American Reacts to British Kids Shows! Evan Edinger & Dodie Clark

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*clap* ahhh How do you like it? [Laughs] Hello everyone, today I’m here with my friend Dodie hello in last weeks video I ended up talking about holiday and I defiantly left out a really important one which was bonfire night and that’s because Bry didn’t wanna talk about bonfire night [To dodie} Thank you for cleaning that off my face I don’t know what it is about bonfire night but maybe Ireland doesn’t… I don’t know I Don’t know, either way Today we’re going to be doing something that I’m pretty excited for which is I’m going to be watching some old British kids shows *Dodie laughs* I like how most American’s are like ‘oh yeah I’m totally British I watch Doctor Who’ but theres like so many shows that people mention that I’ve never heard of so lets do it everyone in Britain is gonna be so excited and everyone else is gonna be like ‘what’? so what have you got for me first, Dodie oh my god, okay, first things first have you ever heard of the chuckle brothers? I’ve heard of them from you, you use that name a lot like, if I’m ever trying to shove a table outside I’d be like ‘to me’ and you’d go ‘to you’ ‘to me’ ‘to you’ No I wouldn’t [laughs] I don’t know what that is! well you should! [chuckle vision music plays] this looks like it was made in the 90’s [chuckle vision sounds] his accent [Dodie laughs] It’s his accent first of all [video plays] where are they from? Northern I think? this was the protocol of my childhood It’s weird, It’s just too British dude…having a day that was it! That was the episode, Okay erm what did you think? Ohhh, I love them though, they’re a treasure to our country that’s so weird oh my god, I’m so excited about this next one okay, what is it oh my god cause I don’t know if you know fairly recently they actually tweeted me back, and like followed me and dmed me Dick and Dom? OHHH MYY GOD, OHH MY GOD yet again, I know them because of you… WHAT IS THIS [laughs] [Dodie sings the dick and dom tune] I don’t even know what’s happening right now? no one ever did it’s just animals going down an elevator no one ever knew, I feel so nostalgic is the whole thing a song? No I'm gonna skip forward a bit. Basically you’d have kids who would like sign up to be on it. I signed up like five times, I always got rejected. And like you’d stay in the Bungalow for a bit and then like you’d do challenges and stuff. Oh! Let me show you diddy Dick and Dom. Diddy Dick and Dom. And then in the middle they’d have like little sections. What’s he doing there? He’s moving his head. I can do that. British people and puppets I swear to god. Youtube 2005. Fred! This was 2005. Oh wow! I know dude. These are an hour long? Yeah. Are there no ads either? No. Because it’s England? Oh my god. Wait you have hour long shows without I think so, but you have- Without ads? I think you might have breaks, but because it was BBC you didn’t have ads. Oh my god. Anyway, okay! So at the end they’d do this like fake game show thing. Uh-huh. And then everyone was just waiting until someone said “Creamy Muck Muck!” and then they’d all just like… Creamy macbook? Creamy muck muck. Oh my god you don’t know what that is. No I don’t know what creamy muck muck is. Okay, okay. That was really weird. Okay. I feel like Chuckle Brothers is more of like if they wanted to make a British sitcom for kids. Dick and Dom is- I have no clue what Dick and Dom is. Yeah. Have you ever heard of Basil Brush? Oh my god! What is this? You’re a fish. Ha ha ha! Boom boom! What?! Basil Brush is a very cheeky, actually what the hell was he? A fox? No, he was a squirrel. They have a big tail. You’ll find out. A squirrel. Squirrel. Sq-uirrel. But he just make funny jokes. And also, side note. Like Zoboomafoo? I don’t know what that is. Did you just sneeze? Good sound effects. What? It’s a fox. They had a lot of them. [On TV] You see? That's the problem these days. Too much rubbish on TV. What the hell? There’s so many lights and colours. [On TV] What? Has he been promoted? Well done, ol' chap. So British. So British. I love it I didn’t expect it to be /that/ British What makes it so British? Just the – even the “Well done old chap!”, like he literally said “well done old chap” But he’s being a stereotype Did David Cameron like the Basil Brush show? don’t know Or did he try to kill the show …cause he’s a fox (groans) that’s sad (laughs) My Parents are Aliens. Sounds like a book. Oh my God. It sounds like a book title. This looks like a YouTube animation. *Theme tune plays* Children's home. Cause they were abandoned and the aliens come pick them up. And they're like... Why? Cause why not? Now their parents are aliens. How long did this show work? Like did it- Ages Really? Yeah. In fact they had to change the woman actor. She was blonde and then they got a new one and they were like , "Oh, she just regenerated into a new body." (sigh) All British shows do that. "Oh, they just regenerated. She'll never die." That's not what every show does. (laughs) I give that a 2/10. Are we rating them now? I just didn't like it that much. I liked the fox a bit more. Cause he made a pun, that's why. It was a good pun. (Laughs) (incandescent mumbling) (sorry again, I couldn't understand her )': ) "Big Cook, Little Cook?" Is that like, Ben's show before he was on the BBC? I remember Little Bill. Oh, that was Bill Cosby, wasn't it? What the hell? This is so poorly animated They all are. It's like.... so bad. (Music and voices from the show) Bilbo Baggins (More voices from the show) He didn't even let me answer. At least Dora gives me some chance. Look at him. He flies around on a spoon. It's definitely not green screen. I love then both. I think I had a little crush on (sorry sorry again I don't know. The time is 6:14 if that helps any.) This show is trippy as hell. Um... eh. Eh? Eh. Did you ever watch Fifi and the Flowertots? Oh my god how do you not know? Fifi and the Flowertots. How many British kid’s shows were there? (theme song plays) What. Is this claymation? (mimicking cartoon) Do you like it? Maybe you could wear it- “of course I will” *laughing* this looks the most, I guess, like a show that I’d see in America okay like, I could imagine seeing that on PBS or something okay. Um. Blue Peter. You’re joking, you’re literally joking. How could you not have heard of Blue Peter? I’ve never even heard of it. It’s-- Sounds like a drink NO. What sounds like a drink. I’ll have two Blue Peters please, and a Malibu It’s everyone’s life dream to get a Blue Peter badge cause- I’ve heard you say Blue Peter badge before. There you go! I don’t know anything- Like, you had to do something really cool like, I dunno, run a marathon for charity when you’re like 10 years old. *theme song plays* Actually it was different to what I thought it was. Person on show: Hello, and welcome- Hi Person on show: -to an important- Oh my god. Person on show: -moment in the history of- So nineties. I love her hair. So much gel So what do you… do you seriously watch this? Cause this stuff’s boring as heck. Yeah I do really This would not have been my life dream to get a badge from this boring and very badly-haired man. Zoella, on Blue Peter. Dodie and What?! Woah That’s the one I’d watch. No, it’s not like Zoom. Alrighty Zoom was good. If you’re an American and you watched Zoom, that was my thing. *sings Zoom theme song* Well I did watch 64 Zoo Lane Okay Now that I think about it, it’s so British. Her accent- She lived next to a giant giraffe. Yes, she did! I’m not tired yet, go tell me a story. Yeah, that was it, right? Oh- stories, okay. I used to really like the theme song. *Singing the theme song.* Oh, I missed the warthog. That’s pretty much dangerous, Yeah That a giraffe can pretty much go into your daughter’s room. *in high-pitched British accent* Hello domesticated animal! Have you heard of Peppa Pig? I use tumblr a lot, so I’ve seen a lot of little re-gifs Oh, you’ve seen the little… Are these what Percy pigs are made out of? No! Oh, sorry. I like that, it’s very short as opposed to the songs that are about an hour long. *imitating characters* They’re so British. Can I have a- Dodie and ticket please! I love how the Dad just has like, three lines of hair on his face This doesn’t seem that bad of a show. it’s not gonna fit! That was genuinely really funny like they were always really sassy and then their favourite thing to do was jump in muddy puddles and that’s how they ended it. I like it. It’s not bad Do you know what children’s show Bertie was in when he was younger? Harry Potter. Mmm. That and another one Horrible Histories Come on was it the history of his birth? Look at him! *laughter* It’s like, education, but trying to do it comedy I like that. I like that concept. Let me show you stupid deaths. (Cartoon noises) [ON TV] Stupid deaths. Stupid deaths. They’re funny cause they’re true! Then I said, what another fine mesh you’ve gotten me into. Fine mesh. Cause I was wearing chain mail. alright. Alright. [On TV] You had to be there. The Tweenies. no? but I mean How have you not heard of the Tweenies?! That’s what we call people that hang out in malls in, like, middle school Oh my god this is so weird what the hell is that? The fu-? This is like that thing, green is not a creative colour. That is what this reminds me of that’s probably what it was based on I believe it. I feel like I’m on every acid trip ever. They have such long songs! How long is this song? Okay I’m done okay I feel like I’ve seen stuff like this before, but not that at all, but it’s definitely a type of show that they show to kids. It looks like Barney, if Barney was on more drugs than he already was. Art attack. This is mad! Sounds like heart attack so… Oh my God! Everyone’s going to go mad. Everyone’s going to go mad! Art attack? I remember Bob Ross, he would teach you how to paint trees, he was a beautiful man. No, no, it’s so different. It’s really easy stuff, like that and you’d be like Mum I wanna do this so bad. I remember he taught you how to make a fake cast once and I was like I wanna do it! So it makes you like art and start making art. Yeah. And then there’d be this creepy head thing. [On TV] Oh hello! Head here. That is a right grand effect. Squidgin! What? I don’t even know what words he just said. Look! He made the Queen. Have you ever watched Pingu? I know who he is because I follow Liam Dryden on Tumblr and he always reblogs things with like ‘noot noot’. Oh my God, this is so sad. And that’s all I know about it, noot noot! That’s not the theme tune. Why would you do this? Oh, there not saying words? *Evan makes noises* So it’s basically just if there wasn’t speech, a claymation. I never knew whether it’s like… Those were not words. If there not words or if they’re like Finnish or something? Pingu speaks Finnish, Dodie Clark. Well, I don’t know! NOOT NOOT is Finnish for ‘may I please have a cup of tea’. There’s more words in Pingu than noot noot. I do noot know any. Shut up. Okay, Come Outside. I mean, we’re filming. It’s a show. Look up, look down, look all around. Look, the dog does it. Come Outside. But they’re saying this, on a television show where you’re watching TV. Tube. (T-ube) What do you say? Tube (Toob). The music sounds like Pokemon. Aw, she’s so cute, look at her. It’s like a vlog in 2008. Literally watching someone brush her teeth. #SPON Oh my God I wonder if that was a #SPON? Oh my God! I like this toothpaste specifically. It’s interesting in that I would probably never watch that as a kid. No! If it was in America, I’d be like this is boring. Postman Pat? I only know Postman Pat because when I went to my good friends, Bry and Candice’s wedding this song came on and everyone was freaking out, and I was like what’s Postman Pat? And I feel like I was going to get hit in the face. I just know it’s ‘Postman Pat with a whiffle-ball-bat.’ Postman Pat and his black and white cat. Look at his nose! It’s really hard to make a postman’s jobs interesting here. Oh, trust me they did. What actually happens in the show? Eh, I’m not really too sure, like sometimes he can’t deliver the mail. Usual Royal Mail. It’s pretty accurate. There’s lots of songs. Is the whole thing sang? No, there’s different things, like storms. You just put to three different spots and it was singing every time. British television shows love songs. Teletubbies? Teletubbies was big in America. My little brother used to love Teletubbies. Say Teletubbies (Tellie-tubbies). Teletubbies (Tella-tubbies). Teletubbies (Tellie-tubbies). Teletubbies (Tella-tubbies). Teletubbies (Tellie-tubbies). Is that ‘cause that ‘cause they have TVs in their chest? On the tellie. In America we call it Tella-tubbies. Oh my God. I never noticed that! Have you ever seen the picture of what the sun, the girl looks like now? No, really? Woah. Look, right there, that girl. She’s so pretty. Yeah. I’d give her a sun, if you know what I mean. Oh gosh. Looks a bit tubby. She doesn’t. Stop it! Sorry, don’t tella on me. Ahhhhh! In the Night Garden? What is this? Oh my God, Makka Pakka is my favourite person in the whole world. Well, he’s not really a person. I just love songs so much. I would never let my kid watch this. Why? It’s good. It’s drivel. It’s not drivel! I feel like some shows like Boohbah, do you know what that is? No. It’s like the worst, it’s these fat balls that fart when they move and they go *fart noise* Umm, yeah, so what do you think? Wait? That was it? Yeah. Do you like British TV? No. Oh no! I think they’re all really weird. The one I liked was the fox one. Basil Brush. He reminds me of Zoboomafoo, so I’d probably watch that as a kid. It wasn’t that bad. There was a lot of them that I was like, these are boring. Like real time ones that I wouldn’t have watched. I loved them and they made who I am today. I don’t know how you’ve watched so many, like I’ve watched a lot of cartoons as a kid but never that many kids shows. Arthur to me though wasn’t a kids show. Oh no, yeah. I watched that as a kids show and everyone was like you know that shows for kids? You just don’t understand. DW okay? It’s not. Well if you liked the video, please give it a like below and tell us what TV shows we’re missing out on. I know there’s a couple that you left out, because we didn’t have a lot of time. Also, Dodie is a lovely YouTuber so please be sure to subscribe to her channel and subscribe to me, ‘cause I make new videos every Sunday. Thank you so much for watching. I guess I will see you guys next Sunday, goodbye. *cue catchy whistling outro* *swoosh* Why did you take something off my face? Sorry, but you’re glasses are so dirty. Oh, are they? Oh my Gosh! Ew! I don’t know. Guy Fawkes wasn’t that bad. I don’t know, maybe Guy Fawkes was Irish? Ire-Fawkes. First intro was great. Ire-Fox? Firefox Ow! Well, just desserts, Dodie.
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 1,223,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American Reacts to British Kids Shows, british kids shows, british kid shows, children shows, tv shows, american reacts, american, reacts, british, kid, shows, evan edinger, dodie clark, evan, dodie, evan and dodie, chucklevision, peppa pig, funny, reaction, old, cartoons, doddleoddle
Id: _aC-BwM9V6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 15sec (975 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2015
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