AMAZING DAMAGE! Complete S0 Yinlin Guide & Build [Best Echoes, Weapons & Teams] - Wuthering Waves

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viscosity is defined as the state of being thick sticky and semifluid in consistency due to internal friction for something to be viscous it has to be fluid in some form for things that behave like a liquid and a solid at the same time though the term visco elasticity was coined in 1835 now I don't think they taught me that one in school because it took me 3 months to understand what kurl games was doing with yinin yinin is the new Electro unit and 99% of the player base is going to be falling on her the other 1% Sal changle leaks if you want to play a badass red-haired character in weathering waves then I don't actually have a guide on her yet if you want to be dominated then watch this video I will not be dominating you this is just a yland guy my name is rophone and let's talk about [Music] yinin if I had a dollar for every madeup turn I had to memorize for this video I'd have a dollar because I spent the rest of it pulling for yland there's honestly not too much you could do to persuade me not to because because if being hot was a crime then gidin would be headed straight to Alcatraz her basic attack is called zap strings dance and I've never wanted to be a puppet so bad it's a for hit combo and generates Forte her skill however puts her in execution mode the execution in question mying eyes yland Forte circuit has an interesting Effect called cers Mark the cers Mark just means that an enemy has been hit by yinin in some capacity outside of her skill and disappears whenever she leaves the field if getting hit by Yin is a sin then I'll gladly become a sinner when you use a resonance skill it does some damage and all Sinners marked enemies will take a bonus hit of Electro damage from your basic attacks and Dodge counters for up to four hits meaning you can dish out a ton of damage in a quick little burst she can activate a resident skill again though and dish out a highs scaling hit usually that means you'll want to Mark enemies skill once do one full basic attack combo and then skill again yinin is a huge addition to the self-insert meta of gacha games when she uses her forte circuit she leaves just enough room for you to become her chair when activating her forte circuit she gives everyone with a Sinners Mark a punishment Mark in instead and it should have been me not him the punishment Mark is a harder-hitting version of the execution mode that lasts for 18 seconds instead of having a specific hit quota and it doesn't disappear when yinin is off field meaning that the extra damage effect can be proed by any character it may only be triggerable once a second but it's a pretty solid amount of extra damage that yinet is still doing to the enemy and their mental health by the way you can basically ignore the term judgment throughout her entire kit because it just refers to the amount of points needed to give Yin a human foot stool Yin has two huge reason to play her and the third reason is that she's got a solid outro skill buff for your next character both an electro damage amplify and a residence Liberation amplify which if you didn't know it's just the deepen effect they changed the name of it and didn't tell us she also has two passives that slightly buff her as well one giving her 15 crit rate after using her skill for 5 seconds and it doesn't actually activate on the second app of her skill so that's worth keeping in mind yin's second passive gives her second hit of her skill a damage bonus against siners marked enemies and gives Yin an attack buff for 4 seconds after that effect is trigger her intro skill does damage and gives her some Forte gauge and lastly her ultimate just does a lot of damage and gives R34 a buff to inspiration because of how yin's damage is spread out throughout her kit you want to prioritize leveling or skill then residence Liberation then normal and heavy attacks and lastly her intro skill one of my favorite things about yinin is that she can be played in quick swap or standard rotational teams which means that she's a flexible and fun character that's versatile when it comes to pressing the four buttons that this game has I'll get into the rotational things in the team SE but for now let me show you the best Echoes to bear with the [Music] Inland the hardest part when playing yland is scrolling through the menus over to echoes in the first place because in every single menu she has some sort of attitude or as my chronically online friend would say she's girl bossing the second hardest part when you're building yinin it's pretty straightforward you want to aim for the full void Thunder set for Electro damage with a 43311 setup for end game and if you really have to a 44111 setup early game but please guys let's not make this a thing I have to include in every video it's actually so ass your for cost Echo can be either Tempest Memphis or thundering Memphis but Tempest Memphis is actually faster than thundering Memphis so it's basically always going to be better for her you can also technically build the attack percent set with Mech Abomination but I wouldn't recommend it because it ends up being less damage overall in a majority of cases for the other Echo you'll want two Electro damage three costs and two attack percent one costs as for sub stats because a majority of yin's damage comes from tying people up with electric ropes skill damage is one of the best ones you can get that isn't crit but you want to prioritize crit stats attack percent skill damage and Liberation damage sort of in that order energy regen is a myth and I want you to erase it from your mind but if you hit it like once or twice it's fine here's a build summary just to put everything all together the most disappointing thing about yinin has to be her weapons I don't know why we have to level up something else when she already has two of them yinin has a couple different play Styles depending on the teams you run for example there's a 30 second rotation one and then there's the fun one with so few weapons in the game Yan's best option is her signature string Master regardless of rank due to its crit rate main stat damage bonus and attack Buffs it also gives an off field attack buff that makes yland passive skill damage able to hit even harder Cosmic ripples is another solid option being the only other five star at the moment and thus having high base attack and some solid General Buffs now if you swiped on the battle pass augment is going to be your third best choice for yinlin with his crit rate main stat and attack Buffs after residence Liberation but if you don't have any of those ginzo keeper is going to be your next best choice for the attack bonus on intro skill and if absolutely none of these are available you can always run a rank five rectifier of Knight since it's a three star and it should be pretty easy to get high rank on here are two charts showing damage comparisons between quick swap weapons and long rotations comparing quick swap to long Field Time rotations is like comparing apples to oranges they're both fruits and one feels better in your hands this is the root cause of my mental illness so Y is basically very swappable there are like five characters in the entirety of weathering waves at the moment and yid kind of works with just all of them it's not like she has insane Synergy with everyone she's just such a flexible character that does so much damage towards the start of this game when there's not a lot of synergies in the game that she just fits so let me show you what we've been cooking basically yunet is a character that can be played on field for a long time or in quick Swap and truthfully for high skill Gamers quick swap is probably the way to go and for more casual gamers you're probably going to want to play her on field because she's because she's hot so while the most obvious Synergy is going to be Karo who's going to be a main DPS there are some other options but let me just go over the Karo Synergy first basically the reason this is strong is because Karo was sort of the premiere of Electro DPS and yland is sort of a premier Electro support sub DPS that also just does a lot of damage yland does so much damage as a sub DPS you should probably call her a Dom DPS when Beed with Arena y's basically going to give Electro damage deepend res Liberation deepend and then VAR is going to give damage deepend and then she's ALS I guess it's not even called Deep it anymore they like change it to Amplified yeah it literally it makes more sense but I'm going to have to get used to that but you can play these two characters by taking up a ton of field time with Y and swap into Karo but if you want to be super optimal there's a lot of swaps that go into it and truthfully told I don't even know know how to play calaro yland optimally because it takes a [ __ ] nuclear physicist to be able to understand how this rotation actually works or Grim roacha in 3 days from now now a team that doesn't have insane Synergy but just works because like I said there's five characters in this game is this combination of Jansen Yin and Encore where Encore is a very quick swappable DPS Yin is able to do that as well you can basically swap out during most of her animations and she will finish the animations and the attack and it just saves you a ton of time inventi at home helps you group enemies one of the other synergies I did want to talk about was tchi now not a lot of people are actually playing her because truth be told she kind of sucks right now but she does technically have Synergy she does increase resident skill damage by 38% for 14 seconds or until they're Switched Off field so if you plan on playing yinan on field a majority of damage from yinin comes from her skill so adding a 1.38 times multiplier to that will be pretty massive to her personal damage and if you played foren toi yinin or byi y for free to- play players you're going to have a lot of amplification on Yan's damage and she already trucks so she's she's chilling realistically I anticipate in the future we will have a character that feels like they fit perfectly with Yen but as of right now she can kind of just play with anyone because her damage is just really good in General on or off field she swaps out really quick she effectively has AOE damage through hitting multiple targets at the same time and yeah overall very solid unit that can be used in a ton of different teams so there are going to be strict rotations that you can follow with yinin to really optimize your DPS but there's honestly so many different ways you can do it depending on the amount of enemies if it's a boss like single Target or uh what teammates you have what your energy regen is so there's a lot of different factors that can go into it so instead of showing you a strict rotation I'm going to show you what's actually swappable I mean honestly it's it's basically everything in the kit but some examples of things that you can do are you can double skill on yinin so you can just go skill skill and as he's finishing that kick you can swap on over same thing applies with thundering and Tempest mempis now I have better stats on my th during so I'm actually using that on the last hit you can swap off it'll save you an extra little bit of time we can do like Encore onfield Shenanigans we can just try to fill up that Forte gauge now we can swap off Encore while charging that we can double skill again if we wanted to go right back to by not by Jensen and though you can't swap during our ult what you can do is you can ult hold left click and then she'll sit right down after this and you can just immediately swap so that way you can save yourself all of that time and still get the sub DPS from Yin so as you can see there's a lot of different ways you can sort of swap her out you can also do the onfield four second or four swipes then swap as well and that's another efficient way to do it depending on the team that you're running I have a level 20 Jensen so obviously she's going to be dead but you can swap her in and out very often for a lot of off field damage now you can also play her longer time on field as well and this is what I'm going to go ahead and show you we're going to go and swap to her and now we're going to go ahead and use her skill hit some things a few times until we're out of attacks then we use her follow-up skill then we can use her ultimate straight into her forte circuit and she's going to sit right down swap to Karo and if you have a fully invested Karo and you're you're playing yinan and you want to use the longer field rotations this is basically like an example of one of the things that you could do you can always swap right back to yilan or you can swap back to Verina but as you can see they're just taking a ton of damage from her forte circuit which is going to be really nice and really helpful if your Vina has more energy regen than mine you'll be able to use her ultimate uh and then go straight into another outro back into yinin now we can just do that first skill we're going to tag everyone with the cers mark going to be taking more damage we can do that to finish it out and then we can die ultimately there is so much flexibility with this unit and she is so complex that I'm almost tempted to make a second video that just goes over her specific rotations but just know this is one of those units where you can really experiment and you can really Flex with them so it's super fun to player I do have to apologize because I did not give you guys a strict rotation to follow for this one but a lot of that is due to just how flexible this character is and how much things can change during combat if you guys want to see some examples of different teams with perfect rotations as we discover them and really optimize let me know down in the comments cuz it really helps me gauge how many people would actually be interested in that sort of thing and for now let's talk about sequence notes [Music] in case you haven't seen the chungle leaks or you're just really horrendously down bad for elfers here's what her sequence nodes do her S1 gives both parts of her skill a pretty big increase in damage and S2 gives extra energy and Forte gauge when you proc her Center Mark skill hits we jumps playing into her quick swap play style but not a ton into her longer rotations basically it's a rotation shortener her third sequence node though is actually kind of crazy since it increases the actual damage multiplier of forte circuits attacks on punishment mark enemies it's one of the highest damage adding sequence noes by far and S4 plays into that even more by increasing your whole party's attack for 12 seconds when a judgment strike hits which can basically mean that you have almost permanent attack percent buff on your next character S5 is going to be a massive increase in damage to a resinence libration because it does extra to marked enemies making S5 one of her strongest sequence notes and S6 basically gives yinlin a ridiculous extra damage mechanic that's based on her skill after she uses her ult it counts as skill damage and the multiplier is insane basically making yland fully capable of hoarding all of the field time but just generally increasing her damage output now the clear winners of this are going to be S3 S5 and S6 but that is incredibly expensive I don't know why anyone would spend money on this game but if you spend on Yin at least I know your student loans are going to the right place definitely go for her weapon over sequence nodes if you can since it's one of the few actually good rectifier weapons but remember gambling is bad and she's not going to sleep with you
Channel: Braxophone
Views: 220,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: braxophone, braxophone twitch, yinlin guide, yinlin build, yinlin build guide, yinlin echoes, yinlin weapon, is yinlin good, is yinlin worth it, yinlin build wuthering waves, yinlin guide wuthering waves, yinlin build guide wuthering waves, yinlin wuthering waves, yinlin wuwa, wuthering waves yinlin, yinlin wuthering waves guide, wuthering waves yinlin guide, wuthering waves yinlin build, wuwa yinlin guide, wuwa yinlin build
Id: GvjzuxSldbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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