Helltown - The Story and Endings Explained

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hey guys super horror bro mike here and in today's video we take a look at a story of cots demons and an overly inviting town hiding some dark secrets this is the story of hell town explained [Music] a man finds himself alone in a misty forest walking forward the man begins to feel a ghostly presence following in his footsteps a caped figure floats behind him as the man reaches a small graveyard deep within the woods he awakens to discover it was all just a bad dream a letter on the countertop gives us a little background on this man and his occupation his name is john rowe and he is to be the newly appointed postman for the saints marianne postal service more specifically he is to work at their new division located in the still developing town of little vale a quaint isolated community the next morning john drives out to this town to begin his new position however he still can't quite shake the vivid nightmare he experienced the night before the town itself seems peaceful and idyllic the residents all wear smiles and are welcoming little veil is a growing community and has only recently been built in fact parts of it are still under construction from speaking with local residents it seems many are concerned with certain things other members of our community have been saying most notably a vagrant who lives with his dog in the hills outside littlevale and a man named neil currently staying in the local hotel we witness town folk airing neal with cautionary words advising him to calm down and to stop spreading panic something feels a little off here at the heart of this sleepy town is a church we get the sense that this is a highly religious community and so the pastor is held in high regard by the local residents after exploring the town and meeting the locals it's time for jon to carry out his postal duties and to deliver the townsfolk their mail first up rachel a bubbly woman who is very happy to receive her package a delivery of special berry tea next up patrice who accepts a delivery of non-disclosed pointy pin-like objects finally the pastel himself is thankful for his mail a parcel of books which he mentions are full of invaluable knowledge after delivering this final package it's time to hit the hay and so with the first day of his job complete jon heads to the hotel to retire for the evening [Music] once again john awakens in the night but this time not from a night terror the door to his hotel room is eerily a jar and as he heads out into the hallway to investigate why it soon becomes apparent that not all is well jon discovers another hotel room with its door wide open the room has been trashed and it appears as though a struggle took place within catching sight of a creature in the shadows jon follows its path deeper into the hotel where upon turning the corner he witnesses a gruesome sight neil is knelt down before an open doorway where he is then attacked by a demonic entity as he witnesses this terrifying event jon is dragged back down the hallway and into his bed where he is plunged into a deep sleep [Music] john awakens the next day to the realization that it was all just a nightmare after all or at least that's how it seems the town has been swallowed up by a thick fog and looks far less welcoming than it did the day before after experiencing such a vicious nightmare jon asks the townsfolk about neil but none of them recall a person by that name ever residing within little veil almost as if his very existence has now been erased the vagrant in the hills has also vanished without trace only his faithful companion dog remaining as it now runs wild through the streets the townsfolk also seem to be preparing for a meeting that is to happen that night some seem a little apprehensive of said meeting and give off an uneasy feel the pasta asks jon if he's ever heard the story of the spider and the fly and then proceeds to explain it to him the spider was about to eat the fly and silverfly begged not to be eaten but spiders do not have ears and so the fly was eaten anyway after hearing this oddly chilling fable jon continues his daily task delivering mail to the residents of little vale first up a soggy smelly parcel addressed to laura secondly an unfolded piece of paper addressed to violet its message ominously reading it's dealt with and finally a strange circular stone with three symbols carved upon it there is no address attached to this stone but it seems to glow the further outside of town jon carries it the glowing stone leads jon to a cavern on the outskirts of little vale and within this cave stands a tall rock formation with a hole carved into its peak a hole just big enough to fit the cymbal stone he carries as jon approaches this rock he hears whispering and suddenly falls unconscious [Music] when he wakes jon finds himself far from the cave he is now locked within the graveyard beside the church and must locate three keys to open the padlocks keeping him prisoner these keys are located on gravestones within the darkness of the graveyard armed with nothing but a flashlight jon investigates the area but quickly realizes he is not alone for in the darkness creeps and crawls a series of demonic creatures not of this world if jon falls prey to these bizarre entities he is dragged to the underworld and here must either discover a way out or fall prey to the possessed souls stalking its dungeon-like halls the underworld seems to be a limbo between worlds a place where the spirits of the damned are tortured and punished before meeting their final fates eventually jon collects up enough keys and manages to escape his confinement amongst the demons of the underworld but entering the town does little to quell his fears surrounding the town are hordes of demonic entities perhaps for possessed bodies of the very townsfolk themselves this town is cursed and a terrible evil now holds control over it jon rushes for his mail truck it's time to leave littlevale behind and never look back but as he rushes to escape a bolt of lightning strikes him down and once again he is plunged into darkness [Music] john wakes beside the church and quickly realizes that things have gone from bad to worse in little veil the town he first ventured into just one day prior now exists high in the sky above and he is now stranded in an alternate dimension a mirrored version of little veil a hellscape inhabited by monstrous entities straight from the pits of hell itself jon must avoid these nightmare creatures as he collects up free-floating symbols which grant him access to the church once inside the confines of the church john must navigate its creepy maze-like corridors to locate the missing head of a body chained up and blocking his exit this made difficult by the hordes of possessed townsfolk who lurk around every corner upon locating the missing head jon notices a creepy painting of a nun cradling a demon keep this image in mind as it is more important than it first appears upon placing the head back on the chained body it disintegrates and clears a path inside the church here a new enemy begins to torment our hapless hero this time in the form of a weeping angel-like statue an entity only able to move in for the attack when their prey looks away the statue looks very similar to the none in the painting we spoke about earlier once again this is important to keep in mind eventually jon manages to escape through a door in the graveyard at the back of the church and this leads him into a dimly lit chapel where the townsfolk are now congregated each sat with a ghastly contorted look on their face their skin white as a sheet at the front of the chapel stands for pastor giving a sermon to his undead congregation upon approaching the pastor he speaks to us one final time and says for following at last our final guest has arrived wipe that sullen look off your face you'll be taking part in something grand why you well the cruelly delightful truth is simply that you were in the wrong place at the wrong time there is no happy ending for you my son good doesn't prevail in this story evil has you and all the community ensnared in its crooked hands witness for conclusive victory of the dark ones at this point a hellish demon breaks free from inside the pastel and the screen cuts to black a conversation between a detective and police officer sheds some light on the aftermath the townsfolk and pastor are found dead inside the chapel it seems the community were poisoned we know exactly how they were poisoned if we recall that mysterious tea that rachel was excited to make and share with her neighbours after the townsfolk were poisoned they were sacrificed in a ritual by the pastor to the demon living within him which then emerged upon its completion it is then suggested this demon crushed the skull of our protagonist john due to the injury sustained to both the pastor and postman the police concluded it was most likely the work of a wild animal such as a bear however we know this is not the case the whole incident was reported in a local paper for rocky's inquirer where it was correctly concluded that little veil's population were religious cultists who took part in a mass slaughter further details were not disclosed and kept private by authorities [Music] now we've walked through the events one encounters during the main campaign of hell town it's time to deviate a little and experience a game's wealth of side content and several alternate endings this additional material provides a clearer picture of what exactly went down in this town and the motivations behind that creepy pastor at its center there are three additional endings to unlock so let's go through each in turn [Music] along the outskirts of little veil stands a run-down cabin this decrepit shack gives off a strange energy and the feeling that someone is inside looking out at whomever passes its shuttered windows beside the shack is a well which is also boarded up both of these structures tie into the following two endings in order to enter the cabin we must locate 12 different runes these runes give off a faint audio cue and appear as glowing symbols etched onto scraps of paper and dotted throughout each chapter once all have been collected our protagonist john can enter the cabin where he makes a very informative discovery the pages of a journal which once belonged to a nun called lilith this was her cabin and she was in fact the nun who appeared in both the painting and statue we spoke about earlier in the video lilith started living in this cabin in exile after abandoning her parish and denouncing what she believed to be a false god this taking place in the year 1892 lilith had been lured by evil forces known as the dark ones which spoke to her through the circular stone john himself received while on his mail route lilith began listening to the dark voices emanating from within the stone and offering up for human sacrifices it demanded to begin with these consisted of villagers who ventured into the wilderness to search for her the nun then consumed the flesh of these sacrifices keeping her from starvation the dark ones built lilith a castle filled with their knowledge and granted her powers which allowed her to bestow her will onto living things the final diary entry sees lilith joining the dark ones and taking on their task to find new followers or more specifically fresh souls to sacrifice to them while this diary is ambiguous this interpretation was confirmed as fact by the development team in a steam community post when asked about the finer details of the game's plot years later lilith used her dark powers to gain control over the pastel who then built little veil and nurtured a cultist's community willing to give their lives to the dark ones much like lilith had over 50 years earlier however unlike lilith these poor townsfolk weren't given anything in return their souls simply claimed by the demons preying upon their naivety this secret ending also provides the only positive outcome for the main character john where after reading lilith's journal he wakes in the town and proceeds to leave although the game's developers have also suggested he may be stuck in a limbo and forever a prisoner of little veil so i'll leave you to form your own conclusions on this particular plot point [Music] remember that whispering rock the one with a hole at its peak well this spooky formation plays a key role when trying to unlock the second of hell town's secret endings it can be found in the cave outside of a town during the first chapter and upon interacting with it john notes is it a figment of my imagination or is this monument whispering during the second day if we return to the cave and interact with rock a second time jon mentions how he feels it has moved since yesterday the final interaction with this monument is possible during the aftermath chapter where it is now located behind the church this time interacting with a whispering rock prompts it to instruct the player to visit the well the very one located beside lilith's creepy old shack now if we venture over to the well we see it is opened and a bright light shines from within jumping inside the well then teleports jon to an eerie castle from the painting on the wall we can tell that this is lilith's castle the one spoken of in her journal a castle built for her by the dark voices that spoke to her through the rock as jon explores this castle lilith speaks to him in a disembodied voice she recites for following lines you have strayed far from home my child why fight when there are no more battles to be won come with me i can make your sorrows go away it will all be better soon come jon exits the castle and emerges above ground a vast lake filled with drowned bodies of the townsfolk forming a path to an island at its center on this island stands lilith for ghostly apparition from his nightmare at the beginning of the game she welcomes jon into her open arms as he kneels before her and gives his soul to the beckoning gates of hell in this ending jon succumbs to the evil inhabiting the town unable to resist its whispering core [Music] at this point we know how the dark forces of hell worked her way into this town first through the nun lilith in the 1800s and then via the influence of her newly acquired dark powers into the pasta who built up a cult-like community in the town of littlevale a twisted web of demonic worship that postman john became entangled in just like a fly caught in the spider's web however there is one rather odd final ending which slightly elaborates on events that take place after the horrifying night at the chapel these events take place in the underworld but as you may have noticed we don't access this realm in human form but rather as a dog here is how you unlock this particular ending during our first day at littlevale while playing as jon we must track down a bone found beneath this pile of rocks by the construction site and then pass it to the homeless man's dog then after waking up the next day rather than resuming control of the postman we instead take control of said dog if we lead this animal over to the cave where the whispering rock resides then the screen begins to tremble and shake transporting the poor pooch to the other side the dog awakens outside the gates of lilith's castle in the underworld and from here we can explore the floating limbo slaying demonic minions with our bark and eventually locating and saving our owner held captive in a crystal at its core that somehow this dog is able to shatter here we can see just how the pastel became influenced by lilith and the demons she vowed to serve in return for her powers it appears that just like lilith the pastor was down on his lurk and during this time lost his faith in god we then see how key members of the community led by violet and bill recruited friends and neighbours to their cause helping to set up the town of littlevale to serve the dark ones finally it is confirmed that for pastor and violet both knew what their end game would entail the willing gifting of their souls to the dark lords they now sought to serve they were at first concerned by the arrival of the postman but did not believe him able to stop the ritual as the reaper had already started to awaken this being the demon that emerged from the pastor and the dark entity behind everything this ending solidifies story elements we have touched on elsewhere and gives a conclusive understanding of the game's events and more mysterious aspects of its lore it also allows for a slightly more upbeat finale as the faithful dog manages to save their owner and the two seemingly escape hell town once and for all and with that we come to the end of this story explained video for hell town i hope you enjoyed it and found it both entertaining and informative if you did remember to leave a like comment down below and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and i will see you on the next video [Music] you
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 968,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helltown, helltown story explained, helltown all endings, helltown game theory, helltown story and ending explained, helltown horror game, superhorrorbro, horror games explained, superhorrorbro helltown, superhorrorbro explained, helltown all secrets, helltown secret endings
Id: 4lTBYDQHxp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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