Lucky Ghost (1942) | Mantan Moreland All Black Cast

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Olivia what there's a day Monday thunder sandy Frank look we've been walking for four days you heard what that judge said get out of town and keep walking yeah I don't walk so much to the mizzen my feet and back up to my stomach all day we're talking about your stomach again yeah you never had what the Good Book said man don't live with bread alone yeah man don't live without bread alone either I've been drinking so much water that my stomach pick I'm taking in Washington the trouble with you is your brains is in your stomach yeah is that what's been grounded why you bore me why don't you lift your mind out of yours don't and feast on the beauties of nature look at them rolling hills and that grasses Valley and look at them fleeting clouds this priest along there and look at them big beautiful rocks with the red Sora running into the ground in the brown just melting into the green this rock ain't none of them the trouble with you is you ain't got no soul is you telling me thank you you were in Asia you you ain't got nothing to worry about I'm gonna get us a good job dude always what was the matter with that last job we had the last job that we had you mean the last job that I had I've done all the digging sure you've done all the digging anybody can dig but what would have happened if I wasn't there with my brains - boss - job suppose you got over ambition lost control yourself and just kept on digging and digging and digging 50 60 100 feet well you liable of going on digging and come out on the other side of the world in China 10 years in the mess you can't speak Chinese oh I don't stop where before that all right then you stop then way is you ya know who and how you gonna get out you're lying on top to get you out that's right sure that's right with us forget all about that and look to the future all right the next job we get is gonna be a white colored job lawyer doctor judge which kind of job with you we like me to pick for you well any job I don't care just so we get something neat I just want to find out how food tastes once more now dad's a job you hit it he's a man what sits in the big overstuffed chair with a big spoon in one hand and a fork another you know how team can on them bills before to put the cuffs on him now I don't know well a food taster he sits and when them cans pass him he's got to taste each one of them first comes a can of soup lots of tomato soup chicken soup in Terezin and father that comes cans of beans and father that comes along the cans ham in chicken with the gravy running close back to the kitchen after that comes into the state such as canned peaches can prunes can pineapples and even can plum pudding and he's got to do that all day he takes over for lunch now how would you crave a job like that yeah what's the matter with you in a gesture brother break that sign sanitarium and Country Club is a very good nun to kill me but during rule of mobile you remember what the great Emancipator said you can fool some of the people lots of time and lots of people parts of the time but you can't fool no politician at no time you said it brother they've got eyes in the back of their heads and ears all over their faces and palm that's always itching yeah yes unfortunate for you you was right but this will do a heap of scratching and do you a lot of good brother I have been done good for a long time I've got to go to work get out of here I come all the time that we pass has got to save me save me what you're talking about every time if we paid for the last four days is named out loud now look here comes another down slow down wait you seen the girls flower yeah they're right over there see it there that ain't gal slaw that reads go slow she'll not sure what about an over there one day I gotta take time off and learn you something you is one of them close together readers yeah yeah over here come on we're here now look and you go on the inside and get the chicken I'll stay on the outside it is about asking the questions I'll tell them I'm a chicken inspector and use my assistant looking for a parasite looking for what won't give you chicken starboard but I think we didn't run out again you think don't you know yes your nose work I mostly do a lot of gas I think look at here is we years or is we eat out again yes yes we don't stand there like a dummy get 40 or 50 gallon yes we don't want to run out anymore I can't care for 250 gallons who said you should carry it push it up here roll it up here but don't bother me with small details go get it share the jump that guy running out of gas way out here sure do you see what I see I ain't seen that many clothes on two people in a long time I wonder if they got the food and money what good would them close one get hot babies I got some work I want you to do well Dawson I hear some yes language we're two gentlemen where would you hear it when the guys run out back to Buda lake sanitarium and Country Club you think you'd like it is it high class and all that sort of stuff my man yes nothing that's what suits me continue lad continue how do you do it together see how do you sir can I show you boys around the club well it served me what given news well that depends on Lady Luck come on well though the blacks doing the depicted well yes and no well you mean yes or no I'm going to tell you think we better have a little conference don't sound so good but coming off now over here every time I see you you cost me money I've been writing you checks in checks and checks until I got writers cramps in both hands it's beginning to me to look like blackmail that's a nasty word you use ever break I run out of stuff wasn't that's the only one I know that fits the situation every time I see you you want money yous gonna be the camel that breaks the straw I mean let me get you in an uproar sit down now you listen to me where would you be if the police came in here and raided you where would you be if they put handcuffs on you took your way I'll tell you where you'd be on the inside of a jail know why ain't you there all the colony that's why and nobody got me and you have the audacity and magnanimity to call it blackmail well I call it friendship financial friendship brother bridge I conceded our friendship and business dealings is coming to an end now those like some just a minute there now let's don't do nothing too hasty after all always been friendly yes but this time you've hooked me to the creek stone well maybe have a slip of the tongue but you know what slip of the tongue is no fault of the mine you know that now come on and have a seat I'll have to decompose I'll eat all this no you're going for us will you I'm telling you right now what we're waiting for well brother now that you see the light I want you to know that you've nothing to worry about you see I handle the things providing I got the things to handle things let's talk about remove that honey what's the matter you bring jellified no I ain't jealous but I'm gonna stand for nobody getting fresh with you seven mate what's the matter with you are you crazy why did you do that for didn't you see him fussing along with honey he wasn't bothering me shut your mouth suddenly he was bothering you and he was bothering me cause he's bothering you you're gonna keep this up you'll ruin our business well I ain't gonna stand for our business what do you mean our business well I'm connected with it indirectly and you've got me worried suppose you hit somebody so hard that you kill them and they died even as chairman of the investigating committee I couldn't square that that's right honey she's right shut your mouth go get to work and do your singing or whatever you is gonna do where would you be never mind where I would be is right here now and as long as I was here and you nobody gonna get fresh with my girl let alone get out of here alright buddy isn't it and I am that all I need is now let's see that you stay cool well don't worry about me I'll take care of myself or two we go again hey you better get your feet I thought I told you to get out of my way I'm going back in there and get back before you get yourself in trouble good now lookie here fella you're getting tiresome you get myself another one of your jealousies film it backfired use the cause of it you and your frightened around turn around why you big head yes if you ask me use overdoing it well that's different unnie I apologize to you don't be apologizing to me you better go out the proper guys to them maybe I better guess it will that's what I'll do what do you talking away come on let's get out of here the hard way this is on the house your money is no good here you no good here that's right yeah come on stop loading up the game show no don't don't rush in these guys own Technic you that was clue needs a new shoes Oh and my dinner in my life if I'm dead Here I am and if I'm alive wherever faint can you move cause if I try and you do then I know I'm dead well yeah I go give me the answer it's change colors okay dated much longer you said it brother I have managed please let's open that place I told ledger what would happen if he left the place to that no-good nephew of our jitterbugging jargon and hullabaloo it you can still do anything don't you know you ain't got no head do we look dead where'd you come from you don't belong here getting on Oh women Daniel don't you know me see what all this racket about they even let my clock run down what time music child I'm sorry but the bank is busted I'll make a sporting proposition with you back to the house here against what you got in front of here now but what you need the business and everything yes the house the business never tank it goes with it everything yes everything you feel about I don't know maybe sure you ain't over shot yourself uh-huh you know what the book says let well enough alone and that shoulder for a long time well I'll make up your mind hurry boys this suspense killed me be done we do yeah in the the best down come on pick up them days now you told me when we pressed bundle is gonna be a friendly game but now you talk about real estate and everything like that nice children can't you gonna give it old days so honey looks like I've lost everything but you get your heaven please leave it what do you mean my Oh give me your hand and help me up these steps did you hear me Daniel Thanks did you have a good time yes time let me get this straight you think we can get the sheriff to throw them out and lock up the joint and then we can come back and open them up and everything will be rosy is that what you think sir there is we being watched rulers Blake you have turned out to be the blackest black sheep in our whole family do you know one thing if I didn't know my uncle Ezra was dead I'd swear I was Hitler boys that's a little flashy right here and eyes come back to tell you that we are fully ashamed of you and the way you've been running this place and we glad you lost it if you try to open it up again we is going to haunt you 24 hours of the to say nothing of what we all do to you when you join us in the hereafter I'll get out and keep going yeah show fun yeah it lets you scratch in my hand is that you scratch in my head yeah is that your question now come on scratching my head yeah hurry barge yes Oh what an experience j-just imagine haven't given all that money I'll put one over nettles that's what you think
Channel: reelblack
Views: 108,284
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Id: 9oqJQxXKfsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 47sec (3647 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 11 2020
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