What's The Best Takis Flavor?

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Welcome to Good Mythical More. There's lots of Taki's out there in the world. These, according to sporked.com are the top four. So let's weigh in on our opinion of what is the best Taki that you can take down your. Taki's in your throat. Down your mouth. But first, let's play What's the Word where we try to guess the definition of a word. That word is deipnosophist. Deipnosophist. So a sophist. Deipnosophist Is a, like, philosopher. Soph. Soph. Soph means. Does that mean to know? The knowledge of? Oh yeah. So you know deep? Deipnosophist. This is someone who studies or knows about deipnos. Deipnos, deipnos. What is deipnos? Deipnos is when you got. Its a nose. Its actually, technically a longer nose is technically a deeper nose. So if you know about deep noses? So you're like an E.N.T. doctor? This basically just a fancy way of saying E.N.T. I'll buy it. Are we right? Deipnosophist. A person who is an adept conversationalist at table. At table. At a table. So. So someone who's good at talking to people but only when they're at a table? But what is -sophist? Do we know what -sophist is? I didn't take Latin. One of my biggest regrets. She is quite a deipnosophist. Let's talk about that. It's something with philosophy? [Kalyn] Yes. Teacher of philosophy and rhetoric. Teacher of philosophy. Teacher of philosophy? Jordan, come on in here. Teach you how to have an adept conversation at table. Hey Jordan. Hello. How are you? Great. Thanks for having me. So we, we pulled Jordan away. Come on, slide on in. I'm very tall. Do it. Be tall. No that's good. You know what? That's what we all are around here. Okay. Yeah. I mean, at least right now. Sure. The three of us. We pulled Jordan away from the dedicated work being done over there at sporked.com to taste, rank, and provide you with all the resources you need to make sure that the stuff that you eat from the grocery store is the best stuff. Because I mean, if you're at the store and you're getting the Taki's what if you get the wrong Taki's? I mean that could ruin a day. That's really scary to think about. So the, okay, so we've got Taki's stix fuego. Taki's fuego. We've got Taki's crunchy fajitas. Taki's nitro. I feel like we should start with the original. Now you have already assessed your ranking. Yes. I've had every product that Taki's makes and these are our top four. Okay. These are your top four. But you have an order of which what was the best? Yeah. These are ranked one through four. What were some of the bad Taki's? Nothing to be honest with you. They were all good. Woo! These just really stood out. Woo! Mm. Man. That is Tangy. It's so tangy. Like I don't I have these in my house. Sometimes. I can't have these in my house. Because they'll disappear? I mean. Woo! I'd never leave. I'd just be in a corny with Taki's fingers. Corny? You'll be in the corny? A corn, uh. It's when you go into a corner and you've got corn from Taki's all over your hands. You call it a corny. I got. I'll call it that. I gotta give it to Taki's. Their dust coverage is, it's unrivaled. Their dust coverage is, it's unrivaled. It's spectacular. Truly. And all of the products are like that. I didn't find anything to be like poorly. Dusted? Dusted. Nothing's under dusted. And the texture of a little. You know what? Have you ever thought about the fact that Taki's are just a folded chip and they're all folded. Mhmm. Like you love folded. Well they're rolled. They're rolled, but I'm saying it has the. It gives it a huge crunch. It's basically what makes a foldy chip great. And they're all that thing. I guess everyone who eats Taki's kind of already knows this but I'm just realizing it right now. Yeah. But these stix. So this feels like a departure. Yes. Can you get a stick into a Taki? If you pick the right combo. Nope. Almost. Not quite. You tried. You ruin a Taki. This is like a Taki that is rolled so tight. This is a whole line that Taki's does of different flavors of stix. And they're thinner. They're a little lighter. They're not so crunchy. It's not as good of a crunch experience as the full roll. [Stevie] Can we see, can I, I need to. I wanna see what the full roll. But you're hiding the full roll from me. Oh. Okay. So they're the same flavors. Yeah. But the form factor is different. Yes. Yeah. These are all rolls. But that's a stick. Yes. I think it's nice. It's tasty. Most of my teeth are fake. So sometimes a real Taki is very crunchy and makes me feel scared. Let me look at 'em. See which one's real. Maybe one back there. Is real? Yeah. Yeah. You got one real one back there. I have one real one in the back. But yeah most of them are fake. Yeah and you know what? Everybody should have fake teeth. Sure. So on our own time can you just pull 'em all out? No, they're in my head. They're not dentures. They're just fake teeth. So I have veneers and crowns and a bunch of different fake teeth. Okay. But not dentures. Not dentures yet. Could ya pull em out later? The pure joy on Link's face after you said that. And he turned and now I understand why. I was like she gonna pull her dentures out. Yeah. He wanted a picture with all my teeth. But I'm sorry. Maybe one day. And then I'll let you. Okay. Pull the teeth out of my mouth. Send me a selfie. Well that's what we would do with Mama Nell my grandma, every night, she'd be on her third glass of whiskey and she'd start taking her dentures out and we'd just be like "Mama Nell take your dentures out and talk." And that's, I mean, that was entertainment. Better than a movie. I love that. That's a beautiful memory. She would have like what, one tooth here one tooth here and that's it? No teeth. Wow. That's interesting. See, I don't have no teeth. I have little tiny like baby vampire fangs underneath all my fake teeth. Cause they shave your teeth down Oh. and then put a fake tooth over it. Yeah. I love watching that on TikTok. I love that. So these are crunchy fajita Taki's. Dental work? What are those? Crunchy fajita Taki's. I mean, this is like, if you want like a mild afternoon Taki's session. Mhmm. It's like you're like I've got to go somewhere later. Yes. Like I can't just commit to Taki's tonight. Like I've got people to see, you know what I mean? Sure. Yes. Absolutely. So they're calling these mild. Yeah. Mhmm. What do they call these? They call these extreme. Yeah. And then at the very end there's nitro which is also extreme. So this is their only one that's not. You know what I found myself gravitating towards the actual flavor with a little less heat. So I like. This is a unique flavor. It's nice. I had never had this one before and I was really impressed with it. Hmm. It definitely has a taco seasoning. We already know that these are better than these. Sure. The originals better than the aberration. Is the aberration better than the flavor aberration? I like these better than the stix. I like those too. Do you? I like this flavor. I like that texture. Right? So, so you're kind of tying. But. And then I'm saying. I feel like these are so far off the right texture that I feel like you're losing so much Taki-ness in this that I feel like you gotta demote those. So if. Before we get into those I wanted to ask you guys if you had checked out the new James and the Shame track? You know that. The guy that he's like, he's an internet guy You know what? I've actually met James and the Shame. Wow. Really? Yeah. Which is cool 'cause there's just one guy. When you meet James and the Shame you just meet one guy. Yeah. His new single came out. Have you heard? I've heard it. It's really good. Oh yeah? Describe it. It's so good. And it sounds awesome. And I love it. I love it. I do. Dude the cool thing about this new one. Yeah. The new single that came out which is the second single. It's a duet, right? Its a duet with his wife. And I love that. And it's a trio when I sing along with it. That's right. It's got a lot of singalong ability. You know that the version that I heard. Mhmm. 'Cause I, you know, I'm kind of tight with the guy. Like we're friends. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Really? Yeah. We're friends. We hang out. He lets you hear the tracks before they go live? He played the track for me before James's wife got on the track. Wow. So it was, he was. He told you that? And now you're sharing it publicly? It was pre duet. Well, who was singing? And it was great. Just some dude? I think it was just some dude. Just some dude? Yeah. I think it was the producer who was singing. It's a good bit. It's a really good bit. And then it. So I can only imagine how much better it is once the vocals were replaced with James's actual wife. It's cool because the song is about his wife and his wife is singing. And like that's just cool. Cause you're like, oh he's singing about her and oh she's singing about herself as well. Right. That's a lot better than just some dude singing. It's very self-referential. And it's available everywhere you stream your music. It's called "Where We're Going". Where we're going is nitro. What's the flavor profile? It says it's as equally extreme to fuego. Whoa! Whoa! But what makes it different? Hold your horses now. That hint of lime. That hint of lime is doing things for me. It's got a tang to it. The tang part is really notched up. Yeah. It's very limey at the front end. And then the hotness on the backside. Is it exactly the same as fuego? It's basically fuego with more lime at the beginning. That's the only difference. I think fuego with more lime becoming nitro is better than the fajitas. Personally. So we agree that this is the worst. But it's still good. So we're trying to toss up here. I don't like the extra lime as much as I like going in a totally different direction. But I'm the one who put this before that. So if you wanna put. I also feel like. I put this before that. So if you wanna put this before this then I can respect that. And can I add one note? Yes. Something important to think about is you are judging for everyone. You are judging for the general public. You're not just going based off of what you personally think is the best. Oh the pressure. Cause I'll tell you right now my personal best is not the number one on our list. Oh really? So just something to think about. They're not used to thinking about other people, Jordan. I don't think about. I'm sorry. I only think about myself. I shouldn't have said anything. What I feel like you're saying is that you can't demote the little dicky logs. What do you call those? Stix? The stix all the way to the bottom. No. Because the general public might like those. Is that what you're saying? I think some people don't like things as hot and that's why this is a great choice and should be number two. But who's eating Taki's. People who like hot things. People who like Taki's. People who come in the Taki door. Exactly. Yeah. "Why would you want mild?" is your point. I don't know. I'm just throwing things out there to think about. Because I think people have a lot of questions about sporked sometimes. They're just like, who are you? What are you talking about? And I'm like, actually, it's a whole team of us thinking about what is objectively the best for people who are interested in this product? And if you fell in love with this both of these are closer approximations. Then I think you're probably saying this. I'm not saying anything. Well you have said something. I'm just generating ideas. Well, first of all, I don't care what anybody tells me. The original is the best. They got it right the first time. Fuego. Number one. And I wanna put this number two but I'll put it at number four. That's fine. Okay. So. I actually like the the lime kick. Let me try it again. I love that little kick. Can I ask you when Taki's first appeared to you? I don't know when they first appeared period. Sour. Did you all call them Taki's? Or was there a different name in your head? Did you call them tackies? I never ate 'em. I was afraid to say it 'cause I thought I might get it wrong. Yeah. But you didn't say anything like in your mind? Tuckies. I called them Taki's. You did? You naturally called them Taki's? I think so. I'm so curious to know what you're talking about. What did you call them, tackies? Well, 'cause I can see like a Yiddish man going "takiss" you know? Oh. Oh ho. Takiss. Takiss. That's pretty funny Stevie. But obviously. I'd like some takiss. Give me some takiss. Okay. So we're locking in here. This is locked? Yeah. I'm not happy about it but yeah, we're locked in. Okay. Are you ready for the big reveal? Yeah. Now what did you say? Okay. So this is what it actually is. Y'all were right initially about these being last. Because they're just such a huge departure from the Taki's. Right. Okay. Yes. But. Yeah. But this. You put this ahead of the straws though. Yes because I think this, the texture is better. I also, this is my number one. I'm with you. Oh great! Even though I love spicy food. I'm like the hotter the better. Something about the flavor of this. It's got a good, unique flavor. Is so nice. But I think when people are coming for Taki's they're looking for Taki's. So we said the original first. You know, it's a classic. Yeah. Oh okay. Yep. So that's the first and then this is just an amped up Taki's flavor. Yes. So if you like the original you know you're gonna like these. Whereas not everybody that likes the original Taki's likes these. Do you see the science that goes into this? I'm a genius. This isn't just fiddle farting. It's not fiddlefarted.com. It's sporked.com But we will start a fiddlefarted.com. Well you should. In the drop of a hat. We will. Mhmm. So go to sporked. How do you eat a string cheese? The team at sporked.com won't judge. In fact, they have ranked the best string cheese for biters and peelers alike.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 624,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: YpIuqgviUeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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