Film Theory: How To SURVIVE Saw!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Now I have two reasons to watch Saw....
Never watched it... Mainly because horror movies weren't my thing before my 19yrs old.

Just wait a little MatPat. I will catch up soon.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BoraAventureiro 📅︎︎ Jun 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Hey! These videos are on the subreddit again. The bot is now fixed?
Hope it won't break again.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/tundrat 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
did you know that at least one saw appears in each and every one of the saw movies it's true sometimes they're used for autopsies sometimes they're used for severing body parts sometimes they're just used for good old killing but the namesake of the franchise has in every installment at least appeared once and sure you can find any number of listicles online looking and ranking the best saw films but have you ever seen someone talk about the best saws in saw no you have not so we ran the numbers and get this the average rotten tomato score for films where the saw doesn't kill someone is higher than the movies where the saws do kill someone 34.6 versus 24.3 percent but appearances of hacksaws ultimately win the day movies with a hacksaw average out to 33.75 movies with an electric saw like a buzz saw or circular saw are much lower at 23.5 percent looks like all the lists are right friends not all saws are created equal [Music] hello internet welcome to film theory a show that wants to play a game the rules of the game you have 60 seconds to hit the subscribe button or else uh uh it can't really make you wear a reverse bear trap or anything and uh totally out of acid if you don't subscribe you will have to dress like cool kid jigsaw from the final chapter the only thing worse than death by saul death by cringe in 2004 millions of people went to the theaters and saw the psychological thriller saw and everyone who saw saw knew it was something special because it featured brutal violence interesting themes and a villain named john jigsaw kramer who not only could engineer brilliant traps but could lay face first on a gross bathroom floor for hours on end to me the best thing about these movies are the elaborate and creative traps they present a pit of needles a laser collar a machine that slowly pulls your hair out i mean they are brutal contraptions after you hear those iconic words i want to play a game you know that things are about to get serious well the character on screen is forced to think about survival on the fly the audience is forced to ask itself largely the same things like whether you'd actually be able to use a hacksaw to take off your foot you learn the rules of the game with the characters and when one of them miraculously survives it's thrilling because you're in the situation with them and you don't have to hear that final tagline of here's the thing though what if you weren't safely in the audience as i've talked about in a previous film theory jigsaw's ideology is wildly flawed thanks billy the puppet i had to hack off my arm with a butcher's knife because you didn't think i was appreciating life enough but man now i'm sure glad to be alive can't wait for all those years of counseling i'll be getting to deal with my survivor's remorse as such jigsaw's contestant selection is a bit hard to predict in other words you could very well be living a perfectly upstanding life but potentially wind up in the next reverse bear trap without even knowing what you did wrong and when that happens you can't go in ill-prepared so that is our question for today how do you survive saw based on everything that we see in the series is nine movies what can you do to maximize your odds of survival how do you not just play the game but hack the game in advance to give yourself the best chance of living possible live or die make your choice live live yep definitely choose and live there overall across the whole series there's only 19 examples of when games are won and 68 examples of when people died that is a 21.8 percent success rate which uh let's just say is not a grade that's going to get you on to any honor rolls in other words the best first step to surviving john cramer's game is not getting selected in the first place so who does he pick and why well we took john's own advice if you're good at anticipating the human mind it leaves nothing to chance and analyzed every character game timeline flashback motive and death to help us avoid getting strapped into our next shotgun carousel jigsaw and his acolytes believe that the death traps help people they attempt to transform lazy or corrupt human beings who devalue and squander their lives into people with a refreshed appreciation for their existence and so yeah some of his victims make sense in the first movie alone you have people who've tried to take their own lives people who commit fraud drug addicts and adulterers but then there are others like detective singh who's a good cop and was just killed by a shotgun trap in jigsaw's lair or zap a hospital orderly who's generally very nice or alison and diana gordon two family members that were kidnapped in order to ensure that someone else who is corrupt would play the game for a guy that says killing is distasteful to me he casts a wide net one film in and his choices are already pretty questionable so after analyzing all of the game contestants i came up with a short list that tells you exactly how to not be selected one don't be corrupt or work for corrupt people it's a pretty obvious one less obvious don't be related or married to anyone corrupt doesn't matter if you appreciate life as long as your relative or spouse doesn't you're likely gonna be put into the game it doesn't even matter if you know about the corruption you're in danger by association for instance in saw two eric matthews son is put in the game those who don't appreciate life do not deserve life my son appreciates his life but do you appreciate yours do you appreciate your sons oh this unexpected corollary to all of this don't be the spouse or child of someone who's died because of a corrupt person next up don't be a jerk no racists no snitches no adulterers and don't you dare laugh at the sick or elderly because jigsaw is an aging sick man and he does not take kindly to that getting back into self-explanatory territory don't do criminal activities like drugs or murder and don't flee the scene of your crime next one's a hard one try not to be depressed i get it that might not be in your control but if you are depressed hide it don't post publicly about it seriously if you don't want to be locked in a death furnace just keep your melancholic tweets to yourself don't oh here's a good catch-all jobs avoid being a doctor or a cop doesn't matter if you're good at your job or bad jigsaw has taken people for being both too good and too bad pretty much all the major law enforcement characters in this franchise die also you can be a janitor but only at upstanding legal businesses if you're a janitor at a corrupt business you are fruit of the poisonous tree and will likely be plucked and working for big pharma or big insurance is just right out big no go there lastly and most importantly do not pretend that you are a survivor of jigsaw if you do you your team everyone you love and care about will die horribly it is not pretty friends so that's the list honestly i'd say you should just live in a bubble and do nothing but then you might be picked for a game because you're hiding from the world and not appreciating your life appropriately good news though if you follow this list you've severely lessened your chances of being picked bad news is you're still at risk these guys are kind of fickle and inconsistent let's say that one day you're looking at your phone and you bump into one of jigsaw's apprentices spilling super hot coffee all over their face this apprentice is now super annoyed because the pig mask they wear is gonna be super uncomfortable so you're nabbed and put into a trap under the excuse that you were absorbed in your phone rather than looking up appreciating the world around you so congratulations you are now in a jigsaw trap despite your best efforts what do you do well when you break it down statistically there are seven different types of traps in jigsaw's games standard traps competitions tests trials security traps execution traps and inescapable traps standard traps are devices or scenarios applied to a victim that will kill the test subject if the task isn't completed within a certain amount of time the iconic reverse bear trap is a classic example as is sawtoo's death mask and saw four's knife chair competition traps involve two or more victims that can pass their tests individually but only at the expense of the other victim saw 3d's love triangle where two boyfriends and the cheating girlfriend between them have to decide who gets sawed to death is pretty iconic for this tests are games that involve a victim being given instructions to a specific task like zep having to kidnap an innocent family in the first movie in order to live trials are a series of tests that the victim has to face in order to show psychological progress this is basically every puzzle seen throughout saw five a security trap is just a glorified security device like the quadruple shotgun hallway trap which is literally just a bunch of guns on a tripwire execution traps are just there to finish off people in creative ways like soft five's water cube where there's no game there's just death and lastly there are the inescapable traps which as the name implies are just used to kill people like the rigged pendulum trap sure there's a game that you can play to quote unquote win but the game is rigged against you regardless of what you actually do so equipped with all that information what do you do well the number one rule in all of the saw franchise is that rules of our game have been made very clear you need to abide by those rules i understand that it's easier said than done when it comes to listening to a tricycle riding puppet giving you instructions and you have like 60 seconds on the clock but jigsaw is pretty upfront about how to play and win each game research shows that fear can actually cause your brain's executive network which is responsible for problem solving to constrict and work less effectively which means that you're gonna have to be prepared to listen intently when each game begins saw two is full of people screwing this fundamental lesson up in saw two a note explicitly says do not attempt to use this key on the door to the room the key is used to open the door and booby kills someone later all detective eric matthews had to do was sit around in order to win i want to play a game the rules are simple all you have to do is sit here and talk to me listen to me you can do that long enough then you will find your son in a safe and secure state instead he falls victim to jigsaw's tricks and winds up in multiple movies and a long series of traps trying to escape until eventually dying in saw four it also doesn't help that only 31.25 of entrants in the standard traps actually pass what's even worse than that is that three of the games were rigged two of the five people who passed their tests were killed immediately afterward and all five of them ended up dead later on in the series surviving a game doesn't always mean that you're gonna be alive later which means that we need to go on to lesson number two just go ham on it if you have a chance of winning you need to go hard and you need to go fast we see this with amanda in saw two's pit of needles and more so with charles in soft five's necktie trap by acting fast and first in his group he's able to ensure his survival while everyone else is still left in danger and with that good news you've passed the isolated test and your hands are probably crushed if not entirely sawed off as you walk away you hear jigsaw saying congratulations you are still alive most people are so ungrateful to be alive but not you not anymore you respond with a hearty thumbs up if your bleeding hands can still manage to move and you pretend to walk away with a swagger that indicates that you are very grateful to be alive the bad news is that as you approach the exit a man in a pig mask drugs you heals your hands and then locks you up in yet another room this time with total strangers billy pops back up again and tells you that everyone needs to work together to pass a series of competition traps and trials and you have three hours to do so because you have poison flowing through your veins that'll melt you from the inside out i hate to tell you this but only 13 of the 41 games or 25.4 percent of jigsaw's tests that involve two or more people are passed in games that have four or more people working together the odds are definitely stacked against you only four of the 17 people in the four plus group games walked out alive and even those numbers lie considering two of those are coming from saw two with one being a jigsaw apprentice placed in the game to keep the other survivor safe tldr here the odds are stacked against you but you can increase your odds by killing and sacrificing all your teammates now that might sound like i'm a horrible person but don't blame me blame the game maker and also the numbers statistically the group will turn on you eventually considering that we see it happen in saw 2 soft 5 and jigsaw psychologically speaking everyone deals with trauma differently now add in a ticking clock and the threat of poison killing you and you have a recipe for disaster the people in your group will develop tunnel vision they'll become hysterical they'll develop a fight-or-flight reaction which hinders your chances at survival and these challenges are already hard enough the last thing you need is other people weighing you down in a crisis moment so just deal with them early before you're forced to deal with them as an added bonus make sure you bring a dead body or two with you to the next room their flesh blood insert vital organ here is probably going to be helpful in the upcoming trial and speaking of bringing stuff with you remember what tools you really have available and bring as much with you between chambers as you can in most of jigsaw's challenges especially the trials you are the one progressing things forward shutting doors behind you etc to start timers so before you lock yourself into the next game make sure that you're going in prepared assess the scene take your time go back to the room that you just left and pick up things that might be helpful any tools broken pipes long sticks your fellow deceased contestants remember that in pretty much all circumstances jigsaw is letting you keep your clothes on and things like jackets belts shoes can do a lot in these sorts of situations between your tools and clothes and the tools and clothes that might be coming from your deceased contestants you can actually do a lot here most of these traps work remotely and use fairly rudimentary tools to operate pressure plates simple chains and hydraulics so having a bit more reach and the ability to shove something hard and solid into contraptions can actually help a lot lastly urine can act as a substitute for blood assuming it didn't all leak out due to fear in the first chamber and with that you walk out of your final test congratulations you've survived now relax in the knowledge that you'll be surveilled by jigsaw and his crew for the rest of your life cause that's exactly what happens to most of the survivors in these movies so keep your head low research any companies that you plan on working for listen follow the rules sacrifice anyone and everyone around you and then pretend to be happy that you went through the single most frightening experience in your life seize the day jeff for real go running naked in a hail storm kiss a girl in the middle of the day fly a kite but do it for yourself well yourself and the pig masked army watching your every move waiting for any excuse to throw you back into another game but hey that's just a theory this however could be the beginning of a long summer of the best horror movie franchises out there i love horror movies all year round actually just finished re-watching all the conjuring movies in honor of the new one releasing and if you're looking to beat the heat this summer consider getting your chills from today's sponsor shutter i use shutter to help with horror movie research for this channel and statistically horror is a genre that you the audience of this channel love it's why we do horror movie episodes like this one because you guys watch the heck out of him which means that you are going to watch the heck out of shudder shutter is the place to go to to brush up on everything from your horror movie classics like braum stoker's dracula and halloween or dive deeper into the genres that really get to you they currently have streaming the scariest movie i've ever seen in my life audition they also have heather's which is like 90 comedy and like 10 horror and made an amazing musical years later the long and short of it is that no matter what you're looking for in the category of scares it is there including exclusives like the reckoning and their original creep show which is a horror anthology a la american horror story another one of my favorites to try shutter for free for 30 days go to and use the promo code film theory that's not shutters like the things on the outside of your house with that 30 days free you can watch horror movies every night of the week at your barbecue at your pool party in the showers at the beach the possibilities are endless as are the jump scares check it out in the description below and as always thank you for supporting the sponsors who support us because it means that they will continue to support us in the future which is great you get cool content we get funding to do more episodes like this it's a win-win-win for everyone involved so in the meantime remember it is just a theory a film theory and cut
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 5,444,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: saw, saw trailer, saw 2021, spiral 2021, spiral trailer, saw spiral trailer, how to survive saw, survive every trap, new saw, saw traps, saw movies, saw full movie, saw ii, saw 2, saw III, saw 3, saw 4, saw trap, saw tests, jigsaw, jigsaw movie, scary, scary movies, horror, horror movies, how to beat, saw franchise, kill count, saw kill count, film theorists, film theory, matpat
Id: hMw6KdOqS3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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