The Story of Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 1 & 2 Explained

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hey guys super horror bro mike here and in today's video we take a look at the complete story of mr hops playhouse one and two this video aims to walk you through the events of each game explaining things that are left a little vague and tying it all together into one easy to understand package so sit back relax and let's explore the creepy world of mr harp in order to cover the story of mr hopp's playhouse chronologically we must begin with the sequel first this is because while labelled as a sequel mr hop's playhouse 2 is in fact a prequel to the events which occurred in the original game we assume the role of a little girl by the name of esther who lives under the care of the staff at blackland's manor orphanage in the year 1952 one night esther experiences a vivid nightmare where a shadowy toy rabbit comes to life and chases her down upon touching her of its clawed hand esther glimpses a burning body screaming for help she awakens to find herself back in the orphanage with the other children as if nothing has happened in the morning esther speaks with her friends molly and isaac explaining she has experienced this terrifying dream many times did you have a bad dream again esther it's not just a bad dream isaac it's the same dream over and over again maybe it means something maybe it means you're going crazy i am not crazy molly that very morning beverly one of the matrons working at the orphanage hands over a box of donated toys to the children molly isaac and esther claim these toys which are made up from a tiger panda and bunny rabbit they each pick a name for their newfound friends i'm going to call mine miss beau i'll call mine mr stripes what are you going to call your vesta mr hop so esther takes ownership of the rabbit which she decides to name mr harp and from here things take a dark and sinister turn to begin with the hints are subtle while playing hide and seek mr hop falls from his perch atop a chest of drawers it seems harmless enough but things get weirder when one night mr hop vanishes from beside esther's bed seemingly moving by himself esther's nightmares and visions while sleeping also alter she explores the orphanage freely as if awake but not an alternate reality where she discovers six strange medallions all featuring strange glyphs a note we discover explains the origins of these hieroglyphics which are simply known as the six they date back to ancient egyptian times where they were once worn by a pharaoh as medallions on his necklace they possess mysterious powers and were last seen in the year 1876 after collecting these symbols a raging fire appears which esther quickly extinguishes and from where the flames once burned emerges a terrifying demon known as the entity again the discovery of a note explains this satanic apparition the entity is described as the personification of a powerful deity that rules over the underworld a realm beyond the living this force once fought to be the guardian of hope was banished from the above and sent to the depths of darkness for wrongdoings and corruption it is the embodiment of evil this description basically tells us that the entity is satan in orbit name both figures have this same backstory as the devil was once an angel cast down from heaven for his sins and corruption this demonic entity now haunts the orphanage and has its sights set directly on esther it isn't long before molly goes missing and while searching for her esther is attacked by the entity this time while she is awake that wasn't real it couldn't have been real notice how during this attack her missing toy mr hop is hidden behind a box and even creepier a portrait of a young girl alters and begins to cast a demonic grin with this in mind it means the entity is connected to both mr hop and the mysterious girl in this painting shaken from the troubling paranormal activity she has just encountered esther continues her search for molly and runs into another orphan girl named dee a new arrival at the orphanage who is shrouded in mystery dee is worried about the orphanage claiming to hear whispers throughout its halls haydee have you seen mine do you hear it the whispering the evil rhymes these halls there's something among us as night falls esther discovers not only has molly vanished but now her best friend isaac 2. the matrons don't seem too worried assuming the children are simply being naughty and hiding so esther is sent off to bed where her nightmare continues the next chapter is titled the loop esther finds herself trying to avoid giant killer versions of the free toys mr stripes miss bow and mr harps all the while she must place four urns atop pedestals in order to unlock the exit but what is the purpose of these urns could they be containers to hold the souls the entity wishes to trap after escaping the toys esther begins to walk through a looping corridor however while things seemingly look the same each time small details slowly start to alter the most noticeable can be seen when looking at this painted portrait it starts out as an image of that mysterious child the very same one which seems connected to the entity but with every walk down this hallway the portrait changes this alteration tells the following story the first transformation reveals a portrait of a young girl under the care of a matron suggesting this is another child at blackland's manor orphanage we get confirmation of this later in the story when while exploring the cellar esther comes across a faded version of this very painting the second third and fourth portraits show us this blackhead child met a demon in the woods surrounding the orphanage and accepted a necklace from it the demon looks exactly like the entity we looked at earlier in this video the necklace resembling the medallion necklace referred to in the note for which esther collected up for hieroglyphics during her dream at this point it is worth touching on the history of blackland's manor from a note found near the beginning of the game we are told that this building was built in the 1600s and the land surrounding it had a dark history the following events reveal this darkness portrait 6 seems to be an image of the matron punishing the little girl presumably for venturing into the woodland unattended following this portrait esther encounters a horrifying vision the matron from the painting bursts into the room and is torn apart by an unseen force [Applause] it seems as though the little girl was possessed by the entity after wearing the necklace of the six it bestowed upon her the demon corrupted the child and gave her supernatural powers capable of killing others with ease painting 7 shows as the child being questioned by authorities and the message beside the painting seems to reflect what she said while being questioned she deserved it in reference to the carer she killed under the influence of the entity painting eight and nine reveal the possessed girl's tragic and cruel end at the hands of an angry mob they burned her at the stake necklace and all exactly as seen in esther's vision at the very beginning of the game because of these events and for clothing worn by the people in these portraits we can deduce they occurred during the 16th century pagan times when women would often be burned at the stake when suspected of witchcraft and demonism while observing these paintings esther also comes across a selection of messages scrawled about the halls and rooms she visits these messages lead her to free toys which disintegrate when she interacts with them esther also finds messages that call her perfect and urge her to give herself over the entity wishes to take hold of esther just as it did with a child from the paintings all those years ago eventually two more paintings appear the first shows the creation of the free toys and the second the entity inhabiting them it uses these dolls as portals to the human realm while commanding the child wearing the medallion necklace to do its bidding when esther awakens she hears her friends crying out for help sneaking about the orphanage at night reveals they are trapped within a storage closet and estimates find the key to free them however upon doing so she makes a troubling discovery molly and isaac have both been possessed by the entity i warned you didn't i esther come with me now but miss beverly molly and isaac are before esther can do anything to help them she is whisked away by the head matron beverly and locked in the cellar the entity proceeds to intervene and put an end to the abusive staff member esther escapes and finds that the souls of her friends have been tethered to their respective toys isaac to mr stripes and molly to miss beau and she is next we just want to play wake up esther mr hop chases down esther to try and claim her soul but she narrowly escapes through the elevator shaft and returns to the orphanage above here she meets back up with dee who tells her of a ritual the two can perform to banish the evil that has entered the orphanage with the arrival of these toys d what is going on i told you evil roams these halls but i can make it go away and get everyone back how we need to do a ritual i need nine candles salt saint and the trinket from the second floor bedroom hurry once all the ritual items are gathered things take an unexpected turn as dee reveals herself to be the entity itself you actually survived d you who are you it seems as though she was in fact the child from those paintings all along the one who burned the steak all those years ago now reborn and seeking fresh souls for her master to claim and integrate into the killer toys it was dee who donated the toys which allowed the children to tether themselves to this entity she encouraged esther to notice the supernatural whispers the entity wanted her to hear so it may infect her mind and it was dee who set up the ritual to allow the entity to fully enter the human realm and try to take control of esther after a struggle with dee inside for ritual ring esther finds herself in an unfamiliar house where am i now while this house looks unfamiliar to esther it looks very familiar to anyone who has played the original mr hops playhouse so with that in mind let's take a quick look at the story of that game before returning to conclude the events of its prequel mr hop's playhouse followed the story of ruby a little girl whose grandmother was in fact esther the year is 2019 and ruby was recently gifted a toy bunny rabbit from her nana named mr harp it seems esther had held onto him for all of those years and we'll understand why soon enough one night ruby wakes from a nightmare to find herself still in one exploring the house she discovers her parents are missing and seem to have been attacked and killed by mr harp ruby now is stalked by a giant version of mr hop who seeks to claim her soul that said will return to ruby and her plight after we conclude the events of her grandmother esther's story so esther is somehow exploring a house that hasn't yet been built where her granddaughter who hasn't yet been born will one day reside the calendar in the kitchen even confirms the year 2019. mr hopps stalks esther she explores the house seeking to obtain free keys each taking the colour of one of her free haunted toys she discovers a note which reads as follows do you not see this is how it was written to be to give me hope to live three must have somebody to play with the meaning of this note is vague but seems to be a message from dee currently she is trapped the entity having holed over her after the two became one following her death in order for her to be reborn and escape its clutches the free souls under its control haunting mr hopps and the other toys must have a victim to play with the victim they have chosen is esther's granddaughter ruby and they require her assistance to reach her it is unclear why ruby is the chosen one but it's the only explanation for why this house and the year 2019 is referenced here after obtaining the free keys esther gains access to the kitchen where she meets the ghost of d once more it almost seems as though these keys are granting the future version of the entity access to this household as it is said a demon must receive an invitation before it can enter a host esther follows d around the house as the entity speaks through her and the following events play out where are the others where are my friends tell me you are just like me i am nothing like you i feel your pain give yourself to us just leave me alone i feel it too your pain your sadness your torment it burns within you you notice how dee speaks about esther's pain saying they are one and the same the entity telling her it can feel her torment what is this pain they are referencing it isn't ever explicitly stated but we must assume esther had a troubled childhood most likely losing her parents and thus ending up in blackland's manor orphanage the note we find about blacklands tells us that many of the children who ended up there did so as a result of losing family during wartime this is in reference to the second world war which ended in 1945 seven years before the events of this game this would mean esther lived most of her life without a real family and likely suffered emotional and physical abuse at the hands of the matrons within the orphanage we do see an example of this when beverly locks esther in the cellar with the rats please miss beverly this is your own full tester maybe a knight with the rats will teach you how to behave the entity feeds off this pain esther holds within and uses it to more easily infect her mind and take control of her body but esther is resilient and manages to withstand its insidious advances there are two endings which follow both end in roughly the same way for esther however for the purpose of this video we will follow the true ending and if you wish to see all the different possible endings then check out this video which i'll link at the end of the one you're watching now throughout the game if we search the orphanage thoroughly we are able to enter six different medallion portals each guarded by one of the entities monsters successfully completing each guardian's gauntlet rewards esther with a piece of a medallion necklace the very same one worn by d when she was possessed by the entity and put to death however esther's willpower is far stronger than dee's ever was and so upon wearing the necklace she is not claimed by the entity rather she is taken down into its underworld lair where the spirits of those whose had previously claimed are imprisoned while dee's mind became corrupted and she used the necklace for evil deeds esther instead manages to harness its power very differently using the medallions to dispel the evil around her this eventually leads her to face off against the entity in its ultimate form as a gigantic free-headed monster esther emerges victorious vanquishing the entity once and for all and lays dee's soul to rest in the process cannot escape this [Music] upon returning to the human realm everybody is safely returned from the underworld the matrons and children claimed by the entity now safe and sound once more it seems esther really did vanquish the evil within these toys and save the day the three friends continue life peacefully and esther grows up and has a daughter called janna who then gives birth to her granddaughter ruby everything seems pretty perfect except it isn't it seems while esther managed to destroy the entity using the magical properties of the necklace it somehow continued to lay dormant within the mr hop toy it is likely esther held on to mr hop to prevent him falling into the wrong hands but over the years esther's mind grew weaker as age crept in leaving her vulnerable weak enough for the entity to re-emerge from hiding and take control over the unsuspecting oap now under the control of the entity esther handed over the rabbit to its intended vessel her granddaughter ruby and this is where the events of the first game pick up by collecting tapes as ruby we get further insight into esther's sudden death these tapes tell us for following information esther and ruby were very close ruby's parents had noticed esther suddenly behaving strangely staring blankly into walls for hours on end as if possessed esther began to lose her memory and stopped taking care of her personal hygiene she woke the neighbours screaming in the night and was admitted to hospital as a result at this point esther claimed to have made ruby a soft toy called mr hop further proof of the entity manipulating her mind then suddenly esther passed away with doctors unable to provide a diagnosis mr hop and the entity chase ruby around the house until she manages to destroy the demonic rabbit with a slingshot at this point her grandma esther materializes and appears before her however this is simply the entity in disguise and so ruby flees and manages to escape the house in the true ending she lights a fire which burns the entity inside the house and seemingly destroys it once and for all its vessel in the human realm mr hop now cremated and that's the story of mr hopp's playhouse one and two explained things may yet continue though remember molly and isaac both survived too and may have kept their respective toys allowing for the entity to emerge from one of them and infiltrate the minds of susceptible hosts but that can wait for a future video for now i hope you enjoyed watching this one and found it both entertaining and informative if you did remember to leave a like comment down below and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and i will see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 6,371,795
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Keywords: mr. hopp's playhouse story explained, mr hopp story explained, mr hopps playhouse 2 game theory, mr. hopp's playhouse 2 theories, superhorrorbro, superhorrorbro mr. hopp's playhouse, superhorrorbro explained, horror games explained, mr. hopp's playhouse complete story, mr hopp game explained, mr. hopp's playhouse secrets, mr. hopp's playhouse 2 endings, mr hopps playhouse all endings, mr hopp ending explained, mr hopp horror game, mr. Hopp's playhouse 2 good ending
Id: jLu_JpC3GJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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