Craziest Survival Stories (Game)

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) (logo thuds) (wheel clicking) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. Let's talk about some strange survival stories. - But first, let's tell a 10-word story. - Okay. - You wanna start? - Simply. - Dan. (both laughing) - You're so critical of me, and that's what you do? - It's a story. - Sometimes. - Touches. - Where. - It. - Doesn't. - Feel (both laughing) - So. - Slippery. (both laughing) Simply, Dan sometimes touches where it doesn't feel so slippery. Simply Dan. That's a good, that's a good story. Hey we did it! - Ow. Is Simply Dan like a character? (Rhett laughs) Simply Dan. - No. - What's Simply Dan gonna do this time? - Simply, comma, Dan sometimes touches it. Touches where, it's not Simply Dan. No, it's simply- - Sometimes touches where it doesn't feel so slippery. - Yeah, 'cause he wants to grab hold of things, to hold on. Friction's good. - But its like I think this is a response to something. "Oh, don't take it away, I need to see that." - Yeah yeah yeah. - I think it's a response to something like, (Rhett chuckles) like a like a conversation in a cartoon. - Why is Dan on all fours right now, so enthusiastically? Well, because simply, Dan sometimes touches where it doesn't feel so slippery (laughs). It's like after an ice storm, Dan is looking for the rough spots just to remember who he is (laughs). - He's all about traction. - He's like, "I gotta find the places where the ice hasn't frozen over. I gotta find it where it's not so slippery, just to remember I'm human." - Are you into survival stories? Aha we are, too. Are you into Stevie telling us survival stories? We are, too. Are you into Stevie telling us survival stories that we are into and so are you, but then some of them are fake and we get angry? We are, too. Let's do that. Let's play that game. - [Stevie] Hey, guys. - Hey, Stevie. - So it it's either boo-yah, that's real, or boo-nah, that's fake, that's not a real survival story. - [Stevie] Can we talk about real and fake for a second? Because I feel like, so we got these from the internet. They're people's stories. - I know where you're going. - [Stevie] So you have to believe that the people are telling the truth. - Mmm-hmm, mm-hmm. - [Stevie] You know some of them are articles, some of them are Reddit, they're Redditors but, that's what we mean by real or fake. Like I mean, what's real? - So they're- - [Stevie] You know? - So they're all fake but- - [Stevie] Yeah I mean, if you're a cynic. - Did you make them up? - [Stevie] If you're a cynic, they're all fake. If you're a believer. - As someone who's on the Reddit on a regular basis, Link, have you noticed the phenomenon- - Did you know- - That you're on Reddit? - That when travelers- - Yeah, I've been looking at your history. - When travelers would enter the city of Alexandria, they were required to turn over their books for copying, and then they would be given back the copy, and then the original would stay in their library? - You learned that on Reddit? - I did. - When people tell a story on Reddit- - Pretty cool. - Like a TIFU kind of story, that it's not kosher. - T-I-F-U? - Today I fudged up. - Oh, Oh, I'm not on that thread. - Oh, come on over. - Is it a good one? - Any story thread, that's a story. - Yeah - Or am I the a-hole you know, all that stuff. - Yeah. - People it's not kosher on Reddit. In my experience to question the validity of the story, the original poster is kind of just like, all right, we're gonna go with, we're not going to get into endless debating whether- - I don't believe you. - Or not you're telling the truth or not, because we would do that on every post. So why don't we just assume that you're telling the truth and deal with it as if it's true. Have you noticed this? - Uh. - On stories that are obviously fake by the way? - Actually, no, I haven't noticed that. - You should go to Reddit more. - I think that am I the a-hole I haven't noticed that. - TIFU definitely I've noticed it. - Okay, I'm not on that one. - All right, first story. We're ready. - [Stevie] This is from Reddit community. Let's not meet Reddit user, the deepest regrets writes I was driving home Christmas Eve on some back country roads with my girlfriend, when something darted in front of our car. I slammed on the brakes and walked into the forest to check out what it was. That's when my girlfriend who was still in the car started laying on the horn. Turns out there was a completely naked man covered in mud, holding a hatchet, circling the car. My girlfriend said he walked back into the forest just before I got back to the car. But before he disappeared into the woods, the man looked at my girlfriend, smiled and waved. When we reported him to the police, they said this was a tactic to lure people into the forest to kill them. - What? I don't understand the tactic. - He went after the wrong guy. He should have gone after the guy, not the girl in the car. Yeah, this, you got me paranoid here, but again, we're gonna to do what they did, and we're gonna assume that it's real, unless it's fake. 'Cause that's the game. We can't do what they do. - I'm going with Boo yah on this one. Going with boo yah, I think that this was posted to Reddit is the only thing that I'm confirming. - If somebody, if something runs by your car and you have to slam on brakes, I thought you don't get out and go after it into the woods. That just seems. - I agree with that. I don't believe this story is true. I just believe that it was posted on Reddit. (both laughing) - I'm saying boo nah. - [Stevie] Rhett's correct, that's what I mean. Like it's like- - Yeah okay we- - [Stevie] Yeah, it's a real, it's a real story, but did it happen, I don't know. - You know what did happen Stevie? - [Stevie] What? - This morning I put on this hoodie, you know, and the reason I put it on is because this color of hoodie, the green embroidered mythical- - [Stevie] That's blue. - 19 blue - (crew laughing) - The green. - The reason I say green is because we asked the members of the Mythical Society to vote on whether we should release the blue or the green and they chose blue. And that's why I put it on. - Only barely though. - Yeah, but I mean, look at this it's embroidered Link. I mean, this is that's- - Go to - That's embroidery, if you're into embroidery, either doing it or having it on your body. Well, we can, you can get it on your body this way. - Three dimensional. - [Stevie] It's real, the hoodie. - It's real. - Yeah, yeah yeah. - Hit us again. - You know, I put it on because it's green. - [Stevie] The thing about that story that rings the most true to me is that the man waved at the girl in the car, like, of course, like that happens on a regular basis. - Yeah right. - [Stevie] That creep factor. - You like my mud suit. - Yeah. - And my hatchet. - You've worn a mud suit before. - Uh mud shorts yeah. - Yeah yeah. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Late. - Dirt shorts, - [Both] Dorks. - [Stevie] Dorks. On a Friday night in September of 2016, a Florida man- - Here we go. - [Stevie] Was dumpster diving, which is technically not against the law in Florida in a dumpster near the lot of a warehouse. As he climbed into the large industrial dumpster, the lid slammed shut on him and the bar lock wedged itself just enough to trap him inside. - Mh. - [Stevie] The Florida man spent the entire weekend inside the dumpster with temperatures upward of a hundred degrees - Oh gosh - [Stevie] On Monday an employee at the warehouse found the man, he was taken to the hospital and treated for dehydration. When asked whether he'd be going on any more dives, he said, absolutely, it's all about the thrill of the dive. - Florida, man. That's all you need to know. - I, I, I think that sound reasoning, but I'm going to go with boo nah because you're playing into- - Florida man. - The Florida man stereotype. - [Stevie] Ah, yeah, it's fake. (Rhett laughs) - [Stevie] It sounds real though. - Yeah that- - [Stevie] I feel like it sounds like something did happen - So the realer ones are fake and the faker ones are real. Okay. I get it now. - Getting stuck in a, man getting stuck in a dumpster in hot weather think about the way the dumpster juice would just be wafting into your mouth. - I mean, but there is stuff that you could eat probably and survive. - You'd be vomiting - At a warehouse? - You'd be vomiting. - But you'd be surviving All right hit us, hit us again. - [Stevie] This next creepy tale comes to you from the snow-capped mountains - Cream potato? - Of the Andes. - This next cream potato. - [Stevie] This next cream potato two experienced hikers were climbing the Siula Grande, (chuckles) a 21,000 foot mountain in the Peruvian Andes. When snow storms moved in, the men decided to rope themselves together. - Mmm-hmm. - [Stevie] Unfortunately, one climber fell injuring his leg, they couldn't continue climbing, so the other decided to- - He fell and drained his leg? - Injured his leg. - I'm not hearing what you're saying. - [Stevie] Injured his leg The way you're saying words. - [Stevie] Injuring his leg. - Okay sorry. - [Stevie] They couldn't continue climbing. So the other decided to lower the injured hiker down the mountain. However, another snow storm hit and the injured hiker was left, dangling mid air. In order to survive, the uninjured hiker had to do the unthinkable. He had to cut the rope. - This is a movie. - [Stevie] Miraculously, I was worried about saying that word, but I did it. - I could tell. - [Stevie] (chuckles) The injured hiker landed in a crevice and was able to use the remains of the rope- - Crevasse. - [Stevie] To lower himself down the mountain. Both men survived the ordeal and said if the roles had been reversed. - They would have done the same thing. - [Stevie] He'd have cut the rope too. - Now how- - This is a movie and I've seen it. So is it based on a true story or did they just come up with a story based on that? - I think we've talked about this on this show. - So this is boo yah. This is real, 'cause it's a movie. - Yeah. Yeah. I remember this. - [Stevie] Yeah it's real. I don't know if It's a movie though. - I think it's a maybe a documentary I think- - 'Cause the guy showed- - Was the guy showed a story in the documentary. - 'Cause the guy shows up later at camp, and like, I mean, you have this- - I'm sorry I had to let it go. - You feel a bit stupid, no, the guy who he cut. - No I had to let him go. - Eventually shows up. But then he- - [Both] Then he shows up. - It's kind of like the Revenant. That's what happens in the Revenant. - [Stevie] What of if it isn't a movie. - What if we're ever- - [Stevie] But you both have the same memory of it. - What if we're ever in this situation, let's just go ahead and make the decision. - Who's on the bottom (laughs) Because if you're on the bottom, I'm cutting you loose, buddy. - Uh, I think in our relationship, either one of us could be the top or bottom, you know, while hiking. - Yeah. I don't know how our relationship plays into hiking since I've never done repelling. - [Stevie] I'm waiting for the movie name, but all Davin typed was, oh no (chuckles) (crew laughing) - Oh no what, that we knew the movie? - [Stevie] I think that was a reaction to your conversation. I don't think it's called oh no the movie. (Rhett laughs) - Oh no I'm gonna have to cut him loose. - Oh no the movie sounds like a blockbuster. - [Stevie] Most people know that the Ferris wheel made its debut at the Chicago World's fair in- - 1913. - [Stevie] In? - 1857. - I think the world's fair started in late 1800's. - [Stevie] 1893. - Yeah, but I didn't know- - [Stevie] But what some people don't know is that a man nearly lost his life in preparation of the debut. One of the many engineers who designed and built the wheel was test riding alone when it stopped at the top, after an hour of no movement and unable to effectively communicate with the ground team, the engineer took matters into his own hands and attempted to climb down the Ferris wheel. He of course slipped and fell the equivalent of six stories hitting two large spokes on his way down. Which ultimately broke his fall and saved his life. - Saved his life. - Was his name Dan? - [Stevie] He cracked multiple ribs. - He was looking for the non-slippery parts. - [Stevie] Shattered both his wrists and fractured his right shoulder. But the good news was, locks were installed on the doors of the wheel just prior to its debut. - So no one else could do that. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Yeah, that's true, that's true. The guy hit the spokes and that's what saved him. The Ferris wheel had a life after that. I mean if the guy would have died, none of us would be enjoying Ferris wheels like we do now. - This feels real to me. - Constantly. - This feels real. - Yeah feels real. - [Stevie] Haha its fake, its a movie called- - [Both] Touching the void. - Yes. - No hold on. We were talking about the previous thing, yes. - [Stevie] Yeah - Cut the rope. Touching the void. Yes, yes, yes. - [Stevie] That's a deep cut I feel. - Dang, "Touching the Void" was listed in PBS's 100 greatest documentaries of all time. The Guardian described it as the most successful documentary in British cinema history. Yeah, you can't, (chuckles) you can't pull one over on us when it represented one of the 100 greatest documentaries of all time. Who do you think we are? - We've seen all those of those, all 100. ( Link laughs) We've touched the void. - [Stevie] Okay - We've avoided touching. - [Stevie] But were you on the top? - Touching the void is a way to determine, touching the void is also the technical medical term, when you touch, when you touch your own poop, don't touch your void. (both laughing) - Is void- - Don't touch your own void because when you void, that's like pooping. That's a medical term. - It's a different word, but you're, it's really close to void. - No voiding is a term for pooping. - No, it's not. - Yes it is. - You're saying the medical term for poop is void. - Defecate is the medical term, but voiding is a technical term that you can use. - Eh no no no. - Oh he voided himself. I can say that on like an ER table, he voided himself. - Some a verb. - Yeah. - But the poop laying there is not a void. I would just say one step closer, I think you could- - 'Cause you said touching the void? - You could extract the verb, the noun void for poop from the verb voided for pooping. He touched his own void (chuckles). - Avoid the void because the void is poop in a hospital. - [Stevie] Guys, I'm so sorry to interrupt, but this is the final question of the game that we're currently playing. - Yes. - You have an opinion about touching the void - [Stevie] About touching poop? - Yeah. - [Stevie] I wouldn't recommend it. - Okay. - Well, don't have children 'cause you'll just find yourself with a handful of it occasionally. - Where did this come from? - It's just there. - [Stevie] There's no way. I mean, it's three to one at this point so- - Right. - [Stevie] This is. - There's no way you can win. (Rhett laughs) - [Stevie] Okay. Last up, we've got another story from Reddit. Reddit user SeanfrickinMichaels, writes I 15 M am a huge WWE WWF fan- - Course you are. - [Stevie] And live in an apartment with my family. - Hm. - [Stevie] However, no one was home. I had come up the elevator, and as soon as the door opened, I saw a man at the other end, dude was wearing a mask, which was one of those devilish goat masks with huge horns. - Mmm hmm. - [Stevie] I'm pretty spooked out by his mask, but hey, it's mandatory to wear a mask and maybe he thinks this looks neat on him. So no biggie until he tilted his head. - Is he- - [Stevie] And from the back pocket produced a vicious looking knife. I ran and tried to get to my door before him, but he was surprisingly fast. And that's where WWE comes in. (Rhett chuckles) - Drop kick. - [Stevie] As I see him closing in on me, I hit him with a move called the spear, which is basically running into your opponent's belly with your shoulder. I then quickly opened up the door and locked it. I called my dad instead of the police. But of course, by the time he reached, no one was out there. - By the time he reached, no one was out there. - Reached what? - The void - The void. - Keep in mind the whole time I was reaching for my own void. - Now this, this guy was a 15 years old male. - This is real man, man, this is real man, man. - Yeah, this is, this is- - I mean - This has to be real cause it's like- - Even the way he was ready to talk. - [Stevie] SeanfrickinMichaels - 15 year old male - [Stevie] 15 M. - 15 M. - I think Matt Carney is also- - 15? - [Stevie] Matt frickin Carney. - A wrestling fan. - He is, he is. - I think he wrote this with his own hand. - [Stevie] It is real. According to the, you know SeanfrickingMichaels, but it looks like there's other people on that thread that said that they too had heard of this masked menace. - Whereas you can just buy a goat mask anywhere. - What would you do? Would you run towards or away? - I would- - The void? - I would not run towards a man with a knife and a goat mask. - I wouldn't either. - I mean, I will refer back to the scaredest I've ever been. It was that the episode of ear biscuits that I talked about when me and Kristy went out on the RV, we went on a van life trip if you haven't seen it and this dude drives up, well, I tell the story. - It's a long story - I'm not gonna tell the story. I mean, these stories remind me of what happened to me on that trip and it was just the scaredest I've ever been, but I survived. - It was the scaredest I've ever been and I just listened to the story. - What was the name of that episode? Do you know we're calling it? (Rhett laughs) - We don't know what we called it. - Something about Links trip, van trip. - Yeah. - Slash Link almost got killed. - Yeah something like that. - Slash hashtag killer, hashtag void. (upbeat music) - Hashtag touched the slippery boy. (both laughing) - Cut the rope man, - [Rhett] Get the playful and colorful Mythical embroidered hoodie now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 832,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: fkn8TwjBhGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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