember that - try this one here we go lies YouTube was not there calling out your fake news and aleeah's away - right / this is great oh you want that you want to establish that connection I listen to if she can teach you and change real oh did I just shout this up this is it we can't play too much of this I don't know if it's gonna get played for YouTube YouTube gods so they're like oh [ __ ] you down shoutouts though for them actually look at this this is actually really impressive oh man even have it raining looks like me just took an actual YouTube page and then convert it they have thriller okay I'm gonna say that was amazing yeah this is great this is great yes you're the best it's official boom look at me showing an open mind in your best it's my favorite song by them the lyrics in my buddy info speaking of infos I don't think I've looked at yours what's my what's my info I is this my this is my info don't yeah if you're looking for romance or it matters not what someone is born but what they grow to be I just hate it I think we just got so legitimately in in my attempts to show myself as cool and desirable to women folk um I wrote and printed up a bunch of like poetry and song lyrics especially when I went to college to put up around everywhere to get people interested it's show like oh look at this guy he's so deep and interesting with and he'll do that with any of the poetry don't do that Delf written oh yes certainly it was your own certainly some of it was yes yes it was a terrible I don't do it as a pro take learn from older matpat to younger people who might be watching right now don't do that just it was stupid what happened what what why would you recommend against that no one is impressed you just look like an absolute jerk like you look really bad we look pretentious you look like you're trying too hard and spoiler alert most of that self written poetry is probably not super stellar no offense unless you're like I know Pablo Neruda or something like that Chris what would you recommend Chris Chris just got out of college like a year ago so so fresh out of the college scene would you recommend posting your own self written poetry and also curating your own lyrics to make yourself look cooler no there you go you earned it here didn't work when I was going to college didn't work for Chrissy there great fantastic hey I just updated it we just updated it with generic song lyrics I thought she's reading it right now of course it's best not to do what I did in college either which was decorate your dorm room as if it were a prison cell by not putting up any artwork or anything interesting I didn't want anything that would make me nostalgic and remind me of home because I was I was nervous about going and living somewhere else and so I didn't put up anything in my college dorm room don't do that either you'll just make yourself miserable Arctic Monkeys there okay she she's not impressed man I don't know where my friends are they were supposed to pick me up like a half an hour ago probably did what no no I'm sorry no that's that's whoosh wussy call them call them you can call them thanks Captain Obvious right yeah I might were supposed to go to my friend's house and partay I'm jealous what that sounds like fun so fun it deserves two eggs I'm jealous okay maybe next time you could come what about this time what about now now time I should probably start getting some stuff together shoot that's weird good stuff together need to get stuff is it a sleepover is it a sexy sleepover with multiple girls hey oh yeah there's a good chance I'll stay over Jackie's tonight no jack is all I should bring a movie want to help me pick I mean final destination 3 or the descent oh the descent is so much better than fine depends on what they're going yeah right if they're going for like horror comedy final destination is pretty funny if they're going for a straight horror the descent is definitely terrifying right no descent Oh obviously I wonder when you type the raw like if you choose the wrong thing if they start typing yeah and then they were shoot that was definitely final destiny because that is great though it is a legitimate great horror movie if you haven't watched it watch it it is quite strong I know right that movie creeps me out Oh just don't go spelunking yeah me too yeah just ghosts walking you'll be fine I feel like I'm so bad at dating right now you guys I'm nailing this she loves it she loved I don't know yeah I'm never doing that well you're kind of boring then movies are your favorite about comedy really I feel like that's a safe bet I know right that movie creeps me out not more because horror makes you a weirdo not action because that's too manly girls aren't into action she's alternative right think she's alternative she's gonna work for her she's Punk right [ __ ] so what's that mean Jason what's that mean in your yeah let's do her all right where it is I think I'd have to say poor or movies I like that I like that he corrects in the typing he corrects the space between words doesn't actually correct this belly it's great people want people in the chat we're fighting between comedy and more yes I do yes my - yeah should watch get some together oh and it's hard that is that is a big win that is big win because that is like oh I'll protect you baby it's okay hi oh yeah hi all those those scary spelunking monsters yeah hide your pits aren't that fresh okay let's get out your lipsticks gonna get my nice white shirt so they're so they're yeah oh oh we should watch them together at some point yeah eyes like that work for sure sure I do what I like that art for sure ah fo sho you think Rochelle oh wait think Jason I need your dating tour I do scream I would not do to I think yeah cheers to it too is too eager like oh yeah for sure for sure oh Sh oh here we go hey just got a text they'll be here soon they're not dead uh who's going I think who's goin sup a conversation about so so another fun into the messenger story we know someone who is a bit older than than us and everyone watching who did Instant Messenger sales and we're given to chat rooms and then get private instant messengers with people and try to get them into conversations about what was it Manny means he would try to do everything in his power to drive them into like conversations about management by man so that this is advertising back in the Instant Messenger age where it'd be like oh yeah I love a good tuna fish sandwich with Hellmann's mani yeah almonds is my favorite I don't go with any other brand just helmet his sole job was to get people specifically women into conversations because they're moms that would lead into talk about Manny's yeah no joke that was his job he was paid to do hashtag spawn except no one ever knew yeah you would never know like these are the days before hashtag spawn isn't that wild how is Maddie hey go seduce women on the internet and get them to talk about mayonnaise welcome to advertising ladies and gentlemen all right your mayonnaise I think we say who's going because that's gonna get a conversation about her friends and we can be like oh I like those people we totally know people in common Oh use the tab key to switch windows Oh Oh someone else Emmer's Emma's 35 Hey hey Matt Pat Hey mirror it yeah oh this is Emily this is Emily what's up okay good talking to peep wait oh this is so funny my my style of talking is completely different yeah you can already tell yep cuz it's talking to people not chatting with peeps yeah and stuff Lee this is interesting okay so I'm gonna say talking to people does that make you seem too busy oh nothing really yeah yeah that's really you should check no wait sorry just texting him back hurry up Steve Jackie and Nate are picking me up they're late because Steve had to get the alcohol oh man Steve do I know I should say do I know him no that makes you seem desperate like oh man no I'm just curious like it is that do I know I think it makes you seem jealous nothing really either so did you do anything fun tonight Oh today today just chill just video games all about the video games hung out with friends no absolutely not friends right why not hung out with friends why do you not ever want to bring up one friends we know that you're like you're like some kind of psycho you're like each other what do we say just chill no I just chilled around the house it was great okay maybe Steve Myers he graduated last year he's only 28 but he's got a fake ID don't do that Oh bet that's handy right stay clean yes that that's handy I need to get a friend with one won't support that line of thought guys about quality quality cool a punji now we're backed into a corner we should have spent time with friends then we would have something interesting to say instead now we're just we're gonna be stuck saying sat on the computer watch TV that's so we could talk about the latest episode of better call Saul fine watch to see this is too much multitasking I can't focus on this many things this is where you learn to type man telling you shoot okay y'all give him your screen name oh man okay Wow they ended up with a lot I see some drunk texts like you can see the future uh I want some no no no no I'm I'm reading through guess what steps some people listen to this live stream instead of watching it so I'm reading through the options for the benefit of the the seeing impaired thank you giving me a hard time about it that's hilarious or you can see this I think you can see the future I think that's funny I think that's funny yeah yeah you can see the future what do they say ha that's funny and witty well I spent this morning playing video you're like all friends o friends offering you know what you know what sometimes friends are overrated okay and it's okay to admit that you like video games okay didn't know you played so options are that's cool didn't know you played and should have played together should have played together together let's play Oh next you'll see I'm sure some are headed your way drunk text oh oh there's an opening next weekend this weekend should be fun but my friends are ditching me next weekend brownie phase I can see why oh boo screw them yeah I don't care like you screw then move your friends the sense to him I'm like addicted to that game haha alright alright well we'll work with it we'll work with it hey me too we're pretty solid right damn damn girl seems too damn girl you please seems to - that's a solid choice law girl girl pump forever they're going on a road trip and my mom won't let me go I need plans oh yeah we could do something hang out with me or we can do we can do something you could just rest here we could do something yeah we could do that horror movie right maybe some together oh yeah Get Rid together yeah I think middle maybe chill what chillin listen to me no no she introduced you to that new band she did but she already opened the door to the sea this is the wrong way you follow it up she opened the door to the horror movie you follow it up with the horror movie here we go freestyle choice really I'm just a sucker for any RPG ish game what are your favorites Oh mmm OHS no RPG RPG marry you don't want you don't want to be like no I'm an FPS per ton oh that's gonna turn off the RPG or right away also this is before FPS is became really huge right RPGs are ladies - yeah let's mirror yeah that's a golden golden eye is not an RV always hang out like Eva is like all up in our business okay forever poor Eva saw as in forever Stephanie it's forever it's a punk for Eva it's yeah thanks super anus super anus bonding with Punk for Eva I do I dunno actually do you know yeah just hang out yeah she's a punk I guess so what No poor Eva yeah just her name is Eva Lynn oh my god Punk just no just no no I'm the one who years you're supposed to be the one who's face palming not me the ideas are yeah just us I guess so why not and I we should go for - no because that opens the door - like she has a reason why not no no it doesn't work let's go - Jason you gotta be chill about this you guys - so he's too overeager with number one I was I was gonna say do you want to go for it like make it clear it's a date situation I think we go slow okay great but it doesn't show whoa what whatever you want not exactly what it was that that is Stefan who's losing ground no no really no wonder we're such good friends oh no we're in the friendzone we should hang out and play games sometime I'm player one I guess we have it like and now now we're like cornered into number one now we should yeah we definitely should I had a shoot yeah I know that was weak weak weak sauce not you know what who cares I want I wanted pumped forever anyway I don't know we're not really into thick right ah no we could get a group to go damn it I knew it I knew it the music angle was wrong then leaving it up to her would she have said this anyway cuz this could have easily been a response to us being like yeah just us we're blocked on both fronts here friends we have blown it on all sides we're crashing a burden this is for people who can't get it right as a single fake date online Jesus we've all we've all in some capacity studied human psychology and we are all failing hard guys we got we got friend-zoned twice twice in 20 text messages guys but we could get a group together and do something else maybe Oh sounds good sounds good does it no it sounds sucky okay I guess yeah oh wait stop stop everything one stop everything it's sprinkler time okay I guess let me know oh this is painful there's one thing we can count on and that is delightful rain from the heavens sprinkler time nobody the reason everything right sprinkler time speak their time sprinkler time Hemingway's sprinkler time Emily's ways sprinkler touch right spring time left sprinkle jump right it's pretty good job sprinkle sprinkle horizontal sprinkler time sprinklers idols sprinkler time sprinkle up sprinkler time sprig or down Precor time sprinkler up spring boot time spring go down sprinkle sprinkle of Stephanies free clear tønsberg long way sprinkler times we're on Stephanie's 4/3 times we're dead in the water this is awful ok Emily so this is terrible yeah that'd be so fun so that was my morning then I just hung out at yes house radio that's damn that's cool now that J radio 49 no I think I think you got I think we just missing let's not talk about it yeah that's cool that's cool okay right we don't care about you I don't care about him whatever he's boys what do you say boys in the corner one time you guys had a date God oh that's cool remember drag Osama said spring go time destroy destroy Earth says sprinkled sprinkler tiny Tristan Singler singer thank you for your sprinkle and for saying sprinkle time teddy no way it's thank you for your sprinkle this animated phantom thank you for your wails sprinkles and umbrellas Max's well thank you for your sprinkles uh Jean gooey goo goo gee thank you for your sprinkle Maddy Vickers Eveline manatee Sabrina broad knacks ninja peanut nine and mango thank you for your spring potato King gaming as well and when you don't have a name which is a cool name okay it actually got super but okay ladies and gentlemen Emily has opened the door for us oh she has the door has been open she's throwing us a bone and this is exactly where my own personal life history comes in cuz the girl I was trying to win over via instant messenger also opened the door to me she's like oh my boyfriend and I are on the right we're having a rough go things are kind of weird and then it's like yeah Olin yeah didn't work at all actually she she led me on and played me and used me to make her boyfriend jealous and and get back with her so I got played got played the fool but I can relate to this I know what this is man I was right Mike it's my game was so strong got Superboy the thing was the door was open but it was never really open she was playing me the whole time uh actually got super boring so I left I'm glad you asked for more for you really yep that's what I was born no open that she wants to talk about it trust me oh that stop he's just doing his own thing the whole time yeah right don't you hate it when you want to play The Sims 2 and he's like doing his own thing whatever I'd rather be home talking to people anyways like me people like yeah yeah no yeah no I'm glad you're home then it's like gay for you I'm glad you're home then yeah we have to go yeah one glad you're home then [Music] well she was thinking I was thinking the other day this is it she's thinking about me it's pretty crazy how our group of friends has stayed together like all of high school I know I know it is no it's yeah it is crazy like I can't believe it too is like you I really I really three is like yeah I don't know how yeah so - thank you you know it's it's pretty cool I totally support this dating I wonder senior here is gonna change that um don't think so no I don't know yeah yeah three I don't know then we have open door to more conversation so okay here wants to talk about it here's here's a manipulation tactic no but it's true and I think this game is showing it which is people like people who mirror them in a lot of ways that's true and so if she's expressing pinch for instance the reason why we mirrored the intro to everyone when they're like hey so-and-so and mirrored hey back it's because you're supposed to like in a job interview or things like that you're supposed to mirror the other person's body language hearing techniques work because they make people feel comfortable feel comfortable with you yeah like oh they're doing what I would do in this situation so they must they like me right and so unless we're actively like and we know that we're actively like setting her fears aside or anything like that which we don't yet unless we have something really insightful to say we should mirror back her feelings and opinions yeah sure unless you're actively doing something like oh I want to show that I'm a little bit different or interesting like we did with alternative rock whoa I don't know yeah yeah I wonder I know I guess we'll see are we weak super 8 good yeah I don't know people have already started actively like her boyfriend yeah yep no not of course not we'll see it's not we'll see and not of course it's got to be sure how was it of course because she's saying that the friend group is falling apart if you want to remain close you have to be enthusiastic with Chris on that one actually really she's afraid of that's true people okay don't leave me alone no you're totally right yeah actually okay and actually a true story again this is the way that I would win over women I think is like by winning over their friendship you become an indispensable friend which way then you accelerate out of the friendzone right step it wrote you relate you relate celebrating other friends okay the really slow path pick up on that vehicle good it would suck to lose you yeah ah yeah here we go hey do you know the band that's Snow Patrol I do oh definitely chasing cars I think oh definitely ah racing cars shows you know uh specific yeah a specific song which is good I guess though right it's a question it's not yeah chasing cars it's choosing car okay one okay oh definitely Oh most definitely great most deaths have you ever listened to their new album yet oh yeah yes yes the the answer she's looking for here is yes okay we can relate and have something to talk about apparently having the same music preferences as someone else is really important oh yeah of course this is my favorite song off of it oh god why do people relate over music oh it's the worst I always felt really insecure because I didn't know as much music as people around me in high school great we can't we can't play that that copyright ideas gonna gonna love Mac and now oh I like it likes it I like it oh I like this song a lot I'm not a robot responding to this I like this song very much thank you okay this is the best of songs isn't it grand apparently almost definitely isn't it grand oh yes oh good would you like to join me for a spot of tea maybe the music video is really cool too it's perfectly timed perfectly timed really it's so boring asking a question is where was it shot I don't know looks like it look like perfectly timed fine fine yeah it's like it's like perfectly time look at how casual I am it's like perfect in time I see she knows I love how the headlights turn on the music crescendos I want to see them live so bad but like no bands ever play around here oh that's so true that is so true see reflect reflect reflect we're like mirror shield great like the Zelda mirror shield that's so true but all we get is like work tour yeah stupid warped oh yeah we totally oh let's hope that pump forever did you ever used to do that was probably gonna bite us where you were trying where you would try and trap somebody anything something by text and by instant messaging with someone while another person was there did you ever do that again I did not instant message that was totally attacked it that was too busy all right we doing work sorry oh yeah that's like random people do you know anyone who goes to the rooms yeah I mean we do yeah what's her face yeah poor Eva yes some friends this girl who wants a punk for her yeah so my friends are going yeah oh yeah I don't think I know anyone that's going well sucks that your friend circle isn't as wide as mine ha ha ha what's your favorite kind of music alternative yes because that Cherie the same yeah keep it straight man you don't want a lie it's alternative yeah yes and we also did that for forever so we're good well and also chasing caught like ah I think Snow Patrol should be a list under all that should be Emily will remember that mom Emily oMG me too yeah ok ok good good good I am seriously the best that's what that other girl said and then she was like then I dropped the ball and then I'm gonna ditch you for this guy who's brought me alcohol wrong text me or later though I might be I might get some drunk text ease okay you're seriously the best no you are no Stephanie you are that's weird that's all I learn that gets that heck it's awkward that [ __ ] I know or Lopez well thanks I think we do law thing right we got to dismiss it casually right everyone agree little things well thanks no thanks we all grieve all things we got a four-way agreement on Lowell thanks brain trust right here so bad at this you guys we're killing it Emily loves us hey you finally set up your buddy info Arctic Monkeys lyrics they're in my info Wow that's how enthusiastic I am it'll use even the song would you look at that well well golly gee golly gee willikers would you look at that oh well um here let's let's can we see her real family there we go my tongue still misbehaves and it keeps digging my own grave your name isn't Rio but I don't care for sand and lighting life moves pretty fast don't miss it okay that's not actually from Ferris Bueller but it's you know okay okay okay they're really good I think they're really good ah or you know it they're in my info too you know what you say Jason really you know it you know it girl good a little flirty man all right let's do it you're so embody let's get flirty oh you know it all right let's let's crank up the heat let's crank up the heat so you're like my favorite person now that's it open the door Emily open the door you're not are not so bad oh I think I don't know I think I don't know how you do no come on emojis where it gets weird person now not you're not so bad all things god that's why I think the tongue like the emoji is like that's not a tongue no it isn't that's an excited face it's an open whatever it's an open mouth really you're gonna go through yeah you're not so bad I don't think it's all thanks we gotta escalate if you want to go for it make sure you're not so bad just clear end zone stuff how many how many women identities you are my favorite person now I have been I have had people attempt to just adduce me and okay put yourself in Emily's case nearly you're clearly you're starting to have feelings what is gonna make you tingle feel tingly you're not so bad absolutely that would be like geez can't you muster up anything better than that but right exactly she did end with an emoji mirroring Steph mirror okay okay let's take a vote let's take a bow Jason what do you say [Music] okay we have one vote emoji Chris I mean emoji yeah yeah what's your concern about emoji here's your heart say well I'm worried what the like automated actual I thought this was like an embarrassed sort of face almost sometimes you know I think that's weird like oh my gosh yeah that's exciting face stuff correct yes my eyes are squished together and I'm like the chat is voting for number two by the way really yeah it feels too much like a thing he feels dismissive to what she said one is escalating playfully kind of the problem is it might get misconstrued all right now it's your turn one and three the chat is now torn between 1 & 3 it doesn't look like there's a winner in the chat oh this is so this is crucial go with your heart this is cruel business this is the moment that makes or breaks this conversation thread no you know you can't rely on a coin flip Stephanie as a woman what is going to get you excited uh this isn't fair because know what no one using emoji is going to win me over do it right you're not so bad I would go with one I'd go with one I know you're not gonna do it but I'd go with one I'm so conflicted Oh one fine hey you're not so bad yourself good he did the yourself that's what I was gonna say if you're doing it you have to use you twice okay I was what's gonna say like you have to throw it back at her and you have to make it very clear that it's a like a deliberate understatement so that way she gets in you're like oh he actually does like about it okay oh here comes the boyfriend the boyfriend is coming in boyfriend's Oh quick I need your help coming up with a good excuse okay you're dogging it I love it it's great what no and it needs to be faster okay that's it haha I don't know about that shoot told you what it was supposed to be funny oh no Jeff wants us to hang out with his friends this weekend but I really don't want to no no this is bad we got to recover we got a recover we got to recover no and actually again in we look like such horrible people on the phone the reason why you want to say why not is because you want her to verbalize and think about why she doesn't like jack 100% you want her to openly admit why she doesn't like Jeff because then it gets her to think about it and say it and put it out into the world which makes it more real and makes it feel more substantial 100% and now she's opening up to you in which case you can snatch her up theoretically why not why don't you want to hang out Emily hello Emily hmm hanging out with his friends just means sitting around getting oh that's not all this is totally gonna be like fun and I really don't and I don't really drink so I don't see shoot Punk forever is gonna be like oh but he said he wanted oh no no no it doesn't sound like fun well that sucks horn oh yeah that doesn't sound like fun one go one one yeah that doesn't sound like fun yeah yes yeah you're good you're you respect her opinion I do agree with that I do yes oh yeah do you drink matpat pool man she's oh she's getting real now she used my name this is serious again this is a test okay okay this is true this is exactly like the mental backflips that you do and you're talking to someone and it is this is exactly what people do in Congress that you'd like it's it's all a game of chess it's all a game of like points and counter points and like blocking and selectively releasing information and then tests and there are certain moments like this one again where like I'm curious now cuz you you having said that yeah we're there were there moments cause you and I've known each other for a long time yeah were there moments when when you when you did this Oh certainly of course all the time all the time you and I'm sure you did too 100% absolutely you did guarantee yeah you might not want to admit it or you might not be thinking of any right now but I guarantee that there are certain moments in our relationship where you have specifically asked me pointed questions Oh getting people forgetting people - yeah and every portal you actually savvy down had a video game to test how I could like problems on way through portals oh yeah that's right and how I would react to it and like would I give up on the challenges and listen that yeah that's right luckily you passed that one no I'm gonna be deal breaker anyway okay let's play do you drink matpat no no I don't I think it's no I don't what did I say to Emily pump forever I need to get it but you need you said I need a friend of the fake ID I did say that but I never said I actually drink cuz no and I never had the opportunity to say yes or no to the drinking friends yeah yes so I think we go to - no I don't it's not definitely not it's no I don't ya know I don't know I like do you I do drink very nice a tall glass of Matt that nice cool drink of water aka Matt Matt Pat coming to a beverage stand there you know I do you drink Matt Matt no I don't drink matpat I drink diet coke cool beings we're in the same boat you bet we are why why don't you drunk I don't like being drunk which is well it's it's it's actually all these things but to me so 3 you want to hear uh what one is left committal than three I don't like being drunk Jeff sits around with his friends and it's true it is true Jeff sits around with his friends and you get drunk yeah he doesn't like that I don't like getting drunk I don't it I like lying drunk I don't like being drunk let's try it I don't like being Jeff is what that's exactly yeah I am NOT Jeff I do not enjoy the things that Jeff likes that you don't like yeah okay good one Chris yeah hominin I just don't really like being drunk yes okay come on okay come on roll the dice say okay good there you go you've been hitting those high fives really hard it kind of hurts so I just panicked and I said I already had plans ah what are your plans obviously she has no idiot right the old schedule no I think you do but you don't have plans because then she'll be like no then you invite her over so now the Lord takes in your alluring all right fine right what are you just what are your plans and then she's like oh I don't really have plans then you're like now you do baby hey but she does like now you've got what are your labs means I missed the point though if I say what are your plans I missed the point she doesn't have plans that's a thing but you don't have plans so you think you know what she's taught okay but you don't have plans I feel my heart racing this is intense oh god no ha ha I need to find some plans for tomorrow there it is great send it out she set it up your reel ER in right didn't we have plans I think it's gonna be yeah yeah with me doing a plan no didn't we have plans yeah it's it's it's a boy it's it's not it's not overly aggressive hang out with me it's it's I'm giving you the option I'm gonna have to ask ya I'm giving you the way out okay good good okay yeah I didn't we that place yeah that's it yeah didn't we have like a plans we could see if you left in it didn't we have plans you get in you go this is another fun this is a lot of like psychological tactics when you're negotiating for a job or doing anything you wanna have the other person give more information and and speak first you never want to be the first person to say like this is my salary recommendation or anything like that like you always want to make them be the first one to talk it's always like zidane just as much information as you need to continue you're already hired it doesn't matter here we go maybe should we invite other people no I'm fine not inviting anyone not other people suck that's too aggressive yeah I'm fine not inviting anyone Shh what you think one yeah right right what what's the goal here not three certainly not three it's either one or two she is still in a relationship also worth noting she might be like a little uncomfortable I'm fine not inviting anyone right it's tough it's a it's a weird prompt but I feel like if you don't take the chance to declare something right I think declares declare let's let's go bulb mom I'm fine not inviting anyone no wait I thought that we're gonna go with other people suck yeah oh you're saying other people say yeah let's go bold go bold okay okay right you do you do you do have to like it is good to go bold I don't really keep no know what you want okay we did have a that in any way shape or form no no not okay we say game you're tearing on my heart when I'm with you know what apps backspace delete too late there's no decay I got it like the far right it's like the antithesis of what that said you just got sabotage the games sabotage does oh oh this is why other people suck nos for other people yeah thank thank you Emily for picking up the slack on that one and we both like the same games thanks for being my cover hey any time any time I'm always here for you any time you need one [Music] I'm excited for tomorrow now I'm excited too yeah it'll be fun or no I'm excited fog mirror and the friends I'm Meerut oh you're excited too okay yeah I'm excited for it too baby baby baby I'm excited for baby oh wow it's getting kind of late huh yeah stay up no no no ah no it's not I guess it is I guess it is it's a mirror your mirror yeah don't argue here here all guess it is great that's the other thing you want to get them at like 2:00 in the morning it's the best time I'm gonna head to see ya trying to catch them at 2:00 in the morning what the buffoon and a magic there we go some real sex and a magic trick makes the world disappear press the button and the lower left to sign out okay did we finish chapter one did we do it we did oh no way oh man we're an hour 15 in the stream I think uh Ike right I think we actually cut it right it's another out yeah I think I think we save it for the next stream I know but we have like I know and I know chapters are there well there's five chapters Oh fun but but it's just it's like our streams I like our streams being like ninety minutes not an hour fifteen yeah but the last two have been two hours naturally is a brand-new is a brand new flower uh it's it's up to you i think i think it's i think it's cleanest and nicest it is to cut it here it is okay we have some special stuff going on tomorrow especially that we do have special ready for anyway and i and we can strategize about the best way to continue to seduce people online okay that's great that's fine um also it's worth noting to everyone I did end up playing hello neighbor who was watching yesterday I did end up playing hello neighbor until I got into that room that I was trying to stack the boxes and when I got into it and it was literally just a large giant yellow room with nothing in it so you miss great like I'm glad that we didn't continue because there was nothing in there uh so anyway I hope that you've learned a few manipulation tactics for all your interpersonal relationships go forth let's recap what we've learned today shall we got mirror and hearing is number one hearing how people look mirroring what people say the phrases that they use as long as they're not too weird always oh we can go in a lot of key yeah reflecting what they feel back at them what else caching people at 2:00 in the morning when they're more likely to make bad decisions that's a good one we learned that you want to get people to verbalize how they feel about certain things yes especially when it comes to like negative emotions and trying to like scoop in on the positive that's definitely one yeah get them to dish like pour their heart out to you man I hate all this stuff yeah guess who's not like any of that stuff this guy this guy's not like that mm-hmm-hmm so you have to escalate it slowly yeah and then dog in the pot exactly you put that Lobster in you turn up the heat slowly never know they're being cooked No so anyway remember thank you guys so much for watching and remember that is just a stream oh i'm stream thank you for manipulating your loved ones here you go oh blue butterfly says lalala logs olivia thrush is my god he says pineapple game this is bad mr. Llosa says I love you guys and everything that you do except the green energy - Wow bears
Channel: GTLive
Views: 532,727
Rating: 4.93467 out of 5
Keywords: emily is away too, emily is away, emily is away 2, emily is away gameplay, emily is away game, walkthrough, lets play, reaction, indie game, emily is away too jacksepticeye, instant messenger game, gtlive, gt live, matpat, emily is away too gtlive, game theory, game theorists, AOL, instant message, instant messanger
Id: ZqWj_Pp48m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 13sec (4213 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2017
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