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This game is incredible, the fucking used car advertisement caught me so off guard I can still feel the visceral whiplash like 12 hours later, also the beeps

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/StoneFoundation 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2022 🗫︎ replies
bam welcome everybody do you like puzzles do you like beautiful landscapes do you like parody games well welcome to the looker uh right [Music] nice i think this game is definitely not uh nothing like the witness at all not made by the same people just gotta just get a fun fun kind of vibe to it [Music] i uh so good at puzzles look at us go and uh here we are now puzzle world heck uh so we've gotta solve puzzles there are cables going around and hopefully they are gonna take us take us to victory right i see a puzzle uh sir oh okay this is getting tough and yeah look at us go um all right don't try and confuse me with your curly your curly q's where is that going off to does this nice very pretty uh so i do want to just point out that this game is free free to play on steam and already very impressed oh heck i can't jump okay well that ain't done where we're going yet okay where are we going that ain't the route wait oh there was a way down there no just come out the back wait a second this is all dead ends like up here dead down here dead up there that's dead too can i can i just just go around okay all right we're we're puzzling we're doing a puzzle um if that is the case then um i've become very good at solving mazes very quickly oh heck they saw through my plan okay um i don't know what the answer is there oh end oh my god we're not on the board we solved it outside the box okay that's kind of rad okay they've seen they've seen through my my scam plays we are wait done nice okay right i feel like they're gonna try and trick me trick me a few times but not today where is the end here okay right what are you doing to me what beep beep oh beep you're right there i mean beep nice thanks thanks buddy that was a lot of help uh oh okay so that's still does this still count start end yeah any cool cool stuff you're right there i beat beep hint you can do it thanks nice oh there's literally a puzzle here oh this was like a like a lantern or something but uh no we're riddling oh okay we're doubling up now that's going to make things tougher uh oh go on get don't look at me can you hear me yeah i'm all right all right i'll tell you my story come back when you got a good one oh no did i skip a story okay i like the film noir red is the color of passion kid just keep on practicing the how the heck am i getting up i feel like i've missed a missed a thing a crucial thing somewhere which would allow me to traverse to reverse my problems and heck do i have a lot of those okay right i'm really doing a lot of oh oh through many births i have wandered on and on searching for but never finding a better deal than zero percent apr vehicle truck's tougher than a drunk marine mike's pre-owned where we do the things that get things done okay okay very good very nice uh right let's just have a little look down here man this game already is amazing they wouldn't send me all the way back down here that would be madness uh what this will erase progress i don't want that i don't want to delete my game okay we'll come we'll come back to you later okay that is not what i want to be doing um not what i was expecting to find down there but you know what i'm glad we did i can actually just like see one from below and do it okay it's now making me think more like the witness so i played a bit of the witness um and then i got stuck because that game was heard and there was a whole lot of just walking around looking for looking for stuff uh well for me that was there's something going on with this sign but oh okay we opened that i don't really understand how i just scribbled just oh did i get the s to the e or start to end start to finish what i don't know oh girl what is that kind of nightmare fuel please don't do a spooky jump scare oh god that's horrible uh okay something kind of very unsettling about it oh can i just make it drip down that's the fastest way don't do that don't do that at all oh god like that just hit me right in the spookums yeah and then i turn back and then it screams no okay okay okay a what then not what i was expecting at all uh oh god i'm gonna jump scare like i i definitely have an itchy trigger finger when it comes to jumping [Music] and uh do just like let rip [Music] okay a little ladder oh i can't climb it okay uh i think they're expecting me to like blast lost that armor but i behaved myself that's very original oh it bust out bust out this guy he's got like a little i like it but it's also kind of too red too red no try putting some more loops on it okay so love it uh okay what weird stories you have for me today imagine gravity is fractal because light is just a wave and gravity is just a wave so imagine there's a big piece of glass that splits up gravity like a prism so that there's like blue gravity and yellow gravity and then somebody gets hit by the red gravity and it makes them super heavy so they have super strength but like they're also really slow and another guy gets hit by microwave gravity so he's trying to zap everybody and just when he's about to zap the main guy we see a lady come out and she turns out to be ultraviolet girl and she has super speed so she beats him and it like also gave her giant cans thomas pinchon gravity's rainbow okay okay uh a bit of this and a bit of this should i solve it have i solved your riddle what if you just like whoop to there i knew for that hey look at us solving puzzles playing chess you can only get good at chess if you love the game uh grandmaster bobby fisher oh i hate chess i hate chess i hate chess world champion bobby fisher really understand i don't really understand at all check me maybe maybe okay good stuff uh let's go on a boat uh oh more boat um what have you what have you got from the baby a venerable old ship he knew that her barnacles hull however had automated repairs and doubts were suggested to him possibly she was not searly the conscientious old captain thought it wants to have her thoroughly refitted even though it should put in the great expense before the ship sailed however he managed to cycle these fathers and misgivings and said to himself that she had gone safely through so many voyages that it was ideal to suppose that this trip should be any different he put his trust in providence and damage from his mind all ungenerous suspicions about the obviously the ship's builders and in such ways he quite a sincere and comfortable conviction that his vessel was all together safe and seaworthy he watched her departure with a lightheart encouraging the crew to dream of the profits that this voyage would return and he has insurance money when she went down in mid-ocean and told what shall we say of him surely this that his belief in the safety of his ship was justified because it was grounded in repeated practical experimentation rather than the hubris of rationalistic a priori belief it is admitted that he put his confidence in the builders of this vessel but even this confidence was misplaced for these were the self-same charlatans who sought to sell in gratuitous repairs later on and big ship is always trying to get one over on the little guy further we may see that the ship is religion and the shipwright is richard dawkins the crewmates are empiricism and the barnacles are neoclatinism and the captain of that ship was albert einstein what the hell was i talking about what i have no idea wow this is cool it's a cool mechanic uh oh that might be a little off to the side but we'll give it a go is that a hit oh it was a little off to the side okay a little more snipey and pirates defeated take that man they should not have attacked here not with all tom snake eye is that is that what you want uh probably not [Music] one sort of that whatever that is like appear and flower i love it oh this hidden stair why are you taking me nice oh arcade snack love snack i think i came here came here prematurely we're not allowed to play games until we've solved our riddles first so i'm pretty sure i could go up back there oh jesus oh god ah why did i do that oh yeah bad call uh that generally startled me [Music] the notion of two realities is uncomfortable and in recent decades a genuine effort has been made to find the link between quantum and classical so that we can have a single reality whose laws and rules are united at some deeper level this brings us back to prayers let's say that a prayer is a classical event or feels like one can a unique individual have a particular request which you voice in words that no one else is speaking at that instant what if this classical event gets processed at a non-local level the notion isn't far-fetched because it seems that the mind-body link does consist of fluctuations at the quantum level uh if this is so then any thought not just a prayer has quantum implications deepak chopra a spiritual mystery does god listen to prayers part two oh okay i'm gonna say maybe boom i'm coming coming hardline hardline with my stance oh a riddle nice okay i don't quite know oh hello key yeah oh it's open so what have you got for me baby riddle board come to me show me your puzzles uh kids menu nice um okay all right what have we got here deluxe cheddar mac chicken tendy chicken nuggie tuna pasta tofu crab crumble jumbo corn dog pulled long pork wrap uh calamari burger oh i tried calamari burger orange juice crab apple cider pink lemonade chocolate milk diet chocolate milk chocolate mulch hero and tropical punch do we win should i win i'll see my one nice yeah what's crabylon saying hey there i live in the ocean but i can't get through the maze can you help me find my way sure and what have you got for me open the thing that seems easy enough for a big brain if we actually connect nice nice and now i've got a real maze to deal with which don't seem as good uh well just do the old hang right trick i think this just gives us time to reflect um on the game so far so far i'd say very much enjoying it um it's it's made me laugh it's made me jump it's made me cry and has definitely confused me um in parts as well which is great real good okay i might just go up and have a look into the maze from the outside and try and work out a path because from inside i am not doing well okay upstairs boom cool cool cut because i just missed just entire openings did i just not observe with my eyes let's move this around and oh sure okay well we kind of walked it out so i'm looking like i thought i was trying to make it to that house not the middle of the maze uh restart so i just got a hit just gotta hit the shapes [Music] interesting maybe oh sure no okay right what's what's your riddle okay i don't really know what the uh answer really was there no [Music] [Music] what is the what's the deal what's the deal with this [Music] is [Music] that doesn't seem like the right answer please give me hint like is it yellow and blue make green i don't really understand well at least we can't actually really go too far wrong with this [Music] student well we uh solved your riddle book where does that leave me well i assume we solved the middle of the maze oh s to the e what happens if we like bonk oh no uh okay we might have goofed this we're doomed okay we gotta [Music] right let's be coy about this wait i wonder if you just like filled in a ton of the the map okay this is like working pretty well let's just fill in that okay so we will never be able to get out of this area or like get back in if the thing spawned in here so let's just let's just fill that all in uh make sure nothing comes down there ever again yeah oh okay we're fine snack we did it we snicked victory uh hopefully that has opened the door upstairs for me now i can't believe i just missed that like early the early snacking ponytail nice oh uh start s to the e [Music] oh god okay let's go oh this is room one oh heck hold still just long enough uh oh god that was no [ __ ] oh okay we did it right you've done your maze you've done your maze real good oh hello there gonna open up and while you're opening let's just oh nice okay okay what are you doing sir sir it's like a camera or a laser okay okay right yeah this is a bit like the a bit like the witness okay firing a fire in my laser i feel like you need to go up my dude oh what oh okay nice nice i like that uh great we're solving puzzles okay uh that doesn't seem too hard for an old tom with his old man's brain okay ow balls i'm gonna guess this isn't [Music] okay what what have i missed how i didn't understand it the first time i don't understand this time please just angrily angrily type the answer to me now [Music] i have no idea i have no idea how that works i have literally no idea uh so i'm looking like i had that's cheat i had to look them up um they didn't even give an explanation how it works just it it just does what is this oh the s to the e i see okay [Music] oh here we go okay okay i see what we're drawing here amazing just amazing why did that not work is it just meant to be a [ __ ] uh just a [ __ ] what have i done wrong okay um that that's just such a good i can't believe this entire time this whole thing was designed to just be a just a penis is that are we done nice the obelisk oh sorry it's not a [ __ ] risk of knowledge the obelisk of knowledge wow wow [Music] oh wait it's a giant cat nice oh man so good oh wait it's a jackpot wow very level what a [ __ ] hero uh so yeah this game was free free to play on steam um super rad a ton of fun really cool um excited to see what they come up with next uh well i hope you guys enjoyed this until next time see ya
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 46,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: qet_cKXLLrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 30 2022
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