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I bought this two days ago after it came out thanks to toms older video on it and it is super fun.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/JJSwnctt93 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
a bam welcome everybody to 20 minutes till dawn i say bam we played a whole load of the demo of this game and now it's finally out um i'm super hot to play some more um there's a bunch of new characters uh which luckily i had some points to uh be able to unlock and a whole lot of new weapons um i kind of think that maybe we should just go in on hp and you have two guns each gun upgrades separately that sounds super rad more bullets is more good uh what do you want to do standard sure okay double double pistols nice okay that sounds cool i feel like we could be getting a whole lot of bullets out of this uh which would be just lovely um you know fairly chilly to begin with fairly shooty um okay wow guys reload time really high on them okay something that inc is like makes my reload better actually feels like it would help a lot but then again anything that just increases uh like you know weapon damage number of shots oh god that could be amazing each gun gets extra shots is that how it works it does okay sure we're down to three damage but uh that is a lot of bullets coming out of my guns okay weapon reloads i'm a fool if i don't take those tastes like actually just increasing uh gun capacity helps as well because you don't have to reload a gun that isn't empty right uh dragon egg summon the dragon double hatch oh my god that sounds great pyro just set people on fire it's pretty good faster firing that isn't necessarily what i need shoot an additional bullet behind you actually sounds like it could be pretty good because if that's two bullets behind me right oh no because it isn't applied to the gun it's applying to me okay very bang the dream it's worth worth knowing though uh so yeah i've played the demo a bunch but this is kind of like my first time rocking into the full game um so i managed to get a couple of passive upgrades this game has a system where you can buy uh runes um which will give you like little little buffs like i've got a tiny percent chance that enemies might get frozen um just because i played the demo a whole lot and luckily all my money carried over every second shot calls down lightning does that apply to these guns oh yeah it does oh yes it does okay so because i'm firing two bullets at once that counts as every shot is a second shot that is amazing right with some kind of rad lightning mage damage damage could be okay magic lens goes through and does more damage maybe reload rate yes that seems pretty good oh my god wow yeah just keep firing i think is the answer okay yeah i feel that feels about 20 faster i'll take that there's so much experience i'm just not picking up at the moment uh what do you want move speed honestly pretty good glare vision range plus 20 or 25 uh all enemies within range take five damage every two seconds that sounds pretty good but um i'm just gonna get move speed as um i feel like this game being able to move quickly is very good it's kind of like one of the best defensive upgrades there is in the game uh as it also helps us to just find more stuff set people on fire that could be nice when lightning strikes an enemy there's a 20 chance oh refill three of your ammo that actually sounds great uh oh shoot i was just looking at my ammo counter okay well that actually means that we have to reload significantly less okay enemies explode that could be all right walk speed 100 sure uh okay right we are uh like we are in a oh god oh god just a gunfu movie right now um just slow motion walking around blasting two pistols at once um get out of here uh call me uh hard hard-boiled nice okay boss dead uh i do want to get your upgrade but oh god i'm worried there are too many enemies there's a lot of boys diamond berserk oh my name is diamond increase fire rate and reload late by 10 permanently every time you get hit oh my god that actually sounds super good can we get heals all lightning damage is increased by 12 god we are doing a lot of lightning if i can get heals can we then farm like damage really great plus 10 uh might be might be good yeah sure why not i think actually fire right now could be handy um but i wanna see if i get like healing going and get my berserk up as berserk would be pretty cool because if that's fire rate and reload rate like 10 i'm just good actually we feel a lot stronger now with our like lightning powers um maybe i shouldn't just fire leave a flame thing i don't know if i care about that yeah fire rate i'm gonna do that uh okay there's the bad the bad deer okay i'm kind of just firing and hoping that the lightning does most of the work because actually my pistols doing three damage a degree underwhelming um whereas the lightning is just one-shotting basically anything that it hits okay dear honestly not too bad to to dodge now oh man he took so many hits of lightning then uh first clip reload breakfast five percent increase bullet damage by 30 for one seconds like that's okay uh increase really by five cents for every enemy killed uh wow oh god actually wait it doesn't matter if we take a little bit of damage here uh okay wow the reload is fast uh nice okay let's just uh kill some people right what have you got for me baby move speed plus 50 but we lose a health i kind of don't hate that a lot of damage plus 50 bullet size piercing fire it down but don't hate that but bounce do i care about bullet damage and size or pierce i actually think i might go for the speed like it's not the most exciting one but i feel like i don't want my fire rate going down because lightning does most of my damage actually man we are we are fast when people die they explode when i reload i've got that we are never using that pickup range heck why not it's one of my favorite lazy upgrades from games such as vampire survivors if we're faster i'm just hoping that this means that we'll be able to now just like level quicker and you know just seeing more uh okay right maybe i do need something that is making my bullets do more because they that three damage does not go a long way okay bullet speed i don't know if that matters glare yeah electric book some of the bug calls down more lightning yeah yeah i mean i'm into that i'm seeing as we are kind of specking loosely into lightning uh oh honestly actually wait loosely is not the right term heavily into lightning like it is the lightning does basically all of the damage for us i got that like eye bug took so many rounds to kill okay sirs [Music] will you watch and learn pick up rains fizzing rains okay like bullets fire rate yeah yeah why not um i like the fire rate increase man i just want health uh because i i want to take a little bit of extra damage like if i can get something that can heal me we could farm ourselves into uh being ridiculous unless there's a cat there's got to be a cap on it and i boys are just not the friends you want in this world figurines plus 20 simpson chance to refill one ammo oh yeah why not that means i get to pick up more more experience oh god well we are danger close there but we're fine oh god there's actually a lot of enemies i feel the lightning aoe is doing good if you guys have some kind of chain lightning coming out uh oh god actually there are a lot of enemies uh being fast is really helping but i am not clearing out these hordes oh god okay well just think of that as we increased our berserk powers um god maybe okay even the lightning isn't one-shotting these guys anymore i need i need some other some other source of income here okay knife is not going to do a lot uh plus one hp one of those is regen which i think could take me to the promised land i don't entirely know we do require two level ups oh god to get there oh god okay lightning do your thing uh game please be chill just trying to look for openings where experience is available oh god this is increasing in stress but there's a lot of lightning steps and that's nice okay we've got excitement people raise plus 20 that could be good blazing speed you know what maybe that's maybe that's worthwhile as we're getting chased a lot uh oh this is bad can i get out of that oh god what hp oh oh god who are they they don't look like my friends oh do they shrink when you shoot them maybe maybe not uh okay well at least that's less enemies on the screen but they definitely are tougher because they really look like uh like a thing yeah sure they're like a flying disgusto leech monster but i feel like that's a creature i feel like i kind of recognize it um maybe it's a a d maybe it's a lovecraftian-esque uh terror from the deep what have you got plus hp i lose a bit of move speed but i'm kind of fine with that bullet bullet damage and move speed uh now i'm gonna take this because i i feel like my speed is already pretty good uh what is that effect that is on me that is waving out oh god heck who is that it's coughing from pokemons maybe do you remember that guy coffin he was always one of my favorites in the show when i watched it as a kid because he always seemed so happy and uh that was positivity um but i just do not think i'm gonna be killing him anytime soon god these guys take so much oh i'm dead i'm so dead i want to try and like just loop around and go down south if possible and try and get some experience i want that regen ability well it's like not a lot of dead enemies and the lightning is really really dropped out of favor here i just don't think any of them are even dying at the moment god oh god uh okay no oof i've got some got some money okay right let's give this another go let's try a different personnel though uh i did like man i do like that like diamond for health that seems pretty good i think i quite rate the crossbow do you just try a quick play we'll try a quick play yeah like i quite like less shots that deal more damage um i just like the bigger numbers um god now we feel so slow compared to where we were at before um not that it's a problem we will level uh but man we had like a lot of upgrades i like how quickly you do get upgrades in this game like it is not shy with um loading them on you and there are there's a lot of different ones um i am very impressed with this game so far already uh that dagger actually legit um with the crossbow because it goes out and just does the same amount of damage that i'm doing um uh so yeah if you can't tell by now that i'm a fan of this game already uh also it was like two pounds maybe um i really thought uh it was gonna come out and be way more expensive plus the reload rate honestly maybe not terrible double shot could be really good but i'm gonna take movement yeah like it was like two bucks i was expecting this to come out and like a lot of these uh you know games that have come in this uh you know what i'm calling the survivors era um they come out and they are they priced themselves pretty high um you know when you get over like five five pounds i think um you know it's it's gonna be a good game um but this one honestly i'm super impressed by and uh yeah like two two bucks i already thought this was gonna be more and it is not um i am not endorsed by oh i'm going to instantly take that in the hope that i get her berserk power although will we still get that on this 10 minute mode yeah uh yeah i'm not uh endorsed um by the creator of this game uh at all outside of the fact that um i am really enjoying their game um so you know take from take from that what you will uh really great maybe it's too bad because we are reloading a lot uh i will do that today uh because that does increase damage output healthfully um i'd like something actually just increases flat increases my damage like those big bullets maybe i even saw them i didn't take them that does sound a bit like classic tom i'd like to be able to kill these guys in one hit rather than two would i feel like it would just increase my my damage capabilities vastly sharpen someone's deal more damage all right okay this reduces damage but double shot actually uh that will now start to one shot people in its own weird way does that make sense it doesn't one shot two shots but i'm still firing only one round of ammo i don't know i'll let the uh i know those big big brains work that one out uh if i'm one shotting or two shotting them um uh leave in the oh yeah do that thing uh leave your answer in the comments below whoa uh see this one shot behind me no not maybe not terrible pick a range i don't know if i need that i'm gonna do the shot behind me just because uh that doesn't reduce my damage and it you know adds on uh 30 to my output or 50 to my output just keep blasting bomb boys and try and kill big slug elon oh nuts see i don't want to lose health yet because i'm hoping to get that berserk power from this guy and then i'll tank a load of damage uh get big more health but i'm slower yeah you know why not okay i'm just like bullying him sir god his friends are kind of closing in though back it up oh god like i said don't want to lose healthy air oh i'm so slow uh increase fire rate uh and reload rate by 10 permanently fire rate doesn't really actually come into play that much he'll want hp every 90 seconds sure okay on the shorter mode maybe not as good but i just want to try and just take some hits okay that feels pretty pretty good like how much do you want to edge this i feel like staying on three is good because it means i can be reckless and then i can be a bit more careful so we don't uh so we're not one hp uh okay yeah i like this this feels feels nice uh right was there a way that we could heal even more was it one of the fire abilities oh oh god okay right be more careful it's just what those walls are up it's bad for business pyro it is that ability when there's a burn there's a chance okay let's just try and just make some space [ __ ] oh god we're at one hp oh we greeted uh small bullet damage run gun holy shield okay that buys us a hit i just need that wall to go it is kind of a nightmare okay shield down oh thank god okay right now i think i can just kite the horde and slowly blast your boy oh god i thought he's gonna charge me then why won't you die oh thank god thank god okay right oh we got health back nice burn damage increase pretty good electro mage every second shot we're actually firing a lot of shots that lightning power could come into play oh okay right the double shot is not killing anymore um i need to get his pentagram power sometimes plus 50 maybe not i want fire eight for 66. bullet damage not what i need bullet damage bullet size max hp maybe that's worth taking fairly good damage the most but not the least uh luckily we have dealt with the mouse oh we still do this on 20 minutes man i thought um i thought i was just gonna uh goof this up again but uh this feels like the build is sort of coming online nice we've got another heel uh very big fan of that let me just get a level here be faster sure oh okay well that increases our attack speed by and reload rate by 10 so that's good i guess okay we do only have one hp heck uh luckily my shield returns just in time uh we don't have a body speed we are close to one hp sirs please i do need just better crowd clearing and in fact it takes like two full shots to deal with these boys um is not super handy okay we gotta heal i heard i heard a noise oh heck oh god oh my god we are like really just having to like use this as like a broom just to push push the enemies away nuts anything he'll waste uh that we don't have that power power shot that could could be the dream it's not a dream it pushes back further though so that helps uh i just gotta run for 30 seconds um i might get my shield back oh balls uh i just stopped looking at where i was going no sir and every now and again when the tree turns up it kind of like messes with my uh my route planning six seconds come on you dogs get out of here yeah take that you survived nice about so this is 20 minutes till dawn um there's probably going to be a whole load more of this turning up on the channel uh so watch out for that uh once again um i'm not sponsored by these guys um by flying but do check this game out honestly for how cheap it is um i am having a ton of fun with it until next time everybody see ya
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 40,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: YjgCBDyJkoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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