My Message To Amberlynn Reid

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[Music] what's up you guys welcome back to the channel thank you so much for clicking on today's video so as you can tell by the title and thumbnail of the video we're going to be talking about amberlynn reed for the few of you guys that might not know who this is i highly suggest you go to the last video where i talked about her on my channel it's a couple weeks old i'll link it down in the description but basically amberlynn is a weight loss youtuber who started her channel a few years ago and in the course of the past few years she has actually gained about 300 pounds and she weighs at least about 600 pounds now again this video is not about explaining who she is i have that last video that you can watch if you really are curious i will say that a couple of my views have changed since then so if you do go watch that video just understand that i'm gonna explain a little bit more in this video now first off the reason that i wanted to make this video was because in that first video i said that if amberlynn wanted any help i would be happy to help her and she actually did end up reaching out to me and we did end up corresponding and talking a little bit and i have gotten an unbelievable amount of messages of people asking me uh what's been going on because she definitely she listened to the advice that i gave her for a little bit but she's obviously not listening to it anymore so i just kind of wanted to explain what we talked about i'm not going to be showing dms because personally i just feel like that's a little bit slimy i i will explain what we talked about but again i just i want to keep her privacy because that's not mine to just put out there in the world so when she actually ended up first messaging me a lot of people were kind of upset because she ended up commenting on one of my instagram posts what was actually it was actually a memorial post for someone here at the gym that recently passed away uh really sad actually that happened but uh people were really upset with her for messaging me on that post and while i do understand where people are coming from personally for me it didn't bother me that much because i i'm assuming that she just figured i probably get a lot of messages which i do and actually me seeing that message on that post was what made it so i was actually able to see her message because i would not have seen her dm uh if she didn't do that again i understand why people were upset with her about that but for me personally it didn't bother me that much but again anybody can have their own opinion on if that's okay or not now once you message me on instagram she basically was just asking for help and in my video i said if she reaches out to me i will help her and i'm i'm not gonna say that and then not actually do it so i was 100 willing to give her the help that she needed again like i said in that previous video if you're not 100 ready yourself so she's not 100 ready it doesn't matter how much information i give her because it's not going to solve everything and that's kind of exactly what happened but she ended up messaging me and then i gave her all the information that she needed so i made her plug in all her numbers into a tde calculator to find out how many calories she should be eating to lose weight now this ended up being about you know 27 to 3 000 calories give or take again she's a very very big person so that might seem like a lot of calories but when you're that large you can eat a good amount of calories and still lose weight but again she's very similar with other obese people that i've worked with because most of the time when you say a number that high they think no i'll just eat less and that's that's the battle that i always seem to have with people but that's kind of the battle that we had so i gave her a number and she said well i think i'm gonna eat this much and again i'm not her father or anything like that so i was like okay if that's what you want to do that you know that's that's your choice i'm not gonna sit here and watch you every single day but you know i told her my what my thoughts were and what i think would be best for her and then she kind of you know took it and run with it now in the dms i was like i don't need you to say that i'm helping you i don't need you to promote this i was like i even told her i was like i think it would be best if you didn't say that you were doing this on camera i said i think it would be best if you just did this for a while lost some weight and then came on camera and said hey you guys i've been doing this and i've lost this amount of weight it's working really well but you know she decided that she wanted to publicize it right away again i said like you really don't have to use my name i i don't care i'm not doing this to get attention i'm doing this because i want to help you but again she she said i think it would be i really want to put it out there and i said again i can't control you so she went ahead and made the video and that's when so many people came over to the channel and were like basically like messaging me saying you need to watch out you need to you know be wary of you know amber lynn there's all these things going on in the in the in her past and things like that and again i i i saw that stuff and then i kind of did a little bit more research now i don't want to get into all the other controversies that she's been through but again i definitely did my research and i realized i did not do enough research on my first initial video i had i had no idea everything that's been going on in the background but again we're not going to be talking about that i just want to talk about mainly like the weight loss stuff and the diets so something that she does not even that that just she does this is very common in dieters is you start a diet you get really really excited a lot of times you go from zero to a hundred so it's very normal for people to be like i'm eating really really bad this is exactly what i would do i was eating the normal normal western diet right eating anything i wanted not thinking about what i was eating and then being like i need to restrict it i need to eat 1200 calories and no more soda no more junk food ever again i'm never getting another candy bar and you get really excited because you're like super pumped up at the start but then eventually that will kind of fall off and that's something that she has definitely done a bunch of times here on youtube and what i've noticed is that she gets really excited about a diet she tells everybody that she's doing it people don't believe that she's gonna do it that probably upsets her a little bit and then she ends up you know kind of falling off and then she ends up doing a mukbang which is actually what she just recently put out that's why i'm making this video and then the cycle kind of starts over again and that's exactly what has happened this time before we get into what's going on right now and the reason that i'm making this video i just wanted to say that like our correspondence really ended pretty fast we talked for maybe about two days it was the first day that i gave her all the information and told her what she should do and the next day she was you know telling me about this chili that she was making and how she was you know really excited to keep going and i was like that's awesome and i told her if you ever have any questions feel free to message me and a lot of people were really worried that she was going to just constantly message me all the time non-stop dm every single you know 10 minutes that's definitely not what happened i have not messaged her she hasn't messaged me in weeks uh so it's not like a lot of people were really worried for me i appreciate it but it really has not been that bad at all in the first video i mentioned that i think that losing weight for her is something that she really wants and i still definitely believe that but i think i've i've started to notice that i think what's might be more important or at least just as important is making money on youtube and there's nothing wrong with making money on youtube but when it's coming from you kind of manipulating people and kind of lying about your intentions that's you know not the best thing again that's not the end of the world it's not that big of a deal the reason i'm making this video is because i truly believe and i mean this with as seriously as i can say it that she is amblin you are you are very close to dying and that sounds like dramatic but i i truly truly believe that and that is very very real the reason i've put off making this video for as long as i have is because it's hard to want to make a video about someone that you truly believe is you know one foot in the grave but at the same time i have this platform and i want to hopefully this will jumpstart you hopefully this will at least like show you that there are people out there that genuinely care about you because again like i said i know there's stuff in the past that's not the best but that's not enough for me to want to wish death on someone and i i want to see you survive and i want to see you thrive like that would be the coolest thing to see you go from all of this just garbage and crap that you're dealing with right now again part of it a big part of it stuff that you've put yourself into right but to show people that you can get out of that i think that would be the coolest transformation story i have ever seen and again more important than anything else it would save your life there are obviously tons of people that are very critical of amber lynn again a lot of reasons that she completely put on herself but i just can't get to a point where that's enough for me to want to wish death on someone now it is some of the stuff that she's done very very wrong absolutely is some of the stuff that she's done not morally right absolutely does that mean that i want her to eat herself to death and to kill herself for the enjoyment of thousands and thousands of other people no the thing with massive weight loss is there is no shortcut and i think that no matter what she wants to admit that's what she's searching for she's searching for something that will help her lose weight fast or easily or quick and when it comes down to it that's just not the case when i lost 180 pounds there was no secret to it it was just hard work over years and years and years it doesn't matter how much weight you lost in a week or in two weeks because when you're that size you can lose weight super fast at the start it's about doing something that you can sustain for the rest of your life and now i think that there's many ways that you can lose weight but i think that you know for most people it's about being in a caloric deficit it's about moving around a little bit more and it's about finding something that you enjoy whether it's walking in the gym anything like that you know when you're the size that amberlynn is obviously a lot of those things are going to be limited but finding something that you enjoy that gets you moving but more importantly finding a way to get in a caloric deficit that's not too drastic that is maintainable for a long period of time and then talking about the mukbang that she uploaded recently with sausage and potatoes and stuff like that a lot of people were upset about that honestly when you're somebody that's that size you could probably eat that and still 100 lose weight because from what i calculated that plate was anywhere from 1200 to 1500 it's really hard to say without knowing exactly the ingredients but honestly she could probably eat two of those plates a day and still lose weight would i recommend that absolutely not and do i understand that her putting that up there wasn't her trying to show her how she's losing weight it was a way to get people to click on videos and to get people like me to make videos which you know she accomplished her goal there but i understand why people are annoyed and upset with that fact but the fact of the matter is that she is definitely somebody that struggles with binge eating disorder and just food issues in general and that's the thing that's hard to explain to people that have never maybe had food issues is like people just like i don't understand why she can't just lose weight i don't understand why she can't just you know do this do that the thing is is like when you have legit food issues it's just not that simple like when you look at somebody that's you know addicted to heroin or something that people like us that have never been addicted to heroin or ever even tried it you're like i don't understand just get off of it but to that person it's not that simple again am i trying to make an excuse for her no absolutely not i was somebody that was in her exact same spot maybe not as big but i was definitely 100 willing to be dead before 40 because i felt like i could not lose weight and there was no use in even trying every time i would i would feel a pain in my chest i was scared i was about to have a heart attack and die every time like they're i was afraid of being alone in my house because i was like if i have a heart attack nobody will be here so i've been there i know what it feels like to be to feel like you're so far gone that like what's the point i might as well eat and just enjoy my life but i the fact that she has so many people and again i understand that a lot of those people are people that are not rooting for her but there are some people that really do want to see her lose weight and i am truly one of those people because i would love to see that happen i would love to see her not die i know that that sounds silly but i mean i don't want to see somebody die on youtube that's not something that i'm interested in at all now in this video i just want to say to amberlynn because i'm sure you're going to see this please please understand how serious the situation you are in is i understand that you know making money is important i understand that youtube is important i understand that it's fun to to rile up the haters i understand that it's it's a good time to be able to you know get a reaction out of so many people and you know that's fine and dandy but at the end of the day you are very close to dying and i don't want that to happen and i know there's other people that don't want that to happen as well and it might seem like there isn't it might seem like everyone that says stuff about you is just just it doesn't actually care about you but i can say from at least for me i don't want to see you die and i want to see you survive so hopefully this video will at least let you know there's one person out there that isn't rooting for your death but there you guys go that's going to be the video definitely a little bit more serious than i anticipated it to be but this is a serious thing and you know this is somebody's life that's on the line and i don't obviously take that lightly so i just want to say thank you guys so much for watching i would love to hear your opinions again i want to make it very very clear this is not a hate video so please don't go to her channel and leave mean comments i mean that's already happening more than it needs to anyways so just you know if you want to say anything leave it here in the video you don't need to go over to her channel and and leave more hate or anything like that uh but yeah i i really appreciate you guys watching the video if you made it this far thank you very much make sure you like comment and subscribe there was one other thing that i wanted to say oh yeah look up if i am one day i will learn not to try and pop my pimples on my face but that day is not today obey the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig wags don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 416,210
Rating: 4.9290042 out of 5
Keywords: john glaude, amberlynn reid, mukbang
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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