Koreans Answer Web’s Most Searched Questions about Korea 🇰🇷

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hello everyone this is Korean Billy Korean Laura Korean Anna and Australian Walter and today we're going to do web snow searched questions about Korea Korea I am joined by a very special guest is this Laura Anna and Walter and you guys are Korean yes Korean man I'm Korean born by Australian yeah he is Australian yeah and Walter is going to help us pick questions I am also going to pick questions together mm-hmm you guys are going to kind of like represent Korea sure answer the questions about Korea range but let's get started why is Korean why is Korean food so spicy why is Korean food spicy Korean people just love spicy food right you know kimchi is spicy and also um when Korean people are stressed out so I guess but are you gonna definitely when I'm under a lot of stress I definitely absolutely go for spicy food how about you Billy you are spicy okay yeah I'm okay with like spicy food but not like really really I don't some people even enjoy like it's not very healthy for you but it's it's really great yeah you have to try it yes sweat and your stress is gone yeah why is Korean skin so good I think we have that stereotype kind of but it's actually true maybe for in let's just see Korean models like so I think it's a stereotype yeah I think compared to Western people Korean people are more interested in skin care routine care money raised right but actually yeah yeah I don't know who is googling this question but why is Korean food so bad is a terrible question ask because I love Korean food exactly right now which Korean food was the most difficult to fry um with chewy foods that I can't really eat one thing right I also have trouble with like just just because of the spiciness level not really so much to the the look but this one is what would be the best Korean food you want to like recommend you guys Korean BBQ go wrong with Korean BBQ - Korean why does Korean age exist Korean age with Korean age I am two years older than lying international age which is that we I actually forget how old I am because sometimes I forget which age I am I internationally and also Korean age it's a very common question and also Korean people like like to ask you what year were you born yeah not a so basically with Korean age when a baby is born the baby is one year old right mm-hmm and when a year changes the baby gets one more tricky no based on the best right but it makes it easy right like new Ian you ain't right exactly it's more simple Willie does Korean have white skin that's actually not true I'm not really yeah right but the thing is a lot of Korean ladies are into whitening we must understand about different the white rice the wider the better right right I haven't tried like getting whiter skin absolutely really yeah like it did you get some laser treatment all right you know whitens your skin it just came at me your teeth it's yeah yeah it's like the same thing what about you anything but it's a standard of beauty here it's just personal preference you can those people to bring like the skin right right people feel they like to chase my like a scheme timing them right it's very difficult why does Korean say by dou y degrees a fighting what is placing in English correct like we're gonna say go for it go for it up for you do it this it's an expression of like encouraging someone but I don't know why Korean people picked it up fighting the phrase because I think you know you need to be fierce so you got a fight you're gonna win you know it's all about winning three and all about being the first and you know right I think that's why if you're learning Korean and if you learn fighting the phrase is so versatile yeah Korean Chinese maybe long time ago maybe Chinese people to Korea questions like this guys are Americans British Oh Korean rice cakes gluten-free it's made of rice flour right so guys don't worry about it half duck it's cold yeah it's Korean food is generally like healthy it's healthy yes like some rice cakes are made of like wheat flour oh that could have some why do Korean why do Korean guys stare at me why what units have we maybe older generation when I bring them they are so just interested in looking at three nerves because they look different right with just pure curiosity just people staring foreigners right but that could be considered I mean rudin to freeness when you're in when you were in Australia did you have an experience of foreigners staring and you on the street also Merrill's like Korean people didn't know not really but definitely in Korea if I wear something short or if I speak English if I wear something a little revealing then definitely a lot of oddities yes I don't think they acknowledge that it's rude yeah it's not necessarily being aggressive oh yeah yeah some people could be rude some people like even point that they're not trying to be rude right why do Korean eat garlic everyone is garlic do you agree that Korean people have too much garlic that's true in every mu and subbu put garlic yeah it's true and with Korean barbecue yeah oh right but guys garlic is very good for your health yeah it's very good for but do we smell like garlic yes don't be here even say Korean peoples smell like garlic I don't know I want to hear from you so leave comments yeah why do Koreans use metal chopsticks because I remember when I came to Korea and like my hands it'd be slippery and it'd be very difficult to sleep yeah he grabbed the chopsticks I think metal chopsticks are easy to clean yeah also a lot of people say the wooden chopsticks are not healthy because it Nigeria's door right why our Korea mm-hmm why our Korean doubles so small ah yes that's actually what I thought yeah me too actually me - yeah like all Korean people when they go abroad from for trouble they are so amused and amazed right like with these towels I grew up in Australia so like when I jump out of the shower I'd wrap a towel around my body but you can't do that with this more and I think because we have very distinct super - why are Korean roofs green oh yeah like the bed like it's kind of like the balcony and it's all painted gray on the balcony floor ah I've heard about that and I believe they use like special paints like special waterproof paint so when it raised the water for paints like make the rain like flows and ghosts are clean and doesn't like sustance it's just naturally green so people just use green paints interesting oh is Korea is Korean tap water safe I think I think so five things though I heard that this is lately not the sole tap water we've got the knee name falls tell me sir definitely it's drinkable hmm if you're thirsty yeah me neither so water quality here is pretty good yeah even like when you take a shower I can feel the difference like taking a shower in the UK I feel different cuz like your hair gets up in Korea it's of it yeah maybe that's why grande women have good skin because these Korea safe I guess like especially for women I guess that might be a question from a woman for many people they can walk around late at night and yeah obviously there are some places to avoid for example at cafes we can just leave her fella yeah even you would still be there even for hours oh I can just put my wallet or whatever all of my belongings yeah laptop and nobody would touch it Johnny comes a courier and steel up phones oh yeah is Korean it's Korean hard to learn very it's the hardest language to learn yeah one of the definitely there are so many like variations of Korean expressions or Korea worse so like when you say blue there are so many words for you talking about blue also there are life on the roof fix and my informal expression right but it's to be the most scientific word yeah Korean alphabet itself is very easy to use so all right we've been talking about where smooth searched questions of our career I don't thank you so much for joining me fun and don't forget to check out my friends social media and YouTube channel and your channel is skinc rude I am check it out and your Instagram what what is Anna and you guys know me cause II TV cause the TV positive yeah so I think that's it for today if you liked this video don't forget to press thumbs up and subscribe to my channel and turn a notification bell I'll see you guys next time bye [Music]
Channel: 빌리온에어 Billyonaire
Views: 29,045
Rating: 4.9342103 out of 5
Keywords: Korean, Korea, South Korea, Korean culture, Korean food, Korean people, Korea culture, Korean stereotypes, stereotypes about Korea, Korea Stereotype, Questions about Korea, Korean Questions, Questions about Korean, wired autocomplete, autocomplete interview, wired autocomplete interview, 외국인 반응, 한국 외국인, 외국인 한국, 한국 반응, 한국 문화, 한국, 대한민국, 한국 질문, 한국 관련 질문, 외국인 질문, 한국에 대한 질문, 한국 음식, 한국 편견, 한국 고정관념, 외국인이 보는 한국, KoreanBilly's English, 코리안빌리, 코리안빌리 잉글리쉬
Id: ogw0E2fs8JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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