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hi there so last week you guys surprised me a bit when I made a video about school uniforms and most all of you sided with my friend Luke saying the uniforms are better than no uniforms different than what I thought cuz on Twitter you guys were the opposite starting with freedom of expression either way there was interesting point brought up about school uniforms in PE and I thought Jim would be interesting topic talked about earlier with so I got my friend Kim here all the way from Wales can you believe this is her house beautiful place here in car did I say cotton so Jim a PE British American Welsh specifically what are the differences what we got going on did you guys have gym everyday no huh what why don't you have everyday visions you have to stay physically fit every day every day how did you fit that in then we nine periods so I mean one start we 94 stops how long was each period about 43 minutes exactly so we could fit all the periods in oh is it like a minute either sides there was three minutes to change classes so it in between or I had five minutes in between at one school do you may sit I slightly off-topic for gym specifically but do you guys see that thing bell rings and you all just get up and leave it depends and they have that typical thing that the teachers say they're like the bellies for me not for you yeah that's what they do in the US as well but I've had teachers have said like no no I'm assigning homework so if you leave you're going to get no homework like credit yeah sometimes you'd be in a class like after 10 minutes after if they like oh no that wouldn't be a thing like because then the teacher would get in trouble because you'd be late for your next class my school was different than right because I had I went to a really big school my british standards and we had our schools split onto two campuses okay which were five minutes apart in Wow so like yet - it's like a 5-10 minute walk across it was literally it wasn't that far it was through a few car parked around the back of some houses sure but because of that and so if you're in the the younger bit you only had your school in and that that camp same campus yeah I'm G's my campus based like a school site it's our campus community and and then if you were older you had so many lessons in each one mmm so that meant that we had to have a 15-minute break between just a Pacific a minute break yeah 15-minute break between every class so that teachers who were teaching in the next campus but in the u.s. once you seventh grade sadly recess ends but then you get gym every day and physical education you also have seen in elementary school when do we eat lunch what do you mean when do we eat your lunch you don't have any break during the lunch break oh where you eat lunch it's that different to recess yes okay you eat lunch and then you have recess oh I think recess is just a word that means break right oh no in the u.s. recess means play for the most part as far as I'm concerned you seen the TV show recess they don't eat during recess they play okay and we just had breaks and then one of those breaks you'd eat lunch oh well that's something I've learned today basically I don't know about you but did you learn any American sports in PE did you have to like play so we had to follow anything we had to gym type classes uh our schedule was two weeks long so all year classes were divided that was your loop yeah and so we had it once a week I think it was a long time ago no I think we had PE and we had games okay yeah and it's obviously they wanted us to do PE again but it was different so PE was generally more about physical education yes and the study of like occasionally we'd like heart rates and like and do things are like about learning about fitness and stuff while doing like exercise and circuit training or learning balancing or like like stretching and stuff like more gymnastics type stuff yeah and then we had games and that was where you had to go outside all the time oh I thought I wanted to do as a kid play up saying tennis yeah and basketball I was sick of sick our teams were always past akin so it's very free fun away this is the period about two weeks but as we good that I once scored 13 baskets in a 10 minute game I mean well yeah I was not that good at basketball just by being gee okay it worked for us we had like every month was a different like game a different sport that we had to focus on so we had like volleyballs month where everyone had to get better at volleyball we learned all the rules and then we just played every day of gym I think we were kind of meant to do it like that but we never did we'd there was no like like teachers would Peter was like third lesson that didn't really matter and no one cared about it anyway and the teachers would only focus on the people who were like training like are well really well Ashley is a really good swimmer so we're just gonna talk to her all the time we had a swimming pool mm-hmm and we extreme a big school so yeah we did loads of different sports like in hindsight but at the time it's just sort of like a bunch of people sort of hovering about well we did a lot of baseball but you guys had rounders which is basically the the redheaded stepchild of baseball yeah we'd always want to do baseball whenever they put the rounders fat out and they'd be like you're not American I learned cricket in like elementary schools so it was fine I had a British an Anglophile you could say as an elementary school phys ed teacher do you call it phys ed ER as well you say PE I just realized I've start saying ke cuz I moved to England PE yeah phys ed is what we'd call it got phys ed at the 7 period the same thing yeah I know but phys ed sounds cooler is that the worst month we ever had was having to run on the track where you just every day went out in the freezing cold in December and then just had to get better and better at running a mile seaweed we did that right so yet we had so you had your lessons every week but then you also had sports day so in the run-up to sports they they train us on sports say things and they'd always try to make me do triple drunk because I really love like triple jump triple jump it's like something 3 like Mario like what was like long jump but stupid a what they call a half a skip and a jump so it is Mario's jump run run run run and then land on the same leg and then so sure sounds exciting if you'd written test as well right because we had written tests at the end of every month or so be like here's your volleyball test or here's all the muscle tests we have to learn about the quadriceps and the thighs and how they work when you're working out I remember them telling us a lot about that but I don't remember if it was tested honestly Evan I won't lie to you a long time ago I've blocked it all out from the pace so bringing it back out of curiosity how many times did you do gym a year if you didn't do it every day so if we had the two weeks scheduled either I can't remember so either we had PE and games both in the both weeks okay so we'd do it four times in a fortnight or we had it once a week and it was PE then games and then that looping forever okay so it's like every other day roughly that's how much so yeah it could okay it could in twice a week but I might be wrong I blame PE would be the one that you did swimming and and games wouldn't I think sure but then I was really confusing cuz you have these two different classes and you need a different kit for them mm-hmm it's very confusing and then obviously when you when it comes to swim and no one does it concern you have to get wet I wouldn't like girls all 20 of you are not on your periods we're like mess we've synched up check what's she gonna do we had this thing called the Presidential Fitness program in which every year you as a high school student were graded on how fit you were in an effort to make us more fit and so one of the tests the one that is the most infuriating to me was the touching of your toes and because I could not and I still cannot touch my toes I got an F in the class like I got an F for that fitness test there was one where you had to do 46 sit-ups in under 60 seconds you had to do I think it was about 45 push-ups under 60 seconds and then you had to be able to run the the lap of a mile in under seven minutes to get an A did you guys have to do any of that type of thing no we did after the bleep test what is the difference between the presidential finish program the bleep task this is what I'm interested in I know the bleep toe says is that everyone hated it and the bleep is a triggering sound yeah but it's not like I don't I think we were great I don't but no I think we were but again it wasn't like I think they were trying to I could really conscious effort to be like to not make the nerdy loser kids get a bad grade just because they couldn't run as fast as the cool kids no see that's what America was like so the bleep test is you have like a twenty meters okay 20 meters 20 I guess yeah maybe so 20 meters and then there's a bleep and the bleep starts reasonable this is a pass it's like bleep and you have to start running and you get to the side blue new okay why is it bleep and not B there's a different single sound it's not you guys all decided it's a bleep test no we were told us a bleep test there's not a beep test that would be stupid I've never heard the word bleep except with that but yes the bleep belief would get closer and closer together yes bleep on bleep bleep bleep bleep until by the end you like scrambling across and again actually I remember I did pretty well in them oh she was that I fight because I was a long human mm-hmm I did fairly well and stuff like that but I had just an undying hatred for authority so I never got involved with the school what was your school PE uniform so mm-hmm where my sister was at school one of my sisters they the girls had to wear skorts what the frig is this is that like a kilt so a skirt is what happens when society is like okay clearly shorts are the most convenient for this task yes but we can't have women wearing shorts with their girly girly parts flapping about what we're gonna do but basically it's a pair of shorts that you put on sure that have a skirt attached to the Beckenham that then Falls ratting covers the factory wearing shorts why so we did like you could wear skirt but it was like a school okay oh you could wear shorts Oh like when it was hot you can wear trackies but school is so weird you weren't allowed to wear trapeze with three stripes down and they were like girls it's getting cold now so if you want to wear like like in so tracksuit bottoms you can but I got to strike limit and I will be calling people out but any more than that that is really silly these are people start coloring in the face what ours literally just wears shorts or for yeah for women I think they had to wear shorts as well so is wear shorts and a shirt as long as it's the same color as the school colors that's all that matters so black and gold for my first school or orange and blue for the other school and then give you sweat pants tracksuit bottoms and you can buy them for like 25 bucks it is but they were really soft did you like wearing the PE uniform because it wasn't the blazer and stuff the ADA we're like did you okay did you guys have locker rooms changing out of your PE clothes and back into your Blazers or jumpers whatever we had a changing room yeah it was oh really it's like for us when you get let's just say I had third period gym I'm wearing my normal clothes my framer expression and I'd go to gym you have to go straight to the locker room and be out by the time like the coach blows the whistle and you have to have taken your normal stuff off put it in your locker which has a lock on it and then taking out your gym clothes and that way no one can steal your stuff like your phone you don't wanna have your phone on you and then get lockers why are British people like well lockers they exist that's why that's one of the reasons people who didn't like PE because they didn't like leaving their stuff behind yeah they'd get in trouble if they are the phone on them that make stupid so then ah yeah a PE uniform was like a light blue mm-hmm polo shirt and then your shorts or your so our PE office was like behind the changing room right yeah yeah yeah including that male teachers history of it so then there would just be like girls you decent was that like a very stressful time like because for us that was like puberty so changing and being in your underwear in front of other people was really helpful for me awful I hated like the fact that you're forced to be in a lot of other men yeah well some girls have started to wear a bra yeah to wear a bra and you're quickly and insecure about it okay yeah some girls are shaving their like some girls on some girls have got armpit hair other girls will point it out I think Jim was the number one place ever got bullied and that was where it was like I'm really vulnerable and bullies were like there he is time to go get him breakdown that self-esteem did you guys have that weird culture of doing the towel flapping oh yes yes we did there was a lot of that you'd do the towel and go rat tails that's what they call girls and boys do you gym together yes we had co-ed gym yeah we was back really yeah what's the point of that she's an outdated thing there's also partly because all of the male PE teachers were really really sexist I believe that we had a really gross one that would put the girls with the big breasts in front of the groups so that when they did push-ups and sit-ups he would literally sit there and watch them as [ __ ] gross yeah a little bit I don't know why they couldn't have a class together so they'd have like oh wait no what am I saying because there were girls sports and Voicebox obviously what is that like so what the boys would mainly play basketball okay this this is a bit that I've blocked out for my memory so we play basketball very briefly three weeks as we requested it and we thought would be fun that's a guy story but it's a boy spot so what we would play is netball which is the stupidest wait a minute is this like the rounders of baseball is that net bolt of it what is ever to swing basketball netball and so basketball you get the ball yeah you stop you shoot you shoot or pass netball you get the ball you're stuck keep stopped as soon as you get the ball in that boy you're not allowed to move except for pivoting on one foot so then you pass it over sit why stop all the little girls bumping into each other and getting hurt oh oh I've got the ball I don't time to give it away again it's so stupid this upsets me mm-hmm and then may think maybe the boys did cricket and we did rounders this this is sounding more like women's versus men's gym I feel bad about this yeah and then the boys did rugby and we did like touch rugby and then I know I do hand touch we played two-hand touch football in America because they don't want you to get hurt in school yeah so you can't tackle people I did get tackled but then that kid would always get and yeah then girls played hockey and boys didn't but I don't remember why hope you miss tiwiii played floor hockey where you just blow hot floor hockey was hockey without either inline skates or ice skates so you just run around playing yeah that's cold no hockey you need to have skates either States or ice yes flow hockey though I'll give you that escape yes hockey that's why it's not called ice hockey ice hockey and then we're not rollerblading roller hockey no that's just yeah no obvious running are different I got her original default version no and then you add isolate I disagree so far from this I've learned I don't think that boys and girls should be separate necessarily during gym they should just be able to play or learn together and also I don't think you should be graded on your fitness abilities I think you should be graded on your attempts at increasing your fitness like oh you did better than yesterday you didn't have a push-up good job but not like oh you can't touch your toes you can't run a mile in under seven minutes that seems a bit did you know please don't there's girl push-ups as éponine yeah we call them that scouts said like say oh do some bro push-ups again dude no pusher this is how they told us to do push-ups um you're like on you meant to do the other way no that's the thing so they separate us for like a week is what they want to do yeah great everyone has different bodies and it's all fine thank you very much for checking out this video if you had a similar experience or a different please tell me in the comments below about your PE phys ed experience otherwise be sure to subscribe make new videos every Sunday today's video comes to you from or in China right now that's weird but be back in London finally next week I travel too much anyway I'll see you guys next time goodbye
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 529,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gym, phys ed, physical education, school, british vs american, british, american, vs, usa, uk, evan edinger, kim, american vs british, accent, comedy, food, makeup, welsh, slang
Id: 13Ybakv8KYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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