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BAM welcome everybody today we're playing make war it's the war there's the British they're currently being invaded by the Vikings these rude dudes coming over they can look a bit like honey Jeep and cruise boats nice and we are playing as the alien invaders so we have a bunch of tasks such as a range unit gets one kill a kiss with currently trying to beef on the British right let's do this we've got some like Nellie troopers some range units and we've got mines as well I just want to put the mines down like this let's see how this goes okay great our lasers got a kill sweet we have teleporters now Oh No what's there in combat my poor like poor aliens do not work very well and then we can just leave it to the British and the Vikings to fight it out and you know what they kind of tore each other apart Oh four enemy armies have real lines we're okay so now they have a sort of arrow Arrowhead formation and at these case archers maybe and the Vikings look like they've got archers as well so are the new tasks teleport 45 units each kill eight units after teleporting okay we can probably do that and killed 28 troops using any weapons kill 18 with mines Vikings need to win by 50 okay so we've got a like beef on these dudes so maybe we want to get like a little fire base back here cuz what some like range troops get into combat they really don't do that well and I've seen these guys are all just gonna run straight at us so right teleport I guess it's the two elements do I want to like teleport them closer sure because of the moment just trying to get teleportation kills and I see how that kind of kind of goes I'm hoping these guys will just instantly run at me but that might not be the case and I put some mines there so when they teleport they just instant in forgive okay right they are coming BAM okay we got teleportation kills wow it really like really getting them well we did loads of the quests oh my last brave alien invaders well they tried right how these Vikings gonna do because if we can get them to win by 50 all right can I'll do it there's only a few left wow that's a lot of objectives we need more mine kills but that's fine what is it now 18 kills using mines 40 using turrets but he even have turrets victory of the Knights oh ok they're not British see now we're gonna like take our force and we're gonna [ __ ] up the Vikings a little bit okay we've got like our laser sword frontline Gunners behind we've got a couple of Mines likes cast around on the beach where the the Vikings are coming in and hopefully where the teleporters are the the night sea gonna kind of run into that and just appear in the midst buying us a little bit more time to do some killin oh no the Mellie troopers oh ok not terrible we didn't get enough mine kills and all of our troops are basically dead but Wow even then the the night still don't look like they're gonna win this okay we completed none of our objectives so we're gonna have to try this again okay maybe we should be teleporting Vikings over to these dudes does that make sense okay we fared a couple of Vikings into this like backline that looks pretty good all of our dudes are dead once again ouch oh man the Knights they look like they could take this oh there's definitely more archers I think they've got it oh okay now we've got a new weapon right turrets took on the turret set parameters oh my god Wow right not entirely sure how these turrets in the work but we can kind of aim them a little bit that's sort of fun okay oh my lasers killing my own dudes oh they out of ammo right the teleporters kind of worked oh man the turrets did not go super well and I think we confused confuse the Knights with the old teleportation they're not gonna get their super victory in battle in 50 seconds oh no good okay we're gonna try the the meli troopers on the frontline try a little more people into those mines drag them away from this area and try and keep our dudes like a little bit a little bit healthy for longer okay did not go super well although the Knights doing great they do have to get into that backline can I kill them all in a few seconds oh it's close we did Oh so my twin they went by fifty okay so we put like a delay on each of the turrets maybe that will help maybe get some some of our boys into the middle of that fight the gun gun brigades they're just gonna kind of just chill and these teleporters we just want to kind of protect our troops as long as possible right we've teleported our troops down we're invading their mid we've got a whole bunch of objectives that are kind of tough to complete I like this setup it's kind of kind of fun okay the lasers sort of worked well no wow the teleports are really really going to town all of our boys are dead how's the rest of the battle gonna go I don't know if we'll get it in time we need those we need these nights like in the middle of things faster oh one night off the coast okay I don't know how this is gonna work we put the teleporter to try and throw the nights just right into the middle of the the Vikings army okay that looked pretty good there wow we completed something our gun boys are still just going for it we could have put a bigger delay oh my God look how he kills we're gonna get I don't think our guys are gonna survive no they did oh yeah but that's a pretty good tactic once again mine's still not still not getting the kills not sure if I'm using them right man good job everyone okay right avatar it may be angle all these shooting arches there we go Wow okay very fast of some of the lasers are missing I'll sweep more mines okay how's everyone doing now once again we've still got a few little dudes left no they do get zapped every now and again a couple of the archers do not care for us but otherwise pretty Killy I think we got our objective although we got the turrets oh the delay on the turrets actually really really helped giving us extra minds okay right I'm just gonna clear clear the enemy I've got a new plan to kind of mess things up a little bit because we just want this going on as long as physically possible okay all of our guys die so fast okay the Knights are kind of kind of doing it I don't feel like they're gonna have enough to go in there and take out all the archers but this could be good for us just fire a bit slower 15 15 seconds oh my god begin to do it yeah that's what I'm talking about oh sweet Tesla coil so right we want to kill at least a hundred guys let's do it back here okay we've got a new build we're just trying to get as many kills as physically possible if we can wrap this up nice and fast as well that'd be great our guys are sort of protected by teleporters wow that's fast oh okay more teleporters Tesla coils are doing great we went way over on units man there's Tesla coils Achille huh okay oh we got another mission huh we did the speed one because we killed 70 people okay 50 kills with the Tesla coils when I got hypnosis right what is going on here now I feel like we're just navigating at these mines to work what about that oh wow did we just literally just instantly get it holy [ __ ] we killed a few too many people but that's okay so we just need to kill 25 it seems like people don't actually attack these so if I just put them in the middle will easily get 50 kills on the old Tesla's a way for too far back and where are they going as woodland archers the dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark good job more stun batons we do need to like teleport people okay up here was bad so just teleport goons into this area as much as possible BAM we should have for the back a little bit oh wait maybe not and connect just exactly 25 people is gonna be impossible but I'm curious okay maybe with mines will be okay and then just some guns let's just see what that sort of comes in at roughly okay right already too many guns oh okay that time not enough guns oh we need one more kill one more kill that's all I'm after Oh too many kills third time's the charm well tenth time's the charm Oh one too many kills again yeah [ __ ] that's I'm nowhere near enough kills huh no I kill anyone oh my god we did it we did it oh yeah man we super super kill 25 guys was this catch 35 units alien army should kill 50 units we can easily do that hypnotize people we haven't hips entice anyone yet wait to be not gather kill exact number of units 25 we had that didn't we oh is because we didn't actually ends the battle [Applause] Sam okay so we've got a new unit oh there's a new deployment farmers what is this the hypnosis tower what are you even gonna do kill units in a hypnotized state sure right well we'll just put uh Tesla coils and mines in front of them let's give that a go oh okay right maybe you should have planned that a little bit better how many people have we hypnotized him to say 70 units we didn't hypnotize enough but I feel like we could get that hypnosis tower and we just have like a like some goons near it so everyone kind of like runs over and same over here right they're all kind of like running in but they get sort of stuck oh wow okay we definitely got the hypnosis on not actually killing many of them but I feel like we could get kills just I'm not even worried about like adjusting them just let those unload into the the crowds okay it's not going terribly we act really not actually killed that many units Oh I guess the testicle doesn't count [ __ ] oh it's our actual troopers they have to do it share it okay maybe the guns don't even work okay right we do have the teleporters so what we're gonna do are the teleporters use those to get rid of like the elites and we just want to be killing peasants that is like my dream scenario [ __ ] it we may as well throw these turrets down okay we're kind of doing like a little invasion on the side blasting these dudes mines to take out that archers and over here we're just trying to confuse as much stuff as possible okay right they super I don't know if the guns counted Wow okay well maybe they did okay the chaos is working we're not really killing that many hypnotizing units unfortunately that's fine we we have unlocked something though which is great our dudes lost a pretty long time by out still mines which all everyone it's now a UFO what the hell let's just see what happens here oh hello Wow okay so that's the spot where like people actually hit maybe that's where we want to be be aiming for if this is like the actual real front line oh [ __ ] we only got 20 ok come down there we'll put like a single shoot man in there as well so everyone like be lines in oh I kind of like capped out a bit teleporters excellent thinking everyone at home okay that kind of worked oh no but now they're slowing each other down five wheel three off okay right let's just see if RNG kind of helps BAM okay we did it more salt guys so that more Minds catch 25 years of teleporting Wow we weren't even focusing on that and we got it kill toons and ten units with Tesla's [ __ ] that's a lot of that's a lot of units okay so we've got teleporters setup in front of the Viking army surrounded by Tesla's and hypnosis things so this is our murder box hopefully it works also if we can like just take out some of that Gunners would be great there arches is what I guess some people like to call them okay right murder box are we ready to go let's get us on a proper speed okay peasants are going down kind of sapping sundews we did miss most of the people when you put we need to bait the trap looks like we got a lot of we killed a lot of their their archers this is looking good hmm see the problem is like they get mind-controlled and well then we don't actually kill them [ __ ] so hopefully everyone runs straight towards them now okay that looks better we still Wow still get a little bit archerd oh we got a new level okay we're kind of far off the 60 kills there's not even 60 guys left shaved we're gonna track in the Vikings to have a hundred fifty units after victory it's gonna be tough like think that we can do it like I'm not gonna do anything too fancy with these guns they're here literally just a murder as much as possible right we need to kill archers really fast the Tesla's should do you pretty good jobs at that and then I want like a little area of mind control and all of my guns behind so I think this might be where we've been like lacking so far also I guess we can have a teleporter turn up and we need like little contingencies of melee on the side to basically take some flak and hope for the best oh we can actually teleport people as well BAM those lasers have done great work oh by here is definitely a touchy area our flanks would really not secure enough I think that Tesla could have been like over a little bit Wow I reckon we go as long as there aren't too many more artsy shots oh [ __ ] but the Vikings are now into our Tesla's [ __ ] this is bad oh wow they're still still aliens left though holy [ __ ] geez right the problem was we killed these we killed too many of these guys which is bad I wonder what happens if we just do it without the teleporters without the Tesla's do they just super murderous okay that UFO is worthless there's still too many archers we do need to like zap archers okay we still have Archer based problems there's not looking awful I'll know the Vikings charging my lines rather than killing off the rest of those dudes that's not super fun okay this is kind of good [ __ ] we've got too many like too many of our guys are left now I mean like not far off like I feel like with a little bit of tweaking we can get the kills BAM so this has been make war everyone I hope you've enjoyed it if you wanna see some more let me know I actually brilliants this you can get the game for free on it so up a link in the description below until next time see ya uh hi guys it's me a little man walking around this was kind of a cool video games a little bit a little bit you know gonzo but actually kind of into that kind of like a little bit of a different thing every now and again kind of reminds me a bit of tabs but slightly different objectives actually pretty playable yeah you can play it for free as well if you want to check them out if you enjoyed this you know put a like in there that could be fun sheíll hope I don't get abducted by aliens before um you know before I can put that like town because otherwise I think that would make Tom cry he does like those likes he needs to is to validate himself that's the only thing that keeps him going these days anyway turns out there are aliens here so I've got to go so um see ya
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 96,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny, make war, tbas, tower defence, pixel game
Id: clzshoLDWog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2019
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