40 & Its Prophetic Word To Us | Tim Sheets

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I'll be reading Joshua chapter 1 in our in this text this morning what's happening is Moses has passed away and Joshua is taking over it was time for a Joshua generation to transition to possess the promised land after 40 years of wilderness wandering innocence Moses is like the charismatic movement that has now come to an end and a new generation is to possess a new movement in a new era about 20 years ago prophetic word began to stir that that I begin to declare actually I think I did a 10 part series 10 Sundays on a Joshua generation but the prophetic word is that Joshua generation will rise in a new movement like the world has never seen I believe that type of transition is now due Joshua chapter 1 verse number 1 after the death of Moses the servant of God God spoke to Joshua Moses assistance and we know that Joshua was Moses assistant for 40 years faithfully served him Moses my servant is dead get going across this Jordan River you and all the people cross to the country I'm giving to the people of Israel I'm giving you every square inch of the land you set your foot on just as I promised Moses from the wilderness and this Lebanon East to the great river the Euphrates River all the hittite country and then West to the Great Sea it's all yours all your life no one will be able to hold out against you in the same way I was with Moses I'll be with you I won't give up on you and I won't leave you strength courage you are going to lead this people to inherit the land that I promised to give their ancestors give it everything you have heart and soul make sure you carry out the revelation that Moses commanded you every bit of it don't get off-track either left or right so as to make sure you you get to where you're going and don't for a minute let this book of the revelation be out of mind ponder and meditate on it day and night making sure you practice everything written in it then you'll get where you're going then you'll succeed haven't I commanded you strength courage don't be timid don't get discouraged God your God is with you every step you take let's pray thank you for your word today Lord you've breathed life into it it's impregnated with the life of your kingdom to accomplish what you say it has an assignment in it and I pray God today that you would enable me to teach that assignment enable me to unlock these scriptures Holy Spirit you are the wonderful teacher and you stand in the presence of our King you're hearing what he's saying and you come to reveal it to us help me to say those things today Lord and I invite the anointing of Samuel that not one word that I speak fall to the ground changes challenges calls us to hear what you're saying to the church beyond that calls us Lord anoint us to obey it and do it and we will thank you for it in Jesus name Amen you may be seated two weeks ago was mining Carol's 40th anniversary of past here we came straight from Bible school Christ for the nations to no land no building no money and 11 people actually 22 people but 11 of them didn't like me so they left so 11 it really wasn't about that it was about me not even knowing back then I had an apostolic call upon my life but it was about me knowing or learning from the start I had to learn to deal with Jezebel and have tried to learn that but I felt that the 40 year mark has prophetic significance and I've been pondering it for for several weeks now yes in Scripture 40 days 40 months 40 years can simply mean literal time in other words how long it's been but throughout the old and the New Testament the number 40 speaks prophetically and it prophesies some things often it is insightful beyond the literal number and is prophetically significant and I believe that's the way it is for us right here right now individually and corporately and our family and me apostolic Lee the number forty references several prophetic explanations that we should ponder here are some of them number one it references judgment the number forty represents judgment but in a good way or in in a right way in other words it's a time when something or someone is judged as to what's right or what's wrong or what's authentic in their life or in their thinking or in their character and we see things that happen after this space of time 40 we see things are purged from them to make them better or make them more productive during that 40 year period things happen to change faithfulness is judged is it authentic or is it not loyalty is judged is it authentic Trust is judged is it authentic attitudes and beliefs are judged do you have do you you give it all you've got or are you half-hearted and undisciplined and undependable all that's judged pride is judged jealousy envy and self ambition it's judged what's real in someone's life or a group of someone's is judged number two it also the number forty references testing it's a time of testing it's a process of time that tests you can your face stand when you don't feel like it can it stand when you don't understand when you're tested does your faith stand the test that all that is often measured in a forty cycle period number three references probation or a trial period the number forty in scripture is often seen as a trial period to see if someone has what it takes to do something or to be promoted as in the case of Joshua like kind of like an apprentice time it can mean number for transition in other words the trial period is over the testing is over it's time for something to end and something new to begin you you transition to new things or transition to new levels or a new assignment number five the number forty in the scriptures rep references qualified or to be qualified to qualify in other words through that period of time you become qualified for something qualified to do something through what was learned or experienced through that period of time you have become qualified for something different something new like Joshua he he was quiet was qualified by forty years of service and even then he didn't promote himself God promoted him and of course that's what the Bible teaches promotion comes from the Lord he just served and God promoted but over those forty years serving Moses what he must have learned and what he experienced and it became qualifying for him to go to a pretty high level your you're qualified to move to a new level you're qualified to transition to new times to to new purpose or to new ministry or it can reveal the opposite you're not qualified and you need to allow things to be purged from you again it can mean inspected you are inspected during this period of time it's a test factories that make things they make them but then they usually have a testing of the product they test it that's the idea and in the kingdom of God no one goes to any level in the kingdom of God of significance without being tested number six it references graduation graduation means set marks have been reached or it means set understanding has been reached graduation means set standards of knowledge or set standards of training have been achieved and you can now graduate you can now transition you can now move from the trial and test period to use the training that you have received I believe these clear biblical definitions are prophesying something very important to us a line of demarcation has come a Kairos time' a due season has come it has come to the corporate body of christ as far as the charismatic days being over are concerned and it has come to this local body this hub this new testament of a line of demarcation has come to it literally after 40 years a set time has come for something to end and something to begin a set time has come for something to be done an appointed time has come to graduate to use training an opportune time to transition into the new has opened now what all that entails I don't know all of it I know that we've got to press into that by faith and we've got to open to it we cannot maintain old ways and move into the new we're being called to be open to some new things but a season has been opened and it's a season that we are qualified to be part of something is do in the kingdom that we have been qualified to become a part of that's being said to us now here are some scriptural references a reference points Genesis 712 when God destroyed the earth with water he caused it to rain for 40 days and 40 nights judgment of course came against societal iniquity but also something ended and something brand-new began and a new covenant was established between God and His people acts 7 and verse 30 after Moses killed the Egyptian we are told that he fled to the median desert to Mount Horeb where he spent 40 years in exile tending sheep there 40 years on Mount Horeb he was tested he was purged he was proved there his pride was was taken self ambition was taken he was trained by his testing Exodus 24 18 God's glory came down on Mount Sinai and we are told Moses was called up on to the mountaintop where he fasted and he prayed staying for 40 days and forty nights and then in God's presence at the end of forty days and forty nights God gave Moses laws and precepts that changed people from then on they are still the zenith standards for good societal culture and government to this very day numbers thirteen twenty five ten men the ten men Moses sent to spy out the land of Canaan they took forty days to search it for the resources for it for that lands resources and its potentials they they went in and they inspected the land there was God ordained God planned inspection that that he led them into and if you ever going to do anything for the kingdom as I said there will be a time of inspection it always happens and it always has Deuteronomy 8:12 two through five the Israelites spent forty years in the wilderness wandering through it to finally get to after 40 years the Promised Land delay after delay after delay a test of faith came time after time faith was tested time after time after time after time after time the test of faith challenged them and of course they traveled it together as a body unit moving forward it was done not done Lone Ranger style there was a corporate test that was administered a corporate body was tested judges 13:1 Israel served the Phyllis Dean's for 40 years before Sampson was anointed with strength to help God bring deliverance after 40 years oppression ended and deliverance came and new times came to the people of God hey Sampson hey Sampson was raised up First Samuel 1716 Goliath taunted the Israeli army for forty mornings and forty evenings before David ever arrived to slay him after forty days and forty nights then Goliath head was taken from his shoulders first Kings 19 three Elisha fled from Jezebel and traveled for forty days and forty nights to Mount Horeb also where God renewed his strength and renewed his calling renewed strength and renewed callings often occur after some cycle of 40 in the scriptures renewed strength and renewed calling came to Elijah giving him an assignment - with his power destroy Jezebel and free God's people angels also assisted him the office of apostle and prophet seen in Elisha was tested by Jezebel and I have found that that - that that too is often a challenge and has been a challenge for 40 years for me I have often had to deal with Jezebel in the New Testament we see the number 40 prophesying in the life of Jesus Matthew four to Jesus was tempted for forty days and forty nights by Lucifer he fasted and he prayed and he battled with the forever loser he battled him with God's Word and of course we know that he won that battle he left that battle coming as a victorious man overcoming Lucifer he left that battle on him he then immediately began his new public ministry choosing 12 men to then assist him 40 marked a time of great breakthrough and the winning of a great battle with Lucifer acts 1:3 there were 40 days between Christ's resurrection and his ascension he ascended before 500 people actually and he told them on the fortieth day you he told them that they were to go wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the father which we know was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the first New Testament Pentecost of course 380 didn't have time to wait on it that's always amazed me you would think if you saw someone raised from the dead and then appeared to you for 40 days and tell you something you would do it but they didn't they'd have time to wait on what God was saying during those 40 days Jesus personally did appear to his disciples and specifically for 40 days he taught them about his kingdom and how his kingdom was to function he trained them for 40 days he taught them about a kingdom ekklesia that would rule and reign with him in the power of the Holy Spirit now in both cases having to do with the number 40 there in the life of Christ we see this we see new ministry began new ministry began in the life of Jesus himself he began his public ministry leading to the cross and we also see new ministry begin for the people of God they were filled with the Holy Spirit and they did minister the gospel of the kingdom at a level never before seen in all of history there was an awesome graduation ministry began that had never been done before harvest came that had never that they never thought of they never thought was possible especially a Gentile harvest there they never even considered the Gentiles something new was now opened something they never dreamed of began to happen things that happened at the end of 40 days 40 months or 40 years that Holy Spirit led his people through in the Old Testament or the new can and does prophesied to us and of course we must be as the sons of Issachar excuse me and discern it we've got to we've got to understand what it's prophesying here's a here's a quick list of what it reveals it reveals new covenants new covenants were established also new laws for social and cultural conduct were established wandering in circles of delay after delay after delay after delay ended new territory with abundant blessings were received for them to live in giant opposition came down Goliath came down but wasn't just Goliath the giant also all the Giants in the land of Canaan were also taken out Giants were slain and their intimidation of God's people was destroyed at the end of that 40 years spiritual battles were won against the forever loser Jezebel was killed new ministry began new outpourings of Holy Spirit and his anointing his power it came abundant resources were put in their hands to do the new training to function at at a new level in Christ's Kingdom was received signs wonders and miracles were multiplied it's interesting that Moses never saw one miracle in his life until after 40 years of being tested on Mount Horeb his years of Exile he never saw one the the river under Mount Horeb that blessed God's people it didn't flow until after 40 years after Moses exile for 40 years on that desert mountain no one even knew there was a river under that mountain until God told Moses take your rod hit those granite walls and when he did with that rod of authority struck those granite walls in a river came forth God revealed it after Moses had walked all over it for forty years not even knowing the resource was there but God did and he revealed it 40 days 40 months 40 years pictures endings and new beginnings through the scriptures I believe that's what Holy Spirit is saying to us at least some of it he's saying activate your faith for a new beginning he's saying believe in decree the potential of new time Holy Spirit is speaking prophetically this word to us no one no more wandering in circles and delay belief for it cross over into new territory cross into rich new resources I believe in many ways our faithfulness has been tested for 40 years loyalty has been judged faithfulness pride and selfish ambition has been judged certainly it's been a time of proving years of testing the probation time the the trials of faith one after the other after the other after the other after the other after the other after the other many of them looking like you cannot make it one after the other has most certainly been a battle that we have lived is faith authentic or is it presumptive does it stand or does it run we've been through testings that few in this world has ever been through that's just a fact I've had national leaders tell me they have never seen anything like the testings of faith that we go through here and they don't understand it and we don't understand it a lot of times we've been through things that if I ever wrote a book by the time I got to the second chapter I mean our history of what's happening but time I got to the second chapter I think people would close it and say he's lying that couldn't have happened but it did that couldn't have happened but it did one test after the other after the other but we got to see beyond that - what koala what what Holy Spirit is doing to qualify I believe a line of demarcation has been reached I feel it in my bones really trials of faith overcome by trusting God have qualified us - with Holy Spirit help and angel assistance make a transition into new times new purpose and new ministry in a spiritual sense in a kingdom of Christ way I feel it's time to graduate a due season is open to us time times and decade dispensations are prophesying to us from our journey of faith failures delays battles wanderings exile giant opposition Jezebel's Absalom's and Judas's after 40 years of it it's prophesying it's time to cross over into new territory in new times again I don't understand all of what he has in mind but I'm starting to see it a demarcation line has been crossed training for reining has been received it's time to function at a higher kingdom of God level than we have functioned before an appointed time has come and it's time to transition it's time for Giants to fall it's time for battles with Lucifer to be won it's time for Jezebel's mouth to be closed it's time to cast her down from the wall and say no more it's time to graduate it's time for new ministry and new ways of doing it it's time to use the years of training we've received it's time to transition into resources we even know was there it's time for the wandering in delay after delay after delay to end we're we're qualified to possess new territory but we got to be strong we got to be courageous and we got to move forward in faith we can't camp on the other on the on this side of the Jordan we gotta cross over it's time to receive mega outpourings of the Holy Spirit it's time to reap giant harvests it's time to see signs wonders and miracles the probation period is over that's what I'm hearing the appropriate the years are here The Apprentice years are ending it's time to transition into new things new days it's time to use our training and spend our influence in a new era of greater glory facing pharaoh and seeing awesome deliverance a set time has come for something to be done we've got to press into that and we got to be open to what he's saying I'm hearing holy spirits say it's time for the graduation I will empower you to transition into new kingdom ministry influence and harvest do not be as the children of Israel in the wilderness and choose to stay at wilderness level stand in faith and move into your new times it is your time I believe this is our time I believe it's your time I know it's mine it's my time I've been thinking the last couple of months about spending our influence and I want to tell you about a new campaign in our region to use that influence and training this begins in October of this year and it goes through October of next year ending with the 2020 elections we are calling this one nation one god one nation one god in this nation we don't have many gods we got one God and he's not Mohammed he's not Buddha is Jesus and so that's the title one nation one God as most of you know I we have been to so many of the counties in Ohio to do prayer assemblies with the pastors in that County and the prayer warriors of that County we go into accounting host church hostess and pastors of other churches come and we've had the prayer assemblies and I've taken the entire praise team with us on most of those occasions through the awakening now prayer at work we've been through meetings with everybody and of course by myself even more so meetings throughout Ohio Indiana Kentucky Pennsylvania Michigan Illinois and I've preached so many times new era weekends there Fridays and Saturdays and I've done nights of healings a Tunnel War Eagles that's teachings on Millennials rising to their call there's a conference after conference after conference these past eight or nine years until literally now we have hundreds of churches that we touch in some way or have touched in some way including over 5000 now that have prayed for at least one week for revival over 5,000 churches that have had one of our prayer torches think about that in this region over 5,000 churches not to mention the thousands of people in those churches our prophetic summit that we do in February is viewed by about approximately 40,000 people and it's growing there are a lot of people watching this service today for example the 2018 summit there were 38 thousand 111 people that watched it but that doesn't count the people that were here so around 40,000 our influence has expanded through this region and now into our nation I don't go to any state but what they have watched our programs and many have been here and it's now expanding to the 11 provinces of Canada and of course to God be all the glory but feel pressed in my spirit to use whatever influence the we have whatever that is to do whatever possible to change this nation it's going the wrong way and it's in trouble America's in trouble and the church must make its stand so I want to go to as many of those places as I can and through a host church gather the pastors and the churches together like we did for the prayer assemblies like we did for the new era weekends I want to gather as many as we can that will host one gather the pastors and I want to teach on the importance of the church making it stand I want to teach on the truth vacuum in this nation I want to teach this the ekklesia and how the church is to be involved in government locally statewide and nationally I want to teach against the myth of the separation of church and state it is a demon doctrine and then after I teach forty-five minutes or so then pray gather those people together and pray for this nation and pray for the coming election yes I believe that it is that important that I give myself beyond what I'm already doing to this kind of effort not only that you know but I'm also going to write another book by next July in Jeremy's part too I'm not looking for stuff to do but it's important enough for me and I feel the pressing of the Spirit of God to make this kind of stand I believe Christian volumes values and freedoms are at stake the 2020 election is a defining moment I believe our great heritage is at stake I believe our children and grandchildren's future is at stake we must confront the loons we must confront the demon doctrines we must make our stand and I want to do as many of these as I can on Friday nights Sunday nights even Wednesday nights as many as I possibly can through October of next year and try to turn this region and I will probably do some national things as well I want to do what I can and what our influence over 40 years has finally developed or qualified us for I want to use it on this nation to change it because to see Awakening and revival we have got to change the influence of this culture it's not optional we can't bury our head in the sand anymore we can't be quiet anymore now with this caveat I as always I will not take one dime from the Oasis to do this I never have anything I've ever done I've never taken a dime from here to do it and this won't I won't do it this time either they'll either pay for it myself or we'll raise it we don't do that we'll only be a blessing to the Oasis The Awakening now prayer Network has blessed the Oasis abundantly really but we've never taken a dime to do this and we're not just keep this hub paid for that's why that will help dramatically help this hub to stay blessed and continue the influence that we have so we can stir awakening in this nation it's got to be the engine it's got to be an engine that fuels this and I believe we've been prepared to do that so please pray for this please pray favor upon it pray for us to how to market this pray for Rachel she's writing the theme song for it right now we will have a a theme song with kind of like the video scenes behind it for all these churches hopefully we can get 5,000 do it maybe more who knows maybe it'll go viral to at least once a month from October through play that video at all those churches at once a month at least play that video at the end of one of those services that month third Sunday fourth Sunday whatever and then kneel and pray for this nation let's do it pray for doors to open pray for the funds that I need to do this pray for partners that will stand with me to do it I'm not naive I know this isn't going to be easy I know it won't but I believe the breaker will stand with us to break us through and who knows there may be someone out there very very wealthy that says I've been waiting for a place to spend or invest in a cause one where they don't buy jets with it I will drive my Buick and we will get it done at some point the cause is worth it it's worth our effort and as God said to Joshua give it all you've got this house is being called to give it all it's God I don't mind being the front person for it pray for strength I don't know how I'm gonna do it all I just do it and God's gonna bless I believe that if we will trust him the break or rice before us and we'll turn this nation around for our God and we'll see the greatest revival in church history I know this I want us to transition into a time where we give it all we got and I am going to transition into a time when I give it all I got I promise God as long as I am here as long as I live my goal will be to see transformation in this nation and world and revival I believe we can do it and I believe the prophetic word of the Lord is step out in faith and believe me you can transition into a new kingdom level stand if you will I'll pray I want to pray over this and I'm asking you now to start praying you won't see anything for another few weeks we're just putting it together but you're gonna start hearing about it but I want you to start praying with me even now about it lord I believe you're speaking to us somehow we just need to ponder it settle it in our hearts and say okay Lord here we are now we're available we're available to move into a regional assignment and even a national assignment where by the influence of this apostolic hub begins to expand and grow and we we issue a clarion call to this nation we we issue a clarion call to churches and to pastors by the hundreds Lord stirring them to make their stand we've got to make this stand for you the Lord would submit it to you there are a wisdom ways to do it you can you can just pour favor upon it we're asking you to do that you know where the resources are buried Lord you know how to and forth you know who to speak to and we'll just trust Lord we'll take a step of faith in another step of faith but we're gonna cross that River and we're gonna move in transition into new time and new ways of ministry new ways to do things and we say to you Lord Isaac is on the altar do with it whatever you want we want what you want Lord hallelujah I pray God for intercessors to rise up that will indeed be behind this and and pray protection around it and and strength into it not just here Lord but across this nation let let the intercessors rise and begin to to pray into this Lord everywhere and God we will thank you for the opportunity and the privilege that after 40 years you don't say well that's enough you say here's an open door you're qualified to move into a different level move you're qualified to go to a different level show some strength and so some courage don't don't run don't run off and retire and quit no move move into the new so Lord give wisdom and understanding to do that and we will thank you for the privilege of serving you well thank you for that Lord what an honor what an honor continue to prophesy in to us your truth and what you are saying
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 7,067
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, oasis middletown, tim sheets middletown, heaven made real, angel armies, planting the heavens, the new era of glory, new era, no more delay, dutch sheets, chuck pierce, prophetic summit, mikey lamb, rachel shafer, jen tringale, prophetic word, 40, 40 years, prophecy
Id: 0jZUaNrZN3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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