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okay so we're gonna gracefully disembark from my ship there we go beautiful hello everybody and welcome back to our medieval fighting that's right we're playing shield-wall today aren't you playing a Caesar himself so we have landed on the beaches of Britain this is supposed to replicate Oh can we jump yeah Oh God oh okay are we being attacked Oh No the first time Caesar actually came to Britain or Britannia as it was called back then um as you know or maybe you don't know the Romans were terrible with ships so they sucked and they were easily like kind of relish they docked there is versatile dock down in the South of England we're pretty gonna die here oh my god there's so many this isn't a good idea this is definitely not a good idea Oh Oh No are we gonna win no see some look at his hands defeat seizes got it see oh my god oh she's just about to retreat is what this is gonna do Wow we got people that already have like 300 points oh you want some you want some Oh a little bit of underwater graphics there Wow oh no oh I think I'm about to die how do you revise that resistor run away I'm dead there's nothing I can do you were dead respawn I can't I can't respawn no it's game over just like that that was the quickest or we've ever done Jesus all right oh we're on the other boat this time I think we're just gonna collect as many people as we can uh yeah there we go we're gonna reach out to you max and then we're gonna run off we're gonna leave those boats Sodom we go we gonna go somewhere oh oh should we just wait me although it looks like maybe they're gonna attack something else okay we'll wait for them to attack something there's two of the tribes that have low scores like us as they've only got one now hopefully he doesn't turn around and go for us oh he just bought in oh my god how does he have that many people okay we'll wait we'll wait we'll get this so yeah Caesar actually made port and I can't remember exactly where it was and a lot of his ships the next day were ruined by storm so we couldn't leave and there was a huge British force out there and that could have killed him but they didn't they didn't attack the the Romans or anything they would when the Romans went out to gather they would lead raids but apart from that they really didn't do much oh god these are they're not they're not the tough guys but they have survived somehow okay well we can't take these guys on right I mean we're getting some decent pointing so we should probably take them on you know what Caesars gonna go Caesars gonna go she's gonna go I will be Emperor Oh God they're mine retreat follow me follow me follow me whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa killem killem really the team oh hey there we go as long as we can get them to dodge us but you made me fleet my own flood nobody makes me bleed my own blood I am Oh God how'd she do that so I can claim on Britain also fun fact near me are near me in a new castle that was actually as far as the Romans in England conquered they made a huge wall called Hadrian's Wall to block out those scary sculpting this is tough we need to go somewhere else man we need to we need it we need to find some of it we can't get this one we can't get this one that's a lot of people they're the big ones or there's that Ford that's them look run run I don't know why they were typing each other but hey there you go there was a few a few tribes or clans in the UK over this invisible wall here now I've seen this strat oh please Speirs all run guys Roden let let the the Saiyans take on the front I have seen this little secret actually Oh actually doing good our tortoise technique on this side is working now we can go around the back and actually attack them this way yes I think this is the only fault I think and there should be a back entrance here there we go beautiful watch me there's no armies fricking attack that fence damn it yes chaplains are javelins are the best maybe I should have got out of them well either way we've still got two two things I don't know our balance did we can do this also in this update I had to recover come back they're coming back they're coming back we get this point quickly we get if we can get this poor god if we just get this point there hold them up a follow the map a test dude oh just get the point get the point and then we can start yes there we go attack yes as soon as we kill these guys there's nothing that they can do we just have to hope that I gold lasts us oh god I'm gonna block in a block okay guys I got it I got it this time now we unfortunately made a terrible mistake that wish they weren't coming back and we take in the fort that would have been it they wouldn't have been able to do anything okay so we're gonna gracefully am disembark from my ship there we go beautiful right what we're gonna do we need as many flags as we can get so we are gonna get this one once they fight the other team then we'll swing around grab their base okay so look at that look at that they've got so much no.1 do they beat the the blues so yeah the Blues in them are gonna start to engage in a car in a combat look at my girls and nips nobody's dancing Julius Marilia says Caesars way okay they actually went past each other I don't even know how they managed that okay so we're gonna I think we need to be stealthy here just like just like in real history Caesar didn't have much resources to Romans are terrible at sailing and they'd lost I think some of the ships that were sending reinforcements couldn't even make it okay Saiyans have this one their attack of those ones hope sans we've got that one as well that's fine please don't respawn here please don't respond here guys oh this is it don't do it there's this pseudo tortoise it tortoise it just in case okay we've still got our ships somehow we still have I shipped there we go we got it we got it we got it okay you know we need we need more people they I've realized this I'm just gonna hang tight here okay we've lost that one that's fine that's fine oh okay that's cool that's cool OOP greens I remember see our greens were over there which raised of greens gone the Greens come in here please greens don't come here they don't have this one oh no they do they won't come here ah why would they come back to a fortification or that Stonehenge that they already have okay we've grabbed it that's three oh look at this we're doing pretty decent here we're covering quite a few that's fine tuck them attack them go get him Oh mommy mommy you got this you got this you got this we've got this attack done it though we've done it yes take two take the point take the point your beauties nobody else kill them nobody else kill them oh my cobra - it's so whoa one there we go there we go yeah x24 okay run this way run this way run round the side run round the side Oh God Oh God Oh what am I stuck on no no no run run run run run run run don't yes yes the boys need real signs with a Oh gotta love them ruff to me though okay this is fine this is fine they are still attacking but that's cool that's cool we've lost the dude dude is dead okay now they're out the back there we go there we go we got a lot of resources let's get a Panama yes but erm oh no tuck I don't even know where he's probably spawn God's easy you suck where's your helmet we need to try and take okay they've just got that one now I don't know if they're going to come back or what they might come back if they do come back we need to just get out of here we need to get out I can't I can't take them on okay I still don't see them I still don't see him test pseudo tests to do it we've got this tortoise yes I think they're attacking over in the distance a weave there we go they can't spawn the can't spawn as long as the leader is not here we're good yes yes ah now attack charge I got this I mean yes through the heart we are I mean there you go get him hey hi help okay so this gates now ours and we got this okay we have a lot of points actually so we grab all of those guys who grabbed new ones will grab and what's good with javelins really good would technically we're one two three four points to cut this and then we'll grab this one oh I think we've killed them oh no we haven't oh here they come here they come these guys these guys oh this is a fatty of them there's a fat few of them free to pull back into here there we go there we go the gates will close and then Oh God there we go yes spear them oh god can I get some defenders quick if we can just throw ricard lose this fortification I mean we're gonna win this fight oh you know what I should have done is that flag protection we should have been shielded i'll just throw spears bay again i can i speak my own dudes hope not here we go here we go here we go you're into the fray haha die die oh god we are losing people we are losing peeps oh these guys are good they're like Centurions yeah we killed our Banerjee we killed that man oh dude okay oh that's it that done they're done they're out what was once the strongest fortification that they had gone okay so it seems to be just Saiyans now okay sans are going over that way this is fine this is fine think we might be able to do this Oh put javelin speed down I don't have the best of troops here right if we could just kind of corner them off in like that direction right we need it we need to face up and face their army that's what we need to do we need to face the Romney here they are here they are right we will wait up here we want to grab this point and then we want to get the fence here reduce mallet damage by 5% it works in a big radius friendly flag there we go so we're in we need to be in our flag so we'll slow them down by doing this oh and there you go friendly flag 5% extra defense they might have better better dudes than us but we can we can buy more so sort of like the pirate made at the type of people also I forgot to do bloody standards uh you know what we'll just get many damaged that's what we'll do hopefully they won't respawn here the riff still got a ship's somehow we still got the ship's ok quickly set this down tip this down they probably already respawn and got all that dudes this is it oh my god we're doing this so quick now I had to play this game all over again because I update wiped it my progress so that sucks ok they've got two points left oh they're taking that one they're taking it yeah GG gets is ok oh there you go target target right we just need to get him away so he can't spawn anymore dudes right come on throw the spears I cannot see bugger all are they still spawning dudes in better not be protect me bannermen protect they can't spawn more people in get him get him that's it that's it that's it that's it all was closed ok ok but we'll be in good stead here now because I'll be able to get Centurions whoo that was a bloody battle he even got reinforcements there so yeah Centurions to me right so they've got the banners over here I don't know where else they are oh they better not be breaking in over there oh I'll be annoyed Oh they've already got this one don't get that fought you book is you gates open so that's that's ok that's ok take this one I don't see I don't see any Flags being taken oh there it is she's been taken she's been taken that's over here again I think isn't it your book is you right okay we're gonna have to work enough to get them away get them away get them away good way lead them this way oh they charged it already this is perfect haha okay that was awful why did you do that what yeah yeah on the head sniped oh I got that main dude got that main dude oh no I hit my own dude that ha ha read it kill the ball on others with the other main dude still a bird hey who cares about him let's go this way let's grab all these well attack my men [Applause] [Music] beautiful yes right they've only got two left we're slowly bringing the pressure to them slowly but surely and now be an egg I think the Abbey is over here and an F must be simmer over the woods over that way I've never seen it before oh there's their army there they are oh god this isn't good we need to bring them this way bring them this way if we can capture this one yeah yeah I know that I covered that cover that's good that's good okay we'll keep bringing them this way yes yes keep following come on we can we can use the AI to our advantage yeah yeah keep coming keep coming if we can capture that point while killing their army that's two birds with one stone that's the kind of strategical Caesar mind we need psyche lope and again and reinforce please haha surrounded oh yeah points 10% damage yes look at that guy what a hero we've only got two more points and because we used our amazing strategic big brain we can take this one now and they must come from over this way then Wow has anybody beating this this quick this is impressive I have impressed with myself right there we go and where's the next one where do we come from hi you bogeys you yeah they oh there's a village over there that's where they come from oh okay gotcha so we need oh there's the reinforcements cool cool cool that's okay get them away from the points of the can't keep but look they're still respawning men in so they're quite low on gold it would appear they haven't even got javelins they haven't got a Bannerman right get ready for them to charge yeah yep and again and ah that's them pretty much dead okay so now I'm gonna go round this way actually shot that we need to cut to this point we need to cut to this but this is the point that they want to take straight away then we need to get this Oh might as well unlock everything else OOP well were you where they were they're gonna cover where they're gonna come from oh there they go again with this gorge charge them charge them don't let them take that flag they units a week there you go there you go and just that's overkill ass dude now let's see where you guys come from where's this F oh that main dude still a that's good keep him alive he can't do much yeah well found me little lock oh oh they're gonna try and take it oh no they're running back to their main dude oh he's capturing that flag now okay that's fine that's fine ah like went away killers will it's taking so long you know shaking a fine chance now sort it we are and again your attack the final push let's stop that flag from going up shall we there you go that's it and I'm gonna get out my sword for the final kill yeah there you go victorious is that a is that the last one no the day you go we did it that's as far up to date as we are with shield wall that was fun I enjoyed that one I wouldn't have been able to do that so quick if I hadn't watched somebody else's playthrough that and realized you can take before from the bike but wow we probably spent from that that felt really quick why are we guys enjoy that video leave lighten until next time I'll see Judas lead dip yeah Oh Baba
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 155,267
Rating: 4.9567609 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The
Id: VMIzuaw8olc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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