Mudlarking under the Super Moon! + Making BEADS, BOTTLES & HATPINS!

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hello okay so we're doing a last minute mud lock all the way back from another mud lark um and we're doing it before it gets dark yeah because it's quite late it's getting on for eight o'clock now so yeah let's see if we can find anything that's a river let's do it with amazon trucking before it's too late [Music] okay so it looks like my first vine is a little stubble popper a little glass stopper although i have found some lovely glass for beads and such but yeah first finds there seems to be a lot here i think this is a button sure i'm looking for some beads down here oh oh my goodness [Music] oh my goodness oh no it has got a head oh we collect these it's a little sailor boy it's a um unrefined earthenware figure from crackerjack toys oh my goodness mom's gonna absolutely love this oh no what an absolute tragedy he's missing his little head oh i'm excited i'm excited about that mom's gonna really like it as well oh look at this bottle it looks like it says teaspoons and look at the color of it that's beautiful oh i love that it's just sitting here on the surface fantastic and can you see it hiding yes it's a bottle stop there is beautiful color just spotted a vulcanite stopper oh it's got nothing on it it's a plain one i'm trying to move quickly i'm trying to be thorough but at the same time move quickly oh look at that here it's an inkwell it's now lovely unfortunately it's cracked not to be confused with an ink bottle but that is beautiful we don't find many of these we've only ever found two this would have been something gorgeous i think it's um it's probably a candlestick but i could probably do something with that or at least make beats with it there's a bottle here sticking out of the bank oh it's whole it has no writing on it but it's so cute it's such a lovely color oh i'm gonna take it i think this is a little salt cellar look at this beautiful piece of pottery here it's got little it's got it looks like a man or woman holding a fork and there's the beach and little houses oh wow that is beautiful it's a lovely little fragment button just the concentration of stuff here is mad it's just so much you could spend weeks looking here i found what looks like the edge of a bead sticking out oh my goodness there's a bead right next to it there's two one there and one there this pink one it's whole looks amazing wow that's so cool i've never seen a bead like that before but look there's one right next to let me have a it i can't get it out look there oh wow right next to each other that's gorgeous isn't that amazing two in one that's beautiful wow oh and this i i found and i knelt that it was this i knelt down to have a look at and when i found the beads it's a um yeah it's a thick cream hot that's baitria i wonder if there's any more of those beads in here because it looks like a conglomerate here oh now i got excited because i thought this was a bead well it is a bead but sadly it's only half of a beautiful red bead oh well you make a nice cabochon look i've just found a ceramic it looks like a ceramic i'll try and get up here without breaking my neck it looks like it's got a hand painted rose on the top of it oh a ceramic bottle stopper it's not unusual never seen anything like that before it's a first beautiful look at this lovely shirt of china [Music] looks like we've got a gentleman here with no head [Music] look at that fancy gentleman with his tail cut on looks like he's got a shoulder bag yeah no head i think i'll leave him behind someone else alex has just found a chandelier oh dear yeah i think that's past it's hanging on the ceiling day yeah just a little bit [Laughter] this is just a plain bottle oh it's got something soapy inside um but it's such a beautiful color i might just keep that there's a really pretty spout blue and white and i can't think of anything to do with spouts but i might so i'm gonna keep it it's quite dainty so yeah look at the color of that wow i can see it from here it's chipped though this looks like it could be a button yes it is a green button green glass button how cool [Music] that looks like a little medicine which is quite sweet that one there oh wow that little burst lip is tiny we've decided we're gonna take the little bottles anyway because we might do something with them in the future [Music] other bottles that have tumbled down up here as well you can see where the diggers have swiped and wipe this it's got emulsion i think that was a kind of cod liver oil all right here's our candlestick so the candle would have gone in and it's broken but what we're going to do is make it into a sponge wear candlestick and grind the top off let's see what we can do with that oh i think i've just found a watch a watch face look it's a bit far gone so i think i'll just leave it a cute little jar here that i might keep and we might be selling a lot of these really small and pretty things that we're finding so keep a look out for our shop being restocked sometime when we get time if this giant jar lid is yes it's complete wow that's huge we don't have a jar that this will fit in but you never know we might find one it's probably more unlikely that the full jar would survive but i'll take it anyway [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] another one this one has got daddy's daddy sauce quite a pretty little paste part oh it's got words on it tine brand products north shields oh my gosh it's a northeast one it's a northeast pace pot i've got to take that i wasn't going to pick it up it really is getting dark now but i found the most amazing it's like agate glass and it's like a little teacup it's like a doll's house teacup it's just precious most beautiful little thing it's like faux agate oh i love it that's so cute never seen anything like that before wow look at this i think it's a tiny poison bottle it's got the ridges on it oh i love that and the color it's beautiful fantastic there's a little bottle here oh i like it i like it i like oh it's got the remains for label on it that's unusual for such an old bottle yeah taking that endless rubbish this must have been part of an old fireplace it's made of pottery i think ceramic that's amazing if i could carry that i would look at that look at that it's a little fireman off a figurine look at him oh yes it's like similar to the one i found a while ago oh i found one further up the river is that you have found it yeah okay it's literally dark now but i've just found the most gymungus bottle stock it's not focusing on it look at that wow it's like a doorknob that's how big it is okay so we found a pan here and i think it's whole yeah i think it's complete and we might just take this because i've been buying quite a few plants recently yeah alex has been on a house plant-buying spree so so now that i think that would look quite cute in the window it might yeah it's enamel yeah it's like 1940s like it's quite old okay so we're heading back and i've just found the green man oh but his little face is broken looks like someone's trodden on him [Music] so [Music] hello right oh here it is here it is a table of wonders we've got loads look how much is here today we got carried away a bit especially with our little bottles wow but we're going to be putting some in our shops yeah we are we've got plans we've got plans to put lots of bottles and other bits and bobs in our shop um but where are we going to start potteries yeah got quite a few nice bits of pottery down here yes and i was thinking of starting um collecting decorative teapot spouts as you do and maybe making a little display with them or something yeah maybe you could like stick them around a bowl and make a teapot bowl a crazy teapot with 100 spouts oh yeah yeah so this reminds me of that um american painting um that american gothic painting oh yeah i can't remember who the name of the painter is the artist yeah i think it might be grant wood but yeah it that for some reason it reminds me of that with the pitchfork and we've got well this is all transfer wear um apart from this which is um i think it's molded molded pottery yeah but this is the face of the green man and we fixed his little face up and he's absolutely beautiful and we're going to be going to try and make something out of that so well the green man has been around for a long time in a lot of cultures all around the world it was also adopted by the christians and i'm usually built into religious buildings um as a carving and it represents nature i think he's wonderful he's gonna make a lovely um pendant large pendant yeah okay so we've got lots of figurines and broken bits and bobs um for uh making things with if not uh if not for us to make things with for other people yeah and we've got loads of random bottles and jars but we're only going to talk about a few and then here we've got a huge range of different stoppers which is really weird so we've got the vulcanized rubber stoppers here and then we've got our glass stoppers which we can't receive as usual and this is the stopper out of a stone hot water stoneware hot water bottle yeah foot warmer and this is off a jar obviously this is unusual because it's a ground and stopper from um some sort of vessel but it's pottery and they're usually um those ground stoppers are usually glass so i've never seen that before never seen one of these before it's got beautiful hand-painted rose design on it and finally we've got a teapot lid and we find there is just so many of these aren't there on the for sure we don't always pick them up that one's got sort of a mottled effect yeah it does it's probably off a brown betty teapot which is one of the most common kinds of teapots and we're thinking about collecting these and maybe putting them in our shop because i know a lot of people have asked about these lints that we find oh and we almost forgot this stopper here this is gimongas it's huge isn't it it's a little bit broken up and badly chipped but yeah we've got it's a stopper day today isn't it probably out of the counter or something just the range of different kind of stuff as we found as i hadn't realized anyway we're moving on to our jars and bottles another interesting part here although it doesn't look interesting it doesn't it looks quite plain we thought it didn't have any writing on but it does actually yeah it was it's extremely faint and i only noticed it when i was cleaning it up but you can just about see on the side there yes and as you can see the embossing on it is very poor and there's some on the bottom as well and it says then user and we think it says face cream and there was a ven use of face cream and it was produced by a company called ce fulford limited and that came out around about the time of the first world war but the company had been going since the uh late 19th century and it's a bit of an interesting story actually as always a lot of these things originate with the quack medicine doctors of the day and this one did as well and charles edward fulford and ernest albert gilbert started selling a thing called bile beans in australia in 1879 and bile beans were a laxative and they were so successful that they came that the the pair came to the uk and established the bile bean manufacturing company in leeds in 1899 and they claimed that the plant source for the bile beans was only known to the aboriginal australians but its actual ingredients included rhubarb cascara licorice menthol none of which were native to australia apart from the mental which is an extract of mint and there is a variation of mint growing in australia and new zealand but other than that all the ingredients were available to any chemist to make up the mixture and it seems that they did actually steal that mixture from someone in america and there was a massive court case about it started in scotland when someone else started to use bile bean as a name which they lost of course because they were shown up for frauds despite that their bile beans carried on being sold right into the 1930s the company continued in the family even though the people that started it died in their thirties both of them strangely so yes this contained ven user face cream and they claimed that it was charged with vitalizing oxygen and supplied just that natural cut side aid which is necessary to keep the skin clear soft and flexible so basically it was just another quack well it wasn't really a medicine it's a quack cosmetic well it yeah they they made outrageous claims about the oxygen uh putting oxygen onto your skin yeah and it's i mean they and they use the aboriginal um branding which was also just absolute rubbish yeah um they made a fortune yeah absolute fortune they got away with it um it was widely known that they were a fraud you know it was everywhere but they still sold these and they made so much money they were buying castles and all sorts so they did leave money to bernardo's charity um and bernardo's refused it on the grounds of it coming from fraudulent means yeah okay this little bottle here is a necto and this would have had hair dye would mean a hair dye yeah and i think that dates from about the 1940s and we've got a this beautiful little teaspoon bottle oh i love this one that mum found we've no no we've never found one of these little ones before have we no and it's the most beautiful color and it's just it's just still clear um we've got another poison bottle that mum also found here and i've never found a tiny poison bottle like this with the ribs on it i think i have this one ages ago yeah but it's ribbed and it's just long and skinny it's quite cute um we've got a busy rated magnesia bottle and these were essentially heartburn tablets and then finally we've got another jar with a story behind it and this is a meat paste or fish paste jar and there's lots and lots of them and people seem to pass them over because they don't like them um but this one's a bit more unusual because it comes from the north east a little fishing port called north shields see the branding on there it says tyne brand products and north shields england so tyne brand was one of the largest employers in the area of north shields with a workforce of up to 750 and most of whom were women the company started as the shields ice and cold storage company back in 1901 by trawler owners who needed the ice in which to store their catch in 1903 they moved on to canning fish at that time the fishing industry was booming and around 8 billion herring were being landed along the east coast of scotland in england an industry to which our family has close ties because our family were all herring fish and fishermen up and down that coast for hundreds of years and their wives no doubt were fish wives that packed the fish the brand went from strength to strength until 1967 when it was bought out by the spillers group who turned the factory over to pet food production only three years later the factory closed the building lay derelict until recently when the site was sold for redevelopment so basically our own ancestors could have caught the fish that went into this fish pace i know probably how incredible is that yeah because they they worked out of north shield so yeah so this actually this little jar actually might have a direct family connection yeah and because we've got ancestors from the northeast that go back probably thousands of years yeah but um yeah that's amazing absolutely amazing and they worked at fish us fishermen right up through to the 1940s i think so wow pretty much sure that they they caught the fish that went into that jar i like how it has like a shield shape on the yeah where the shield is the north shields where the the label would have been on this patch here it kind of makes me want to collect meat paste i know because there's such a wide variety of shapes and sizes there is and a lot of people think they're just gross and look over them but i i quite like meat paste i have to say yeah i wasn't keen on them until you started appreciating them and i started seeing them in a different light i think a lot of people nowadays can still remember them i think that's why probably why they aren't so popular yeah okay and then we've got our little disc of goodies down here with a range of different unusual items scrumptious um we've got two we actually mum actually found um one of these pieces in the last video but we forgot to show it um and they've come up really nice and shiny they would have been wheels off toy i don't know maybe a toy cannon or something yeah some kind of toy oh we also found this in the previous video but also forgot to show it again and we'd like to thank the people on instagram who've helped us to identify it as a locking buckle and this could actually date back as far as the 18th century and it was probably used on a dog collar that's so cool i had no idea put the loop through the leather and then they put a little mini padlock on wow that's probably off someone's pooch um oh we've got a little fireman's head a little porcelain fireman's head there this little face for the head collection we've got another beautiful um cog yeah and you know how we love cogs um we will do something with our cogs at some point in the future um this is really cool i know it's missing he's missing his head he's a little sailor's boy but we have a collection of these don't we yeah so here's the one we found this week and there's his family and a few of these we've actually bought so we've bought this little baby and we bought this little cockrule um because yeah we've started a collection um and they both say germany on the back because these figures were all made in germany so bar those two we have found all of these ones um this other guy he's got like a little waistcoat on he's also missing as he'd um yeah we've got our little monkey but it's not a monkey it's a bear but it really look does look like a monkey it's a bunkie we've got a horse and then we've got a dog which we also found on the same stretch of foreshore um but we think these were out of cracker jack toys well they were certainly cracker crackajack toys in america we're still not 100 sure if crackerjack was sold in this country it may have been for a short time maybe in the 1920s and it didn't go down well and so they stopped selling it but we can't find any proof certain that cracker jack was sold in this country so although these are cracker jack toys in america and other countries they could have um being just german toys that were put into christmas crackers yeah we're keeping an open mind with these yeah so we're continuing our research then finally we've got um our beads and buttons and oh and we have got um pressed buttons we've got three glass pressed buttons we've got a little wound glass bead the molten glass would have been wound onto a piece of wire and then we've got some pressed glass beads which would have been pressed into a mold this one is amazing look at this one i love that one it's like candy it's lovely it's it's like pink and i don't know if you can see it very well but it's like it's pink inside and it's got like a clear coating on the outside i'm not sure where it's from but it is really beautiful mum also found this pressed bead i think this might be czech um and yeah it's funny like cone-shaped bead kind of reminds me of the niagara brothers yeah yeah style so it might have even been from one of the niagara brothers necklaces and this is a lovely little green pressed glass button it's lovely it's very vintage yeah you could just see that on someone's big woolly cardigan or something and this alex found is absolutely amazing it's a tiny little glass cup i love it and it's sort of marbled like agate yeah and it's just beautiful it's so small it's i love it and it's perfect it looks brand new when i found it it was pretty much dark um but yeah it's beautiful agate glass probably out of a like a doll's house i imagine because it's so small oh it's so cute i love that actually that's a great find and lastly a little paint pan we love paint pans i don't actually think this was a paint pan i think this is like a like a mixing pan a mixing pan yeah there is a difference between paint pans and mixing pans paint pans actually had the paint in this probably didn't hold paint just like yeah mixing it says on the bottom made in germany and then there's a serial number two six six nine ah never found a german one before no well not that we know that hasn't we known yeah but yeah made in germany and finally we have our beautiful glass yes we have some lovely pieces as usual from that site and um yeah we're going to be making something with it now and you can come along and watch us but there really are lovely pieces this is the bottom of a bottle and we're going to be making at some point not today something with that this is czech spatter glass which would have been the bottom of ours but oh and the flat pieces are for other projects so those two are for other projects the rest of it you're about to see us making something with right now okay so here we are um i think you can probably tell by where we are what we're about to do we've got our glass here and this is just the glass that we found in this video so um basically we're gonna make some beads and a hat pin so we're gonna have a go at making a hat pin we've we've already filed these and they're tapered on the end like a hat pin would be and yeah we're gonna make a glass top for them uh make some beads and maybe some bottles so let's get to it [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] that's [Music] so [Music] [Music] it's a little boy [Music] okay so i'm going to try and make a hat pin using a piece of this glass and a pin that we made let's try it [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] okay well i have um you practice with this blue glass and it seems to work really well so i'm gonna try and make my little hat pin with it [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay so those beads seem to work really well with this czech spatter glass so i'm gonna try and make a bottle with it and then see how that turns out so here goes nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] cool well put it to bed [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so here they are the results of our glass making with the glass that we found in the video and as you can see we made quite a few beads we've made some little bottles and also some hat pins yeah so we made more beads off camera as you can probably tell and this is all just the glass that we found on this one mud locking trip um we made two hat pins but i also made this extra one out of amber glass that needs a pin attached to it um and i made this extra little bottle out of the remains of the purple glass shard we found i love that purple glass i know it's beautiful i really wish we had some more because that's it there's a little blue bottle that mum made and this is the little bottle i made out of spatter glass so that's got really strange swirly bits in it and this is the hat pin that i made with the purple glass it's really quite dark and it was quite difficult to do but it's the first time we've ever made happens in our lives so you know if you hold it up to the light it does shine through and i made this one now i didn't know where i was going with it at first but it ended up as this strange i don't it looks like a pixie hat doesn't it i don't know it's just it's so cute blobby squiggly thing but i like it so we're hoping to make some more of these in the future yeah so you never know there might be some in our shop okay so here is the remnants of the glass so you can see we used quite a bit yeah we used loads if you can remember at the roundup how much was here some of it's almost just completely gone this is the this is the purple glass the like lilac lavender glass at the bottle and those beads there are made from and then we've got a tiny little bit of pink glass left over which is what these little beads here made from we got our amber glass of course you can see the beads there and the hat pin end and the spatter glass the beads came out a little bit different to how the glass looks so these are all the beads here from this batter glass i think they're lovely they're very greeny they sort of remind me of seaweed yeah the texture the colors and the kind of spirally it's really beautiful as you can see i got carried away with making beads out of that um and our blue glass we're not sure what this came from some kind of bottle um and this glass turned out really lovely as you can see that was the hat pin a mom's bottle and these beads uh we got this um it's like privacy glass isn't it it's all like bubbly like window glass sort of melted and that is of course these clear beads um there was yellow and white glass here and that is these strange beads here that are kind of swirly yellow and white and that's it that's what all of our beads and bottles are made from just those small shards of glass so we got quite a bit out of it really we did it's surprising how many beets you can make from such a few shards of glass isn't it okay so if you enjoyed our video don't forget to subscribe and like because that really helps our channel and helps us to make more videos and we'd like to say a huge thank you once again to everyone who have contributed in any way at all to our channel so until next sunday goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Northern Mudlarks
Views: 35,755
Rating: 4.9867439 out of 5
Keywords: Mudlarking, treasure hunting, northern mudlarks, northern mudlarking, mudlarking Scotland, mudlarking england, mudlarking uk, scottish mudlarks, bottle dump, Super moon, river treasure, river hunting, bead making, lampwork, bottle blowing, mudlarking finds, bottle digging, metal detecting, river hunters, mudlark, mudlarks
Id: l41iIH7E4Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 24sec (2964 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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