American Reacts to WEIRD British GCSE Exams | Evan Edinger & Noahfinnce

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the family uses emails email describe in detail what is meant by the term email hi there everyone and welcome back to my channel today i'm here with none other than noah noah no no it's like an exclamation mark in the name and today we're going to be looking at some weird gcses if you're unaware the uk has students test on literally everything things that as an american i'm like i'm sorry what that's a course that you take i mean i've had electives growing up but in the uk just have tests on these things and it blows my mind it was recommended to me to do this type of video from this user here on my youtube thank you for clicking that bell and helping me out figuring out these cool video ideas so without further ado i just want to start looking at some weird gcses no you've taken a lot of weird gcses haven't you weird ones i guess i took pe which people find weird there's a pe exam it's more like sports science what does that even mean it's like biology and the body but there's already a biology yeah but this is sporty biology this is it makes sense kind of it's more like energy systems and then so if i was like where on your body is your femur you'd be like right here yeah i would do that if i knew it so physical education that's an exam that you take yeah phys ed we call it phys ed which sounds cooler no it doesn't i think i had to take one test in my entire four years of pe and it was just like about volleyball i remember we had to like be like what's a spike oh you had tested for that yeah because we had a lesson on volleyball and they go for a grade or something well it doesn't really matter as long as you show up and wear your like clothes you get participation for gym but you guys get to have things such as which one is the most appropriate test to measure maximal strength i'm assuming you know this look i did i did gcses a while ago a while like what two three years ago is it the one rep max test what is that i don't know what that is oh oh the the maximum strength would be the one rep yes yeah the the the heaviest i actually i think i've heard that from my pt which one best describes coordination to change body i mean that sounds pretty simple i mean i feel like this isn't so bad now let's see to move two or more body parts together smoothly yeah this doesn't seem bad it just seems annoying i wouldn't want to take this test no but you get so many points for multiple choice oh yeah this is your guys's multiple choice test yes let's see we have usain bolt driving away oh identify the joint movements in the hip and ankle no no that's zero marks for me i got an a stop and i remember really i remembered nothing oh there's a diagram i guess it's really cool that you guys have to learn such detailed stuff on the human body yeah it's mostly just like muscles and joints it wouldn't it wouldn't be like but you you still have a lot of it yeah right well well i'll clearly identify the plane and the axis when the arm bends at the elbow this is like if a nerd wanted to like learn how to play tennis all right interesting um test there have you seen high school musicals yes of course you know gabriella and her friends try and work out like the perfect place yes but so that's basically what you've done high school musical is real but in england i guess you you've learned this throughout what of one year or is it over the course of your entire year gcses is like i went to a boarding school so we have third fourth and fifth form which is you know ten year eleven sure which is eighth grade ninth grade tenth grade but when i did gcses we did it for ninth grade and third grade the first year of school was kind of just like pe where any everyone has to pee in the first year okay so we kind of like stuff like that but then two years after that those are the gcse years either way i mean the fact that you guys have to take a test on pe yeah i know what blood doping is oh okay yeah oh i get it oh yeah oh yeah don't open it up should i say that gender is a factor that affects the recommended calorie intake does gender or descent describe two other factors your biphobic i'm just using the words i don't know bisexuality i was trying to think of what the word is for someone that's against the binary thought transphobic another against binaries they're there against trans people one course that i know you took that blows my mind because this i've never heard of a school in the us taking this yeah religious studies and supposedly like everyone in the uk takes this everything when i tweeted the other day what's a course that really annoyed you so many people said r-e or r-s and i was like what well in my school everyone did religious studies until year 13 which is like do you have to choose all the different religions or just one in my school we just see christianity but oh cool that's just christianity studies that yeah actually the only people that um did religious studies there were like five sets yeah like ability sets and if you're in the top two sets for english you have to do religious studies so if you're really good at reading they're like now read the bible yeah that's okay let's see we've got this one from 2018 which one of the following describes the word omnipotent oh pretty easy all powerful easy give two christian teachings about original sin women aren't to be trusted don't eat apples don't eat apples that's what the original sin is right i'm assuming it's adam and eve and don't deceive temptation temptation greet greed yeah because you already had everything just also listen to god you had everything but but you wanted shame shame shame explain two ways in which jesus's crucifixion influences christians today well crosses the crosses crosses i don't know what you mean by that they're going to cross it zero marks crosses as like oh they have necklaces i thought you meant like we still crucify people christians are like let's throw up a cross for jesus throw up across jesus you go to church and as soon as like the worship song comes on people like this i'm saved explain two christian teachings about the incarnation what's incarnation i know reincarnation i think incarnation isn't that no that's transcendation i have no clue what the incarnation is clearly here we go this isn't my favorite question here i love essay questions a loving god would not send anyone to hell evaluate this statement using your christian teaching you can you can use your own opinion and they won't care what my conclusion to every essay was just like in my opinion god isn't real but christians really yeah because you're studying christianity yeah because my rs teacher was like the chaplain of our school so he used to hate me because all my essays he wrote in my like like my end of year like what's it called grading he was just like very argumentative but good at it and i was like that's a good compliment i was one of those people in class where i would just find out what the teacher believed in and i would say that so i could get a good grade that's not what our teacher would do i mean i just don't know how it's a loving god would not say anything well as a kid i'd just be like yeah you've just ruined i i thought i was christian but i took this re test and now i'm not i don't know how he could do that to people you don't question god yeah that's that's actually there we go just one answer just don't question god 12 12 12 out of four marks i actually like this test this is not that bad they're quite fun like they're interesting explain two ways in which the worldwide church works for reconciliation what does that even mean what's the worldwide church and also reconciliation means to give back from what the like the crusades maybe they're reconciling for the crusades sorry everyone you've met in modern day no the war infant baptism is not as important as believers as baptism that's a good question because that's kind of like forcing christianity upon a child without them knowing about it yeah i like it's not as important no i find that if you're baptized later in life that's probably but you have to do it again to like what no like yeah yeah confirmation 13 or 14 whatever you're really okay this is not a bad test not and i think we would have totally aced it and jesus would have been watching us the whole time we'll say goodnight star on this you got any star in religious studies yeah i was just interested in christianity oh okay i wasn't yeah you said you have to be good at writing and then they force you into it yeah because it's like it's essay questions but you have to hit like certain points my teacher told me i sucked at essays and wouldn't let me into the upper class like point blank said your essays suck i can't approve of you going to ap english i'm always bad at writing i'm good at talking in class when i shouldn't be me too so i got an interesting tweet saying someone had a hospitality and catering exam which is the welsh people take that i guess the wjec we have 80 marks total i don't even know culinary terms the meanings below by placing the correct layer true or false always dry your hands with a paper towel can i please get an a star on this one uh dry your hands please fly sprays can be used in a catering kitchen probably not i just imagine someone like spending a whole year of their life in school learning about fly spread fridge temperatures must be checked are these people expecting to oh i guess it's working catering that's an honorary profession what's a shortcut short crust pastry i don't even know what any of these are i'm going to be very very very very very very very very very very very very very very honest sandwich is that uh one of those cakes with cream and jam victorious sponge oh uh vegan uh gluten free right is that gluten free no poison soup leaf fruit no leaves no leaves and recyclable this food's recycled but give two reasons why we should eat fruit vegetables they're good for you and they taste good this is not a real test but yet again someone on my twitter said this was one of the worst exams they took i guess because how are you supposed to study for this type of thing evaluate factors to consider when choosing equipment for a new catering i mean this is just such a specific test for a profession that i think it's great that you can take it yeah you can get into that career yeah that sounds great but also at this early in school it just sounds weird this would be a vo tech thing in the u.s like after you graduate high school then you could take a catering course okay and get an associate's degree i've never heard of this okay yeah it's welsh there was food science at one of my schools i went to food science yeah you mean food and nutrition exam food preparation and nutrition this like in the us we only have like maths sciences sometimes you take an elective such as maybe food economics or whatever home economics but it's not a gcse level test it's just an end of the class test oh and it's not which food is high in protein cabbage it's cheese oh wait i have the mark this one has the answers on it no i think you just did you just collect that oh this is an example that's a cheese's right cheese is right we i think we're just really smart honestly which is a micronutrient i mean vitamin i don't know maybe i don't know what it is celiac disease is an intolerance is it's a racism and what celia what where did that come from i just see an intolerance and i think oh right yes bad answer which of the following methods of cooking is all water-based poaching boiling simmering no boiling mashems stick him in a stew perfect perfect yeah i mean this yet again it's just another one where i'm like that's fun we have a couple more fun ones ict oh shut up we had some course that we had to do is it information and communication no we there was this thing that we had to do when we were at 13 where we just had to finish so many different projects and we got half a gcse for it and it took a year to do it and you had to get it marked by a computer so if something was slightly off how many gcses did you have to take i think you have to take at least nine but and one of them was the computer one i didn't take icd so here's the first question a school has a desktop publishing software to produce a draft of a sponsor form here it is completed part a this is clip art what's part b uh a text box part c is like cells like it's it's a cell block oh d is word art i was gonna say that's from what yeah this is like a word art thing it's just this looks so like and i love this question here that says other than the features shown name two different features that would improve the appearance i don't know everything being the same font so it doesn't look like you're in elementary school like if i saw this as i wouldn't sponsor them i was gonna say color oh add some color to it yeah no one's gonna look at a black and white person and be like oh i can't wait this is also a wjec one i wanted to give the welsh people some representation oh this is what very funny family uses email describe in detail what is meant by the term email electronic mail a store in detail in detail it sends a message in between two computers over the internet but how is that what an email is i feel like this is so so basic most kids these days grow up with computers why would you need to know what any describe three ways emails could be misused what is this oh no we used to sit in ict lessons and just send each other gifts over email because we weren't allowed phones we had so many of our websites in my computer programming class banned like facebook and oh my god yeah yeah so but they didn't block gmail and gmail had g chat so we would all just chat to each other and send each other jokes i just don't understand how this is an actual test that you guys have to take at least in the morning i think you have to take you have to take nine gcses did you not have ict lessons at school not mandatory when i was in seventh grade i had to take a course called key keyboarding oh like touch typing like how to type from home keys and things we had that but we when we learned touch typing when i was like seven and they just had a cereal box and they cut off half the size of it so you put your hands on the keyboard oh so you don't see it he put a cereal box and that was the thing he had to do ours was genuinely a game like they had us play this game where asteroids were flying at us and they'd have like words on them and we had to type and as you typed and hit enter the word would get exploded and so as they came faster you had to hurry up and keep typing or you would get hit don't give me so much anxiety oh it was for seven so the whole goal was they're supposed to train you to type with your you know keys but what it taught me was i kept getting c's and d's when i did that but when i typed with my good two fingers i would get b's and a's so because of the fact that it was full of anxiety and do do do i ended up just not doing that you don't have like that now right i genuinely don't have home keys but i can type really fast just because i've used my computer since i was a kid but i don't have home keys i don't just use two i use them all okay but it's almost like a muscle memory thing not a i didn't have to get taught okay which is weird this is the other one this is the aqa one this is a bit more legit yeah aqa i heard was the hardest exam board is this science this is actually computer science so it's the same thing i guess as information technology except we have the first question is define the term algorithm something that demonetizes and causes depression okay the last one i wanted to look at is geography i've heard a lot of negative things from my audience about geography i like geography really yeah it was fun it was like cliffs what's seas as in identify one example of an igneous rock i mean i would know that like four years i don't know what schist is and i'm assuming it's that that's not a real word that's a slap that's a german what's a slur don't be such a [ __ ] i mean we took social studies in elementary school which i guess had some what freeze thaw is an example of a weathering process state one other weathering process that affects the landscape wind erosion i mean i didn't read the question i just saw freeze though and i'm like i know it you're like i know it's cliffs i thought geography was just teaching you about where countries were they had like stacks and stumps you know what stacks and stumps are no and they had like arches you know what a cliff have you heard of like doddle door yes yeah like they have like arches and then they have like stacks and stumps next to it oh i just don't understand how you guys have so many different varied tests you have gcses on erosion and on food cooking and catering but also religious studies and i just don't know how you're able to study for each of these things but then on like single subjects you'd have different courses for them and each course would be so different like aqa would be completely different to ed excel and like why i don't know why don't they just have one i guess what aqas did more difficult then why would you take that if you could take the nxl but then there was also gcses and igcses the international gcses which which i did but then i did some gcses oh there's harder do they work to getting a levels better well people say they're easier but those people didn't do them so i did igcses and they pretty much compare you to like a lot of other countries so the great boundaries would be probably higher because people in other countries are smarter than people in england yeah well i feel like people that took at excel were like at excel is so much harder than aqa and the people that took aqa would tweet me like aqa is so much harder yeah but 80 percent of people i think think aqa's harder i the letters scare me more it's aqa reminds me of ap so i think oh yeah that's legit you did well on your gcses right yeah i got the gcse award for the best results what yeah no i'm really nervous everyone's like you're dumb and i'm like no i'm no we had like because i was a sports scholar but they had an award for the best results from someone who wasn't an academic scholar so i got that reward do you like parting words for people on how you did it how can they pass all the gcses that are weird no you know i didn't revive i don't know please revise how do you revise for all these topics though you just go through the text i know there's too many things to revise for i just that's what confuses me because like at least with ours physics math those are similar sociology english you know psychology they're all a bit in the same realm whereas i can't study for catering and geography and religious studies and p.e yeah i feel i feel like a lot of the weird subjects most of the questions and most of like the topics are like like simple they're simple but they're common knowledge like it wouldn't be that difficult yeah yeah some were stupid well i don't know this one but i don't know what the names of things are oh no but like what muscles do you use when you anyway i hope you enjoyed this weird video if you had any weirder gcses or tests where you're from i'd like to hear about it because i just like learning about new things anyway thanks for watching if you want check out noah's channel in the description what's your newest video oh you don't watch my newest video don't watch it i didn't watch one of these i did a minecraft video minecraft anyway thanks for watching creepers see you later gamers oh my god so hot
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 481,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Reacts to WEIRD British GCSE Exams, weird tests, gcses, gcse, weird gcses, american reacts, british vs american, evan edinger, noahfinnce, evan, edinger, evan and noah, 2019, american, british, school, school tests, re, rs, religious studies gcse revision christianity, religious studies, gcse revision, wjec, aqa, edexcel, ict gcse, ict, geography
Id: 91O1zTXiFHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 15sec (1095 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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