The 10 Lives of LDShadowLady | Afterlife Minecraft SMP The Movie

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hey guys what's up Elie Shad here and welcome to afterlife smpp on This Server you only get 10 lives and every one of those lives is different because every time you respawn you will be randomly assigned a role from the origins mod so it's time to log in for the first time and we'll find out which origin I get for my first life I'm a rco Mo you like tight spaces trash and eating anything including said trash you are uncomfortable in places with high ceilings and get weakness and slowness in places higher than two blocks so basically everywhere then hang on a second I'm barely even taller than this chicken and I only have seven Hearts but luckily there are some perks to being a raccoon first of all I get to wear this cute onesie and celebrate my raccoon ancestry I also get night vision I can climb up walls and for a few seconds I can go invisible so let's go out into the world and see how long I can survive as a raccoon as it turns out even raccoons have to do the most basic Minecraft activities like crafting a pickaxe and Mining iron luckily this mountain I scaled was the perfect place to gather resources and I had a whole stack of iron before it even lost sight of Spawn so now I have full iron armor already and my mission for episode one is to become the most powerful raccoon you will ever bear witness to I've got Big Dreams for my raccoon life so I'm going to set up a little base on top of this beautiful mountain and I'm going to get to work and first of all build myself a little raccoon friendly dirt Hut to live in now all I have to do is go out and do some Mining and there's a nice deep cave right outside my house never mind it has zombies in it get me out of here I said I would be a powerful raccoon I didn't say I would be a brave raccoon eventually I did find a cave to explore and I made an amazing Discovery I can see in the dark I don't need torches I love night vision and it didn't take me long to find my first diamond beautiful Precious Diamond it's sparkling yay 12 seconds later I'm starting to see the disadvantage ages of my raccoon Powers because of the high ceilings in the cave I was constantly struck by weakness and slowness which made killing mobs very difficult I had to hit a creeper 10 times with an iron sword before it would die but I found lots of underwater diamonds a zombie spawner right below my house and an amethyst geode nearby and I emerged from the caves with this huge treasure Hall so with all these diamonds I can craft my myself a diamond pickaxe and some diamond armor and I'm going to put this on immediately because I love being a raccoon and I never want it to end wait I'm sparkly it's my diamond armor it keeps me safe and stylish so now all I have to do is gather some blocks to build my house because this is an embarrassment and this little raccoon has Big Dreams for a big house there are just three different types of blocks I need to collect a lot of the first one is Oak Wood which I thought would be easy but now I look around I'm surrounded by not oak wood I'm realizing I need to venture further a fielda oak wood this will do nicely one eternity later oh my gosh I didn't even notice it got dark and now all of the monsters are out but I can't sleep because I'm a raccoon and raccoons are nocturnal a no pick on some of your own size like Scott but luckily I can eat this delicious rotten flesh to satisfy my growing hunger okay my ax is about to break but I have managed to collect nearly six stacks of locks and I'm not even sure that that's enough but I'm bored of chopping wood now so I'm just going to replant this forest and the next item on my list is red concrete so I'm going to need lots of of gravel and sand luckily those blocks are very easy to come by and the final block I need is down here in the caves when I was down here earlier I discovered this huge deposit of deep slate tile which is exactly what I need so I'm not going to ask questions I'm just going to take it so now I have all the blocks I need to get started on this build let's get building so first I worked through the night to clear a flat space to build and then I can constructed this giant red box out of red concrete but then I started adding some of the details with the oak wood and Blackstone tiles to create some windows and balconies of all different shapes and sizes being a raccoon definitely came in handy while I was building because I could just climb up and down the walls and here is the build so far but it's still missing a lot of detail and a roof but I have added in all the flaws and of course they're only two blocks high because I don't want weakness and slowness the whole time I'm in my house and because of my night vision I did not add torches so I have accidentally created a giant mob spawner which I should probably light up oh no as I was saying this place still needs a proper roof and I was thinking a nice turquoise warped wood would look very nice up there on the roof that does mean however that I have to go to the nether so I'm going to make myself a f fancy schmancy speedrunnner nether portal oh no no okay I really messed this up TA wow that sure was convenient wish me luck oh no what is the I'm not ready take me home oh my gosh Make It Stop nobody should ever go in there let's try that again somewhere else no how can I be so incompetent 2 hours later hopefully this time the Minecraft Gods will be kinder to me no not again where am I and where is the Warped wood oh my gosh warped wood it's right there perfect I just need to get across here safely easy okay now creatures of the nether please leave me in peace while I gather this wood wo it looks so cool though oh my gosh what was that no I don't know what that was but I think it's trying to kill me maybe I can reason with it explain I'm just trying to build a roof perhaps it will let me live it's still there a my gosh stay away get out of here oh my gosh how am I alive this was a huge mistake I should not have come here the nether is no place for a raccoon far too dangerous I'm just going to pray that this is somehow enough wood to finish the roof because I do not want to go back there so I got busy building my whopped wood roof and guess what I ran out of block of course so close yet so far I'm going to have to go back to the nether to get a few more logs am I alive there's a bloody Gast oh no I'm in danger just need like two pieces of warped wood I'm going to risk it just a quick Mission okay that'll do let me out this should be enough to complete my roof fabulous now let's get down from here because it's raining okay that was a close one next I want to add some copper pipes to the outside of the building and some smoking chimneys so to make the copper pipes I need to find Copper and there should be plenty of that around wait is that cake flaw cake my favorite and I'll take this copper too it's very easy to collect a lot of copper very quickly so so now all I have to do is smelt this and I can turn it into copper rods then if we place the rods like this it kind of looks like pipe work and I'm also adding some pipe work made of warped wood fences for some contrast then I added a couple of smoky chimneys and finally lanterns lots of lanterns and my house is finally complete though we still need to do some work on the interior next episode so if you have any ideas let me know in the comments and there's one final thing I want to do before I end this episode I'm going to craft a bunch of barrels and I am going to go find where everyone lives and leave a trash can on their property so they will put their trash in it and then I will come along and take their trash and recycle it of course so let's see where everybody lives first of all FIP what a beautiful home already it's just missing a trash can and just in case he's not familiar with the concept I've left some instructions for him next we'll go over to sausage wow this is amazing the Angelic Villa of mythical sausage I'm sure even Angelic Villas produce some trash you get a trash can next Ollie gets what was that oh my this place is very ominous are those giant bones I'm concerned for my safety let's just leave a trash can and get out of here he's right there I'm going to try and sneak up and leave the trash can right behind him hello I can still I can still see the barrel is he hi why are you skullking well also you're so short hello tiny rat I'm a raccoon oh that makes more sense I was just coming here to leave you a little L trash can that's so kind why why are you skullking um it's a little scary here Ollie you look kind of terrifying there were a lot of scary noises and I'm surrounded by giant bones no those are my those are my dorment have you not have you not met them we got Steve Barry we' got Greg Louise Ollie those are blocks well they're the only people that seem to want to come to my house aside from you mind we we may they all be with you weird let's go to Catherine's next why does she live so far away 2 hours later wow okay now I know why Catherine lives so far away I will gladly collect trash from this place let's find Joey's house next hello oh hi Joey oh wa what don't mind me are you just climbing that tree I'm a raccoon oh my God but what are you me shul who is You shul Squirrel Girl shul shul me shul shul is like Hulk but Shier I like it yeah what does shul do so shul has a lot of armor he has extra storage space Oh I can break stone without having a pickaxe but I can't wear a shield look yeah so strong well um I would like to offer trash disposal for shul trash disposal yes please place your trash here and I will be collecting any and all trash I'll be back for the trash bye bye feret okay that's going to get really annoying I'm not a feret I'm a raccoon and people need to learn to respect the difference anyway here's a trash can for Lauren here's one for Jimmy Jim gets one too ma gets a trash can Scott gets a trash can and Joel gets a trash can dpk gets a trash can and I'll get sho's trash and finally Megan's trash and now that I have the Monopoly over a worldwide garbage collection today is my favorite day of all it's trash collection day so for this special occasion I am going to craft a backpack for collecting my trash I'll start collecting over here with Scott's trash ooh what a varied trash offering this is a seven out of 10 I'll take it all the rotten flesh will be particularly scrumptious Shelby's trash is made up entirely of rotten flesh 10 out of 10 delicious Jimmy's trash is is that raw eel meat and a Vanishing pickaxe such Treasures worthy of a 9 out of 10 trash rating as I was out here collecting trash I discovered another cool feature of being a raccoon I have this speed boost ability that makes collecting trash from all over the world so much faster let's see what Lauren has to offer [Music] somehow I don't think I'm meant to eat those eggs where's the trash here it is here it is garbage rotten flesh an emerald some children this trash is 11 out of 10 but I did dock some points for the book because everybody knows raccoons cannot read unfortunately I have no idea what this says but this is still my favorite garbage next let's judge sausages trash game Lizzy trash collection is over here yes sir here it is the most marvelous trash I've ever seen flower pots a flowering aelia a spy glass I can see the orb from here 10 out of 10 trash sausage I spy with my little eye my next destination on the horizon let's see what kind of trash this wizard has to offer here it is trash okay what do we have have here poisonous potatoes my favorite pointed dripstone all the better for killing people with oh a book wish I could read hi can I help you what I can still see you Lizzie what are you doing um I'm just collecting the trash yes disgusting trash so disgusting I'll get this out of your way why are you picking up my trash look I didn't choose the raccoon life the raccoon life chose me okay you know what I was about to throw this out back so if you want to just take it that's fine I guess I will treasure this trash goodbye mhm um bye okay that was slightly embarrassing but we got the trash and that was good trash too eight out of 10 going to have to keep an eye on that one so now I have all these barrels full of goodies I guess one man's trash is a raccoon's treasure because I am going to recycle all of this stuff and use it to decorate my house so I've been reading through the suggestions in the comments and I have ideas for each floor of the house of course this one is going to be a chest room up here will be my workshop and up the scary precarious staircase this will be the bath house room and up the balcony staircase in this room we'll have the library and up here I'm going to trap villagers I don't quite know how but that sounds like a problem for future Lizzy to deal with so now that we have everything planned out I'm going to start the makeover with the chest room but instead of using chests I'm going to use barrels cuz they look quite pretty so unfortunately for the forest it's time for some deforestation but a raccoon always replants their trees it is the raccoon way stay away from me fiend or I'll have you for breakfast once then we craft a load of barrels this 51 barrels oh no that might be too many oh well you can never have too many barrels they're quite pretty now to arrange my barrels I'm just going to cover this entire wall in barrels Galore ta now you might be wondering how I'm going to organize this room well I'm going to use an organization method only raccoons understand 12 seconds later it is done the organization is complete and I would try to explain it to you but it's probably far too complex for your puny human mind to comprehend perhaps if you were some kind of human genius you might just be able to grasp the concept but alas I doubt any of you are as smart as a raccoon anyway it's time to decorate because this looks a little plain and I have some ideas to spice it up so of course we need a couple of lanterns to provide some light and I thought we could add some detail with a fun but slightly risky idea that I I had first I'm going to craft some campfires and luckily this organization system is just so convenient for finding all the things I need TAA fire but then I'm going to extinguish them and it's perfect just what I wanted now to spice this up further I will recycle and my storage room is complete wait I'm going to get rid of some of this boring Oak floor and I will use my Carpenters table to transform it into something a little bit more interesting and I think the variation adds a complimentary amount of chaos to this room and it's perfect moving on up the ladder to the next floor we have the workshop here I want to set up all of my workshop tables including my Mason's table Carpenter's table and glass blower I also want to craft the loom as well as the vanilla Loom smithing table cartography table and a cauldron that is a mine cart a cauldron now all I need to do is arrange all of these work items in my workshop one eternity later so here is my workshop here I have everything I need to do anything from carpentry to masonry stone cutting and grinding and whatever this Loom does the only thing I'm missing is some plants in these flower pots and I think I saw something in somebody's trash that would be perfect for this dark oak saplings and ferns some very exotic Greenery Tada Now we move on up the precarious staircase to the next room which is the bath house room as some of you already picked up on from the first episode my house is based on the bath house from Spirited Away so of course we need to build a place for my guests to bathe and I know just how to make the perfect bath using recycled Goods trapped doors taada there four little bathtubs of all shapes and sizes next we need the so sand to get these bathtubs bubbling but instead of risking my own little raccoon life to collect it I'm going to call in the professionals because a mere 700 blocks away lives a legendary Blaze born Joel my lady little tiny little lady I hear you are born of the blaze Origins I am well I would I would uh would you mind getting something from the nether for me it's too scary for me I can do that Lizzy but under one circumstance what I want you to call me hot Well you certainly look hot thank you okay that's all I need good luck I'll wait here okay I sure hope he comes back alive otherwise how else am I going to get Soul Sand wait I'm immune to berry bushes what an enlightening Discovery 12 seconds later I have returned oh you're on you're hot I am hot thank you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight perfect thank you no worries bye no worries she's so little I heard that it was very kind of Joel to risk his life to Bubble my baths but it was so worth it this looks amazing ah these look perfect I'll just add a few Finishing Touches for decoration now the bath house house is complete who wouldn't want to take a bath in this nice ferocious water anyway moving on the next room to decorate is up here the library and I think it would be really cool to make this into a maze with an enchanting area hidden somewhere in the middle so first I'll craft my very own enchanting table using this recycled book Tada then I will hide it right here and all I have to do is build a maze of bookshelves around it like this okay this is obviously just Cobblestone because I don't actually have any bookshelves and I don't know how I'm going to craft this many bookshelves unless yes I need some villagers then I'll be able to trade for all the bookshelves I need and of course I already planned to put my villagers up here luckily I already know exactly where to get my first villager from and it's going to be a rescue so we'll wait for the Sun done to go down and the operation will commence it's time I've been waiting for this moment down here in this cave I hid something in a boat it's a zombie villager and I'm going to rescue him and then cure him ow follow me ow ow ow ow ow welcome to my home please follow me this way ow through the storage room up this ladder fabulous now be careful on the stairs here don't want you falling now unfortunately there's no time for a bath you'll please follow me through the maze I probably should have waited to build the Maze and up this ladder yes you're trapped now please wait here until I gather the necessary equipment to cure you of your zombification the next day here I have my flash potions of weakness and my golden apple so it's time to unleash the zombie and cure him with my genius raccoon Powers aha my very own pet human I hope it doesn't die how long do humans live unfortunately I'm not proud of what I did next as I realized my villager was completely useless without a profession I would need to craft a lecon to turn my villager into a librarian and for that I would need a couple of books so I snuck over to Scott's area in the middle of the night and pilfered his Fields like the Vermin I am then I crawled over into his cow pen and fed his cows before using the only tool that I had to slaughter them mercilessly I'm not proud of what I did but I came out of there with just enough leather to craft that lecon oh humi I brought you a treat look at you in your little outfit it aren't you silly aha we have the trades and I can start getting my bookshelves yes that's what I want give it to me humi drop drop it drop it no bad human bad drop the bookshelf and you'll get a treat very good one down 99 more to go for a while I traded back and forth with humi and then something occurred to me I could turn him into a zombie and then cure him again to get even better trads so in the greatest betrayal in raccoon history I led a zombie up to the attic and Unleashed it upon humi I'm sorry humi you're on your own forgive me oh gosh oh no okay it worked perfectly help help help now I'm trapped take that and this one eternity later oh humi you're back and look what I have done one Emerald for one bookshelf and then one book for one Emerald you know what this means I've created an infinite Loop so say I only have one Emerald to my name I can buy a bookshelf but then I can turn that bookshelf into three books which I can trade for three emeralds and the process repeats making me well Rich I'll finish this library in no time and finish this Library I did and now this place is a perfectly confusing maze that will disorient any Intruders and make them unable to find my tucked away enchanting table that's just for me and of course the ladder to the next floor is also hidden away to protect humi from weird people speaking of humi we should do something nice for him in here so I built this little area for him because I Googled it and apparently you're supposed to store your humans in these little pods so it's nice and safe for them and you're supposed to feed them bread so now all we need to do is get a few more Villages and fill up the rest of these pods so humi can have some friends so I'm going to go out in search of a village 3 Days Later a village with Signs of Life yoohoo [Music] villagers hello would you come with me look at this what's this look come on this way okay I'm coming I've got somebody for you to meet do not die in the lava no no no no to the composter to the composter yes okay get in the boat yes fabulous you're coming with me follow the composter okay up this way we're home oh my gosh what was that oh sorry there just the doorbell sorry about that why don't you come on in follow the composter up the ladder okay now if you would just stand right there yeah that's perfect now great I will see you in the morning oh uh and now that the night is upon us I will Scurry into the dark for my nightly trash run the next day she's gone she disappeared into a pile of emeralds oh humi what did you witness what a disaster I need some time to grieve so I will instead turn my attentions to decorating this ground floor this will be the first thing people see when they enter my home so it's important that this area reflects on me as a person I mean a raccoon so I'm going to fill it with trash and I've saved the best trash till last look at all this I've always wanted a chandelier so let's also recycle a spruce Palisade and I will install this chandelier by the door wow next we have this wandering Trader head and seven cow heads this will be the head wall where I display all the treasured heads that are so kindly gifted to me now what else do we have here pointed dripstone oh that's exactly what you need to put by your entrances to ward off evil spirits next we have the rare items and I'm going to put these in item frames on the wall taada then finally we have this book which I can't read but my guests can so I will position it here and then I'm going to make a nice little reading Nook with these two chairs that I recycled and some leftover bookshelves there and I think a nice carpet to rub your toes in while you read is exactly what's needed here there and I also want to build something special in here to help me relax a little zen garden so let's dig out this area here and I replace this with sand like so and now all we need to do is add in some little rocks and plant life ta-da and finally on this side of the room I'm going to add a little table and chairs Tada and it's the perfect size for a raccoon so now that the interior of my tower is nicely decorated with everything I need I think it's time we make some changes to the exterior as you can see I have added a nice staircase for my less agile friends on the server it must be so sad not being able to climb up walls now I made a promise in my first episode that I would become the most powerful raccoon you've ever seen and I may have all this diamond armor but there's still room for improvement with the power of enchanting so let me get a lapos and we will find the enchanting table and let's enchant o protection B I feel stronger already and let's get this fortune 3 on my pickaxe and as a little bonus surprise up here right oh uh ignore that I was saving him for later not to eat don't worry I'm going to cure him check out all of my mending books me and humi really do have a good thing going here unlimited emeralds and unlimited mending books and hopefully you where's your face oh you will be just as helpful so let's put mending on all of my new gear and now we can get back to what I do best saving the human race I just need the ingredients for zombie purification and I'm missing a brown mushroom looks like I'm going to have to go rifling through people's trash in the middle of the night again I hope they left me the good stuff this time where does this man keep his trash no stupid Builder trash the lack of organic material makes me sad let's continue the garbage rounds I bet CPK has some good trash you think this is trash probably not there are diamonds in there could be the no it's not trash it's not mine I wish I could take it but I just can't break the raccoon oath no trash can no touchy aha Joey's house there sure to be some trash in here I can smell it where's the trash sh trash what no then what was that smell oh I don't want to know the mushroom Queen is online maybe I can strike up a deal but I'm going to be careful mushrooms give me the creeps and I've heard some scary things about Megan this must be the mushroom Queen's domain YooHoo hello hello welcome to my mushroom home oh hello do you have any mushrooms for sale yeah dude what the heck you were calling me creepy you said I was like a creepy mushroom girl I heard things I heard rumors who told you that I read it in the trash what people are people are communicating in the trash yep somebody wrote a note and they left it there and I had Joel read it out to me cuz you don't know how to read I can't read dang okay but but but you think I'm cool right we're we're cool oh yeah yeah you're cool this place is amazing lots of mushrooms around here you're looking for mushrooms how many you looking for one mushroom oh are you serious just one yes okay all right um here I'm I'm going to give you I'm going to give you five well thank you very much for the mushrooms yeah please don't hurt me why wait why would I hurt you're we what you're so little in that boat so cute I've never felt so close to death than my running with the mushroom Queen but I have everything I need now to make it the potions okay humi look away this could get ugly one eternity later nice of you to join us let me help you out of that boat and help you into confinement oh oh my gosh stupid axe broke my whole house down 3 days later I have been a very busy raccoon lately raising and nurturing my new pets humi gave birth to five Beautiful Creatures and they all have such useful items to trade so now I have all this Enchanted gear and I've pretty much conquered the Overworld so it's time for this raccoon Tycoon to conquer a new world of course not that one I'm never going back there I'm going to conquer the end so first I need to find the stronghold and for that I'm going to need all of my ender pearls I have one I'm going to need to get more ender pearls and some blaze rods to make make IE Of Enders so while I'm busy getting my ender pearls I'm going to enlist a professional to get me my blaze rods hello hello welcome to my home I can't get over how short you are oh okay why are you caring a bed sleep oh you can't sleep can you nope go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep little place boy oh good morning please follow me when was the last time you took a bath uh not often because I can't go in water so disgusting get in here no it will hurt it will hurt me get in the bubble bath oh you're very demanding for such a small little person ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow no it's not working oh Joel you that house you're nothing but chaos I need you to do something chaos this is okay I need you to get me some blaze rods okay call me hot say Joel is hot Joel is hot okay I'll go get them now that I have him working on the blaze rods I can get more ender pearls it's daytime 12 seconds later hello did you already get me the blaze rods yeah what do I get in return for this I thought I was calling you hot what no that's not payment okay okay let me see what I have here tada ooh what is this mending oh very good very good payment all right bye-bye now all I need is my ender pearls so now we wait until the night is upon us and it's time to hunt ol's Brethren oh end where are they hiding I found you and using my handy boat trick I kill you all the next day the Sun is up and I only have eight ender pearls let's see how far we can get with eight of these babies oh great Eye of Ender which way is the stronghold that way it flipping broke oh do I have to cross the ocean this feels dangerous what the heck what was that get me out of here where's the stupid end portal it's still that way so I ran as fast as my little raccoon legs would take me Crossing unfamiliar territory and discovering new lands look at this magical biome wo so pretty goodbye beautiful [Music] biome think it's right here how far down is this stronghold let's get in there and find the Portal there it is and we just need a few more eye ofenders oh did you think I was going to go in there on my own oh dear no a raccoon does not work alone I need a team of elite superpowered beings and luckily we happen to have a server full of them so I sent out these invites asking all of my friends to assemble at these coordinates and then from the surface of the island I dug straight down directly above the end portal it was all part of my cunning plan to trick my friends into fighting the Ender Dragon with me but then Joel walked in and like a cliche super villain I couldn't help but divulge my entire evil plan to him wait are we all falling through this portal yeah that'll kill us you realize wait why you take fall damage through the portal if we fall from the top I didn't know that you would have killed us all needless to say murder was not on my to-do list today so hopefully this water will break their fall that looks perfectly safe so now all I have to do is wait here on the surface for my superpowered friends to arrive oh look everyone's coming in let's go where are the superheroes at hello we've been summoned what are we all doing here why have you summoned us here what's going on Welcome to the island I you all here today because you have Elite superpowers that I think will be useful wait where's for what Whit pajama man this might have been a terrible idea as I was saying I summoned you all here today because you're all very highly capable and skilled in your various ways and you've been invited to join my secret superpowered layer would you like to see it yes sick please step inside the elevator and I will take you there is this giant access yes it is in everybody inside the elevator very [Applause] good raccoon Lizzy is no more due to an unfortunate incident where I became the victim of my own chaotic plan but but with a new life we receive a new origin and this time I rolled the Floren origin a species of plant people that obtain their nutrients from the Sun and gain strength from water so now I have a green thumb that means I can grow plants I'm capable of photosynthesis so my Hunger is satiated by being exposed to sunlight and I deal extra damage when wet but now I am highly flammable and take twice as much damage from fire ALS Al so I can only eat honey this is going to be a challenge so let me slip into my Flor and plant lady outfit and the first thing I'm going to do is seek guidance from the first Floren Catherine has been a Floren since day one so I need to find her and ask her how the heck I meant to survive I've never even seen a bee in this world never mind a bottle of honey so let's see if I can make it all the way over to my house to gather my supplies and then oh my gosh wait this is so much harder ow how am I meant to get up here there it is thank goodness I built this staircase it feels so good to be home oh oh wow oh gosh it feels really cramped in here now everything's so small I didn't want to stay in that house any longer than I had to so I grabbed some supplies slept in a bed for the very first first time and I set out in search of Catherine so I went sailing across the sea but then I accidentally discovered something and I don't quite know how to describe it all I can do is show you oh yeah okay sorry I'm almost at Catherine's house now hopefully she's around oh Catherine hi I like your outfit thank you I am now a fellow Floren and as first Floren of the server I thought I would come visit you and basically ask for advice how am I meant to survive oh well stay in the sun the sun is your best friend but the sun is going away oh well in that case you can have these honey bottles wao thank you this is so cute can I take a look at your bees and say hello hello oh they're all sleep sorry to bother you bees anyway I just came to tell you that the Overworld is your domain so I will be taking my flooring skills to another dimension the end do they have cool plants there yes so many cool plants Catherine can we do a flower swap yes yes I'll collect all of the cute flowers from the end and then we can trade them every Thursday at the flower market okay well i' better get going cuz the Sun is going down I need to go find the end portal again but hopefully this time I don't slip into the void goodbye goodby by well well well end portal so we meet again but before I jump down there and commit myself to life in the end I need to prepare for in the end there is no daylight and the one rule Catherine gave me was to stay in the Sun and I'm completely disregarding that rule and instead I Will Survive only on honey bottles which means I'm going to have to take some bees to the end with me so I have a plan I'm going to plant all these Oak saplings because if my calculations are correct any Oak saplings that grow within close proximity to a flower have a chance to grow with a beehive and because I'm a Floren I can just do this I love this power but it makes me very [Music] hungry yes this will be my lifeline to surviving in the end of course I grabbed a few more beehives just for safe measure and now I'm ready okay I guess it's time to go now Goodbye cruel Overworld goodbye sunlight there are new lands and new plants to discover in a new hostile land hopefully this goes better than last time I made it although I don't quite yet feel safe Endermen are not my friends so I am in fact going to put a pumpkin on My Head for for the rest of my life oh jeez this is actually kind of cute I could get used to this now I just need to get out of here let's see where this takes me ooh I see potential but where are all the plants oh my gosh pink and rainbow these Vines are so cute Catherine will love these those one have of flowers on the end wo this is so spooky there's so much cool stuff here but my Hunger is running out I need to find a place to settle down and raise my bees or I'll starve what the heck just a dragon head here what is this a crashed ship cool there's even potions in here I could make this my home or I could live here or I could live in this lake with these lily pads this biome is also really cute wait look at this place wow this is it people the best views in the whole land this is where I'm going to live with my bees so over here in the safety of the trees I'm going to set up a temporary bee Sanctuary now I can set up these bee nests and we need some flowers like so and now luckily I have a supply of honey so I won't starve this is great and all but this is really ugly so instead I'm going to build somewhere nice for my bees to live and for me to research all of these exotic end plants so of course I collected more of the rainbow crystals and I built myself a crystal greenhouse and this is where I'm going to live with my bees and my flowers so first I'm going to replace some of the ground with dirt and then of course wait for it to turn into grass just so that I can plant a few flowers from the Overworld to keep my bees happy now I just need to move the bees somehow so I started transporting my bees into the new house with only a few mishaps oh no and I even found some more bee nests in the oak trees I planted ta I did it I moved all my bees and I'm still alive now I'm going to have plenty of Honey to keep me alive here in the end so the next step is of course to decorate my Greenhouse with some end flowers and I've already seen so many cool ones around even just over here there's some kind of freaky mushroom biome with these freakishly adorable mushrooms in fact they remind me of Megan thank goodness she won't be able to get to me here in the end anyway I'm going to collect some samples and I have to make sure to collect some of the blocks that they can be placed on and I will catalog them in my inventory moving on over in this mushroom biome there are these weird things I'm not sure if I can I broke it bulb Vine seed and a lantern cool let's get a couple of these we also have these vines that are really cute give me people are going to love these on the Overworld now this biome seems like it would have some very cool full plant life so first of all these adorable mushrooms are going in my backpack and it also has these tentacles which aren't really my thing but I'm sure someone else would like that there are also these Vines wait there are houses here where's the door hello what the oh my gosh grasping at Stars this sounds amazing I don't know where any of the rest of this stuff is but I'll be sure to return it to it's rightful owner look at that just gorgeous I need them I need them also those floating things I want one who do I talk to about getting up there actually that gives me an idea it worked and I can get my plant yes and of course I'm going back to that beautiful pink biome um what is that what is that oh my gosh look at that beautiful fish can I keep it I caught it end fish I love it here I'm never going back to the Overworld the Overworld sucks in comparison oh you know I got to take some of these These are adorable oh man my plant filing system is all messed up now I don't even know what's what I should probably head back home okay now I can try planting some of these things around my home first I'm going to plant my own fer looks Lantern I think I just have to make it myself Tada How Majestic it's beautiful oh yes mushrooms that grow on the side of blocks next we have these Blossom berries which need to grow in fact I can help with that oh no I'm hungry oh no help help honey need honey urgently okay that was dangerous such as the life of an end Florin one eternity later you could say I got a little bit carried away here but I just love these plants so much I couldn't resist filling my house with them and I have a sneaking suspicion that the people of the Overworld would love these plants too so I'm going to open up the flower market where I will trade these plants for Overworld items that I cannot obtain here in the end such as a jukebox so I can finally listen to this music disc so I'm going to take some of my end blocks and I'm going back over to the portal because this is where people will end up when they arrive in the end so this is the perfect place to set up my stall so of course I'm going to use all these cool blocks from the end to entice them now we just need some samples to show them the merchandise so I've picked out all of my favorites and put them out on display and then here in these barrels I will keep a stock of them for trading and now that my store is complete I will turn my attention to the entrance I cannot have my customers first impression of the end be this it simply won't do I will build a nice staircase instead once again I got a little bit carried away but here is the new end entrance and I decided to make it look like it was on a tiny floating end platform I think this is a rather grand entrance and the first thing people will see is my shop hello welcome to the end Oliver Lizzy where are you are you wearing a pumpkin you want me to take the pumpkin off how about now that's that's a lot better thank you this is not you've changed you're not the raccoon I once knew I am the end Floren I am the endarian a pleasure to make your acquaintance ah we are Kindred Spirits that we are would you like an orb in these trying times that is an egg close enough there are no chickens in the end there are still no chickens in the end can I interest you perhaps in some flowers from my store yeah I'd love some plants from my homeland what give me your wees plant seller I have something that's perfect for you this is part of my special stock I don't even put this out on display the tentacle a that's sick okay and in return I would like some Treasures from the Overworld perhaps you have diamonds or a jukebox oh my God I looked in Ender help Ollie help tell them tell them to [Music] leave I didn't like that don't test my brethren they get very upset I'm not taking a stupid pumpkin head off ever again that was terrifying um anyway as I was saying perhaps you have jukebox maybe I I do have a jukebox what if you give me the Jukebox and I'll let you listen to my song with me I like that deal fabulous is this a song of my home [Music] World excuse me I feel you have brought Beauty back to my life eldie sadow lady look man if if you're going to have an epiphany can you go do it elsewhere yeah okay by the grace of the O be with you 12 seconds later hello now what oh hey Joey sorry I thought you were a shot Enderman hey it's me shul uh I'm not scared at all shul not scared shul tough boy hi welcome to my shop why don't you take a look at my Wares if you're not too scared oh lizia I am going around to every origin and I'm seeing who's the toughest of them all and the winner gets a rare magical golden goose egg wow okay um I don't think it's going to be me but I would like to try oh baby baby sh oh you want the baby sh okay I punch you and I give you a baby shul okay oh oh how much did that hurt six hearts o am I in the lead you're the first one so yes yay okay and here's your baby shulka oh baby sh well well well business has been booming or should I say blooming customers from the Overworld take some of my end flowers and in exchange they bring me goods from the Overworld so now I have quite the collection of things from the Overworld and one other thing I received from my customers was a lot of complaints not about my products but about the end itself and how dangerous it is I hadn't noticed but apparently a lot of people are scared to even come here so that gave me an idea as the one and only end floor in I am taking it upon myself to make the end safer so step one I'm going to map out the area so first I'm going to create a map and using this cartography table I'll zoom out more and more and again and now all I have to do is travel around to fill in the spaces so I spent the next few hours of my sad little life mapping out the end Islands which involved a little bit of this and a lot of this but now I finally have this map so now you can see where all the different biomes are but there's still one problem crossing the void and judging from the comments this is something that scares you guys just as much as it terrifies me so let's do something to make it a little bit safer I started by widening the existing bridge to be three blocks wide instead then I thought it might also be a good idea to add some safety fences and for this particular bridge I decided to go underneath and place some of the tener Vines dangling down into the abyss and voila my first End Bridge this is so much cuter and so much safer than it was before but this is is just the beginning there are so many voids to cross in the end and I want to build a different bridge for each one so the next bridge in desperate need of a makeover is this one I don't know who built this but they deserve bad things let's build something much safer and much prettier to cross this void this time I've got my Mason's table and I've got all of this endstone to turn into some interesting looking blocks to replace this ugly Bridge wait why do they look like faces I tried to ignore the faces and the blocks staring at me as I built this nice curved path from one Island to the other but this path is still not very safe so I'm going to add these blocks onto the side to stop myself and others from falling and then I'm going to light up my bridge with these Crystal Shards that I found in a cave I'm really hoping that these Bridges showcase everything that end has to offer for people that are first arriving through the portal oh that reminds me speaking of the portal there's something I simply must build right here you see this thing on my head this pumpkin it protects me from Enderman and far too many of my customers come in here with absolutely no protection whatsoever it's very unsafe there have already been several attacks so I think it would be beneficial to plant a pumpkin patch here so I will place down this dirt and plant some fresh pumpkin pum seeds oh and because I'm a Floren I can help them grow 3 days later the pumpkins have arrived and by arrived I mean they grew very slowly but now they are here we can give them their faces beautiful beautiful faces oh my beautiful children you are so perfect but there is something I want to try that might make you even more perfect so let me craft something called a botanist's workbench and I will put one of you my precious children inside wow cool now when people arrive through the pcel they can select their very own pumpkin to keep them safe on their onward Journey I'm trying everything I can to keep these people alive when they visit my Dimension so next we need another Bridge the next bridge that desperately needs my attention is this one yet another precarious Bridge across the end I think I actually built this one but I think we can make it a lot safer if we go right across over to there and this is going to be my most ambitious bridge yet I decided to go for these turquoise planks this time and I wanted this bridge to look more like a suspended rope Bridge so in a death defying feat of Minecraft building I spent the next few hours tinkering around trying to get the sagginess of my bridge just right now that the bridge is built we can start decorating and I thought since we're leading over to that cute Pond I thought we could incorporate some of those flowers into the bridge design I'm going to place this water and then plant an end lotus seed and let's see if I can use my floring abilities to help this grow that looks so cute now all I have to do is plant them all along the bridge so we'll just Place some water and a seed in all of these little pods I have created and I am realizing just now that the bridge is still not very safe especially with all these Ender just lightering around excuse me there all of the flowers are planted and now I just need to wait for them to grow two hours later ta the flowers have blossomed and I decided to remove the endstone block underneath so the water drips down and into the void it looks so cool from the side and this makes me want to make more plant inspired Bridges so the next one I'm going to build is over here right now it's just a wee little bridge but sometimes those are the most dangerous they catch you off guard that's why it's important to make this one safe and since it's between two of the red biomes I'm going to use the red wood to make this bridge and I'm not fuing around this time I'm just building a bridge straight across and now we just need some barriers along the side and I think some trap doors and some normal doors could make an interesting combination like this this is kind of Genius if I may say so myself yeah it's looking rather snazzy and now to finish this off we need some plant life so using these fer looks wings I can add some flowers to the path this definitely looks a little weird but it's better than the original bridge now we can get rid of this bridge so that people will use this one instead ah much better the end Floren has done it again but can she do it a fifth time oh the horror another one block wide Bridge we cannot allow this I know exactly what to do with this bridge first I'm going to use these Aurora crystals along the side of the bridge to stop people from falling off now this bridge I want to turn into a living Bridge so I'm going to add some moss and also some leaves I won't lie I feel like I could die at any second I don't really I don't really trust leaves now this still looks a little bit plain but do not fear the tener outer leaves are here taada the living Bridge it's so pretty of course I love all of my new bridge children equally but now I must move on from Building Bridges as I have some other matters to attend to recently I've been hearing this annoying whining noise around the end Li Lizzy and it seems like it's coming from over here lizy Lizzy hello you can hear me yeah Ollie I'm on the other side of the portal do you read me loud and clear over say over over the orb is calling upon you Lizzy the time is finally here the great purpose Roger that when I give the signal uh I'm going to need you to start pushing Enderman through the portal for the great purpose Roger that nice over and out okay I'm not entirely sure what that was all about but I can't help but oblige his request it's go time operation and man in the portal is a go go here is my first attempt at Enderman Transportation he's he's he's stuck off you go little Ender enjoy the Overworld W where'd he go Enderman did you pass through to the other side H I'm sorry help help oh off you go to a better place we did it I don't know what I did but I did it oh and one last thing I'm going to pass this music disc through to the other side so that Ollie can listen to it on his own in private now let's get out of here away from all these Endermen I accidentally angered and back through my portal to my safe refuge in the end the next day I regret to inform you that the worst possible thing has just happened I was just doing my thing bridging around the end when I thought it would be a cute idea to incorporate some Enderman into my bridge design spoiler alert it was not a cute idea [Applause] oh tragically this marks the end of my life as a Floren I am back from the dead I may have fallen into the void once again but now I've been reincarnated and I'm translucent now and that is because I rolled the gulan origin a gooey alien species that is often confused with their terrestrial slimy cousins now I have a lot of Goo related abilities most importantly I can condense myself down like so oh I'm so TI tiny this is amazing I also don't take much damage from physical attacks or from Fall damage and because of my sticky grip I can climb walls but rather annoyingly I cannot throw Trident effectively darn it whatever will I do now I'll never make it as an Olympic Javelin thrower I also have something called a stomach body which I don't really understand oh and I have no lungs I have gooey fists I'm flammable and I can't wear iron armor or above oh in deserts or the nether okay so I won't be going there then okay it seems like life as a gulan is going to be very different but I have the perfect plan to build a home for myself here on this planet first I will venture way out this way to find this biome ah yes this ugly Barren landscape is the perfect blank canvas for a makeover because instead of just building a home for myself here I have decided decided to build myself a whole biome that reminds me of my gooey home planet Zen sploosh 12 so I managed to salvage these blocks from my ventures in the end and I think they will be perfect for this project step one is to replace all of the floor with this blue goo and as you may have predicted this took a very long time but don't worry because while I was completing this mind- knowingly boring task I took the opportunity to brush up on some of my French language anguage skills say I'm looking for a book in [Music] English leave onle taada I may not be fluent in French just yet but the floor is finally finished next I want to get a different block to cover up these Hills and for that I want to use this whopped W block but if I put it in the botanist's workbench I I can create something very unique indeed perhaps these slightly different warped wart blocks now I will just cover these unsightly Cliffs hopefully this will really transform this entire biome just as long as nobody goes digging around in here because in this biome Beauty really is only skin deep oh that is cool or should I say out of this world ah I have run out of warped blocks now but I have plenty of these warped stems left over so if I turn them into planks then I can make some interesting textures such as this one and I can also use these to fill in the rest and it is done the cliffs are all covered and now this looks like a completely different biome but now it's time to add some details to be just like my gooey Homeland so first I love these geothermal vents under the water and I want to make some more so over here I'm going to make a lake and then fill this with geothermal Vents and it's actually rather genius how they're made you just need a campfire a block and you have a geothermal vent you could even do this in vanilla and I think this is just perfect for the mysterious V Vibe of my Biome spooky water next I want to add some detail to the ground I think some purple amethyst would look amazing over here and I know exactly where to find a geode because I discovered it when I was a raccoon it's right underneath my old house okay oh dang forgot to use torches when I was last here good job I can still climb walls here it is yes perfect perf now I want some of the crystals and some of these blocks I think that is quite enough now back to the surface where we can use these for decoration if I just replace some of the ground like this does look so cool the next thing I want to add to this biome is some native wildlife and obviously as I am a gulan the creatures of my home planet are very gooey and what is the gooiest thing in this this world why of course it is jellyfish horrible nasty J I mean lovely gooey jellyfish so I shall Endeavor to catch them in a bucket and bring them here to live with me oh there's some jellyfish right here hello little guy ah oh gosh jellyfish oh my gosh that one is beautiful get in my bouet ah oh so beautiful but so painful so wait what is that is that a Shar that will not fit in a bucket oh I can breathe under the water I just remembered wow you are cool but not nearly gooey enough for my liking I'm only interested in the gooiest of sea creatures such as this specimen but now so they don't despawn I need to give them all names you can be zeni Zen zooo and you Zan zugan and now we need a little Abit for you to live in like so ah think that means they're happy that's how you say I love you in Zen sploosh here you go zaren Zoo yep they love it and for my favorite Zan zoan how about a little Waterfall oh he's like the king of the oh no please my Lord be careful and now in honor of my beautiful jellyfish the next feature I'm adding to my biome is in the sky a bunch of floating jellyfish so first I planned out the positions of the jellyfish using all of my blue goo blocks and now I just have to go around and replace all of these blocks with glass and then of course we need to add in the brain and some tentacles taada my beautiful jellyfish and they look really cool at night too but now that the biome is is complete it's time to build somewhere to live because this is not cute so I thought it'd be cool to live inside a spaceship obviously and I'm going to build it out of copper but first I need to find some copper oh this is easy there's so much copper down here I'm not sure how much copper it will take to build a spaceship but surely this is enough now let's get these babies smelting and then we can start crafting the C ER blocks and I will build my spaceship here and then I'm going to add some details using these amethyst blocks oh great it's raining oh my gosh that was really close maybe I should put a copper Rod maybe I should put a copper rod on top of my spaceship so it attracts the lightning Tada the spaceship is complete oh oh my gosh it hit the rod cool it's magnificent and I know what you're thinking Lizzy that is a tiny spaceship how on Earth are you going to fit inside it well you are forgetting one thing M mortal I am a gulan and gulan can shrink so this spaceship is actually the perfect size for me so I can just climb on inside and it's actually rather spacious in here there's room for everything I could possibly need but now the challenge is smushing all of this stuff into that tiny space so of course we pack the essentials bed crafting table stone cutter Anvil okay first we need the fuel tanks these go here then the rest of this space is for my belongings taada I told you we could fit everything in here even though this bed is unnecessarily large now the only thing I'm missing in here is some fuel in the tanks cuz this baby is running on empty so I need to collect slime to power this goo ship so we shall head off into the distance ah to look for slime for we must find a swamp before the full moon is that a swamp just what I wanted now we just camp out here and wait for the full moon here it is the full moon is upon us it's time to hunt slimes slimes of the universe here my call please give us your goo is that is that a slime so large and gooey ow cool so much slime ah the full moon has been kind on this eve now let's get back to the ship and fill my tanks now we can craft the slime blocks and fill up the tanks oh no we're shot on slime oh Lizzy hello oh my what hi welcome to my gooey Paradise uh I have a question would you happen to know what Joel's most prized possession is on the server uh yes I do tell me Well it it's me obviously oh oh it's you I am Joel's most prized possession on This Server oh wait why uh no reason I heard that you wanted slime is that what you said you need slime yeah I just need like one more piece of slime ooh well I have slime at my house uh I'll get it prepared I'm going to get the Slime prepared and then I will come back and then you're going to come with me to my house okay that that would be great I can't wait yes don't go anywhere I'll be right back 12 seconds later oh Lizzy is it time it's time I've prepared the slime okay just follow me I don't live that far oh fabulous great ah the pyramid the pyramid and the Egg something looks Sinister no no not Sinister I think it could be the decapitated pig head where's the Slime Lauren come up here this I have prepared a slime room for you cool I know slime oh what is this I'm sorry I'm so sorry Lizzy but I need to be part of the villain Club what I was asked to steal Joel's most prized possession and that's you I have no fear I'm sure he will come to my rescue yeah yeah yeah um I'll just wait here this is fine the next day oh I see you giant man hi Jo what the heck it's me I'm trapped you are an alien please save me what the heck you just shrunk you just shrunk how's that possible Len what have you done laen oh Scott look what I've done you told me you told me to steal 's most prized possession and so I stole his wife will this get me in the club Scott will I be in the club yes this would get you in the club goodbye Lizzy I'm so sorry what what club it's for the greater good lava that's my one weakness once again I had died that means the end of my life as a gulan but the start of my next life where I have been reincarnated as a kangaroo a bouncy creature from Australia that is very cheeky and will always try to be annoying only to jump away when you get near I am a desert inhabitant you came from the deserts of Australia so you spawn in a desert well that is a lie I spawned right there but I will now make it my life's mission to someday make it back to the desert oh no I'm fragile with three less Hearts than normal I'm constantly jumping around so I become hungry faster I have a pouch pocket that can hold extra items oh cool I can put my stuff in there and I have a kangaroo jump so normally I jump like this but if I press my special button I can jump this high oh that was close I should be very careful now my first mission as a kangaroo is to find somebody to annoy maybe I'll start with the person that murdered me Lauren yes let's head in a northwesterly direction towards Lauren's evil lair luckily for me I don't have to deal with rivers anymore I can just leap right over them sucks to be you the jellyfish oops I've fallen down a hole but luckily I don't need a rescuer this time I can rescue myself just beyond this beautiful biome is the lair of the evil endarian herself Lauren ah here it is CAD murderer and one thing I learned during my short time spent imprisoned here is that the temple has many holes and I will take advantage of this to be annoying right here in one of these little cavities I'm going to construct a very annoying noise maker and once activated this will cause major annoyance yep that is certainly very annoying time to hide that away and evacuate and I actually have one more trick up my sleeve because as you know Lauren is an endarian which means her one weakness is water but look at this Temple why wouldn't it make a fabulous waterfall so let me grab my buckets and it's time to cause some real chaos this may or may not result in death let's see how she deals with this one two hours later oh my god this is my cue to leave Lizzy Liz uhoh what did you do time to get out of here before Lauren traps me in her dungeon again oh it's raining too so she can't even chase me wow I am one lucky kangaroo now I need to find my next victim oh my look at this a completely unattended Castle why I'm sure I could do something annoying to this in fact I have the perfect idea and all I need is a bunch of snow so where or where will I find some snow around here oh I remember this way o perfect I also need these pumpkins to create an endless supply of snow there it is the snowy Haven let's collect enough snow to make a few snowmen but I have to be very careful where I step because I don't want to fall into powdered snow which coincidentally is exactly what I came here to collect so I'm going up into the snowy mountains in search of powdered snow yes this looks like the kind of place where I would find powdered snow I should be really careful because if I get stuck in this I'll be in trouble so grab my bucket okay that is not powdered snow apparently that is just regular snow so where is the powdered snow H I don't know where it is I cannot find the powdered snow I have severely overestimated the risk of accidentally Landing in powdered snow in fact I can't even find any powdered snow where is it maybe it's over there here it is powdered snow I'm going to fill my pouch I've filled every receptacle with Pou it snow now we are back first I will construct my snow golems so they may get to work covering this place in snow and we need them all over the place no surface left UNS snowed now get to work my children while I work on the next part of my plan which is actually the potentially deadly part involving this powdered snow and just in case you don't know what happens if you land in powdered snow I will demonstrate if one were to walk into the powdered snow one would find themselves freezing to death and they must escape before their hearts deplete so of course I thought it would be very funny and annoying to place this powdered snow everywhere what could possibly go wrong cpk's home well that is my cue to leave goodbye what's going on he didn't even seem that annoyed maybe I should go back excuse me what what's going on I'm just being annoying okay did you put the snow down I did yes that's what kangaroos do wow you go so high what are you I'm a kangaroo oh of course it should have been obvious from the snow and pumpkins yes did you put the pumpkins down well yeah I had to make the snow golems that was sort of a byproduct oh it's actually very convenient no I'm supposed to be annoying not helpful you're quite helpful I mean the powed snow I'll be honest the first 30 seconds didn't even notice it ah right Mission failed we'll get him next time what kind of kangaroo am I if I can't successfully annoy CPK I will not rest until that man declares that he is annoyed so let's try again the next day CPK seems to have made the mistake of leaving his castle unattended again well this time I know just what to do I will ensure that his castle is completely overrun by loud stinky clov hooved creatures cows this time all I need is a little bit of wheat to start operation cow takeover I'll just need to seize a few of Scott's stray cows and together we take over the castle one baby cow at a time but if I want to increase their numbers quickly I'm going to need a lot more wheet there this should be enough to build a giant cow Army now breed one eternity later this is taking a lot longer than I thought it would but I will not stop until there are cows in every nook and cranny of this Castle it's a masterpiece I've never seen so many cows in one place before this is surely a great annoyance so I will just leave a little sign here to claim this work of art and then I will flee the scene of the crime with my overly dramatic bounces good luck getting rid of all those cows CPK 3 Days Later let's see if CPK has solved his cow dilemma yet oh dear that's still a lot of cows they're everywhere how did one get up there I don't understand wait there's a sign are you annoyed yet yes this is much more annoying but free food second thoughts super annoying I have weakness and these take ages to kill this is hell why would you do this well CPK that's just what kangaroos do and now that I have been successful in Annoying him it's time to find my next victim and wouldn't you look at that it seems a new victim has logged on to the server why don't we pay him a visit he's probably over here somewhere go go gadget aerial view there is how can we annoy him he looks like he's recording a video how how is he not seeing [Music] this what's wrong with this man oh oh let's bounce away you'll never catch me okay this might be getting dangerously close maybe I can hit him off the wall wait why is he immune to snowballs what the heck time to bounce of course he's immune to snowballs it's so hard to annoy people around here but I have the perfect idea for my next victim that is sure to succeed this one's called the big boat so I've come here to Scott's area to pull off the biggest prank of all time here is the setup and now all I need to do is craft a bunch of boats and drop them in the hopper and they will be dispensed right here but in order for this to actually be annoying I'm going to need a couple of hundred boats I just need to turn all these into planks and then craft as many boats as I can ta hopefully I don't crash the server with this otherwise Scott it's going to be extra annoyed the boats are in position the frame rate is low now we remove the contraption and we wait for Scott to arrive I will wait up here like Batman but I'm a kangaroo one eternity later Scott logged in where is he there he is Target acquired come on stop jumping around with the umbrella and notice the boat oops I forgot to fix his sugar cane he's going to get in oh my gosh oh no he took some damage he's going to be so mad but it worked perfectly hi Scott is there a problem I don't know is there a problem lzy yeah kind of I'm drowning help this looks great yeah is it annoying a little bit good goodbye she's lucky because the bo came his entities I can't grab her I just realized he has vampire powers he definitely could hurt me if he wanted to I need to get far away from here somewhere Scott can't find me and I'm told that the nearest Desert is 7,000 blocks this way [Music] ah oh oh my God what is a barracuda it's a fish I just died to a fish and when I respawned I was a bird but I was also in a cave in the middle of nowhere I don't belong in a cave I'm a bird what is is the meaning of this ah finally the sun It Shines on my glorious plumage look how beautiful I am and small very very small and for the first time in afterlife I have wings I can fly finally but I am lost I don't know why I spawned in the middle of nowhere but I need to get home so let's see if any of my new powers will help me birds are very small and very cute they also fly and Chirp love air you love the feeling of flying so much that you learned how to use it to your full potential you deal twice as much damage while flying however you deal very little damage while on the ground granivore as a BB you prefer to eat wheat seeds instead of other food jockey you can ride other players I can't wait flap you can flap your wings and send you forward have a small appetite smaller body extreme need for Mobility blah blah blah yeah this seems unimportant I want to fly so think I can flap my [Music] wings wow now which way is home how did I get so lost wait a second what is this this is the most beautiful biome I have ever seen it's like a purple Jungle there's more H this one's pink I love it [Music] here and I can't kill them ow oh no oh my gosh help help I fall down a hole again no no no well I went out of the world just as I came into it in a hole [Music] I can't believe I died already and now I'm an enigma mystery puzzles and trickery you make people live in fear of themselves and question their own sanity behind you nothing can evade you use this ability to teleport behind anyone clone summon a clone in your place and become invisible if either of you get hit you become visible again and create an explosion that deals damage to the Clone killing it instantly hidden in the shadows you can hide in the shadows at will being able to face through all blocks becoming somewhat transparent staring contest staring at an entity for a long enough time will kill it wa when you begin looking at it it will gain slowness and weakness later on your stare will inflict blindness and nausea hated they all betray us villagers won't trade with us and we can't tame anyone good sight sneak to see all players even through walls you also have permanent night vision and no fighting you can only stare people down to death no swords or axes okay so you know that's obviously the first thing I want to try I want to sare a mob to death aha a volunteer die Pig any second now death will consume you just you wait yes okay definitely not the most convenient way to kill things but this is my life now so wish me look I think first I need some tools and armor oh humi please I just want to trade books with you guys no don't shun me like this please no I have nothing what am I supposed to do now why is there a cat there oh no oops that could have been ugly actually that gives me an idea I could kill any mob with just my laser vision and I know exactly which mob to choose as my first victim but I'm going to need to travel I have returned to the end portal I never thought I'd come back here in fact in the comments I was advised not to come back here but I have a scar to settle with a familiar foe death to all Endermen here it is the old end Island just crawling with Endermen but I now possess the power to defeat these Endermen just by looking at them as long as I don't break eye contact it can't hurt me oh my gosh was this a mistake no this is fine it's working don't blink oh no he has an accomplice that was almost a disaster but it worked well well well I might be the very first person to win a staring contest with an Enderman now let's get the heck out of here because this is very scary cool now what shall I take on next how about another formidable foe From A Distant dimension oh there's even a nether portal right here it's calling out to me maybe there's a guest on the other side that wants to witness my power ah nope this is just a really long tunnel how do I get out of the long tunnel aha yikes I may have made a mistake no I'm not scared I am the Enigma ah perfect oh my gosh no oh my gosh they are more powerful than me I'm sorry I made a mistake I need to kill that thing oh my gosh it's there death death death death Death be slowly with you thank you for your patience it's not dying it's not working why is it not working ah oh my gosh no it's following me okay there's only one way to get rid of this thing sorry whoever's portal that is but you have a new guest a guest has arrived and his name is death now where are are the guests Target acquired staring contest initiated I am in serious danger serious danger is what I'm in right now keep your eyes on the prize till the prize dies so oh no I B the mission so at this point I logged out for a few days to ponder my existence meanwhile the entire afterlife fandom was going wild trying to figure out what my new origin was rather ironically it had become somewhat of an enigma this could not have been more perfect and it gave me the strength I needed to log in again oh my gosh oh my gosh help help help ah I nearly fell down that hole that was Joel's hole how many lives will that hole claim oh no it's a dead end don't kill me oh my gosh it can't end like this help help help help get me out where the heck am I oh no oh no oh no take me back I escaped death on this day but I'm full of shame how am I supposed to take over the server if I can't even kill a guest things were much more promising when I was a mysterious Enigma so I'm going to retreat to a private location to reclaim my mysterious the next day here is my top secret headquarters the location of which shall remain a mystery the only clue I will give you is that it has a secret waterfall entrance because I've always wanted one of those so now we have to make the interior look just as impressive as the entrance because all this diorite does not scream sophisticated villain to me I'm going to use some blocks I don't normally use to throw people off the scent so I have come here to this very orange biome to deprive it of its red sand thank you very much I will also be taking all of this acacia wood oh no my one weakness being weak I will also need to take this clay because I have many plans all of which will remain a mystery for now until I'm ready to unveil them to you oh who am I kidding the real mystery is how I've managed to stay alive for so long well somehow I made it back alive and now with a little Minecraft magic I'm going to transform all of these blocks orange yes I bet you weren't expecting that how could you have known it was a total mystery now we just orange this place up one might say this is too much orange but the Enigma works in mysterious ways and for my next trick I'm going to work on these little nooks here adding some mysterious decorations so mysterious in fact that you will never be able to understand them why you'd have to be some kind of problemsolving Genius to understand the complexities of such a mystery here it is my secret headquarters yes it's all coming together according to my plan over here we have my living area and of course the most important part of any base the decorations all of these Nooks are carefully crafted Mysteries and there's just one thing missing in this little Nook here I need to collect a bird from for mysterious reasons which I will not divulge to you right now but the bird needs to go here for this to be complete so let's take this show on the road and bring home a parrot there it is the jungle Hello calling all parrots I am in desperate need of a decorative parrot world I need you to be forthcoming with me now with these parrot offerings t no wait they did a murder oh God that's not a cute tap here it's a bloody murderous ball oh there but what the Blazers is that oh my gosh I'm being attacked by a pig am I going to die I'm a mysterious Enigma I can't die like this this is embarrassing it's the second time today I've been attacked by a pig if you'd believe that help please help oh my gosh it's right behind me oh my gosh I'm going to die I'm going to die I'm going to die am I going to die yeah it's chasing me it's right behind me oh my gosh I need I forgot I had superpowers for a second there that was close I just came here for a bird and I nearly blam and died parrot hello greedy parrot oh no I just made a horrifying realization I can't tame pets everything hates me these very rare birds that I've spent all this time looking for when even come home with me stupid birds came all this way and I didn't even get a bluming bird now what wait new idea and this one's far more Sinister where did those birds go so you're too good to be my pet huh we'll see about that oh yeah oh that's right I can't kill anything dang it you wait there you're going to be sorry you ever rejected me in just a few more seconds no can't work with feathers yes just what I wanted you thought you could Escape me but you were wrong taada it's perfect oh my gosh somebody's in it's Scott he's going to uncover the mystery what is he doing here why is he dressed like that oh my God it wasn't me quick back in the base and that's not the only terrible thing that's happened around here lately I've also been noticing things going missing things have been moving around in all of my chests and there is a distinct smell of cat hair everywhere so in order to catch the culprit I have devised a genius plan I can use my cloning ability to go invisible and then I can catch the Intruder in the act so I strategically positioned myself inside a wall and I waited one eternity later the cat burglar was none other than Shelby the cat I should have known but but instead of confronting her while she rifled through my barrels I decided to wait and while I watched her leave from my little hiding spot inside the wall I hatched a plan I think I know what to do about this a good oldfashioned trap I'll make that cat regret the day they ever stumbled into my secret lair by laying the perfect trap and I think I'll have a little fun too but first the unfun part clearing all this gravel 2 hours later all right I've done away with all that pesky gravel now it's time to lay the trap for the cat burglar so first up here I have engineered a very sophisticated trap door all I need to do is place the final blocks and now when that little Scamp comes in here and opens my barrels the Trap will activate sending her plunging down below so allow me to demon straight ta now obviously since cats are immune to fall damage this would only be a minor inconvenience to her however strangely one fun fact about cats is that they can't mine Stone don't ask me why I have no idea but it means that the only thing we have to do to imprison this feline is replace the walls with stone yeah it could not be simpler now little shubble will be trapped forever but I'm I'm not going to stop there oh no I have quite the nefarious plan for her and to carry it out I'm going to need two things skull sensors and TNT so first stop the or Legend has it that the skul senses around the orb came right from the very caves below so all I need to do is go and harvest some for myself but let's not forget that I can't actually kill mobs so this this is very dangerous for me oh wait a second I just remembered I have magic powers and I can actually face through walls I can see everything a skull sensor give it to me [Laughter] yes I am so powerful ah got to be careful though there is a limit to my power o sweet mama oh gosh okay it's actually kind of scary knowing what is on the other side of the cave walls all the time that was way easier than I thought it would be and now all we need is some TNT and word on the street is that this shop over here actually sells gunpowder it's just so easy being a villain these days let's see gunpowder equals one stack of diamonds oh god oh sir gobbles gobling turnon you want to go huh ooh you can also buy precrafted TNT three diamonds for half a stack okay that is more than enough Let's Take One and I might be a villain but I'm not a heathen of course I'm going to leave the diamonds lest I face the wrath of Sir gobbles gobling ton okay now all I need to do is lovingly arrange the ingredients that should be enough to kill a cat or anything really and we cover this up with stone the one block Shelby can't even break and now we cover this area in skull sensors and as you can see they detect any kind of movement and they get really upset when you break one of them which makes them the perfect way to trigger my trap all I have to do is connect the skull senses to the TNT below with this Redstone and the trap is set so here I'm going to just build myself a nice little bomb shelter so I can witness the chaos with a nice view and now we wait and sure enough the cat burglar [Music] returned [Music] well well well I didn't know somebody lived here I thought it was abandoned I can return actually this time I didn't I didn't even take anything but I can return to the thing I took the last time which is this well I'm afraid that won't be an option you have entered the den of the Enigma and therefore you must die if I were you I would wouldn't move below these skull sensors is a layer of TNT once I connect the Redstone signal the Trap will be activated and you will die there's no way out for you Shelby and now just like every good super villain I'm going to leave before making sure that you actually die in my trap goodbye Shelby well I hope that was successful but it's kind of the number one rule of the super villain handbook that you're not meant to stick around for their deaths so there's just no way to know for sure but I'll just move on to my next evil plan anyway which I call operation roller coaster step one is to hijack the Ender rail right now this is just very convenient transportation from Spawn all the way over to the orb but what if at some point the train were to take a deadly detour well that's my plan so right here I'm going to divert the track up into the sky so now we have this crazy track that goes up into the sky and then from the top here it shoots off and lands on this little Loop where they will be stuck with no Escape so all we need to do is cover this with powered rails now I know what you're thinking that's a lot of powered rails and therefore a lot of gold but my friend you forget I possess the ultimate power for mining the kind of power Ser admins fear most x-ray vision with this I'll have all the gold I need in time now I should have all the gold I could ever possibly need and I can craft my powered rails and now we can divert the track up to these deadly Heights but I'm not scared because I am the Enigma T and then the mine cart will fly off the end onto here where it will become trapped in an endless loop and then will have to make a decision whether to spend the rest of their life going around and around in a mine cart or to jump to their Death Down Below I suppose all I need to do is test it make sure it works oh what was that that was not me so I mosied on over to spawn to investigate and to my surprise I found two Thunder Gods having a sleepover yeah that's so dumb we're freaking Gods here okay yeah hey boys you want to see some real power wa oh my God what on Earth punch it w that's amazing is she gone she's more powerful than us that's that's pretty scary um that's pretty neat the Enigma strikes again leaving a trail of confusion and Chaos wherever she goes wait I have an idea why would I test this death trap myself when I could trick someone else into doing it for me H oh hey Joel oh hey Lizzy how would you like to try out the new and improved Ender rail waa boy I would love to I not even tried this one out yet so I'd Prett much prefer the new one well why don't you go ahead I'll be right behind you but what you don't know is that I'll also be behind your death here he goes it's working just as I intended now the moment of truth it's perfect well well well if it isn't the God of Thunder wait what's going on why am I stuck on this never ending Loop of rail you're trapped in my trap wait is this a trap how is this a trap oh wait I can't get down yep that is the trap part of the Trap you seem pretty powerless for a God wait you may have escaped the mine cart but you'll never escape the Trap I'm now going to oh my God I nearly walked off here backwards sorry I will now leave you to your feet just like every good super villain I won't be sticking around to watch your demise obviously I have more important things to do goodbye Joel I'm such a villain you could call me a super villain and I will be known as the greatest Enigma of all time and today today I have devised a most dastardly plan to truly solidify my position in the history books you see in my short time as an enigma I have developed a very specific set of skills skills which others do not possess rather conveniently I can walk through walls so I wondered how I could use this to my advantage and I came up with the perfect plan to build the inescapable escape room then I'll just trap all of my friends inside and enjoy the show but to make this work I need a few things first I need to find a sea Temple preferably somewhere close by so I can easily lure lots of people aha a sea Temple now let's get a little closer and hopefully ah yes perfect that's actually what we need the mining fatigue effect that is is the key to my trap because you can't escape if you can't mine your way out so I will build my trap around the sea Temple it just has to be within 50 blocks of a guardian oh no I'm drowning oh that was almost the end of the Enigma right there because I forgot about breathing now no okay that's scary even though I'm invisible this is still very scary wait I'm Not Invisible how can they see me oh my clone disappeared oops wow every day the Enigma comes closer and closer to death but not today because today we're building a trap I need to build my inescapable room within 50 blocks of an Elder Guardian so I think right under here is the perfect place and I need to be very careful when I place blocks because I also have the mining fatigue 12 seconds later dang it I knew this day would come my first misplaced block there the room is complete now all I need to do is empty it of water and you're wondering how I'm going to do that well so am I [Music] uh ah right yes no I got it the solution is z and sploosh slime yes who would have thought that this stupid slime would be the answer to all my problems because you see due to its unique properties you can still break it even with mining fatigue 3 so then I spent a very long time placing and breaking all these blocks of slime to get rid of the water and it was one of the most tedious things I have ever done in Minecraft I would love to show you a highlight reel of all the fun moments but unfortunately there weren't any oh good bats are spawning in here great it is done the underwater room is underwater no more and now we can start to decorate luckily the bats had a lot of Ambience but this guy has got to go you are the weakest link goodbye no oh my gosh help well that was stupid the next day please be gone oh my gosh sorry sir I was just admiring your legs sir they're very spindly I hope you don't fall okay now that we don't have any uninvited guests except for all of these bats let's start decorating so the first thing I want to add is a bunch of doors everywhere because I want to give the illusion that this place has emergency exits when in reality it does not this is in no way functional it is purely for my own Amusement as I observe my trapped prisoners ah poopy I put the door in the wrong place I've done it again bom an EG can't get rid of this now right um don't really know how to handle this one maybe sort of pretend that this is how it's meant to look there next we need some decorations to keep them distracted for long enough that I can lock them inside I hope this does not look suspicious but I am just filling this place with random things like this it's an art piece okay I like it pastle also lots of barrels will make me seem very innocent there now except for the little Elder Guardian foot poking through the ceiling you would never know there was anything suspicious about this room whatsoever now all that's left to do is lure my victims into the Trap and for that I have devised a plan and it involves a disguise Oho there matey it's me Captain Lizzy sadly the Enigma is dead and I'm on my next life as a pirate just kidding underneath this disguise is actually the Enigma it's the perfect plan and since I am now a pirate after all I will lure them in under the guise of a boat race and the boat race shall end here in the inescapable room but it will start over here by spawn so here I've built some starting Gates and I will of course provide all of the competitors with boats now all I need to do is build a race course so I'm going to Mark the shape of the course with these trap doors and it's very important that I make this look really fun and interesting so they don't suspect any Foul Play So on this long straight here I'm going to add some obstacles out of these leaves just to make this whole thing seem a little more legitimate there a little boat hedg ma for them and now my next idea is even Wilder because I have some obsidian and I want to build a nether portal and this nether portal has two functions firstly to be a fun and exciting part of the race and secondly to move the racers closer to my trap so let's go into The Nether to create the rest of the race course now obviously I can't place water here so instead I'm going to place ice and now they just hop in a new boat and continue along the track into this next nether portal which spits them out on top of an iceberg a mere 100 blocks away from my trap and now we just build the rest of the course on top of this ice sheet so our Racers will be slipping and sliding around on this icy track until they get to here and this is where they'll drop down because we need to make a hole that connects to this tunnel taada the c is now connected to the Trap all I need to do now is make sure there's a nice layer of ice for every youone to slide easily into the gullet of my inescapable room and then once they pass through the yellow banners like so they'll be trapped with no Escape oh and I'll be here waiting for them of course so I've tracked down a potential group of victims here in this tavern in fville and all I need to do is convince them to take part in my pirate boat race without them realizing I'm still the Enigma it's okay I grow beak and strong when I drink your milk you're beautiful have another drink oh nice oh hi there mate can I interest any of you boys in a boat race yes yes we like boat like racing why don't you follow me let's go wo to spawn everybody AR mes are you ready for the most intense boat race of your lives follow me down here please get yourself in a [Music] boat me oh right there be rules here you ly lovers or whatever is please keep your hands and feet inside the boat at all times except for the moment at which you pass through the nether portal in that instance you will have to jump out of your boat in order to be transported but then You' got to get right back in your boat okay can I get an AR the winner is the first pirate to pass through the yellow banners and I'll be waiting for you there at the end on your marks get set go let go let's go good luck to you those idiots don't know what they're about to say fail right into well I'll be waiting for them at the very end ready to trap them in oh no we've had a premature death 12 seconds later oh oh I'm making it you'll be the winner let's see who comes in second place oh it's Jimmy the Candyman oh my gosh and in third place beef whip where are the others well we might have lost one where's Joey where is why Joey always lost did I win you came last you came dead last matey what's going on and I also have another surprise for ye what is that just get oh shoot oh what's down there just give me a second all right it's me it's the Enigma I was never a pirate oh my gosh and now you're all trapped goodbye wait are we actually eat Jimmy no no no no no you can have well boys boys that was not how this was supposed to go please leave your respects for the Enigma in the comments but now I have been reborn as a zombie and it turns out zombies don't have a lot of special powers but what they do have is a bunch of weaknesses in fact I can't even go outside in the day because I will burn to death so I'll just wait for Nightfall I guess two hours later finally the Knight is upon us I can be free ow I want to test out this ability The Horde zombies don't fight fair whenever you attack mobs the Hostile Mobs in the area will join in the fight what happens if I attack this spider oh my gosh look at this wa am I powerful this might be the most power I've ever had wait they aren't even attacking me hello friend do you want to make a baby zombie together here put this on yes wait I could give all the zombies makeovers oh yeah uhoh the sun's coming up I have to go hide in a hole now oh no oh my gosh it's too soon I'm not ready no are you K I had only just discovered my Powers what in the world oh my gosh what what am I crawler the people who have evolved to live with insects you can ride other players you can crawl up surfaces and ceilings like an insect I am so tiny oh my gosh I need a new skin 12 seconds later I'm a worm and I just have one important question to ask what the heck hi Joel I'm a worm would you still love me if I was a worm yeah I'd still love you good can I move in why are ants and worms like attracted to me sausage moved in over there and then I accidentally blew him up uh but yeah I guess you can move in where do you want to move in I've got like multiple places I'm going to make a wormhole okay to like out of space or something no like a hole for worms Oh okay I'm going to build my Wormhole over here all right okay there's lots of nice plants here for me to worm around in time to build the tiniest home you have ever seen and I have the perfect idea for a door so here is my entrance for a worm this is actually a rather grand entrance but it is completely inaccessible to everyone else so I can live in here in peace surrounded by my favorite thing dirt now even though this space may be small we need to have all the essentials including a bed and now we need a way to get up to the bed so here's a ladder taada what else do we need I know a nice reading light wait oh my gosh I can swing from the chandelier I love being a worm now what else does a worm need but a composter for all my composting and here is another composter but this one is not for compost because this is where I'm going to keep my chickens yes for some reason when I throw an egg the result is a miniature chicken and I don't know why but I love it oh M what is that what is that noise what is happening chickens hold me where's the noise coming from oh my gosh what was that oh it's just an Enderman it's just an Enderman in the rain of course maybe it's time to get back in the hole [Music] oh my God what what is happening I'm a phantom I can walk through walls again okay this time I'm going to be a lot more careful I cannot die again in one episode so let me first escape from this Wormhole that I created oh oh my gosh wait oh oh oh oh no oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh help okay can't go outside in the daytime maybe we'll go underground instead I'm going to make it my mission to collect all the diamonds where are the diamonds okay this is a very scary place to be I don't want to be here anymore this is a dangerous situation which one must not take lightly death is quite literally around the corner at every turn but so too could be diamonds around every corner I just need to check them all a spawner just dropping in to say hello and take your enchanted golden apples this is so overpowered diamonds yes whoa what was that drowning gravity Sprinter weakness creeper what just happened I nearly fell off my chair what was that I don't want to see that ever again diamonds more diamonds if any of you out there are considering a life of Minecraft crime may I just take a moment to recommend it this is awesome this is the best thing I've ever done I nearly died but I'll risk it all for the diamonds this is the way to live I managed to get three stacks of diamonds now I just need to get them home safely hang on a second I just remember that I don't even have a home the next day I regret to inform you that something very bad has happened you might want to sit down while I tell you this thrilling tale I decided to build myself a home so I merrily skipped off towards spawn and I checked my supplies H I thought what should I build out of copper nah I know I'll get some sand from the desert well Bo was that a mistake oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God did not see that one coming now I'm on my final life I am a villager a peaceful Trader I now have the ability to summon Iron Golems every 2 minutes I can escape any dangerous mobs and at night time I need to sleep desperately now in order to live out my best Life as a villager I need to be with my people my Villages where are they I will travel to the ends of the Earth I will not rest until I find a village and I can live amongst my fellow Village kin and along the way I'll pick up a few supplies to gift to my new friends 3 Days Later roofs The Telltale sign of a village my people I'm home a chimney oh cute there's a a little market and everything hello blacksmith are you home hello father where is everyone The Village the village is dead everyone died was there a raid or something and they didn't even invite me well you know what this means this is my village now I'm the mayor and I will SA single-handedly revive the economy and repopulate this Village and I will claim this house this is now mine and these are now my potatoes now I just have to figure out how to bring this entire Village back to life Excuse me while I retire to my thinking chair H the next day I've got it I stayed up all night and I came up with a 78 step plan to make this Village great again step one The Village Square as you can see it is very overgrown so we need to fix it there grass just grown out of every nook and cranny so in my first act as mayor I decided to replace all of the shabby dirt paths with a lovely Stone Plaza in the center of the village and I was feeling pretty proud of myself until something happened that made me realize my priorities weren't in the right place oh bananas I think I might have figured out what happened to the last lot a no please as mayor of this Village I command you to leave leave my sunflowers alone stop wait a second I just realized I have a secret weapon instant iron golem attack get him gollem yes you saved the whole village where was I even scared this place will be a Haven in no time I just need to finish this very important Stone PL Plaza taada the plaza is complete and now for step two of the plan I will move these shabby Market stalls from this sad little area into the beautiful Town Square but this time I've made them with a gap in the middle so a villager can actually get inside now I'm also adding some little picnic tables and a lovely seasonal flower display and now the Village Market is ready for operation step one of my village maker over is complete all we need now is some Traders and I've been trying really hard to reproduce Villages all on my own but it doesn't seem possible so it's time for Plan B I'm afraid that my Village is going to have to be repopulated by The Walking Dead I have a captive here and I'm going to cure him and I also have another captive over [Music] here one eternity later later and now we just need to get them back let's get you boys over to the Village home sweet home now I'm sensing a little budding romance between you two please allow me to open up a passage for romance oh they touched noses you know what that means I hear the pitter patter of tiny villager feet and with these few Villages The Village repopulation begins now all I need to worry about is feeding my growing population and I have established that up here this is the only Farm no wonder the last Bunch died this is not enough to feed an entire Village I think instead we should plant some sprawling fields of Wheat and build a couple of roads in and out of the village so let's start up here with this road to the Town Square so I replaced the shabby dirt path with a lovely Stone path and then I got busy planting loads of farmland TAA look at all this wheat we will never starve now but we cannot rely on wheat alone to sustain The Village I will also plant these potatoes and carrots to ensure a varied Harvest so now I will work on this side of town which has thus far been neglected so I started by digging out a trail to build you guessed it yet another Stone path the people of my Village deserve sturdy path ways okay and they also deserve a balanced diet which is why I planted this Farmland here to grow some carrots now between all these carrots and the potatoes I have here we're going to have some very healthy villagers in fact I'm also going to start another little farm over here there is a little house across the bridge and I think it' be cute to build a pumpkin patch here you know me I love a good pumpkin patch and I think it will look really cute next to the river here tada the pumpkin patch is complete and as you can see the village is looking a lot busier now and it looks like the villagers are recognizing all of my hard work because they keep throwing gifts at me oh and a cat spawned hi these cats will keep the creepers away and keep the people safe in fact there's another creature I want to add to my Village because we have a mod that lets us spawn copper golems and they're so freaking cute look at him now they won't do much to protect the village but they're freaking adorable you can be our village mascot oh he's pressing the button oh they're too cute but no sooner had I welcomed the new residence to my Village when something unexpected happened let's play a game and see if you can guess what happens next is it a a visitor arrives with a lovely gift B it starts raining or c Lizzy dies in a very embarrassing way if you guessed C you'd be correct I have no words they were meant to protect me who's going to lead the village now well that's the end of afterlife SMP I had so much fun trying out all the different Origins and I loved all of the fan art you guys Drew of the different characters thanks for watching don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you next time
Channel: LDShadowLady
Views: 1,494,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ldshadowlady, minecraft, mini game, girl gamer, pink hair, funny, walkthrough
Id: rIulJJOkEls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 20sec (8300 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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