Americans Try Canadian Snacks

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hey I'm Tara I'm Natalie and this is Natalie and Tara a bonus episode in today's bonus is that we get to eat snacks from Canada yay our good friend fans and blue wrench Blair sent us a box of snacks from Canada there's a nice note that I'm not going to read to you and there is an inventory but I've already read that and I'm skipping over it I've organized this how I want to do it and we're gonna start with chocolate here's all photo chocolate no really don't give it any well first of all I have to tell you that Blair committed several felonies by singing Blair send us some of these Kinder Surprise things which are illegal in the United States evidently there have been two times where people have gotten arrested crossing the border from the Canadian border with kinder kinder surprises and they wanted to charge them two thousand five hundred per egg Blair will never give you up don't worry your secret safe will never tell them that you sent these do with kinder surprises which I'm actually very excited about this the idea that there's a toy inside my chocolate I don't know I just squeeze it in it pops I'm gonna bite mm-hmm is that white chocolate on the inside I don't believe it it is oh I got a Star Wars guy I got beer and the Beast Omega and they go on this thing and then and then it's a top top and you spin it and they're dancing oh I put this in here and ever telling you fights mm I'm just be able to move him but I'm okay I'm over it well cool next thing let's go Smarties yeah Smarties in America are evidently what they call Rockets and Canada but these I heard are more like mmm okay like I'm glad I heard that because if I came in here and expected like something tart or chalky can yeah and bit into chocolate I would have been upset so really how they can pick the boxes like divided up wrong in oh it says make em last and so yeah so they'd have to open all the whole pack and it kind of like you do with nerds because that's what you do when you're smart I'm not ooh oh it's got the coating of an Advil with chocolate it does I was like an Advil we love the coating on an anvil it's like the best coating ever okay next thing Crunchy's sponge toffee ooh oh I did I read about this one too this honeycomb on the inside but it's not honey flavored mmm it's a huge kind of huge candy bar smells interesting oh I love the smell mmm I love this I really like the texture doesn't mix old pockets and they pop it you're like timelike mob rocks but I'm not a toffee fan I love this I will I would eat more of this but I know I have more to go so you can save all of this for later I like this Canada if you want on that one you pick mmm I want to see what this thing's about area where'd you learn about the area in your research it's a little pockets of air okay in your chocolate so basically you're paying for less chocolate I don't know I could see the texture being pretty cool ooh Oh interesting it we try to chew it this is like really weird that little give yeah it's interesting Fyers want more chocolate I don't like to chalk up I love the texture I was really looking forward to I thought I was gonna love the bubbles I really like the way it looks though yeah I love the texture the truck okay I love the texture though nextstep caramilk I like that mm-hmm I quite enjoy that mm-hmm I like Cadbury mm-hmm yeah all right it's more like it why does have a question mark on top of it what's going on here caramilk inside the a there's a keyhole on the top of the cat because the other thing it says there's a question mark yeah but I'm pretty sure that's caramel oh my goodness I am getting a sugar rush is it happening oh yeah I just got busy mm-hmm last up on the chocolate is the coffee crisp when you I think this is the one that when we said we got treats from Canada that everybody said coffee crisps rankest yeah which so I'm excited about this I'm gonna pass out it looks like it ooh well the coffee yeah it looks like um like a giant KitKat I really like that mmm-hmm are you just all day yeah mm-hmm oh I love that I'm gonna give it a no taste mmm oh I could eat these forever good thing good the way to education was the way that Starbucks smells to me because I worked at Starbucks for six years I can't deal with that smell I like to dunk things in my coffee mm-hmm and this is what it think makes you think small I'm sorry for you because this is really amazing it's near all yours it says uh makes a nice light snack Oh approved that is it for the chocolates let's move on to the snacks up first I have no idea I didn't look ruffles all dressed he said that the SC's genre near-flawless French is the same as that well it's got an onion and it's got a pepper and it's got salt Canada's very own you'll enjoy this bag of ruffles all dressed chips if one you enjoy the new unique flavor of Canadian food its invented here after all you're seeking something sweet and salty and savory all in one big bag you love getting chips that will make your tastebuds feel like they are going to explode it's like all of the corn nuts in one back that's layered whoo I like it I wouldn't know where to venture yeah there was like I loved it and then I was like I don't think that one that I loved it again I'm home what's happening in the middle someone tell me what flavor I'm experiment in the middle a barbecue situation somewhere in there I like these I can only get these in Canada thumbs up yeah next one let's catch up flavor glaze I mean I get in theory why this would work it just seems wrong well this smells like a jar of ketchup I don't know like halfway through it takes a terrible turn like at first I just know it's ketchup and then suddenly no uh-huh when I try to use maple did you weird Canadians put maple on there oh god whatever is happening in the middle is not good oh no Blair in his thing said that there's some that Natalie's going to hate and because some of them he hates too I'm I'm gonna guess that's one of them next up I don't know what this is I'm excited dill pickle carnie Shawn y'all let F flawless French yeah okay look I can definitely without these I mean I'll just grab for a salt and vinegar one instead for some pickles mm-hmm yeah it's a pickle chips what about and dried pickle chips okay that has to go on a new list called bullet dehydrate mm-hmm I think dried pickle chips would be that would be amazing yep we're doing that do that that's a thing thanks for the inspiration glass chips these are Hickory sticks you can't have this one they have to have a full squish these I like I get behind this these and these I'm all all-in up next we have grannies which I don't need there tartlets I don't know what's happening it's butter and raisin and from what I hear from other people I'm not so sure how this is gonna go oh that's nothing like the picture okay that's mines mines fall apart okay I'm just gonna go for it that's fine it's like a pecan pie without the pecans no I was gonna say it's more like a pop-tart it tastes like um like the maples brown sugar pop-tart almost to me okay yeah uh-huh like this yeah am I getting more and more really what's your sugar holy sugar and some bread butter which are kind of all your favorite things yeah I wonder what like an actual Buttered Rum raisin tart like this it's made by its killer just like the whoopie pies are you not know what is with you I'm big attacked by a pastry hold on a moment you don't do well with pastries no I like it okay I can eat though I am actually amazed secret conversations were about how much you're gonna just like that so hey Valli can always surprise you yeah just add sugar oh the sugar rush is intense I feel like this is not what Canada is really like you're speaking so much louder than usual we have two things left which require us making a thing and stuff so we've got 80 which is kraft dinner which is macaroni and cheese I read into it the Canadians are crazy about their balance sheets Canadians Canadian don't even if I'm saying that word right come in they consume 1.7 million boxes of Kraft Dinner a year just in Canada Wow just in Canada like that is if I remember right it's like half of the Kraft dinners the Casa de macaroni and cheese then is sold in a year it goes to Kim really I've owned a box of American macaroni and cheese just to kind of see what the differences are here there may or may not be differences from the get-go however the directions are different so there's more milk in this and more butter in this one so we're gonna make them both and then we're gonna try it out but since I'm gonna be at the oven and we also got sent some Swiss Chalet I'm gonna make this dipping sauce as well and I'm gonna send a tear out to go get some stuff to dip it into right back okay so I have made both Mac and cheeses I have the Kraft Dinner do you want which ones which no I think the blind taste test me okay even though you know but let's see if I can guess it cuz funsies sure if that's what's fun for you yeah it's fun I will immediately say the noodles look different the colour is different I know if you can tell that over there that's the American one and this is Canada yes why do you think that just the colour for some reason this is the exact same color as it wasn't we were kids the only reason that I think the only reason I would have guessed that is because America has gone through this big thing of like trying to make things look natural and I will tell you when this came out of the packet it was white and it so they've also done something to make it look more natural coming out of the packet and then it got the colour because otherwise it was just been white how could it either them yeah I can go either way but I do like I do like the memory lane that's in this bowl okay last thing we got a packet of Swiss Chalet which is a dipping sauce evidently from a restaurant called Swiss Chalet yeah that's famous for their dipping sauce smells like coal oh and evidently at the restaurant they serve it with chicken with rotisserie chicken and with fries so I have both two tried them with I don't know I don't know it didn't say on the package whoo it's a show that he was not expecting that either the better with the chicken I don't know better it's it's it's almost like it has no flavor and yet flavor yeah it's weird I don't know I hate it I don't like it with the fries at all that was not a that was a mistake yeah the fried version of it is not for me I'm not sold I mean I would try it at the restaurant I try it not out of a packet because you know sometimes it's just out of a packet I am NOT no but thanks thank you so much but no thank you oh gosh that was super fun though really fun good job on the research man you found some interesting for information that I did not know about Smarties and rockets and butterfingers and error and air pockets and animators maybe it's not real stuff either I might have made it all if you're Canadian and you're watching this and you're like screaming inside your head don't scream type it out let us know we love it you can use all caps if you would like will allow it thank you so much Blair for sending us this giant box of fun stuff I am so glad to have tried all this stuff I can't wait to someday go to Canada kanata doc he knew tada and to write embarrassing it but until then I'm Tara I'm Natalie and this was Nellie and Tara a bonus episode thanks for joining us don't freak subscribe comment below all those good things we'll catch you on the flip side yo
Channel: Natalie and Tara
Views: 30,775
Rating: 4.6962028 out of 5
Keywords: Canadian snacks, Canadian food, canadian candy, coffee crisp, ketchup chips, americans try, trying canadian snacks, all dressed, swissh chalet, americans try canadian candy, americans try canadian snacks, taste test
Id: mBkBu8b_ojM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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