American Spy From Iraq Opens Up

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what is Iran's ultimate motive from the seeder the river they want to control the whole Middle East so what do you think about our move to pull the troops in 2012 good move or bad move terrible move tell me why you have to know when al-qaeda member run away in Iraq they end up going where some of them end up coming to this country we make this decision here's what could potentially happen that terrified them and that's why they sent soleimani an order for revolution happen you know what's gonna happen with students it's gonna cost a lot of lives if you think you're gonna get it peacefully because they've been protesting peacefully it's not gonna happen nothing comes for free where does the ayatollahs go if they leave Iran he has nowhere to go they are ready to kill every single citizen they love their ideology more than they love their own people there has to be sanctions there has to be precious shooting people and the head if they ever come after your family or no I never went home you talk about a coup or revolutional regime collapse that's what you're talking about yeah is that possible for that to happen we won't have peace and the Ayatollah goes away did you ever think you will make good I feel I'm suppose I could take sweet victory I know this slice meant for me yeah yeah why would you bet on Goliath well we got fat a V value Taemin giving values contagious this world of entrepreneurs we can evaluate this hottie run homie look what I become I'm the unborn [Music] so today I have a special guest with me since all the issues and controversies taking place between u.s. and Iran and the Middle East I figured it made sense to get somebody that actually lived in Iraq and experienced it so today's guest is Hamid II Jassim who wrote the book terrorist whisper which you'll find out here in a minute why this is when Saddam's regime fell Iraqi military restarted a new army new military he was the 19th soldier of that military and he became the youngest sergeant major at 19 years old and today we're gonna find out about the conditions of the Middle East from somebody who was in it I'm only thank you so much for coming out thank you very much for having me so before we go into your story I mean a lot of the things you're seeing right now with the news you're seeing that Sam soleimani you're seeing Iran you're seeing World War 3 you've seen all this stuff how are you processing all this information for somebody that's been there before it's um it's kind of surprising you know especially the killing of Kozma soleimani you know but I think many people don't realize that what Qasem Soleimani role is in that war in Iraq I mean my days goes back all the way down back to 2006 2005 when sulemani was just establishing his little militias in Iraq and was going around Iraq communicating with al-qaeda and anybody that was fighting against the United States during that period so it's kind of surprising actually to see finally that we put an end to silly monies efforts in the Middle East because so the money wasn't just really any Iranian general he was basically the smartest person in the Iranian regime and silly money had figured out the keys to the Iraqi government which is something that the American government did not know how to contain or control because selling money have controlled the Iraqi government with a fist for the last 15 years probably and have you have had a chance to see him have you ever been around him I have witnessed the movement of some money about 20 feet when I was working as an undercover intelligent asset for the US intelligence he started moved comfortably in Iraq as much as the US troops started taking their hands away from Iraq as you know the rockie government was completely majority of it was appointed by Iran and the person that would choose these individuals or LED them or put them through the process to become an asserting position was selling money himself majority to people in Iraq that were put into power were chosen by those in Iran absolutely so my money would actually be the one to to select them and they would never get the position of salim improve so the media is painting us to two different soleimani i want to know from you having been there yourself one side is you know iran loved them 82 percent approval rating all this stuff they keep hearing about you know people mourn thousands of people showed up to his funeral that's one side right the other side is a brilliant strategist killing iranians killing iraqis killing US soldiers you know vicious terrorist kurds doesn't matter what it is anybody that's in his way he's going through them how do you view muir celfon experience I think he's been the perfect tool for the Ayatollah since the 80s in putting down protests and taking care of all the enemies of the Ayatollah or the enemies in Iraq or Syria or any other countries he you can never underestimate the intelligence of Soleimani silly money has a controlled Iraq he called all the shots and I think that silly money was a competitor for us as a US government as US military US intelligence he was one of our main competitors until about 2012 when we pulled the troops he became actually the main person to dominate Iraq so what do you think about our move to pull the troops in 2012 good move or a bad move a terrible move tell me why a terrible move because once we pull the troops out of Iraq it gave Iran the full power to actually finally have their control of Iraq and the Iraqi government itself you have an example the person that died was silly money Abba mania Mohandas was actually not allowed to be in the Iraqi government at all until about 2012 only pull the troops so if we wouldn't have let you say we don't it's 2012 we don't pull the troops we stay there what changes what would have been different today none of the key figures in Iraqi government none of the faces that one towards Fame we would have been as active as they we're in the last few years I think that pulling the troops that have gave them an opportunity to be part of the Iraqi government most of them were wanted by the US government some of them were people that fought against the US military and they would not have found the chance to be in a position like that they used to compete for that power once we pulled the troops it became an open land for them and they took control completely of the Iraqi government perhaps because they're the only armed group within the Iraqi government and they started controlling the Iraqi government one branch after the other including the army itself now 2012 was Barack Obama as the US president versus now we have Trump you're in it there's a big difference between me saying here's what's going on the streets of you know Baltimore or Chicago or you know Iran Tehran whatever it is versus you're actually in there yourself seeing the decisions being made from the top of the president what is the biggest difference between the way decisions were made with Barack Obama versus the way the decisions being made right now with Trump I think the media would portray them differently to the American people but what I see differently is that President Obama made a huge mistake by pulling the troops the way they did the truth should never have been pulled the way they the way they where they if we planned a pullout for the troops we should have a planned it in stages and we should have not left the Iraqis alone it's almost like handing you a house without a roof and that's what really happened in Iraq we had so many projects so many things that the US military and the Iraqi military and the Iraqi government were working on together and all of a sudden we just disappeared and decided to leave and people like hallouwe murray al Mohandas had a great opportunity he'll come back but you know sometimes voters will get out there and they'll say what a noble thing to do to pull troops out we got to get out of there let them figure it out because there's two sides to it right one side is like why are we getting involved with everybody's problems why should we get involved with everybody's prompts and then there's another side saying we got to get them all because there's business dealings Human Rights etc etc what are your thoughts on both arguments being made I think Iraq fell a victim because of the condition here between a Republican and Democrats and I think none of them have really looked at the big picture to realize that pulling out the troops would have cost more damage and you have an example of what happened in Iraq after the troops pulled out Isis had the biggest comeback perhaps most of the Isis fighters that you faced in Iraq escaped out of prison after the troops pulled out of Iraq 45 days exactly up to the troops pulled out of Iraq over 600 al-qaeda member scaped out of the Abu Ghraib prison so this was a comeback for everybody not just for OMA honda salami and and soleimani to have even stronger grip in iraq it was a comeback for the for for Isis and the extremists as well so it left Iraq open and Iraq it became an easy place for anybody to do whatever they want do you think Barack Obama and his administration when they're making a decision like that you don't shoot like we would assume they have all the Intel to know that if we make this decision here's what could potentially happen do you think they know that and then they did it what do you think they didn't know that and then they made the decision so all depends on the advisors that have you know I'm expecting as a president of the United States you should have advisors that evaluate the situation away from the political views and that's the problem we've been having in America we should not be evaluating things based on political views and I think that they knew the consequences but they were looking to convince the American people and have a win here in the US by pulling the troops but in Iraq we didn't when many lives were taken many as 80 children were taken as sex slaves it caused a disaster Mosul fell under the hands of of Isis and that's not only to blame it on under Obama inspiration also to blame it on the key figures that took over after the pullout of the troops I mean al-maliki had back then the prime minister of Iraqi he had a part through it all the corruption that was happening was also part of what's happening but I believe once the troops pulled out corruption became its full capacity in Iraq it went to a hundred percent full capacity absolutely worse than Saddam oh absolutely okay absolutely I mean if you I mean if you think about Saddam before Saddam was to its what that any of Saddam Minister was would would dare to steal something during Saddam nobody but all the sudden and you'll have a country with so many Saddam's and every single one of them is still in the country in his own way so the country just went to a chaos everybody was stealing the army the Ministry of oil everybody was stealing whatever they are and you know things were getting divided based on the religious background Iraqi government it was not who is qualified in the raca government it was which political party which is llama group that you represent so you take this ministry and you steal a hell out of it that's how that's always so things are you saying things were smoother in Iraq when Saddam was in there I wouldn't say like you know things were as smoother Saddam was the only bad guy look at it this way and then all of a sudden you had all the bad guys that competed against Saddam to take power from Saddam because the people who actually came and took part of the Iraqi government of Saddam after Saddam had fell out it was the people that didn't like Saddam who were living in Iran under the protection of the Ayatollah and mostly were members of the battacor and they're not any better they're just as bad as Saddam Hussein how worse can things get right now the way it's going I think the way it's been going before the killing of Qasem Soleimani we expected them to kill every single protester in Iraq and they would not leave that place and that's what I always said they would kill every single Iraqi and they're ready to do that before they leave power even though 20 Soleimani pre-sold money selling money but killing of the Qasem Soleimani has really left Iran a shock right now the relationships that Soleimani held in Iraq him and our Mohandas were that basically the the two key figures that held the whole entire Iraqi government so now Iran has to come back and establish all these so Iraq right now is under a golden opportunity to actually free itself from the Iranian influence you think they'll do it I mean if you have millions of people protesting and they've been getting shot in the head you know hundreds of Iraqis as you know has been getting killed protesting peacefully for for their country against the Ayatollah and flow Iraq and they're still out there protesting as we speak I think this is a generation that is very different they did not live into the Saddam regime is not afraid of anything they are facing it the way they are and I think that these are the future for us but I don't think they will leave peacefully I don't think they want you don't think they're gonna leave peacefully now okay so how much of this how much of this how Modi is the relationship of Saudi Arabia trying to protect their interests with the oil the second-largest reserves in the world and then they used Iraq as a wall as a cushion between themselves and Iran because Iran and Saudi have problems they do a lot of proxy wars between the two of them how much of this has to do with oil how much of it is religion how much of it is nuclear how much of it is power and how much of it is politics I think honestly it it has a lot of it to do with politics had a lot of things to do with with power and also oil the same time because you have to know that Iran has been under Sections recently but they've been doing a lot of their financing in Iraq behind the table they've been acquitting a lot of their products Iran basically uses Iraq as a as a as a backyard to take care of their finances meaning what controlling literally the whole entire Iraqi economy they under their control but is that enough for them to survive so not not enough maybe but but they can they can use it to to kind of lower the pressure of the sections on them do you have Intel yours I mean you're you're big on Intel obviously you turn we will talk about your story here but do you have Intel to know what is Iran's ultimate motive what is it what are they trying to do what what are they trying to get through what is their motivation of wanting to get closer to Saudi is there anything there who are they trying to retaliate to what what is their might think it's just I do G of the Ayatollah is to have the Revolution of Iran from the from the from the seed of the river they want to control the whole Middle East and that's how it been for us meaning the influence has been going all over Iraq who's been going to Syria it's gonna go in the Eman and they want to have control they want to have a representative of every country a Lebanon they're everywhere and I think they want to have that grip of the whole entire Middle East so I believe it is more of over power than it is over everything else you you think it's more power and control over everything anything else absolutely so not religion because a lot of times people think sunnis and shiaas don't get along they actually have a lot of things in common it's just a couple things that they defer Abu Bakr and Ali it's not a big difference between the two exactly so oil you're saying it is a little bit of oil but it's not a lot of oil nuclear Iran doesn't have any nuclear they may do some stuff I know you had some dealings yourself with uranium that you you had an issue going on with that so power and control okay so you get hired to be a consultant you're in a room with ten other folks who have Intel decision-makers who know a lot about Middle East is there ever gonna be a time where there will be peace in the Middle East if yes how if no why yes will be if we get rid of the Ayatollah on his government because as you see the Iranian people they've been protesting for years trying to get trying to have a voice but they're being getting killed just like how the Iraqis we're getting shot in the head I believe that everybody been minding their own business like even the Saudis look the Saudis had some influence in Iraq in their own way but not to an extent to actually cost you harm not to an extent to control you as a country under their wing but Iran has been trying to control Iraq under the wing for the last since 2003 literally so we will have peace if the Ayatollah goes away because the Ayatollah is our only goal is to control the Middle East with his fist is that possible for that SAP you talk about a cool revolutional regime collapse that's that's what you're talking about yeah is that possible for that to happen I think it's impossible for the Iranian people because they don't have so by themselves because if they don't have the right they can never do that as you know back in 2012 when the Iranians had a protest and what happened to all the protesters then when I protested against I met in a job man mm-hmm they all got booed in prison because they specialized in how to put a protest away how to come protest then how to put a protest away away the colas yeah yeah and you know Soleimani was actually the perfect what is the formula I think the formula is is to do certain things that would get your not get your focus away from what you're trying to talk about or ask and the reason why sulemani came to Baghdad because this was a major issue for the Ayatollah I think that the Ayatollah does not does not care less if Sunni Iraqis goes out protest against him but it terrifies the Ayatollah if shared Iraqis goes out protesting protesting has that started you don't know of course the majority of the protesters that were not to produce where she had so that terrified them and that's why they sent sulemani and Abu many Mohandas hot eleméry were shooting people in the head with a sniper with they used all kind of things against protesters and the protesters demanded they would not leave their position so one on her hand and so Imani has a established a broom and Baghdad and to how they can distract the protesters and the goal was to actually to drag the Iraqi people and the protesters in a confrontations with the American people or but with the American government over the American military but the protesters were smart enough because the power of the internet the power of social media you have a generation that's completely educated that is not blind that don't want just a couple channels like we used to do in their Saddam in Iran that's right and they're very open-minded and they understand politically every single move Soleimani was initiating in Iraq perhaps when they attacked the US Embassy in Iraq the protesters were only about a mile and a half away but not one protester entered the Green Zone towards the US Embassy because they knew that would be a trap because the goal was to make a look the Iraqi people attack the US and but it wasn't the rack you people these were the Iranian paid malicious so there are so many goals to drag Iraq in a competition in America but people of Iraq they waking up they don't want any trouble with America anymore they just want the Iranian influence to go away and if that goes the way you think things will settle down in the Middle Middle East absolutely in a big way absolutely so so somebody is watching this and they are thinking about okay what would be the method to cool I mean obviously you know the Iranian Revolution how it took place in 78 79 the approach they use spreading tapes and giving tapes to each other yeah and recording Comenius tapes and listen to what he's saying this is what he's saying the shots got all this money what would be the approach today I think people have seen everything about diet Allah the truth is already out there the approach I think is to to have to control Iran moves in the Middle East if we go to negotiation with Iran we need to make sure Iran does not put its hand in any other country and if that happens I think if they leave Iraq alone Iraq will get someone its own no problem the only reason we couldn't get up on our own is because of the ayatollah government so if they were to do it today you know i talked to a lot of family and middle-east and what their fears are parents specially parents don't mind with their lives you know their senators saying I'm 55 years old whatever but the kids knowing in order for revolution happen you know what's gonna happen with students yeah it's gonna happen with kids younger generation younger generation it's always been the case green movement that's always busy we have in Iraq right now exactly it's always a younger movement right so but but for that to happen it's gonna cost a lot of lives it's not gonna be they're not gonna do it and it's gonna be peaceful it's not gonna be 500 lives it's not gonna be a thousand life so you know that part yeah how do you describe that to somebody to say if you want democracy you got to go through it or is it part of the recipe where it's gonna be painful for a period it's nothing comes for free I've been telling my fellow Iraqis that if you think you're gonna get it peacefully because they've been protesting peacefully it's not gonna happen aren't they have weapons they have organized militias organized army they control the leadership of the whole entire country of Iraq like the leadership of the Iraqi military as well right now it's not gonna work unless blitt is gonna be shed because they're not gonna live they gonna not gonna leave peacefully and they haven't tried the Iranian influence in Iraq have tried all its cards right now they have ran it through all of it they call the protested at Baptist mitches Saddam Hussein below a co party about this but you can't call somebody who's a 20 year old about this who actually was born right after Saddam had gone away they don't know what the bath party is so they've been accusing them with all kind of names of kind of accusations but they ran out of it they have accused them being an agents of the United States they have accused them of being spies who believes a dog or the Iranian people believe in that I don't think the Iranian people believe in that I think they really am bill Iranian people are pretty smart and they know exactly what the Iraqi people want our problem as Iraqis is not with the Iranian people our problem is with the Iranian government and that's a different our problem with the ideology of Ayatollah I think Iran would be a beautiful country if the Ayatollah wasn't in it let me ask you a question what you see 82% a support that Sam Soleimani had when he passed away the Iranian and then you know well a lot of people are afraid of voting for the guys similar to what Trump is that a lot of Trump voters will never publicly say I'm a trump supporter you know and then they go vote and they don't talk about it because the word about politics within work how much of Iranians out of their eighty something million that they have their country how much of their population supports ayatollahs philosophy religion approach of governing the nation I don't believe the majority of the Iranian people suppose there's a lot what's major 60% I believe a lot less than that that's supported Ayatollah I'm a huge believer in less than 50% of ordem absolutely 30% support some have a have a revolution in Iran you'll find out only reason I'm asking this question is because there's a big difference between 50 50 because 50 America right now is what I say 45 45 and 10 on the panel libertarians which they'll go you know swing they go this way or the other way right but you got 45 45 Republican Democrats right yeah do you think it is a 50/50 split or do you think it's more 30% that support Ayatollah and 70 percent cannot wait for the regime to fall in color I think saving percent cannot wait for the regime to okay now wait regime because look what an example of Saddam Hussein what did the Saddam Hussein convince the people that the majority of Iraqis warned him in power he expected to fight for six months defending Baghdad and it took him how long for him to fall down three weeks because if you tell the people and convince them that everybody's support you people can't express their opinions in Iran you don't know how soon the Iranians feel I reached to some of the Iranians inside of Tehran on social media on asked them and secretly they would tell me what they feel but I know when they go to their social media they're supporting Cosell Imani they're supporting the Ayatollah of your run because they're afraid to and I understand that methodology because I lived under that kind of control I lived under Saddam Hussein and God if you open your mouth during Saddam Hussein you'll be gone so I think that and way deep inside of the Iranian people heart is they don't want the Ayatollah they want their country back now let me give you the other devil's advocate question for you as well just curious know what you'll say about this you just said a you know mistake was made in 2012 when Barack Obama pulled the troops and the next thing you know it went from one Saddam Hussein 200 Saddam Hussein's being in Iraq and his hands and shambles right okay Isis came back up etc okay great now somebody makes okay if there's a revolution in Iran who is the voice who replaces it who becomes the new leader at least at that time there was a candidate and it was Ho mania jiménez going to come and he was somebody people can rally behind for them and against mosa death with the help of CIA it was the Shah right people rallied behind Shah is gonna make you run more westernized and give women more power etc etc one don't you need a personality like that for that to happen like you need somebody to rally behind yeah who is that person today I don't think you're ons got somebody like you know Iran does not have but I think that's what the Iranian people needs to figure out because if you look at a protest of their if you look into the protest in Iraq they figured this out they protest they were out protesting for about a month or so and then they figured out we can't just keep asking for something that we don't know what we're asking for we need to appoint a person that we think is the right leader for this country who's we we as Iraqis so Iraqis actually have found an Iraqi politician that has not been under the Iranian influence and this partnership he's actually a Shia but he is not a religious guy okay he is more of a kind of he's just like a liberal mentality he's not under the Iranian influence perhaps he's been speaking against the Iranian influence and he has a very long history of a speaking against the religious figures the problem with what ruining Iraq right now is the religious figures and politics and I think that the Iranian people they have a plenty of figures that are not religious that wants to help Iran as a country and I think that if the protesters in Iran figure this out this could become a possibility but I don't think the Ayatollah would leave peacefully that will never happen and we all know that where would he go if he did leave like let's just say you know the Shah leaves Shah goes here you know he goes to all these different places where he's welcome where does the ayatollahs go if they leave Iran he has nowhere to go that's the point so that's what I'm saying is that airight Allah would never leave peacefully I think that Ayatollah will fight all the way to the end and I as I said is they are ready to kill every single citizen of the Iran or Iraq or anywhere else before they can leave I don't think they care I think they believe in the ideology of the revolution they believe the ideology their religious ideology and I think they love their ideology more than they love their own people they love the ideology more than they love their own absolutely indeed I think that's that's what well to shame yeah that's what that's what had been in Iraq there to shame so so let me ask you so now we talk about Barack Obama now let's talk about President Trump in in the past you've been critical of President Trump with him putting the would he call it the Muslim ban and and what that was like but what are your thoughts about what he's doing today with the sanctions he put and what he did in April of 2019 with the IRGC because soleimani was a part of it and he categorized him as a terrorist etc terrorist organization what do you think about the approaches he and his administration to have taken less eight and a half months I think before the election I wasn't really sure of President Trump after the election he has a proven to me that everything I wanted to see to happen is specifically in Iraq or the rest of the Middle East specifically is where I am looking at is everything I wanted to do he did it and that's the power of asking the right people talking to military advisors understanding from people of experience and I think that's where I gave a president Trump a five star because he has a proven to me that everything he was doing is for a purpose and I think that President Trump has been going on the right direction when it comes to the Middle East and for that I supported him on the travel ban because there was a reason why you're supplyin dressed president Trump officially on the travel ban cuddly and a recent Ford because we did have individuals that we battled in Iraq as a terrorist end up coming inside of the United States some of them went to court here and were arrested by the FBI and there's a reason that we had to do that because week during Obama's time we canceled some of the background checks they were supposed to do and some of these individuals you have to know when al Qaeda member run away in Iraq when there are or when they're put an arrest against them and they end up running out of the country they end up going where they leave Iraq goes to either Jordan they used to go to Syria back in the day and from there we started taking refugees for the UN and some of them end up coming to this country that's that's kind of like very that's very weak you know I think that we need to put herself other country here and because our enemies wants to come here they want to come inside of this country and some of them that I have known I've seen personally I end up making it to the US and I couldn't believe my eyes I couldn't believe what I heard when I found out they were here so I am NOT against refugees in a way but I wanted to say but I want to make sure we have a very strict process we can bring find good people from the Middle East just like myself I'm an immigrant myself like came to this country started all over again and we need to bring people who would be a great addition to this country but I'm against people who would come to this country and want to harm it and it will make life for people like myself extremely difficult so you support his decisions he made you support the sanctions he put he keeps increasing the sanctions on Iran he's supporting he's telling other UN nations hey tighten your own restrictions with Iran don't do business with them these are all moves being made by somebody who would like to see an internal regime collapsing these are this just a formula if you're looking at a formula on how to make a cheesecake you put that together boom yep this is the recipe on how to create a coup you know people against the regime you know a revolution is that kind of the direction you're seeing that going okay so you're seeing I think he put a zip tie on the ayatollahs neck and slowly he is closing that zip tied tighter and tighter and tighter and as you can see what's been happening in Iran in the last 48 hours that's that's an example to show you that this is the way to get the Iranian people to make a move towards the Ayatollah you know Venezuela I have a lot of people in our company that are from Venezuela okay and it came here they love their country just like Iran ian's love their country I'm sure there's somewhere inside that you love Iraq and your family and your two uncles that were killed by Saddam's regime I mean listen there's an emotional connection affinity to the land that you have exactly but then you got to do what you got to do you got to move on and go take yourself you have kids I have kids you want to have them be in a safer place Venezuela is got two regimes you got Maduro and you got got your right so today Gallo is a voice that people can get behind and people can vote and people can rally behind a figure I I don't know if an opportunity like this for Iran's gonna come too often like what they have right now I mean it's not like it comes once every three years I don't think an opportunity like this with the way the sanctions have been put because in order for Iran to have the opportunity for a cool revolution or regime collapse there has to be sanctions there has to be pressures the government has to be tightened they there has to be a lot of fear from the top and and us has to create the sanctions so if another president gets elected and they remove the sanctions Iran is gonna start doing business again around the world with their oil they're not gonna be afraid they're people right now but my worries is Venezuela has a figurehead Iran doesn't have a figurehead and I would I would certainly hope if they do want to see something happen they have to be more urgent than they've ever been to rally behind a personality I think the Iranian people needs to be extremely careful on any steps they would take right now during their protest against Ayatollah because you need to go back in history and figure out when Moussaoui and Ahmadinejad were competing against each other what was the point of that election what happened to all the Iranian activists that went on spoke against the Ayatollah where are they now prison they're gone yeah because that was an opportunity to actually figure out who are the enemy of their Tola and I think they need to be careful because this is what Ayatollah did in Iraq and as we speak just in the last for 24 hours they have assassinated over 10 Iraqi reporters there in the last 24 hours that's 24 hours as we speak they're assassinating people right now in Iraq because their goal is to find out the activists the most active voices in these protests get rid of them and once they're gone these protests becomes just a loose cannon and they go away and that's been the style that I had soul has been using he did it in Iraq and literally I think the protesters in Iraq don't realize this by now but most of their important figures who started this protest are going they'll be married and the Iranian people need to be careful and they need to be sure who would they appoint as a that's the part I agree with because you can't get behind the wrong person you got to figure out and you cannot move you you you got to be having meetings right now figuring out who you're gonna be done there's some people in us that would like to go out there and shop Heloise you know razor-sharp Alois son there's been conversations about him wanting to do it I think it's gonna take a lot of a lot of people coming together to decide who they want to do it with let me ask you who who is Iran scared the most up in the Middle East of course us they're not happy about the way trump's are making the decision putting on the sanctions well who simply run afraid of in the Middle East I think there is not individual that Iran is afraid of in the Middle East but Iran and the Ayatollah specifically is afraid of his own [ __ ] in the Middle East to turn against him because that's what happened in Iraq and you have to know that she Iraqis do not follow the Ayatollah they follow a Sistani in Iraq they do not have the same belief as the Ayatollah perhaps their toll has a point in himself as the biggest religious figure for Muslims but we do have a very small percentage in Iraq there are the followers of the Ayatollah and they're the ones that control the rocket government and the ones that he appoint to the rest of Iraq so I think that Iran is afraid of its own believers to turn against them and that's what I think is terrifies diet Allah to see Shia protesting against the Iranian government I only ask because I wonder who the people protesting would need their support to help them that take place right because not every every country around the world would like to see Iran's Empire fall not all of them there's some that may not want to do because they'll have control over the oil you know some nations over there may help and support more China Russia depends because it's yes and no but it's not fully in it'll be interesting to see who the people can go to have some backing that gives them courage to go up against ayatollahs regime it has to be different than the Iraqi experiment like in Iraq we do have this individuals who was part of the rocky government he's been living in England he's educated he's fearless person but for Iran I do not believe it will be somebody from inside of Iran it has to be an Iranian who was not inside of Iran if he's inside in Iran you know that person will be under so somebody from the outside has to go into Iran absolutely absolutely that would be the perfect way so you know this person is not part of the lot it's not part of their intelligence it's not somebody that you know they haven't played this game before the Ayatollah has done this before that's a lot right now I think his next move is he will try to appoint somebody that secretly is under his control and that's what I'm afraid for for the Iranian people then you're not doing anything you're not achieving anything at that point so would have to be somebody that the Ayatollah can not psychologically control it's a very small window they got I don't think so big window it's a very small window together you're so close but you know it's it's a very hard touchdown for the Iranian people I know but it's possible if they find the right personality and support that personality against Ayatollah and I think that it's possible the shot clock is ticking though yeah the shot clock is ticking that's the biggest thing and it's all about the leadership of the protesters that's that's why all about the leadership of the protesters what do you mean by this it's like they have to have a leadership they have to have a people that can actually decide what to do because if you keep protesting you can just keep protesting you need a rally cry you need somebody at the top yes more people that know exactly where they can move and that's how the Iraqi protesters actually been figuring out things over the last few days so let's go back to your story so for you you you were born and raised in Iran right and you are right now 34 which means you were born in what year you were 1986 1986 so it take me from the point of you're 12 years old and you get arrested what happened there what's your experience in Iran you know when you when I was born in Iraq I I grew up in Iraq really not knowing what what kind of world I was living in but the older I was getting in Iraq I was realizing that there wasn't really much freedom that I was living under because you watch the elders being afraid of every single move they they want to make this was during Saddam did your Saddam it was a very well police country but it this way I mean we have over like 35 different intelligent agency under Saddam the police the whole country so people were afraid to talk to their own wives about Saddam people afraid to talk to their own parents people didn't have a trust in them on each other completely and people were afraid so when I when I open my eyes in Iraq I watched a family that's being afraid couldn't trust me couldn't trust each other your own family absolutely every single family in Iraq every single family in Iraq we had brothers that but the brothers away and they wrote a report to the bath party what they did is they what's the level of loyal to do who are you loyal to it has to be only Saddam because Saddam had made the rules of that if you don't report anything that you heard you're part of it and you'll get executed just like the other person so some people can get killed just for the fact they heard something negative again how do we the first time you saw that a witness did an execution I mean I was like around 11 years old because Saddam actually used to take some of the people they used to get executed they used to take kids out of school to witness it what's the outcome what's the purpose of doing say how much do you think before you do anything against the governor it's a psychological move and it was to make you think what emotion was it a producing in you at the as the 11 year old kid were you I didn't want to watch death I didn't want it I won't watch it but most of your teachers are back party members and they tell you what to do and if you don't a whole report could be ridden against you you know they could end your life could end your family life so you really didn't have much to say you had no options other than following perhaps some of my teachers had a gun and they're built when they walked to class because there were bath party members and what kind of argument would you have with that teacher none you just followed and that's what it was until I kind of got the real taste of it when I got arrested at age 12 when you're 11 you saw that you went home did you tell your mom mom this is what I saw today this what I saw that day or no nothing was getting discussed at home because I know my parents would not answer me so what is your relationship with your mom and dad at the time like how are you speaking to them what did the conversations like just two normal conversations I'm hungry we know not to talk about anything politics we know enough to talk and easy no zero they would not hear you they will actually turn around and tell you something that you know it's fake so there was no point to talk about it you couldn't talk about Saddam anywhere we had an example says their walls have ears even the walls even the walls had worked for Saddam and you can't talk to anything about it so they taught everybody essentially to be snitches is what they did exactly wanted everybody exactly and reporting reporting was massive join us at downtown Lake people writing reports secretly to the bath party member and the bath parties kind of put that up to whoever it is and reports were being written each other we had family members that reported each other so it was it was very well policed country and he wanted it this way this was his psychological formula who is this example who did he learn from I would think you know there's a lot of controversies that you know Saddam was an agent of a foreign country that sit down I think Saddam was not a stupid guy he was smart he was extremely smart and intelligent wise the way he looked at people he was mad you have to know Saddam worked as the head of the Iraqi intelligence before he became a deputy or president in Iraq so many returned the seventies he had a natural instance and he established all this formulas to actually even that even his own family members if they did something against him he would know just by the way he looked at them and that's the kind of guy Saddam Hussein was just by the way he looked at them did anybody ever do a investigation on him to see what inspired him what did he study what books did he study who did he follow which style of leadership millions admired that and that was there any kind of stories there that gives insight on him uh no actually the he was you know when he was in prison when he was out in Egypt and he has read a lot of books he's very he's very well educated even though like he earned his military rank in a kind of fast way for being the president but I think he was very well educated very well balanced and he is a very different unique person psychologically and I think that's how he controlled Iraq that's how he controlled every single person that worked under him even his own family members were terrified of him that they didn't know what his next move would be so he policed this country in a very unique way where he turned every single person into informant so 12 years old what happened to when he got arrested I was walking out of school and I came out of school and was a common thing I'm there you know people if you are not an important figure of society usually the people who are like in the bath party or part of the Saddam's government their kids would have like a military color Mercedes that will pick them up with two Republican Guards if you are not one of these people you'll be walking home you'll be walking the ten miles or whatever the miles that you have to walk to school and it was a common thing for bath poorni members to stop you and interrogate you in the street this was a common thing they can stop it can talk to you they can take whatever they have what do you have in your pocket and you don't have much to say off to do that so it was a police officer there were three police officers that actually approached me and one of them looked different than the others and that's the way to actually distinguish a bad party member something about them always look different than average people the way they dress the way they have their their badges on their on their chests the way they would dress is a very different way the way they would talk you can feel it in the tone this is someone of a power and when he approached me asked me if I smoked because it was a common thing teenagers smoked in Iraq and if I have any cigarettes I didn't have anything and I had money in my pocket and he asked me is like well do you have any money I can go get some cigarettes and I said no I don't have anything I just kept walking so he put his car in front of me got out and he came to me and he said turn around and started searching me and he found money that I kept in my pocket and it was about 250 dinars that I had in my wallet I had other money that would keep in my socks knowing this would happen at any time and I kind of felt at that point that for me this meant the world this was like money I put away over months to buy myself a shoe you know during the sanctions and Sadam that things were very difficult you know I was walking about with a messed-up shoe and that was open from the fri couldn't even walk properly and this was money from holidays and everything people would give you away and just kind of put it together to it to eventually have the price that would match tours you know to us I used shoe maybe and when he took it away I felt like I didn't want to keep my voice shut anymore so I end up trying to take my money back and I cursed them and when he hit me this was a big thing in our culture when she of course and I curse them bad and he grabbed me and if it'll me in the truck and drove me for about 45 minutes and to the Rocky Ministry of Interior and inside of a prison and what was it like when you win it it was scary I went to an area that I never would Rizzo I mean I they drove for about 45 minutes I still remember the conversations between the two guards that was sitting in the back and him and they said hey he's just a kid he's only 12 why don't you just kick him in the head and let him go home and he said if you guys keep talking I'll boot you where I'm putting him tonight and I realized at that point I wasn't going home that night and it came to a checkpoint which is a place actually I used to see going by but you're not a lot to go and send to that place and it was the Rocky Ministry of Interior and once I passed the checkpoint and I drove about it drove about like a mile and a half this was all the intelligence headquarters all the scary stuff that you heard about but you never seen and I pulled too I got pulled into a slide door that opened and I went inside and it was a a prison but I wouldn't say it look like an American prison it actually looked like a zoo its cages and I saw cages like it was just cages and fences and there was a concrete buildings behind the cages and i sat there in a car they took me out and I went to a room and they gave me a pen and a paper and they said time and I looked around all my angles of the room there were people with bats were in uniform we're in the exact same uniform as he is most of them carry the same last name that he had they were actually from the same tribe and when I took the pen it was dark I was terrified I took the pen and I signed later on I found out I sign on a paper stating that I was an entire government that attacked a a police officer in a bath party member to kill him so I was not being treated as a child I got treated as an enemy of the state once I signed that paper and I walked into prison so then what happened how long were you in there I was there for about three weeks nine four week Isis get out my family have found out so I had actually about 10 or 15 in my socks then I kept and they didn't find out about the money I went inside and the prisoners asked me they're like hey are you fighting with somebody are you are you helping somebody like why are you here you're a kid are there any other kids no just my was my kid yeah I was I was just walking into a bunch of prison full of adults and it's not like an American prison it's like a war house that's full of people perhaps they didn't have a place to sleep everybody kind of slept in a different mm-hmm because they just kept people and there was no beds there was no pillow how many people in the place I would say about maybe 300 people okay and there was one bathroom and I was terrified and one of the prisoners asked me he said like why did you heat why did you bother they bring him here I said I just refused to give my money and they couldn't believe it what day would they protective of you prisoners they were they were actually locusts I had a prisoner to help me out and I said I am dying I don't care what happens to me I'm dying just to let my family know where I am because then they can do something or at least just the family to know I felt at that point my life is over and I told him that I have some money in my pocket I hope I've kept in my socks and I he said you know what give me the money I gave him the money he went and called one of the guards at night after everybody went away and there was a guard that actually cleaned the office of the commanding officer in that prison and there was a landline in there and you know back then that you nobody can tell if they use their landline or not and he told me that person took money and he could make a phone call so I they gave that guard the money I saw the prisoner hand him the money I gave him the phone number of our landline and I was praying that somebody one of my family members would answer the phone because they're probably be looking for me it was late at night and I didn't come from school and they were actually looking all over the place and my brother answer the phone and asked him please telling me now who would answer the phone to know that he called them my brother answered the phone and he told him that he's in prison this is where he is and my family started coming to the prisons trying to negotiate with the commanding officer in prison to give him money and would smash the reports because if the report doesn't get smashed that was gonna go to a bigger court and I was gonna get probably executed and sometimes government could care less how old you were once you're considered an enemy of the state permanent yeah I was being treated as a fighter now at this point how what is it what feeling go you is it producing in you is there hate is there angrily animosity what do you feel in I would say I entered that prison a child I did not leave the same when I walked away from that prison and when my you know actually didn't know where they were taking me when they took me out of prison I was being tortured of being hit I came out and I was in a really bad shape and I thought they were gonna finish me right there that's what I thought they took me out to an area I never been in in three weeks and a slide door open and I saw my dad and I think at that point I I I was just in a very different stage of my life and when I left that prison I didn't know what was happening during that time I didn't know any negotiations between my family or the commanding officer in prison and when I left at that place I don't think my life has ever been the same I left that place completely carrying hate against these individuals because I saw their the violence they carried against feeling of revenge absolutely absolutely well your your uncle's already killed at this point or no they were already dead yeah so that's already expected yeah and and the amount of hate that produced wasn't close to the amount of hate produce you've been in jail absolutely oh because I saw like how they treated you how they treated you like they try to get confessions out of you you didn't have and I didn't even know what to say at that point in my life you know I didn't even know when to give him and if they asked for something I would have gave it to them if they asked me to sign on a hundred papers I would sign it just to not give beating and not get hit and when they hit you they hit you hard they don't care they treat you as an animal and that's the people that controlled you and rolled your country do you remember any bit till today I said like do you wake up in the middle of the night flashbacks or no you don't have those nights you feel paper no not flashback to prison but actually I would say after they have a broken me I became less afraid of them I was way less afraid of them leaving that prison and to this day you know after even I became a nutter buddies like that though yes some people you know some people are gonna walk away they're gonna you know be a victim but for me I was less afraid of them yeah when that typically happens you produce either somebody that confines and you know kind of a gets quiet and stays doesn't say anything because they're afraid but you can also produce a true believer that never forgets the way you treated absolutely and that stays with them it's obviously that's what happened with you yeah so now you leave at 17 years old what gave you the opportunity at that time you're nine it's 1998 you're 12 years old saddam is still running iran oh three is when his regime falls right in 79 - what's happening during this time because i know you said in one place where you said I thought saddam was gonna live 500 years yeah religion was never gonna change when it happened to you do you remember the moment where you were at when that took place yeah house in my house house in my house and I opened my front door there was an American soldier standing there and that's what everybody was scared to make one move towards that American soldier because they thought that the Americans will pull out like 99 1991 and then sit down we'll be coming back to take revenge many people so people were very hesitant people couldn't process the point that Saddam's gone actually this this tyrant that controlled Iraq for 35 years is gone it's over people couldn't believe that fact but when I opened that door and I saw an American soldier kind of like I was at a point where I just wanted to kind of pinch myself I couldn't believe it let me ask you a question you said something I was reading it as well where you asked the the the soldier that came to you you guys gonna leave no we're not gonna leave we gonna stay here is there a feeling of letdown when the American troops would come you felt safe and then they left you felt heartbroken because of soldier you feel that experience when they leave your heart broke I give you my trust I thought you guys were gonna take care of me but not America let you down again absolutely I mean 1991 this is what happened this is why the thousands of Iraqis died because they thought Americans were going all there on to the to Baghdad and then they pulled out and Saddam came after what he did to them he bared them alive comical Ali came over his cousin and buried everyone a life that didn't fight against America's so there was a doubt for the rocky people there was a doubt that we can't really trust the Americans if they would really take him out maybe he'll come back but for me is I got that assurance from that American soldier saying are you guys stayin or this is just another comeback like ninety nine so he says he's stayin what's your next move on next move action I opened the rest of the door we started having a conversation because if he said no I would have shut down the door and walked away but when he said yes I'll bring the rest of the door and I started ask him a question and I had about like maybe I walked with that soldier as he was moving and I asked him a lot of questions I asked him all the questions that I asked that they were not leaving now at this time do you know a lot have you been inspired to know your own due diligence because you knew things but you couldn't talk about him perhaps I I learned English but I was never able to speak it that was the first time I ever spelled in English does anybody know the internal rage that is being created in you during this time oh no did you does your mom and dad know no no they saying how mother John just relax you know now actually was it I kept a very I was so impressed after leaving prison because anything would I would do I would die immediately anybody I would run if I render the wrong person so my life went to like a chaos after did you go to school was a lot of self-education I went to school and I would I would tell you I have I went from being an A student to an F student I couldn't care anything about but how did you learn English so when I was studying home oh so that's what I'm saying you became a cellphone yeah at home I my dad oh here's a library cuz the library next to his books he got from England that when he was in England now what was he religion wise what what is your dad my dad was actually a Shia but he was he was like an atheist but he didn't tell anybody he was an atheist but in killing a man your mom my mom was a Sunni yet your mom was a senior was a Sydney and by the way Saddam was a Sunni right even though medicine yeah he was even though yeah yeah so okay so then you're following him you're kind of asking all these questions etc etc what's your next move after that because I know the Iraqi military's getting started you're the 19th soldier how does that part take place they made an announcement in the radio they were looking for new members to join the new rocky military after they let go of the old Iraqi military I felt my freedom was wasn't gonna come free I wasn't just gonna sit home and freedom was gonna out come all the way if I wanted to have a constitution for the first time in my life that would have protect my right as a child somebody has to go out and fight for it and my generation was just at the door and I decided I was gonna go join the new Rocky military because I don't want to sit home and wait for somebody to control me again because you know al-qaeda had entered Iraq that bath party members started slowly turning into religious figures from a loyalist to sit down to more religious figures because anything against America becomes automatically a religious movement and I wanted to go and fight against these guys equally in an equal battle gun to gun who are you recruiting was sorry were you recruiting or no I knew military was recruiting new the new Iraqi military was recruiting actually the American military they were doing the whole processing the record in that time how are you viewed in the community are you voiced you have pull you have influence now nothing else you're just a 17 year old kid it's quite person you never heard anything nothing yeah no one knows what you're thinking about nobody so it's not like you're playing soccer outside you got 50 friends you're the cool guy nothing came from inside of a dark room in the house to straight to the racket military got it so 90 rocky military 19 people 19 soldiers there where does that relationship go with you then becoming a sergeant major at 19 years old where the typical sergeant majors 40 or 50 years old yes and that responsibility at 19 years old why would they trust you to be a sergeant major in 2000 you know in 2003 when they established the first battalion of the Iraqi military which I was a member of people were actually encouraged to do something but once al-qaeda and Islamic movements realized that they were going to have people off in a rocky background fighting side by American that was more dangerous to them because we didn't have a digital database in Iraq you can tell who's who you couldn't tell anybody we have that instincts to know what area you come from where you live in Iraq we can tell if you're actually where about if you're a bad party member if you're a Republican Guard officer we can just tell by talking to you or what areas you come from what neighborhood do you live in because your social status is what determine who you are so that was a scary for all these groups to see Iraqis that would come fight with Americans and they actually I got in the first shipment that got sent to karakash which is actually near the Iranian borders to be trained by an American company called NPR I American retired Vietnam veterans mostly Marines and army veterans and the second shipment was supposed to make me the base got blown up by a car bomb and from that moment everybody was discouraged to join the rocky military and in 2004 I went to Haifa Street which was the most dangerous two miles on a rockatuer at that time and to retrieve bodies of a new Iraqi recruits that actually just came in to fill an application so that's how much they were focused on Iraqis joining the fight with Americans side by my side and in a long battle I had 29 soldiers I left there with nine I was shot here in my eye I had shrapnel above my right eye I had shrapnel on my knees and once they started the killing towards Iraqi soldiers working with Americans the Iraqi people automatically became discouraged from that idea because people have families they will go home at the end of the day and that's where they can get you hurt or hurt your family so fifty percent of people in my unit in 2004 after that battle quit their job did they ever come after your family or no I never went home so when's the last time you saw your parents so when I won in 2003 when I left to going into the party I never went home I never went home because if I went home I would get captured they would know I'm gonna I'm in the military so so maybe it was an advantage for you for nobody know who you were except being a quiet nobody nobody knew anything even in the military nobody knew because I never went home truly the ones that were under the the ginger is the one that had kids and family and they had to on leave and that's the dangerous is that most of the people I was fighting with the records they came from Kurdistan so their neighborhoods are safe some of them were the south of Iraq they didn't have al-qaeda and have all these you know like this any makes any kind of extremists in their areas people who lived in Baghdad they were the biggest target some of them would go home and never come back and you know we never found what happened to them so I never went home and I just stayed in uniform and after that battle I got a recieved a battlefield promotion I became a sergeant major in the racket military and within a week the American Special Forces requested me to become the Iraq Amod command sergeant major because I was the only SEO that spoke English at that point you were the only answer that spoken yes at that point at that point and at what point did you start providing Intel to the US one day one day 2005 when I actually got appointed to the Rocky mid-2005 you would be how old in 2005 some 19 years old yes so at 19-under you're not providing Intel to to us I became an official intelligent asset for the US intelligence and who are you communicating with you're communicating with though I know a lot of your information would go to the White House President Bush have a lot of your briefings would be given to him General Petraeus you know you got you got a lot of these in the beginning it was actually strictly to the US military intelligence strictly to the US military in the beginning that was like the beginning when I got recruited is it because they still don't trust you it's kind of like no I don't think it was a it was about a trust it was that I was just the right candidate in that building because these were Americans their job what to build the infrastructure of the rocket military they would cross every single day from an area called the Green Zone which is a u.s. controlled area to the mo D which is a next door to the Green Zone so once the Americans come into this building this is not considered a US base 50 about 50 of them but one thing they didn't realize that the American government that the terrorist organization in Iraq started forming themselves as a political party yeah people in the government that actually works with al Qaeda you have people in the government that works with Iran you had literally every single one of your enemies inside of that building but the Americans did not know how to react or how to deal with because this was a new for them I was basically the only candidate for them that was a young age never been in the old government never been in the older a key military and spoke English and it was more of the Americanized nco someone who's trained strictly by the Americans and I was basically though assurance to their safety being in the building how did how did they not know that you're providing Intel the under Iraqi said the enemy's side not necessarily on the US side how were you able to get the Intel and provided to them without them knowing that you're the one that's providing Intel for them because they did nobody knew what who I had anything to do with Americans my job was to be the command sergeant major to provide security for the building from inside and outside of the building how are you one of your meeting with us to give them the intelligent formation so in 2005 my my main job was to protect the intelligent team that was there to collect Intel inside of the building later on when I got recruited by the by the Ogier agents there was nothing I would not have any communications in that building with any Americans howsoever perhaps the Americans were told not to speak to me if they see me in the hallway and I would only meet them in the Green Zone in the secure location about six miles from that place nobody followed you to know where you're going nobody was there are no new Green Zone badges I was the only one with the access to who gave you a Green Zone Bernanke's but wouldn't that be a tip-off you know look to to know that you nobody knew I had that kind of always nobody knew you had that kind of access and there was nobody following you know of course I would know I was I was trained to make sure that no one follows me because there are certain people that had access inside of the Green Zone but certain places I would go inside of a US bases in the Green Zone and areas were where no Iraqi local nationals would exist now who were some of the most dangerous people that you associate yourself with at the time that were people that could you know cause create a lot of havoc back then it was members so we had a list of all the operators that were operating inside of the mo D but our number one and number two of course is Al Qaeda and the Islamic state operatives back then which later on became Isis these individuals are extremely dangerous they were not just there to collect intelligence they actually had the potential to hurt Americans so the some of the individuals that I actually went toe-to-toe with was Subodh Delaney which is was known to be a terrorist and the Ambar province which was actually inside of the building as well they were killing Americans of nahuatl province but they got access through the Rocky Minister of Defense to be inside of the building and they all have badges and they try to kidnap American officer from this out of the building in 2005 and you're in the middle of all this stuff yeah I mean at that age at 19 years old I know I was dying I accepted it I had a car bomb blowing up every single day in my checkpoint I had suicide bombers blowing up that's just in the front checkpoint I'm not talking about the bad people inside I had mortars at Katusha s falling my chance of me dying was any day I would come out at 6 o'clock in the morning to the checkpoint every single day I would have something that goes on so I was gonna die anyway it's just customize your own death how do you want to go down and for me was if I can cause him as much damage that's possible I would do so and I think to this day I believe I was the only intelligent asset in Iraq that al-qaeda and all these terrorist organization could not kill because I was a military soldier I was protected by my soldiers that protected by my team's I don't go to leave home I don't put on uniform like the rest of the Rockies barracks every night I sleep in a place where they think I sleep I sleep somewhere else where were you sleeping I was sleeping in a different building than where my you know building okay yeah got it yeah so I slept actually an area where there's nobody what's living there I would actually enter my room and I would leave through a window and I'll go sleep where my other place is because I couldn't trust anybody in this what's kind of a life to you about that time do you have any kind of a personal life ain't nothing nothing completely no life no friend no women no girl no family no no one to talk to nothing once I became an intelligent asset for the u.s. intelligence I became a machine for how long did they left until from 2005 to 2007 you almost have to have no feelings to be able to do that job it really there was no feelings about it yeah I think the joy for it for me personally it was seeing those guys go down that's the joy for me I enjoyed every bit of it I wasn't when did you know that your purpose you served your purpose like when was it when you said I finally got my vengeance was there ever a feeling like that for you I did fit in it until today till today you don't have till today I actually cried when I left today Modi when they told me that I had to leave and one of my Intel sources one of my team members got killed they shot him in the head it was a message to let me know that will wait for you forever until you come out of this building and I didn't want to leave and the only reason that my friend died because I decided to stay oh seven at what point do you come to the states like how long he doesn't eat well so you follow and how did you come here but what was the US government brought me here yeah yeah okay and then from there do you have a courier here what do you how do you make your money it was their job I came here in 2008 and I went straight to doing training on insider threat as you know I was like the only intelligent asset that was operating with individual that would work with you or enemy that would work with you within the same area so I came here and I started doing training for the US military training them on insider threat training them specifically US military advisors who are working with the Iraqi military as a consultant as a trainer as a cultural adviser as a as a cult until today I've been doing that for about ten years and when my book kind of got released I became a motivational speaker and I started becoming more of intrapreneur investing with myself but I did this out of love to the military you know they used to pay me whatever I used to go even if I didn't get paid I would still go I thought it was a duty for me to return the favor that the the United States have done what's next for year 34 years old I mean motivational speaking you can do that but it's not like you know when you got the kind of life experience that you got you know sometimes there's a temptation to want to do something bigger like what's long-term aspirations for you next thing for me I will believe is politics and that's what most of my fans been asking here or here here absolutely no aspirations ever to go back know I'm CEO I'm done you found your home I can never go back okay even if a revolution takes place and things get settle could be you know if that if the young generation of Iraq win yeah could be possibility I can go back visit so I got a question for you I have the map here okay so obviously when when most people look at this map you know it's just kind of like okay it's the middle east you got sight Arabia Yemen on you know it got Kuwait Dubai you got Jordan Israel Lebanon Syria Iraq Iran how do you look at this when you see this map what's the first thing you think about and look at when you see this map hope one Saltz anybody know good eye look of neighbors that we shouldn't have you look at neighbors that you shouldn't have it just have never been you know like some of them has not done but I would say you know like when you look at Sarah Rabia and Iran is its two neighbours that never done you any good these have never done you any good know why them why Saudi Arabia what he said cetera I think Saudi Arabia recently has changed its politics tours tours Iraq they have been helpful which I want to say in the last few years but before they weren't you know before you know from 2003 up to 2000 and maybe you know 13 14 it was just as much the same intention as Iran they were actually taking care of their business in the conflict with Iran it in Iraq and it cost Iraqis a lot of Iraqis their lives how do you view Israel Israel I had a plenty of respect for Israel I think Israel as a small country has established itself and producing something good for their own people they're coming with technologies they're coming with something that's a great whenever that Arabs learns to do the same thing they will do great for their Nations I don't believe by the way Israel is behind every problem in the Middle East as a norm we have in the Middle East if someone's bathroom door breaks they will blame Israel for it but that's been a psychological who's very government's I know what you say they will blame my people because they're used to it they've been soaked in this idea say all Israel's fault absolutely I still have people in Iraq that tell me like oh I think Israel is behind this and I'm like you'll be crazy to think that who gets credit for that mainstream media as it goes back to media or mainstream yeah the ayatollahs the people who are against Israel the enemy of Israel benefit out of that but I don't believe that's actually a reality or true Israel does not have any interests and some of the things that are happening but their enemies would like to blame it on them so you saw World War 3 was trained in 1.5 9 million times it was trending on Twitter hashtag being used is there any likelihood of anything crazy taking place with war coming out of the Middle East any chances of that taking place were at least two big war it could if diet old I get more aggressive I think of their to light does not pull his hands out of this those countries or the Middle East in general I can see that then I can see that not countries going against Iran I can see each country going against its own that's what I see you can see each country going its own because in Iraq we're not in Iraq we're not going against the Iranian people we're going against the people that are being appointed our own people they're being appointed by the Ayatollah so and that's been the goal is to keep us divided the only way we can break out of that is to be united and not care about what our backgrounds are and just to look at more Iraqis doesn't matter where you come from you know if you're easy disha back if you're a Sunni Shia Christian whatever you are it doesn't matter once we learn to look at that we can break out of the chains dire to love but on us how often when you in Iraq and you went to school how often would they talk about the Strait of Hormuz like was that a typical conversation or not really actually we looked at it just in geography yeah we know that the Gulf we call it the Gulf yeah I know that URI nians call it the Persian Gulf Arabs call it maybe you go you go with the Gulf I just call it the Gulf because I really don't know where the truth is and sometimes you really have to think you can go with your emotions when it comes to what you've been told sometimes you really have to think Joe graphically who where does this area belong to but I think Iran has been using this as a a pressure point on the rest of the world and it needs to be a way where this place needs to be utilized in this place it needs to be controlled it's a method of bullion it's a method leveraged for them it's a method of them putting the fear because yeah when you got most of the oil in Asia coming from here China all those guys are relying on this yeah they are very worried about conflict being here because and that means they're going to be paying the price because actually China doesn't have as much oil as they think look what happened in the UK recently you know they they easily took a British ship out of the place that's right and and they are they use it actually to they use it to pressure certain countries in Europe and and in the Middle East - these are interesting times man I mean I I look at the people of Iran and they message me and we talk all the time regularly and you feel for them because I lived there for 10 years and I know what it was like to be a kid and we're going to guess Saddam so your odds going against Iraq and Saddam is bombing they're just sold eight years and yeah I'm living in the capital we're getting bombed we're going to City a kadaj pan that palette at the times rash everywhere you go and bombing it's it's a lot of fear that it puts in kids but there's a lot of true believers that came out of it that are also looking forward to seeing a revolution take place to possibly go back and visit their homeland it will be very very interesting to see what happens here in Iran in the next three six twelve months twelve months yes I think if Iran fixed itself the rest of the Middle East will fit will be automatically in peace if the Iranian people make that change it's a change for every nation in the Middle East that's how I feel yeah I think for that to happen a lot of it has to do with us depending on who's running the regime here yeah switches politics on who they support they become too much about politics and when Iran was good with the Shah being there and there was peace I mean obviously nothing is perfect tamo Saddam Hussein had 35 different military intelligence you know while the Shah had Saavik but I think if it goes back to good the people that have been abusing these nations with oil if they get out the wind don't do the bullying and the games I think you can stay peaceful but if it doesn't there's always gonna be another Khomeini another Saddam Hussein to inspire where they're growing up looking up to these guys and they want to be the next one I want to be the next Soleimani it's it's not I don't think it's gonna be as easy as if Iran is peace Middle East is gonna be I think it's gonna be a good 40 60 year of control before that takes place because you got to get the generations to have more peace in them if you don't take this government you're gonna have maybe a hundred zayats a lot for the next decade I agree with you I agree with you it's not gonna change it that's why I think you know we expect things to come peacefully but oh it's not going to be it's not know it's gonna be it's gonna be very very ugly and I think a lot of people typically you know how well at one time I sat down with a guy schedu billion Ares families were 3.9 billion dollars and I'm trying to do business with them and we're sitting out I'm in insurance I'm coming up on 30 years old he at the time is the son of this family that's worth 3.9 billion dollars he sits there with me says listen Patrick here's the difference between us and you we know you want us to do this deal with you we'd love to do it but for us I wake up every morning with one job my job is to protect our families billions your job is to make billions it's a different situation you need to take risks we don't have to take risks I think there's a lot of nations that don't want to see a lot of movement here because any kind of risks hurts them they would much rather be at peace but these guys the Iranian populace has to be looking at it as they coming up with the opportunity for them they're fighting for their future freedom and it's gonna take some courage and guts and risk to be able to make that happen for them so we gotta learn to take losses it's inevitable it's easier for you not to say we're sitting over here then for them watch and say you don't know what it's like to be the parent or the kids and all this other stuff but at the same time it is what it is look final thoughts I watch a documentary the first military intelligence documentary that was done it was very interesting on Amazon we'll put the link below and the book is well we will put the link below as well I highly recommend you if you want to know more about what's going on today and I think it's something for you to find out for yourself you got to go study some of these things in in today's times probably I'd say probably more than in the last 19 years eighteen years since 9/11 happened I think that's probably more important today to study the conflicts taking place in Middle East today then probably the last 10 or 15 years so if you haven't read this book yet we'll put the link below for you to go purchase the book the documentary Mario let's put the link below as well having said that how Modi thank you so much for coming out and sharing your Intel with the rest of us and some of the information experiences with the rest of us my pleasure it's an honor to be here it's been it's been a blast if you like to sit down with Hamady just some regarding the Middle East you will definitely love these other two videos one of them is a video I made on the history of u.s. Iran especially with the conflicts taking place today recently after the soleimani killing and then the other one is an energy I do a general Spalding who had some experience in China that is probably very important for everybody around the world to know about because he specialized in 5g and how China is trying to be the largest empire in the world so if you want to watch the Iran 1-click if you want to watch a China one click here and if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet click here thanks for watching everybody take care bye bye you
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 223,067
Rating: 4.6627316 out of 5
Keywords: hamody jasim, patrick bet david, iraq vs iran, iraq war, soleimani, terrorist whisperer, valuetainment
Id: roSp97Sf-GA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 17sec (4817 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 17 2020
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