DANGER - Do Not Enter! | Suite 776 (Scary Game)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] hey guys and welcome to GT live again cut out the first the second half of that intro cuz you're stuck with me today Stephanie's in the process of getting her hair did wear as you can tell everyone's hair is in the process of changing right now so Stephanie is in the middle of what is ultimately gonna be a two-part we found this out today that it's actually two separate appointments now that she needs in order to get her hair done I know they're starting it today but they finish it next week just because there wasn't enough time her hair apparently by the end of this what they're going for just so you know again this is a donation incentive from the live stream last week for st. Jude that was for crossing I think what four hundred thousand dollars was Stephanie dyeing her hair I believe what they settled on was doing candy cane hair so Stephanie's hair is gonna alternate between like dark red and and pink I think is what she's going for so they've started kind of the base process now and then next week they'll have more time to kind of like strip more of the hair put in like the pinks and Red's so we'll see I don't know I think I'm very curious about how it's all gonna turn out I actually just ran from the hair salon because I was missing a huge chunk of hair over here thanks to Stephanie's expert buzzing during the live stream we had to shorten it up a lot before this big shoot that I have tomorrow in order to make my hair look somewhat normal so this is the most unusual and shortest my hair has ever been until Friday in which point which we're shaving it live on stream so again if you want to see someone get their head shaved for the first time ever and that's purely shaved all the way down that's happening on Friday here with my head so I get this nice haircut for literally two days so enjoy it well last friends I gotta say Chris feel my head oh come on come here and feel this head it's incredible it is so soft isn't that great no this is just how my hair feels apparently when it's that short I know it's crazy I love isn't it fun I like don't want to stop touching my head I remember in elementary school when people would get short haircuts you would always do the like oh your hair feels so good I'm getting that experience right now it's really fun she did a good job of like it's funny because she didn't know the girl that we went to it's the same girl that dyed my hair last year for last year's charity livestreams she's great but um we're like Stephanie shaved my head and there's like big chunks of it missing she's like we'll take it as it comes and she's like cutting down my hair and every once in a while she'd be like oh no like she would discover like a huge chunk missing up here or whatever and she's like up well got him trim it that much higher which is how we got to this today but I like it it's fun and different so I get two days of an experimental new haircut before I go straight bald and start building out the old beard men over there uh yeah that'll be so strange maybe you'll really love not shaving shaving is work shaving is work but it's not like a lot of work that's true like I I don't mind shaving on a regular basis but you had great skin for I get mad razor burn on my neck when I shave yeah it's like kind of why I always avoid it Oh interesting yeah well I will see I predict that my face is gonna be super itchy right because I'm assuming like when you grow facial hair it gets super itchy again I have not not shaved my face for over two days in my life and so to go like three days plus without shaving it's gonna be a wild ride it gets a little itchy and I wouldn't worry about it too much nothing some lotion can't solve that's true some unscented lotion ooh the best kind only the best kind of lotion so since stephanie is getting her hair did right now you're stuck with me on the couch I apologize but hey we get some quality bonding time together playing a game a parent I don't know sweet seven seven six that is their sweet seventy seven seven seven hundred seventy six what is it I'm assuming that this is a poor game should like it has that sort of like sparse nature and oddly vague title that screams to me this is gonna be a scary game it is gonna be a scary game well the idea frog detective wasn't super well-received in the couch yesterday so isolated hey Billy frog detective I was excited well we'll play it next week because next week is closer to Christmas better be happier all that sort of stuff yeah you don't want a horror or game I mean you never know so 776 so it's just a horror game that's all I need to know yeah it's just a horror game should be pretty easy to follow and you know it begins like most of them to kind of ease you in get comfortable and then it'll get spooky great fantastic well you can engage in today's livestream let me know what you think of the hair did by using hashtag GT live where Kris has drawn a weird nipple for a for a bottle here I see this as like a baby bottle but I think it's supposed to be a hotel Bell it is supposed to be a bell but now I also see the box Janna you cannot unsee right like I feel like I'm missing the bottle right down here it's just like the stuff that you put on top cannot unsee or in the chat where Kris is probably looking at the chat right now oh where people say things like oh boy scary scary from Miranda Adair or and Jacob has to frog emojis and Natasha game says when did this state which I think was supposed to be start when did this state about five minutes ago I was gonna say well the great state of California dates back a long long way but as far as this live stream we just started at four o'clock so you're you're joining in right at the top of the hour congratulations so let's experience this game together shall we suite seven seven six press one to play hold nine to quit so we're gonna put Oh spooky spooky sounds spooky spooky loading it's so black interior okay please keep in mind contains flashing lights it's also heavily aggressive with horror elements heavily aggressive please keep this in mind and progress at your own discretion Wow an intense disclaimer right there see aggressive horror elements I'm okay with heavily aggressive I don't know estimate a playthrough time 50 minutes haha get ready for that I'm gonna blow right over that one it's to be completed in a single sitting wow they're very thorough in their their pregame instructions they know what they want you to know this is a scary game very scary right coming in equipped so it's 50 minutes that's what we're going for okay Marcie was found in her home dead she come herself okay she left her only family alone her seven-year-old son who that's really awful oh no that's terrible actually Marci was a famous architect a very well-known architect hence for being famous unfortunately she became too well-known for the wrong reasons she was a famous architect a very well-known argue - just let me clarify it's my intention to prove that suite 776 exists - that I will photograph Marcy in motion I will photograph her even if it kills me no matter what so assuming her home was suite 776 something like that all that is left to do is ring her Bell that's all it takes just ring the bell ring a bell ring a bell is my intention to prove that this exists like that little horseshoe bend from the Grand Canyon beautiful great I would not have known that's what that was if you didn't say that from the Grand Canyon oh yeah that's the classic that's the classic image of like one of the big like turns in the river as it snakes its weight through you know there you go Chris Chris have you ever visited the Grand Canyon I've seen I've visited but not in the real way I've done the like roadside stop visit yeah fair enough it's definitely worth it it's it's one of those things that you know it's super touristy out here in the US and you hear about all the time and you're like oh it can't be that good it really is pretty awesome like it's one of those or it's like oh I get why this is such a unique thing for the states and why so many people from around the world will come to it it's really awesome it's so awesome in fact that we're gonna put it not just in the elevator but also in the hallways of this building we're gonna shove it down your throats in as many ways as possible up suite 776 prove that it existed mission accomplished game Oh game set and match well done team this looks very similar to PT no we did it yay that was an easy game spooky spooky oh this is totally gonna be inspired by PT isn't it just walking around in circles as this thing creepily changes around me it is it is a little pts oh wow the layout of this is super reminiscent Oh read it read it online I survived Suite 776 it is real clearly I'm standing in it right now it all appeared real but that couldn't be possible I was on the 12th floor yet looking through the windows displayed the first floor there are over six other suites on this floor yet suite 776 appeared larger with impossible proportions there was even an upper and lower level on the suite it made absolutely no sense whatsoever and how did I get out why am I the only one I have no clue came to suite 776 with the intention of recording my journey I set up cameras but all the footage was lost xx gamer xx Wow Wow good to know what do we got we got what is that supposed to be is that a dog photo what is that photo oh yeah it's a dog dog photo another man that Grand Canyon image everywhere drawer is locked however however lock is weak and simple hey let's not let's not be mean with the lock okay we can simple let's not insulted ten door is locked handles are unlit man right can't they just leave the doors unlocked for once in a game that'd be great spooky seat Oh different painting mixing it up Wow not the grin no that's a great Canyon unbelievable doors locked let's see now we're just going around in circles now the game is just messing with my head you know better this is the least efficient layout for an apartment building ever Val oh I see a bell and a third painting yeah locked I guess you got to ring the bell huh ring a bell hello Spooky's we may commence with the spooks please begin spooking me I cannot ring it again I was gonna ring it 10 times just to be thorough not happen though oh my gosh the minimalist design of this apartment is freaking me out there's nothing on the walls it's impossible well there's their second floor that they were talking about very cool beautiful apartment could really use some rooms some bedrooms closet just some other rooms somewhere also some locks that aren't as weak and simple it would be great let's continue in turn how do I get out of this thing I got out of it the first time there we go those paintings I guarantee are gonna change and shift at some point if I know horror games and I know that those paintings are gonna change in some way maybe I should try ringing the bell one more time I did he wouldn't let me interact with it game I was gonna ring it 10 more times in fact fine oh well let me make this slow walk back Zack Goodwin says yesterday was my 21st birthday hey congratulations yes if he can get a clapping and he absolutely can here we go ready Club a nap big 21 whoo that one's been rung a second time oh wow can I bring in a third time I have a feeling I'm gonna have to ring this three times like Beetlejuice and the Terry Bergstrom is spamming something in the chat that I think is worth mentioning it is I need cheese hashtag relatable who doesn't need cheese right now you know I could go for some cheese right now sounds like a good idea Oh spicy content headed your way ladies and gentlemen on today's livestream that's the sort of gulp doors locked oh I hear crying oh this is no bueno this is the anti bueno I hear crying if you make me walk all the way to that Bell if every time I'm gonna be really upset I don't like the sound of people crying that's making it kind of uncomfortable here I gotta say not not loving it but up up up ah not loving it doors are locked oh the bell rang their time their time's a charm bell ringer see this whole time I just wanted to ring the bell again wouldn't let me do it the Bell has been rung a fourth time up there we go now stuffs happening scariest part is how many times I have to walk this hallway over and over again you got to appreciate the asset management here really oh jeez oh the whole thing is just so confusing yeah that's accurate so the hell the doors connect the small space appeared large and the windows displayed this warm summer day perhaps she was a genius just nobody realized what we're going with this that was great well done everyone whoo we did it we did it ladies the shortest horror game known to mankind walked out a hallway three times ring a bell four times and get smacked in the head with a falling light we did it good job everyone did sweet seven seven six exist it did we walked into it multiple times all right perhaps she was a genius little hole time oh wait whoo hey whoa we got night vision what's press and hold left click for night vision right click to snap a photo of moving target press I have an image suddenly the gameplay has just blossomed out of nowhere okay hold up hover hover over an item the first page of my notebook is missing something actually tore it out I woke in suite 776 or so I think I did I feel as though I've been fully locked in it actually feels like an illusion like it's not real okay wow we have night vision charges we have an inventory so this recharges pretty quickly and then I right-click to take a photo load all the thing that's moving little green green light and I see there's there security cameras now those always there there's that a new addition to make it across the Pookie doors locked over the lock is still weak and simple if only if only I could pull the drawer slightly harder great doors lock still okay door doors locks you know still getting me back up oh here we go oh yeah oh yeah somebody get spooked get spooky always it get dark got to use my charge I found a key the blue key bring you good equipment or no me I'll get that oh yeah here we go inventory T an old key with the inscription office fantastic like I don't understand why you would inscribe a key that feels like a bad idea does it why to let people know where it goes yeah oh no I think it's kind of useful how many times do you have only like a key on your ring and you're like I have no idea what I'm supposed to do with this key no know where this goes oh here we go the office it is 9 o'clock the scariest hour of them all [Music] email results printed copy Marci does not appear to be in the proper state of mind several tests were conducted testing her reactions to stressful environmental conditions reactions Marci displayed include twitching mumbling redness an excessive laughing the redness I feel like it's the one we need to be most concerned about here one of those symptoms is not like the other Marci decided to end the session early unfortunately I advise you consult advise you consult Marci to return for further assessment medication may be required it's currently the way I see it Marci may endanger herself or others or just have a really bad rash might be super itchy would you mind forwarding this poor dick over the context of Marcy's family perhaps her son Thank You dr. Stan tea thanks Stan tea oh I have a note from the chat apparently for the night vision you can just hold it so you don't have to do the constant people I mean I could I'm just letting you know that yet remember you'll notice that it's a game with limited resources here and so by clicking it frequently I'm able to see it's like any sort of game where you have to preserve battery life guys I know I could hold it it's called strategically using my resources I'm not gonna hold it down cuz look how fast it deletes okay maybe it's not as fast as I expected fine fine architect of the year she was super famous like really famous and well-known well wasn't that locked ok Ringo oh my gosh bring the belt no no I refuse to ring the bell again the lock the red box with three inserts above [Music] nothing well I've rang the bell enough times thank you very much I'm good was not like well I'm gonna avoid ringing that Bell for as long as possible because I feel like I've spent a lot of quality time with that Bell yeah you and that Bell know each other well a very very intimate with that Bell at this point honestly 10 I'm really excited to open up this drawer that's the thing I'm most excited about in this game right now the mystery of that drawer is very enticing to me a vision all right I'll hold I'll hold down there we go ring the bell again is been rung eight fifth time okay really really milking the bill the the Bell element here uh-oh it's booked spooked open probably going home oh I guess I'm not allowed in that one ring-ring ring-ring ring-ring ring-ring ring-ring banana phone ring ring ring ring ring ring banana food you're the crying no it's spooky with this crying oh there's stuff going okay just leave I think that's actually worried breathing more worried breathing different persons you're playing perspective you think so I I do it I think it's ghostly cries okay doesn't that make it scarier you're right are you trying to make my game less scary right now the game is ghostly cries thank you thanks for agreeing with me on that one I'm glad we were able to reach a conclusion on right if I have to ring the bell a sixth time I'm just done I'm gonna have to ring a bell yet our time spooky bell ring ring ring banana phone oh that would be really funny if that's what this game led to right just a giant banana monster I'm excited for the time that I come around this corner and she's standing there I guarantee it's gonna happen cuz right that's that's what it's scared that's like what makes a thing scary right you get used to doing a thing you kind of like you're like okay I know what to expect to know to expect and so one of these times you're gonna round the corner and she's gonna be there and you're gonna freak out and it's gonna be super spooky because you don't see it coming up ha you've opened the door fiend oh here we go 1 2 3 ready for creepy me let's look we got to work on our spooky banter yeah that's just delightful I said that just this morning I ready for creepy me yeah let's let's work on our spooky spooky banter there our poetry is a little bit uh needs a little bit to be desired it reminds me of scary Terry from Rick and Morty where he's like I don't know how to be scary everyone makes fun of him for not being scary well interact with the fridge lock one two three in the chat gotcha cat says I like chicken nuggets and all caps and Victoria to [ __ ] says ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone interview response number one interviewer you mentioned that Marci had a bell on her desk at the office would you mind repeating what you told me prior to this interview co-worker well every time she would read something online about herself or her work that she didn't agree with she would ring that bell the bell rang continuously this is why he can't read the comments my friends especially after the finish after she finished construction of her new home her masterpieces she called it she was an angry person wasn't she she just couldn't handle the comments I took a photo didn't mean to take a photo don't know if there's a limit on the number of photos I can take but I took a photo don't mean to do it okay great so at a certain point we're gonna hear a bunch of spooky bell rings pick up hairpin nice that means I can pick a lock probably one that is weak if it fits like it belongs a cork bulletin board it seems like it's missing whatever was displayed here okay door isn't locked but there's a force keeping it shut could that force be [Music] being sticky stuck doors locked okay [Music] also worth calling out here as someone who's looked at a lot of houses and a lot of flipped houses here in California all the houses that are flipped by house developers always have the same like marble not not marble countertop this would actually be more of a quartzite countertop fun fact or Formica potentially but because she's an architect I'm guessing it's quartzite which is a highly resistant but also very popular form of countertop and a lot of them are printed to have the same design on it and this looks like it would be one of those printed countertops and it's printed all the way through so that way when you slice through it the pattern like as though it's natural rock it's pretty cool but quartzite is actually man-made so there you go fun facts friends little did you suspect in your video gaming livestream that today you would learn about different countertops marble you hear about with marble countertops all the time marble is actually like the worst countertop you could possibly ask what I just like granite isn't granted the best thing you can get granite quartzite and quartz are all really good it just depends on kind of the design that you're looking for yes pick up the screwdriver it just depends on what you're looking for in terms of like design so granite countertops more often than not have a more complicated or busy pattern just by the nature of here we go ring it again ring it a debt again remind me of my failures remind me of my failures now I know I don't really want to do that actually that seems like it would be mean of me running it again remind me of mine it seemed you're just flagging at this point that's what Stephanie and I call feeling bad and like purposely forcing ourselves to feel bad flagellation you're just flagging yourself girl Marcy cut some cut yourself a break no so granite countertops because of the type of stone that it is is just a busier pattern in it whereas like the court sites and courses and marbles of the world have simpler patterns which kind of look cleaner like this right so it really depends on what you want Granite's one of the hardest ones which means it's really resistant to like any sort of damage marble is really soft and porous and so it has to be maintained constantly and so it's like really fragile it's the most expensive and simultaneously the hardest to upkeep so marble for all the like marble countertops it's actually really obnoxious to use and too expensive so if you're going for a countertop granite quartz or court cites the way to go fun fact quartz Oh oh you've been trying to spook me game oh oh you're trying to spook me a bunch of game aren't you you know haunted houses should do this right like sneak around and place mannequins behind you yep great well it's interested so this year I did I did the whatchamacallit uh Halloween Horror Nights at at not scary farm or not scary just not scary farm it's not Halloween Horror Nights that's not what they call it but the they had one that was themed around a wax museum like they had a new they had a new level or a new haunted house that was themed around a wax museum which was super cool and concept and I expected them to do that sort of thing where there's like a bunch of mannequins and you're forced to like walk through a maze of mannequins and one of the like a handful of them are real right like that seems like a no-brainer they didn't do it I was so bummed I'm like this seems like such a huge missed opportunity for something that would have been literally terrifying and it's got to be easy to get scary mannequins sure just they throw mannequins out when they're all the time so yeah you just pick them out of the dumpster they're ready to go pick them up out of the dumpster oh yeah you don't want to buy a nice mannequin no it's true the creep up come upstairs well that's nice of you to invite me up thank you I liked it when it came tells me what to do your your sense of direction is really helpful go oh this was locked before great I didn't even have to find a key well do not enter I bet I have to enter at some point strange door with a strong lock securing it Hey no photograph add that to my bulletin board um here's another mystery door planks covering the door wonder what's inside bed at something or if it was already unlocked ooh what were they watching on TV Oh eat a view interior live cameras Oh folks that's actually that's legitimately scary all right that's that's legitimately scary movements okay movement sensor disabled fire save locate okay night vision on rotation axis off alright that's that's literally freaky scariest part of this game trying to figure out how to get out of menu oh whoa okay that was legit terrifying get out of here exit no please exit P Q T our she's gonna come up on me so get out of here stop stop can I leave this leave this view I know I'm hitting literally every button just just so we're all aware what oh wait how did it just automatically switch am I just forced into like watching this is she behind me am i dead please stop making me watch this she's right outside my room right now please stop I really don't want to can you are you able to select that X at the bottom screen does that do anything I'm not I'm oh I'm so dead I'm so dead I'm so dead oh this is terrifying what the heck so she's right outside the door which is uh so I think that we were just forced to like watch that which was super nifty ha ha ha okay that was really unsettling I did not like that a dangling hook I might find that useful but how do I reach it it's too far out and too high up all right so so can she kill me or is this more more walking simulator like am I gonna have to defend myself at a certain point here oh eight five six one what a weird place to you know keep your secret refrigerator password but that's fine eight five six one okay so do I have to like take photos of her to scare her away we're gonna have to go up the ladder thank you yes and well where he to pick up the ladder great got myself a ladder was already unlocked all this is a very trendy bathroom fact that's missing a mirror seems like a crucial usability fail though probably open the drain cover screwdriver yes there's something in the drain ID oh I need the hook here okay oh just so you know Lord to chunker in the chat says the stepladder you can pick it back up after you place it that's I don't know why that needed to be said but it was in all caps so I think it needed to be said right all right well let's head back down here and hopefully not get jumpscared by anything creepy dead let's put on some photographs there we go fits like it belongs what a terrible couch yeah are you disappointed with the couch yeah there are two spots where you're not allowed to lean back on both of these couch it's very modern and trendy couch I gotta say like this is this is you see this a lot and like furniture stores around la ooh both loaded about find out all sorts of photographs but uh they they look so impossibly uncomfortable don't they yeah why like this looks like the worst couch looks like the worst couch all right eight five six one boom Oh oh yeah obviously let me let me get my bolt cutters oh my refrigerator thank you that's super helpful thanks thanks a lot [Applause] not just the bolt cutters the bolt cutters that also just so happened to be in the refrigerator like you know if I'm keeping my bolt cutters I'm keeping them in my refrigerator the whole time there we go can I reach here now no it's still too high up and oh it's too high up that means I can use the ladder down there that's what it's telling me okay we got this and I needed the bolt cutters to get it I think which then leads me into the shower that security footage was really scary just throwing that out there that has stuck with me actually I've been making fun of this game so far but uh the security footage illegitimately got me a little creeped out and so now I'm just talking a bunch eat a put down the ladder there we go you need to pick up small hook look I can pick up the ladder again Wow no I can't actually at least not in this moment so good to know maybe it'll come into play later but apparently right now you're not a chunker maybe maybe uh maybe it was all a lie maybe it was a lie there's a lie the whole time also I'm assuming that I unlocked different endings by finding all the pictures here look hook line & sinker let's do this I have a hook but I need a string because Lauren I saw one around here shoot I have not seen a string in particular [Music] a string a string so I got the hook there I believe I've seen a string let's see that's still locked assuming everything down here still locked ooh wait pickup Oh what where's the logs where is this where is this long string oh there oh there it is well that was thoughtful of her to leave behind oh wow ring oh the golden key that's very exciting my inventory again very useful when use with other items oh wait wow there's a lot more texts game here hold up and the golden key okay up close she looks torn unaware of her surroundings is she fully conscious I've always read tales when I was younger on demonic possession you're aware of everything even as your own blood begins flooding your eyes fantastic just couldn't move a muscle but he could could Marcy be possessed all right she is literally stalking me right now trying to prepare myself for when she grabs me from behind haha any moment question mark great thanks thanks for that golden key huh what do we think golden key is for that high security room Oh No great read the note Marcy interview number 12 so we skipped ahead here interviewer Marcy Oh many have found that you constantly purchase those clothing mannequins what are those mannequins for for putting around my house and creepy manners well you know I figured it would be interesting to have a headcount of those who opposed me wow talk about complexes you know wake up in the morning look at their physical representations straight in the face I would scream at them to back off they're just dead they're looking at me it drives me crazy I like the interviewers response here [Laughter] Wow Marcy I'm so sorry this is rough girl can I can I please leave this again I getting getting out of these is it possible it's impossible I don't know if they're like set on camera for a specific amount of time or what but I press literally every button and none of them work it must be right what is the scariest thing about this is my lack of idea of how to control the game here are two information typical iteration interaction is e unless otherwise stated I access inventory left click night vision right click take a photo note in order for a photo to register as authentic enemy must be in motion not stationary try to take as many photos of Marcy as possible okay wish I had known that one earlier shoot okay continue still didn't help me on getting out of it this is the final boss right here the final boss interview number 12 Oh thinking this okay I picked up a bar what's the bar potentially a gold bar great off it's getting one o'clock up ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone so step one ring the bell step two kitchen maybe no Grand Canyon perhaps oh all the elevator that could be the elevator you're right step two elevator what is this green blood is that just Rick and Morty portal Rick and Marty portal through the electric tunnel at which point then we go through the six pictures so the six pictures are a loop of death at some point there's a crosswalk yeah or a bunch of gold bar is one of the two all right this does not so basically I'm gonna need to ring the bell and then go to the elevator it seems like at least we know that we know something about the six pictures before we get to the end of it I think I've also learned that in order to close the things I need to walk away from the thing there is no button to close the things that's just walk away from the things meanwhile wait what slide shower curtain I don't think I want to do that is the response I'm getting you can kind of see right make sure you don't want to do that here I get points if I take her if I take photos of her well she's moving she's also incredibly tall if that's her let's just say that that would be an enormous person all right so they really want me to ring the bell I really don't want to ring the bell you know ringing demonic bells is kind of creepy that was her that was her personal belt Oh No doors still locked how can I open it great should i what do you think should I enter the room that says do not enter what how are we feeling about that one I said go for it what are our thoughts do we do we trust oh hey the three gold bars okay so we found where bar number one goes so that's step three in this process so step one in this process is ring the bell step two go back to the elevator step three seems to be go through the green rick and morty portal step four is to fill that box with gold bars and Step five is to profit except it's not end the game by experiencing her tragic loss so you know great real family-friendly brand conscious entertainment here ladies and gentlemen let me go ring this Bell for the umpteenth time cuz you know that's what we do it's how we roll in this game mannequin spooky spooky mannequin Chazz and says do not enter equals easter-egg that might be true I believe that cuz it feels like up now everything's gotten dark now isn't it shoot it's in that okay okay a cool elevator you can't get back to the elevator though can you hmm the tension is high oh not not liking this walk so I guess it isn't the elevator step 2 maybe it is in the kitchen right no I think you were right cuz it really did resemble the elevator or maybe you just have to appear there as opposed to teleport there yeah let's see I'll do it upstairs get dark now - no this is always there hmm I do appreciate how well-lit everything is up here so this this was here uh he's gonna attack me out of the shower right like that's that's what we we know that this is gonna come at some point see okay one ring the bell - it does look I couldn't see it being the kitchen though right I could see it being the kitchen so the it seems like okay no but remember the orange floor was the elevator looked down I saw the orange floor and you're right about the Grand Canyon picture on the wall and plus the metal rail at like waist high makes me think of like oh that's the metal rail that all elevators have I don't know what the electrical lines are the Rick and Morty portal and then we have the three bars so we have one of the bars at least we know that that's a thing can I open this now [Music] haha creepy hahaha hahaha hahaha great no not scary at all Oh [Music] eels like a frog is jumping around my head does it is that is that what that feeling is right now frog jumping around my head she seems to be part of the house go figure that's how ghost possessions work shock of all shots didn't see that one coming no matter where you turn you can feel her anger well great great great okay I tried to take a picture of her ringing her Bell was a reminder of her failures where'd you put that one together good deductive reasoning there who really did make her mad don't kill the messenger she asked me for it alright hey God did I get one picture of her is that what it's thanks but I managed to get one picture of her moving that's great pick up old key it's nice that she Oded die die die die die dead all right that was nice of her to just leave me on the floor there with a nice radio clock to wake up it's very thoughtful okay I'm ready ready with my camera in hand that would be really funny if she was just in the same face again right just just over and over again so I have an old key oh geez oh darn it this is bad news I don't like this now I'm gonna do not enter nope okey do not work for that one Oh not loving this just waiting to charge [Music] not love this just sucks this one from me having a good time making fun of a slightly cheesy game - oh I'm actually like legitimately scared now that's us that is that is that is bueno no bueno she where's the elevator I swear that's the elevator right it's got to be the elevator oh God oh my my well curse not even that [Music] what am I supposed to do what am I supposed to do at this point this sucks oh it's so dark oh it's so dark there's a note there but I'm assuming it's the same note that it's always been there oh I hear I don't love that that is the worst noise not loving this this sucks well that's the game ladies and gentlemen thanks so much joining us today just gonna hide in the corner cower in fear maybe she won't see me behind the couch be great okay let's go up I guess I don't even know like what might what am I even doing at this point they're like hey here's here's this really confusing diagram I'll die dead great that's that's great thank you Rick and Morty portal is night vision says Steve oh no vids I was like meets I was wondering if that was the case so that's great that's good to know so do we so did we get past step two at this point is that what we've done we managed to step two let's see I'm glad that this is still in full color so step one was ring the bell step two was that the lights going out and now the electricity is gone which leads me to night vision so step three is find the bars and find the pictures I don't know leave a as linear as that list of two deuces no the elevator door is just gone is the thing it's just gone just gone it's all gone no elevator doors I got the same note since they'll say like all the notes are the same so the rooms themselves haven't quite changed yet I do have the old key that is still a thing that I found prior to the lights going out but where I use the old key is kind of up for grabs this door planks are covering the door I was gonna say I need a crowbar or something don't I right come on just gonna charge here for a second I'd like that ever I like that I have people peeking in from both sides of the livestream right now guys if you want to join me on the couch you totally can you know all your work is complete and done and you're not doing anything important with your time no I'm applying you what I've just what well weren't you're just complaining about how slow the Edit for Aladdin was going I wished did you finish did you hand off part of your work to one of the other editors what how this works weren't you like wow I don't think I have enough Ken Wow my progress has really slowed now that I'm in the office I miss doing words right now I I would still like I would be wrapping up like right before we have to leave sure uh-huh are we right before we have to leave right now or do you have more time to to be working on more minutes of that episode you want me to just go make up supportive over toward some random audio for you as I just throw it in there must be nice to be the lead editor and be like yeah you know what I don't feel like taking this minute so here other guy take it wow this is Dan by the way hello it's me oh wait I found a thick no that's a sconce never mind I got excited but it was just a twas a Scott was only a sconce to us only us gods and I can't even hop across it like I did oh oh ooh kelp Spooky's spooky noises happening why our mannequins literally the worst thing ever they are really great because they're humanoid because they fall into the uncanny valley and that's why that door wasn't open Thanks thanks cap you're observing about this information second to none thank you this is go into a basement of sorts or I'm interacting with the door thank you ah PT okay I'm gonna have to turn around at a certain point right yeah this is what this is telling me how many times you rung the bell ring Oh No spooks basement no what a terrible layout for an apartment hey go through these twenty doors and you'll eventually get to the basement haunted demonic basement totally fine yeah we have extra storage you just have to go through eight you know pathways thanks to heck this is why you need a landlord to do this stuff for you yeah okay there's lights thank goodness there's something on the ground a blue light to guide my way no it's just a just a just a low blow just look there's a little glow stick so glow stick so it blue for any interact it like anything you interact with and then gives you a boy ethic right yeah just yeah are you are you expecting it to stay consistent with there's mechanics I think you're judging it right now you were judging it for the first half of this monster I know that was the point when it was okay to judge it now it's gotten spooky and scary okay I can't judge it anymore if I continue judging yet it might like attack me because it's mean and sentient and evil jeez okay here we go up blue blue spooky hello mannequin I'll photograph you can see you can tell I'm scared cuz I'm singing no odd-shaped key that's for the box over the counter around slower you can't just willy-nilly turn around like that why can't you handle it your chicken chicken Bob Rock did you know that Ali knows what a chicken sounds like if you ask him he was the chicken say he can be like mark mark pocket if you like hey Ollie what some roosters say he'll be like do or like he'll be like gah just pretty much bring what you know at his free time plus we're down close he got given points for what one you're right yeah yeah that's pretty good baby good you can do snake you can do pigeon you can do I wanna do cow he did you cow oh there's always door your name's the world what lease is that there's a met what is this metal door did not anticipate seeing some like that oh crap alright metal door with no handle dan the chats greeting you hello why are on the camera hello welcome where did you think the camera was what are you - I'm looking up here looking at the camera voice why hello everyone hello everyone ok what a strange position of the camera ladies and gentlemen Dan the lead editor that I don't know it's no stint I don't sit behind the camera they sit behind a monitor and then look at the monitor which I'm looking at as well there you go okay I'm just doing my instincts tell me why hello hello everyone this is architect there we go Oh should I miss the sign mr. photograph shoot darn it can we do that again can you get jumpscared again I got it I got a photograph you all right Marcy back to one yeah back to one first right everyone positions take two oh that's my chance did you miss the opportunity like there's no sorry I was busy getting jump-scare and should remember your game mechanic I'm legit asking art there's only specific moments that you can take a picture I think so I think I can only take pictures of her so like I think I've missed two out of the three possible pictures at this point like if I were to guess I think I've missed two out of the three possible pictures one was on the security cameras when she started moving and I was just more trying to figure out how to get out of there um I think that was number one and then I think number two was her attacking me which I managed to get and then this was three so I'm not I'm not doing too hot in the words of in the in the words of Will Smith except not the words of Will Smith yeah that's not hot not hot not hot haha not hot what the heck okay I me at this point Tommy Moore's will just charge your body into breaking some of these boards down right if if I was in this situation yeah that's what you gotta do at a certain point like just sacrifice your body like these are just thin boards come on and you know they got dry ride you know I'd run rot you got the driver not a dry ride all up in there Oh spook spooky I feel like I've seen this device before have you have my attention that's all I can see of it it looks like them it looks like the Bell all right I guess I got to ring the bell again or something I know I can't though because the Bell is on the other side of the 1600 doors that took to get down to the basement so you know right also someone put some dry rotted boards in my way I do I live in the basement now this is my son this is this is my home this is okay I'm okay with this everything is totally find out I will thrive off termites and and a little light I have Oh keep your eyes peeled for metal Damien I Ellis says there's a gold bar in the basement Oh gold bar that's big he's with Gold Bond medicated powder very important it's a very important distinction and I don't know how we got there because they both start with gold give me the gold I want the gold oh I found an axe large and not just any axe large axe i'ma Farias says you can open the metal door without handles if there is such a door that's deep well we got an axe now right I got an axe it axis basically watch me to not use it anywhere that it would make sense to use a large axe yeah the axe is the old pickup barn ass Turkey wait where's the bar below all right I'll take it I don't know where it was but I will gladly accept that bar Thank You Hayden Matthew says you need the ladder exclamation point I trust me I why I hear you I want to pick up the ladder I don't doubt you I fully believe that I need the ladder again friends but the game won't let me pick up the ladder yet and it's behind my 12 doors and 12 doors and then it becomes a thing and that's gonna be awkward use the ax wow that's brilliant it just falls down that was amazing ok we got more diary entries did she attack me it looks like the longer I stay the more aggressive she becomes but how do I leave there is no exit there is not supposed to be a basement here oh look my inventory is missing one thing the ladder clearly yeah I'm dare you not carry it around every place everywhere haven't you seen death stranding haha hey your theory on that at some point how many things can you care well I'm confused about that metal door I want to unlock that metal door guys well we need the ladder clearly I mean that's what you think yeah and the chat and the Bell oh I'm gonna get jumpscared is always right we all see where this is how all right there's a jump scare at the end of this hallway I got my camera ready I'm ready to take a photo Oh got her got her that's number two woo yeah nailed it we knew it we knew we probably did the jump scare got ourselves a photo I think that's kind of how this game has to kind of what you either have to play it multiple times or you just have to predict where the jump scares are happening cuz like when you're getting jump scared it's really hard to focus on right click right click I don't know about you but I get jumpscared like my entire like farm convulses and like now I'm looking at the ceiling let me add this to me well I'm one picture away I also got a gold bar let me deposit my gold bar and then I can go upstairs where I think the lights are back on oh all the lights are on wow oh my gosh wait hold up yep hold up yep here let me pick up the ladder which I cannot do okay there's no context Pacific control okay no what do you think this is what I can I can walk up the ladder and fall off watch ooh there that's what I can do with the ladder right now I can't shove it we can't move it it is committed to wear it as friends trust me I'm trying I gotta insert my gold bar okay okay be ready with a picture cuz who knows can happen if it fits yay don't question my bar okay okay still locked down the boards you say that can we no yes we oh oh oh wait come on move for me girl it doesn't count moving don't count unless you move in move Oh move I like to move it move it I like to move it move it I like to move it move it I like to move it move it move it I like to move it come on I'm not gonna miss it I'm determined about to work it work the camera make love the camera make love to the camera show me what you working with I'm sitting yeah I got you have like 10 more minutes come on turn around anything I'm not missing this photograph this is a roll this whole rolls wasted this isn't even a digital camera Oh disposable the purse rowing this away the person at the target photo processing centers gonna really judge me for these photos nothing no okay oh okay oh wait this is step three we're not gonna read this note because I'm busy oh yeah this step three isn't it oh well I'm guessing you gotta read this now I'm betting we keep snapping photos while I read this cuz I don't trust you to not vote my journal entering sweet 7/7 couldn't you write any with like a firmer pen my name is Joseph shippin I wrote this journal just in case something goes wrong I want you to know that I was here and I probably died here great thank you I came to investigate sweet 776 I did this because Marcy Marcy shipping is my mother oh hi her only son Joseph ship in 27 years old at the time of this note wanted to meet her for the first time many claims sweet 776 is not real apparently others were given permission to enter the suite with no luck in triggering the cycle or should I say with lucky with luck they did not trigger the cycle I get it I stand before the Bell the very moment and I'm about to ring in this very moment funny thing is I get the feeling that I shouldn't ring it yeah I feel like I rang it before and was sent right back to try again either way I'm going to ring it I think and I will document what I see hopefully snap a few pictures we'll see well you snapped a lot of pictures but apparently they only count if she's moving and like here we go here we go come on really that was the perfect time the red light disappeared we read the note we put it down what okay Oh Scott ladies you ran away I'm gonna open that door and she's gonna jump scare me right here we go what am i interacting with at this point I don't know Oh are we joke six it's unclear right I also got a dot dot dot here I don't know what this dot that dot is inventory I got to take my inventory to see what I pick it up because they gave description is that helping me out right now here we go I'm actually with fewer items than I had before so great super good what the heck you just got time Turner's son Hermione Granger where are you well now's the time to walk away go through our 12 doors and just walk away done just got Time Turner oh I lost all my items and all my photographs I had to Nickelback would be disappointed that would be disappointed well I met my mother that was fun let's let's just end this we're done thanks guys GG GG good game good game mommy good game good game good game um to shake this might know I survived okay great guy here Touche well it was good meeting yeah it's good good good talk good talk mom good talk bye glad we had this this time together see ya peace out goodbye start snapping pictures now right right yeah it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming you don't just get into an elevator freely right go use elevators wait for it wait for it wait for it wait for it report where you at where you at where you at where you at come on come on come on okay I'm gonna snap a lot of photos of the Grand Canyon that's great beautiful picturesque majestic it's just part of the you know I'm like an amplifier like an Asian tourists in America sometimes it is best to leave myths behind treat them as though they don't exist no matter how badly I want to accept that I can't I just have so many questions with no answer there is a way to save my mother I know there is but what could it be I bet it's find all the pictures take all the pictures of her attacking me there has to be a pattern of some sort a sequence of some sort that must be commenced of what what could that sequence be I will have to come back one day and find out again on the adventures of sweet seven seven six you know you know it's an indie game when they use Finn Oh game stats how many endings unlocked Oh ending a lot night time played sixty minutes suck on that 50 minute average place on hero Easter eggs hold up zero of one zero two photos of Marcy motion or two out of three gold bars five out of six photographs zero of one Easter Egg so just short on everything mean love of my life just short on everything a little bit well are we doing time lines what time is that it she's got about 15 min can we speedrun this I don't know let's do it speed ride speed rod Thank You Stanislaw for doing this maybe not like everything in this game I can't figure out how to do this okay it's already up with special thanks oh man the unity asset store for always being there with that particular asset there's no time that's great I love that they're always a blast to make and I'll continue making them hopefully the next will be always being better than the last see in the next one release December 6 2000 came Creek you managed to find a new game Chris I know what are the odds Rahim great go speedruns GDQ here we go GDQ do it we know a lot of game lights now start the game start the game here we go wine one one point one point one starts start now they start to start the timer now roll it 15 minutes on the clock here it is loading screens ok great yeah grass heavily heavily aggressive horror elements heavily keep this in mind and progressing rumors great heavily aggressive yeah oh my gosh please move forward with the text please please right now single 50 minutes please before word up to 10 of which is waiting for the progress the other 10 another 10 minutes is figuring out that you need to walk away from documents in order for them to die I kept touching on the prowl it's worse than a Marvel opening was it cinemasins 50 seconds of logo whose oh my gosh yes I know thank you I yes it's so sad I haven't seen this oh my gosh it's compelling wait till the way to the point where they talked about how famous she was how they was wishing you'll find out she was a famous architect oh that's a very well-known architect yeah that's the sort of name that goes on uh goes on a building well famous architects a very just to clarify a very well-known architect okay my intention to prove it that's it I will photograph Marcia motion I will photograph her even if it kills me it sounds more creepy stalkers I mean what does that even accomplish though like you get the picture but you die and then what that pictures then link and then there's no and then it becomes the Blair Witch Project at a certain point well someone's gotta find the photo sure but it becomes a mask that's the eye sees that reinvents the horror genre thank you very much all right now if you'll excuse me I need to wring the spell no less than eight times but probably in total ten times because of the rule of tens have you rung it 773 times not yet why 773 at the suite is there 77 yeah you're not even paying attention seven eight seven six seventy seventy seventy seventy nine hey ring that you count as a bell ring I've just been sitting staring at keyframes all day so it's the numbers all blend together why you left this morning without me no I look like me to one [ __ ] way a couple times I call out Matt I call you I text you I would go out your car's not there I'm like do what alright he must have left without me so I left okay but I didn't I came down and I was like Dan let me I was so sad by like a minute - I know like so close walked out it was so close it was so sad I was so alone okay well here we go ring the bell once you have a wife and child you were alone okay I can't ring this no multiple times can I know I have to wait alright great you have to everything the house has do okay okay so this is our 15-minute playthrough right here ladies all right so you rang the bell and now you need to send electricity to an elevator no I have to ring the bell like the seven more times and the more time we're never gonna get back there in the fifth we have never this is a 15 minute playthrough but for it there is no spring nope definitely not perhaps I should go back yup oh I should try bringing him over time what what have you just go back yeah I didn't you see me try that I'm doing it right now you have to trigger it by walking out of the apartment yes I buy thoughts I don't understand like the thought process of walking into this apartment it's like ringing the bell and go I guess no one's here you've already invaded their house no ghostly apparition appeared the ghosts gonna show up it needs to happen like immediately you know mm-hmm here we go I think it's three times that we do it before spooky stuff happens is that what it was sweet was it three times I think it was around six and actually well it depends on when you define spookiness starting honestly whoa hey Chris is like yeah I said see time oh there's baby that was spooky Chris used me two times who's closing that door Chris I don't know wrong gust of wind mayhaps probably strong gust gusto gusto about door closing ghosts see that's the third time she doesn't me a favor and rings it a third time because she read a bad comment on YouTube okay and now we bring it the fourth time as cookie heaven oh no see Spooky's now there's no window what was the code for the refrigerator do we remember this was it 86 5 100 yeah I forgot I had to get smacked in the head with the falling light sorry this whole thing is just so confusing I don't know I got smacked in the head with a light it's totally okay somehow the doors connect the small space large enough come on right continue with this books perhaps she was a genius and just no one realized it nobody knew that day that the rate would be chubby it would be chubby you rain this summer chilly rain you uncultured swine I know how dare you not recognize my very relevant meme but bird relevant cultural realm of references to like movies over the late 90s early 2000s the rain wasn't raining that day the chat remembers the refrigerator code which was 865 one it was eight five six one oh I'm so close but also maybe eight six five ones there's a little bit of debate great okay well hey you get multiple tries right or do you or do you know I can't okay stop it stop trying to tempt me I wish I could I would ring that bell to high heaven I'm just trying to help you skip some frames you know frames are being skipped in this playthrough this is a 100% no glitch speedrun playing it a little bit way go sensual there we go boo-ki spooky that's a letter there's a hundred percent hundred percent seems to speedrun right happening right now this is gonna be locked and assuming that I don't need to figure if I'm just gonna say maybe I need to trigger it here we go keep an eye out for those pictures because I totally forgot where all of them are oh yeah that's gonna be the problem here the picture is significantly I forgot totally where all the pictures are I think the older no I think the old key was no it's time looky now this is where she appears in the doorway here I think I think the old team shut the door come on come on okay it totally is that door because then it shuts and then we're all spooked out that's breakfast that's straight out of PT with the bathroom please show up or do something maybe we have to yeah did I have to go this way first triggered show no it's shut and then everything was like ring the bell again ring the bell again and I was like huh come on game what you do it what just say shut the door shut it this is really hurting your time man I know this is killing my speedruns I know my time is killing the monitor was that that's much later and by much later I mean after she shuts the store and tells me to go upstairs oh yeah she's the one who unlocks the upstairs door but it's after this oh I got the picture though ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone jump scared but got the picture MLG right that's why I'm a pro gamer with leap gamer skills that's it cuz I that was a good one how did that not happen to us the first time doors lock kitchens lock which means we're going upstairs right this is upstairs upstairs time if you're marking upstairs at this point is up now here going to the kitchen - well no because you just shut the door yeah she shut the door in my face are you talking about set the door in my face clearly she did not want me in that kitchen I just want a snack right hey that lock is weak and simple you know to sell we can simple lock lock shaming okay oh yeah that's right this causes this loop nope not yet oh my gosh it's killing my time this is what I think this is where I get to the kitchen this is around the time that you just restart the runs right this is trails where that isn't good there it is see there's the door okay okay there's a picture this is locked this is another thing up us we could do the fridge we can so let's do that here so so the chat is still debating whether it was eight five six one or eight six five one that is correct okay eight five six like six more nope nope eight five six one eight six five one it might be randomized is it based on playthrough or is it like you randomization put there okay I'm sticking I'm sticking with that I'm sticking with that all right can I go upstairs yet or do any doing the bell again shoot sorry the sequence of events was so similar every time that is there more to do in the kitchen [Music] no I don't think so this was around the time that I actually looked started paying attention to what I was doing yeah there was too much banana phone talk over here you don't wanted me to completely ignore that banana phone ring ring ring banana phone is classic okay here we go wait for it nope No Oh for crying out loud what is it what do I need I forget what I needed here there's also like invisible triggers everywhere okay I mean this is dead right we did this is that oh here it is it's the hairpin that's right there was a hairpin on the table that I needed to get it yes which then allows me to do the weak lock which opens oh yeah driver was weak and simple yeah the weakened simple lock classic we can simple lock which is a screwdriver screwdriver use on the back bring it again it goes to the bathroom but we have to ring it again I will grab you from behind watch me is what she says that's not nice that's really reassuring that's never think you were here I like how explicit she is with that though like let's you know I will just so you're aware I will grab you from behind all right come upstairs with this book mannequin spook spook easy but just be around you getting you got ladder oh hey whoa got it got another one I didn't know that she was there while we missed a lot of photos apparently it probably just went straight to that door and argued with it for wow wow we must have just been really slow 'red something okay oh wow here we go so now this door should be open okay great usually dancing it was dancing it was spinning and dancing and I was having a good time having a grand old time you know have you ever seen someone dancing that wasn't having a great old time yes everyone says yes okay good that's open now you can grab oh yeah I can't because I need this I get the ladder no I don't I need the string first and the ladder but yeah oh what's the one easily out two one two for picture now let's watch her and take okay get ready she's gonna move now nope nope it takes like a decade and a half this is killing my sweet we don't have a deck intensive vial that's all I got in ten seconds here we go and go and go and go and go and go and go and go go go got a real granny vibe John right she is rocking the granny look didn't they make a sequel the grannies granny to a thing I've seen I've seen do about markiplier boy there got him four five six seven yes you got an achievement I did couple pics got a couple pics so now what I'm stuck with the new camera hey I honestly this I have locked into this high I am forced to watch no and there's literally nothing I can do I'm telling you you know you no one believes me when I say that I touch all the buttons and nothing happens I am stuck watching this man play ever and then she stands out here for an unusually long enough time Joe has a very mannish figure she hasn't mannish stance about her I feel like it's got that big burly kinda like I'm a linebacker why so happened - because she's oh she's ready to jump scare on a whim okay but she does it when she wants to she doesn't need anyone to tell her when she wants to jump I love the fact that I know that it's like I'm looking at the camera feed and I recognize that she's right behind me but I'm not gonna do anything about I'm just gonna just get a watch that's totally fine okay so she's there spooky spooky too much you 4:24 designer in the decade fantastic 2 1 2 4 kooky spooky got the got that I need the hook to 1 to 4 to 1 to 4 I jumped on the other way shoot all right that's gonna hurt my speed run time subtract 1 I have another one my speed my time guys okay okay we're gonna how are you ever going to make that time back up you were really on track to finish the game in the next 30 seconds I don't believe you Chris Chris are you being sarcastic right now no you are old cutters old cutters wider than a mile oh I thought you were going with gold finger there oh that's a good one uh what's that on the floor do you see that yeah is that oh I think it's the bridge I could just eject it very low stock okay so now I got that bolt cutters I need the ladder what was the ladder she was killing my time your times destroy a time long story at this point it's so sad do they need that [ __ ] it now we're practicing for next yeah this is oh wait wait wait I remember there's the lair there's that ladder I love so much guess what you can pick it up multiple times so they tell me I have yet to figure out how but you can yeah please pick it up seven more time over over and over just a live stream dedicated to me picking up and putting down the ladder repeatedly it's very important for your time it is okay here we go got the hook I'm not seeing any heat at this point I've got seven pictures of her I'm not even concerned I'm like if that's not enough pictures of her moving I don't know what is let's be honest here we go so then she's gonna jump scare me not after another it's after me yeah picked up the golden key which unlocks her bedroom and then we get jumpscared after the bed we're gonna mock whoo so interesting pool bar great all ring ring ring ring ring ring ring banana phone Oh morning very mysterious thing oh I don't think I want to die here photo photo no no I know I gotta open so you have to ring again I do need to ring oh yeah spooky Thunder spooky Thunder this gate does a lot of like it's just kind of there's a lot of I felt like I just say you bad cuz I know we're sitting you're going like oh come on Beavis Piedra but we're trying to speed I mean honestly can I drop off my gold bar that's good hold the bar medicated powder oh there we go taking advantage of those iframes right now do you want to grab that ladder I can't I can't grab whatever it's just saying you know what I think y'all first we're gonna need that ladder right can someone I fly in the ladder yeah we get I don't know maybe that ladder hey Marci 2q1 please first position first position Marci position bring the ladder please thank you okay the Bell has been rung for an egregious lead an egregious lehigh number of times okay great that was wrong let's go back up to the bathroom so are we actually trying to pace with Chris here let me let me just get jumpscared and then we'll just gonna get jumpscared and save it okay you can't save it is there no saving in the scale that's why she's the developer who may or may not be as she encourages a single place Wow that's okay okay here we go photo photo oh I got all sorts of pictures of you girl boom got those pictures Pixar didn't happen definitely happened all right we had eight we had eight pictures whole picture new record hey it's 5:35 yeah we gotta go humming I do a thing we gotta do a thing that Stephanie he texted me about name to take over Ali did not doesn't seem like okay but we do got to get going you go we got to go to the streamys part one this guy well all of us are nominated but tired the entire team is nominated for Best editing see if we can beat em a Chamber Lynn and some other PFF is nominated as nice escape tonight for and guess what if escape tonight wins I like to think that I won because I would assume tonight season four so really it's you know it's a win so I have a two two chances to win tonight makes for Best editing that makes a lot of sense right that makes stirred how much sense that makes man do you think if we wait for most editing first game tonight do you think I can go up on stage absolutely won't big board kick you off the stage the way I will record everything so everyone can see and see me win Best editing great well we got nine pictures we got an old key we sped run like a champ good for us I think we're done yep now we're doing how we're done it's over done the game's telling us we're done so anyway guys anyway guys that's it for today I'm gone tomorrow because I'm filming this big thing that I can't really talk about but I hate when youtubers do that or filming this thing but it's it's cool hopefully it sees the light of day at some point if everything goes successfully but then I'm back on Friday it's gonna be an early livestream but we're back on Friday well hold up tomorrow we're going to the Video Game Awards after my shoot so that's exciting and then Friday we have an early livestream where I'm getting the rest of my head shaved per the promise I made to you guys for st. Jude's charity so I start going bald tomorrow and I start growing this out or sorry bald on Friday and start growing this out on Friday and then we'll have so that'll be an early livestream on Friday to watch me get shaved and probably keep playing again this game or something else and then uh and then that's it for the week then we got a film theory and then a game theory next week so yeah we're gonna have to get all new acid but yeah for all the matpat like oh man we should a standard one that we use on everything this is here this is you editing me ranting right now it's it's it's whatever he starts just kind of going off we're just like alright well I guess we just kind of do this for a while and we're going back and forth I'm fine totally fine if this week comes gait and film theory is delayed and doesn't happen this week and blame this guy so anyway thank you guys so much for watching we'll see you on Friday if you want to see us traveling to all the different awards shows tonight tomorrow and Friday make sure to follow on Instagram cuz that's where I post a lot of that stuff so anyway thank you guys so much for watching fingers crossed that this guy wins an editing award tonight but in my team wins and it's all of us right in my honest opinion I think we deserve to win it but I've learned hours I have stared at Adobe you like to think I I mean I'm pretty proud of what we're able to produce but sometimes it's not about that sort of thing so sometimes the word political just say so anyway thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you on Friday and remember that's just a stream live stream thanks so much for watching Chris say goodbye the chat say goodbye Jose Ortiz says by a dramatic loser says bye mein Mitchum says ring the bell banana fine
Channel: GTLive
Views: 285,191
Rating: 4.9229712 out of 5
Keywords: suite 776, suite 776 easter egg, suite 776 gameplay, suite 776 ending, suite 776 all endings, horror, scary, horror game, scary game, suite 776 walkthrough, suite 776 game, game theorists, game theory, gtlive, gtlive horror, gtlive scary
Id: Gvz70ilUNOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 12sec (5652 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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