Among Us but Everyone Thought I was the Engineer Instead of the Impostor

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what do we do wait i i missed if i had a roll so did i i'm assuming not if i don't have a color no i don't have a colored name all right i think wait wait wait so is all four rolls in this not necessarily there's a 60 chance okay okay so we got to do math this is chaotic so i mean no you don't go out and do it i have to do math i don't want to please no i'm not what are you doing here i want to be jester whoever gesture is i want to be you um what the hell is that suppose oh hey cassie jester actually can you hear me yeah really i don't know i can oh my god i thought nobody could hear me this whole time and i didn't start my stream oh we were talking to you you weren't responding um maybe we couldn't before but now we can't yeah okay okay okay you're good you're getting that i don't know maybe i should start it now i don't know oh god who wasn't in cafe me and cassie were in cafeteria maddie oh scott and maddie were both dead in nav they got double killed maddie's on brand probably while all of the rest of us were engaged here yeah as i said i can vouch for cassie because me and her were talking about her voice chat thank you megan was there i was there lizzy was still there i don't know who left uh well i left so i'm curious somebody drinking a tea did i leave i was never happy after we were in the group i went down uh into storage cool oh oh i've just realized one of them could have been sheriff and tried to shoot the other one no wait that wouldn't happen they wouldn't i wouldn't kill them both what another supposed to run up and finish the job i was harassing juicy at the cafeteria table and we both did not kill each other or anyone else around us no this sounds very likely i can believe i rest my case what was what i also repressed my case the case i did not kill you no oh the murderer i agree i left megan bacteria and then i found wait are the bodies together or are they yeah they're together they're right next to each other were they holding hands oh my god they were close enough to happen they were probably hugging embracing like a romeo and juliet situation bracing embracing you and the sheriff the sheriff can do kills right can anyone else honest with you guys i don't even know what role i am i didn't even look at the screen well if you don't know what juicy have you even looked at that i'm sure he's imposter actually i have wait i think your name would be a color if you had a role it would be red i know i'm not the imposter his name's red really nobody knows who did a guy named [Music] i'm gonna come over here so i can talk to chat well lauren oh hello did you start your stream no i uh uh i tried to talk during the meeting and i don't think anyone's proud of me yeah i didn't i didn't hear you that's weird i can hear you now but i can't hear you in the meeting we should have been able to catch you wait wait shelby shelby shelby can you hear cassie hi say hello she said she was talking during the meeting i was like i didn't hear you in the meeting oh you are a little bit quiet you're you're actually very quiet grouped up over here we're trying to help cassie to hear her i'm just here i don't know why it's so quiet i haven't changed anything okay you know what i'm ruining everyone's name let's just my name isn't ruined i trust you by the way oh thanks i really just want to be jester i feel like i'm never any roles like that jester i've never done any of these mods before so jester i'm like trying to write them out right now oh okay so sheriff is you can kill imposter like you have a kill button what i'm scared let's hit the button okay all right so dresser is what a funny guy so jester wants to be voted out but if we vote jester out we all lose as crew oh that's insane so you like want to be suspicious but not too suspicious because people be like no you're just the gesture but then imposters can also see your face pop out on the right side when you talk yeah or not sorry not not my face not for yourself not yourself yeah and then when you're talking in meetings can you see your own thing light up no you can only see other people's also that won't show up on your stream unless you capture the whole monitor apparently which thinks all right well i know you've been out of the game for a while i'll just uh we keep seeing shelby and that's it i didn't kill anybody because i'm too busy being depressed about what oh okay pink but her boys are back in town it's okay i'm not i'm not purple today either everything's weird what we did hello was that you guys yeah why are you trying to be so sesame lizzy trying to cast oh she's not even here yes i know i'm confused apparently not every role it's a quick lizzy and joey it's a quick i bet you it is that's why lizzy's trying to throw suss at me lizzy and joey please don't kill me oh [Laughter] yeah i didn't realize i was i was having a conversation with maddie we're both like oh that's so nice there's so many roles in it and we just get given like crew and then we got murdered and it was upsetting oh juicy you took you took my color right i took your color ollie took my color i didn't take nothing ollie took my color so i took you by the among those gods all right i had no choice in this but now i'm void of color i'm just white that is true you are void you are all the color i think i don't know how that i don't know if that works oh my dog is blue such a good dog i still don't like you juicy yeah mods if you can periodically put like the exclamation point rolls up so people know what the new rules are that would be great i hear voices hey lauren oh hey oh hey hello where did joey go oh oh oh oh oh oh jesus [Music] just popped out of a vent walked across everybody and killed someone in front of us an engineer perhaps listening no he killed her with a penchant for murder or is he a sheriff nobody caught me popped out of a bench i don't even know what he did oh i know i saw jesus bro that was bold i don't think it's ollie you saw me in front of you yeah you you came to osu when the lights were out maybe how did you get there that must have been a double kill attempted i don't know [Applause] how did you follow me in the dark is the question i'm asking maddie i just i muted because i want them to vote me out but it was so clear that was juicy i was going to try and let me explain i was going to try and pretend it was me or seemed that she was the medic and that because i died first time around the first time that she was going to protect me oh but i'm not sure i think you're still gone right now i'm the jester so i want to get voted out yeah okay well you should have because it was juicy so i think it's maddie just a little headphone background no joker though she might be a jet oh my god i can't believe he did that in front of where is everybody okay oh hello oh hello you're not the murderer are you no oh no i would oh hey joey bye i didn't want it why are you two always together well i was just telling him yeah i got big really hey word on the street is scott's the killer spread he's been hanging out i can see that and there hasn't been a staff has there shelby exactly he's trying to kill you from getting rid of his partner last round oh no no i pretty much he just said yeah you just said yeah uh-oh confession i'm good shelby if he kills you scream okay i'm not unless you're the sheriff i'm not touching joey's entire thing is that he runs around seeing someone else it's actually lawden that is that is true he does do that time yeah we've been together what oh my god is it you i'm the lord in it stop me i was just coming to find you why is because i was everyone you know i i've been told to bring you to the cafeteria for a meeting here it is the cafeteria jesus is everyone alive i think so oh [Music] wait what happened what happened the sheriff got it but i'm excited hopefully she's not jester or that just ruined it [Laughter] i mean we don't know what she is no yes that's wait or she could be playing us and she could be impossible she's not level i cute i have pushed the drone how could you guys hear me singing i will give [Laughter] cassie something guys i don't know what that i'm excited to see what you are oh now now i can't hear you if you're if you're talking i can't hear you hi okay all right okay because i i need to know i need to know how this is done do you want me to read you every role again yes okay uh sheriff is you can kill let's patrol while we walk okay sheriff is you can kill imposters um basically your goal is to try and find the imposter and kill them before they kill you if you kill the wrong person though you'll die um wait watch this oh i know what you are yeah i didn't actually see exactly where it was because the lights were out but the report button came up and i was looking for a body mm-hmm and lauren i left you that's what you've been up there in a while now yeah and scott came from that direction not the last time i saw him yes yeah that's what i'm saying jesse was alive when i left them on that side of the show we didn't see juicy but cassie did reveal to me what she is how can you speak for you and cassie on seeing juicy hello well because i was with cassie and i didn't see juicy oh cassie's mic is a little low for me yeah okay [Laughter] all i know is that it's not lauren we were on the right side of the ship the whole time didn't make our way over to admin admin okay if cassie had done it don't you think she would be more alert and are tuned in to what's going on i believe what if she's and lauren we're thinking could he believe perhaps blames the gesture she's trying to seem suspicious yeah yeah that's that's what she does what if she saw the dead body it was like i'll hang out around here until i didn't see her there though i didn't see her i did see her and lauren on cam on the right side that she's saying on the right here yeah we're at [ __ ] can you see well actually i don't know i just like threw that out there just to see these posters can you guys hear me can you guys hear me can you guys hear me okay she's the engineer engineer i trust her also i'm meeting her brownie nice megan i knew i hope all of you are jealous because it's the best brownie in the world oh hello i think they're gonna murder me this is fantastic who's they if you have any confessions to make you can tell me because i'm a deputy oh i'm not the sheriff but i am the deputy what oh wait is that even a roll no no no oh yeah oh so you know who sheriff is oh god wait oh oh oh she just left us so lizzy ran out ahead of me and i was running after her and i said oh lizzy so you know who the sheriff is and then the report button popped up did she die with information yes she was an admin telling lord meanwhile how she was the deputy assigned by the sheriff that she was the deputy sheriff and that she was she was my deputy [Music] so pass on any info to me now if you've got any i will take my wrath i will say it was not me because i wouldn't have killed her if i wanted to know who the sheriff was so i could kill the sheriff if i was the imposter yes that could have been your plan that's my logic ollie and we all run out in this game you're welcome to my button is at the ready and my trigger finger is quick um so i was on cams and i saw um lauren do this one right what wait wait wait wait wait but this was in storage this was in storage there's no way you would have seen me get them get them no i know wait wait is joey i think we thought gloom but why is joey saying that he saw me kill somebody for the rest of this we now ignore everything joyces i feel so bad now okay oh megan voted lauren yeah because wait but i thought megan i thought megan was jester what are you all just i don't know one of them is imposter they gotta be oh i forgot [ __ ] she can use vents let's say is anybody doing tasks should i do that what else can you do guys i have a question of a very important question yeah he tried to kill him can you kill yourself yes yeah you tried to kill the sheriff can you start i had a heart did i just take out the sheriff so no so he tried to kill you and because you're not imposter it kills him so it's not really your fault no [Music] oh we think joey's um jester there are two impulses left yeah there is still we haven't voted oh god are we wait are we voting now are we voting for them i have yeah because the round viewer with gloom that was also only one kill so it doesn't clear you technically yeah i can't believe i've done this wait but then why is megan wait then why is megan acting weird if we think joey's just stuck between both of them stop using you being pregnant as an excuse okay you are the imposter and i am she is all right who did i vote for sorry i've just skipped just get one seven step one second no that's not what i did what did you do i don't know well we're about to find out do we have two gestures what is happening this is so chaotic [Music] i'm so confused megan guys you want to kill me on three ready one let's do a little sandwich one is a tool belt oh impressive she fixes things what i like murder me for your baby shower present oh that's so sweet i know uh i care i can't though i feel like i feel like you can or i feel like you're the gesture and joey is the imposter why is cassie just hanging out down there that's weird she was just like no i could definitely clear her i i've seen her vent really yeah so you don't think so it's not you it's not me you're sure why why is she doing that she's just like spittering a bag yeah i don't know what she's doing i think she thinks i'm about to die and maybe he's trying to catch it it's so obvious though at least like you know but joey is also doing this weird movements back there i don't know if you like he's he's been erratic the entire time like he's not talking to me and i'll be like joey and then he'll be like i really don't see she's still here what are you doing what are you doing here we were waiting for the lights to turn back off oh she just went into bed well she's she's engineered she's just running around i'm gonna check the tables oh there's shoes what what are you do what are you oh there's like two oh okay oh god wait dead body where i'm dying what happened i run into gravity and watch gluten jump in a vein and then she jumps back and she's like i'm the engineer don't [Laughter] [Music] okay i really think it's scott and shelby just throwing that out there because cassie's definitely engineer unless she's been playing me really hard the entire time is that possible i am amazed that it's not joey i'm amazed that it's not joey jojo it was jester for sure yeah yeah megan megan's also suspicious but i don't know she's been a psycho maybe she's doing that big brain i said if you're the imposter being exercised to seem like a [ __ ] guy right now i think it's probably shelby and berry why not you guys you just call her barry too [Laughter] i can't because because so the reason i'm safer you're yeah i mean it's a hard one because the thing is i'm pretty sure joy was definitely the joker and megan was just being a freak i don't think he's doing the thing where she's trying to seem extra so she seems like a gesture but is actually the imposter oh yeah okay wait who did you vote for me lauren you're the only person because i've been with you several times lauren it's it's not me joy was the gesture i think it is uh shelby and scott 100 i was gonna say this definitely wasn't megan so i'm not voting for her because she was with me the whole time i'm not to be chaotic anymore i was just trying to throw everyone i'm thinking it's megan and scott it's no i think it's shelby i voted megan voted for gloom on accident because she got me mad but i really think it's showing up what what are you guys doing [Applause] i hate all of you i i called it megan what are you doing wait megan were you jester i'm so confused what just happened no no no i was i was just regular i'm not trying out different things i'm just basically megan i literally said hey i think it's shelby and scott you were like i don't know you got me mad so i i thought oh my gosh because i was being crazy and then i realized i'm like wait hang on no serve them right right done it okay so it definitely wasn't ellie and juicy myself and lauren were stolen cafe all talking to each other so it wasn't i mean either of us lauren could have done it because juicy i was right next to it not laura megan i'm i'm very happy today she was very nice to me too where was it it was lauren i saw her do it oh my god joey joey it was right below oh it's below weapons yes weapons and they went left and then i went down and his body was there yeah i can hear you sorry oh no um so gleam you went to the right and the body is where it's right below weapons so i saw you there i saw ollie there you guys came in from calf and then you went left it's below weapons okay you guys like the highlight stuff this is what i've been seeing the whole time i went down so somebody went well you could use the yes i know that i hated that i voted for it i hate it as well this is what i this is what i say you guys there but i was an admin and i could say no one did do that but oh thanks ollie's really quiet guys oh holy geo guess where i'm playing are you talking the whole time but be muted [Music] all right i have no info uh lauren what are you wearing darkness okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait come here come here i can't why does joey keep wanting to get me voted out i don't know he's he's being crazy he can't be dressed her again you think i don't know maybe i want a people i want to be gestured again i know i wanted i really want to try jester out i've been trying different like uh i'm being a little a little crazy i see that that's nothing normal you've been like for the past three weeks i know but i'm being a little off-brand to try and like throw people off so no one will know if i am duster than i've already said yeah that's smart lauren are you are you would you have a role no i'm not in anything i've only been chester once this whole time maybe what are you juicy because i'm something i'm me okay oh you're so you're great you go fast no you go first no you go first rock paper scissors rock paper scissors okay okay ready rock wait after shoot right after shoot we say what we got okay okay okay ready okay crack okay i'm standing away from you guys okay you say rock paper scissors shoot and [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] it i'm sorry i didn't know what about what whoa i don't know who went in there it's on the swipe card on the switch oh how long's it been though do you think recently i think shelby went that way she went i came i did actually come from that way i didn't go in there though because i did my swipe card earlier i started to kill before because we me i went on camps and i saw her go in there oh you were on cans i was coming to see if you died on camera oh i was on time you went off times he went back and forth into electric three separate times joey you went on the cameras no i was watching you on the did camera hear a little smirk on joey's face yeah but he's not he's not obvious like he also didn't do the kill because i i didn't i saw him not is he a jester again i think he suggested yeah that he was an admins uh you were an avenue when he called it sorry so surely he must have been on cams right i forgot to vote i was on campus yeah but jeffrey said he knew where shelby was and joey voted for him he's got to be unless he's really playing us okay let's do this right okay okay ready ready yeah ready rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors oh josie i'm not yeah she said what she was oh you stopped ready oh i didn't hear you oh okay okay that's good to know see you later wow all right wow because you're my friend right yeah and you right crew me uh i think so i'm a very believable guy oh all right lauren i just shielded you because you're my friend wow wait so i don't know what that does does that mean if somebody tries to kill me i'll know does anyone like that thing yeah and then they won't always die guess what i won i won yeah right so who's how what do you mean you want how did rock paper scissors rock paper scissors he won rock paper scissors oh i am oh no i hope nobody kills me here i'm so weak and defenseless and alone did you hear me say that what i just complimented you oh what'd you say i said why is lauren so funny oh because you were right there i thought you didn't i didn't hear you uh good luck what just happened what just happened to leave you've done it i need a minute i need a minute i was i okay so i was like i was chasing jealousy don't you [ __ ] lie sorry sorry i was chasing joey trying to challenge him to a game of rock paper scissors oh god he i returned back to cafetera i went up to the chute the trash shoe at the top and i saw ollie kill kill lizzy i just i clicked report i just heard him go oh no i sure wish that you played that rock paper scissors game that was offered hey that was gonna get my oh boy please get him out would you believe it if i told you i'm actually the officer and i shot lizzy to save the day then why did you say oh no because oh no your her fellow imposter arrived i would like to admit that this was my killing i did that okay i swear to god i killed three people and you're trying to clean my credit jesus christ joseph get it together oh joseph the full name yeah sometimes when he's being a fool sometimes i apologize for my language that looks legit it's fine oh hey hello what you doing don't mind me just you know texting it out with space as you do okay i'm gonna stand over it oh what you standing over joey a body that he i said i killed oh really are you sure about that ah he's just harassing yeah like i'm gonna kill you i'm gonna kill you and i'm like all right but he didn't because he came i don't think he did okay so i'm very where is it where is everybody i'm in reactor okay i voted for shelby i just don't think it's juicy i don't think it's joey i don't think it's lauren i feel like it might be shelby and there's so i don't think it's juicy juicy definitely wasn't this kill because i literally walked away from him and then found the body on the right side i haven't been any kill i don't think like megan just voted for me [Music] paper scissors championships kill no one there's definitely one left they would have won the game oh i think it's either shelby or juicy but i'm back and voted for me right now because you're just i greet me because you lost the rock paper scissors all right dude you i said rock and then you waited you're like paper like that's not how you play the game don't do this you do this lauren no i said i just said baby because i don't like how quick she went for me i was like okay well i don't like how you just said my name oh i don't know who it is at all dudes really is it megan juicy if it's you i'm sure i literally just left juicy i'm never gonna forgive you oh shoot i think it is juicy wait but i just didn't get in no more lauren did i shield an imposter lauren can you can you shield an imposter lauren did she shielded you does something come up on your screen when you get shielded i don't know she said she did but nothing came up but i don't know how i think it's juicy's just been playing a crazy game you know damn it no oh my god joey oh god it's it's i shouldn't have voted [Music] okay now it's no more no more being an idiot wait why am i blue what the hell oh why do you keep changing colors because i can protect them you chameleon oh juicy juicy juicy i mean [Music] honestly i'm not sure how it works i just know that i've protected them i don't i don't quite know anything i don't know megan said she protected me i'm protecting him me and spot of protecting him why are you protecting him because he's he's not he did it you don't need to you walked yeah okay so how to chat with joey and admin uh past like five people uh coming down from cafeteria went into navigation and then there was shovel's body this can't be lazy i feel like it can't it can't be joey i said it can't be lazier lauren for this because we were together the entire time um [Laughter] sure i was with you the entire time yeah he was like me then eliza you ran down into storage so there's [Music] he apparently has a spell on you so if you die i'd be able to see if if the spell is on me no i don't know so does that mean scott's the medic it would mean that's what he's expecting that's what he's claiming hmm well i appreciate it thank you for the kind of gift joey lauren i don't really have testosterone no it's not me and that's a lot of people megan i just saw you at weapons yeah i think it's megan let's get right i refuse to vote for megan she is a friend of mine and joey we're both on that side because joey just said he saw megan no i i just left admin and captain right now earlier oh he's the chester again but like i get it you know it's fine you guys are bloodthirsty we don't need evidence we just vote based on that turn on me so quickly i thought we were friends and then i don't know you've been very chaotic uh during all these games i appreciate that you're a chaotic woman i am okay well i'm gonna hear it i'm gonna tell you a secret i'm gonna go pee okay i'm gonna go hide in a special kill spot up there okay why just know i i have no i you're the o okay okay where where are you going oh up here i'll come check i'll come check on you i swear joey why do you never respond when i talk to you because [ __ ] where the hell are you oh my goodness joseph [Music] what are you talking about what is happening it was like you had stood by the button for like 10 seconds no no i knew what you were going to do when you walked away from me today it's darkness and he's like hey joey i don't see him anywhere joey bud do you have a pet a little red pet that follows you because i saw that yeah well yeah maybe that was curious that i i saw that huh that i know that yeah because you saw him and then and then why did he call this me yeah joey's trying to kill me trying to kill me i would have killed you if i was going to kill you joe trust me i'm a murderer joey did you like flee and call the meeting as you were fleeing yes exactly right slowest call of my life yeah i'm skipping i'm sorry you're dead now doing anyone i'm going to get you or joey ollie stop being the dresser please i also have a question on my uh does anybody use streamlabs obs yeah yeah i have two of myself on my my thing it says edit how do i get rid of that have you opened the studio mode i i don't know is there a button called studio mode you may have clicked that it's megan afk there might be a keybind for it you might impress oh yeah megan said she was stepping away oh okay okay oh yeah if you right click i think where the screen is that you should be able to like click off it that was vague that was vague ultimately i don't understand i'm so [Music] i don't know what you confused at all it's funny oh you almost caught me protect megan ollie go away okay thank you juicy you're gonna kill me no i'm gonna protect i protect all right i'm gonna check back why does it say there's so many people in the cafeteria oh there's so many people in the cafeteria yeah it's like just like wow yeah slice i thought you were going to vote me out stop stubby okay what are you hello are you i'm practicing practicing oh oh i'm scared i'm scared see everyone's scared to play me at rock paper scissors joey you're so awkward to find because you have push to talk on so if you're on like camera you just stand there silence i was hoping to find a body i was literally like circling the ship to try and find a body so i could just stand near it so that somebody could come here i am on camera and vote me out [Music] that was spread out the whole train wreck happened that whole game great me and maddie were all there yeah okay i was doing tasks in the i don't know i didn't see anything though i don't i didn't either so i saw the lights go out and i just saw the report either it's either a very ballsy kill from one of you three or if someone is snuck and killed and just sits out in the entire time um it's probably uh the lights are out there so yeah wouldn't you shelby that's what i'm saying one of them but i was trying to find maddie's tell us to control where yeah and scott told me good yeah which is why we were all together because i were you leaving when it happened scott no i just i did leaves and the trash [ __ ] so i just finished the trash it and then i came out with the task and then the body was reported oh wait wait where's the kill okay literally i was tied up to lizzie yes where did you go after admin up to cath into the event that we're kind of the area of the kitchen it was kind of the area because you went to you just asked there was you want to know where scott was for something i always knew my school was because i heard scott but i must have heard him through the wall like yeah yeah that's what we were having we were having a mid-conversation so it would be weird for any of us just to do it mid-sentence but it would be very that's kind of a play though very epic but shelby you don't know what like they are the only other thing is gloom might have been sheriff and trying to kill someone oh forgot about [Music] i made it clear what i was doing that round that's not my average okay also megan i think can you hear me ollie can you hear me i can hear you hey you loud and clear how could you see um it's realized today's video is being categorized as a sims video so i was trying to fix it but new video here forgot to spam it go check it out and then come back or save it to your watch later i'll catch up with notifications next time i die again guys don't don't worry we're at the end oh let's say or at the end of the stream oh my god never mind maybe joey heard me joey was like oh you want to talk to your chat do you didn't even get to press start somebody gonna find me a buddy somebody pop my body help help help poop help there's a couple of it's just juicy on the cans oh megan you're a police officer now can't relate are you the sheriff goodbye where is it oh joey i'm assuming he's the engineer unless he's playing us because i'm the engineer [Applause] i must be the engineer and then lauren's like no because i'm the engineer can there be two engineers no no no no they cannot but lauren carroll said right lauren i couldn't lie lauren could be lying before wait i'll say let's sh we should skip but why don't we check and see who fixes like when we wait for all the sabotage can we say something like that i didn't think lauren's the one i wanted to have a game no no okay yeah i've seen it you think lauren's all right well i'm skipping if i was the imposter i would be trying to push for joey by the way i really think someone dies here i want to see one of them wow that's kind of crazy i can't believe you all believe joey i can't believe you all believe joey over me i'm not either ring i'm not calling him out next time some criminals lauren if you're actually impossible you did that that's hilarious i love that what you saying about me scott you talking crap about me hello you talking crap about me oh god that's we definitely think it's lauren right why why would it be me yeah because it would be yeah oh my god even if it is her we should give her a chance because that's a hope oh yeah don't tell us though i can't i'm not are you sure well if joey doesn't die for a while what should i leave [Music] yeah it sounds like you guys are outside the vent like i'm just listening really yeah that's cool it's like an echo all right i'm i'm leaving back oh i can't go far i can't go i didn't realize that i could only go there what's happening in here they both claim to be so lauren is either engineer or imposter and joey's either engineer imposter there's never an impulse between the two we just don't know who that's right well i'm gonna investigate question who was in the event was it lauren yeah everyone all right i'm trying to claim my innocence nobody believes me that really doesn't claim you're innocent being an event it's very hard to find while being an event unless i'm the engineer joey just came out of the vent i know some of you have come out you just went into bed you go an event now go to them now i'll do my test face i can still hear you can you hear me oh hey hey you better lauren if you are the imposter no i won't tell if you killed juicy i want to see him die i'm down i'm the engineer nobody believes me well i'll go find joey then yeah go ask joey oh hi yeah yeah hey girl hey nobody believes me ollie's trying to get me to kill people for him oh my gosh there's three no two running captains what he's doing what his tactics are he's just being avoided he's like ignoring i feel like everyone's ignoring me today cassie was ignoring me he's ignoring me you ignored me when i said all third impossible i did not ignore it ignored me i don't know even worse that's even more oh cassie are you ignoring me i don't hey lauren oh hey oh whoa was standing in there with me i was on the cam's lauren oh my god ollie you kidding me i came up when i saw you both above the body okay listen wait lauren if it really wasn't you i think lizzy was the sheriff is anybody here the sheriff oh wait joey how are you hold on how are you not calling out lauren if you were the other one you're saying that you're an engineer all right okay berry thank you i was pulled aside first round by lizzie and uh she named me deputy she said that she was the sheriff so she was the officer i think she went to kill all of them okay oh or me oh joe i don't know there was a bunch of yeah let's just say joey why wouldn't you just take that there's no there's no way there's no way she tries to kill ollie when it was between lauren and joy of who is that and she believed lawden so she probably tried to kill joey so okay what should we do we shouldn't feel sure about that at all no i'm going by the law we don't know who she tries oh yeah we don't but what i mean is logic the meeting she said she voted she said she had a trusted lord not joy yeah and that's why i looked like that's why i wasn't throwing it to lauren because it didn't look like she killed her so that would have been a cheater which means joy as the engineer which means learned as the imposter i'm not willing i i'm not any fun jumping in out of the vents leave me i'm gonna say right now i'm not certain on what's happening here my eyes are deceiving me a lot today and i prefer we skip what am i going to do i can't i guess that makes me wow i can't go off of that information because we do not know who lizzie actually shot i will say we were all pretty close together so i don't even know who she was she could have missed it could have been an accident too that's happened come with me oh hey i'm gonna sheriff hey hey i thought you were the sheriff okay come on come on come on dude what are we going to do why did you do that you should have clicked i should have claimed i know i know i know it i know i messed up huge up i know i know i know oh no i'm scared lauren what are we doing we just like just start killing him probably oh all right let's we would never do that maddy i ever do that to you oh hey joey oh yeah that's okay killer girl wait come with me lauren yes no joey no jesus christ almost like eighty percent sure it's joey oh my goodness i mean everyone now you're thinking because i once immediately as reactor went off i was like watch i'll fix this right now right in front of juicy right in front of ollie and it was cleared what just means when lauren wasn't there yeah because lauren could have fixed it okay okay i called this meeting because scott and shovel were gossiping and then they were worried that i was there and i was like ah so i ran for the button so we were laughing because what happened glenn was the round before literally just for the button shelby watched me made me stand i did the walk we come out of that last video i don't trust you and i was like you watched me made me stunned you could be a good watcher she was saying like oh you're right i immediately forgot one i forgot he did that are we gonna like just keep playing around are we actually gonna i voted but then again he did fix the thing immediately and lauren's not claimed that she did that so fair enough i guess it was a uh you guys were talking over me but it doesn't matter because i claimed i was the engineer after joey last time and as long as joey always is one step ahead with what he's saying maybe maybe that's fine you've got you guys can try a pregnant lady yeah you got a quicker yeah so the baby's the imposter too oh wait what's this i'm on the case i've detected may be killed it's just like simpsons who shot missed the bug okay wait we're actually both oh okay good luck bye bye-bye nervous i'm gonna go down she's a killer we just switched oh did somebody die up here did somebody die up here did somebody die up here i love an alfredo hmm oh hello together dude cause i like that song wait don't leave me alone don't leave me alone alarm what's up don't leave me alone with who just alone in the specimen it's dangerous oh i was going up to reactor but i guess i don't have to wearing this jester hat and i didn't get to be gesture yet with the with the jester hat [Music] [Music] thingy wait but why did you see why did i'm pretty sure i reported juicy's body didn't i did right sideways i honestly don't know yeah i didn't write you said reactor with joy and then shelby kevin was like okay good all i saw i'm not saying it's lizzy but all i saw was lizzy coming out of security cam i went into security cam the report button flashed and then i i don't know where the body was though and now she's a vote and now she's saying shelby was also dead somewhere else and i'm sure i'm cute i have information i have information against it said that there was a one person in there for like the last 30 seconds okay i didn't say it doesn't go in and then one person leave i'm not saying it was lizzy i just don't know how she didn't see the orange no but i mean could she not could lizzie not be jester yeah i think i think bonnie is on the reactor oh wow but shelby was on why would she be on the right lauren saying she would reply i i passed lauren lauren went down into cams and i was going up and i saw through the window shovel's yellow body but that's not reportable from inside there's that count on the left no it's not i'm not that's not the one that reported i guess but the one that i saw was shovel's body out so he affects the left reactor i fixed it but shovel wasn't there like but that's what i mean shelby was on the right side with us so how can she never be on my feet she could have killed and moved shoulder must have gone through it bloom and i went were you the only one lizzie who was on that side yeah i was and and and i came out of it i didn't even see like shelby wasn't that stressful when i left i'm sorry why would she go what check what no she could she could have gone to see if there's a person dead on the left side and you killed each other sorry i forgot to do the theme i believe lauren's legit from that report i i did think that there was someone in cam's dead i think lizzie's just stalked the body and then yeah i'm not totally cleared on lizzie she's fine but it's worried that she jester for the outside body not the inside button okay you want me to show you where the body was no but no but lizzy lizzy lizzy why didn't why didn't you report juicy's then that's who i remember i didn't even see juicy's body where was it i i don't know but when i went into cams the report button flashed lauren come with me i need to have a chat with just you we can't be in groups three lizzy leave please okay what's going on okay so i saw on camera there's one person in there i want another person the dead person another person went in was there for like about 20 seconds while the reactor was going off and then left do we believe that i'm having a two-person chat scott do not enter our two-person chat well wait when did so if you walked in afterwards who's passed you leaving that room wasn't it just lizzy or was it it was just there were two people also in oxygen that i saw they could have vented in and out then i don't know i guess the only first i think is you i don't think it's lizzy i do believe she is the i think she's suggested oh she's just seen the body outside and didn't and thought that was on your reporting like there is potential that she just felt a bit wrong yeah lizzy's dead okay well then it definitely is that ah where is she are we just oh my god i love it i just checked my old student there was like two dead and then oh my god for a long time yeah [Music] magic well [Music] and i think the song is cursed [Music] um i was the sheriff last time and then i died i haven't had i was doing my sheriffing checking if anything i haven't had any other roles except for jester i died i want to try other roles no lauren you were you were there lauren would you like to be my role model wow i love it you'll protect me yes kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him kill him i won't report it two one kill him okay did it happen yes wait who is i just want more chaos i have i have been nothing but nice to you okay and you have thrown grief after grief yeah brief you might be pretty upset worth it i'm upset that i haven't been in any other role besides gesture and imposter i haven't tried any other rule i had to pretend i i had to pretend i had to pretend to be an engineer okay i had to pretend to be an engineer because i haven't even been in here do i have like a feminine voice that's twice now i've been in this and i've been called a lady ollie did it last week and now you've been really funny today and you've made me laugh really ugly a couple times and that is not okay you know what that is a compliment when i get an ugly laugh i love that somebody dead in here oh [Music] [Music] i'll spin you a little tail [Music] and i i passed joey as i was coming out of lab and he didn't say anything so i said hey you good and then i was just coming back and then i saw lizzy kill him and then i was like oh my god what do i do what do i do because i was gonna ask lizzy are you the sheriff but then i over here i see ollie's name just in the corner of my vision he's coming out the vent in the bathroom and i hear lizzy only going you gotta kill maddie you gotta kill her she's up there no this also makes sense because me and she'll be seeing lizzie and ollie running around together on camera yeah are you dancing for me for you yes i'm a dancer for my audience oh wow and a dancer would never hurt him he's not maddie's not a good enough flyer to make that she isn't nothing no no i believe maddie which one of them do we vote first i think well i don't understand how he wrote him doing this wait wait wait wait wait wait you've been convoluting i saw lizzy kill so hard oh it's like barbecues way she can prove it she's dead get out of here ooh lazy everyone yikes i think she's upset about that yeah i'm not checking the other reactor this time after it's over all right lauren yes oh are you oh oh scotch is overheard whoa it's over here fall nothing oh nothing i i mean if one of your serif go kill holly because i'm going to button devotion so if one of your sure if you can at least kill him before i do i mean we know it's always so either this is because i want to do if we're quick might even play another game oh okay where's ollie i don't know i think probably the button probably at the button he'll be hiding up all day i'm confused wait i ran away to avoid getting shot who's died i just saw i think it was it chilly i know it's right outside wait avoid getting shot why would you have to avoid getting shot leave maddie because i think i don't know because i'm the imposter but i don't understand lauren i'm following your lead you tell me who to vote for she'll be the sheriff it was ali he just said he's the imposter oh i missed that completely okay no man i'll shelby maybe the sheriff then oh my gosh do you think she'll be trying to try me or maddie my thought process is if we vote all in real quick maddie might play another game because this was a really quick game okay fine it was quick because of my oh ollie what was that lizzy let's talk about what our plan was there because you i didn't even get to do it oh sorry i'm sorry juicy he killed me that's what happened and then he always then he just lied about that oh but it said defeat but we didn't get chris no we did no were you just megan were you jester yeah you have to win yourself you have to wait you're on your own team when you're just yeah you're on your own so that's why you got defeated we won oh what an idiot i feel so bad glenn finally got an do you have anything fun this time me i do oh what are you learning i don't want to tell you because you're not going to believe me oh everyone's okay who is the sheriff i want to be the deputy okay not me and not me it's not me it's not mine wait lauren come with me what about me yeah let's keep uh let's keep cassie alive this time [Applause] fantastic news is everyone ready for this oh no oh man body report the corpse is too old to gain information from killed 24 seconds ago oh no oh that's good for myself and maddie then because we just stumbled up across the body wait what was that because i was like i gotta report one yeah uh sorry where was it oh i walked into lab spamming it so i assume in there yeah it was right outside or right in the entrance of labs oh okay i didn't see it though no it was not in the entrance it was like it because i'm the medic i reported it yeah and if it was reported 20 seconds or less it would have said darker lighter colors [Laughter] and then he died and 24 seconds passed before you reported it so what were you doing i went left and did some tests i was hanging on the drop ship a little bit i was looking for you shielded you you're welcome we said and i did uh but i was on the left side and then i went to the right side all right juicy yeah wait what oh wait yeah megan you were in there when you knew the body was on telescope what happened what no no i was giving a monologue and then about how stupid i am and then maddie came up to me and i was like maddie did you hear that she's like hey do you see that body right next to me and i was like oh and then you reported the body that's what happened so can i just tell my side of the story as well yeah so i was doing the wires uh you know with the door that goes into the determination at the bottom of the flap if that makes sense i was doing my wires and then i came up to kind of come out of blabs and i went across the body and and megan was kind of standing near it she does go past bodies did you do this because i feel like i owe megan oh is that what it was oh my gosh we didn't make that you're freaking tight that was dope that was i was just like so i could know like if i'm supposed to do this yeah yeah yeah yeah no no you're good but okay yeah shelby already cleared it though that body died early so we we could i had no idea man i just i just report the body you find one you get me okay you call me to find a body all right all right oh yeah yeah shelby that's a good idea yeah yeah yeah you ring me up i got you i got you girl call me yeah the magic wears off if i die also oh hey hey hey hey hey hi like okay so there's an imposter between jessie joy maddie megan oh okay why am i just because you weren't oh wait look i'll repair it i'll repair it yay oh she didn't get it why did why does it sound like gluten free you know you can only do the last time oh that's it i was trying to yeah well i was trying to prove my innocence yeah it's not working i'm gonna uh [Music] i genuinely considered running and finding shelby to cover where was she she did on the medley scan oh this can't be this can't be gloom lauren or juicy call me because they are all i like them i said lab yeah and we were still out there we know it can't be shelby because she's a medic so it means it has to be maddy joy and i don't wanna have maddie coming in i'm on admin table right now so i think i've been there for a while i was saying before i think the two imposters are between joey maddie megan juicy megan's dead juicy was on the left side where's megan she's on med bay she's dead on maybe um oh yeah which means we've been discussing this whole thing yeah so wait wait that actually means wait that was the worst kill because it now means it has to be maddie for that for all i would never did it need to be one of them two or three yeah it needed to be one of them too for that buddy huh so is everyone else wait wait but maddie ended the round with me on the left side no not for not for the megan kill but for the ollie kill it had to be maddie or megan oh dude she did i shield you the other imposter no i'm not the other imposter but i'm scared can you shield imposters you can and then they can't be shot juicy you can't bribe the medic but you'll only die yourself no so whether you're shielded and they try to shoot i think nothing happens [Laughter] i don't know i don't know i i think it's mad i went straight off scott for that one thank you one i i i wanted to see one deal as you'll trust me but it'll never happen okay i'm gonna do my test now bye um i'm going to go spy on people well i don't have microphones okay do you want it [Applause] right to my face [Applause] [Applause] i'll fix the lights i want to do it oh what juicy i did it i did it oh you want to get rock paper scissors i'm spying there's a body where no oh i got it i just saw the body i'm on cams i just saw scott's body oh you got to be kidding me too old killed 33 seconds ago it didn't feel like that long ago no that we just saw it guys i'm flying where well it wasn't like you know electric on the lights right no it wasn't lizzy it couldn't have been yeah three of you were in electric me and lizzy were yeah me and juicy and joey were all over there yeah who went late wait juicy's dead oh my god i thought juicy dude hey joey joey me i was on security saw scott's dead body on there i know i was in the bed i was in the vent because i was the engineer and i told scott and cassie and juicy but he's dead now but and i was hanging in the vents to try and hear if i could hear conversations but i heard joey go up to juicy and say juicy juicy there's a dead body and then they both ran out of the room i don't know where they went after that we were i was going to go see scott and i don't know juicy didn't come with me because he was scared that i was going to kill him now lauren lauren why didn't you report scott's body because i literally ran in as you were right there wait scott's body's outside med bay it's nowhere near you guys it's it's out yeah it's right outside med bay doors yeah but i saw a report button show up so unless it was juicy well you didn't where were you i didn't because then another because then somebody reported the button right away i mean i can verify i mean i don't know who else can verify it now except between joey and gloom i'm kind of sauce of cassie now because she 100 knows i'm the engineer because i did it in front of her and scott oh i repaired i repaired something in front of her and scott not just vented so the fact that she's asking why i forgot you forgot it you forgot it oh yeah i didn't know who to vote for oh wow oh [Music] i'm so happy and jester won finally
Channel: LaurenzLIVEside
Views: 1,924,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, twitch, among us, sheriff mod, voice proximity chat, ldshadowlady, smajor, dangthatsalongname, shubble, joey graceffa, strawburry17, funny, funny moments, fail, gloom, joker mod, engineer mod, prank, medic mod, among us mod
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 21sec (5181 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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