American Answers Web’s Most Searched Questions about US 🇺🇸

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hello everyone this is Korean Billy Australian Walter American John so today we're going to do web's most searched questions about the United States you are going to represent the US this time we're going to pick some questions and ask you oh boy about the US where were you born I was born in a little place called Apple Valley but most people will know it as the city that's near Los Angeles ok no married there we go happy I'm gonna ask you a really hard question King our Americans British we are ancient British colony actually this is fun because Americans really feel like their identity doesn't come from birth or from blood but from politics so we focus on politics as being American we are Americans because we were born in America chose to be American immigrated to America whatever but the idea of America the dream of America makes Americans so yes we're Irish were British every nation of the world but were Americans I wasn't actually thinking that deep our Americans overworked the thing is as Americans work a lot let's say it's a typical office job after the eight hours at the office they go home and for the next four to five hours they work at home so it's not that we are recording the overwork it's that we're doing it on our own time usually as a choice so we're not getting paid for it obviously and it's we choose to work harder so we can get that promotion that we can get that raise so we can look better to our boss etc etc so we're just saying oh yeah mostly mostly I think there's a kind of image of like Wall Street well you know when Americans like American workplace kind of image is really making people think people are really really working hard yes very busy yeah and a lot of people are and some people aren't I didn't what's this over in the first place why do people type this question yeah I know this I think is an immigration question no I get there like what country should I go to well America's big our Americans happy yes exactly yeah I think happiness is a choice so Americans can be happy but how do you measure happiness are you happy yes no I'm very curious about the Google results right how about this all Americans go down to the comments and say I am happy or I am not happy are America's allowed to travel to China yes we just need a visa allowed in Russia yeah just need a visa interesting fact the American visa fees are more expensive than for South Africans free if you're going to China and South Africans don't need a visa for Russia are America's allowed in North Korea very special permission there are a few if you yeah we really want to go that you can apply for yeah yes you can didn't they change it after that oh yeah right or wondering you could be right with that but I know journalists if I can even get accepted it can still go as for everyday Americans it's extremely hard together why do Americans wear shoes in the house when I was a child I did but after a while we stopped cuz it's dirty when I moved away from my house and lived with roommates we always took our shoes off all the time oh yeah so it is really case-by-case however the reason we wear shoes in the house it's comfort you can just walk in without having to take on or off we like to go quickly and the other thing either you have wood or tile floors which are easy to clean or carpet what you just vacuumed so it's like not considered as dirty yeah I think just taking off shoes like my roommates forced me to do back in the day it's a better idea why do Americans say your herbs and spices we don't say herbs but let's go back to the phonetics of the letter that we're talking about which is omitted in the pronunciation herbs yeah we don't say H we say H it has this harder sound so I don't know if that has to link with how we save herbs but the H is silent yeah but to peck you up we don't we say honest right we don't want yes our honest herb why do Americans say mom but you say mom funny story when a lot of Americans watch British television for the first time especially there's a very famous show that recently came out the Queen from the crown they were saying why is he calling the Queen my goodness why is he calling them or queen who ever was why are they calling them mom because we hear ma a.m. as mom in America but we don't say mom so we say mom not mom why don't merit gossip or pizza pie pizza is a pie a pie is bread toppings no and in a layer on top but a pie pastry flaky that's true yeah Joey I don't agree pizza it's not a pie I was just being antagonistic maybe they're talking about the Chicago style mmm the dish pizza it does look quite like a pie shape yeah maybe back in the day because there is like meat pies and savory pies and sweet pies pizza pie was just a variety of pie that's my guess don't worry someone in the comment section why do Americans speak English question this one is about history and it's I think it's pretty simple we were a British colony of course and we didn't get out of being a British colony until 1776 basically the strongest colony the one who beat out the French and Mexico we pushed them out and the Indians whatever you want to say about good or bad we expanded from the northeast area and we completely bought bought land and expand it until the West the people who expand it were English speakers long does America only have a one national language no America does not have a national so there's no national language and don't comment that there is cuz I know there isn't gonna do it we offered things only in English for a long time but these days were offering in many different languages thank you people who did that and Spanish was one of the first to be offered Spanish is probably the second most spoken language in the u.s. Chinese might be pretty high 2yr oh man know what why are American eggs why and why are American egg shells widens yes we do they're not special they're just a variety of chicken called lagers and that species produces egg shells which are white which I'm guessing both questions are the same question because American eggs inside are the same even though eggs are naturally white they are considered less healthy than brown eggs why I don't know why I think there's yeah there's like white grains are considered so they're not bleached and brown eggs don't have to be healthier it's the taste Americans love big things it's just true it is true we our roads are wider our houses tend to be wider everything in America just tends to be bigger so Starbucks is like a tea no it's bigotry bit up trend about the size yeah yeah all our drinks are portion sizes are very everything bigger so cars are bigger too it's not why a police making like Yankees has no negative connotation in America when Americans come to Korea and they say go home Yankee you're just like oh yeah I'm a Yankee ha ha I like the New York Yankees yeah ha ha that's it there's like no negativity feeling towards it until you live here longer and you're like oh they're using Yankee in a bad way ok Yankees are the north which one the support I believe the soldiers might be called Yankees and it might have been derogatory at the time but these days it's not from there you got your baseball teams called the New York Yankees from there it has a good connotation usually nice rip as well like jinx does sound a little bit negative yeah yeah but Yanks isn't say that said in the u.s. is always inky's well if America why is North America not an island it's now 60 million years ago that tectonic plates are pushing South America up and over so over time they kind of bumped into each other some people in America do think of themselves as an island why is North America colder than Europe do you see a lot of snowstorms in America it really depends on yeah like Norway and our Swedish region Nordic regions are generally colder than the US Alaska super : cool how cold can it be super cold like it can get arctic temperatures easily but it's not sustained it's just sometimes why is North America considered Western in my thought western comes from Europe okay so European areas including Britain or Western countries with Western philosophy Western religion and so when they colonize different areas they became an extension of comes from European perspective actually because we're very far east or very far west is America ethnicity no it's not we said a little bit before that America is an ideal or an idea it's a philosophy it's a dream that type of sort of polit political thing I don't mean political like left-right but political just as in people gathering definitely where every race region and people group why is us why is US health care so expensive there's a lot of reasons why it's expensive one is politics there are maybe not as much agreement among people what healthcare should look like most of America's health care is privatized there are few and small social systems such as Medicare Obama care is more like a type of shot out of social programs for healthcare but it just didn't pan out correctly how expensive can it be like for example when you have a half court and you want to get some medicine for me I didn't have either good health care or any health care for moose in my time in the US and if I had a bad cold I would go to a place called Urgent Care there's these small clinics which take people who might not have a lot of money or just take people who need immediate but not emergency care so I have a cold pink eye something like that go in automatically one hundred dollars well of course in my area it can vary but in my area automatically a hundred dollars and then any prescription after that for a cold I don't know like twenty bucks or something like that so not too terrible but yeah you're looking at $160 visit vertical I think here my last one was $7 $8 a little bit of a different universe the only wise drinking age 21 Americans 18 you know in Australia dating - did something happen you are changed or something to make a long story short this came after a longer process of compromising between us parties in the 1920s there was something called the prohibition which is alcohol was made illegal there is something called the temperance movement and America fought back the majority of America said no we want our alcohol that's where your speakeasies come from that's where NASCAR came from that whole temperance movement kind of solidified that part of America doesn't like drinking most America does so when it came to the drinking age it used to be 18 and it used to be 16 in some places but there was still this anti-alcohol sentiment that alcohol is a danger so over time it just kept raising until 21 so all right we've been looking at some web smoke sensitive questions about the u.s. I'm sorry for everything I got wrong today and if you want to check out my friends YouTube channel go check out peugeot don't want there's a link at the description box and if you like this video don't forget to click thumbs up and subscribe to my channel and the notification belt as well and I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: 빌리온에어 Billyonaire
Views: 794,913
Rating: 4.9027824 out of 5
Keywords: US, USA, The us, us english, uk vs uk, America, North America, American Culture, American, American stereotypes, stereotypes about America, America Stereotype, English, KoreanBilly's English, KoreanBilly, 미국, 미국 문화, 미국 사람, 미국 영어, 미국영어, 미국발음
Id: ixglFod_Q8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 04 2020
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