Bacon Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Taste Test

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) (spinning wheel pegs hitting) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - Gifticality, we're donating $1000 to TeamTrees. - Woo. - This is the collaborative, if you're on YouTube, you already know about this. The effort from YouTuber's Mr. Beats, Beast. - Beats. - Mr. Beats, he's a new predecessor to Mr. Beast. And Mark Rober to plant 20 million trees by January 1st 2020 in partnership with the Arbor Day foundation. $1 equals one tree, please join us in giving at - So because you wanted more, we're gonna taste some ham flavored snacks. But we've got one more ham creation that we're gonna taste. And I will say, today is the start of our big "Back in Black" Black Friday sale, it continues all weekend, through Sunday. There's revamped versions of some of your favorite apparel. Plus, we got your favorite mugs, tees, hats, grooming and more, up to 40% off. - 40% off! - Well, can we do this, this sounds crazy., go there. - Okay, Josh, could you please bring in that glorious thing that's in your hands. - Can I see your... Oh, my goodness is this a, its a freaking - That's peanut butter, jelly and - Ham - [Josh] Bacon , it's similar, it's ham-esque. - Oh my gosh - You've made it huge, is that part of it? - Why is it so big? - That's how they do it in Colorado? - [Josh] I think this is what killed Elvis? Maybe, Elvis ate it for sure and then he died. - He was bludgeoned with it. - Yeah exactly. - It's that big. I think you made it this big for the thumbnail. - [Josh] No, that's the actual recipe, it's a whole loaf of french bread hollowed out, 1 pound of bacon, 1 jar of peanut butter 1 jar of jelly. - Look at me, I am on a thumbnail. Can't get enough of me. - [Josh] Elvis was the original influencer. - Um... In Colorado, which is how I say it by the way, have you ever been to Colorado? Its a beautiful state. - I've been to Denver, with you. - Its a beautiful state, is it not? - I've been to Denver, without you too by the way. I don't need you to go to Denver. - When did you go to Denver without me? What possessed you to go to Denver without me? - Remember that summer I was sowing my wild oats? - Ah, In Colorado. - Yeah - Free love in Colorado. - No free love. No paid love either, it wasn't about love. Why do oats have to be about love? (chewing) - Well, I mean how could that not be good, right? I mean something had to be wrong with you, for you to not enjoy this. - I've never had it and I feel stupid that I've never had it. - Just puttin' bacon on a grilled cheese. I mean grilled cheese (laughs), on a pb & j. - Why do they call it fools gold, why don't they just call it gold? I mean, it's that good. - Legend has it that Elvis Presley once ate a sandwich made with a jars worth of grape jam, a jars worth of peanut butter and an entire pound of bacon. In honor of that, the now closed restaurant the Colorado Mine Company in Denver sold it for 49.95. Elvis once took his private jet to Denver and back in one night, just to get the sandwich because he couldn't find bread, peanut butter, jelly and bacon In Tennessee. Go and get the plane ready. - This is what legends are made of man. We've been on that plane. - We have. - I was there, you were there. - You haven't been to Graceland without me. - I coulda been there without you, but I haven't. You really got a lot right here. - Here, there - MmHmm. That's good, do you approve, do you certify? - [Josh] I'm sorry, I'm still eating this garbage plate over here. - Yeah he is. - [Josh] That is great. - Half the plate of garbage is gone, he's just over there eating. - The BBQ spaghetti, that's a special thing as well. - [Josh] It is. - I don't know why that hasn't caught on. - [Josh] I don't either, it seems like at least TGI Fridays can take up the mantle. - Right. - [Josh] They got all the ingredients. - Yeah - You know as it is, they could do it. - In Tennessee-- - Email 'em. - Once we found out it was Tennessee it was that sweet, smokey BBQ sauce that's in there. - We got some ham flavored tater chips here. Torres Selecta, Iberian Ham flavored Jamon Iberico. - [Josh] Yeah, you nailed it. - I think it's, I don't think you say the J. I am not gonna try to say it, but I don't think you pronounce the J. This is the Iberico ham - Jam-on! Where the pigs are feed exclusively truffles right? - [Josh] No, actually acorns and hazelnuts. - I think you're mixing that up with the pigs that they employ to find truffles. They're both employed, but for different reasons. - So they give 'em hazelnuts? - [Josh] Yeah, they actually graze on pasture that's underneath hazelnut trees. And in California they raise pigs the same way but with avocados. - You know the first 17 years of Links life we only let him eat hazelnuts. - That's why his fat tastes so good, (laughs) similar to the Iberico pigs. - I wish you'd stop nibbling on my fat. (laughing) These chips, they are very subtly ham flavored. I would actually, if I had to guess and I didn't read the label, the one that says Jamon. I would say these are butter flavored chips. - I could get there. - They taste like butter right? (crunching) Very buttery. - Butter with a dash of ham. - Yeah, ham butter, very good. Look to be-- - Very rich. - Too expensive for my taste. Next we have some Gerber. - Oh yum, we're going straight to the baby food. - Gerber ham and gravy. - You know, we don't have babies anymore. - Oh god, thank goodness. - But I was actually talking to-- - Sorry Morgan, I was just saying thank goodness I don't have a baby. - I was talking to someone recently who has a baby. - Morgan just had a baby - Not Morgan. - And you know, the thing they do now is, very few people do this. Everybody processes their own food now, especially here in California. - Really? - You gotta get these special food processor things. You got one of these, food processor for the baby? - [Morgan] Not yet. You still giving 'em this stuff in the cans? - I want you to have one of these here. - Oh, he's still on milk. Okay well, when you get to that stage are you going-- - It's the second foods. You going jar or are you going processor? I think you should go processor, people will judge you in this state if you don't. - We can come over, we can feed him this. That way he can get to know his uncle Link and his uncle Rhett. - All my kids were born and raised before that train had caught on, so whatever jars do to kids my kids have had that done to them. (laughing) I got jar kids. If they don't succeed in life, I'll be like, you can't blame 'em, they're jar kids. - This is ham and gravy. - You got jar kids too. - I think I had jar kids. - This smells horrible. - I don't remember when my kids were young, it's like a defense mechanism. Mm, this is not gonna be fun. Dink it, sink it. - Second foods. Baby's got bad taste. Why do we start 'em. You know that's wrong with this place, this place being the world. - Okay. - You start giving children this kind of thing early how do you expect them to become anything? - This is coming from a jar daddy. - Yeah. I'm a jar daddy, - You're taking it all back? - With 2 jar kids and I won't even endorse this. Straight from the jar daddy's mouth. - I do have to say, the taste is a bit jarring. (laughs) It's bland, I think when you're introducing kids to solid food, you don't want it to be, it's not like you wanna feed 'em a lemon or like, something too salty. - Unless you're filming it for the inter webs. - No, these are ham-dy canes. Hamdy canes. I would think that this is-- - Get it? - Better than bacon flavored stuff. Now when people do bacon flavor and there is no actual bacon in it, a lot of time these candies et cetera, they get it wrong, right? It's just a bunch of liquid smoke. Now I gotta think that maybe the ham people did it right. - Oh gosh, this is gonna be hard to open. Oh, but it was easy to open. - Archie McPhee. - See how easy that is to open. It's a pleasant surprise. - You know Katharine McPhee she's married to a dude that's like - 90 - 90 - Gives us hope. - I really think she is marrying dudes to have a daddy. I really think that's what's going on. - Oh gosh, right. A jar daddy? (laughing) Take Katharine Mcphee in the market for a jar daddy. - Lets have her on the show and ask her. - So Katharine. - Are you in search of a jar daddy? - [Josh] He's 70, by the way. - 70, that ain't bad. - 70, he's still a jar daddy. - Still sweet. - What does it take to be a jar daddy? I mean, I'm a jar daddy, I'm 42. Anybody 70 and above was definitely a jar baby. - After eating this baby food, this is great. - It's pretty good. - But I think if we hadn't have just eaten this, we wouldn't like this. - That's what they're doing for the babies. - They're forcing you to grow up quick. It's aspirational food. - You give them this, so then they won't complain about everything later. - You see the wisdom in it, now you are a true jar daddy. - I'm a jar daddy, I've got 2 jar kids and I whole heartedly endorse this jar. - I don't really taste a lot of ham in this. - Finally-- - These, these right here, Clover Chips, Leslie's Clover Chips. - Josh I hate to inform you but, Clovers are not pork product. - [Josh] Uh no, but I guess I have no response, you're right. (laughing) - Ham and cheese flavored. - Oh where's it, oh it says that down here. - Yeah. - Ham and cheese flavored clover chips. - That looks like a-- - Why do they call it clover chips? - [Josh] Open the bag and find out. - Oh they must be shaped. - I'm scared Josh. This says Simut-Sarap Kasamai. - [Josh] Yeah, it's a Filipino brand so it's Tagalog. - Aw yes. - Tagalog? - Uh, Tagalog, the language - language spoke in the Philippines. - Yeah, well what does it mean? - I think Sarap actually means something to do with tasty. I think its like the Bon Appetit in Tagalog, you say like hong sarap or something. I can't remember it but it means like-- - It's like, enjoy these chips. - [Josh] Yeah. - Jar babies and non jar babies alike. - Look at those. - [Rhett] You made it seem like I was gonna learn something when I saw it. - [Josh] They're clover shaped. - Maybe they were at one point. - They're clover shaped? Kinda looks like a (crunching) Oh, that's an interesting consistency. - That's a strong, You get hit with a ham flavor, right off the bat - And then the cheese slides in. - I like how it's ham and cheese flavored and you do experience it in that order, ham then cheese. - Those are really good. Between these two. You know what, the good thing about this is that you can put it on the tip of your tongue and you've got a tongue tip. - For what purpose? - Protection. - From what? - Getting hit, getting punched in tongue. - (laughing) Careful, careful. - Careful what? Yeah, I am being careful. That's why I'm protecting my tongue tip with the tongue punch protection. - There you go, that's what I was asking you to be careful about. Our "Back in Black" Black Friday sale offers new takes on classic merch and up to 40% off items store wide. Get in on the deals at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 577,142
Rating: 4.9261084 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, Pork Flavored Snacks Taste Test, America's Craziest Pork Dishes Taste Test, national pork board, pork, food, meat, bbq spaghetti, american food
Id: FdgxpiiSgkM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 29 2019
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