Drug Education! | British VS American | Evan Edinger & Lucy Moon

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hello everybody and welcome to another episode of British vs. Americans day with I'm Maisie means I'm Lucy moon today we're gonna be talking a little bit about drug education in the UK versus the US and where did you grow up what area I grew up like hockey team London a bison so I was your southerner and I grew up on the East Coast so I feel like most everyone in America had the same drug education as long as they like were born in the 80s or 90s because we had the DARE program that was a whole program yeah what do you mean you have a program absolutely not how did you guys not do drugs how did you receive how do we know D drugs I don't know the UK definitely doesn't have any issues address I mean there's always a meme online that British people with drug use go so hard it's scary and people go like oh my god is that safe and they go I'm from England yeah cool yes we had a program called the DARE program which is the drug abuse resistance education you know we have a lion a lion I want to show you a picture that when you graduated there you got a little stuffed Dara lion and when you graduate you get a man dressed up in a giant lion suit hugging you when people have mascots in us mm-hmm like culture is that just like your teacher dressed up as the mascot or do they have someone hired in to dress up as a mask it was probably a police officer I think the thing about the tear program was as far as I remember like they lightly educated us in all of elementary school but in fifth grade is where it like kind of really stepped up we had a cop visit the classroom like a couple times you're fine yes so like a time when you you you aren't thinking of drugs you're just thinking you want to play some games I've got parents who potentially have alcohol and drug problems surely that's your only contacts the lessons were about making good choices so they tell us about the drugs and tell us how each one individually can ruin your life okay we had something kind of similar I don't know if this was widespread or if this was just a chem police thing we had a policeman come in a couple of times what I can't police can't sorry Oh can't believe so in Kent a police officer came in maybe three times during our last year of school or last two years of school to talk I mean in secondary know in primary okay I feel like seven yeah sixth grade belt and he came in to talk about one not going on rail tracks which is because we don't have many and the drugs awareness one the police officer came in and was like I am basically trying to present himself as like I'm gonna be your friend of course um this has really chilled out you know if you're gonna do drugs in the future when you're teenagers you're gonna do drugs however I'm gonna tell you what what happens and he told us all this terrifying stuff like about especially about acid trips but he said if you do drugs that seems like you won't do drugs I was just like if you touch them these things are likely to happen to you was the idea I feel like the reason that people have such bad times on drugs these days is because they're paranoid because the stuff they were lied to his kids so like one of the things we were told about is like literally I can't believe they're allowed to do with in schools they told us this story about a guy who took acid and he peeled himself like an orange what and we were told not a guy he took acid I think I think it was a lesson based which is even weirder and he had loads of spiders under his skins he was like I'm trying to like peel his skin off to try and like get get rid of the spiders that is weird because all of the drugs that's one of the safest one in terms of yeah oh my god that's game alpha nice and genetics I mean yeah that makes sense that's terrifying so ours also decided to go for the hallucinogenic route because in eighth grade you have like an extra strong care program where they basically have these convicts come in and the orange jumpsuits and chains and then stand on the stage and they would basically be like I did this and I killed people and now I'm in jail and you will be the same if you do drugs and I remember they had these incredibly graphic pictures on a projector screen of people whose heads had been like completely bashed in from falling from three stories because oh I took acid and thought I could fly I remember in that auditorium multiple girls from aisles would just start crying and just leave the auditorium cuz it was that graphic how is this the method of teacher Oh end of it by the way we then we're allowed to row by row go up to the front and look at all the drops about here's MDMA now here's a little 2cb and you get to see them all and you see the little baggies that means like don't do that or you'll die and that was yeah that was it that was 18 yeah it's about 13 and it was it so we're a bit more mature but I still at that point had never even heard of outside of dare kids doing drugs I didn't even know weed was a thing until I was like in eleventh grade and I was still like oh no but our programs education was they just say no no matter what and they always had situations that the kids and the examples are in that aren't realistic like oh so you're walking down the street with your friends and the guys like hey why not do weed that doesn't usually it's you just hang out a party with friends you know and your friends like hey do you want to join me what's the situation with that I never learned you're supposed oh no in the UK I don't ever remember being told about people going to jail but then that could have also been because as far as I'm aware like racially I'm not really represented yes and gender wise as well mm-hmm so maybe I went to school I do recall having to write an essay my dare reflections essay on how I'm gonna make sure I live my life and not do drugs and I remember having to do an art project in which I drew some anti-drug thing and I remember doing like a line through all the drugs to be like I won't do this and then I had to sign a contract I remember in fifth grade saying I won't do drugs so that's the whole reason you know I can't do them now it's annoying but made me sign a crutch do you know I bet you on some level that was either really effective or really ineffective there will be people who are still to this day too scared to go near them and people who then find it really fun and experimental because they were told it was so scary they realized one isn't that scary and then they yeah feather in a feather in I think that's the biggest issue was the campaign for dare in the States was so much of a don't do any of them they're all bad they'll all kill you that once you try one that doesn't kill you you think oh what about the other ones I bet they're fine then do heroin but they did multiple studies on the DARE program specifically and found that on average kids that were shown the DARE program were more likely to to drugs the kids who did it so that's how it effective it was yes at a time when you don't know about these kids are being told by adults like you shouldn't do it because I said so that was the worst thing my dad could say except like stop crying unless I give you reason cried out but besides that like because I said so yeah I liked bowling I didn't hit a bullet yeah this is just not true I remember though there were people in my year who would experiment with drugs and it was actually really ruling and oh Jenny I didn't know I think I knew one kid that people called a STONER in high school but I genuinely know people weed was nothing people were smoking weed from my 14:15 that it was unlike in school I think in school like on the school grounds okay people are paying with all sorts of drugs because we have this thing that in the UK at least was quite popular called Silk Road you mean Silk Road the the darknet marketplace yeah so when we were 14 and 15 people were and really cheap kids you can accessible many cases yeah but I just don't know how kids are savvy enough to use the darknet and also not get arrested I don't know how everyone managed people I can't believe that I remember there was this huge trend I've heard about that I feel like there's so many laws in the UK because of this whole student problem when someone's talking about a certain drug I'll hear like a British man be like oh yes University drugs such as yet no the legal highs is what you guys had so much of it okay good we had so much like I remember buying Pappas that was one that you got and I was like what's a popper I don't even know what that is what is talk to Frank exactly who is when all of this stuff was happening we're like Silk Road was getting shut down an organization started I guess by the government funny when government a couple of years before we'll talk to Frank and talk to Frank is an information hub about drugs and I think they try to approach the tone as being quite conversational but quite educational and obviously leaning towards heavily prevention do not do this intervention yeah so there was this database where you could go and look up drugs and find out more about their effects so if you had questions that's a place that at least the government knew if you go here we can be like don't do them as well as the information yeah exactly obviously if you've got friends who are taking a certain drug one of these weird chemical drugs which were quite available at least what I was at the time you instead of just going oh maybe I have to try some to work out what it's like yes you could go online and read about it and learn from like people and there were also loads of forums you could go because the thing is if people are being told don't do it they're then going to be more interested in doing it unless you give them real information I think the issue we had so much with the DARE program was that it didn't treat kids as intelligent and logical beings and treated them as kids that will just listen to what you say the opposite so really good time with that drugs awareness thing I had when I was 11 I remember touch loose Ingenix I never have I know well I will not go near them because the I don't know why they just instilled fear even though I I know it's like illogical you're the one positive thing that I think dare did to me was it genuinely made me fear drug misuse yeah I remember having to write an essay on the difference between misuse and abuse and misuse is you have like back pain and you're like oh my mom has a prescription for pain and so you take someone else's prescription and so no yes but I'm I'm now terrified like I went to my friend's house to the day had back payment her mom was like here you go use this and I was like I don't want to die ma'am because I was told like you know you could be a normal person that doesn't do any drugs but then you do you know a prescription one that's not yours and it messes with your body you die and I was like in a way that's good it is I still only take one acetaminophen number two I don't know tylenol ibuprofen paracetamol I only take one pill people you can take two and I'm like ma'am please don't be a pusher so I have this friend that grew up in Ohio and he was telling me that in his high school it was genuinely commonplace people would go into the bathroom and do opioids it was such a thing see that and that sounds terrifying I can't I said sure I of all the places school but also that's so sad because these kids are getting hooked because you know the prescriptions and the opioids are just all over the u.s. it's such a problem I have this really distinct memory of being for some reason in our PE gym mm-hmm which why were we there who knows and all purpose and I think it was a policeman that came in then as well we were about 14 and it was my year group and he made us put our hand up if we'd ever taken drugs oh whoa raise your hand if you ever get him boys arrest them funny they were like this is so stupid well everyone should have raising their hands for like tylenol and stuff yeah well yeah so then then they did the whole like you've all taken drugs but it was so interesting like they had hands up whoever drank alcohol hands up whoever's done drugs and then I guess they did some kind of educational program around it like don't be like John it's time for drugs when there's so many tests to study for in the UK you know all those GCSEs and you got time to do a little weed what you doing yeah the card I took at GCSE I never thought anyone did anything and then I remember going to like a party two years ago or so and I went up to someone's bedroom and I was like why is everyone looking at this few BOTS oh and I just remember going like I didn't what and that's the situation you're in it's not like a random stranger on the street it's you're at a friend's house at a party you're like oh yeah okay wait was front was there Frank mascot no god no I remember we'd just being advertised as like it's advertised smoke weed today yeah I remember we just being portrayed as the thing that makes you lazy you achieve nothing and you don't move off your sofa we had ads like that they'd show like two dudes smoking and going like people say weeds gonna like ruin your life but like we've been smoking for like 25 years nothing's happened to us and then you hear someone's voice and goes like sorry mom and he puts it out no it was like oh and it was like a subtle way of being like you but that's a real thing they made sometimes people abused it where they smoked so much they don't do anything I was always terrified to get addicted to any substance so like tobacco terrifies me because I just don't want to touch it I've never touched I don't know I think yeah but that made it so that if things weren't addictive I'm like cool I'll do a line of tylenol melatonin and because it's still in my head I feel like I should sing to you the song that I had to sing on graduation of Dera program I think I was like 10 I'm gonna beat the odds I won't give up I won't give in I'm gonna call the shots in my life and I'm gonna win don't push me don't press me don't call me friend when all I want all you're gonna do is drag me down I want for this to end check your attitude at the door I do not want to score I'm going to be the winner in this drug war that was the solo I had I remember I got the special Group because I could talk fast ways that was more oh yeah d I won't do drugs I won't have an attitude or I will respect myself e I will educate me now I'd still have my head right every time someone offers me a weed on the street I'm always like listen check your attitude or I think they tried to make it hip hoppy so they'd be like yo kids oh the Lions here to know yeah I watch the video drugs we didn't do any of this oh we can wait I think education is the most important part and I think you can't stop people from taking drugs but you can help make sure that they're safe and make informed decisions so basically let people make informed decisions and also think you were talking about earlier the UK has a program called the loop yeah so it's a nonprofit I think called the loop yeah and you can follow it and Instagram it there like a drugs testing an awareness organisation and you can get your drugs tested by them at certain festivals I know that's available in Amsterdam is mm-hmm I mean alcohol is also an issue I feel like we need more education oh my god we need more education alcohol because I think alcohol kills more people than all these drugs combined gosh no POS possibly but ya know it's really really dangerous and like and caffeine is also a drunk a lot of people are depending on caffeine is it gives you bad headaches I would know really yeah yeah I get headaches if I don't drink I only have one coffee a day if I don't have that one coffee I get headaches really anyway Drive education if you enjoyed this video I mean give me a big thumbs up tell us if you're from a different country or the UK u.s. be a different experience I'd love to hear what you got to say other than that I guess you can watch some of these other videos that I made they're pretty good to do that they're everywhere I made 160 hours I do really cool weekly vlogs and that's great I love them I think you'll like them too check it out anyway thank you guys for watching I'll see you on the next one goodbye it is very freaking hot
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 230,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drug education, dare, drugs, education, british vs american, american vs british, british, vs, american, uk vs us, uk, usa, america, england, drug education for kids, dare lion, dare song, drug abuse resistance education, talk to frank, evan edinger, lucy moon, evan, edinger, evan edinger school, school, 2019
Id: 2lZ_o35GGnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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