Focus | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | The 7 Dimensions Of Wealth

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[Music] we are in a very important teaching series called focus and I have been on a journey with God and the spirit of wisdom to go to a new realm of focus I've been trying to lead our entire people to get a head start into the next season and the next level of their lives by talking to them about focus and it's a very very very big subject and so I'm enjoying this and one of the complexities of this is that it's hard to preach focus because if you preach it people are hear it in the realm of their emotions and they won't necessarily hear it in the realm of their comprehension and the objective of team teaching focus is to mature you and is to bring you into certain disciplines that will allow for all that God wants to do next now how many of you are anticipating what will be born as the byproduct of your focus wave in me I am in high expectation of what will be born from their next level of focus y'all I had the coffee so I'm gonna go over here and ask them the same thing how many of you are in expectation of what will be born from your next level of focus when you are focused you are powerfully unstoppable and there are things that God can do through you that he cannot do before I set this up this construct this morning I also want you to realize that the enemy's favorite weapon is distraction and it is easy if he's resolved that the hand of the Lord is on your life that you had angelic support that you believe on him and that you are filled with the Spirit of God instead of trying to kill you he'll just try to distract you it's a very very easy thing to do and sometimes we can be to everything that we're distracted by is not wicked you can be distracted by a good thing and you can be distracted by a thing that is in your life premature I know a lot of people that are distracted by problems that are not theirs you can be distracted by trying to support a family member or trying to support a friend and not knowing how to put their issues in their life and handle your own stuff I want you to develop a sensitivity towards the weapon of distraction because you cannot be productive and tracted the people of the Lord said a man all right we believe in the power of the decree here so I want you to say something to three people in three is no spiritual reason I just want you to say it because that's the number I want to use today I want you to tell three people in your strongest preacher voice I've decided to prosper tell government [Applause] somebody means that today I've made a decision I want you to say that out of your mouth because I'm going to teach you that prosperity is a decision it is in your power to prosper it does not happen by spontaneous combustion it's not something you stumble into you can make a personal decision to prosper but I'm going to be teaching you some things this morning that's gonna confront a lot of beliefs and a lot of myths that you have and one of them or foremost among them is that the gospel of prosperity is not the gospel of materialism there are Christians that are afraid to fully investigate God's intent toward them as far as their prosperity is concerned because when they hear prosperity they think greed and it doesn't help that we don't like anybody that teaches too much on it and here's the thing any area that you can't allow the Word of God to work in your life is gonna be an area that the kingdom of ignorance rules and it amazes me how Christians are okay with allowing ignorance to run their prosperous lives their financial lives preacher says anything about money or anything about welfare or here you go again but then the absence of information on that is exactly why you are defeated I'm about to say some very strong biblical controversial statements that's gonna bless you first of all say first of all God is called nobody to be poor I'm Oh need some help today I know the spirit of religion and this is one of the areas they hit God has called nobody to be poor God has not even purposed that the poor be poor the Bible says that the poor you'll have with you always but it doesn't mean that they were born to be poor and we know that I'm gonna give you scriptures because in Deuteronomy 8:18 write that down the Bible says and you will remember the Lord your God and it is he that gives you the power to get well that means if you need power to do it you cannot achieve it on your own if wealth were a matter of circumstance alone then God wouldn't have had to have given us the power to get it but have you really thought about what that power is the power to get wealth is a mixture of focus and obedience in Deuteronomy 8 there's a list of things that you do to please God and to live a right before the Lord and then he tells them in your obedience remember the Lord and He will give you the power to get well so you cannot be disobedient and prosperous by a matter of fact you cannot be hesitant and prosperous you have to live an obedient life and an obedient life believe it or not is a focused life say yes so so there is a powerful prosperity here's my favorite angle of this for those of you that insist on being poor the Bible's saying Isaiah 60:1 and then again in Matthew 4 when Jesus was preaching about his own mission he said the gospel is preached to the poor now that doesn't excite you because you don't know what the gospel is when the Bible says the gospel is preached to the poor you think that it's this high mister poor person you get to go to heaven hi mister homeless man one day over and glory you'll have a mansion that ain't the good news to tell somebody who has a physical need that after you died the Lord will supply your need does not want me I wouldn't get saved if there was the gospel you mean to tell me I got to die before I find the benefits of Jesus Christ thanks let me flirt around with whoever is gonna provide for me now and then our holiday boy when you're done the gospel that is preached to the poor is you don't have to live this way that's the good news it has nothing to do with heaven and everything to do on the earth that's the gospel that's preached to the poor turn the second Corinthians chapter a then I'm gonna give you seven dimensions of wealth I'm gonna challenge you in this and I'm gonna challenge you in understanding this as you are turning to second Corinthians chapter 8 we're going to be looking at verse nine and I'm reading in the English standard version 2nd Corinthians 8 verse 9 when you're there say I'm there I want you to put that on your yo-yo Facebook wall your Instagram wall you're put on your post-it I've decided to prosper it is a matter of my will I can will to be wealthy and it has nothing to do with who does what for you it is a personal decision to do 2nd Corinthians 8 verse 9 is one of my favorite favorite verses on this issue and here's where we're gonna get a bit unnerving it says for you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ that though he was rich he was rich in heaven there is no government assistance in heaven there is no section 8 now those are transitional means but for those of you that are treating section 8 like it's inheritance you need to repent I know you don't want to die you cannot act like leaving that to your children is a real inheritance it's actually fraudulent to remain lazy and not able because you want a discount from your government and that's not a political issue it's a kingdom one and we won't talk about it but I'm in the mood today says he was rich yet for your sake look at the scriptures he'd be hey so when you look at the story of Jesus a lot of you look at the fact that he was in God from before the foundations of the world and he put on a flesh suit and became the lamb for your sacrifice but you didn't know that he had to renounce his riches he had to renounce his economic status and not because he just wanted to he had to do it for you in the same way he had to renounce his olia state to take on sin so that in the flesh II could condemn the flesh he did the same with poverty it says he became poor look at this so that you buy his poverty you ain't seen that before so that you buy his poverty could be rich I know that makes you uncomfortable and that makes you nervous to hear the term rich and Christian in the same language but you like rich rapper you like rich movie star you like rich politician Christians are the only ones who fight for the right to be broke it makes y'all feel holy it almost makes you feel close to God to always have to live by faith but the Bible a lot seven levels of prosperity and money is the last there are seven levels of prosperity the gospel of prosperity proves that God is concerned with the quality of life of his people and the reason why this is hard to talk about is because of the issue of focus people don't like to focus on their quality of life they don't like to pay attention to what's happened to them let's deal with this word poverty here when you're dealing with the concept of poverty particularly in this how many of you were raised poor no listen I'm not talking about raise I didn't get the gym shoes I want I'm talking my raise where we we ate sugar sandwiches poor how many of you were born poor okay now not enough of you raised your hand how many of you have parents that pay it off their homes so there's a lot more of you that are poor than what you admit it if your mama and your grandmama went through the dead on the mortgage you are a poor person what that and n if your mama and your grandmama even if they sitting here if they spent all their lives in rent they're still homeless oh come on what I'm about to do to you is preacher hatred for it for poverty in you you need to be delivered from poverty just as much as you need to be delivered from rejection from perversion coming poverty you are about to reject poverty if you won't call it what it is you'll be content with it you can't want healing from diabetes and like poverty if your grandmama went to the grave and did not all she was homeless and I want you to not be happy being homeless I want you to not be content and Christian and homeless if the first promise to Abraham was land what's your Excuse he was under the Old Testament you got the blood and still pulled poverty poverty happens three ways number one it happens by injustice in my studies of this what I found out in the Old Testament as there were regulations on those that oppress the poor there was an injustice that was political that was leadership in nature that depending upon the motive of any change they could almost create circumstances for people to be oppressed to poverty it started with Pharaoh it went throughout the book of Deuteronomy where they were mosaic laws concerning how to entrust the poor because the poor didn't actually be poor they are poor by matter of cultural circumstance from from the days of old there were racial agendas to make sure that certain groups of people never broke their poverty this stuff is not new it didn't happen with the civil rights movement this goes all the way back to the burning bush when Pharaoh got nervous about the Egyptians and what happened to them if they watch stronger when he noticed that the Hebrew women were Peck arias and that they could push babies harder than the other ones what they did was say let's give them a harsher workload with a little level of profitability so injustice you can literally live in a zone mark for poverty the second way that poverty can come in your life is by ignorance ignorance ignorance is a poverty issue if you look at how our school systems run or people that have a disdain for school or don't like to learn and even though I want to call it the casual approach that many families have towards education you're going to realize that those families also have poverty because what opens the door to poverty is the power of ignorance if I if I was to put apart B and C under that you cannot be ignorant and diligent which means that if you are ignorant you are also lazy you show me one person who's eager and I'll show you a sluggard the Bible say look at the ant you sluggard who has no supervisor who has no boss yet in summer when everybody's out at the beach is showing off they say that is working without nobody supervising him preparing for the season that is yet to come so if you're ignorant you're also lazy and if you're lazy you're also ignorant ignorance is one of the ways poverty comes to you here's the final and the most hardest way and I'm talking to you about this because prosperity is a focus issue the hardest most dense way that poverty can come into a life even though Jesus said I took on poverty so that you wouldn't have to we believe that about sin we just don't believe that about poverty we believe it about wickedness we even believe it about disease and with his tribe but nobody believes that about poverty he took on the same stuff so you didn't have to do it and either you gonna manifest the full benefits of your salvation or you're gonna stop making God look bad if you're gonna be Sade be shamed all the way and one of the benefits of salvation is you don't have to live like a poor person here is a final way the final way that poverty enters a life which is how it got to most people in this room is by inheritance you can inherit poverty you can be born to a family structure that puts no premium on wealth and/or money look at the way our culture is set up it's so dysfunctional we live and build our families with anticipation that our children are no longer our responsibility so we set barely emotionally functional teenagers 18 years old into the world and surrender our parental responsibilities to a bank and then we start their careers off in bed and think that makes us a good parent because I did that to us now I know you offended I don't care today it is dysfunctional for you to begin anybody's adult career as a slave your Bible still says the [Music] preparation glory to God some of you shouldn't get pregnant until you dumb with poverty if I were the president there would be a tax on sex you would have to pay to sleep around it is irresponsible for you to procreate and not be able to pay I'm working in here don't ever vote me in the office i'ma put a tax on condoms you gonna pay for porn occasion in my area [Applause] it's the truth anyhow I refuse to sign my children over to the monstrosity of the banks of America and suck my shoulders when they can't get a job when they got a master's degree because you started their life off $100,000 in debt that is not the way we do it in the kingdom the system is not supposed to raise your kids inherited poverty I mean you just import poverty you want to go to school take out along be a student who is a slave it is ridiculous and I know this is normal but it's ridiculous that college key is getting the focus on their education because they gotta eat ramen noodles and because you like our idea and I'm supposed to do this in eighteen year were you put you at 18 years old were you responsible at 18 years old did you still have a little fat in you at 18 years old what you inconsistent how dare you release your child to the now River now if that's your story being fine but thanks be unto God that Moses even though he was dropped on that River doc said an intercessor to pick him up and he ended up in the pallet put your hands together puppies are events clap your hands puppies are events even though you story with Sallie Mae [Music] finish up I command you to prosper there's a song where David says send now prosperity I'm about to give you seven real quick seven realms of this seven things that you need to focus on as you set up your portfolio now if you ain't married yet if you don't have kids yet you ought to be doing flips around this place because what I'm giving you is a paradigm on how to prepare these are things you need to focus on and forgive me I don't mean to preach at you like you're slow but what I'm going to do is assume that this is just stuff you don't know it's gonna be simple stuff but I'm gonna take you from the basis cuz what I'm finding is people don't know what prosperity is and here's another thing you can always know when somebody who deals with the power of poverty comes into money money does not always change poverty if we can see your last bonus as soon as you get it you are still moving in poverty the Bible say the money gather quickly will certainly come to ruin and a fool spends all they have so I'm gonna a lot to you what biblical power prosperity looks like how it manifests in seven realms and what it's supposed to do are you ready for this you're ready for this you know I don't know about you but this excites me I love talking about prosperity I wouldn't serve a god that didn't guarantee me to prosper you can climb up the rough side of the mountain all you want my Bible say speak to it and tell it to move I'm not a mountain climber I get more joy out of talking to stop telling it to move God is about to deliver you from your addiction to the struggle he's about to pour you and your thinking out of addiction to struggle there are some things you've got to speak and I just believe God for your world is about to change you ready for this first realm of prosperity is wisdom the first dimension of wealth is wisdom don't ever acts from money first you need to position your heart for wisdom that is a simple thing but you would be shocked at how many people have no appetite for wisdom whenever you approach everything as if you know everything it is a sure way to bankrupt your next level of information when you are around a person of people a company and organization that it's done what you cannot do you ought to posture yourself like a child you ought to become the recipient of wisdom wisdom is the first level of wealth in Proverbs 16:16 here's what it says how much better is it to get wisdom than gold the richest man in the scripture says wisdom weighed more than gold and I believe the reason he approached it that way is because getting wisdom is the harder thing Gold is easy go to your local pawn shop wisdom is the harder thing you cannot approach any situation as if you know all there is to know some of you are broke because you won't retire your expertise and your expertise is not even trustworthy because it came from other people who were not validated you can assume a life season and assume a life experience but you are only wealthy at the level of your wisdom that is a first level of wealth is wisdom the second level of wealth is vision it is vision you must be able to see the possibility if you cannot dream beyond where you are you don't need to prosper the whole point of prosperity is to get you to see what could become of your life you have to have vision you have to believe God to give you vision now no condemnation if you don't but hurry the heck up and find some you need vision for every season of your life you need vision as a single person you need vision as a married person you need vision as a mother you need vision as a father you need vision for all that you are and the worst people to hang around as those that will have vision why they're negative they're pessimistic and they blame their misery on everybody else but themselves when the real truth is people who have vision are on their way to emotional wholeness because their vision convinced him and makes him feel like I've got to live up to what I've already [Applause] and Psalm 13 and 3 the psalmist cried cutting siddur and answer me enlighten my eyes or let me sleep the sleep of death he prayed either you give me vision or let me die because a life without vision is death anyway you you're not happy you're not fulfill you need some clarity for where you're going if I were you I would even pray Lord number of my days so that I live my life and apply my heart to wish it will help you to walk with bricks fear concerning your vision third level of wealth is information vision and information are not the same you are only as wealthy as you are informed many people lose your opportunity for wealth because they do not have an appetite for information now knowledge and wisdom are not the same thing the biblical term for information is knowledge the root word know of the primitive word no wisdom has to do with future application that they can be drank from another to apply to your future but knowledge has to do with something that needs to be inserted with now proverbs 20 and 15 gold there is rubies these are all economic terms and rubies exist in abundance but lips that have knowledge is a rare jewel that means on the spectrum of all the commodities on the earth Solomon says there is nothing more costly than knowledge you must become a researcher you can't sit in here for the rest of your life claiming stocks and claiming bonds and claiming stuff some of your poverty is behind weren't you too scared to learn everybody gonna be stupid when they just starting on if you don't humble yourself and approach something that may be intimidating to you you might stay in that intimidation and be broke no I don't know nothing about some of this stuff but you best believe I'm going to know it you gotta know I need to research where money is research where opportunity is research where access points are for me to make a difference in my life some of you are googling the wrong things and for those of you that are over 15 and reading tabloids the blood of Jesus against you the time you got to be spinning up keeping up with church gossip it blows me you aren't you broke to have the latest news flash about religious chickens you need to be using same information and the same time to Google where your investments should be going nobody got no excuse family got penny stocks out here research be knowledgeable my god today you ready and I got some real good scriptures that I want you to use as a promise here's the fourth level of wealth a good name a good name God has blessed me to make money but I buy with my name more than I came with my cash listen to me this is exactly why one of the things that thief does is tried to assault your name it's an attempt to bankrupt you character assassination lies accusations what the devil is trying to do is switch the currency value in your name your integrity this is why as believers you cannot bite and devour one another because it makes you a thief you want to use your personal experience with somebody to rob their credibility that's why you got to get away from bitter people or I guarantee you you will be broke God makes sure you reap that stuff you have to reap that a good name that is integrity you know what the scriptures say proverbs 22 and 1 a good name is more desirable than great what riches one of the levels of wealth is a good name now there's very little you can do about people that lie on you what you can do though is work on your character I wish I had the time I don't understand how everybody's a Christian and nobody wants to work on character you have got to develop your character if you work on your character your reputation will take care of itself you can live in such a way where people can say whatever they want to say a lie will not last if you outlive the line you can outlive somebody just that or she just said that's fine oh don't occupy yourself we're trying to adjust their view of you occupy yourself we're trying to work on your character it is no secret that you ain't got the fruit of the Spirit like you should have but don't go and try to fight Sally and Suzie for saying it what you need to do is ask God to grow me and longsuffering love hey grow me an endurance grow me in patience and what will happen is your character will repel the forces of partners that are aimed at you it's gonna be like a sail round about you be ready for the next level of world the next level of world business number five is going to be relationships relationships relationships the next dimension of wealth is relationship many of you prophets Apollo especially my prophets teachers intercessors your problem is you'll have personal interpersonal deficiencies you are not approachable you don't understand the seasons of relationship you're only retort is to back off because you still locked and loaded in the spirit of fear so any sign of anything makes you go on retreat you the dysfunctional and then because your revelatory you use your ladies dream to justify it no it's poverty what it's trying to do is bankrupt you from the resources God is sending around you and I prove to you that there people you're gonna work with that you don't have to like but if you stop if you don't develop your interpersonal skills there's certain things you're not gonna have sometimes profits are the most bizarre dysfunctional relationally people you'll ever meet in your life and they live in that and it's hard to bring them out of hell cuz they're happy being alone something about that I'm so under pressure you got to come under that mess or else you're gonna stay broke and be accurate now listen I love your prophecies but I'm gonna be accurate and be in the bank glory to God I'm not gonna have revelation in the red I'm gonna be connected to me for me to relate to you you need to work on your personal skills how you talk to people how you behave in front of people the internet got y'all thinking folk will still of you some of you just say whatever you want that the Bible say our food deserves a beating in the mouth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you need personal skills you need personal skills social media is not social at all personal skills on Facebook nobody is impressed even I'm not telling you to live your life under pressure but some of you need to deliver is because your real problem is you trying to impress the wrong people if they can't change your lane and change your paygrade and change your reality I got nothing to prove to you but if I'm in front of step into a new season I'm gonna give you everything relationship work on your personal skills are you socially awkward are you hard to talk to do you only speak in mystery mystery and parable do you know how to complete complete sentences one of the things the Spirit of God told me about this church was he was blowing on our professional life you can be spiritual and professional there is a realm of efficiencies you are in need of if you're going to prosper it's call returned the email meet the deadline you you ain't going nowhere doing the bare minimum some of you are okay cuz you got averages on your job with you I get a usually a naughty to get some above average stuff Todd is breaking you out of being a bare minimal employee a bare minimal salesman if you got the UH naughty make it work everywhere and if you who knows if you came into the kingdom for such a brief revival to that parlor and breeze replied no to that job God ain't got you working there just for punishment you are wanting assignment for you go in there embarrass in your part by smart talking your boss rolling your eyes at your neighbor don't miss so don't miss it don't miss it God is looking for some 24/7 Christians he's looking for some Christians as Christians only lunchbreak Christians as Christians and their work ethic Christians as Christians where both are looking they no such thing as marketplace ministry it don't exist if you are a Christian that everything is ministry every Christian is in full-time ministry you are a living epistle being read of men the only Bible some people will see work on your personal skills I don't understand how people can be feeling the Holy Ghost and be okay we're being sleep at they job work on your personal skills I gotta hurry this up but there are there ways to talk to certain genders you can't approach women the same way you wouldn't men I wish y'all would get that you can't approach men in the same way you would approach a woman some of us don't have gender specific relationship skills we only know how to relate to people how we like to be related to but you need to diversify your personal interaction and you cannot not be into people and be into God you sir are deceived you ma'am are deceived next level of wealth I got to hurry this up here's a powerful one oh no no let me do that scripture because you need that proverbs 19 and for Ross look at this here I love this in the good news translation one of the ways you can find the spirit of poverty in operation in their life is by their inability to keep friends I know people who wrote a friends every quarter every quarter and it is a form it is one of the things that poverty does I'll prove it proverbs chapter 19 verse 4 rich people are always making new friends but the poor cannot keep the few they have the revolving door of relationships around you is one of the trainings you've had from a poor spirit from poverty self-sabotage is relationships you cannot celebrate anybody who has but you do not they're not mature enough to be able to relate to people who you don't have anything in common with there is a realm of relationship that's based upon commonality and there's another realm of relationship that's based on diversity no we're not the same race no we're not in the same economic status the status but we're not relating by virtue of what we have in common kids can do that you've got to learn to relate to people beyond similar experience I don't know what it is to to be divorced I am prayerfully I'll never know it but I'm not gonna not befriend a divorced man because we don't have anything in common we've got something in common you must mature here is one of my favorite ones right here another realm of wealth is property can I can I give you a chastisement you are not to live the next few years of your life acting like purchasing is optional not here not here not here if you don't want to own something this might be the wrong Church for you now I know folk don't like me telephone to get out but I'm gonna do it as long as I'm a pastor I'm telling you that under this house I want all of y'all to own something I'm not your time on a milk carton baby you need to own something and you better believe me I'm a prophet of God I've seen what's coming to Chicago don't you sleep on in the world don't you sleep on Bronzeville don't you sleep on our progression if you gotta buy parking lot you better hear what I'm telling you buy it now and sit on it there are some companies coming you don't want to believe it there are some industries coming let's go pay you a hundred times you don't believe that if you buy it and hold it it will gain interest property property whoever owns the land wins the war properties properties properties where do I begin stop running from your debtors you got to realize that it is just as wicked to run from your debt as it is to lie on your brother and your sister you cannot be saved and holding avoiding the debts you really do Oh Oh God my a man's went off the corner didn't your child at 37 while you still playing hospital bills that boy got a family of his own you ain't paid them doctors back you're out of order why am I saying that you can see property in your priorities it's more important you to have a new wig and to be out of debt you got do like me it's time for a lot tourney let's lock out here so you can't afford your swag [Applause] everybody want to look good you should but do it when you can do it at 13 year old debts gain an interest and you walking it with your look printing the skirts are property here's something that blessed me I'm around here proverbs 19 and 4 no I'm sorry proverbs 19 14 this blessed me hill degree proverbs 19 14 houses and wealth are inherited from father's houses and wealth are inherited from father's look at the immense impact of poverty there is a realm I know this is going to be counter what a lot of you understand you were not supposed to need life insurance do you know what life insurance is it is a life commitment investment to a bank or an account that will save your money with interest for you and then pay you back what you get at the at your demise why do you need a life insurance company to do that see the whole idea is to get yourself you got to do it I always say get you some term insurance get something for like 10 years and then the objective is to be healthy enough to stack your own stuff what happens if you invest in all of that and then you have a stroke and then there's a clause and your life insurance I say uh we don't cover stroke sorry got your appreciate your investments and now we got your face on Facebook and Instagram would it GoFundMe to bury you a rental casket do you know you're going to die every one of it is appointed unto men once Bible they say man and to die you ought to prepare for death like you prepare for your next birthday don't reject yourself yet I'm celebrating my birthday sir you ain't celebrate your funeral until you can pave I'm serious until you can afford your own funeral appreciate the banquet celebrating your life cuz your kids don't be mad when we got to celebrate your death prepare people [Music] I'm not going into debt to bear nobody I wouldn't do it to my kid I left them in debt yo put a picture of me at the front of church and celebrate for three days that ain't me no mo no don't don't go into debt trying to infuse me with a chemical in stuff today me and y'all got these elaborate plans you're not even prepared for death the most you prepared for death is salvation Lord they don't like this houses and wealth are inherited from parents and a prudent wife is for the Lord here's the last one and I'm gonna give you two scriptures to declare you learning something the final level of wealth is money and the reason I think that is so is because if you can't handle the first six if you don't know how to interact with the first six I don't know that here is it the real truth is money does not change people it really does reveal their real nature people don't change when they give money they become more bold who they really are and what they really do becomes more transparent and the Bible say it's the love of money that is the root of people but the name of the prince that governs poverty is Mammon it means that people work all their lives to get money and they never have so your objective is not to work for money is to work for purpose and purpose was set up to pay you money the final level of wealth and Ecclesiastes 10:19 a feast is made for laughter wine makes life merry and money is the answer for everything now I know y'all say money can buy you love I realize that that's what they told us but it sure can lease John Johnny can rent to own I don't need money to buy me love but there's very few questions I got that won't be answered by a couple commas think about it they're people who have terminal illnesses that with the right amount of money live just like you and I and they should have been dead that the difference is the treatment they can afford think about the life issues and the life situations that they create problems around this issue and consider the dangers of poverty if you ask me what we're here is the gun violence in America poverty people have what they need they wouldn't still it we wrote about molestation poverty single mom should have twelve kids in one bedroom and they shouldn't be letting stranger babysit their kids yes they can have a job poverty this show ain't teen Linda you know this lady for twenty seconds a family friend you don't know them but the root of it is poverty if that if those things were not there a lot of these family crises and challenges would not be there poverty is the root of the issue Chicago don't have a violence problem we got a fatherless problem and we got a poverty problem now what is the goal of the seven realms of wealth legacy it is about future building it is not about luxury it is about legacy you are to create the future here are two of my favorite scriptures about wealth and money and then I'm gonna let you go have you learned anything all right raise calm now this is gonna make me shout a little bit I got on boots I came dancing this I tried to dancing some red bottoms I mean my toes is barking for a month it cleans he asked us to 26 come on put that up I want all of you to remember this this week I got two scriptures and this is gonna bless me you know how the Lord uses Prosperity John John this is gonna really help you I'm claiming this for myself it please yes is 226 in the New International Version here's what it says to the person who pleases God say let my life be pleasing now listen it does not please God for you to be in poverty to the person who pleases God God gives wisdom knowledge and happiness look at this but to the sinner he gives them the task of gathering and storing up wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases God I declare sinners are about to work for you now I know the church don't like that the church hate that gospel but everybody listen for those of you that are living to please God your work force are going to be sinners now they're gonna there are of us so God is basically Saturday resolved that they're not gonna please me I'll at least make them work for you shall receive it [Applause] that's the next level of my life sinners are going to work for me please yes is five here's another way God uses prosperity another way God uses prosperity please yes is 5:18 after looking at the way to let me put this in another version I like the message like that well one thing at least is good this is Ecclesiastes 5:18 Mike it is for a man to eat whale this is Ecclesiastes 5:18 drink a good glass of wine I didn't say it about with it except his position in life and enjoy his work whatever his job may be for however long the Lord may let him live look at verse 19 you alcoholics and of course it is very good if a man has received wealth from the Lord and the good health to enjoy to enjoy your work and to accept your lot in life is a gift from God doctor him it isn't what made me shout though right here but to that person who does that will never look on his pass with sorrow y'all didn't hear me y'all didn't hear me the point of prosperity is to help you forget the past oh god I wish I had time saving for 10:30 I said the point of prosperity is to take the pain if you are prospering some of this stuff wouldn't feel is bad you forgive a lot easier wanna lose easier prosperity we'll take this what deepens the sting of the past is your life don't show nothing for it if you went through something years ago and your life is not much different it makes the past sting worse but if today feels a lot different from what was going on back there even if it was unfortunate it don't bother you like it used to in fact there is a way for God to make up for what you went through there is a way for him to arrange your life to focus you on who he is respectable paid in Sam somebody I'm sorry say pass my glory to God that is an order I said prosper that is an order that is an order you have a directive prosper and don't choose not to prosper for the sake of company if the people around you don't want you to prosper they don't belong with you they need to celebrate your attempts to prosper I want that for you prosper that's not too late you can that there's a powerful biblical term called diligence it means to do everything within your power to do when you know to do it you can't be diligent with yesterday but if you're 50 if you're 60 there's still a way for God to all right here's the deal God loves faithful people so even if you feel like you've got a late start if you start now that's where the favor of God comes in the favor of God comes in when you start when you know better so they don't matter if you went to school it'll matter if you didn't go to school you don't matter folks save yourself for you if your mama left you with debt or all that all of those at this point are an excuse when you have revelation all of those stuff become limitations at this point what you need to do is become diligent I'm gonna do what I know to do and the part of what I know to do is not spend my money like I got a lot of it it's not it's not difficult math I'm not gonna start overextending myself to be a part of things that I cannot afford as a matter of fact I'm gonna make a decision to live beneath my means I don't have to show you how rich I am I get nothing out of proving my status to you I know what's in my bank account what I need to do is prepare for the coming days the whole core of this is there's a season coming where you're gonna need to be in your assignment and you're not going to be in your assignment if you don't have the wherewithal to do it I believe God is really trying to take us to a place where our destinies are not controlled by banks but in order to do that the Lord wants to see a realm of diligence in you and it pleases God to ace tests it pleases God to get certifications it pleases the Lord to have you at tables where people don't welcome him I know so many spiritual Christians who start and stop school just like it's the gym and the problem is focus you need a focused point we understand you have potential to do all of that but that's not diligent diligence is doing what I need to do and finding a way to build on top of that so that I can prosper now when you get older and you you're-you're stuff looks like you want it you can bless whoever you want to bless because one of God's goal for you is to make you a giver he really does the Bible says it's more blessed to give than to receive and here's that here's the thing that's not just for charity if you are a giver it means you probably always have so I want you to start identifying you as a giver that one of the things God has called me to do is to be a giver he's call me that and if he's called you to that he has to situate your life to be able to do it and not feel it that's the type of life God wants for you alright I came after y'all poverty so you mad I'll own it I don't want it you all not wanted as a single woman you are not wanted you know if you prosper as a single woman it changes the caliber of men that can come to you and by timeout they'll want no scrubs will use a shrimp the reason the scrubs is coming is because they see this something and you need them God ain't sending you no hero come on baby girl work on your portfolio come on slap a sister say work on your portfolio I'm serious now most being a girl let's say a gold digger most men to come up on you and realize you got my mind and I can't even fool with that yeah they'll go around to somebody a little less achieved brothers I challenge you to do the same thing you're not gonna build an empire with a woman who doesn't know themselves a woman doesn't know what she good at don't date her some of us have a really bad habit of mentoring our spouses you start trying to mentor their boy that's your spiritual son it's not your husband you can't expect him to act like the leader when you train them on how to be it I know the sisters is convicted I'm gonna help me no that's a tutor baby that's not to help me you a hole disciple of [Applause] the name of the Lord is worthy your brothers need to be testing women's intelligence you need to if you intend to live beer and to prosper you need to test their intelligence look at what they do first date all they want to ask you about is a money don't take on a second one cuz she showing you what you need I'm getting up there I'm tired of pay my own bills lady there's a program for you brothers hot nut listen put your hand on your chest matter guys hey I am NOT a program that Karl Rahner I did Amy I'm not a program praise God Pritzker somebody I'm not a program we're working together to establish a future you need a partner praise God I'm sick of poverty make my stomach hurt I can't stand it it disturbs me the world is not changing because we're god is still trying to get Christians to be convinced that he wants them to prosper and whatever you're supposed to do now everybody can't run the real estate is y'all run the real estate like Black Bull ran Atlanta in 2000 I'll talk to the mayor out there I said listen put a sign up and say seats taken everybody came running and land on the prosper that's why the traffic's so bad all y'all was like me going to Georgia now here buddy want to flip houses in real estate you might not even need the discipline to do that stuff find what works for you and do it amen father sanctify this word in their hearts and I'm praying that it would bear fruit in their lives I'm praying that even if what was done today was a seed released water it germinated a spark a godly curiosity to begin to explore the potential that they have to prosper put a taste in their mouths for the power of prosperity and what it empowers them to do and what it empowers them to achieve and how it affects their quality of life father met them divorced the powers of poverty may they reject it like they do every other evil and every of the wickedness in their lives and may they see that they crucify you all over again when they choose to live that way help them not to take advantage of what you've done for them through Calvary which is to give them a prosperous life in the sovereign name of Jesus who is the Christ we pray amen come up with those hands together for the Lord you
Channel: All Nations Chicago
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Id: WpKcV3QlzHw
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Length: 59min 39sec (3579 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 04 2018
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