Tesla Coils are a Perfectly Balanced Tower...

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greetings dapperlings and welcome back to rogue tower yes i am back no i wasn't planning it but here we are anyway i can't put this game down i hope you enjoy it as much as i do otherwise this is gonna be a bit of an awkward episode now if you have been keeping up with my twitch channel escapades you will know that we've actually uh gotten quite far from the last time i put a video up on the channel about rogue tower in fact there are only a handful of upgrades yet remaining before we've maxed out all of the cars that we can purchase now if you'd like to know how i got between the extended first taste episode and this one then you can head on over to avoc after hours the link is as always in the description down below where the vaults from the last couple of streams of rogue tower are going live as we speak or you can just keep an eye on the twitch channel where i am sure i'm gonna be playing more of this in the future but why am i bringing this back today uh well i feel like trying my hand at something i've only really scratched the surface of and that is genuinely trying to win double defense or triple defense uh i think i've got a winning strategy and i want to share that with you but let's let's not be too too overconfident look okay hubris it is my greatest weakness overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer so i'll just just be a little bit confident not quite as over as previously you'll notice that uh this is a very uh interesting and very full area here it does seem that the upgrades you have especially regarding the treasury and the economics start you with more items now with this particular run we are going for a build i know right i'm i'm trying to be all strategic and such uh but i have a particular strategy in mind and it is going to require that we get a particular tower in mind we're going to go with sorcery until i get that tower i am not going to uh purchase any other weapons in fact my hope is that we will only need that one tower on each lane we're gonna go for quality of quantity you may be forgiven for assuming that i'm not considering how many ballista i'm putting down but the early ballista are the best ones to get money back they will pay their their costs back best if you place them down early there we go the tesla coil quite possibly the most op tower in the game in my humble opinion now i just need to ah perfect there we go this is the perfect area for it everything we need is set now there are going to be two paths leading to the tower in this round and should this tactic work and i have every reason to suspect that it would work in much the same way on the uh on the triple defense uh for now i'm gonna grab kill the fire because we're ultimately gonna need a lot of fire as well but there we are a level three tower now sadly i can't take that away and still see the ring but uh do know that the ring is over the entire area and this is going to be absolutely integral to our defense i want enemies to enter on this side and have a long trip before they exit on this side and they're gonna have to get hit a several several times on the way through now uh in its current state it's not much ado about anything so we're going to need to bulk it up a little bit there we go now obviously putting armor there isn't exactly the most useful thing because we're not going to see many armored foes for a little while but that will help moving forward we can siphon manner from crystals that's going to be absolutely in uh imperative to our success here where we need mana this is going to be a very mana hungry defense uh for now we're going to continue to build up the towers i don't actually care what they're targeting they're mostly there just to uh just to soak up the early waves that the tessa towers are fighting i'm looking for a very specific place for the next stencil tower there we go uh i really don't care about this what we need is static uh permeation there are three tanks for any particular tower although you're buying the cards the all cards aren't available all the time there are prerequisite cards that you need to have unlocked for you to be offered later once so for example to be able to cause poison you need to be doing one extra damage to shield and so we'll get that here you need the extra damage to shield card already and likewise to do because the fire dart effect you need to have gained the card that gives that tower plus one damage to armor and to do bleed you need a car that gives you plus one damage to health shield is perfect because it's one of the first ones that we're going to we're going to be uh seeing here but for the time being we still need to find another setup like that down here but i suppose what i could do is just dump a fair bit of energy into melting away health and we'll bring up armor a little bit as well there we go now you guys are going to become an increasingly large problem for me and i'm going to need to hope that my ballistas can handle it for now they might not be able to bill it's fine for the the moment we can afford a couple of losses uh no we don't want that i would like some extra gold from things that is definitely a uh a boon that we need and not good enough but that's gonna have to do sadly all right well we could put a tesla tower here in the tesla tower there and double them up it's not the best design or i could have one there and there [Music] not ideal i guess this is going to be the best location for me ultimately it's a bit of a shame but we've now got a split so i have to have it before this split there we go let's uh break all of these down the reason why i want that is because with this as it is a single tester tower here won't cover all of the the fields did we managed to get it no they managed to get in that's a shame uh right we are going to want uh let's go with more damage to shields it's fine but if we put a tesla tower here it would only hit this tile in this tile if i put one here it would hit these three actually it might hit a little bit more than that so it probably hit five tiles and for the enemies coming from this direction that might be enough but from this one it would have one two three four and then it would be out it wouldn't be good enough because of the firing delay of the tesla tower okay let's uh go ahead and start expanding out we'll place tesla tower down here and i will start upgrading its ability to do some damage now my hope is between the two of them though this isn't the optimal placement and i may be punished for this later on we'll have to have to hope but a second tessa tower there may be enough to solve that problem for us we'll have to see they have given us an awful lot of uh of town houses here to play with very nice i'll continue to place them down but i very much doubt i'm gonna settle that one we're on level eight [Music] the casa ballista is now going up significantly so i'm not really sure we're gonna get there ah mana bank we will need that in time that is going to be absolutely integral to our defense ah really that would have been perfect except for the fact that even a tester tower here would only catch the tail end of any attackers on that side so still not quite perfect there we go but as you can see the tesla towers are stupidly powerful what we need is the ability to shut down regeneration ultimately it's not actually that important because if you build the test of the tower so that it's killing things in one hit it doesn't matter if there was a dot placed on them or not but for the time being let's uh continue to lay the groundwork so that we can get uh those uh those dots in time i need to up your armor penetration a little bit more there we go and the remainder placed down here we're already fairly solid with that one okay if we want to go for all of the houses i guess i could not really certain that it's the best thing but uh we could give it a shot i i could purchase other towers simply so that i could use them to have cheap uh tower placements around the the houses but the ballistic is i think there'd only be one tower type that would be cheaper than the ballista currently and i it would only be cheaper for one placement so it hardly seems worth uh sacrificing an entire level up for that right let's go ahead and continue expanding down this way because we'll get a little bit of double duty from the ballista here and that is certainly uh welcomed in fact i will go ahead and place it down like that that tesla is doing fantastically well now have a look over here we want a little bit more health damage thank you there we are this should be able to just cut through most things now the problem we're going to start seeing is how long it's going to take the enemies to get to the tower because we're not taking the defensive line forward we're just killing them at these choke points but they're relatively close to the towers themselves now they take quite a lot of mana shot which is a little bit of a problem uh we could go for sure we're going to up the possibility of getting a crit at this point so we've now got a 40 chance of uh getting a critical hit uh let's continue bringing this out there we are let's have a look in there let's take that up to 11 12 11 14 and what do we have over here 12 11 14 perfect and then with the remainder i will place down a couple more ballista i don't again i don't really care what they're aiming for but i suppose i may as well give them something to do so they can aim for the fastest opponent with no armor no oh well with the least armor the least shield so they will spend most of their time attacking easily killable enemies i'll do the same over here fastest least shield armor actually i'll make this one aim for the slowest just to spread out the damage again i really feel that it can't be overstated how important it is not to overkill uh this one can just go for literally the weakest enemy the easiest to slay opponent there we go and in terms of mana i think it's time for us to start placing down some mana siphons so let's go ahead and sink 400 into there okay well we're still not getting any of the dots that again isn't the be all end-all as long as i can increase the damage of the towers to the point that they can kill in one hit this side is relatively heavily defended consi compared to this side where realistically it is just the tesla tower doing all of the killing and that is fine for now uh as soon as i can if i can get them all up to 14 that will be perfect let's have a look down here let's start doing the same over on this side and at this point it is literally just me balancing them what ultimately i want to see is the tester tower kill the opponents the moment they enter this field so if they spawn more enemies when they die they won't have enough time to get out of the firing range before the next attack hits and generally speaking enemies that are spawned from something have less health than the thing that spawned them uh let's go ahead and get power surge 1 so that we can at least get bleed we are going to start seeing uh regenerating enemies relatively soon so it's uh it is something to be concerned about i suppose uh let's go with this one for the very easiest to kill enemy start expanding out i was kind of hoping that this would turn in that direction because i'd get an easy seal on this side but uh i suppose that might work against me in an odd way it depends on the small mechanics now typically speaking the only thing you really need to be worried about with the with what will spawn where is the bosses uh the boss will always spawn on the furthest path away from the tower that you didn't just build on so with that in mind uh and what i mean by you didn't just build on i don't mean a unique path from the tower so these aren't just two paths this is one two three four separate paths if i was to build here then i strongly suspect that oogie will spawn here at least to my understanding right at this point we want a couple more upgrades because i'm fairly certain oogie is going to spawn on this side let's see what kind of damage this tesla tau can do pretty solid hit and there we go the bleed damage the reason why the dots matter so much is because they shut down regeneration it doesn't actually matter if they have any chance of doing enough damage to kill the thing in time but they will stop it being able to recover its own health bleed will stop health regeneration boom will stop armor regeneration poison will stop shield regeneration and early on that isn't as big of a deal um vampires will be the first big problem that you'll start seeing there we are we spawned exactly what i was expecting but uh vampires regenerate about 200 health a tick however later on we will be fighting things that can regenerate thousands of health i believe um or at the very least they have so much uh that unless we can shut down that uh that uh regen for quite some time by stacking a lot of bleed for example then they're gonna quickly walk past the range that we can apply it and it they'll start regenerating again because they will have gotten rid of the bleed uh the biggest threat to late game where they can regenerate multiple hp pools the end game critters can regenerate health armor and shield which is actually quite quite scary now whether or not that will affect uh the ah people that has already been drained so for example if you've completely removed shield i don't know if they can regenerate shield i think they may have to have at least some of it there but we'll see that is unfortunate we weren't quite able to do enough damage to oogie early on all right well this is wow what you've got arrows in your butt boogie okay well that is going to be a bit of a problem if oogie gets to the base then we simply lose at that point and it is that simple we might be able to get there's an awful lot of ballista down here but let's just jump these up as much as we can and hope for the best the bleed may help us and i think we're going to survive but it was luck not judgment my lord right now we're going to go for poison damage as well so that we've got the addition of shield stripping going on and let's start expanding out okay now we're going to see shielded enemies showing up so let's pop a little bit into that because they are going to be a big threat for us early on now how much mana does this consume seven a shot so if both of them are firing we're using up more mana than we're producing so i do need to go ahead and place down a couple more mana siphons also i should probably grab the treasure chest from oogie shouldn't i uh sure let's increase the amount of poison damage it can uh tick over uh certainly we'll grab that though our tower can naturally heal itself somewhat [Music] you know what i i'm not a big fan of haunted houses i feel they're kind of mana traps it takes so much time for them to be useful and to actually even remotely pay themselves back but if you've got like right now we're actually producing mana that we're not using so if you're conservative in your placements they can be useful but right now i think the slow on my ballistas would be uh more useful ultimately uh let's see but this is now consumer manner no uh sure well actually what kind of crit have we got okay i'm gonna grab this and we're gonna have two times level which means that we're already fifty percent chance of a of a two damage crit with a one percent chance of a three damage grip which is actually quite nice all right let's continue to expand out these paths where we can ultimately i want the longest path for boss reasons to be down here because it's going to pass the ballista as well this one is just to expand the path out uh for the sake of having a nice long tail for our tower to deal with but this tower is probably going to have the easy job more or less forever uh let's increase damage up to 20 and then i can more or less forget about it for a long while there we go we're melting through things over here which is glorious this is exactly what we want to see it's exactly what we want to see there we go 20 on the health as well perfect right let's continue to build up the shield damage over here oh there was still a treasure chest that i hadn't grabbed uh poisoned enemies take extra damage to uh sorry plus one shield damage from all attacks that would be very much a nice one to see but in a way going for the dart upgrades by mid game will be a sunk cost really because our goal is for these to kill everything within one hit let's go for thermal arcing we've now got burn damage we've got everything going on with the tesla towers now which is actually quite quite marvelous uh let's continue building out i want to extend this out a decent way before we jump over and start extending these ones ultimately i want this one to be the most attractive path for oogie to spawn on i'm not going to build ballista towers anyway that i don't need them the only exception to that is going to be around the houses i usually don't do this but i know i know so many people in the in the comments will bemoan the fact that i wasn't making maximum use out of these towns now the reason why i don't is that by level 15 for you to make the money back if you've only been building ballista towers for example if you've got a wider spread of tower types it's a little bit more forgiving but even if you do have a lot of cheap towers to build ultimately by about level 15 you're probably not really gonna make back the money that was spent on all of the towers around that home this one is made by 344 that's currently only just just slightly more than it cost me to build a ballista uh this one has made 383 so again that one actually isn't too bad it is a little bit more than a ballista would cost right now but it is going to get so much more expensive as i build out and having to build those ballistas in order to get that is taking money away from my uh for my tesla towers uh i would like to increase oh i don't know um i'm actually gonna go for advanced circuit because that upgrade leads to other upgrades that i would like to get right this path should now be long enough to be attractive to oogie so we'll leave that there i'm also going to drop down some more mana just in case and further to that i'm going to upgrade this to i'm going to try and get this one up to level 20 on uh armor damage now the one of the reasons why you should do that even if you're not necessarily expecting a lot of armor to be there is every single level up increases the base damage and with every level we're also increasing the chances of crit so that base damage is multiplied on all things so upgrading the armor is upgrading the damage that i can do to health and indeed to shields we're not quite capable of stripping a shield in one go which is a little bit of a worry i'm not gonna lie that one that one is something i would like to see changed but uh we'll we'll see what we can do with that one uh need a little bit more how are we doing over here uh let's give these ones better targeting go for fastest you can go for slowest you can go for the least healthy there we are all right do we have enough to finish this tower off we did perfect that's a 20 20 20 tower it'll level up on its own over time though i do feel that i need to improve its its uh shield destruction a little bit that's a little bit of a of a worry right now though if we can get the tank which makes enemies take more damage uh sorry slow down based on how poisoned they are slow cooker becomes an absolute nightmare of a car to have because any burn on them will accelerate so they will take more because right now the ceiling per second is 50 damage out of however much fire damage they've they've got sat on them um and then that that amount of uh of fire damage will decrease by 50 each second having this potentially can add a lot more to that ceiling and it is a great great way to get that going i'm going to grab that one just straight up there we go pop you down there we've got plenty places where i'm gonna be able to place uh mana right now we're producing 22 a second and we're using eight a shot on two towers those are the only places where mana is being consumed because i'm not trying to tax the dead let the dead have their money okay they earned it in life probably taxed them while they were earning it and then taxed them while they were trying to spend her on things i'm not going to tax them because they died as well no be the change you want to see in the world all right we definitely want more punch up over here though shield is still the problem the zombies take a lot to get through we do get through them but they are taking a feral bit so i think we're going to take shield probably up to 30 on this one oh this lane it's honestly built up quite nicely every time we expand this route because right now it's just a single long corridor and so that's giving us a very minor trickle of enemies because it's spreading the amount of enemies between every potential place that they can spawn from so this one tower is having very little that it needs to do uh let's see oh well we don't really have much that we want here i guess but uh i'll grab the university building even though i'm not really certain i'm gonna be building it but uh we'll we'll take it for now just to have right this is probably the last um village that we're going to see the last uh house rather village i mean it's a very big house a lot of people live in there it's really deceptively large on the inside but uh this is the last one so i will go ahead i'll build this down but i'm fairly certain this is absolutely a sunk cost here right let's bulk up your shield so i don't have enough money for it i should have i should have looked at how much money i had uh we're starting to see skeletons now skeletons are a bit nasty they have both shield armor sorry they have shield and armor uh but they're also reasonably fast as well which is a little bit of a problem uh this side held out well let's start bumping shields over here it's gonna start getting very very expensive but again we're going for quality over quantity we're already at 36 chance to do triple damage we'll ideally get that up really really high after a point there's almost no reason to get it any higher but we'll still take it further there we go i think it caps out of 50 on four times damage so you'll have a 50 chance of doing four uh quadruple hit if you don't you've got a 50 chance of doing a triple hit if you don't you've got a 50 chance of doing uh a double hit so it does actually bulk up quite nice uh crit steal 10 of the targets current poison is extra poison damage that's actually really really good but now the banditry options are really attractive because the only other options that give you uh like for example mana drops of lifesteal to when you kill something you gain mana from it it speeds them up and quite a lot of the other ones that affect some sort of extra bonus for killing something will speed the enemy up bandar tree doesn't speed them up it doesn't make them any harder to kill you just get more reward from it with the exchange being that if they do manage to get past your defenses they're going to punch like a truck full of trucks so yeah this is a this is a you know how i said you know hubris and over confidence is a slow and insidious killer this is what overconfidence looks like this is very much what overconfidence looks like nevertheless we're going with it all right let's uh drop down a little bit more over there to 25 i mean that's not terrible maybe i'll do something similar over on this side the bats are getting through just like that might want to up the health damage over here then if the bats are able to get through i'll take the shield up to 25 and then i'll switch over to focusing on the health for a little bit how we doing down here we should be going okay now there are a couple of other things that affect uh the amount of money you can get and one of them that i don't see many people acknowledging and to to their credit it's not because it's they haven't read the the the the info guide the the monster manual sort of thing uh it's because it's the only place i've ever seen it mentioned is in a tool tip while loading and it is so easy to just miss those but the more different towers that are around an enemy when it dies and i'm assuming by around what it means to say is for every unique type of tower that has that enemy within its its attack range when the enemy dies you gain an extra coin for that but here we go poisoning enemies also slows them by five percent of the poison game the creeping cough there we are that is perfect absolutely perfect uh let's continue to actually know your shield is already good uh we need two points over here and then we're gonna pump a bit into health now there is a slight downside to this tower having so little spawning and that is that it's not really going to get the opportunity to passively level up like the other tower is going to it's just not going to be doing enough fighting for that so i'm going to have to keep that in mind and pop back here every now and then just to uh topping it top it up a little bit ultimately i mean against the the low level mobs it's doing fantastically well but uh let's have a look at that it takes two shots to kill a ghost uh sorry a zombie that just frankly is not good enough we really need that to be high in fact uh so much so i'm going to take shield up to 30 before i start working on health on this side i think that would be wise it'd be nice to find a an occult shrine early so i can set up some universities i'm not really sure that the university is going to be as useful to me here universities excel in that they give a global bonus so the more types of towers you have the more uh the effect of a university is going to help you i'm relying more or less on a single tower university might be a might be a wasted effort but oh well uh we are going to go ahead and get the testicles up to 50 poison uh now the reason why i want to max all of these out if i can and i also want to max these out if i can as quickly as i'm able is because you start getting upgrades that are specific to the the max dot that you can apply and upgrading the ceiling quite aggressively eventually you start getting ones that will just give an extra 40 to the ceiling of damage to every type of dot all at once that is a very very attractive upgrade starting to see quite a lot of enemies filtering through now quite a lot of uh vampires the vampires i think other than the other than the uh the kind of the battle wagons over here are the first enemy that is very very tanky regens and spawns something when it dies so they actually represent a reasonable threat because they spawn something that's actually quite quick as well so it's a bit of a double whammy in that regard so let's upgrade the health damage we're doing oh there we go we're now into the range of gaining four times damage it's very nice let's go ahead and take that up there we are ten percent chance to do four times damage that is glorious over here oh yeah we do we've got one percent chance to do that over here as well that's that's amazing but as you can see right now the extra gold but the more damage they'll do to the tower is all right we're not having to worry about that i'm not even building any mines i might do just for the sake of buffing the tower's health but at the same time there's a part of me that knows that if something does get to the tower it means that my defenses are falling and considering how much i'm investing into a single point of defense that won't go well for us oh no let's go for band of truth no actually we'll go for the bleed we will go for an upgrade on the tessa tower over anything else right now uh right let's continue to expand out got plenty of attractive places for bosses to spawn but this is the one that i i want and that one is still going good but i think we might actually have to push that one out a little bit more because we're starting to get to a point now where these are growing long enough to challenge it zombie yogi very high shield and for a boss each one of those pips represents 10 000 uh points so we've got 40 000 points of shield that is terrifying we need a lot more shield damage while it's with us now we're gonna stack up huge amounts of uh poison especially because when we crit we're going to apply extra poison damage as well uh and one what it means when it says that is that when you crit you will do 10 of the currently stacked poison damage instantly as poison damage rather than applying more damage over time it's just going to take 10 of the accrued poison damage over time and just smack the thing with it there and then you lose that damage over time off the bar but you know you're just speeding up the delivery nice and slow though that's a big one there we are doing huge amounts of damage release the mangoes sorry yugi but your mangoes could not be allowed to lift they were too powerful and now we'll go for bandage iii and see what we get over here uh we're going to continue going through monster studies now all towers are going to gain a pretty hefty upgrade there and with that sure let's upgrade oh the best music in the game honestly i'm really surprised at how ridiculously good the music is in this game i have not yet found anyone who didn't feel that the hell music is just absolutely if you're not if you're not rocking out to this then i i don't know what to say about you really there's got to be some motion that this music causes in you let's dump this into well we'll spread it between shield and health we're fine over there there we go we're consuming a lot of mana right now we're using 60 in the shot that's yeah that is a bit rough actually but we're almost up to the maximum crit chance that we can possibly have we're doing staggering amounts of damage we've got a level 63 tower sadly there is no bonus or achievement for getting a level 100 tower i felt cheated not gonna lie i actually felt deeply let down i think we're gonna need to invest a little bit in this one over here i think we're fine over on this side but uh this tower gonna struggle going to struggle i've noticed quite a lot of people also asking about something like uh a speed upgrade for these lulls obviously in this kind of design where i'm going very much for quality over quantity the as these lanes get longer and longer and longer which they're going to have to do we're going to be waiting increasingly large amounts of time to have any uh the last of the enemies reach the tower and get wiped out it's very attractive to imagine having a uh a double speed option but uh the dev has mentioned that he feels that would be kind of a failure in design at that point here we go our first university first university is going to focus on health studies we're going to take that up to about 10 per wave we haven't got that many waves left but we'll do it i don't know if the each university gets checked separately and you can end up with multiple universities adding i i actually don't know about that but uh back on to the topic of the speed one of the things that the dev did point out is that this game is meant to be more of an idle game with lulz you're kind of a manager of the defenses rather than taking an active role in them and it's if you add a uh like double speed or quadruple speed option then the regular speed becomes the slow speed and everyone plays at the double speed now personally i i'm of the opinion of uh you know more choices never a bad thing but at the same time i can definitely see where they're coming from especially with the comment on if you add an option like that then a game that is designed around the pacing and speed that's already there may be broken because the new fast speed becomes the new normal speed and everything else is then a slow speed um that actually ran quite true when when i read it of course you also have problems later game when a lot of things are spawning and quite a few of those things can spawn other things either when they die or constantly having a double speed may introduce a problem that uh those of you who've been with the channel for a very long time will be familiar with and is the reason why sadly we lost spider slaughter our nomuria run ultimately when the the engine is having to calculate so many things so quickly there is this possibility that the things will skip forward will will effectively teleport port forward because of the time dilation effect and won't be triggering the traps as often or in at the right point and as a result might slip through defenses this would be especially vulnerable to that kind of uh that kind of uh problem and ultimately that is what what ended the the spider slaughter running so the ogres were too numerous there were too many pathing calculations being done and when [Music] the trap which was theoretically completely goblin proof nothing should have been able to get through there there was just too many updates happening so even on the slowest speed trying to calculate where things would be and then try and catch up time with the missed frames meant that some things would just glitch past the trap system and that would be awful to see here but i'm getting significantly more confident with the ability of this to shut things down at this point we've got enemies that regenerate health that regenerate armor we will be seeing a couple of robot enemies hear that in yon wandering around regenerating their armor and that is something that we're gonna need to be aware of uh we got ten percent on all of these oh sure we'll invest a little bit more let's take that up to 15 on each one i feel that having a single university focused on upgrading a single stat is better than all universities upgrading all stats and the reason for that is that every time you upgrade anything the cost increases by 20. so for example i've got a 15 chance with magic studies here and it's going to cost me 320 it would cost me 320 to give 1 armor steady today i mean realistically it costs the same thing to to put that one over here but that in turn would then mean that to get the next point of shield it would cost me 360. so i'd rather specialize them for the time being also there are upgrades uh cards that we're going to be able to pull which will give us a blanket increased like a flat three percent across all fields in all universities kind of holding out for those all right let's continue to expand out in this direction once again not really caring too much about our ballista but they're leveling up by themselves which is actually quite nice this one is now made 816 gold which is not too bad these early ones though will have made a lot let's have a look at you that's made 1 304 gold that's not that's not bad at all how many upgrades on the test would that be that's basically two upgrades and some spare change let's take that up to 35 how are we doing over here uh we definitely want to increase this a little bit more let's take this up to 30 on shield and health armor i feel goes down pretty pretty convincingly but shield is a is a tricky one to melt what we want to see is nothing surviving the first hit things that spawn a a creature as a consequence of dying that's fine uh we've got enough room for them to walk around for that you know what thinking on it i should have actually swapped this around and more or less stopped this lane at this point and just started expanding this one out because that is the better tesla tower that's the more secure tesla tower to use wow you've almost removed all of the uh shield already that's actually kind of kind of impressive i'm not gonna lie [Music] all towers are doing one extra health damage now thanks to our university as much as i understand the uh devs aversion to the uh to the speed upgrades there are definitely some points where you're like well is it that bad though um we could go for the burn damage this will give us the maximum uh dot effect on this tower we do 50 percent of our damage bleed 50 of damage armor 50 of the damage as shield now i don't believe that means it converts half of the damage because obviously it wouldn't this would mean that we were doing a hundred and fifty damage uh 50 damage at least i think it just takes 50 percent of the damage you've done to health and also applies that uh as as bleed on top which is actually quite quite wonderful let's expand out a little bit over there got some more room for universities but i don't think we're gonna go for more than the three that we've got already now then how are we looking with the upgrades let's continue taking you up to 40. i think we're gonna put a little bit more length on this one perhaps uh we could probably expand out these three without creating a more attractive place for uv to spawn we haven't got a long before we're gonna meet robo oogie yeah yeah you're fine actually what are your crit chances 14 uh sorry 13 percent of the quadruple damage we're already maxed in crit damage over here though of course uh that's that's it that's a little bit in armor sure there we go seeing everything dying in one hit is very very nice very nice indeed the ballistas are slowing things down a little bit i may pick up some of the ballista upgrades just so that we can get bleed burn and poison on them simply because we're kind of wasting a little bit of time i mean they have taken out that vampire there but the vampire was healing through their damage it would have been a lot faster if they could have just shut down the uh their heel even if they weren't doing a lot of damage just to prevent it from undoing the work that they were doing uh bleeding enemies take an extra one health of damage from all attacks sure we'll pick that one up there's nothing else really here i need i'm not gonna grab quality of a quantity three because i'm already maxing out um no that being said maybe it would help a little bit with these but it would dramatically drop the uh the damage potential of my ballistas which i'm not sure i'm really about right we're starting to see robots now the robots are a big problem because they launch missiles let's have a watch of you okay half damage to it we definitely need to get armor up then i need them to die more or less straight away otherwise we're in trouble because i'm going to need a lot of time to kill the missiles that are going to be propped by them uh those robots they're the the weakest form of robot they don't actually launch missiles not until they're very close to the tower um just killing them out and about is fine but later ones will launch rockets when they die and those ones we need to be ready for uh how we doing here let's uh bump your armor destruction capabilities as well the only only uh plus we have with the rockers is they they're fairly weak so we're not really going to struggle to kill them as long as they are still within range of the tesla so that's why we want to kill the spawner early is to make sure the rockets are still within range for the time that uh the next pulse happens rockets from over here if they get past it's possible the blisters would be able to stop them but i'm not entirely sure about that one i'm gonna be honest as soon as they're through the armor they'll be able to melt this pop there we go let's continue bringing your armor destruction up we're doing 3200 damage on shield and health which is glorious [Music] trail of blood a little bit more uh no we're gonna go with enchanted belts because that is going to give us the ability to pop poison on our ballista that feels like a pretty solid move there more places for more universities again i'm not sure if having multiple universities is the right play it might be we've already increased damage on shield and health a little bit which is actually quite nice how much money do you use use 20 a shot okay that's now getting to ridiculous levels let's pop down a couple more uh siphons but i think it is rapidly approaching time for a minor bank if our mana shuts down even for a moment that is going to be the end of this run so let's let's not be overconfident let's learn from the mistakes of past have hacks and plan for the future let's uh let's make sure that we're generating more than enough mana we go we're starting to see the missiles launching there they go bloody fast is what they are and again that's really not good enough we need so much more armor destruction the crits help when they happen but uh yeah we and if one of these dive here that rocket will be gone before the next pulse happens so we do need to really have an investment that means we need to do on both sides as well all right let's have a look back here 366 gold uh 15 chance on halfway on armor on magic studies i could increase that a little bit more i guess uh i don't care for all towers having a five percent crit chance realistically oh there we are poison bolts sure let's get that one on the go uh but sure let's uh let's bulk that up to like fifth uh sorry yeah 20 let's say now i know that this point here the only reason i didn't want to expand this one out at all anymore is the risk of having branching paths but at this point there was only one direction that it could it could uh lead from so that was a safe one to branch out twenty [Music] okay we're gonna start seeing some nice effects from the ballistas now it's a shame that the tests that don't have any kind of funky effect around the arc i mean it wouldn't make any sense but i mean to be fair we're fighting vampire and hal robots i think uh a solid basis of reality is not with this game's wheelhouse you know it would be nice to have some more particle effects to show the different types of damage being applied by the tesla as well okay that's getting a bit better when the crits happen they do hit hard and we need to take that up i'm going to try and get that all the way up to 40. but the poison stacking is good i mean the poison right now the main thing it's doing is adding extra slow to enemies uh however against shielded enemies it is actually eroding the shields very very effectively against anything that doesn't have a shield it's doing minimal damage from the ballistas uh realistically speaking [Music] there we go got a thousand odd here let's continue to invest it's again very expensive to upgrade this one tower now i could absolutely afford to to build more around the place but i think there is more to be gained from doubling down on a single tower right now than upgrading multiples that said a little tower here could probably apply a lot of poison and fire now i'm making a conscious choice between be stubborn and just try to defend with just two tester towels at this point we're almost for sciencing how broken tesla towers are or play a little bit more sensibly and maximize the amount of armor and shield we've stripped away so that by the time it gets here there really isn't anything left to keep it alive is a tricky one it is a tricky one uh how are we doing down there we've got 20 there let's go for 20 on armor as well then we'll switch over to shield but they i'm not sure that the uh that you have really get your money money back from a university it would make a lot more sense if you were playing with almost a complete deck of weapons because this applies that bonus damage to every weapon usually you have to use a level up to gain just plus one to shield health or armor damage for a single tower and at that point these global upgrades they're huge but in my particular build kinda not really the uh the optimal strategy i'm gonna be honest but uh we're doing it because i'm stubborn let's go and pop this down there there we go and we just need to bring this up as well and one more and then i think i'm going to leave it there at 20 25 by the way is the point where you're getting to the the stage where just building a new university is the more cost effective ones the way the the reason for that is that by level 25 then the next point will cost more than building a university and investing in the first point of health for example at 25 health we might as well just build a new university to specialize in health and start building it up uh and that might maximize the the speed that we get those upgrades i'm not really sure uh more advanced circuits uh no actually slow but sure too deaf oh there we are all universities gain plus three percent bonus to all research now this makes new universities very much more advantageous to build because that's across everything and it doesn't affect the price so we might have a look into that we may have a look into that one right robo oogie has spawned in the correct path fantastic uh okay so time for us to really double down on the armor destruction capabilities over here hopefully you're doing all right still really i'm a little bit concerned let's pump that up just a tiny bit we're almost to the point where we will do uh maximum crit as well now now the big concern right now is not necessarily they hate their health pools it's what they spawn and also the buffs that they can cause because some things when they spawn will buff the things that they just spawn so if something dies and spawns a unit some of them will um uh like in their dying breath cause haste or cause for uh fortified which could easily throw out our whole defense robot wiggy even notices what's going on it is regenerating shields very fast we need we would need an awful lot of focused firepower from our blisters to actually put enough poison on this for it to make even the slightest bit of difference but that's fine uh let's see [Music] i don't have to invest a little bit in shield shield is probably the one to invest in first because obviously we need to get through the shield before we can actually damage the armor but now the robo oogie is the only target our ballistas should be able to uh wear them down a little bit we might get through a whole pic of uh of shield before robo udi gets to the test as we'll see not even close about halfway and now robo oogie because they're no longer poisoned is regenerating bad boogie breaking oogie broke uh the taller they are the shorter the circuits that's a fantastic achievement name i like it uh we could go for this at this point or give all towers a base five percent crit no i think we're gonna drop all towers damage a little bit for that one um add more poison effect to ballistas as well and continue to expand out okay we're in the the final straight now we're gonna start seeing the eldritch horrors they are pretty beefy to be perfectly honest uh we've got some mind flares there we'll see some beholders later on and eventually we will see mobile portals if we get that far i am going to be very very pleased uh but since we're back in the territory of lots of shields let's make sure i don't neglect this site and lose tragically to just taking my eye off the prize uh we've got a full 50 there let's have a watch good they managed to take them out pretty pretty solidly okay okay i'm relatively confident about that one then right how much armory uh sorry manny 24 a shot that's a lot that's an awful lot actually [Music] at the mind players are not dying instantly they're actually also quite fast to be perfect there we go oh the ballistas actually managed to take something out well i suppose they are now stacking up quite a lot more poison so uh it does help there we go and you'll be wiped out in just a moment okay well again a little bit concerned about just leaving this side unprotected so i'm going to get the shield up to 40. uh increase the maximum number of amount of bleed or the maximum amount of burn uh let's go for maximum amount of burn let's get that up to 80. there we are uh right okay where are we going next i'm actually going to expand out in this direction i'm going to make this path a little bit longer so i don't have to worry about expanding these ones out anymore i'm probably not going to expand this path any further because i don't want to hit the point where i've got a branching path there because that would just make my job over on this side so much more difficult to balance with the uh the main entrance to the to the tower just need a couple more to drop on by now as far as i'm aware this is pretty much about the only tower that could do this strategy and it is because it is aoe you might be able to do this with a frost tower because frost towers hilariously i believe can also burn bleed and poison that is some very very interesting snow but frost towers do their damage a little bit less consistently because of the way that each snow particle is what's actually doing the damage it's not just doing it in an area of effect like the tacit tower does this is the only one that does that that i'm aware of so you might be able to pull it off with a frost tower especially if you had a couple so for example an area like this but just saturated with frost towers that might work um i don't think you could rely on mortars in the same way as this because they've got travel time and the the the big thing with the the tesla is when it kills something and that thing spawns something else only a few moments later it's gonna do another pulse and probably kill the progeny a mortar will take so much longer to fire that that's where the real problem existed uh all university game plus two bonus to all research fantastic okay so that is now plus five bonus research at this point it's worth me just popping down the universities just to have the bonus research that they they represent uh let's grab you and i can get these other ones down there as well there we go anymore we can get four around here i'm not actually going to build them up i don't think i'm happy with the amount that we're generating with there but we've got an extra basically got an extra six levels worth of upgrades there that's that's quite quite impressive when you think about it in in those terms so i was looking at my score rather than my goal how are things going down here okay so the beholders are on the field thankfully taking them out fairly fairly quickly beholders are probably more dangerous than the the mind plays in my opinion even though the beholders seem to have less health much like the uh the tougher robots they launch very fast uh mini spawns that can cover a lot of distance almost i'm i'm still worried that we might not have enough room here and the reason for that is that there's one more enemy and i'm not sure if this tower is going to be able to take me out and that is the portal the thing with the portal is the portal will spawn beholders and the beholders will spawn individual eyes so there has to be three separate uh separate strikes before they're gone i think i may have to do what i've tried to resist and considering that at this point i want i want to give you a win basically am i willing i'm willing to say no to my my uh stubbornness for that i'll pop this down we'll level it up a lot and it will be our backup uh backup beholder destroyer uh let's go for another research breakthrough because this turret is not going to have a huge crit chance yet all right let's continue expanding there we go uh we got a bit of a armor boost there okay at this point i'm fairly certain this would be able to kill the the eyeballs from a beholder and i'm absolutely certain that because of the perfect placement of this tower killing a portal here killing a beholder here killing its spawn here i don't think anything's gonna get through fairly certain about that if if we do lose to this side well you know hubris played the long game and it earned that victory you know after after the point you have to just admire your enemies for their uh success to buff this up honestly i'm starting to wonder if we really need to we're more or less killing everything in a hit as long as big bray noogie the final boss spawns over here we should be fine my lord this is gonna be a long video i just realized that i apologize if you've got somewhere to be uh but don't worry we've only got uh five more waves to go through and i'm fairly certain that our strategy at this point is gonna succeed if it fails it's because i was an idiot and uh you you can you can quote me on that one i really hope i don't fail now because that my guy can only imagine what my comments are gonna be like nevertheless i feel that regardless what else has happened we've basically validated the use of the tester tower in this way we have for science the efficacy of the tester tower and we have found it to be horrifically broken actually horrifically broken uh i can invest a little bit down here i suppose let's invest evenly that got up there really fast my lord uh how how likely is the crit oh actually there's a 35 percent chance crit on these these uh ballista towers my lord um all testicles gain extra crit because of advanced circuits or i could do a little bit more damage to armor as well attacks against bleeding enemies have five percent crit chance there's no point let's just go for the advanced circuits and uh we'll call it a day there head out oh okay so now that we've gone towards the uh the ending we are going to be capping each of the roots each route now is gonna cap we've only got five more levels one two three four five no matter what happens when we expand out an area it's gonna terminate in the uh in the enemy portal now it cannot afford to go anywhere else on that note i know a couple of people uh expressed a bit of dismay that they was in a limitless mode the dev is already working on it has received the feedback and is looking into uh creating a a endless run oh my that's what i was scared of uh an endless run mode these are the portals there when they die they spawn beholders themselves look at the amount of spam that just comes out of something but uh right now that is a prestige system of sorts all it does is add to your score so it's basically just you know for bragging rights uh but the there is a plan to add a pure full expansion but they're trying to figure out how to scale that the game right now has a pretty pretty steady pace you got a boss every so many levels and then you get a whole new type of enemy in in the in the following couple of waves before the next boss like the first one is largely just health and a little bit of uh armor then you've got the introduction of shields and the health regeneration so you've got armor uh high health mobs high shield mobs and health regenerating mobs and the boss has got both health and shields uh let's go for [Music] i'm not gonna go for that research breakthrough um let's go for yeah we'll go for plasma x3 and at this point i'm gonna drop that down just so i can finally seal off this side no matter what happens uh we'll pop that all the way up to 40 as well um the second boss as i mentioned has a shield health and a shield the next wave then is the hell wave where you start encountering armor regeneration and also the well i mean you did have the vampires in in the kind of the second stage which you do spawn bats when they die but you start getting enemies that actively um spawn very dangerous uh very dangerous weapons the rockets i don't really consider the the i i hate to do it you know to invalidate your existence little battering ram cart but you spawn a bunch of goblins i'm literally fighting against the forces of hell and the the the foot soldiers of eldritch horrors from beyond the stars i goblins i i don't know what you want me to say it's just it's not much by comparison uh that being said you know early on you can definitely guide it uh but still regarding the uh the third wave you start seeing the first enemies that can spawn significant threats when they die and then the fourth wave you've got enemies that can regenerate everything health armor and shield and most enemies have all three and if you take for example the portals as as the the prime example of the spawning mechanic they spawn something that can spawn something else it escalates quite quickly how you would balance that for an endless mode other than just giving everything more hp but it just feels like that's such a lackluster way of of creating an endless mode in my opinion all universities gain more bonus research we're actually getting a decent amount of research on the way now uh let's start tapping these areas out if we can i want that one oh we're gonna have to oh actually yeah we're gonna need to expand this one out before the last wave the reason for that is as i mentioned before the boss will spawn on the longest possible path that you didn't build that term so we can't have this be the last area that we build let's pop a little bit more in here let's go for shield and since we're at that place again let's let's take our eye of the price hey let's uh pop your shield destruction up to 50. i keep reading the score instead of money there we go we pretty much wreck the the shield of anything we hit i want to see how you do in terms of armor yeah we take out all of the armor in one go a little bit more would still be useful let's get this up to 45 i think this is just disgusting over here though absolutely disgusting i mean the ballistas are doing things but they're not really doing anything of consequence right now when we get to the end and we see the the damage breakdown balances aren't going to be you know uh you know zero damage but for all intents and purposes they may as well have been the testers have done so ridiculously well if we honestly we could probably just delete all of all of the blisters at this point and it would just all be down to the testing i'm not sure that you could easily get away with just a pure tesla strategy you might be able to if you had a very lucky spawn for example if this was the first tile you expanded out in this direction you could just build a tesla on it and the jobs are good and you would have to get through that first expansion wave though so you probably want to place down a single ballista i guess you could possibly just try and tank the first couple of waves until you get a weapon like a tesla tower without ever building a ballista just accept that you're going to lose health on the first couple be an interesting one uh let's go for you know what let's go for slow but sure too we've got 80 80 50. now just so that we don't forget that i'll build that now and uh while we can since we are actually still going through man of these lovely fans how much are we up to over here 25 a shot on this side isn't actually that bad i'm not gonna lie i'm a little bit impressed with it uh let's pop this all the way up to 50 though uh however how much you use a shot 30 a shot it's a little bit higher we've got two more paths to go i'm hoping that this one will still be longest it's possible this or this one will these ones won't be though definitely and i fancy that this one is probably shorter than this one just eyeballing it but i couldn't be certain it's a little bit too close at this point for me to easily tell but let's continue to upgrade you all the way up to 55 and you as well now there are achievements for building only two types of towers for every combination ballista and one of the other weapons uh amazingly the dev let me know that uh the ballista plus radar uh combination was named after my second first taste arrows and airplanes that was that was a particularly uh neat uh neat thing to learn i found that very very amusing uh i'm not gonna try and do that challenge though because yikes that would be a rough one you would have to focus ultra hard on ballistas and getting every type of dot on it before you started building the the the radars at all those radars would be monstrously difficult to make work uh this thing is crazy this is probably the easiest way this is probably the easiest one to go for but the radars would be a nightmare uh is there anything i actually want here uh sure exsanguinate crit steal 10 of the targets current bleed as extra bleed damage there we go and we've got one more level after this how we doing down here at this point i don't think we're seeing any more enemies types so if this tower is able to handle what's there it's always going to be able to handle what's today but i will take it up to 50 50 50 just because i like the numbers knowing full well that the tower will then go on to try and ruin that that beautiful number by leveling up itself but at this point it's got so much exp it needs to uh naturally gain a level i should be okay that being said the universities might ruin it ah there's scallywag university i'm actually kind of surprised i was honestly expecting that this one would be fairly low power um compared to this one because i'm i'm sending the the vast majority of the forces of darkness against this tesla tower so i am a little bit surprised that that that one is more or less the cape uh kept pace with it in terms of its upgrade levels of course i'm the one doing it but i am surprised that uh i felt the need to but i suppose at this point i've built everything to one shot kill things so it makes sense that they would be even the the volume of enemies isn't the isn't the the the focus of this it's just the health of the enemies and that's if a single portal spawns over there then i need this to be able to kill a portal and the beholders and the eyes in three hits in exactly the same way that i need this one too uh you know what i'm gonna start leveling them up in uh side by side in parallel not bad almost maxed out the uh crit chance of the the lowest level was just for a second there i thought he was going to get through uh almost uh max out the lowest type of crit there make them suffer increase max bleed burn poison per second by 40. is this useful no because i'm killing everything just brute force wise there we go big brain oogie spawned on the correct path i really wasn't sure whether he was going to spawn but that's actually quite cool um yeah we're killing things so quickly that we don't actually care about the dots anymore so i guess with that in mind you could just build with the data usually for me there to to stop regen but we're killing them at the first point of con i i don't consider this the first part of the defense this is really our front line we have one line of defense well actually this site has one line of hands this one has a fallback position but we're we're never using it despite all the amount that sorry the money that i invested in getting that leveled up you know what i'm not going to allow you to end the game without having a max chance on quits that would be shameful of me there we go let's finish these off at this point we're just bringing in so much money just appears and melts and it is glorious there we go that run is entirely done i could sell that tower at this point i wonder if there is uh some sort of achievement for having sold all of the towers realistically you wouldn't be able to oh actually okay so you would be able to do it but the moment the tower kills something and the chassis tower does its damage instantly it's not like a mortar where you can sell the mortar once the shot is in the air you would have to sell the the final tower just before the the last opponent and at this point it would have to be a boss just before big bray noogie died but with significant dot applied to it such that the dot will kill it with time that would be the only way that you could do it uh we've got a level 145 can we get to a level 150 oh no right okay fine fine i know what we must do you need to go up can i go go i need money we need to be level 50. come on yes i'm just in time uh no time to spare right there we are we've got a uh we got a an achievement for that one defended all 45 levels 1980 exp victory bonus you always get a fairly hefty victory bonus just for completing new double defense record 1665 bonus xp here are the stats for this uh for this win let's have a quick gander i wish i'd probably been watching uh big brainergy go down uh but there we go we've got oh my lord the total damage done with the ballista is actually obscene for gold spent now i'm not sure if this is gold spent on leveling it it has to be this has to be the total gold spent because i only built three of them so yeah that is the total gold spent on tesla coils still we did 1264.67 damage per gold coin that we spent on it but there we are we got to win i was not certain that we were going to win that i really was not certain but i am very very happy to know that we did and with this a bounty of experience points we can go ahead and grab all of the last bits so actually this this does make a radar run a little bit more possible because we will be able to make them bleed burn and poison our enemies but that is it for rogue tower in this episode at the very least do let me know down below if you'd like to see more of this on the channel but uh do be aware that i am streaming it uh more than i probably should frankly uh i do advertise myself as a variety streamer but there's been a lot less variety and a lot more rogue tower of late but there are also the vods going up on my vod channel they are largely uncut long play format so if you enjoy that if you want something to listen to then do consider checking out the links down below but that is going to be it from me i hope you enjoyed and i will see you next time take care everyone [Music] you
Channel: Aavak
Views: 239,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aavak, Dapper, Let's Play, Rogue Tower, Roguelite, Tower Defence, Indie, Deckbuilder, Let's Play Rogue Tower, Rogue Tower Gameplay, Rogue Tower Walkthrough, Rogue Tower Playthrough, Rogue Tower Tutorial, Rogue Tower Review, Rogue Tower Impressions
Id: sYfrMzDGn4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 36sec (4716 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 01 2022
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