They Left Me All Alone! | Stories Untold Ending *EPILEPSY WARNING*

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys and welcome to yet another day of GT live it's weird for me to pause and not have anyone respond at all I was hoping Chris might have jumped Eli there it is that's too late you missed the boat buddy it's alright we could have practiced in advance that was my bad I apologize you didn't get the memo Jason would have been able to do it in there right Jason yeah yep there you go so hey hi PS what P did you say PS RBS I mean it could be a PSBs wow you guys are salty over there Chris is salty the Chris is salty yeah the salt me sprinkle my soul in the very ineffectual way look at me showing off my fingers right come on the fancy people with their little grindy finger salt no thank you I am a shaker man true and true through shaker man through and through hey uh so you might have noticed based on the title and thumbnail of today's stream that we are back to stories untold right the title and thumbnail reflect that yes good cuz I know it was kind of a last-minute change well don't say we're back it says something about being out in the cold you're all blue in the thumbnail you look great blue really suits you you could be the new genie excuse me Will Smith already has the genie roll covered Chris you're right you're right yeah yeah I'm out in the cold and blue hunts are we are we getting chilly in this in these next two episodes yeah I think we are all that's exciting so yesterday I frustrated countless numbers of you watching at home during my playthrough of stories untold because I like to push games to their limits and see what little Easter eggs or fun things I can do but people got upset about that so I'm sorry if watching me played the game was frustrating first and foremost I was not aware that look around was something that you should type in when your playing a text-based game I thought that you know when it gave you a general lay of the land in a description box to begin with that that was all the look and that you need it was providing you the information that was pertinent it's so little did I suspect that you know you need to doubly look around in order to make sure that you have a true lay of the land haha silly me um but also I was reading the comments off of yesterday's livestream and I saw a lot of people get mad that I was you know doing things like trying to eat the keys or not necessarily go down the obviously prescribed path that the game was leading me down the thing is and this is this is just a true fact of the matter is I don't know I like pushing against the limitations of games because sometimes you're surprised by what you find right like sometimes you find Easter eggs sometimes you find different theory fodder you know and and I could like you looking back at yesterday's dream like I could have burned through like especially that first part the house abandoned before someone in the chance like just like look around I could have burned through that in you know like a solid point I'm it's just I don't know for me it's it's more fun to see where the limitation especially as I'm getting familiar with the game just to see what you can and can't do in that world right like I think one of the most beautiful things about gaming even even these old text-based games like I don't know much about them because they didn't play a lot of them back in the day they were before my time but even back then like when you do like a Dungeons & Dragons sort of thing or whatever a lot of options tend to be open to you and sometimes you're surprised by what can happen if you do something that's outside of the box or isn't necessarily the most obvious choice every time and so I don't know so I I'm sorry if I frustrate anyone yesterday on the live stream that was not my intent if anything I was being purposely dumb to be funny with things like eat the keys and eat the note I thought that was just funny and then when it came to like actually me struggling to solve the problems a lot of times it was just me trying to see if there was anything other like interesting things I could do you present me with a kitchen I would assume that maybe I can knife in a kitchen or a refrigerator or something and maybe there'll be something exciting in there I was wrong and we wasted a lot of time getting just like negative feedback loops so I learned my lesson but it's still what harm is there in trying so anyway that is my lamp shading or not even a lamp shade because if I was lamp shading I would have said that before yesterday's stream but I didn't know what I was getting myself into so there you go but that is kind of my follow up from yesterday and today you know what I had such a good time yesterday playing this game and I'm really intrigued at where it's going that I wanted to finish it today so today we are finishing up hopefully episodes 3 and 4 of stories untold when last we left off yesterday we had a spooky house where some murder had been done some carcasses on a table then we moved on to a lab where some alien creature was taking over me as a person as a player and the hive mind was kind of controlling all the aliens around so today we see how all the stories connect like the box says four stories one nightmare so what that nightmare actually is we're about to find out today there are two ways that you can get frustrated at me during today's livestream give me the advice that I'm looking for one is on Twitter hashtag GT live where there is a cassette tape very good actually it even says Wow good attention to detail here guys it even says chapters three and four right corner there or upper left corner there that's great good job man no expense was spared on today's live stream friends so there's Twitter and I think now we even have a way to showcase perme harassing Chris for long enough do we have a way to showcase up their Twitter we do but don't look at as chris is handling stuff over here that's the bottom half of today's live stream Leigh oh there you go wow I haven't seen a tweet on the live stream I mean I've seen them on Stephanie's computer but I haven't seen like them physically on screen in a long time there they are Jordan says I started the year thinking it was the year Namie which was promising at first but it looks like 2019 year is the year of the lag and don't worry everyone we got the leg fixed mainly Matt don't worry yeah do we have lag again yeah our Internet just really doesn't like us I mean we don't currently have lag but we had it about that hurts that hurts my soul Chris so they lagged all through that apology I pour out my heart in apology and explanation and nothing huh yeah TLDR Matt gave a really heartfelt apology for for sometimes disobeying untold stories yesterday wow we were all touched here there were tears yeah there were tears the tears were shed we had a big hug session it was beautiful it was a thing of beauty and then the lag ruined it um by the way again hey since I'm talking about things that we should probably talk about or like me making apologies for like things on the livestream one of the things that's been bothering us this year is the lag and I don't know what it is about 2019 in particular that's made it's so bad we've tried over and over again to get the internet company to like give us the appropriate bandwidth that we were promised when that we pay for every month we don't know what the issue is and we don't really know how many other like because the Internet's a weird thing right you only have like one service provider per area and even if you max out their bandwidth why or even if you like max out what you're paying for like they which we have the only the only thing that we can get better is if we they've told us this they're like oh you can pay for us to lay fiber optic cables in your part of the city it's like that's terrible I would not do that that is not something that I single-handedly should be responsible for sorry so anyway that's the problem I'm sorry about that we've been trying to figure out ways around its possible solutions I know that's frustrating it frustrates all of us every time it happens - just disappointing I don't know what else Chris anything else that I need to like talk about apologize for acknowledge Leigh credit to etc before we hop into stories untold know you covered the Chad and Twitter we even through Twitter on screen man your face is still back there it still is smiling just like I am at some point since you're a constantly off screen but yet your presence is still on screen it would be great if we could figure out a way to get like you know a spongebob squarepants style like talking mouths up there so every time you talk your little picture bag there has like a creepy talking mouth just the very just like creepy Tim Burton are you ready kids great awesome feels like whoa hey Chris that's not weird and creepy at all Chris Paul live lives strong in our hearts okay episode 3 station process let's see where our let's tell this story and see what unfolds start doo doo doo look around go to an open commands are your friends Oh see that I needed that your two chapters to late game sorry miss miss that memo didn't I look around go to and open the open new one open door I don't know you used open a fair number of times yes open I'm still disappointed that eat is not one of the like popular commands that we can you grab knife and stab I was real I had high hopes for grab knife and stab run away high hopes for run away cower in fear definitely looking for a good solid usage of cower and fear that didn't happen alright so yesterday we played a game that was really spooky then we did experiments now we're moving on he was like oh we're in Greenland ok so cold though this is me getting cold for the thumbnail I get it ok I will not be effing around anymore I will login I'm assuming the login code is what is posted on the monitor there which it's far away from me so and it's very thin so it's what 0 3 0 3 1 9 6 8 6 yeah who passed their eye exam today well done what took you is the microphone still broken in station 3 yes sure can see activity registers so your voice is definitely going through yes I am here we can chat later three yeah probably not very some horrific fatal public school from solving the situation and we have the fire up signal monitoring and relay systems right away what kind of situation I don't know I'm assuming it's got something to do with this storm or aliens it's big to want to involve our probably aliens [ __ ] okay what do we do well my [ __ ] holding up in it yeah right then we've got my little sailors too you need to feed the frequency information through to the backup terminal in Station three and three you just need to chain decode and process just refer to the handbook on the microfilm the walkies doing I've never done any of this stuff so I'm not gonna be much help I'm afraid great it's simple honestly you could do this in your sleep thanks a lot okay first one is due to appear in a minute or so have a quick read of that microfilm handbook it should be on your left I'm gonna get suited up and restart the generator don't [ __ ] it up thanks RuPaul um right the first two episodes of this were very clean and family-friendly and now I'm asunder like Here I am in the the green land ish scientific research outpost but it really sounds like I'm dealing with a bunch of sailors I was supposed to read a microfilm I did not do that thing sorry I was I was commenting I was commenting at Aaron's foul language that my fault okay let's see input broadcast authorization key okay so transmission broadcast frequency FM so I'm assuming me to turn this on I'm assuming we need to switch it to FM 1930 was at this wheel there we go 1930 I'm assuming they're gonna give me a key to input I didn't read the microfilm maybe that'll come and bite me in the butt later just like whatever alien species were fighting against here will also come and bite me in the butt at some point we go nope ah no 14:14 no listening that this is it yeah okay codeword reference abacus this might be the point where I need to read that microphone this baby let's see she said the microfilm was over on the left here we go okay go microfiche I had to use a microfilm once for a research paper in my local library it was very cool okay forward don't know ah there there okay there's my handbook there's the foreword I'd love to contents great Sigma abacus Hey okay abacus this is what I need okay now to figure out how to zoom in it has been years since I've had to do this okay no that's that's just spinning me around you spin me right round abacus right round okay here stop that's okay that's contrast zoom zoom in activate the zoom hmm maybe it's this one yes there it is yeah look at us figuring out old technology have the fine brother I know the fine brothers have their like young kids react to old technology is this have they gotten up to react to like microfilm because that would be a good one okay on receipt of call bet code we did okay conversion operators must input the following command lines into the terminal and execute Jesus okay oh no where'd my pen and paper go or do this okay system dot exe okay system dot exe e - d - that me looks like me we think e again a lot of a lot of tests in my eyesight here today this is a funny challenge to deal with yeah that's my to see okay enter all AI located all locate probably a I'll okay cuz all located it looks like two L's doesn't it oh allocate allocate there it is you allocate - OH - - a literacy right being able to read things output log falls okay alright input terminal code hitting enter at the end of each line execute to run the program okay here we go here it is we've got this this is mildly obnoxious to listen to so I'm gonna turn that off I should have done that a lot earlier system dot exe what is it - D - E great line - is allocate 202 - a it was right - what you - a yep okay and line three output output log is false that should be it oh right a trace Claudia - fifty on Twitter says I love using microfilm my library has it right it's a really cool thing yeah she use it as much as possible for research projects really again I just didn't come across that many opportunities to use it because it's usually to like research old newspapers and stuff because the whole point just to catalog in like mass amounts - its tiny yeah sorry took so long don't leave them hanging too long I don't know what they're for I know we have to make them top hurry or I'll get [ __ ] of course don't worry we'll keep on top of it okay there it is creepy sounding things only okay here we go USB 3,500 coming to you live from WKYC 3500 playing all the hits from the 80s 90s and today do you what do you think they say now do you think they say 90s ox and today I hope they don't say oh it's ox is terrible I always hated that people called like the the 2000s the offs because that's just an I don't know it's a weird word there you go Chevron oh man everyone's favorite Oh everyone's favorite overpriced guest station right but it is like playing the greatest hits from the 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s offs tans and today like wow that is that is a robust song catalog you guys got there do you want to listen to The Andrews Sisters and then cardi B for you coming up next on our block is some Motown the greatest hits of Motown followed by Britney Spears toxic stay tuned stay tuned through the break let's see Eagle Sigma abacus portfolio Kansas mass in all two new canvas that's this whatever mountain landscape honey orange sent our home that's not it sacrifice come on Chevron there it is show me Chevron microfiche in it up there you go okay we got oh man okay oh geez okay ref int capital re f dot initial okay a reference initial that minus W and minus Z procedure begin proc begin enter get get integer get into my barrier integer get my belly where x equals the second y equals the fifth and sixth okay so this is gonna be 2 5 6 from the broadcast code okay so the broadcast code was that 3,500 I believe something like that so here let's hop on back so that's second fifth and sixth and then I end bracket okay and that is 26 1401 - okay so the broadcast code there then is it's gonna be zero as the second number 1 2 3 4 5 is 4 & 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 is also 0 4 0 I believe that should be it okay let's try it so this is Rath in it's minus W minus Z what's that - W - see ya - W - Z okay oh my got hit enter there you go Brock begin oh man this is teaching basic coding for people who can just follow instructions don't really understand I don't remember a lot from my coding class uh I remember a decent amount but it was like that that's the thing I learned how to program in Java some basic video games and it was a lot of fun but if you were to ask me to do it now it'd be tough like I can read it and kind of understand like the logical loops that it's going through but let's see if this works no okay fail and they start that again should be ref oh it's it's all one that's what it is I did a space whoops ref dot and it's there it is I did the space there I think it's my problem - see there it is Oh God no wait okay get get int get in I got I got int and then dynamic variables okay so it might just be I might not need the brackets is actually what it might be whoops nope nope go back to this one go back to that one here it is it let's try this don't need the brackets nope shoot me bad you need dragons get int variables understand a callback co and conversion okay must input the following command lines into the terminal substituting any dynamic variables okay X is the second Y is the fifth Z is the sixth number from the broadcast code and the broadcast code is this right yeah what else 26 1400 26 that's what it is 1 2 3 4 5 6 yeah ok so I was just doing the digits when it actually should be the second one is 6 v 1 1 2 3 4 5 is 1 and then 2 that was my problem is I was looking at them as all one string of units so I was doing two zero six one as opposed to 26:14 zero one two I think that's my difference I'm not sure if I need the brackets but let's say no for now there it is yeah see making progress logic yeah figuring out the nuances good cool GCS 3 equals e 1 V 1 M 1 I've not seen it before check the microfilm might be something in there about it listen let me know when you're done with that one back from the transport team I'm starting to worry sure thing does no one worry about me okay here it is whoa okay that's different flashing red screen yeah quite the warning sign [ __ ] something is going on the last you must have just been tested in the system Gina is normal and I'll see what I can find out once I get these goddamn lights on guys we're letting the enemy in don't believe it don't believe it for a second whoo what return to this dial up to eleven eleven thousand kilohertz that is you know you're serious I'm speaking of all that cold Bonnie the theorists a Pawnee this a Pawnee the sea or one says she's sick but I shall watch so hypersphere I appreciate you watching hopefully we don't make you sicker oh and Jacob Tidwell consider yourself shouted out no man oh man we're doing some Morse code aren't we check our microfiche and what do they say was the GCS you spin my fish round baby fish round like a record baby fish round round round my microfiche she is feeding riot round microfiche is feeding right okay there we go sibling Morse code ooh this is gonna be important okay I only ever see microfilm in like crime-solving movies right so this just makes me think we're gonna you know solve everything the killer is okay so this so this is the phonetic alphabet okay so I need so I really need to get into the sorry what else is back here okay that's the end of it all that seems like it's the end okay so that's the end of it which means that I need to go back to this guy and so this is going to give us our numerical code now [Music] okay here we go here we go with so it's restarting so that's five five no oh those are dots oh geez okay so God Morse code is so harsh like I'm so impressed that people suffice with Morse code for as long as they did so that's zero [Music] okay zero zero nine zero did that dead-dead of that is seven zero nine seven good definite okay here we go with zero nine [Music] six okay okay to shoot okay start it zero nine seven seven five it ends with five nine seven seven so okay six one two three four five okay so it ends with five so we're missing whatever the one two three four fifth one is and I think it's dreaming dad I did it you did it did it at it yeah it's C I think it's three five zero nine seven seven three five data fast FS I think it is because it ends with too slow and then it ends with five basics okay we're gonna go with that fingers crossed that we got it here we go zero nine seven seven three five let's try that now Oh No do you'll want help from the chat did and did it it did didn't it maybe it's for hold up I'm gonna try this again No [Music] - it's true did it it did it at that it's three is it so it's not zero nine seven seven three five senses what do you think okay you're all wait no no no no it ends with zero I I'm still thinking that's what it is and it's three yeah there it is whoo okay that was yeah that's tough man I think I would really be in trouble it's the only way I could communicate with people here's my thing if I'm doing Morse code and and granted like you know we're from a very different era where Morse code is is a very different use case than what it used to be where now it's just like a gimmick in games like the only time we've really had to use it is like keep talking nobody explodes in here but it's one of those things where to me if I'm doing Morse code I would make sure that the dots and dashes are just like more pronounced like maybe if you're used to hearing in a budget you're like oh yeah I totally understand how this is slightly longer than the other one but hearing that I'm having to think through like is that a short or a long it's really hard like I would do like duh oh do you like - dot dot dot dot dash dot dash dash dash dot dot dot like slow it down for the layman in the room shall we I get it I get it it's not it's not the language that I'm comfortable with but man it takes a lot of practice that's hard yeah and it's painfully annoying are you saying it took me too long to solve that one Kris no Kansas let's look for Kansas shall we I think you're lying all right now we're gonna look for we're not in the Kansas anymore this is Appendix B I'm gonna find it Chevron drive sacrifice Jennifer whole sitar that's canvas not to be confused with Kansas whole Janu mess Kansas whoo okay you spin my microfiche round right round like a microfiche right round round round okay okay here we go variables got some more variables in this one okay point Rena space on my one new page growing up my dad had an NES and he would just write out enormous maps of the games that that he would play like I mean he was playing the original Legend of Zelda which has the most complicated like it's it's pretty darn complicated and he would just draw out on graph paper just giant maps of stuff and I still have them to this day all his original maps where he grew because you know you there were player guides kind of there wasn't anything online and so what is that 4G 4G 7g or a zero I think that might be actually zero I'm gonna say that's either is this G or a zero execute and so I've kept in tones because I think it's just really cool to see that variable replacement okay and it's just nice to have kind of that thing that he grew up with where x equals largest number from the original broadcast y equals the smallest number from the original broadcast and by original broadcast you're referring to what exactly the first ever broadcast conversion operators most inputs on command line good when you say the original broadcast are you talking with you talking about your game that does not that does not bode well for us the original the original numbers I didn't keep those was I supposed to have kept no so now uh wait a minute uh I have the second one that's not the original broadcast mmm is there a way to go back and revisit that original broadcast that would be super helpful it was FM I remember it was not an FM channel shoot was I supposed to have written it down somewhere Oh No yeah you allowed to just go back on that machine or are we stuck there that's a good question you know what was it it was like twelve fifty or something like that wasn't it Yeah right you know we do we have the pout are you pulling up I see Twitter what's Twitter say you have something pulled up on Twitter I know Twitter showing they might it might let us know will they tar says oh hey look at Twitter is back on the hashtag GT live screen hey ma ma look I'm on the street people are excited you people would be excited to see themselves back on the street man it's been too long okay I'm just gonna start typing these in point package you yep don't know what the number is though that's where our problem is it was really low twelve something if I remember right hopefully plate pray for us [Applause] [Music] Kress what so you're talking which of which original broadcast that's my question I heard you talking about the very first thing we did right I would assume that that's original broadcast because when we did all right because when we did Chevron cuz Chevron was like Oh put in the variables that are from the activation code or whatever Kansas here let me look where was your chevron mass canvas whiskey landscape or so that was abacus was the first one we did advocates was first okay but I'm trying to see how Chevron because Chevron also had variables but the Chevron variables were from the okay so from the broadcast code so this one says from the broadcast code and so Kansas here says from the original broadcast so that to me is saying from the first broadcast code that we've received right the original that would be the original broadcast yeah that's what that's the numbers that we need to put in right I feel like that makes sense right and wouldn't that be that wouldn't be Chevron right that would be no that would be from abacus okay but abacus we didn't have that's the only one I haven't written down because it just said it right there like I was able to listen and put it in um problem is I wish and I don't remember what the FM code was because if it was 1930 was it 1930 shoot do you think our did Twitter tell you I'm looking at the rewind version does not seem to be it [Applause] unless unless it's canceled it shoot oh no how do you rewind rewind for me game game I need that code you didn't tell me to write down every now I'm just stuck no just done it's over it's done aliens are taking over the hive mind has one we have lost it is game set and match yeah well if we could find out what that original code that'd be super helpful because from the original broadcast yeah because I don't know and this is sorry we need the largest number from the original broadcast and the smallest number from the original broadcast smalls never mind been to zero it might be to zero in there no what's abacus I wonder if I go to abacus if it says anything it's a small large so I duel I mean I I do like that about this game in general is that this is a game that's inspired by the eighties like that's cool and so doing stuff like having to write down things like my dad did when he was playing video games in the 80s is cool on receipt of the callback code which can okay getting it yeah all right yeah this is not it would have been useful if abacus here had like kind of refreshed me on what those were and I could have had like something to to go back to but that is unfortunately not the case portfolio yeah come here any luck friends especially if the chat is flying by I believe in you Chris you know people are saying 13 0 14 14 9 3 4 that sounds right 9 that sounds right so it was 14 and see okay so that makes sense because I remember there was 14 twice so this would be 0 then this would be point dot package dot X that's the smallest Y is the largest I believe 14 or is the other way around shoot I forgot let me double-check oh it's largest and smallest okay so this is actually the other way around so this one should be 14 this one should be 0 largest number smells numbers yep okay and then this should be capital Sal minus a minus 40 I think well that's wrong okay point package EXO let's just make sure that that's alright point package oh they're saying nine not 14 so it's 13 113 0 14 14 9 3 is what I had from earlier what you said 13 0 14 14 9 3 and X is largest number so that so if it's so you're saying it's 9 I mean nine and zero says forgotten Newton's 2009 okay so I mean that's right it is nine and zero I do okay so again I try to be fair and like Equal Opportunity games and and this is fine but when it says from the original broad so I think I know what it's referring to right it's saying the activation code it's saying what we just put in using the Morse code which was zero nine seven seven three zero right so the law law smallest number would be zero the largest number would be nine so that makes sense but for them to say from the original broadcast when it whereas before during the last section they said from the broadcast from the broadcast code which we had just gotten that terminology is unclear which I would say hey if we can make that you know if I were to like redo this game or like offer suggestions to just make it more clear I think keeping that language consistent cuz you're asking me from the code that you just got I think that's there we go yeah that's the problem so that's just friendly advice unsolicited but as a player that's where my confusion is from because that whole time we could have avoided because I had it written down in front of me the entire time the storm 3 can you monitor arrange for me they use an emergency signal summer between 8 8 and a half thousand wrench hello there see if you can track it down oh no that's our supply for the next six months if they turn back what do we do we can reschedule I'm more worried that they didn't turn that otherwise they'll be having a drink by now the boat was called 20 F good yeah okay three eight eight and a half thousand fm somewhere see if you can pick up a distress signal or something oh no that's terrible cute eight two eight and a half thousand all right well then well thanks for narrowing it down for me friends let's start with a okay here we go dudu [Applause] is it is it fair to have been confused by that and I wasn't uh I don't think I was overthinking it I was reading the text that was on screen right it was it was weirdly put together right okay I'm one I hope you like here distressed aliens yeah well distress daily yeah you know week if it takes a long time to search 8,000 different like kilohertz okay geez what do you expect me to do also you're useless you're like I've never done any of this stuff before so I can't be of any help yeah great it's like a group project all you lazy bums loading up all your work on me the guy stuck in Greenland in the middle of a blizzard that's gonna get eaten by aliens you're welcome already think we're gonna thank me know they're not gonna thank me just like a group project here's here's numbers one and two over here being like we're just gonna kick back and relax figure out the original broadcast using your microfiche great just scan 8,000 different wavelengths for that distress code buddy yeah Oh get out of here can I can I hang up on you I hope you starve in the blizzard woman geez I hope that the freezing-cold aliens find you in your little huts with your useless self sitting back waiting for other people do the work for you she's gonna come back on again here in a second I'm good I'm gonna hang up on her I just even if I each succeed I'm not gonna share any of my results with her do you don't deserve them three eight two eight and a half thousand great thanks thanks a lot we're almost halfway friends get excited hype for 4,000 Hertz 500 here in suspicious you do it guess what you've never done any of this before I can't do it guess what it's it's called tuning an effing radio yeah yeah you find a dial and you spin it slowly up not rocket science here geez three do it do you think people are Bossier if they don't know your name and they know you as a voice and a number probably I mean it's kind of like the Internet right people are meaner online because their identities are attached to things right that's true and yeah it's easier to be mean to like a wall of text yeah anonymity buys you a lot of free rein here's here's the cool here's the cruelest irony of all when we missed this yeah shut up listening to the radio listening for a distress call maybe I would be able to do it if you didn't keep interrupting me and making me upset with your like impertinence and impatience that's right I said impertinence very nice somebody is ready for the SATs right those SAT work flash words nothing to play I've missed it have a night this is gonna suck it should be at the beginning whenever you're gonna make someone do a tedious thing just you know if we're using the pretense of it could be between this huge span of numbers let's put it in the front half right although I should have been coming from 10,000 so maybe that's why what you should do though is have like the game constantly like berating you for being slow and diligent like that's not making me feel good about myself right now my gosh where is this thing uh we were hoping to beat stories untold today but man alive do you want to sew the chat knows the number do they do you want to know the number you're almost there to the number yeah wait [Music] I heard it a second ago there three yeah I hear it you'd say that I'm very close okay be patient woman is this not it I'd go a little higher maybe roughly 150 or higher come on [Music] I mean how clear they need a guy like I can hear it apparently this is not clear enough for them yet so that's cool I'm glad I really started at 8 that was that was really nice glad we got there welcome three yeah yeah yeah now it's gone that's over No was I right but keep going up board so because I've lost it because here's the thing again like if I'm getting radios work it gets more clear as you get closer to it and I was hearing it pretty clear without a lot of static and now it's gone so this would tell me wow you have gone too far so I would scale it back sorry the chat is being really funny and I found out about this a little bit ago but I thought it was funny so I didn't say anything she's not saying between eight and eight thousand she's saying between 8,000 and 8,500 oh are you effing kidding me white why would it explicitly between 8 and 85 hun why would you assume that eight is eight thousand eight to eight thousand it says eight not a pakka down there it's literally the number eight on a dial that tiles all the way down to zero oh this game hates me no wonder the internet hates watching me play this game guess what Internet I don't blame you at this point like I would be frustrated too if I knew the answers and had watched the other 15 youtubers who played this play it and edit out whatever mistakes they made two central populations what is being described as I love the fact that I came across yet another like signal that apparently does not merit attention in any way yeah I get it listen I got here it is I found it how much clearer do you need this game ok we're moving away this sounds pretty good is there like a button we have to hit to be like we found it right like uh no is there I don't think there is right usually there's like an input somewhere I think it's landing on whatever the right number is right I mean yeah I thought so but this feels so right anyway is this the right number it's field we're saying it's an eight to fifty are you kidding me all these other things are just fun eight to fifty oh my god that bad God the distress signal from supply vessel to 0 F please respond okay Jenny one there three are you the have enough supplies to last whatever this is out you need a stiff drink of water some aboard I try to turn back but the store or them that mess with our GPS and straightened yeah what is he talking about old oh no now you're eager to participate screw you they hate everyone everyone's gone I don't care be ready it's 2005 what are you there are you hearing this lock your door two three do the same don't hear it what do you mean did you hear the report I just got a call from station via the coach something is happening I don't know what but they said we have to lock up and stay in our cabin then it went dead what are you talking about go do it just do it they're here go do it GCS ik no no we don't you know as long as the GCS number is going up we're helping a lot of you we're not it was three last time it's six this time what does it mean that's good that's good just process the signals yeah process the signals one and two do it yourself figure it out I've done my part here I I haven't even taken the time to lock in my damn door how about I get up and lock my door self-preservation instinct how about that yeah it always New York is gone I don't think a locked door is really gonna lock door in Greenland that is true right like if aliens come and find me out here Sierra hotel my butt zoo Sierra Hotel Bravo echo what's the first one my light sooo cute Sierra hotel I know this is the end of the thing they made all relate to numbers anyway light I forget what uh I know I don't have my like call perfectly here we go tango echo India Hotel golf Foxtrot echo Delta utterly Aetna my Sierra Zulu Medical kilo Lima Mike Mike that's Sierra that's it it's not the first way I would assume mike is pronounced but there we go no Mike Sierra Hotel got it cool there's something else here my Mike great Sierra yeah just when I thought I had it I was apparently wrong Mike yeah Sierra Sierra should be as age okay great now my that's the arrow Bravo echo oh this is gonna be the last challenge over there isn't it less than super fun great there comes with a mat oh my gosh okay here we go woo flip it nope nope nope oh this game gave me hates me so much okay here we go frequency with my frequency 69 70 LSB 69 70 LSB okay 69 70 you come home that's six nine seventy okay okay holy cow okay Mike is 15 Mike shoes let me write it down Mike Zulu Sierra hotel Bravo echo that's okay so that's 15 because here's here 69 70 Mike 15 Zulu is gonna be - Sierra gonna be 21 21 hotel Sierra Oh 69 70 d hg h CN i mean that's a 10 B yeah a shia labeouf clapping for me yeah this is from at just a person 471 Matt you're doing it thanks guys forget forget this is this is hard man this is really intense alright so fifty please let this work fifteen to twenty one ten four seven please please all think unholy they praise praise o qu owed someone Q the jubilation dance from fortnight centaur here's the thing if this if this episode of stories untold ends with numbers 1 and number 2 dying I will that it's a victory it's all worth it because hearing her repeat over and over again you're doing like oh do I just do it it's between 8 and 8,500 just do it just do it then you know what I'm excited for that day ok here's dr looking for centaur right oh ok let's do some more programming please let there be no variables under state of the callback code conversion operators must input the following command lines ok and any dynamic variables good there aren't any oh my gosh link goodness M status and that's TAS - are and and dot stir - z h grace capital w okay all right stop so over it mmm God looks capital m and that's grabbed one write m dot status - are no it's not tab and so used to tabbing over okay status - are command that stirrer - the H dot grid dot capital W please work yes allocate those resources one of the power lines down one are you dad if I die before her you know have to dive listening I have to die listening to her up o ones here to thank goodness I might I recommend station to check out station to not he's gone take station to now boy don't just take me just take me please okay fine USB take take - oh look it's between 8 and 18 581 50 [Music] zero oh my gosh is this it and that would be great I'd love to just have it be this simple [Music] yes oh that's delightful thank you for that game thank you thank you for your sacrifice okay sacrifice here we go oh come on that's crazy you'll get yourself killed no up you seeing things for now we have more people now say who's this new right we got these new pekin out of here I've got enough problems with with one and two breathin down my neck I understand this call bet code weird okay great variables under the numbers one two and three from the original oh the original broadcast good thing we wrote that good thing the original broadcast wait I didn't write it why would I ever three number station three this is station four so let it be known that I didn't write it down just I didn't write down X or Y or Z rots actuate y point O but that's okay in this case I think take take one into authorization word from Appendix C a man C authorization we're okay numbers four five and six from the original broadcast represent latitude represent a latitude okay so the original broadcast is okay one eight zero one eight nine zero four five okay so one two and three represent longitude this one represents latitude there we go okay now go to Appendix C and find longitude and latitude why they matter okay great okay so I need x and y so this is X this is y okay so should have any one eight nine zero four five and I just get to Appendix C hold up okay whoo boy Hale Bopp in the chat says man this is so complicated right it's really complicated I agree this one's really hard the other two were pretty simple like it makes me kind of regret making it seem like house abandoned was so confused because like house AB and it was super easy it's like here's all the obvious answers but now this is just like what the heck okay ten dixie code for generation dammit okay so here's Appendix C oh nice I knew this was coming start signal God signal modulation it is LSB isn't it yeah no USB it's USB so we go this way broadcast frequency it's between between 8 and 5500 it's this one okay process total nut total of broadcast numbers of six process tone six is the answer there six total is greater than it is not great process total of broadcast Oh total of broadcast numbers nine ten 18 18 22 27 no it is not total is greater than 30 it is not so that's no Alexander okay please please let this work oh so I'm getting word that from the chat yep that at some point you should read the Jennifer log before this episode and so really Harun Leah connects to I assume Jennifer from house from the first one no that's a good that's a good idea actually where are you there you go sibling that's interesting to actually drive sacrifice yeah I feel like I'm there's a lot of like secrets in these games I received a callback code conversion over open open red X so the open red X the utility closet in house abandoned had a red X on it timer start 12:05 random generator so the generator needs to be on timer start 12:05 so that's is the timer the like clock in your room open Rena to open the red X input terminal code hitting enter at that I wonder if I ahead type this in if it would like change things into other ones we might have to go back and test it at some point or can I do it with this one maybe maybe before I do this Alexander right was my code yes it was okay here I'm gonna try typing this in just to do it that's rot oh wait no this is where's Jennifer Jennifer come back to me there we go can defer can defer where are you there we go kena for type you in see if you do anything fun like an easter egg again Easter eggs fun open red minus X timer start 12:05 and Rand underscore generator I love that the aliens are taking their good old time to get to me I do appreciate that their patience is appreciated they're like this person is gonna get yelled at right this person's gonna get harassed by people on the other end of the line that that's punishment enough isn't it open read minus X so that's open the - open the X timer does that underscore a - under timer start it's underscore at 12:05 and it's rend random generator odd yeah it's just foreplay if it's just a button yeah I wonder if it's okay so this is rot X 189 this is Xu late accentuate the positive hopefully one and two are dead point one Alec oh it's all caps Alexander there we go please aliens be my friend here we go 300 she's still gone crazy demanding response I think the wind is misaligned a transmitter or something we need to go after it you got it you got a girl you do it all you I got everything in doors oh no no rude no don't don't do it is there code there did I get songs I got something over the head no I don't want to do this no go back go back to your hood go go back home to the hot I want my phone all generator I'm good with generators let's turn it on let's turn on the generator man I have a vendetta against - at this point - a - is gonna get me killed oh I can't open the door it's too windy rainy - you are the worst whatever horrific fate is coming to all of us I don't deserve it I did my best Ward 4 great - is the only one - is the only survivor which is the cruelest irony of all isn't it yeah it just goes to show not doing work and letting ever ever and riding everyone else's coattails how to get ahead in life isn't that right - - used to be my lucky number I think I'm gonna change it now now yes now it's gonna be three just because of all this your rule spooky I'm gonna spook you ooh let's do the window in spookier there's No I like that all the supposed Italians are not here right I mean for having a pretty what seems to be a pretty violent alien attack that's you know captured a lot of people in a hurry surprising that they won missed missed my little section my little slice of heaven otherwise known as my shed into the ring lizard but but - yeah even when I'm out here they're like yeah you know nowhere to be found you see they Cheerilee men you imagine living and working out of a place like this like this is so cold this would be terrible I would I would I would not be able to handle this probably like a three-day trip to the nearest town three-day trip a three-day trip generator very familiar with those can we just go and yank two out of our cozy little home and be like hey get out here and do work I'm going back to three like I'm done with this you do something for yourself for a change up there's four initiating backup power system here going here poor guy captured for that you know right you like engaged in any way get support hell no engagement turn on that generator there you go this is real an uprising part of this game what I said I'm just kind of surprised by this yeah me too that like right that we're actually moving and doing stuff so I'm following this back to the generator there you go friend generator back online come on aliens just do it take me put at pbn GATS three to seven tweets I hope Matt pets new lucky number is somewhere between eight and eight and a half ain't a thousand that's great oh great well we signals that where's the aliens they're gonna be back in might they're gonna be back in three right what she says she can't feel her legs Oh is this a pathogen or are they aliens whoa Oh whoo he's coming back [Music] oh this is not bode well apologies headphone users between the Morse code and the foghorn that's going off every couple second this has just been a brutal auditory episode I gotta say I hear you maybe I should maybe I shouldn't come back screw you guys here you get them good weird these machines they are correct a little destiny goes it's gonna track me down again whoa hey yeah I'm not going in that three my poor little 300 this is for all right do Oh welcome back did you see the room the room you entered was from the house it was the house right yeah it was the house from the original from the first for the first one yeah all right that was that was a long hard one she had to spend a little too much time doing every one of those things yeah here's here's my question what happened to - that's all that matters to me - better be the carcass that ends up on the kitchen table and house abandoned otherwise I will not be satisfied with this story what time is it Chris it is 5:30 for shoots I wanted to finish it today and that took so long took a surprisingly long it was such a long one was like just like egregiously slow I don't think I mean it was a very TD thing was way more tedious than it needed to be shoot do you know how long the last session is I do not but I shall consult the check in 20 seconds when they begin to answer that question poop because I do know I need to finish the script tonight but I really don't I really set out to finish this one today I did not expect like especially with how fast house abandon was and lam conduct like the lab conduct or conduct like that was sure they were both short this one took a really long like the puzzles just took a long time but I don't think it was me being like purposely dense yeah I guess I could have started at 8,000 had I realized that that's what they were telling me to do the chat is is begging you to finish and they're saying that four is not very long they're saying it's short I'm seeing a few 20 minutes all right let's power through it real fast look good whoo doing it real fast look around go to an open pro tip thanks guys oh thank thankfully thank you so much for [Music] 15 20 minutes yeah good job Metta oh this is funny already okay you're quite fond of the show on you oh man are we binging it is this all the commentary on Netflix we've had enough binging for today thank you okay okay come on let's get you down to the observation room oh is this so we're the first three all just like my psychosis they're all like visions I'm having based on the fact that like there were numbers for something to feel like home to you don't worry try and get you out of here eventually quit just in here maybe they're telling me to quit the game okay how we threw in an extra just relax and we'll get started in a moment oh man it's like the those minigames infan ass like listen to the tape recording and when he moves shocking now are you ready so it's just a record on the tape deck in front of you when you're ready this is subject 12 1986 23 new such an entry we have myself Alex it isn't us and in a room we have our patient mr. James Asian as we know of James has recently recovered from a two-week coma following his accident in our last three sessions James's attempt to recollect events of the accident seen him merging his memory with his imagination yeah these heads have always ended in panic and we've had to terminate the session abruptly let's try and do this from better James so when you're ready let's bring this back I know how difficult this must be but you can't do this James it's hard to remember all right let's do it we're piecing together the mystery it's like conscious life Fox I can show you the old memories look into it I do that sure all those good old alien glyphs I certainly remember those in your most recent episode you recalled a false memory remote where the station oh this is cool already up edited from the rest of the world locked inside you chroma interacted with you daily encouraging you to wake okay your family would do number puzzles with you anything really to turn back people needed answers James do you remember I it was hard for signal here for you Jane oh no two five six one zero FM you can't miss it you say that it would be surprised too don't you know based on how this game has gone for me I would not put it past me I like where this is going already though like piecing together the clues from the first three to like have the explanation for the whole thing I'm excited by that yeah this is 20 F yeah that's cool twelve six type in the numbers James gaseous this is 20 F 1986 23-0 xx type it of numbers James I guess yes this is 20 f2 1986 23 so this is I'm assuming this is the date and time time to noon right yeah 12 yes like December 20th 1986 because 1986 has been important date from the first one in nineteen and then I'm assuming it's twenty three or four o clock 23 Oh more microfiche it's my favorite report go back please report yeah road traffic accident I did not expect it to be a traffic accident that's interesting No all right [Music] just be okay Wilson there we go if I ever I've done the singing to see two cars that had been involved in a head-on collision mr. Asian found lying down outside of his vehicle with head injuries and ambulance was immediately called his passenger was trapped in the vehicle in critical condition from wounds sustained in the collision the driver of the blue sedan mister Hennings find dead on arrival it was noticed that there was strong smell of whiskey from the driver and an empty whiskey bottle on the passenger seat mr. Asian was questioned on scene he described an oncoming blue sedan being clearly out of control which he swerved to avoid mr. Asians passenger was his sister the driver of the blue stand is an ex-police officer of twenty years okay 20 F so we have fatal accident so I'm assuming I need to type in these words 20 f fatal accident and then the other ones were empty empty whiskey empty whiskey and out of control out of control okay and I think that's everything in this one everything else is kind of sensor so okay let's try that report it's gonna be 20 F anal accident set all in caps they know that captains yeah it's all in cash 20 a half space they don't answer then it should be empty whiskey that's Rui these are all in camps to shoot that's the right way to go then great haha nice find the signal James listen to the voices you have to face it James finally thousand of em eighty-thousand it's not like that's all I've worked with officer Henning for six years and not once have we even talked about alcohol drunk driving it was a father and a husband was fine no way he caused this if him this Haitian guy he's got something to hide huh now we're in the game oh this is cool does it make sense correct that is accurate Oh you step out into the hospital ward but it only seems abandoned your vision is blurry quit help us here under stress help us to help help right this is where I was today all of your episodes were recorded to tape this is the fourth yeah yeah okay sometimes they make you watch your past sessions to see what really happened okay that's cool they are all locked that one is well this plant water dad will kill me this picture is the same this is also locked dr. Alexander is always watching you remotely I don't know if anyone else is ever with him I've been told don't have that fifth pint or step to recovery tense up someone else is here Tyler go do that No someone notices here is it my guilty conscience this would have been mister Hennings bed it's cold to the touch his headings here who's coming to attack me outside of my own guilt next to him she was still alive when we got to her if he'd have done something they could all still be here okay hello that he's also a locked I haven't oh they're all locked but hey that tape today was the first session with mr. James Asian although I fear it will certainly not be his last when asked about events that have happened in the past he confused fact and fiction and told us a story about a computer game that was talking to him look I think you guys back at his own house he's mom and dad's house and he always talks about a room and the red X when he couldn't get in so little what any of this means or what it's gonna do the accident but I guess some more sessions or maybe reveal that we're gonna try again tomorrow it's that damn utility closet eat the keys grab the keys from the table they weigh heavy in your hand then drop them that's what we learned last time one meter ooh sanitize you wash your hands but in this place it feels pointless that's great okay here we go day room spent most waking moments in here oh man the house abandoned Greenland fly safe to Greenland number puzzles the only video they have some horror compilation Oh stories at old it's trash Wow harsh your harsh on your own kind game seats for visitors not that you've had any still seats for visitors I haven't had any oh no open door you only caught a glimpse of the room you guess that's why there's no detail in here haha that's funny it's no detail but if he wakes up when he wakes up I want answers until then you handle it you rock okay no fair enough the waiting area is dark but you feel a presence right behind you no oh hell-oh shifted for some reason today we're trying to open that door shifted me in some way I'm a changed man now okay here we go someone breathes on your neck standing over you cool they're very good at following got you oh nothing still let's do it back there yeah then nothing yeah this well there's your first problem you know I mean I hope you feel dread the pit of your stomach something familiar about the about this bed what they did to you go towards the light illustration so bright okay we have our 22 year old male just brought in from a vehicle collision he was awake in mobile at the scene but collapse on arrival to the emergency ward the passengers died in the accident I'm getting no pulse prepare for defib I'm charged full to ten and give me 100 joules oh that's my heart Oh cereal come on hundred joules charge a fool to ten Oh No let's turn down the camera on my TV so I can see what's going on with my heart oh that's an eyeball come on that's my eyeball in charge the 10 okay this is the laser oh here okay and charge to 10 that's not fair you can you'll come on hundred joules two-hundred-year-old ten oh there you go 100 joules and there we go okay hundred joules teeths making me do use my own defibrillator here guys yeah some hospital right there's okay there's ten and five of them in point before right with it there we go boom Jack me here like I can't do this until the patient äj-- let's try out 500 joules keep the amp charge to tender great whoo somewhere between 2 and 200 200 joules keep the charge of tenure good I'm working on it - geez this guy's related to - Izzy there you go boom shock me ok we have a reaction of some sort here a weak signal don't drill into my heart don't see Darren increase again 360 charge fool three six day when can we use the laser beam let's use some laser beam action can we use the laser beam - yeah you can only turn up the dial so fast jeez everyone everyone just riding leaving this game here go thank you well would you look at that it seems we have a pulse yeah there's my mom there's a missus table we need to run an x-ray right away oh man okay cool let's do that then where are we without x-ray and one more people's get it going now please yeah done everyone is so demanding all the time x-ray data wasn't that over here cuz this is this is the this is the leader the x-rays oh oh I just had to turn it on here we go just had to turn on the x-ray sorry I'm so used to life's rubles really ridiculous things we could drain this now for relief pressure prepare for trepanation oh there we go switch them the drill please oh no no don't tell me the truth it's on it's on Fred there you go activate activate drill there we good Oh they're all season still on okay great don't worry I'm probably not be looking at the drill as it approaches your head no I did not like that oh it's unpleasant right there oh hey look good oh five turn on the generator turn on the generator and go through the red X okay it's on oh man not only is tonight New Year's Eve but tomorrow you leave on a six-month trip abroad with some friends mom up dad and your sister Jennifer have decided to throw a party to celebrate it all the house is full you're in the living room and as usual you don't recognize a soul Oh ha look around look progress is being made room is full of charity strange chatty strangers mostly friends of mom and dad there's a door to the hall open door see I've learned sorry go to door okay eat do talk to talk to strangers you exchange pleasantries nod and smile nod and smile that's it sorry don't understand look for Jennifer talk okay talk to mom mom it's mom I'm talking to talk to dad New Year's Eve six okay go to Hall you push through the crowd into the hallway there we go the hallway is as welcoming as ever only this time the folks have put a great big banner up across the main hall the main wall half finished drinks are abandoned on almost every horizontal surface stairs lead up although the party is firmly downstairs look around same as ever stairs door to the living room and door to the kitchen go to kitchen they say all the best parties there in the kitchen the kitchen is full of people and loud there are drinks and food on the table and the party is in full swing dad has one cooled cooled a hog roast cooked sorry yeah oh I see it okay cooked a hog roast which sits proudly on the table although no one's eating it eat hog roast maybe later not who'll eat it now I don't know what you're talking about look around there's a utility room and writing on the wall also Jen is here signaling you okay read writing happy new year 1986 another banner wired a place to hang in uh talk to Jen she's too far away and the room is too loud go to Jen you push through apologizing over and over to get to Jennifer you hug you're gonna miss each other you thank her for the party she asks if you were enjoying the party say yes you tell her it's great even though you don't really know anyone she tells you to enjoy it anyway and to loosen up they asks you to get a drink okay cool go to utility closet she speaks up over the din asking you to get her a drink yeah fine I will go get drink you poor Jen a drink and one for yourself too there's never an awkward silence with Jennifer she always has a question she asks if you have everything sorted for the big trip say no you tell her no that as usual everything is last minute another hug your family have really gone out of their way to make this happen for you make this trip happen for you it might be what you need to get some perspective and maybe not f up so much she's gonna miss you you're gonna miss her she walks away genna's disappeared into the crowd you're left standing nodding and smiling at the approving faces there's so much to do for this move can't mess it up but first a drink oh no stop drinking you pour and you pour and down another drink that is the antithesis of what I wrote but that's cool anything to move the night along go to utility closet you open the door and peer in hey what's inside you're never allowed in here normally this is where dad keeps his fine wines and whiskeys ceiling to floor racks a collector although he does actually drink them too there's a bottle with a ribbon around it and a card read hard you pick up the whiskey in the card it's your dad's handwriting son we're so proud of you and everything you've achieved you've earned this it's a bottle of 25 year old double malt double malt you shouldn't really but you have to try it don't try it with your whiskey in hand you take in the room around you there must be hundreds no thousands of pounds worth of drinks in here you really must thank your dad for the whiskey there are racks of fine wines and the door to the kitchen go to head back in the kitchen clutching your new best friend oh it's good to find a friend a lot of utility room back into the kitchen that is one strong whiskey you take another swig and give it a thumbs give up give the thumbs up to dad across the room he nods and winks go to dad I'm sorry good look around again busy and noisy we'll need to find somewhere quieter I just want to give dad a hug I wanted to give dad a hug go to hallway go back out to the hallway a few bumps and laughs on the way through and you make it to the hall you stopped dead in your tracks it's Jen covered in blood Oh hug hug Jen she's staring straight at you no one else notices hugged Jen again blood is dripping down her face it's mixing with tears look Jen again I'm sorry I don't understand how your type didn't Ken oh I'm sorry I don't understand huh sorry I don't understand huh I don't know ha ha ha run away go to living oh no oh god that's really creepy oh that's really good oh no oh apologize to Jen sorry doesn't understand we try our best position injuries were too severe I'm afraid Jennifer passed away before we could get to her in surgery we did the best we could I'm so sorry I don't move - take a seat let me talk to her no I'll arrange for you to see her enemy time James is in recovery he's stable for now they don't want to see him so don't don't blame me on that one [Music] you're standing in the hallway something has stopped you in your tracks while searching your mind while searching your mind your sister interrupts she waves her hand in front of you and asks if you can drive her home you still feel out of sorts those words echo say no sorry I don't understand look around doors to the kitchen the living room lead from here go to living room oh boy Jen you're sure your keys are in them no I didn't want no I didn't want to go to the living room I mean I did I didn't want to get keys there the living room has a much more relaxed atmosphere compared to the kitchen various guests are sat up on chairs having civilized conversations there's a coffee table in the middle of the room your mum is pouring a drink at the drinks cabinet hug mom sorry I don't understand okay I don't why if I go to her I'm gonna drink or drink or something aren't I go to hallway and be handed you head back out into the hall there we go I'm already inebriated though so it doesn't matter you're standing back in the hallway bottle of whiskey in hand but no car keys Jen points to the living room in size and she puts on her coat go upstairs you'd love to call it a night but Jen is waiting patiently tell Jen no get her and uber go to sleep all right I have to go through it I guess go I'm gonna try more time go upstairs yeah okay Jen is waiting patiently talk to Jen yeah yeah we can talk in the car go get your keys say no no I can't no I don't think there's a way out of this go to the living room I'm sure he's okay there's a coffee table in the middle of the room your mom was pouring a drink okay talk to mom tears immediately start to appear in her eyes my son off to America she gives you a hug hug mom sorry say goodbye mom okay off to America she gives you a hug hug back okay that's fine look or you need to look for them yep they must be either in the kitchen or and I know look around coffee table a drinks cabinet one of the chairs is overflowing with jackets and coats look at chair friends and conversation jackets and coats everywhere can't look at table drinks on coasters like proper civilized people you can't see your keys look in drinks cabinet right your mum's collection of wines and spirits definitely no keys in here so they said he felt like they were there ask mom for keys it must be in the chair right I would think like a chair friends in conversation jackets and coats everywhere look in totes you search through all the jackets and coats until you find yours haha car keys in the pocket you grab both okay go to hallway he's in hand you head back into the hall Jen thanks you for helping her out she does work in the morning and no one else is in any fit state to drive you can handle it though you know the road like the back of your hand don't you I don't I'm sorry I don't understand don't drive sorry I don't know fine go outside you open the front door and wait into and walk into the freezing night the cold air hits you you're glad you have your jacket with you there's a dusting of snow around you as you step down from the porch the art extends around the back of the house and the car sits at the front of the house Oh - I'm just curious what happens if I go to the backyard she sighs and comically taps her feet apart from the little light escaping the putt from the party indoor as the yard is pitch-black used used to love stargazing here you stumble around the darkness looting for the perfect looking for the perfect spot to take in the majesty of the night of the night sky trusty old generator is here working away the sky is majestic turn off generator well that would be a hilarious prank you think better of plunging the house into darkness shoot look at sky gaze up at the night sky for some reason you don't recognize any of the star patterns tonight she has fond memories here too it won't be the same without you here Jennifer looks relieved as he head back around to the front of the house I'm so sad this is ruff ruff go to car you fumble with the car handle confused until Jen tells you to maybe use the key in your hand give these to Jen tell Jen to drive look fine used key fumbling with the car keys you eventually get the door open and clink it climb inside the car is freezing as you fumble around with your seatbelt your sister opens up the car glove box and hands you a note and a key that was inside she tells you that it's for when you return can I read the note anyway the note is from your dad and reads hi son hope you enjoy your break you'll need to fire up the generator around back to get power and lights on also found something in the Attic for you it's in your room enjoy so that's the computer game it's time to go cars freezing both you and Jenna have your seatbelts on and are ready to go it's time to go turn on feet use key it takes a number of attempts but you eventually slot the key into the ignition drive the car doesn't move given that the engine isn't actually on it's like you've never turned - oh my god turn-key fine you turn the key in the ignition and the car roars to life drive carefully the car squeals but stays stationary Jen suggests releasing the brake giving you a wide-eyed stare ask Jen to drive you're gonna keep trying car squeals but stay stationary Jen's together yeah I could find release the brake I don't know why you're trying to use the brake use brake find unpark car steering wheel handbrake ignition use handbrake l sorry I'm going wrong you very hesitantly release the handbrake drive a car you put the car into gear and pull out of the driveway like a first-time driver you really should be driving you I am driving very drunk on the road towards the town where your sister stays Jen starts dozing off as soon as the journey got going this shouldn't take long come to a junction is it left or right you can't remember the road goes off to the left and to the right you can't remember which way to go the roads are quiet always right turns are safer you don't want to but you had better ask Jen for directions oh okay she grunts and throws her arm to the left it's left of course it's left don't take a left turn look both ways there's no time for that right now huh there you go turn turn the car left at the junction and accelerate off confident that you're on the right Road now you loosen up put your foot down on the accelerator you feel powerful as the engine roars at your command Jen sits up in her chair and clutches your arm she asks you to slow down it's not what really happened though huh slow down the devil really James pull over Jenna's hitting your arm and yelling at you crazy sister strange there's a set of headlights coming directly at you but really slow like slow motion you try to react with it but your body isn't responding there's nothing you can do to stop this there's no way to control it the lights merge with your car the outside joins the inside the whole world around it against the screen who let this very moment wasn't it James the movie who lost it all her sister the parents herself and then you made it worse come on show us what he did you wake up in the car your world is upside down your seatbelt struggles against gravity trying to hold you in your seat an impact into another car has torn a hole in the chassis poisonous fumes spill into your car from the engine you are in grave danger you have to get out of here cars broken beyond repair the windows are smashed there's wreckage all around you're both wearing your seat belt you release yourself from the seat gravity takes over as he was stumped on the stomp she's slow slow yeah slump on the onto the roof of the car you're just gonna play up here oh girl oh we go okay as you slip onto the roof of the car okay you've already taken off your seatbelt and saved your life I know I'm trying to save Jen I can't I'm sorry I don't know yeah they're not gonna let me be fluid like Ellis is an old word diffident I love your feet and don't ever forget it flashlight no pillows from the back hard you're going up instead approaching in a distance holding your whiskey drink drink whiskey come on James if you drink this now it's gonna you're gonna get what's coming to you what do I need to blue cars miss hide whiskey oh that's a good one heíd whiskey well that's not a smart thing James is it they'll eventually find it there and they'll link it to you Oh [Music] go to blue car the door is jammed you don't have time for messing around like this James what car the Opus I said open open door what car the other blue car or yours blue car open a blue car door what car the other blue car or yours other blue car right sorry I don't know what car opened or what car open my door what car the other blue car were yours yours my [Music] open up my door what car the other blue car yours see I'm you dope Hey yeah I know I'm opening the other blue card right open blue card or what car the other blue car yeah what a blue car doors jammed you don't need to have time for messing around I know sure what I'm confused [Music] crash sites and billows blinking and feet refusing okay okay okay here we go the hazard lights are blinking and fumes are rising from the engine through the smashed windows you can see the motionless driver pour whiskey on driver with the lights approaching closer you begin to hear the trill of the sirens or thrill of the sirens shrill sirens you simply cannot go to jail for this you clean the bottle to remove your connection with the whiskey you then very deliberately spit the remainder of the bottles contents filled the remainder of the bottles contents onto the driver and you toss the incriminating evidence onto the passenger seat circle the flashing lights surrounds you illuminating the craft sight in the darkness behind them an army of people all staring one figure steps out a silhouette and walks over to you the red and blue flashing lights are causing the pain in your head to be all the more severe you try to talk but you're not making any sense cry sorry you're not talking any sense you're not talking any sense you're not talking any sense one figure steps out a silhouette walks towards you [Music] go to silhouette there we go as you approach the man as you approach the man the pulsating light I know you're tearing yourself apart but no matter what you keep telling you you have to listen to me that accident you have to remember usually go for school even fault [Music] needed how you left me there to protect yourself planting evidence on poner you went headfirst into that officer wrecked all of our lives [Music] couldn't even take responsibility of you and no one else save yourself [Music] you know you can see me [Music] say it James accepting my favorite firsthand [Music] listen to yourself [Music] it has two engines [Music] understand [Music] this is Sergio having us come to an end [Music] I will confess stop the session in the station okay [Music] sometimes if you watch best message see what happens yeah [Music] go back to where we started [Music] it puts an end to this where everything started that Lewis James [Music] I'm ready I don't know what was different that time well I think we've made progress today mr. Haitian I guess we should tell the police what you've told us although I didn't suspect I'll take you anywhere I think you'll be with us for quite some time come on let's get you back to your shows I'll see you tomorrow [Music] there you go here I'm waiting to the end credits to see what happens but there's anything or is this just like the at the end then might be just the end then I was like oh maybe they'll be like another chapter that opens up or some like Easter Egg or something but maybe not I was that was dark right it got really dark there I like I like what they did I think this is really good I think I think the the reveal at the end is really really good I love the way that they make you rethink everything that you went through in the first three chapters and kind of revisit it in kind of a new context I think that's really smart and the way they kind of like force you through the decisions that you don't want to take it's a good usage of gameplay to tell a story right and it's funny because it also plays into kind of the frustration I was having yesterday playing the first chapter where it's like why can't I do more and it's because you can't you know that's the whole point is your decisions are already locked like for me to go in and be like oh I'm just playing a game and be surprised by the limited options available that makes sense you know like oh well why isn't this like a fully robust game or whatever but now in retrospect it makes a lot more sense because now it's like oh because all those decisions were already made for you so you're not really exploring a house like I thought I was you're actually reliving these events and your choices are already made that's interesting it's the him framing the other driver I think I could take her leave like I think that almost over complicates it it's already pretty clear that he's in the wrong and that he's trying to hide stuff and this and that like I think you didn't necessarily need that twist for it to still be like super powerful but I think it helped it helped give it a finality because you have Jen pushing him to drive despite drinking no matter what and I mean I know we tell like I just feel like there would be more room as the player to give him slack if you wanted to but this way there's no way like no maybe well yeah that takes I mean that action definitely takes away any sort of like any sort of yeah uh there's no gray area yeah there's no great like he is very clearly wrong there like to frame someone else but yeah I mean even before that like he has so many options or so many chances to say no and stuff like to me it's already done the second he like hops in the cars like I'm you know when the screen turns red it's like you've already screwed up hmm that's really good that's really good I also like the idea of play it was smartly done because it plays off of this kind of expectation of stranger things and of alien possession and this idea of you know what everything stranger things has alternate reality the upside down it's like an alien creature this and that and so everything in those first three chapters are kind of pointing you in that direction in some way of like oh it's gonna be this weird alien creature that's taking over only to have the like rug pulled out from under you I think that's a smart use of the genre and of the time period and kind of like the pop culture reference that this game is riffing to catch you off guard and surprise you to tell you a story that you weren't expecting because I was expecting the last one to be like the alien story that ties it all together but it's not and I think you know everything about the artistic decision all the dark Cystic decisions that this game had made we're leading me in the direction of oh it's gonna be just like stranger things and then it's not and I think that's I think that's really good this was cool what's cool very very very cool I've also learned a couple things about myself and my gameplay style I'm very thorough in my gameplay style looking at every number between eight and eight thousand five hundred you know you do but uh it's great good job devolver digital man there i haven't played many other games in the past but between messenger which i mentioned yesterday played off stream stream just for myself and this this is another one other games a plus like they're they're coming out with some good stuff we're gonna pay more attention to them moving forward but um there you go I think that's I we're already kind of way over time I have a script to do Stephanie's waiting for me at this point so I should get going but thank you for joining us I'll be curious to read your comments on this video after the fact tell me what you thought about it tell me your feelings about it how guilty was James before and after he framed the other guy I'd be curious to get your thoughts um there you go that's that's it we'll be back tomorrow and I think we'll be back I think Stephanie might be joining us tomorrow too either tomorrow Friday but we'll be back tomorrow for something very different but hopefully equally interesting and cool so thank you for you know suffering through the last two days with me as I kind of like slowly ground my way through some pretty strenuous puzzles there thank you for your patience we'll see you tomorrow four o'clock p.m. Pacific time and remember that it's just a stream a live stream Chris say goodbye in the chat okay sketchy skies says by Jason Cruz says play what remains of Edith Finch [ __ ] hey we have so many flies oh and alley cat says Chris I loves Oh Alley Cat that's so sweet Chris likes that too Chris appreciates you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 212,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stories untold, stories untold game, stories untold gameplay, the house abandon, stories untold trailer, stories untold theme, untold stories, stories untold markiplier, stories untold jacksepticeye, scary, spooky, scary game, the lab conduct, horror game, horror, scary stories, the station process, the last session, horror stories, text adventure, game theorists, game theory, matpat, gtlive, gtlive scary, matpat scared, stories untold explained
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 23sec (8663 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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