DO NOT Call Her Mommy …in Poppy Playtime Chapter 2

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oh ooh can i push her can i push her in the hole i'm gonna assure you to trust me i didn't do it i may have been thinking of doing it but i didn't actually do it [Music] you guys are drowning me drowning me suffocating me in poppy playtime chapter 2 comments which i both appreciate but also it was released on mother's day weekend right before mother's day weekend so i was busy and i know that chapter 2 includes mommy longlegs so maybe the developers meant to release it right before mother's day but i don't appreciate it because i don't even think mommy longlegs is a mother so here i am six months after playing chapter one playing chapter two i hear it's really long and i'm doing it in one go so let's just start [Music] chapter two fly in a web with poppy now free the situation begins to change rapidly while you search for any way to escape the factory oh yay another creepy old commercial [Music] new patented elastic plastic you can stretch and pull and twist mommy long legs in the craziest ways she loves watching you and you're whispering when you're having fun she's having fun the new mommy longlegs from playtime code yeah there it is again what's the time i think it's poppy telling me to wake up right am i not a week did it happen again am i asleep so creepy oh god hell demon cute hell demon hi she's like the epitome of cute but creepy that's why i love her so much even though she's evil ah yes that's right we left off in this game by unleashing the cute hell demon known as poppy oh boy i hope she doesn't try to murder me dorr oh we're back oh is there gonna be a dinosaur one oh i love him i hate you oh my god i love the dinosaur hello i heard whispering oh god oh thank god i think it's just oil let's go okay keep going oh my gosh she's so creepy now i'll go to the elliot ludwig area why do you do this to me oh i'm so bad at this oh my god most fun i've had in a game ever press here that's it [Music] [Applause] all right i'm bored of you just there we go there we go a key a flower key what do i do with it ah yes the ludwig room oh my gosh i get to do this again [Music] oh my god they got my pictures i sent them i drew these i'm so talented oh a tape what's this oh i just i'm just gonna steal everything playtime co is the product of a great man by the name of elliot ludwig his sights were always set on bringing amazing toys to amazing children around the world hell demon poppy buckwheat spent countless hours in the factory working overtime relentlessly why is this attempt to continuously innovate why is his face always blurred out in the 1960s an unfortunate family death had pushed ludwig down to his lowest but with so much ambition he rose back up and continued to fulfill his vision for the playtime code boy factory it all began in the fateful year of 19. okay we're just breaking everything in this guy's office oh it's scary and red down there love it what else did i get the experiment utilized the live rat was fed three portions daily for two weeks at the end of the two weeks the rat was killed and submerged oh god into a poppy flower and preservative gel mixture one week later an electric shock was applied to the rat still in a gel in an attempt to revive it the rat remained unresponsive you don't say i still believe in the potential of the poppy flower its unusual properties led me to believe that the proper mixture and procedure could have life-altering properties perhaps something larger than a rat would yield different results i don't think so but sure i'm gonna assume the traumatic incident was that his daughter died and so he tried to revive her and she is now poppy that's just me that's just a theory a lauren theory hope nothing's gonna kill me is it time for puzzles sorry i didn't need to scare you i was just trying to get the power back on why are your eyes so creepy oh my god oh my god oh oh why she is horrifying hell demon i told you you look like somebody took somebody's eyeballs and put them in you we're gonna step away for my sanity okay there we go there we go and thank you i wanted to thank you for freeing me oh in there she so long i take it back thank you you're welcome i'd like to pay you back sure there's a train station nearby okay needs a coat and i have it we're gonna get out of here yay i trust you now hell demon if you get on up here i'm working on it what do i do oh hi smack oh oh uh don't you want to come with me i'm trying oh okay is this what you wanted poppy hey i'm up here oh okay i should be able to follow you through the fence okay i mean you don't have to be creepy about it poppy i was just thinking you were cute but the way i see you like what's that about oh here we go i wasn't this here before oh this is what i'm talking about poppy could you be a little less creepy and just a little more cute it makes me feel way better about all of this oh god oh i thought i just fell to my death thank you for the music oh hell demon or friend cute hell demon or friend can i push her can i push her in the hole oh jesus i'm going to need you to trust me i didn't do it i may have been thinking of doing it but i didn't actually do it i told you guys mommy long legs wasn't a mother she's a murderer poppy oh do i have to jump down here okay oh i'm scared i'm scared oh i'm scared oh i'm scared what's happening help help i'm in a dark void oh oh oh oh oh it was a slide ah oh my god this is how he got to work every morning that's amazing that's so cool just go from your office you're like all right time to go downstairs you just ride slides all around your work every job should implement this i should implement this into my house okay puzzles yes uh oh why why did this happen oh okay it has to be something with this wire does this help at all it does okay now we need to do this one okay hmm oh i got this i got this i got this here we go and then ah genius follow the chord this doesn't look good lots of things to climb on in here and why is it such a long haul way to get to the door hmm [Music] oh no oh oh she grabbed my arm you ripped my arm you ripped my arm off oh poppy i'll save you [Music] was going to just give you the train code to escape you're not a real mom how is that fun poppy i will grab the game station is still working it will be just like old times and if you win all three games i'll give you the train code mommy loves that idea puppy oh you're going to have so much fun head to musical memory and mommy will get things started obey the rules or i'll tear you apart and eat your insides while you're still alive if that happens can you let me know what i taste like i'm kind of curious something tells me it tastes like bread like a sweet bread sweet but spicy bread like cupid creepy sweet but spicy she um amputated my arm there we go i think mommy longlegs is jealous that she's not a real mom but i am and also that i have long arms just like her you're not special you hear me this is cool oh this is your theme song [Music] you have a beautiful theme song love it could listen to that all day okay okay where is she that doesn't sound good this yay hi kids welcome to the game station i'm stella and we've got three super duper fun games to play yay little tests show us just how crazy strong and smart you are i'm really strong and smart down the stairs and we'll start by playing musical memory see you in a bit did i just say i'm strong and spark what just happened i take it back i'm weak and dumb i don't want to play all right let's see how well i do i mean i think i have a pretty good memory where what what oh no oh okay there we go oh it's this thing again [Music] oh there we go there we go okay yay i'm confused am i making myself a new hand ah oh no painted machine oh i just realized there's a green hand tutorial here got that let's go up here oh is this paint uh it is do i put in here i do see i am smart sometimes but my life depends on it oh am i getting a green hand i think i'm getting a green hand give me green hand [Music] now i must watch tutorial there we go green hand shoot green power outlet so it's basically what electric charge lasts for 10 seconds after 10 seconds okay they are on the same timer lack of caution may result in injury oh okay so i can get crushed by doors now and then i do this yay let's go before the door crushes me at least i got two hands again oh i haven't even played the memory game yet are you kidding me i know when your birthday is june 28th that would have been amazing if it was correct lies it's a wish i wish you knew when my birthday was i know when your birthday is oh yeah what is it june 28th you let me know in the comments if that's your birthday happy early birthday to you i hate you for not knowing my actual birthday [Music] uh am i getting brainwashed yay i love getting brainwashed welcome to musical memory yay this advanced memory and cognitive recognition test is designed to stimulate several segments of the brain allowing us to see how quickly and efficiently your brain works not well a sequence of colors will be shown and you must recreate the exact sequence using the buttons around you ah bonzo will slowly lower towards you when you complete a color pattern correctly bunzo will rise back up oh now input a pattern incorrectly bunzo will lower towards you faster if bunzo reaches you your test is over the test will become more difficult as it continues what does bunzo do when he reaches me that's all good luck i kind of want to do bad so that i can see what bunzo does maybe i'm just going to be terrible at it though anyway oh god amazing mommy hasn't seen the place up and running in years mommy can only imagine how excited bunzo must be it's been such a long time since he's been able to play oh oh no oh that's the dinner bell good luck um [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm so nervous come to me bunzo i want to see what you do ah come here i have a job to hug every single one of you in this game and i'm not stopping now bunzo we're gonna have a huge nice soft hug bunzo oh jesus you can take it can i though i was just crushed to death game i just wanted to see what it would feel like okay watch this [Music] yellow green green i'm great at memory games yellow green green blue yellow green green blue red yellow green green blue red what yellow red green yellow yellow violet get out of here bunzo oh no blue i'm scared what blue [Music] white white green oh no i forgot blue white white green orange blue white white green orange [Music] oh green green blue white [Music] i didn't even need to like fake do it the last time i actually couldn't do it and got a bunzo hug so i'm not as smart as i thought i was do i just start all the way over please no round three round yes round three okay good orange green blue violet blue [Music] round four oh blue okay blue what [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] yeah oh my god massacre mexico [Music] what a shame we're doing such a splendid job thank you he has decided to give you hug part of the code for the train oh look up ah thank you thank you i was hoping the game could last a little longer it's okay though mommy knows other ways to play with you that sounds naughty bobby you want me to tell you mommy this sounds weird i don't like it now oh here we go icons must be sequenced out in this exact order all right time for the next game i died i'm alive where do i where this place is a lawsuit waiting to happen [Music] oh it's my dinosaur friends i hated everything about that dino hello there's another one right here okay puzzle oh there's a tape somewhere oh weight capacity reached that's claw okay that's what we have to turn on got it so maybe i have to power it on and then move it oh oh there we go there we go there we go there we go okay then we do this and then we do this and then we do our dust oh we gotta move it off that seems like a good spot for him i don't see where the tape would be eh i'm not good at finding stuff [Music] another puzzle oh god there we go okay now i stay up here there we go yeah [Applause] i did that i'm all oh okay yeah it'd been a while since the jump scare huh let's go up here take this let me in that can't be good i can't be good are these spider webs oh we're back up by the train uh okay what's next there we go whoa you did fantastic thanks gave you permission to be this smart mommy is super proud of you oh i'm proud of myself i've already told you that herself our next game is wago wuggy oh no stairs and have fun why can i already tell i'm gonna hate this one [Music] oh there's so many of them there's a yellow one there's a green one okay the shards of glass hello welcome to whack-a-wuggy this advanced test is designed to assess the extent of your reactionary abilities will be provided to you for this test around you are 18 sizable holes an adorable huggy wuggy toy could appear out of any one of these holes oh no if one comes out hit it with your grab pack oh no where is she the toys in this game used to have strings attached to them so they could be pulled back when they got too close to the children have fun what's on the wall oh no she said they used to have strings oh oh i'm so bad at this ready where help help oh i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this i hate this ah where where oh i'm so bad at this already oh no i think i need to turn the brightness up i can't see anything i knew this was gonna be a problem one okay that's better just for this i'll just say it's not working get away get away get away get away gonna use those five nights at freddy's reflexes here oh god oh no oh there's so many oh there's so many there's so many okay i messed with some of the visual settings so that i can see better is that cheating i don't care i've tried this way too many times oh god oh god here it comes here comes here comes oh god oh god oh god [Music] oh you did it barely i barely did it mommy is so proud of you thanks mommy has another hint for you where i got to put all my settings back so bright now gimme thank you for [Music] to nothing thank god sad mommy was hoping you'd stay here forever though it's never too late to change your mind can't tell whether i like or don't like you after that game i kind of don't like you there we go it looks creepy again love me some creepiness colorful creepiness just the way i like it oh can i reach that far okay let's oh wait nope there we go click the button to feed me candy more i will do this forever more more candy i'm sorry guys the game's over this is where i'm ending okay no more candy bar no more never [Music] i killed it but i killed it with candy that's the way i would want to go i want that can i take that what is that it's shiny did it secrets let's go [Music] that doesn't sound good no no it can't be no oh oh hi are you nice nice or mean don't no don't do it no don't do it no kissy kissy hissy i know i murdered your husband or boyfriend or whatever but nope oh oh jessie jesse i still need to hug you i have to hug everybody intriguing i will follow her kissy now what is this bury the cart ah puzzles i think i understand i gotta do this go here there we go then we get to take this and then go here oh i made it so we pulled this yay and then we pull this i'm stealing all of these toys they are all mine okay now i think i have to keep bringing the charge with me there we go and then i don't know if i need it again so we're just gonna take it and then yep oh that was close all right so that come here free stash of toys a videotape what could this be about what jacksepticeye but why so marcus what happened you see i was heading home for the day when my apart realized that i left my bloody wallet in the cafeteria so i'm running through the lobby and that's when i see it a mob handle lodged under the innovation wingate so what'd you do marcus i i took a peek beneath the gate and some massive bloody thing was gathering about the bloody hallway i haven't bloody notion what it was but i wasn't human hmm who have you told about this just you sir oh no he's getting murdered jack we make toys not monsters now come on get out of my sight how is jacksepticeye involved in this so many conspiracies okay well seeing a youtuber in a popular game that's awesome where's my cameo where is it i mean i know i'm not as cool as jack's up the guy oh i have to do two at the same time ah that one you stay there oh wait no no no no crap not gonna have enough time oh my god i thought i was about to be decapitated oh it's not going to close barry come here there we go bear down bearing wait no no berry beer beer beer bear i don't know if i need you to go this way this seems scary for you barry these are my toys okay i worked hard for them fine barry i think i need to make you go down there i'm so wait for me barry oh no do i go down here barely do i go down the hole sure oh oh i think we're out yay i did it only one more to go jeez have you played these before you're so good seems like you're ready for the final game statues follow mommy down the stairs one last time i hope you had a fun day at the game station see you next time okay i was gonna say it's this thing isn't it statues what does that mean i gotta be able to there we go i don't like where this is going it's like a giant caterpillar creature oh it's a dog caterpillar great oh no oh it's so creepy i don't like it would you want to play with people not no no not even a little bit caterpillar or pug oh it's a pug i am scared i'm hungry for some delicious bones do you have some bones for pj no no bones over here yeah i feel like i'm gonna have to deal with this guy very soon this isn't working what did i do oh oh [Music] i guess let's see what's over here ah so it just automatically drops oh i can't i understand damn it so i has to do this with the blue okay i did it well that's not a good sound you know what that sounds like that sounds like lots and lots of little feet [Applause] oh i'm going to die i'm going to die what did i just unleash were you playing sonic oh a roller coaster oh it's a maze isn't it welcome to statues oh no this advanced obstacle course is designed to test your physical endurance and strength oh they saved the worst thing for last for me the lights will turn off you can move through the obstacle course at this time however when the lights turn on you can look around but cannot move oh no you may move again once the lights turn back off the lovable pj pug pillar will follow you if pj reaches you your test is over oh no that's all good luck oh [Music] [Music] they call me mommy because i was the closest thing they ever had to one what's sad for games and never come back they left mommy to die i alone deserve that but you you worked here so if anyone deserves to die alone it's you oh you were so nice to me oh god okay um where are you [Music] [Music] i'm safe up here right oh oh that scared the crap for me okay [Music] easy that's it's probably not going to be easy is it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god oh god oh god [Music] [Music] [Music] can i just go [Music] oh turn the high top [Music] [Music] oh god oh god oh god oh god oh i kick it up i can't get up where do i go help me oh god i don't know what to do i don't know what to do i'm trapped i broke the game i am trapped help me i see now that i'm supposed to go over there help me i have to do that oh my god look at him look at him come over here and kill me oh here he comes he's just like phasing through stone come here puggy come on it's right there this isn't fair all right i'm gonna have to restart come on i can do this i know where to go now oh oh god okay okay oh oh god oh i'm going slow oh i'm just going i'm just going ah yeah take that thing oh can you come up here can he get up here can he come up here i don't know where do i go what do i do help me oh oh oh oh oh [Music] i'm dead what did i do help do i have to do that again good thank god there we go come back and mommy will give you the code no no no no no no thanks oh did she once have a child no i feel like i'm gonna have to face mommy long legs soon and i'm scared i don't have a tape okay mommy long legs has the unique ability to stretch any of her limbs for several hundred feet this includes her figure's arms okay very motherly and acts warmly toward the other experiments she's protective of them oh the hostility is quickly becoming problematic but perhaps there's a solution to put her in her place mommy long legs would be perfect for facilitating everything with the children in the game station she has the warmth that mothers should and any rowdy child can learn to listen to their mother it makes sense that seeing these children daily would improve her behavior and is very unlikely she will act out in front of the children have her transferred to high security okay [Music] interesting i'm just trying to get it across right possibly to over there ah so i need a toy to get in there which must be over here [Music] dead at i literally just kept hitting them no brain power needed for that [Music] to be or not to be that is the question you and i were meant to be okay i hate all your bee puns okay okay so these are going up here we gotta go follow the trail of bunnies okay there we go and then this one keep going up there we go no oh i got one yay all right my job here is done [Music] they're just gonna take extra oh i've created such madness oh well not my problem now we got to get back over there [Music] yay i'm getting better at this there we go thank you oh great back into the vent system nothing ever goes wrong in here tapes no uh do i have to bring one all the way in here oh well this is creepy oh it's a song about spiders the bitsy [Music] what's this about huh there we go ooh okay i didn't see that the first time and i'm dead i didn't see that it comes down when it goes back up i got this now okay then we will let go of that take that go here take this swing over there we go do that run through here good run run run run oh is it going in there oh what's opening [Music] oh ow okay oh jesus what do i do slapper four i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it no time to think just running just running can't thank help oh oh there we go to frantically not thinking i think i'm okay though i don't hear her anymore be brave lord you made it this far okay what that what did that do what did that do what did that do oh thank you oh no not this again are all the chase scenes in this come on get it get it again there we go okay oh i thought that was gonna hurt me emergency exit please please please of course it doesn't work cause life's never that easy mommy knows best why is this oddly sexual look at them curves i'm not weird you're weird yeah that was creepy for no reason what am i doing i feel like i need an exit strategy staff only [Applause] oh puzzles okay nothing will try to kill me while i do puzzles right okay there's four colors what else okay here we go yeah oh i think it's telling me the color order so one is red two looks like blue red blue green yellow red blue green yellow let's see if that's right red blue green yellow sweet why is this such a weird place i'm going back this way though there's nothing there's nothing this way [Music] i'm dead oh i'm dead oh i'm dead oh i'm dead oh i'm dead the hell was that noise where do i go it's gotta be something up it's always something above me oh i have to get scared again okay looking looking looking looking looking looking looking looking i'm gonna run right into her where where uh no okay okay vent event what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing what am i doing where is it oh god please oh we did it oh we did it did she just go right back to the same place though the danger music is going away danger music is gone oh okay puzzle am i burning mommy long legs alive okay that looks like it'll fit in this thing right or do i have to incinerate it oh i pressed the wrong button that's why oh i heard uh hers like i did something good i don't know what this is oh i put it here there we go i feel like this is gonna unleash her again she's gonna come out of here isn't she oh no she's coming okay i had a feeling that i can maybe hide in here but oh my god but what if she turns the what if she turns it on i'm gonna stand back here i thought about this because the last time the game wanted me to go back and like go to a spot that i already was to hide to make her go away so i'm guessing that's her game dynamic just just the lucky guess hopefully we'll see if she shows up again that i was wrong okay i think i can go in here now sweets okay there's so much cob gross cobwebs okay can i oh my god oh no i went the wrong way it's like how i was going back to try and hide in the furnace i should have known that wouldn't work twice okay let's try this again so she's gonna pop up right there and we're gonna run that way got it dead dead let's pull it from like all the way back here [Music] i break the system will not break the system but gave myself a little bit more time to figure out some things oh she's out of control she's out of control what about this way okay this way it's good this way it's good this way it's good oh god oh god oh it's huggy waggy all over again this way no no no no no okay i bet you it was in the water and above i mean one of these times i gotta get it i've seen this end screen so i've died so many times in this game so many times oh no no no okay so we gotta go to the water and then i think look up right yep how is that not quick enough how is that not quick enough [Music] once again what is this try number oh god that god there's a can in my way oh god okay okay yep hug the wall hold the wall hog the wall hug the wall hug the wall okay quickly [Music] i guess i was supposed to make a right there okay go i forgot to go to the right what's my death counter at okay [Music] i don't know where to go there we go damn it oh my god go where are we going where are we going oh god oh god oh i hated that so much oh i hated it so much treat you mommy long legs oh i don't even know how many times i had to do that over and over and over and over oh god is it going but it's happening oh god but it's off it's because i stopped oh my god if i have to do that all over again i might have a nervous breakdown it's gonna start me there right it's gonna start me there right oh thank god oh thank god oh thank god oh i thought i had to do the other stuff all over again oh no oh no oh no oh the door oh what are you doing make yes [Music] oh my god what is that she was asking what have you done and i was like i don't know i ran into this room i saw a lever and i pushed it what was that that all just happened so fast i'm very traumatized i went from pure frustration to just i don't understand what's happening i ran in this room and saw this leopard i just pressed it as quickly as i possibly could because i don't have to go through that again i have ptsd from this game i swear to god i don't even know how to feel right now i have so many emotions frustration coming down off lots of frustration is the biggest also some worry over whatever that claw thing was that came out [Music] oh my gosh are we finally back poppy what up girl what's going on hi hey oh oh i saved you you're welcome did you kill her good no thank you abort the train we need to leave uh okay i'm back to thinking she's just a hell demon now and i just helped her train okay we have three train codes i always keep a minimum distance 20 yards away from mommy long legs no problem interesting so did mommy long legs go crazy and just straight up madeira a bunch of kids is that what we're finding out ooh slide time again [Music] all right let's get this train going tweet poppy where you at okay so it has to be that and those colors so how do i oh okay okay so it has to be red yellow red blue okay that's the order there what was the final instruction okay so i gotta press one two three four i did it now what i just died i just died trying to climb back up the slide oh you've got to be freaking kidding me oh no oh i have to relive this trauma again what oh i hate this game why is it doing this to me no i mean i guess i'll be back with you guys in a little bit after i have this traumatic experience play out once again for me oh here she comes can i watch her really close [Music] bye again i mean i mean she did kill me multiple times so i guess it's only fair that i kill her multiple times so still concerned what that is okay i just said it again i'm an idiot this lit up immediately i just had to go through all that for no reason here we go oh this is fun where's poppy did she get on she said she was going to be here bye terrible place this is a beast so scared she put me back in that case but you saved me you are perfect oh thank you perfect to lose oh sorry i can't let you leave but wait i've never met anyone like you oh no do you know how long i've been stuck in that case well too long i had so much time to think and reflect time to figure out exactly what i would do and free will set things right terrible things have happened but i know that whatever i need you to do you are capable oh we will okay so she is a little hell demon she's a cute hell demon that thinks i'm perfect though so i will do anything for her i will die for her oh oh oh oh am i supposed to be doing something we're going really fast do i do i st what oh [Music] oh we're gonna die poppy we're gonna die okay i gotta be able to stop this right like yes why wasn't letting me do it before maybe i was too early too early wasn't ready to die oh god oh oh what's on the ground oh i oh was that my blood was that from me i'm still alive oh god is that me on the ground i think i'm dead that was me all over the ground that can't be good that was good except for the crazy amount of frustration that i had but i guess that's the whole point it shouldn't be super easy to defeat the final boss of the game oh my god okay i did it i did it all in one sitting all in one video if you guys watched it all in one sitting then make sure to leave a like before you go cause you are the true fans that i need to see you also let me know in the comments below also if your birthday is june 28th see i remembered i wish that came up again because i really remembered that date so yeah hopefully we don't have to wait another six months for chapter three to come out but this video is already really long so i'm not gonna drag it out any further if you're new to the channel make sure you hit the subscribe button that's popping up right over there click or tap that also if you're looking for something else to watch why not check out one of these videos and as always i will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenZside
Views: 6,190,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, Laurenzside of Gaming, funny girl gamer, Poppy playtime, chapter 2, mommy, mommy long legs, how to beat, huggy wuggy, poppy, full game, full walkthrough, full playthrough, ending
Id: w1Kl6nlkFAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 3sec (3543 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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