Mario Maker 2 LIVESTREAM: Outside Xtra Plays YOUR Mario Maker 2 Levels, Live @ Server

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[Music] if you like I think [Music] TVs [Music] you guys [Music] yes it's one things [Music] right yeah [Music] hey Luke and Ellen from outside extra here and James are from outside Xbox we are back we are going to play Mario maker - but not just any Mario maker we're gonna play your levels that you have made I've downloaded a whole bunch of them I have not played any of them so possibly more for me have you looked at them do you know what's in them right I mean are they gonna be I've seen as much as you can see here oh so they're gonna be surprised yes I've seen a thumbnail see the thing is obviously some of them could be like troll levels or like just way too hard to complete or something but like I feel like if I don't go in blind then you can't make it on play you can't make you have to answer do it's to be completed all I think but that doesn't mean the completable buy so Jane is manning the chat she also has a list of the levels that will be playing yeah and this first one is by Terry Fox these people work ship so let's dive right in what do you got for us oh if any wants try any of the levels you can see that you will see the codes on screen now okay oh it's a monk oh it's a Monty mole of course it is a Monty mole let's poison him ASAP all right nice nice oh you're crafty mole how do you like that okay nice nice nice how's things going in the chat Jane chats good looking healthy hi to everyone in the chat chaos Sousa Mario maker level ladders angel I completely agree don't no one would play taste they tested the levels so no none of these are all unblessed adventures that's right I mean look it took long enough to go through and enter all of these nine digit codes which touchscreen Oh in the year 2019 of our Lord is there no better way to input a level in Tendo says no no there's no other way I suppose the other way would have been something with QR codes and no one wants nobody wants so everybody wants that Terry this level was a positive delight completed it already good job Terry Fox is right like that absolutely smashing it's good all right Michael the third says hello guys love from Namibia hello Namibia and our second level today is chompy's everywhere you've written as a note and it's by Cole Wilkes Comics Chompy caverns it's gonna be a Chompy heavy time okay yeah the ID will be up in the screen the top left here if anyone wants to try and play oh look we've gone we've gone retro on this one we're classic vintage Mario yes oh the change I already saw 100 good they fall from the sky like a waterfall a cascade of chocolate cascading chain chomps I feel like I think oh my I think chain chomps are just adorable they're great aren't they yeah I just love that sincerity yeah before I died wide open mouths just open to do experiences and opportunities parachuting what is the plan here what could possibly be the I'm sure change jobs change okay Jane Jane Jane that was gonna be my roller derby name Jane Jane Jane Jill my badass skating I'm on the site I'm very sorry to tell you it but I am on the side of the chops oh well Frank anyone rooting for the chomps is jumps the chomps are absolutely yes smashing it winning this fulfilling their goals living their dreams in their change on P yes all their potential these guys I don't like all right I'm just gonna wait there at that point yeah I can get to that point again I'll just I'll just wait there which will be the chomp to get Luke which will be a job will it be this one which chumpy will chop this guy again everyone active he's gonna get the Employee of the Month oh yeah from Chain Chomp boss yeah from big change on good change well welcome to level in 70 remember Wolverine fur and also new member kait our shoe Kirsty strats meanwhile has just been through a painful breakup no better way to recover than watching the channel that's got me through the hard times playing Mario maker sucks have a great weekend yeah you'd like that wouldn't you change jobs here we go and stop and ghost wait I just need to wait yeah but it's flat on top I supposed to how is it hurting you with its flat top where do I go from here all right um there's anyone in the chat have any suggestions of where we go next if not I will give up on all right chat if you've got suggestions I continue with these chomps I have enjoyed the cascading changes I kind of I could stand for more chomp time yep only there were more chain chomps would be really neat I hope my only note hashtag chomps not forms surreal and I talked over you they're good almost not formed yes but before that you were saying beaded curtains beaded curtain oh that's not look like bringing back folks I'm back with chomps on them yeah with little angry face happy face everyone wanted that spot everyone wanted that spot okay spin jobless dead says Damon woo and a lot of people are saying spin jump actually oh okay maybe if I need to spin alright I'll spin I'll do more spin jumping yeah maybe if I spin jump generally oh it's been land on it spin for the win alright spin like your winnings yeah spinning welcome to new members MW Jones 99 and Jacob Neeson welcome along phone says Luke's talked about music before from a slop face and pop so what are his favorite songs from each and what music has everyone else been listening to you they'd like to recommend Wow well why don't you guys go first spinning favourite sweets what music is everyone else gonna stay right last night I couldn't sleep because as I previously mentioned I have this cough anyway this is sorry on instagram you can just like invite people to recommend you music and it's like an automated system it's like hooked up and they can like link you music live yeah Instagram account right now this sounds like self-promotion and it is yeah but if you go to my Instagram story there's like this amazing playlist that people just like cooked up for me at 3 oh yeah mmm and it was really nice and really eclectic and a lot of stuff that I've never ever heard before nothing but hits I've created a Spotify playlist based off of that no these are going to the weekend and band called lights really cool like yes song called vampires by called the midnight really into them I mean I mean I mean oh my oh my word oh my god okay okay breathe well I'm not going up there Oh Jane you're loving this Oh strong Cheney boys what's gonna pop out of that anything nothing Chompy Chompy chomps hey Philippe company don't don't jump in jump jump where am I going now to the goal I hope oh my oh my Chum it's okay do you know I feel like maybe that's as far as I'm why don't we come back to it yeah we'll come back to this one maybe first time when you come back to it I don't you not sure I'm going to I like it it was great I like it all right it's really good who's got the next rabbit frog has a cloudy one a cloud female cloud out yeah trapped in the clouds can you run jump and solve your way out honest self solve implies puzzles Nick Jeffrey who we've met before at a live event I mean EDX no arrests yeah did you all like the chalky eggs Dino and unicorn I gave you at rezzed also yeah when will you be announcing any live shows at ejects October great questions did you enjoy cheer over the chocolate it's like a word from the unicorn I enjoyed it heartily and and how and then thank you very much we we will I think we can we can announce declare confirm what do yeah that's in London get over yeah the specifics of our appearances are yet to be confirmed mhmmm but we will be there and I can I can thoroughly recommend it it's gonna be great it's gonna be great we're gonna put on a show details to one show and to go back to that other comment I thought about it sleep in the heat by pup okay we've got ice we have our first use of ice okay okay I can't see it an easy way of getting up interesting choice I'll just try and okay oh whoa oh no no okay right right it's not face amazing by the way yeah I'm also amazing but yeah Stanford it's done for us office I was really enjoying watching Glastonbury last weekend sometimes really good Kylee was amazing and oh I I was watching a lot of Hilah highlights mmm I've just I'm so late to the party on this one but Liz oh oh yeah she's great I was like oh she did that song oh okay and uh I'm like get it now it's good she's great and then there was this guy I was watching I was like oh they do that song it's cool he's really good and then my mum walks in and goes oh is that years and years and I was like oh no my mum knows me well know that time when your mum knows more music than you are you got some class yes Morais need more ice Floris all right when it's at its zenith nadir when it's right at the bottom yes this level is devious devious yes checkpoint flag thank you everyone who puts checkpoint flags in there Mario maker levels you are all heroes but what do I do here well Watson says hi guys I'd love to stay but it's time for work and I have a Hello for Zilly the Beagle and Phoebe two cats I love the channels and streams hello Beadle oh yeah the names again Timmy and Phoebe zillion Phoebe hi great names yes I am sure Philip Taylor says hi guys keep up the amazing content please could I have a shout out to my talented girlfriend Emma he's just a student have you been accepted into the University virtual race congratulations crush it well done yeah oh you're gonna verse that's true welcome to new member ellajay commander Joseph Farah Kavala who is very familiar says will you guys be come to pax unplugged in Philly so Pat's West is almost certainly happening yes definitely having you beyond that it is impossible to say yeah we live very much by the seat of our pants yep so by the seat of our packs yes so will we will see we'll see we'd love to I'd really actually like that perhaps unplugged is the one very late in the year so it's it's possible it's invite-only possible that it's happening and it's just not been planned yet yeah no yeah I hear it's amazing I think Johnny went to it last year and I've heard only good things this cannon fires out coins what sweet thang the one who snacks is thank you guys for studying my ps4 at Boston pax remember signing that Pierce yeah I believe you brought an incredible amount of happiness into my life and I'm a better person because I'll take that compliment onyx path he's concentrate story very odd no no yes thank you very much to focus and Ellen is also very pleased I'm the only focusing hasn't helped me I think I've I think I've even you remember on the channel Monty Loudon Loudon has left you a tip so thank you it is not a tip that will help you in Mario maker money tip here's a tip don't play Mario maker I mean the process of buying my first house there'll be no cable so you'll have to be an ox Boxster extravaganza for a while so no cable no game no game there will be an Internet case yeah or you'll be stealing Wi-Fi we will reenact the top 10 shows on television good we're doing stranger things we do stranger thing just strange I'm enjoying it I'm only a few episodes I will break you Mario maker level well well done tailor on your first house yes I point in time yeah Tom Chapman says hey guys how to work with a snapped ACL that's an anterior cruciate oh nothing slowly because I know it's like a football injury though it's just it's a common sporting injury or it can be mmm so John John's had the same thing oh yes but on the plus side says Tom Chapman I get to catch a stream thanks for keeping me company well keep watching good luck with your ACL I hope it's on the mend Rayden kion says hi from British Columbia Canada you guys are my favorites I don't like no one else knew about KOAT that's Kingdoms of Amalur for the non-initiated it's my fav game bring back all Feherty melon hashtags both yeah then can is a new member on the channel and I got you five sorry I been counted you mean sir just over that only then can I go again Dodger five t77 says hello from Claremore Oklahoma blue unfairly researchers trip to London my brother went to the loading bar as a favor to me on your usual time but alas you were in Birmingham sorry I had a good time in loading bar though by the way we're in loading bar we're in the shepherd's bush loading bar also known as loading bar server it is a gay to cocktail bar and pub where you can make video games and board games is a good old time classy joint it's lovely you know you know we're appreciating the aircon today because it's cool in here and hot and sticky out there this level is great I'm loving this one look this thing just both coins and look way up to the next stage oh no okay I need to get a key maybe they'll all die from ice maybe if I just keep running along there we go yeah all right now come over here and get stabbed with ice you as cold as ice yeah yes willing to sacrifice your bodies to me don't put your shell up die of ice yes just playing the waiting game oh I do not know but there's a Yoshi here and a 1up that's good so let's hop on that Yoshi and put jump in here this level has been very creative yes thank you so much whose level was that Jane what was there what was the was cloud out by rabbit that was great that was great that's a rabbit from the UK according to their little clown mmm yeah all right next up is ox on off is the note okay the you maker is OJ Locke of course made for outside extras specifically for us short and sweet and themed good theme done see anything I just love themed things I just love a consistent theme yeah oh look oh look that thing down there is is bouncing back and forth in the on/off switch this guy where we going going to glory that was short and sweet I feel like I probably could have got in that pipe somehow all right well coming up hi I'm Brett Hill's super simplicity super simplicity just my vision of a classic Super Mario World level well look forward to see me somehow screwing it up thank you thank you for watching that meet Ron you forgot the robot aspect hovering Cooper I've done that thing where I don't need at all to kill this Cooper but I'm going to risk failing the level just so I can die in a chasm maybe later thank you later but at some point this is so this is so pleasant I'm just loving the I'm just loving the chill yep I came here regular commenter so yeah October cool on the week after pax pause is that enough to rule out packs all together or is it still a possibility if invited to attend well it's a long way off and it's it's lit it's a long way for time also a long way off in physical space yes and so it is uncertain it is shake the magic 8-ball or not it it would say it would say unclear yeah like we say we barely know what we're doing tomorrow let alone in October so the weekend smart I remembered it stuff like egx yeah actually notes in the course in gold drew a little bit more straightforward saws maybe yeah we're not sure honestly as soon as we know this stuff we start shouting about it ASAP because we want people to come to yeah okay cool so up so up for it this one is my raspberry 20-sided the creativity sided kind of like climb a quick dark ride to the top no one so far has played this one so I will be the first mm-hmm the privilege autoscroll themed for something okay now what happens now I can go in here this is spooky oh I can't see oh I can't see this oh I got killed in the dark by something possibly just by the ground okay let's try that one again so killed in the dark okay right so want to jump on that and I quickly and capably die okay I need to get out there and then I need to okay I need to be getting a bit more ahead of this watch this live stream I'm great weekend what a great boss you are can jito yeah you're bossing it yeah absolutely like a mullet oh yes by the way my canteen very much not not here not even behind the TV not no both having wonderful holidaying incredibly they continue to exist when they're outside our field of vision I suspect that's not quite true all right the pacing on this is a little tricky few more guys straight but John Chapman says this is Vandy because he's not here and we all miss these dulcet tones please forward they also do I sit we will don't sharpen thank you very much Andy is Miss Holly Bob's that's a vacation if you are yeah okay okay Spring Break yeah come on Alex HSN hello loves people unable to catch another live stream what game from e3 is everyone looking forward to you the most what a treat of a question Ellen Luigi's Mansion three I think and Link's Awakening because it's just a jobs and I played a lot of Link's Awakening like playing in and out back and forth or like cuz I had a 3ds for a while and then I got I was one of the people that bought it very early okay and then you got a whole lot of free games so that one of those leaks we traded that in but yeah it please like a fair bit of Link's Awakening the worst decision you ever made in your life you're doing really well she came with terrible could be worse [Laughter] I think it's helpful for Ellen to feel better a little bit further that time I'm gonna I'm struggling with this one I'll get a couple all right okay what about you Luke what are you most looking forward to Oh Ellen and I played a game that I feel like it flew a little bit under the radar which was a Ubisoft game about it wasn't about rock everyone's saying is roller derby game it's not rolling because there's a ball but what was it called Roller champion it's an eSports it's kind of a bit like rocket League ish I think it's probably the best cities gates you're going around it yes yes you have to jump as soon as you land because you're the one that's triggering the movements of those things okay ah it's been jumping help it's the only thing maybe it might do so you need to jump to get him to me it's a jump jump to get them okay all right okay cracking it okay the team the team is hard at work cracking the codes wait for bloodlines to obviously van put them upgrade nice - I am so excited it's such a great demo going on at e3 mm Mike and I were just buzzing about it and also you know the obvious answer here but I'm so excited for both of those it's been a while since I've really dedicated myself to a gigantic a gigantic army - yeah boy - that's my favorite kind of thing and I just haven't made the time for it I'm very excited for those we have to jump from the other end so that by the time I think I think I only trigger the chain jump if I'm like close enough to it okay I'll do that I'll do what you say yeah yeah all right I'll give that guy and you has a great question all right from sunny Sheffield glad to catch the stream I have a question if you could each solve a famous mystery Oh the Zodiac killer I don't know I'm trying to think of others that would be a good one to some mystery of the pyramids mysteries Perez and Jack the Ripper just because it's like London history yeah and also that jerk got away with it yeah so I'd like to completely destroy someone's like historical legacy to solve a mystery deliver justice I feel like you'd be enjoyable to solve some spooky mystery yeah I'm trying to think explicable what do you think uh yeah I guess like it Bigfoot Bigfoot that's that's that's a Luke one written over also I feel like there I feel like we've already proved the mystery of Bigfoot it's just the people who believe in Bigfoot like are the proof is not good enough yeah crush their dreams all right you ready for another I am I love to describe my that last level if I had more time and went on a live stream I would love to play into my crack-tip I feel like I was I felt like I was struggling with that this one has an amazing concept though Luigi wants a Grand Slam but this Denny's has a horrible secret it's like an American fast-food yeah chain yeah not very high-end I know and right yeah yes low-mids I think British people sort of romanticize Denny's because we don't have it yeah I went to on a work trip to Vegas several years ago in an old job and I was like oh I've got some free time I'm gonna go to a Denny's and all my American colleagues were like what why would why are you going to hops and Denny's and I hop though it's like it's so like not good for you you can get great pancakes in lots of places in America and it doesn't have to be an IHOP but it is exciting I admit it's exciting and it's like open really lay isn't it so yeah that was pretty easy its quick the IHOP 24-hour I hop in downtown LA got me through one of my first e3 so yeah nice oh it's the things they do really good french toast you can't get good french toast in the UK apart from it like very specific very specific places in toast and then when you do you know I do like a good slice of fried bread but I'd like you know that eggy sugary goodness and they do where you have peaches and cream with it and eggs with it as well with peaches and cream it's on a separate separate thing potato french toast for dessert Wow breakfast is that well this is not breakfast a few at 3:00 a.m. yeah how's it going Luke it's going good I'm just in this incredible treasure room in in this high-concept Mario Denny's cattle skull off the floor yeah I mean they will get a they'll get food hygiene yeah strike for that one for sure release your toe yeah nice try stomps I'm under a wall so Peter Hague deserves congratulations for having just applied for a new job at a cheese factory cool they've been having a tough time at work lately so good luck for cheese job good luck imagine hope it comes through let you eat as much cheese as you wanted you think you would smell like really deliciously cheesy or would it smell like the raw ingredients more like like milk it milk doesn't smell too bad that's true does it smell great doesn't know it's not famously good smelling yeah I'm in the cook item are you riding home from Denny's possibly time to go home I love the concept his car oh are you driving - no maybe I'm at the Denny's now oK you've driven there you're in the car park so that was Mario just like getting his wallet basically and look at all the patrons inside the Denny's there why are you getting an applause there it's safe for someone's programmed in a sound effect but when I run along this signifies arriving a Denny's yeah here we go here we go it's into the Denny's a nice gravel pathway it's a very poor I works just like Denny's I works for the Denny's all right and I go where's my Grand Slam yeah I ate too many Grand Slams Grand Slam fever its Grand Slam serious it's a serious get oh no this is the Denny's meat processing plant oh no it's the dark secret is there mushing on Cooper's for the Grand Slams oh no if anyone was thinking possibly this had been sneakily sponsored by Denny's this bit should put that to put that to rest yeah the compass you guys oh man this level I mean absolutely loving it okay their timing required here and I said a bit of timing required here come on Duke it's always gonna be a bad time to put a question to Luke no go for it okay okay okay cool question for Luke from Jacob Neeson who says there is evidence to suggest that the Mushroom Kingdom exist in the same world as Hyrule where does Mario Peach Bowser and so on fit into the doom timeline know I've been thinking about it a lot I don't have an answer yet okay they won't reply to my letter or answer my calls but I suppose just off the top of my head think about it like where are they in that I feel like underground cuz we're looking at Mario now Mary I spent so much time underground are so many Monty moles there's so many mushrooms they grow in dark places I feel like if you were to burrow under the crust of Hyrule very deep down that's where you would find the remains of the Mushroom Kingdom Oh trust me Mario skeleton is down there and the one who gets it is going to wield unimaginable power my head yep wild theories there you go I hope that satisfies your curiosity Jakob yeah Matthias Tillman says speaking of Mario what are your favorite Super Mario games smw is definitely one for me oh yeah that one's great this is Mario game this is not yeah so you can answer freely Mario Sunshine I love Mary sunshine and you'd be furious I don't think it's the best Mario game but I just love the vibe the tropical vibe music is fantastic music I really love like the flood mechanics yeah I just I just really really like it yeah it's not particularly sophisticated some levels are a bit savings but there say me in a way that they all like totally tropical and nice now you've got mold smashed flat smashed fly ready to be a burger smashed flat band name yes wife speaking of bad names I was thinking of the Crushers oh the crushes crushes it sounds like a steel plate with pointy bits on it I like it I think this is a boss fight Oh God franchise manager of this Denny's yeah this is Employee of the Month Kevin Oh Kevin Ellen what's your favorite Super Mario game I think I really really like Super Mario 3d Land well put together and like I played it with like the 3d on and stuffs and it was very clever do you also the oldie ones are the best like do you think we'll ever see a Super Mario Galaxy 3 ah no I don't think so the thing I loved about what is he was never gonna see galaxy oh yeah no I know but I mean I also think because yeah yeah yes a oldest he was so good I tell you what that felt like that felt like an unnecessary kick in the teeth right there was great good job Taylor Stamper and that was incredibly fun and well themed we love earth II love the theme no I don't think I don't think they'll go back to it I mean I think they'll do Mario Odyssey again just any opportunity where they can get Mario to a lot of different locations and search because I think like galaxy we very much was about the motion controls from the Wii and the Wii U that's true it's very specific to us yeah and like you do have the motion controls in the joy corns for the new switch so like that's something that they could do again and they did with the Hat throwing thing you could use I think I think just just a fun Mario game where you can just put me load of different environments speakers is great it's just very good classic Mario by Max and this is so the the title a certain level of kindness to me sounds unbelievably on yeah so I think let's just proceed and just try and get the measure of it perhaps Oh alternator too even though Luke conveniently missed my comments suggesting James shame him that he's don't shower life advice in the last dream sorry I didn't miss that comment on purpose I feel no shame don't shower lifestyle and I do shower I feel compelled to add that if you missed it that was a live stream of the Sims presume just talking about showers which you can watch on demand yes you can right now you guys are awesome and I appreciate all the hard work you'll do to entertain us well good thank you George it's nice to know do you think there's anything out here in the lava do you think if I just jump for it do you think there'll be something to land on thank you have to jump from a low angle like there because I just was have enough power to get across this that's where anything oh you mean okay you mean I think I want to try and penetrate there zap okay okay alright let's get let's get let's give it a go while you try that nice top thinking Ellen officer class officers thinking and Sweeney in the comments has been having a rough year bouncer a few channels massive help so thank you all so much for the amazing content thank you much thank you second half of 2019 yeah regular commenter Zanzibar white says at what point do you mail add mario 64 elements to mario maker oh that would be crazy it's just eating stuff that would be crazy ambitious because i guess what you would want there is the ability to mario make a 3d level yeah other than that i would say that the mario 64 aesthetic i can't have some fondness for it but it's just really really low poly like like really retro old so like slightly ropey 3d visuals not them not the in between yourself okay oh she slides on his belly like a happy penguin okay right Oh eat it eat it eat it quickly sorry Yoshi you're dead now oh what's the plan here yeah but this alright because it was a checkpoint flag and I love the ones with checkpoint flags yes about white goes on to say any chance of streaming blood-stained or the cost of a new collections and let's say this lovely I played it III know this year last year ready with Andy is it as good as it looks I mean obviously it looks amazing yeah it is very good I suppose we only played it for an hour or so so prepare to be definitive on it yeah it's it's really yeah it's very Castlevania good she's good that's what you want any chance are we gonna stream it wendy's the castlevania collection come out i can imagine and you're getting a kick out of like the shared gothis overwrought Goffe massive of cost of a new direction you know weirdly I think I think I think I think that Andy hasn't actually played loads of Castlevania really yeah because it's exactly is you think it's his jam yeah well maybe it's time to discover it Freddie played by the most great bad lines either yeah I'm like nuts you know it's like it he loves LA he loves vampires I think he's super excited for the new one because because now he's like yeah yes well well did he watch the Castlevania anime in the end yes you do good if you haven't watched it get on it if you've got Netflix watch that animate so much you want to get up there I believe it's doable though build mighty Baggins isn't you member but surely you've been here so long Bilbo yeah anyway welcome aboard in another capacity come along binary says and I quickly and capably die I need that on a t-shirt you catchphrase from Luke a harsh way harsh it's alright I'm enjoying this level though I wouldn't say there's a certain level of kindness to it say it's pretty yes yeah that's true that is a kindness also the certain level could be 0 no that is still a level of kindness yes I've got I've taken Yoshi with me ah now I can get up to the thing [Music] yes okay so I've bypassed all of that but what's down there I can't see Yoshi scout ahead right there's gonna be a leap of faith I'm counting on you Mario maker level designer oh that's not [Laughter] all right what's going on in the chat game Kazuki sending this to say sorry to Luke for spin cycle oh I think that's an upcoming level yeah okay so prepare for more spinning in spin cycle from Jin goo tsuki also they say because I graduated college my CS degree I assume as computer science not counter-strike although either way I'm job hunting thank you for your videos good luck with the job hunt yes computer professional counter-strike player now oh yeah oh yo she's dead sorry Yoshi it's alright Yoshi knew what he was getting into he understood the risks just Perini he says waking up to my phone telling me about a livestream from you guys makes for quite a happy way to start the day loved the video about your time in Disneyland what were some of your favorite moments that didn't end up in the video oh right for TV what happened that didn't make it onto the tape yes Lee thank you and there was nothing that I left nothing yeah sports lingo is hard you think it was hard it was there anything else that the camera wasn't present for that you would like to share a daytime audience was there any way you weren't allowed to film cuz you filmed Mike creating his lightsaber yeah it was amazing great well done it was great sorry I feel like we were paying full attention when you alright well let's take a teeny break while you consider Disneyland yeah what so you did film you were allowed in we're only allowed one person to go in with why that was brilliant and then yeah that was great check the video so the lightsaber bit was it was about 20 minutes long they were making process and so that that wasn't most of the vlog I did aggressively cut that stuff down guess that's everything that has your memory of it yeah my favorite bit in in that process is when that is the when the dude at the end like the kind of Disney guy was like walking you through the process it's kind of like your lightsaber is an incredible special weapon and special weapons should not be dropped on the ground all special lightsaber sheath you can actually see in the outside Xbox Instagram story but it wasn't in the video because it was shot like on a phone rather than something nice and it was when we were on Autopia yes it was the car driving sort of the future yeah is you Andy and Andy no and I was like Andy I'll Drive it cinereous cuz I assumed it was just like a on Rails car will he turn on rails yeah but you do have an amount of control and if you're you you basically have to keep the car straight on the single rail and you go faster if you manage to send to the car on the road it's really clever because it gives you a little bit of control without anyone ever being in any sort of danger yeah it's cool but I didn't I didn't know I just thought we were on Rails so I'm Andy hahaha and then it turns out I'm controlling it check out the Instagram story highlights this by the way is spin cycle by Jim here it is from the comments so you're gonna have to always be spinning got to be spinning watch out for those caltrops Mario caltrops so the the physics on Mario and he's spinning are devious yes keeping that spin going it feels like I feel like this is kind of working a Tony Hawk's muscle in my break in my brain you know it feels like kind of keeping a manual going like I've been the balance guy this level is already devious and I already love it you're probably going to hate me for this one is the comment from gym fan on this apologize in advance so that's good you know what if you apologize in it how is that Jim Jim you've gone too far this it works in real life as well if you spin and jump you're you're invulnerable basically you if you could pull off spinning and jumping yeah constantly how is Mario not dizzy is my question like it's pretty good I don't say you have to just Ellen knows she don't say you have to keep your head front and center and then wash around at the last second so your head that's where you look I mean you can't really see but that's what if that's what he's doing if the graphics were photorealistic it would be the last second yeah all right the one who Snax says I hop / Denny's are a fun place to end a night out out so I can cut a concurring from snacks there on it's basically the American version of like a kebab house oh that's yeah okay now when I look at it through the lens of it's like a kebab van but you can sit down but you can sit down okay now I'm so that makes sense to me now at which point I have a lot of sympathy for anyone working at those places late at night Patrick young also concurs I hope in Danny's concern fried food and breakfast at 3:00 a.m. they're amazing just for that yes I think the problem was I went to it like it was a regular restaurant like I went there for like regular breakfast but if you might if you're an American visiting here and you went to a kebab van you know I must try at a local Greek I must try yes I'm not try this kebab that everyone [Laughter] don't actually taste it oh god I can't believe yeah and you were sober yeah Alex F says in March genetic tests were done that point to Jack the Rope of being Aaron Kosminski so it's right but pretty cool well that I have known I had not heard I don't know who that is I mean I know huge referees obviously so I guess further researches further research must be done that's cool I didn't realize they had genetic material but maybe it was like genetic testing that pointed to him like being like oh maybe like here's a blood stain in Islington yeah we've tested I don't know clearly I don't know enough about forensics to make the call little treat for a little treat for the viewers what you can't see but I wish you could is that every time Mary lunges to the abyss yeah producer John in the background just slumps in his chair or throws his hands up in you know he's so invested in my in my in my attempt I really am enjoying this level it is hard but it feels fun yeah you know there's when you've got a particular kind of twist to a level yeah and then you like you know what it is and you can work it Alex H says this five bucks is for Alan describing french-toast at fort not at 9:30 in the morning for me yeah I'm hungry your description when you mentioned it being sugary and eggy yeah made me feel pretty hot this is the last time I'll be able to watch a live stream got a new job whoo so here's money for a celebratory drink well sorry sorry to lose a regular viewer but congratulations hey job good job nice stew well she was proud a tree donates just all tip no comment Whitney s says Luke I've been watching a lot of Dark Souls videos recently oh cool a character break spots they also do link is that is that enough to qualify you know you're the expert I would say a hundred percent yes except for the one small doubt in mind yeah which is that noir in Dark Souls there's like nothing in the jars like you can break them but that routinely they're like I think there might be a couple in the games where you can find an item but generally speaking like they're not full of not full of treasures stronger confirmation yes exactly you know that it doesn't take much for me to be fully on board no craft in Tomb Raider underworld kicks open hots and jaws and stuff yeah get gems mmm and she has a bow and arrow in a recent game but Allen you have a pet theory that Lara Croft is part of a different yes which I need to make that video at some point soon that's a good idea I'll make that video you know that time I got a little glimpse of quite how long this goes on for I don't know man I'm gonna give this one a few more goes see if we can get a little bit further alright everyone pray for Luke Jim you are an absolute monster and I and I love it yes I love it spin-spin-spin from the tangles bye to death from the tangles of my heart is spun by [Music] you know what though maybe I'm imagining this but I think I'm getting increasingly better at these opening stages it means that what which means that once I can reliably do that yet which I don't think can be reliably done because I think just the random element in it is is is pretty intense maybe then it'll all be easy I'm such a sucker for the things that are really hard why do we go your concentration and precision thoughts no more of them no more more we can't blame the viewers for this all right Oba Diah pine I'll give it one more go live stream on my birthday present possible angel wheat says the name Mario who's been ice itself now it holds no meaning anymore Mario Matt that's it that's it sorry we made you lose all meaning it's called semantic satiation a name when you say o it word so many times yeah the things in your brain that fire to give it meaning like to get borne out I guess as a neuroscientist yeah the meaning of if you see a words written down so often that you don't think that that's how it's spelt because oh man if you look at the word year yes in like the year 2019 like your brain you've worn out the treads on those neurons yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait you sure is it one syllable or two yeah we it was when I was at school and our teacher got us to make labels for the year for classroom whatever you know and we were all making them or in word doc with word ox we were all learning about this magical new thing I don't even know anymore and then I it was it contagious language isn't really that logical your brains trying to yeah wrap itself around the logic of the new language or something I'm loving the linguistic chat but also can we please talk about this next level okay well Meryl wins meat grinder okay Mary I get ground up let's get ground up Mary already got ground up once in a big Oh well that has absolutely slayed producer John II enjoy you got ground okay Mario is he's burger now man burger check this out though how do you like that how do you like them apples how do you like that applesauce all right I just need that one to take to that mash me here we go here we go okay that's not a viable strategy go miss looking thing I've ever seen yeah but can it be done maybe it can be okay hmm okay but that's a that's a gap but I can wait in yeah you know they've got a certain by curry s NME looks to them like they might be made of leather mm-hmm we'd like golden studs agreed so Steven kami says here's some monies for all your hard work at Disneyland there's no gap think some M&M candies you may have missed while in LA and some of my favorite Japanese candies as well but for now it's time for work boys time for work boy boy it's time for work boys ah cheese it Mario all right where's the limit to the limit one pixel close oh God will that get me Oh hold tight get any closer no can't be done you're getting it today this flower could be a clue as to where this next one might be a trap it could equally be that drifting clouds behind even closer that was right the parallax is sort of an illusion isn't it that's good yeah steer you wrong whooping him right in the snoot yep the bunny snacks is Troy calamari incantation tune is that another level that you were familiar with um I don't know if I've got that one downloaded but I'm I mean that's that's a great bit of music from splatoon oh yeah okay oh it sounds really cool you gotta and it's all sung in like splatoon speak there were a little apostrophe grandma counts yes let's run full speed for the for the thing I did a cool jump into it yeah all right John sharpens back and says on behalf of Andy this chat is funding a proxy boo for Luke's mention of sunshine proxy army of people ready to boo me yep army hotel you so this one JK Jess shine in this room I believe this is a lightly breath of the wild theme because it's set up to be like a shrine it's got a clear rate of 23.6% so let's see if I can count myself I'd go for Jack the Ripper as in that's the mystery I would like to solve I would really go yeah dating prospect what happened really good one also Jane or 8 is less alright and more or or eight are there phonetically spelling very light RP alright and it should be or or eight or eight right yeah or eat oh dear and boat was both hi and how are you you go alright there was a real good sound when I got to the top there all right so all right so we go back get the power thing hop on all right Mario just patiently ride this lift tinted it intent and I didn't did it into it okay where was the power block was it back here is this a thing no that's nothing I think you think I'll have to restart yeah fine Mario doesn't fit it as a government is a real treat love your stuff they say been watching my little pony they say nice do you want to know which pony is each of us yeah obviously yes please Mike rainbow - okay Ellen Josh I check that's a winged one right Luke Pinkie Pie yeah Jane equals rarity is there really a pony called rarity rarity that's amazing and Andy's twinkle sparkle obviously saying yeah thank you so much for naming up our ponies I'm pleased and delighted wait this wasn't the secret all right hang on oops new chat dude turn some of the alright ours into blocks when you hit it which of you chatters knows what it's meant to be done you we need to get up to there yeah maybe maybe all right now die again there we go you're used to it by now don't make such a fuss okay socialite okay so maybe I need to not touch these blocks yeah Oh delightfully devilish Seymour huh so you reckon now if I check I think use that Oh nuts Oh Corinne the jackal says hit me on-off switch does that help it will when I find the that was Mary are you oaf it's completely Mario's fault my mark it says the coins in the middle turn into a platform to jump on you get to the tops we got it we've we've we've cracked the first part of the case Linton Stein says there's a tunnel where you just died I think this is I really like this this gimmick because you wouldn't think twice about just collecting those coins the idea that you have to avoid them and now okay so now I have to do not die come on Mario I said but you but like when you fall down there you can't see where the well just here yeah you can't see that when you're sliding down I didn't remember always pressed play says that was brilliant that was good okay right we could with how am i how am I supposed to get that maybe the ten isn't gettable maybe it's like a false be distracted okay here we go all right we we're through stage one will there be a stage two seem oh maybe I don't want to be getting these blocks here wouldn't be any help surely maybe this is just for fun maybe it's just letting me have a nice time maybe I suggest you let your guard all the way down lower it it's oh it's lowered oh yeah it's lowered that's a bit devious Polly synchronized are they or are they they're fully synchronized ah okay good all righty bas dub says can we post level codes here I think probably it would be a bit of a bit too much of a finagling I enter codes at this point because Luke did all the behind-the-scenes work yeah and also we've got quite a few if you want to do you want to share them we can come back and look at them at a later date yes this is really fun mmm so I think if we do this again yes we will put out a similar call yes on social media there'll be a second round of calls for codes yes okay right this is a delicate operation here okay so now through here and that should talk is required up here [Music] bouncy bouncy so mad get bounced on how about that come on one more magic rule of three you're a serious it's jumping now oh he's spinning that's your trick that's my trick now you're dead forever no sent wants to know if you're gonna show a multiplier today oh is that time probably not we've got so many maps to get through we do have a lot of maps to get through see ya we go you also want to know what what are your thoughts are possible Zelda dungeon maker oh that would be great great it's hard to imagine how that work but don't know is it in a 3-1 of the Zelda games they were like you collect things and then you can use those things to make make rooms yeah and you could make heroes oh I don't know Jane I don't think it could be done at the end of that was a really clever breath of the wild reference because the top of the level flag was the all that you touch you take yeah and the dry and the big the big drivers thing was the that was a great level JK Jess that was an absolute treat you guys have been absolutely smashing it with these levels it's done yes Janka wicks bianca wicks rise and fall rise and fall reach the goal after grabbing all brackets 150 coins to get the Queen here it's my first oh it's not a troll' level or anything I promise okay it looks like one that's gonna require me to oh not a trill level like all ball jumps are a tricky business but I couldn't we can do it we can i guess whether something is or isn't a troll level depends on your skill depends on your definition yes yes yes League yes Oh okay clear it chef all right oh I tell you what there's a bunch of whole bunch of like Monty moles Monty moles a bit too soon there that's great Monday's I'm gonna work on Andy and Mike when they get back to play vampire the masquerade bloodlines one yeah every Monday until we get it done - okay Lee this time it's our time down here yep yep let's so go alright so I've got to jump a little bit later here right and not get ya distracted by the Monty moles of the world okay no but jump the wall jumping is faster I don't feel like I can stop now nope you've committed to this this is your course of action it going it's fine I think the larva stops the love is left you alone has it I think so it better have oh actually the climbing is pretty quick okay I need the 50 coins because there's the 50 coin I mean not here not yet this is incredibly well built for a fourth level there's an arrow on tomorrow show the weekend you're going to see our first level and you got Mike and I need to play it didn't you I think well we're just Andy actually just Andy okay I think what I need to tread lightly on these things these donut blocks cuz they well I what is the plan here is it just run really fast and then like leak get the coins and do your ugly death doom Oh bounce on the doughnuts okay good okay yes that's what we're supposed to happen though ah I needed that up top okay okay it's gonna work for me it might it might I'm still in the game I'm still in that I'm not counted out yet okay so there goes old nice big jump can't see where I am but I'm oh no what the way we logo signifies I don't could not tell you Jane alright but there we go now drift down okay what's gonna happen when I pop it oh I just wanted to drift down trap yeah go careful go slow okay fine there's a little platform to save you know what now what do you have to hover on there no hovered no oh is it spin jump situation oh yeah maybe no jump spin jump keep spinning keep jumping spin jump always there yeah yeah yeah oh she save me Yoshi why don't you walk towards me Yoshi you a Judas you should let them get smashed deserve it if only I could just put Yoshi's noses brains up bad alright here we go oh we logo means a music change says Corinthian Oh quiet for us so he didn't catch it ok Yoshi well here's my plan she's nooblet or what there's a time limit as well Bianca nice no Mario you've got you're dead again alright you need a break have a break alright you relax now John William says love all your stuff thanks for ways making such delightful videos to get me through another day of horrible core droning Oh cor P core drowning okay yeah duck says love you guys hey dumbass great Monday Spees what plan would you be apart from the sexy toreador I mean are there any others well show LA by night on geek and sundry is a great VT m TT RPG show for vamp fans I have actually seen no labor nice did good dead good then true I live n true they get to boss people around they're kind of aristocrats it's sort of sexy in their own way saying you know so much more about her than me I think I'm gonna let you choose alright you know what because we got a whole bunch more levels that I want to play try again but I do really like this this was great so that's great I would love to know what happens I pull whose ninjas come out no but it has already popped up yes or even if you are you can see it back and get the code for yourself that was great how it ends right next code is Rob from rub frost and it's super mothers three W one fortress it's a remake of it it's a remake of an existing male level I love it alright alright well sometimes I can do existing market says hey give my remake of the w1 fortress from smb3 a try please all right no yeah no one played it at the time of writing okay well here we go it's being played right now right you're the QA yeah well I mean I feel like someone in the 80s already q8 this ah I don't know he played games from the 80s and 90s - yeah it was a different time come on no sin is back to say Luke you can jump while spinning I identify as a mana you can jump off spinning I am yep I don't feel like that would have helped No Amna fishes a new member some elsewhere a spell in the elder scrolls way says just say hi on break highlight of my day I the live stream and all the break yeah both combined thank you very well thank you so Mel swear I love leeks shirt is it in the merch shop now there's a question it's not in the teespring workshop oh this guy is not it's not maybe could it be coming soon to the teespring workshop Oh Jane T's ll spoiler for you they're only you can answer that question Jane you are limited edition hmm he's very very nice and yeah there's also a green that's not an xbox variant and yeah keep an eye on that teespring store I mean you don't have to obviously will tell you it won't just like appear overnight and but yeah you shirts coming soon little little snippet for you there little teaser little teaser all right tell me in the chat where the key is folks all right in the chats we need to know where is the diary this is modeled on it so it's quite possible if you played Super Mario Brothers 3 you know then you know locked away I mean I played that game I can't remember feel like this door should just open for me because I'm Mario for goodness sake Mario insert your bakhoum tail into the box and pick the lock that way like you know lizard in rescuers down under yeah Oh norson wants to clarify should have rephrased you can spin jump higher if you press jump while spinning ah okay so there we go that's what was going on there all right John Shope and says oh my god I need the boat okay all right yeah it is a very cool all-over print like everytime a suitcase or something fits my sister has one and she came in once all right has the chat done might okay let's find out was a key Thomas Errol and sends us to the left but then Mateus Filipe Veloso and morale says fly up oh okay Christopher Needham's this feels as though it should be above the ceiling and Elvis press play says get up enough speed to fly up to the top of the screen okay a sexual fart time says the keys obviously inside Jane in a horrifying saw reference Oh Lucifer's dazed also says plot twist you have the key and muster no nope old I like this says Tanooki Mario oh no and Kijiji says try flying to the top so I think the consensus is trash talk yeah okay well this looks like maybe that is you need a real long spent you see that P like thing in the top yeah left that's my kind of count up to how much speed I've got god so you can sort of see whether I would have oh whether I would fast forward or not I reckon if I start here okay so yes that would be and you can you can sort of keep it revved up alright I'll tell you I'll try and come back here if I can not die two fireballs in the meantime I never liked doing these levels because the music goes all joyless yeah grim it's grim some real Kurt's hopes you you guys us guys are having a great year and there's a code for their level so that's in the comments if you checking out and all where we'll get a batch of new levels next time we do a live stream with merrymaker gin is back King Kazuki's back to say sorry again Luke Toni hawkish all this forgiven oh yeah yeah yeah the that was this that was the spin spin cycle yes and they also confirmed that my degree is in computer science so I have a BS and CS nice all right there was another definitely not quicker I will have to start again if I lose this one like you've known the comments this stream is a great belated treason day capitalized T capitalized D present for your us fans saris and a repeat reason a we didn't call it up in order words not all words sorry for dumping that team Boston consider this back taxes I am i I find it really kind of odd and funny how like people expects Brits to be sensitive about yeah yeah expect Brits to be sensitive oh sorry I did it a tour in New Orleans yeah he's a lovely tour guide but every time he was like and then the Brits and then we really gave it to the Brits and we did this and and the general did this and he's like sorry about I'm like it's nothing is because wasn't me and yeah it seems good yeah yeah I was like it's like fair enough when you like learn about it and then it's that thing of as well is that we're not taught in school that's true actually so we don't have a connection to it of oh we lost that like I mean I'll give you I should but we tend to only be taught about like the plague and the Norman rotation and yet rotation you learn the Blitz every year you learn especially like I like I've got friends here like from Scotland Wales and they knew nothing about the Blitz and it was the same interesting there's a lot of history to learn yeah it's just says so much but yeah we just anyway thank you guys what we're saying yeah and also a little bit of curiosity when people either apologize or try and needle you about it if I with those people I don't I don't like my football team or something no we've grown up with American culture so we feel a part of it sort of anyway so like I mean not to get too political or anything but like even if it hadn't happened like I'd be advocating for it to happen now like he's a bad all right Joan real woman says I stand by Luke Mario Sunshine is good yes correct okay now what am i doing in this room comments I need help right comment hit with your toe please comments but now on all right we've turned the off unblock to off for the spins oh yeah like I can get that coin but the coins not key hmm this hidden blocks here you need to clean boy boo no you can't kill the baby the thing again oops all right chat will come through can I get over you you silly boo you silly I can still see you when I'm looking at you just because you do that he's shy alright so I've got this is there another one hidden in here maybe to make it can be hidden elsewhere in the level yes you need to find those two coins yeah yes where's the other one where's the other coin the two pink red coins will be the key mmm what about the far left on the other top side now run and fly okay alright let's give that a go alright we're getting there thanks thank you for this collaborative and what a good job I left the swish the right way it's all kicking off now little happening you've got you got seven minutes left Oh what the heck bad things are bad things even though I'm a good person Clinton Stein says I just realized this is the first lifestyle moving up to watch with Ellen hi Ellen hello well to base-building want to says Patrick long Alex hey cheers Jane you said you need a new massive RPG well to get lost in does this mean you're waiting for the nice dragon age game because you need it now well second I can just oh okay sorry we focus up I think I'm okay I think I'm okay because this bit was the bit with the fire thing all right this comes along with the strength to journey on and that hero yep it's your man Mario here we go yes we're through through and clear and now and now about the bad times continue oh you here's this guy get killed him I'm just gonna oh I'm just gonna wave my arms like this and if you get hit that is totally what this guy is yes I you as well as cyberpunk and bloodlines - I cannot cannot cannot wait for the next dragon especially having played a bunch of our origins it's gonna be awesome well and I really enjoyed Inquisition yeah I played the heck out of that game I dunno I found God we played a lot of levels for mine okay checkpoint flag checkpoint blessed relief everyone drink yes you trick you did it on purpose you treated yourself to that treated myself - yeah yeah myself - just taking a little breather a little death break little death break Thank You comments so much for helping me out with with the clues there that was um you all demonstrated incredible knowledge now now now Oh food I can do it once too wants to reward you Luke for clearing their course yeah sadly I misspelled Tamara ones name in coins they say there were two L's in its gonna try and come up some levels for each jobs venture character that is what a great notion do not apologize that is absolutely fine durable yeah a little bit that level was great alright nice and quick nice and quick nice and quick over and over and over and down okay Mario's taking Mario now he's taking damage man no no I need you to pop oh it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine and here's why and here's and let me tell you I'll tell you for why thanks to Mike Hajin for the donation conjecture says in the original you could fly to the top towards the end of the first this is fine it's fine kijiji I think we've got it in hand thank you very much yeah Luke's all over this like white on rice I am doing my ever-loving best Thomas forward has a question will you up spin ship in bean for sale at any point well I mean again what do you say emotes Jane this is this is the big emerge face and yeah we we've got exciting plans for new much the pins so that there's this like limited edition pin thanks John so the Ox fanship in I don't know if you've seen them because they were only available very very in limited numbers if two people who came to the shows and we've never sold them online before yeah but I love them though but pins we up we all love pins Philippines people bring us joy and pins are very much the thing I would like to do probably most of all that's new in merch so yes at some point no no date on that but yes at some point there sure maybe get that I can't get it uh-huh Oh smash that nearly smashed flat smashed flat you know what maybe I can clear these chumps in time Oh from Stanley Greene have you guys seen the BBC series of what we do in the shadows with your love of all things yeah yeah it's Harry he's really what what a joy it is so good I was hopin Bowser I mean obviously the film is just brilliant and the TV show it really lives up to it it's so good get in the fire you fyrelizard you're probably fine in there Mario confirmed the kill for once Jesus at Mario Oh a pig yeah I think that was great that was amazing well done frostini that was really great thank you that's so much work involved I know the dedication here has been so good his down down this won't go well okay all right you wanna try this one short laugh that short level might be a bit tough well it sure sure if all I do is just wait right go down that was it yeah what we do the shadows is amazing oh my god brilliant concept brilliant concept I love it this is great I'm so glad we got to this one Hey what a treat avoid that spring and get those get those gun was dead sharpish yeah everyone in the comments enjoying the pig that's what I mean I don't remember the pig from the original yeah so that's what it was missing suddenly Pig Lincoln suddenly piggy suddenly piglatin yeah he's standing beside no no no faster how do you fall faster the thing is every time I every time I jump on yeah I think maybe the thing to do is to not jump don't Charles do you not jump don't jump on the goombahs to just try and avoid them I'm allowed to jump but I can't jump on them because every time I the thing that makes the platforms fall is me landing on them hmm and every time you jump on a Goomba you kind of get boxed back up in the air without having hit the blue if I just try but even if I if you land but then you see like I land on them and it pops me up again sorry sorry no no no I'm sorry is that if you just kind of good I think it just keeps going down I don't know but like it's my jumped on you on if I jumped well let's give it a go let's give it a go here we go here we go you need to kill one little Ananse s Thank You Ellen drop on to them don't jump that said it is working is working it's not as much as if you yeah jump hmm yes what am I to do about this yes avoid obviously throw the springs uh-oh oh lord of the springs Nicki Anzalone II says it's been fun I believe now if I want to hit gamestop before work I gotta get CU solitude love you all yeah see that's all if you just yeah that game looks really cool mmm-hmm Ellen you were bang on about this mushroom situation I'm always banging on about mushroom situation you're always hanging on about mushrooms yeah well they're fun guys I'm not even going to somewhere Andy's just like something is amiss no it's fine you can do this you can do this Luke I believe Springs Springs no get out of here Springs Springs Oh oh it's fine it's fine okay the end end now please oh no it'd be end happy ending to the stream thank you all so much genuinely amazed by the quality and the inventiveness this is really fun yes is really fun yeah hopefully we can hopefully we can do this again yeah yeah this is great final comment from Austin orchid ninja he says you guys are super thanks for the hashtag crush members I felt like I was between I so nearly just pushed you both in the face that would have been about ending wow that was great what a great final level there yeah thank you all so much for levels a stick around show the week it's going up an hour seven coming very soon in a show of the weekend tomorrow Ellen and I make a Mario maker to course for Andy I now feel put to shame by our made but it does have a jump scare in it for Andy so well done us thank you John for Manning the desk over there he is cool alright thanks for watching face see you next time you you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 75,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidextra, mario maker 2, mario maker 2 gameplay, mario maker 2 reaction, reaction, maker 2, mario, super mario maker 2, mario maker 2 switch, levels, hardest, hard levels, stage, stages, jane douglas, andy farrant, mike channell, outsidexbox, outside xbox
Id: 63cYTj0z7Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 49sec (5749 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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