Americans are Dumber than the Rest of the World? (Quiz Battle between Americans and Europeans!!)

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1920s 1950s 19 is this common knowledge yeah i have no clue it's common hi everyone i'm haley and i'm from the usa hello i'm cali and i'm also from the usa hi guys i'm jessica and i'm from germany hi i'm jorge and i'm from italy hi i'm christy and i'm from the uk west midlands [Music] yeah i've definitely heard that before oh yeah yes yeah i just think our stupid people get more publicity than other countries idiot i don't think we're dumber than the rest of the world that's fair it hurts yeah it hurts i'm gonna be completely honest my view has changed over the years that was my first well my initial thought but my view has changed from actually getting to know american people [Music] i'm not i'm not here i mean we are three and they are two so i think we have we always have an advantage of being one more i've been out of school too long yeah same year it's been a while and the thing is i hate losing but i don't know if i'm smart china they have a population problem well there was a law for to limit one child per family but i think that has changed now is this common knowledge yeah i have no clue like a falcon or something lion i was trying to think of like the flags or something oh oh bull yes spanish i guess because i heard that they pronounced their name argentina it's common knowledge that's why i love it japan i knew i knew the answer because i used to live i used to live in japan i traveled to japan so i think that's probably how i knew it i just remembered that yes oh i couldn't even read it first i can't remember i saw a video of it because in germany world war ii is a big topic every year so yeah we learn about it a lot what's the video blue whale i heard that the wheels are the biggest animal in the world because something about gravity in the sea i guess that animals can become bigger so that's why i'm so smart i do not know about that what were you about to say elephants the black plague was just about to say it killed a lot of people like and the the the masks are very famous the plague dr masks are very famous they're very common halloween costume and in horror movies i'm also coronavirus has brought that back a little people were talking more about what plagues are very common and epidemics and pandemics and all that but also it just killed a lot of people you know this oh what was it 50 i googled it i don't know like i was really interested in the u.s when i was younger so i wanted to move to the us so i was reached researching a lot about it i think i read it some years ago i knew it i did i wasn't fast enough i'm just going to keep your head we should know this vatican i'm so dumb i'm italian is that a country it's a country in italy i just thought it was like a particular territory of italy which is not a state it's just a [Music] territory pacific ocean i just guessed it was my second guess yeah i knew it was a large ocean but i didn't actually know it was the biggest one so i've learned something new yeah i i figured it was one of the twos and i guess i guessed the wrong line too russia yeah that was my second guest i was so scared i was so scared first i also was like kind of full because of the population yeah i kind of figured because the largest country and i was like i'll rush it i was thinking it's one of the two you see my face hesitate i don't know to the nearest decimal point i think it's like three point no no two point one two point five one point seven one point eight one point six yes we needed that point you use one or the other you don't convert usually like when i exercise i'm always like doing kilometers because i'm like running a 5k or something like that but then when i'm driving at home i definitely think in i don't know how big a mile is i only like in italy we only use kilometers i don't think there is a word for mile in italy blue yeah i love animals uh i'm just interested in going to like zoos and when you go to the hospital you give something to the gym i've been to a zoo i've seen it around i just literally passed it off i don't even have a guest i'm so bad at history i don't want to say something really really wrong jeez i have no idea i'm going to sound so stupid i'm going to sound stupid because i don't know the literary translation from cold war 1920s 1950s 1930s 1954 1917 89 oh yes oh that's not because of my knowledge that was a guessing game i've learned about it for sure in school it's not it doesn't come up in conversation yeah i cannot remember learning it maybe i had it maybe not i forgot it i feel like these are getting harder so we're just gonna try our best again [Music] the bible i didn't even like think of that as being like technically a book that would be counted on the selling chart actually i had two options the bible or harry potter i wouldn't have guessed that because i wouldn't have thought it was counting on like the book sales chart i would think those wouldn't include like religious texts so i wouldn't have guessed [Music] we got five i think that the stereotype is there because of how the education system is different in each country i don't know if it's still a stereotype but it's kind of known at least in europe that the american education system is a little different from how we study in europe so i guess that might be it but it also was like a who's faster kind of game so i guess i'm faster yeah i don't think that this shows anything to do with the stereotype being true or not because this was like common knowledge for almost every question we all knew probably except for the cold war answer because like i think most of us knew the answers to all of these i think if it was a team thing maybe our combined knowledge could have been nice to you like i felt like you probably knew some that i didn't yeah our collective knowledge isn't that bad sometimes the one person just picks up maybe one thing and the others know it as well or like also interests are different researching things more than other topics so i think it also depends on which country you're from because especially because a lot of the questions were based on some history it depends on what you learn from what i've heard in america you focus on american history in europe we tend to focus on our own country's history we don't really know much about other countries history we know a little bit about other european countries but certainly not other people from other countries you know nowadays in the states at least typically every year of high school most schools require you to learn about a different region of the world it's like nowadays people typically know more i think it doesn't matter where you're from it depends from person to person of course yeah so today we're having a quiz battle and the topic is about american versus european general knowledge if you liked this video make sure to like comment and subscribe for more [Music] you
Channel: World Friends
Views: 1,443,128
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Id: sjHPlwpl7Yg
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Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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