Amanda the Adventurer - All Secrets, Endings and the Story Explained

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hey guys super Harper Mike here and in today's video we investigate a series of creepy VHS tapes as we explore the story and secrets of Amanda the adventurer this video will take place over three distinct segments firstly a basic overview of Amanda's story on a surface level then a look at each of the six secret tapes and finally a look at the hidden story these tapes reveal while this is not intended to be a theory video it will at least give you a clear understanding of the story Amanda the adventurer sets out to tell and serve as a basis for any potential Theory related content I may dive into in the future so sit back relax and let's explore the Sinister story of Amanda and her hapless sidekick woolly oh it's you whatever you do don't foreign [Music] s with a letter a letter addressed to a character called Riley from their Aunt Kate who recently passed away Aunt Kate seems troubled telling Riley she wishes she had been able to tell them everything she bequeathes from her house as well as a mysterious tape in the Attic however Kate warns Riley that once they watch for tape there is no going back and so during one stormy night Riley arrives at the house and heads upstairs to the attic the attic is full of children's toys everything from Toy ovens to a keyboard and talking robots there are also several locked objects a chest lock box safe and a locked closet at the far side of a room is a work area with a notice board by taking a look at the information pinned to this board we learn a little more about Aunt Kate and what she had been up to we learned that Aunt Kate's full name was Catherine Park and that she had worked as a librarian at a children's Library where she received a certificate of excellence however outside of her day job it seems Kate was something of a private investigator and had been working on a case involving a missing child named Jordan her client Jordan's elder sister Joanne cook had enlisted Kate's help after her brother disappeared two years prior a tragedy which led to the death of her grief-stricken parents soon after while police assumed Jordan had been snatched by a random stranger from the street Joanne believed her was more to her brother's disappearance Joanna approached Kate for help because she had once frequented the library she worked at and watched the show Amanda the adventurer at Kate's recommendation it seems Kate recommended The Amanda Show to families who visited her Library however as Joanne comments Amanda the adventurer changed over time and became quite unsettling Dev developing a hypnotic trance over the children who watched it including Jordan the little girl on the show seemed to communicate directly with her brother and said some peculiar things to him could this show have something to do with Jordan's disappearance the note concludes with Joanne mentioning that she knows about the other kind of work that Kate conducts outside of the library work others don't believe in she feels she is being watched and asks to meet this is where the letter ends a letter that tells us Aunt Kate worked as a private eye who is potentially involved in Supernatural investigation work and aiding Joanne whose brother disappeared after watching The Amanda Show [Music] after reading through this information Riley notices a single unman to the adventurer tape labeled in the kitchen beside the tape is a TV with a VHS player and so Riley loads up the tape and is greeted with a seemingly innocent children's cartoon show oh hi I'm Amanda and I'm woolly today we're going to make an apple pie my favorite is peach pie what's your favorite kind of pie it's various points during these types the viewer is asked a question some questions have neutral answers based on personal preference While others require the exact answer to be typed out in order to progress different answers can lead to different outcomes to keep things simple in this video we will be following mostly the correct answers unless deviating for story purposes good job we can use a sharp knife uh I don't think we're supposed to do that by ourselves it's always good to be brave when you're by yourself look I'm a pirate that doesn't seem safe as you can see Amanda and Woolly have very different personalities Amanda seems excitable and eager to engage with the viewer while woolly is more reserved and nervous worrying about the lack of Parental oversight and potential dangers a given situation may present after watching the first tape a table appears in the center of the attic and atop it sits the toy oven beside this oven are a selection of plastic fruits and a cooking dish Riley must then follow for baking instructions Amanda gave them during a show to make the apple pie however upon doing so the oven does not spit out a delicious apple pie but rather tape number two this one labeled in your neighborhood there are several things to take note of during this tape the first of the disturbing outlines seen on the street these are eerily similar to the outline set up to document the position of a body at a crime scene next we notice the Bold capital letters on the signs c b and F take notes as we'll soon need these For an upcoming puzzle the tape also begins to distort at certain points revealing that some scenes may not be all that they first seen the tone of Tape 2 is more unsettling with Amanda appearing worried that she may not be able to mail a package to her friend and Woolly trying to discourage her from doing so let's send this package to my friend their name is wait I don't remember can you help me we can come back tomorrow you don't have to send that now no I have to send this to my friend help me who does the package need to go to Amanda forgets her friend's name and asks the viewer to fill in a blank four-letter space if we type in the name Kate then woolly becomes sad but Amanda returns to her previous happy self after watching this tape we find the toy keyboard has appeared in the center of a room to access tape free Riley must play the correct sequence of notes the note sequence is CBF as highlighted on the tape by the various signs Tape 3 is labeled oh no accidents and begins in a startling manner oh it's you whatever you do don't oh no Lily had an accident Willie tries to directly speak with Riley but is interrupted by Amanda who has a furious expression on her face this expression changes when she realizes a viewer is watching the tape is based around Amanda and for viewer getting Willy to a hospital to treat his broken leg a wound this is implied Amanda herself caused once of a hospital we must pick the correct room an appropriate tour to help identify and fix woolley's leg injury after the tape concludes a large pocket watch is sat atop the table for it also nearby a digital clock and wall clock at the far side of a room the puzzle requires Riley to input three different times each one found at a different point during the tape setting these clocks to their correct timings causes each of them to show an identical Time 5 15 am at this point Riley heads over to the notice board and discovers that all previous information has vanished in its place is a news article the article is taken from newspaper for kensdale daily on March 24 2000 its author is Lacey Mitchell who conducts an interview with a creator of Amanda V Adventurer Sam Carlton according to the article Sam had been a struggling writer that based the character of Amanda on his adopted daughter Rebecca the show had become wildly successful and made Sam something of a local celebrity pinning the news article to the notice board is a strange object on close inspection Riley realizes this object is the missing hand for an old grandfather clock located nearby by returning the hand to the clock and then setting its face to read 515 the compartment beneath beef opens up revealing tape number four and a code for the safe however the safe has mysteriously disappeared a cardboard box now found in its place with no other options Riley plays for fourth tape labeled everything rots in this tape Amanda and Woolly are having a picnic in the park woolly comments that something smells bad and Amanda asks the viewer to identify the source of the odor the stench comes from a rotten sandwich and when clicking on said food item a creepy series of events begin to play out Amanda begins describing different things that rot and asks the question things like when they are not alive anymore do you know what the opposite of alive is that's right the tree stump is dead dead is the opposite of alive good job this leads to a sequence where the viewer must identify what has killed a fox Willy becomes increasingly worried yet Amanda seems excited to investigate Willie tries to stop things from continuing but before he can the tape skips ahead and Amanda wraps things up while doing so she makes some disturbing comments questions times I mail myself exciting but it feels far away Amanda nothing is rotten here what do you think Amanda asks Riley if everything rots at this point we are able to answer yes no or any variant of this while different answers elicit different responses from Amanda the outcome is always the same a horrifying demonic entity that has some similarities to Amanda herself emerges from the attic door and chases over to Riley consuming them see everything is fine here it's all fine thank you this seems to signify that these tapes are in fact not a pre-recorded show but rather a portal into an alternate Dimension a dimension where both Amanda and Woolly exist and one that when communicated with in a certain way can cause a merge between Realms unleashing a demonic entity into our reality here on Earth foreign [Music] to the main menu screen and notice a sticker of the entity has appeared on the side of the television screen there are five endings to unlock in total and each and every one will be covered in this video each time an ending is unlocked and we return to the attic new possibilities open up based on the information garnered from a previous playthrough for example when loading back into the game we observe the safe has now reappeared and therefore Riley is now able to enter the code to unlock it inside the safe they find a pause button for the video player meaning that we can now pause the tapes at any point there is also a piece of paper which lines up with a torn page found on the notice board the page contains symbols which correspond to different colors these symbols appear on plant pots found on a nearby bookcase the plant pots can be placed underneath the Leaky Rafters and then begin to grow into various plants the featuring different colored flowers two plant pots in particular come in handy as we make our way through the story of Amanda the adventurer now that the tapes can be paused Riley decides to do so while viewing the in the kitchen episode on the fridge in the background during this shot you will notice that the viewer is prompted to do so see how the dial is set to this angle if we head over to the oven and set the temperature to 575 while the tape is paused then events alter after we return to watch it oh this once again suggests a direct connection between the universe inside these tapes and the World Riley inhabits once again the oven appears in the center of the room but this time the recipe has changed a note instructs Riley to make a meat pie the ingredients are 200 grams of potato 200 grams of mushroom and 350 grams of meat to obtain the meat we must take the block of cheese and attach it to a trap which then lures out and snares a rat the mushroom is found growing next to the Leaky Roof and the potato can be grown by matching up for correct plant pot through a recently acquired symbol sheet and then adding a few drops of water this recipe once baked creates a new version of the in your neighborhood tape take a listen to this new version of the tape the atmosphere is gloomier and the audio more warps good job let's go to the storefire let's pick out a card my pet something bad happened what kind of card should I send them while watching the tape a number of creepy moments occur in this sequence inside the shop we cut to a shot of Amanda looking helpless as she laments that something bad happened she begins to lose hope and starts to look distant woolly quickly interjects to try and prompt the viewer to help raise her spirits I don't think we want this I think Amanda is confused hmm shh here's a secret it's my birthday maybe we can help her out Wooly's helping hand restores Amanda to her usual perky self this suggesting that woolley's purpose in this world is to keep Amanda happy if she loses hope or becomes too agitated then the demon is Unleashed and manages to escape for confines of these haunted tapes the tape ends with Amanda asking to go to the candy store to pick up something for her friend only for the stores to disappear and be replaced by butcher shops as we click on these butcher shops Amanda's Fury elevates and she becomes distressed actively trying to avoid entering the butcher shop as if it represents something troubling stop this isn't the candy store there is nothing here that I want maybe you can take us someplace else I want to get my friend a special treat Amanda keeps requesting that we get her friend a special treat and eventually destroys the town around her once again this seems to symbolize her inner power and how she unleashes a powerful demon if enraged the tape concludes with Amanda asking the viewer to address the birthday card typing in woolly allows Amanda to present her sheepish friend with his gift and abruptly ends the episode the table is back and this time features a coloring book on the pages of a book cryptic messages read where we went we tried to you took me the task here is to remember the order in which we visit the stores and then color the correct store accordingly the order is always the same convenience store candy shop butcher shop however the drawings become harder to decipher with each turn of a page eventually we are taken to this page on the left side a padlock is shown with the word guts spelled out below and on the right side a doll is pictured with its head being snipped off by a pair of scissors Riley heads over to the lock box and enters the letters g u t and S this unlocks the box and provides them with a new tape titled What's a family as well as a pair of scissors the scissors can be used on the doll perched atop the couch by the TV however for now it has disappeared and so Riley plays the next tape which takes place at a petting zoo it's fun to spend time with the animals they are very different from people they look different and they don't talk like people Amanda I'm an animal and animals don't talk silly throughout this tape Amanda refers to woolly as an animal and tries to dehumanize him something that makes woolly both frustrated and uncomfortable his frustration seems to be reflected in the environment with objects such as this Barn Breathing heavily and turning red from anger as we explore deeper inside the petting zoo we begin to see woolly lose his human traits and become more and more like a sheep before eventually turning into one completely the tape ends with Amanda asking the viewer how an orphan kitten must feel typing alone prompts Amanda to ask if we will help the kitten and if we answer yes she begins to manically smile as if pleasantly surprised if we type no then Amanda freaks out and her demonic form is instead Unleashed once more won't you help them Mommy kitten won't you help them again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in order to solve this puzzle we must pause the episode whenever we see a weather warning message in the center of a room is this toy weather wheel the objective is to match the correct weather report to the corresponding one found on the wheel this opens a compartment inside of a toy which contains the next tape an updated version of everything rots the tape skips ahead frequently the audio distorted rather than a dead fox we instead find a stray kitten trapped inside a cage it looks like this kin is in big for anyone that can help it should we help the kitten helping the kitten ends the tape and as Riley turns they discover the attic door is now open and a bright light floods into the room from below heading downstairs they now find themselves inside the butcher shop from the VHS tapes the one Amanda was so terrified to visit in this ending it seems Riley crossed over into an alternate Dimension and is now trapped inside the tapes themselves [Music] returning to the game for a third time allows us to conclude Riley's story and begin piecing together the secret story of Amanda the doll has now reappeared on the couch and so we can take the scissors and snip its head which reveals a set of batteries have been stuffed inside the batteries can then be placed inside the toy robot blab bot powering it up however blackbot requires codes to activate the first code can be found during Tape 2 on the wall inside a convenience store enter this code and blab bot splutters to life foreign the tape ends and now a cake appears in the center of the room Riley must figure out a series of number-based puzzles and then input them into the bloodbot in order to locate three candles and place them Atop The Cake doing so causes a decidedly creepy Birthday song to begin playing uh [Music] this sugar-coated VHS is an updated version of oh no accidents and in this version of the episode woolly asks the viewer if they trust him we don't have much time do you trust me ready for an adventure Amanda well he had an accident before Riley can answer Amanda shows up and explains that woolly is unwell and has a head injury she forces him to drink a strange concoction which places the poor little lamb into a deep sleep the final chilling sequence of this tape sees Amanda asking for our help to select the appropriate surgical instruments to carry out an operation on woolly our choices do not matter as Amanda ends up selecting all of the tools at her disposal she then begins to fight woolly as she attempts to saw his head open I tricked you we're going to use all three [Music] who are you going to help no matter what decision the player makes woolly ultimately is overpowered by Amanda and this is suggested that he dies her bloodlust too great to quell Riley ejects the tape and notices a new one has appeared on the table in the center of the attic this tape once contained Riley's favorite movies but seems to have been recorded over the tape is made up of a string of brief clips hi trapped or treat you may have noticed that some of these clips are taken from early versions of Amanda the adventurer a nice Easter egg for long time fans turning back to the attic and Riley discovers yet another tape on top of a trapdoor it reads summer 1989 though once again this has been scratched off this tape is also brief but listen carefully to what is said I'm allergic to Apple how many chairs how many mushrooms how many how many like how many chairs how many mushrooms how many fruits how many lights by counting how many of each of the previously mentioned things are found around for room we are given the numerical code 2862 this can then be input into the closet padlock which opens and provides Riley with a bucket and another tape from this tape we gain the code 401258 inputting this code into bloodbot reveals a secret message obviously But first you need that key to my heart because it is not what you have on the outside that matters it is what you keep on the inside of it really counts bloodbot is holding the key inside his little robot body and so Riley takes the buckets and fills it with water dumping it over the poor robots who then explodes and reveals the final key a key that can be used on the treasure chest to reveal you guessed it the final tape this tape is labeled we can share and playing it reveals Amanda Home Alone coloring on the sofa she asks Riley if they wish to know her big secrets can I share a secret with you are you sure it's the big secret is it really okay to share my secret with you I'm out there somewhere Amanda is overtaken by The Entity within and the screen begins to loudly glitch out panicked Riley searches around them and comes across a brick they hurl the brick through the television screen destroying it before the entity can escape the sun rises and our story ends for now there are in fact two additional endings but players can unlock here the first is known as the true ending where after destroying the TV screen a mysterious stranger bursts into the attic dressed in detective attire it seems they were racing to intervene but got to the house just too late the final ending is also abrupt but far more somber if we answer no when Amanda asks to share her secret then the following sequence plays out oh [Music] now we've taken a look at the surface level story and all endings unlockable within Amanda the adventurer let's turn our attention to the game's six secret tapes the first secret tape is accessed by baking a peach pie rather than an apple pie during the oven puzzle the peach can be found Behind these boxes this recipe produces an orange tape which when played shows us a home movie in this tape a mother is filming her daughter while she watches an episode of a man to be Adventurer the girl's father runs at the stairs to call her down for ice cream and cake as it appears to be her birthday however the little girl is transfixed to the television screen as her parents turn back from their conversation on the stairs they realize their daughter has vanished Into Thin Air the front door now open we got cake and ice cream we got your favorite and then chocolate chip come on baby we can watch Amanda another time it's so much fun everything okay Lauren Lauren I love mint chocolate chip notice how Amanda comments on the ice cream flavor of her father spoke of this confirming the tapes contain living entities who can communicate directly with whomever watches them for the second tape we must load up the first version of the accidents tape and when Amanda asks who can help you when you're hurt if we type in the word nobody then the secret tape appears alongside a new cutscene you're probably right this tape contains an interview between Amanda's Show creator Sam Colton and a fellow TV presenter working at the studio called Sadie capan here are some interesting highlights you know I really have to thank our local librarian Miss Kate for being such a champion of the project I think she's talked about it at every single story time what inspired you to create Amanda the show is a celebration of kids imaginations but really it's all Rebecca as soon as I met my beautiful daughter the inspiration was there you know she was so young when I adopted her and despite what she's gone through she's always seen the world with such kindness and joy do you see big things happening with Amanda the adventurer I've actually had some people approach me about it they want to turn Amanda into a cartoon I can't really talk about it yet but it's exciting as you may have heard Riley's Aunt Kate was actually friends with Sam Colton and this is why she recommended his Amanda Show to so many children who visited her Library it is also reiterated for shows based on Sam's adopted daughter Rebecca who he loved dearly and helped Inspire his Creative Vision we learned Rebecca had been through a tough childhood before Sam adopted her yet despite this she still retained a sense of optimism and joy it was in fact Rebecca who played Amanda on the show when it originally featured real actors Sam mentions that a company wishes to turn a man to the adventurer into a cartoon show this company is Hamlin and while they did turn Colton's show into a cartoon they also transformed it into something far more Insidious the third tape is acquired by watering the plant pots found in this corner by the trapdoor after watering it several times a flower eventually blooms one that can be placed on the creepy looking doll who then speaks and hands over a green tape thank you that's my favorite flower I got a surprise for you but you'll have to turn around this tape is filmed by an employee of Hamlin entertainment the studio producing the Amanda The Adventurous show this eavesdropper listens in as Rebecca records lines in the sound booth we can hear that her father Sam is not happy with the line she has been asked to read out loud Thailand Pala by lamb what is this what is she reading just a few simple words this script is specifically tuned to trauma Technology's Dynamic voice reaction the what I want this to stop so why don't you take a walk for a few minutes we've only got a few more of these I don't like to do that Rebecca what's wrong who are you talking to good morning this moment she's upset this is going too far let's just say five Rebecca speaks to the man in the headphones this is almost certainly the Demonic entity found on the tapes it seems Hamlin were attempting to connect Rebecca to this demon but masking it as an audio tuning exercise for the show in fact the words Rebecca speaks out loud are similar to the names of ours goshia the elite Demons of Hell pie man relates to pymon balam balam and bayel bile while Hamlin seemed like a normal TV station it is obvious they were involved in some form of demonology secret Type 4 is unlocked during the petting zoo episode at the point where Amanda asks the name of the daddy chicken if we type in Sam then a new scene plays out and the red tape appears in the Attic wait what did you say howdy this tape contains a news report discussing the sudden disappearance of Sam Colton as well as comments made by Hamlin entertainment about his daughter Rebecca and public perception of how The Amanda Show had changed since Hamlin took over it's been three weeks since local television producer Sam Colton was reported missing and authorities still have no weeds new episodes of Amanda the adventurer have had subject matter that has left local parents uncomfortable about the program my kids are still really into that show but it has changed I had to change the channel I just told the kids that the TV was acting up it's not yet clear how Colton's disappearance will affect the involvement of his daughter Rebecca the show's Young Star we at Hamlin have concerns surrounding the nature of Sam Colton's abandonment of both our program and his daughter we cannot speculate on his reasons for leaving we do ask that the community respect the privacy of Rebecca Colton as she needs time out of the spotlight to process these disturbing events rest assured that Amanda is not going anywhere Hamlin entertainment remains committed to our vision for this cherished program the fifth tape can be unlocked by playing the piano tune found on the wall of a convenience store during the updated version of the neighborhood tape pause the tape and play the tune f-a-c-a-d-e or facade to acquire the secret recording this time we are shown footage recorded at Hamlin Studios on March 8 2002 this footage contains no audible dialogue we see Rebecca entering an interview room where she speaks with what appears to be a high-ranking member of Staff while being overseen by a female scientist Rebecca has shown a file full of papers and asked to sign them she complies and is then LED out of a room and down the hall into another room guarded by security this seems to be footage of Rebecca signing herself over to the care of Hamlin entertainment they then became her legal Guardians the very last secret tape is so secret that to access it we must go into the game's save file and alter the value of this line of code changing it from a 5 to a 6. at least this is the only way I've personally managed to trigger it in the game World the tape shows woolly waiting patiently in a back room occasionally he does something like Bowie's head or sneeze but nothing important ever seems to happen it seems this is where woolly Waits until he is called to assist Amanda when an episode of the show begins to play this is woolley's place of Tranquility the only piece he manages to find in this nightmare Realm [Music] and so we come to the end of this video but before we check out it's time to quickly bring together everything we've learned as I offer my best guess as to what exactly happened to the humans involved and how the world of Amanda the adventurer and our own reality are connected everything began when Sam Colton a struggling writer adopted a little girl named Rebecca who inspired him to create a TV show called Amanda the adventurer the titular character based on his beloved child the show which starred Rebecca quickly Rose to popularity on a local television network and Sam's friend Kate Park a local librarian helped promote it at every opportunity she got it wasn't long before Sam was approached by TV production company Hamlin entertainment who wanted to turn a man to be Adventurer into a hit cartoon show that could be broadcast around the globe Sam agreed and Rebecca was given the opportunity to continue voicing protagonist Amanda however after making the move to cartoon form The Amanda Show began to change people noticed the themes were becoming darker and more adult weird things were being said during the episodes and children became hypnotized whenever Amanda was on screen then they began to vanish from their parents homes rights from under their noses as if they plane just disappeared Sam noticed that the show's directors at Hamlin were getting Rebecca to record some very strange lines lines with demonic sounding phrases Rebecca seemed to be communicating with an entity no one else could see or hear then one day Sam disappeared and Rebecca was taken into the care of the studio shortly after from here we begin to speculate as to what exactly happened to peace for proverbial puzzle together we must look at various episodes of The Amanda Show they are full of metaphors and cryptic clues that help us make some educated guesses as well as coming to logical conclusions first of all I believe Sam Colton was killed by members of Hamlin to stop him meddling in their demonic experimentation demonology is the science of studying demons everything from their hierarchy to their powers and limitations Hamlin were using Rebecca to summon and communicate with a demonic entity and then eventually merged it with her and used her VHS tapes to imprison them both the science of how Rebecca's Soul or Consciousness was transferred into the Amanda character and trapped inside these tapes is unclear because events within the tapes are able to change at any given time it is obvious they are not simply pre-recorded episodes but rather exist as an alternate Dimension One used to trap The Souls of those unfortunate enough to view them we witness this in the butcher ending where Riley walks through the attic door and straight into the VHS realm of Amanda the adventurer this explains why children caught under the entity's spell vanished so suddenly they step through a very normal looking door and into an alternate Dimension One only they could see as a result of connecting with Amanda and the demon within her logically we can conclude that Rebecca was killed during the process of her merging with a demon and transfer onto these tapes this is why she is so afraid of the butcher shop as it represents her death explains why Amanda becomes so sad when she discusses death and mentions how she feels she is rotten sometimes I feel myself riding but it feels far away and lastly it explains why she laments that she is still out there somewhere feeling Phantom ties to her rotting corpse which remains in the human realm I'm out there somewhere another clue tying the living version of Amanda on these tapes to Rebecca is the fact that she refers to Kate as a friend and wishes to send her a gift in fact the gift Amanda and by extension Rebecca sends to Kate May in fact have been these haunted tapes which would explain why woolly tries his best to dissuade her knowing of the damage they will cause receiving these tapes may have been the reason why Kate died accidentally unleashing The Entity while watching them the entity then using Kate to invite Riley to the house to also fall into its trap we also see the story of how Rebecca was left alone after her father Sam disappeared represented in these tapes by the stray kitten an animal Amanda begs us to help will you please help the lonely kittens won't you help them lonely kitten won't you help them again Amanda does not seem to retain Rebecca's memories but does hold on to her joyful personality yet her tragic demise seems to subconsciously haunt her explaining why we so often see her fall into moments of great sadness or anger when this sadness or anger takes hold for too long for Rebecca side of Amanda Fades away allowing the demon side to take control and break free from its prison within these tapes transcending into the human realm to claim fresh Souls enter woolly a safety measure of sorts intended to stop Rebecca from diminishing and for demon taking control of Amanda throughout the game we see woolly reassuring or reasoning with her or trying to take her mind of anything that currently troubles her okay it's time to bake a pie preheat the heat then by ourselves we should always ask a parent to help maybe you can take us someplace else let me out of here oh Amanda that's that's a nice birthday card do you want to give it to your friend now Amanda nothing is rotten here what do you think do you think that everything rots of course not a man I'm not asking you these are all traits that belong to a parent and therefore it makes sense but woolly is in fact Rebecca's father Sam Sam was the first to disappear after Hamlin sought to stop him meddling in their experiments involving his daughter Rebecca this event is represented in the tape by the fox who became caught in a trap and then died but why dispose of Sam completely when he can be imprisoned inside the video realm alongside both the entity and his daughter Hamlin knew that while Sam wouldn't retain the memories of exactly who he once was his Consciousness would still feel naturally drawn to Amanda and feel protective over her precise memories may have been gone from those who were trapped in this realm but as Amanda herself has proven these Souls still feel a familiarity to remnants of their past lives Rebecca doesn't feel as drawn to Sam as he does to her because she shares Amanda's body with the demon who attempts to corrupt her at every turn however woolly is a Beacon of Hope in this world and this is thanks to the inclusion of Sam Colton's soul and his bond to Rebecca from everything we know about Sam he seemed to be a good character and kind of heart this also explains why he tries to warn the viewer of the danger they are in at every given opportunity and is desperate to stop the madness that Hamlin started I don't have much time do you trust me ready for an adventure Amanda so Sam was included as a calming influence to try and keep Rebecca present and the entity dormant thus allowing Hamlin to continue collecting up children who viewed the show trapping them inside the tapes as a sacrificial offering to The Entity they summoned and desperately wished to contain it also seems that Sam on occasion fails and when he does the demon exerts its influence to diminish him we see this during the petting zoo tape where woolly loses his humanity and on the hospital tape where the demon uses Amanda to attack him directly but what if a mystery man who burst into the attic at the very end of the game during that true ending while my personal theory is that this was an ex-employee of Hamlin The Whistleblower eavesdropping and recording evidence to use against Hamlin as seen in the secret tapes they may even be the ones who provided all of the secret tapes to Kate before her unfortunate demise rushing to try and save Riley after they trigger Amanda's demonic form suggesting that this whistleblower had the attic under surveillance the entire time and were watching from the Shadows collecting evidence in order to eventually expose Hamlin for their crimes against humanity we do after all see the many bodies of the victims in both the butcher's store and on the streets outside Hamlin must be stopped and perhaps this whistleblower and Riley can team up to expose the truth shut down Hamlin and free The Souls of Rebecca and her father Sam while simultaneously vanquishing the demon trapped inside these haunted tapes with them but for now the story of Amanda the adventurer comes to an end and with that we wrap up this extensive look at the story endings and secrets of Amanda the adventurer this was a big video and it took me a long time to put together so thank you for waiting patiently while I did so I hope you found it both entertaining and informative if you did remember to leave a like comment down below and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and I will see you on the next video thank you [Music]
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 1,848,226
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amanda the adventurer, amanda dread xp, amanda the adventurer horror game, amanda the adventurer all endings, amanda the adventurer story explained, cursed kids show, haunted kids show, amanda the adventurer explained, amanda the adventurer game theory, superhorrorbro, amanda the adventurer all secret tapes, amanda the adventurer secret ending, amanda the adventurer update, amanda the adventurer all secrets, superhorrorbro explained, superhorrorbro amanda
Id: W6q_rIA5OMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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