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pal do you like retro bullet hell shooters uh well there's a there's a new one and this is a roguelike amazing okay bam so here we are um so the way this game is working is i've got a little spaceship i can fly around um and uh you can see that i've got this little account like a scanning thing um that's my gun lock uh it's in the name and what i'm doing is kind of locking onto uh onto enemies and then firing missiles i'll next be leveled uh the kineto shield this one target more range that sounds pretty good collect gems and power ups from further away pulling in bonus gems from deep space periodically oh yeah okay right sure um i like the idea of being able to get more experience and pick stuff up from further back so right now our little ship isn't doing a whole whole lot you know um it's trying he's doing his best um but as time goes by we are going to get uh cool upgrades oh god like i just could have easily dodged that bad ship and uh not taking any hits um i've got a shield at the bottom that you can see uh 95 left very rad big fan of big shield energy nice scouting drone uh locks onto and places temporary mark on unshielded enemies every 4.2 seconds the last three seconds damaging the enemy triggers a 25 bonus damage 10 small gem sounds nice shock bombs ray palm do the scouting drone that sounds maybe maybe cool oh is that the lock oh it's a bit slow oh okay right i've gotta to get the most out of that i'm gonna have to be better um and actually uh actually using it uh sirs please oh god wow i'm like not paying attention to my my lock ability at all sir right can we actually kill you nice okay uh so most of these enemies are just dying in one hit right now um but as time goes by we will be dealing with kind of tougher tougher foes god i'm just like trying to stay alive uh more than actually really targeting loads of enemies oops did not avoid that very well um so i can only actually lock on to a few things right now uh which isn't the dream world uh three i think is oh wait maybe four as an extra projectile to all of your non-homing projectile abilities i don't really have any backdraft your afterburners periodically fire two projectiles directly behind you sounds good that reduces the recharge time of your abilities and timers oh that's not terrible let's do a backdraft um just because i think more damage is probably more good right [Music] ow okay oh i'm into that backdrop back to off power more backdraft sure more backdraft more backdrop seems more good um that would be my guess yeah okay right that's helping helping out oh no i just flew straight into your missiles not my dream uh if we can just dodge around a bit great oh good experience oh there's tons of the bottom that i've just missed come on uh oh upgrade data give me that uh okay right we've gotta avoid uh mines now that's the thing [Music] um and i'm not doing good of that at all a beacon appears at a random location and fires six energy beams towards your ship every three seconds each beam deals 17 damage to all enemies to pass through nice bedroom appears in a random location maybe like some heels could be could actually be good for like long-term long-term health like recharging your shields that seems smirked has it appeared yet am i just a blind dog oh there it is oh god but uh okay right did we get did we successfully heal okay that lock on is working so much better with my backdraft ability [Music] uh oh yeah we are getting we are getting our shields back nice okay good job to tom gravity wave force field forms in front of your ship when the enemies within range of the range the field triggers knocking back and stunning any nearby enemies okay it's kind of good increase the number of things that can be locked onto i sort of want that that sounds good uh so i've not played um a massive tone of this game to be able to know what is the uh oh god oh um [Music] to begin like knowing if i should be looking for specific upgrades i we're kind of just like working it out um as we go along um but oh god okay right we'll take like just some hits because i can do a tiny bit of healing [Music] oh god wow there's like a lot of a lot of foes kind of coming for me now plus one to homing target sounds good lay mines maybe pulse cannon yeah sure okay yeah anything that is just more damage out of my ship i think is only a good thing that's big experience nice okay we're just taking hits because um i'm being lazy on the old dodge uh the hive queen is approaching okay oh god wow just instantly just went into her hive uh okay so i think i've got to take out her shield minions oh god that's a bomb right i'm just taking all the hits here uh now okay some damage was dealt and by some i don't mean a lot just just a little bit nice okay [Music] oh not quite enough and i missed her mr regen looking very good yeah high queen get out of here a plus eight damage per projectile uh plus three max heal pretty good yeah you know that heal is working well for us right now don't need your healing this very second but i will uh happily take it well actually i do need it seeing as everyone is doing more damage now and it's kind of like it's heating up what started out as a chill time it's getting a little more aggro oh bombs just let me just nice ow that was a big mine dream uh do you have heels for me thank you sir well damaged light rail after recording a target with the aiming array fires instantaneous 50 damage beam attack that sounds super cool um as just the way to be getting more damage out god like they are not letting up right now can you guys just like be be chill oh boom real nice oh that's good good experience all around a lot of enemies are dying uh we're hurting but you know we have the okay right we just flew into everything because i was trying to explain how uh we were doing okay going to dodge better significantly better gun lock longer range light rail better speed uh extra collection range honestly terrible uh let's get um another another lock please just give me give me some free time to myself as they are oh i needed those heels really but good experience nice and we're back semi healthy we've got me plus one homing targets nice maybe that's scouting drone no more homing targets because there's so many more enemies i can just focus on dodging and let my missiles kind of go to town and do all the work for me uh sadly i can't lock onto guys with um shields uh as you can see in that bottom right we're okay i think i'm more kind of reassuring myself than uh telling you guys telling you guys that uh-oh bombs so many bombs and so yeah this game i'm not sure if you guys played a lot of uh sort of uh you know retro retro shooters um like this this sort of style uh or maybe just played it when they were coming out when they weren't retro and yeah like more collection distance like that is just always good in games elsa got that big bomb boy can you back it up [Music] uh dude i'm not like aiming super hot i wanna get like in get him behind me uh so i can use my backdraft oh nice a cube i don't even know what a cube does i'm guessing tons of experience yeah real nice oh upgrade data boom uh more targets more range faster and farther it's like pretty good yeah why not um i like it because oh wow oh man that is so much faster and really good because it just lets me just focus on dodging more which honestly i could really do with a little more focus on that because kind of not kind of not doing a great job they like when they go off the back of the screen and they can't collect their uh their essence uh sirs please [Music] nice oh a big bad boom for them oh bigger mines [Music] nice okay oh pipe queen high queen is back uh oh she's got more stuff going on and it's firing a load more extra stuff i need to get into the heel right let's just focus on healing i kind of just neglected healing for a long time and that has done me a disservice [Music] uh there we go nice okay right we're back up to like full well not quite you know what i mean almost full uh i've green nice oh we gotta sure we are gun locking them to heck right now oh give me those heels please oh wow i think i took more damage than i ever would have healed out of that um but just trying to get into it bombs bad okay shields are dropping faster than uh is really healthy for us okay we're going into defensive mode again uh i say as i just take just a thousand hits it is getting a degree intense i am like not really keeping track of all of my things my pulse cannon i barely use i feel um it fires like some random shots out but i'm not super aiming them at all ow god does a lot of damage like just like it's just a regular straight ahead like little pew pew oh low shields so you know what i was saying about it being a bit more bullet hell welcome welcome to bullet hell everybody oh there's my heel ow [Music] oh we died we're dead we're doomed okay right we're giving this another go uh i only have like a little tiny tiny thing but a cool new silver ship okay right one more like other sir please okay what have got discharged there's temperature chance when the enemy dies they lost four bullets in a random direction it's kind of fun sure like i'm i always like uh like a splinter type ability um out we uh took a hit um oh i can't shoot enemies behind me uh because that was a different lifetime adds an extra projectile to all of your non-homing projectile abilities kind of cool lay mines backdraft i will take backdraft like that kind of kind of feel like uh you know i was getting some some use out of it that's like a classic uh a classic sci-fi trope you know vent the event engine do a thing um they love they love doing an old uh old sci-fi uh sun striker beams of energy detonate on two alternating targets in front of your ship getting 50 damage wow sounds pretty good disrupter sensory drone rotates around locking onto nearby unsealed enemies firing rapid 10 damage sure anything that i don't have to aim sounds instantly great uh okay it's a bit like the um what's it called picture on the it's got a bit like the bird the bird in old vampire survivors right but you know i'm into that like it's uh something that i can focus a bit more on my movement oh um now trying and avoid bombs pulse cannon swings back and forth don't know if i love that shock bombs create two targets in front of your ship in random locations after a short delay these targets uh lock in place and lost two explosive projectiles the area okay reroll was that light rail doing a lot of stuff for us i'm not sure if it was uh let's get that radar array up because we're we're doing a lot of stuff with um with things locking on um so maybe maybe it's good i should be like focusing more like upfield and actually getting used out of my oh no oh geez that was a lot of damage uh plus 30 range seems good sure let's try and get a buck cannon kind of doing doing some more work for us blamo take that everyone we got him we got him with the bombs man the little little missile drone actually is kind of doing doing some real work for us i am sorely missing a heel so to unlock the next uh the next ship um i have to not take damage for one minute uh oh do we take that repair drone which [Music] seeing us how how i'm normally uh flying around doing stuff does not seem very likely that will be happening anytime anytime soon oh god we're like in the thick of it there heck oh oh no i can't i can't like not take a hit when the high queen is um hanging out please ma'am i know you're the hive queen but um i do not recognize your authority no i'm kind of just like letting my little drone friend sort of try and do the work for me now oh is that shield like i'm not really trying to ah heck oh i took a hit oh and time isn't even progressing because the queen is here okay ah balls um century drone plus one target plus three damage yeah that sounds great um century drone is kind of doing all the work for me oh [Music] okay well i guess we don't have to restart our our minute timer um [Music] uh-oh there's no way we're getting out of this bit without serious bodily harm oh god the little fly boy he was chasing me you all saw it he was coming right at me [Music] but i don't really ever notice them splintering that much but maybe they are [Music] upgrade i can't [Music] i'm sure like i don't think i got it i don't know how long how long that uh that minute was like gems from further away oh more gun lock and more more more speed although just focusing purely on dodging and just letting my little drone do all the work actually it feels like a pretty legit legit tactic of actually how you can play this game better um so it really didn't take that much damage yeah sure collect stuff from further away uh as my feel my mid low oh damage there nuts i feel like my little missile boy is kind of doing most of the work for me oh oh god we went from just taking no damage to taking all the damage bonk nice because i feel like if we just kind of actively try and use our rocket man [Music] uh he's doing doing some serious serious work okay just sit and blast nice okay we got them uh plus two targets plus 20 range uh sounds great okay right we're doing it fight the ball oh let's go missile straight to the old cockpit which is the last place you want to get hit hit by a missile [Music] it looks like shield guys are uncool i need to try and get the back burners on them okay maybe like next time my healing healing guy comes up we uh should try and upgrade it oh does it go in twice now oh that's so much handier like was when it just did like one i'd like miss too often you feel so much more powerful but there's so many more enemies but i am not dodging oh no hive queen can we ever hope to fight her again oh probably not okay yeah it's going fairly well i need my rocket my rocket buddy oh heck god i just flew into that oh oh wait did we unlock the other ones wow okay i did unlock them nice very good at games a bam has this been gun luck to everybody the game's early access at the moment um so you know i'm sure from what you've seen here stuff is subject to change uh honestly really cool i'm enjoying a lot uh the game was only a couple of bucks so maybe uh go and check it out until next time everybody see you
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 39,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: Mrg-tPUccvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2022
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