The Story of Mr. Hopp's Playhouse 3 Explained

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hey guys super horror bro Mike here and in today's video we explore the story of Mr Hopps Playhouse free the tale of a young girl and her grandmother who find themselves caught up in the web of a twisted demonic entity and the killer toys running amok under its control before we get started with this story walkthrough it's important to note that I won't be thoroughly recapping the past events of Mr hop 1 and 2 in this video so if you'd like an in-depth understanding of that story be sure to check out my detailed exploration of those games I'll leave a link to that video at the end of this one with that said let's check out the events of this conclusive chapter in the Mr Hopps Trilogy this is the story of Mr Hopps Playhouse free explained [Music] our story picks up six months after the events of Mr Hopps Playhouse continuing the story of Ruby a child who who lost her parents in a fire the night Mr Hopper tacked her home under the control of the entity six months ago I defended myself from a monster that took away my home and my parents things have been awful ever since my nana died I wish she could call me her little gem and tell me everything was going to be okay just one more time Ruby wakes one night to find herself alone in her aunt's house she heads downstairs for a drink of water but after filling her glass the power goes out and a creepy series of events begin to unfold Ruby's doll suddenly appears in the living room and after collecting it up and heading to bed she hears the voice of her father beckoning to her from the hallway it's me open the door dad Ruby follows her father's voice downstairs but soon finds herself lost in a version of the house she doesn't recognize the message give yourself to US Written in Blood on the walls a female voice calls out her name this voice is a trap and leads Ruby into the clutches of Mr harp who stalks the halls of this nightmare Realm [Music] Ruby is transported to the Underworld the realm of the entity confused as to how Mr hopp found her she pushes on in search for way back to the human realm as she explores Ruby comes across shrines that fill us in on the dark history of the Underworld the first explains that the gemstone fragments we find throughout the various stages once belonged to much more powerful Stones a sliver of the sixes energy flows through them these six are a set of symbols that contain mystical Powers when combined as part of a necklace due to their Heavenly Origins and subsequent corruption by the dark lord these symbols can be used as a powerful source of both light and dark magic depending on the individual who wields them and the purity of their heart Ruby must first collect up three circular Stones which when placed in a nearby tablet open the door to her Escape these Stones feature familiar symbols each representing the killer toys under the entity's control Mr harp Mr stripes and Miss Beau unfortunately the exit doesn't guide Ruby back home but rather leads her to an illusionary version of a blackland's Mana orphanage a place Ruby has heard of before though she doesn't remember why this was of course the orphanage her grandmother Esther grew up in the very one where she herself came into contact with the entity and its band of Insidious living toys as Ruby heads downstairs she is ambushed by one of the entity's Guardians a skeletal humanoid carrying a pitchfork she manages to escape further into the orphanage where she must avoid not only more of these guardians but also deadly traps in the form of swinging axes spiked floors and thorny branches eventually Ruby reaches a prison cell where another young girl has been tied up above a pit of spikes in order to free her rubing The Flipper switch in the adjacent room after doing so the door locks behind her and a giant troll-like creature shows up to stop the terrified child to defeat this troll Ruby must solve a puzzle which opens a trapdoor in the center of the room dropping her assailant into a vat of acid after defeating the troll Ruby returns to the prison cell and freeze the other girl as she does this Mr Hop shows up and the two must flee to safety after escaping the demented bunny rabbit the girl Ruby saved reveals herself to be none other than Esther Ruby's grandmother in child form well done Ruby you really are my little gem Nana leave it it's so good to see you again dear [Music] Esther had been raised in the blacklands manor orphanage and this was where she first encountered The Entity and its killer toys these events are chronicled in the prequel game Mr Hopps Playhouse 2. one day a box of toys were anonymously donated to the orphanage Esther and her friends Molly and Isaac each received a toy from the donation box these toys were Mr Stripes Miss Beau and Mr harp the trio found out that these toys were haunted by a demonic entity an entity which had once been the guardian of Hope before being cast down into the underworld and becoming the dark lord an entity that enjoys corrupting human souls and feasting upon their pain and suffering the dark lord stole the six medallions which once kept the balance between The Realm of Darkness and Light and used their power to forge free strong subordinates which he then bound to the aforementioned toys these minions then began a crusade to gather souls for their master Esther was later tricked by another orphan named D into enacting a ritual which would bring the toys to life under the control of said entity Esther discovered that D was The Reincarnation of a girl named Isabelle a child who centuries ago had warned the medallions of the six herself The Entity had given Isabel for medallions so it could use her as a vessel to cause torment and suffering he influenced the child whose heart was already full of hatred to join him Isabel then used the power of a six to kill her mother which then led to her own execution as locals believed her to be a witch and so burned her at the stake Isabelle tried to influence both Esther and years later Ruby to give themselves over to the entity but luckily both managed to resist Esther used the six medallions to defeat both Isabel and the entity and save her friends unfortunately as she grew older and weaker The Entity was able to finally take control influencing Esther to hands for cursed Mr hop toy over to Ruby before being claimed by the demon in death A New Nightmare then began for her granddaughter leading to the loss of her parents when Mr Hopps sprung to life and attacked her family home as estrad wants to use the power of the sixth to confine the dark lord to the underworld he now sought Vengeance looking to imprison both Esther and Ruby so they may eternally suffer by his hand now Ruby and Esther are trapped in the entity's realm and must team up to find a way back out [Music] the two girls find themselves in a dark room full of cameras Isabelle Rises up in her spirit form and proposes the trio play a little game he's so good to see you I wish I could say the same we'll go fast while Ruby searches for an Escape Route estimates defend the room from the murderous advances of Mr harp to do this she flashes each of her free cameras periodically to check if the Demonic toy is hiding in the connecting hallways when she spots him estimates quickly close the door sending Mr Hopper treating back into the surrounding Darkness after repeating this process several times the Demon's presence subsides an Esther and Ruby make their escape after they reach a safe distance the two girls stop to talk here before a giant statue of The Entity Esther fills Ruby in on its horrifying Origins and tells her granddaughter exactly what is going on Nana what is that that is the Fallen guardian of Hope The Entity but that means we're in Yes dear the underworld how this is where bad people go we're not Bud right no of course not do you remember that necklace I used to own the medallions the ones you said protected us yes I use them to keep the entity and Mr hop away from us but as I got older and weaker I couldn't do that anymore we must find those medallions baby Ruby Falls through the floor of the orphanage deep into the catacombs of the Underworld for Now esther must press on alone she navigates further into the endless Halls of the orphanage solving puzzles avoiding the Dark Lord's henchmen and eventually surviving yet another tense encounter with Mr harp meanwhile Ruby wakes in the catacombs beneath the orphanage and begins to seek away back to the surface while she explores Ruby finds a seemingly harmless Panda doll named Miss Beau she doesn't realize this is one of the free subordinates of the dark lord and before long the monster materializes and chases Ruby through the darkness luckily the girl uses her wits to hide and sneak away undetected while Ruby deals with Miss Beau s defines herself pitted against the deadly Tiger toy Mr Stripes he stalks her in the darkness of the library but just as all seems lost a Guiding Light shows up and begins leading Esther to a series of plates by touching these plates in a certain sequence Esther is able to Vanquish Mr stripes and banish him at least for now after surviving the attack Esther reaches a Podium which holds the first of the six medallions she once wielded these medallions to defeat the entity and Isabelle banishing them back to the underworld perhaps this could work again collecting The Medallion grants Esther her light Powers she is now able to fire out a powerful aura that destroys the minions of the underworld as Esther continues on she returns to an area of the orphanage she had long hopes to forget these sleeping Quarters here the voices of her old friends Isaac and Molly Echo the misdeeds of the wicked matron Miss Beverly a woman who mistreated them many years ago do you think Miss Beverly ever Smiles only when a puppy is in danger can we go play now we moved back to Ruby's adventure and she now finds herself in her old Nursery a place where the other children teased and tormented her after she lost her parents in the house fire nobody believed her story The Tale of Mr Hall it seems the entity is using the underworld to bring to life for greatest fears of both of these children in the nursery Ruby must solve three different puzzles each one providing her with a different symbol a Moon Star and triangle to be precise by completing these puzzles and collecting these symbols the door is unlocked and Ruby finally escapes although something seems to have escaped from a Giant's Jack in the Box in the process and can now be heard eerily giggling through the Halls we return to Esther who continues to use her Newfound power to fight back against the entity's Army of Darkness Esther meets Isabel once more who relishes in the pain she is forced to relive by exploring the orphanage leave us alone Isabel let my family go home you confined again [Music] Esther and Ruby reunites and Ruby informs her grandma that something is following her Esther vows to put an end to things and the two continue together during the final leg of their Journey Esther comes across more and more of The Medallion pieces collecting them up with the hope that by wearing the necklace she will be able to defeat the entity once more as for girls explore they are attacked by Mr hop and his Twisted friends at every turn there are also more of the entity's Monstrous underlings to deal with such as this giant acid dwelling pincerberg Esther destroys this hideous creature and after doing so both herself and Ruby find themselves inside another memory this time a haunting childhood memory that belonged to Ruby of a day where the two visited a carnival maze while visiting the maze Ruby had been scared by a Jester and lo and behold This creepy figure is now manifested in the nightmare realm it is in fact very thing that escaped the Jack in the Box back in the nursery and Ruby must navigate The Maze being sure to keep a watchful eye on the jester as it can only move when they avert their gaze after escaping the jester and freeing themselves from Ruby's traumatic memory The Guiding Light appears once more and leads Esther to another Medallion piece however while Esther claims The Medallion Ruby is abducted once more hey Ruby Ruby finds herself deep within the entity's lair and soon comes face to face with the dark lord himself because you're evil she saved us [Music] that has taken everything from you your parents are gone your friends have abandoned you and now you ruled the way down here in the Stark up yes The Entity tries to corrupt Ruby and turn her against Esther meanwhile Esther speaks with a glowing orb of light you have no idea how special you both are who are you why are you helping us when the time comes you will know though the orb's identity eludes Esther we are able to piece together who this is based on a series of flashbacks that appear randomly throughout our adventure these flashbacks Explain the origin of this orb and its connection to Esther foreign [Music] s are brought to life in the same 2D pixel art style as the first two games during these flashbacks we follow the Journey of a pregnant woman named faith faith has a complicated pregnancy one which leaves her mostly bedridden as she dreams her husband Arthur watches over her unbeknownst to him the entity attempts to influence Faith while she sleeps seemingly wishing to harm both her and her unborn child faith is heavily religious and tries to explain to her husband Arthur that God has spoken to her and warned her the child is in danger but Arthur assumes his wife is simply unwell and doesn't seem to believe her faith and Arthur consult a doctor to try and help her but when the pregnancy eventually comes it claims Faith's life the child however survives and this child is Esther unable to deal with the pain of losing his wife Arthur gives up the child for adoption leaving estrom the care of the blackland's manor orphanage this is how she came to find herself there in Mr Hopps Playhouse too meanwhile Faith transcended to the afterlife where she became the watchful orb of light that now guides Esther and Ruby to safety watching over her daughter from the afterlife Esther must now save Ruby before she is corrupted by the Dark Lord's lies she faces a gauntlet of Terror as she must do battle with all three of the Demonic Toys using the power of light harnessed through the medallions Esther successfully takes down Miss Beau Mr stripes and finally Mr Hobb each one rewarding her with another Medallion piece after their defeat Esther now possesses five of the six necklace medallions to claim the sixth and final Medallion piece she must enter the entity's lair for one final showdown [Music] Mr Hopps Playhouse 3 contains two different endings one good and one bad so let's take a look at each in turn beginning with the bad ending in this sequence Esther fights her way to confront the dark lord and save Ruby Burt finds it's too late and her granddaughter has been corrupted where is she is right here safe with me Ruby are you okay senses now my subordinates she no longer wants anything to think to you gave me that toy Nana you took my life away from me you're the reason I'm even here Ruby I never would have given Mr hop to you if I could have helped it they took control of me I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect you you're still my little gem right enough of this you will fall here Esther thank you Nana Ruby is sent back to the human realm where the entity May Prey Upon and torment her from the Shadows forevermore meanwhile Esther is destroyed and will forever remain a prisoner within the underworld however there is a way to end things on a happier and more satisfying note to do so we must make sure we have collected all gemstones from every stage of the game these gemstones contain the power of the six the light that was stripped from the medallions when they were corrupted by the Dark Lord by restoring this light we witness a very different story outcome you're still my little gem right enough of this you will fall here Esther no you treacherous witch can you hear me say something free the power of the six Ruby is reminded of her grandmother's love and defies the entity passing the final Medallion to Esther she is then struck down and seems dead as Esther Mourns Ruby's passing for medallions gravitate towards her bestowing Esther with their power and transforming her into an ascended being an archangel capable of fighting the powers of Darkness a fight between ascended Esther and the dark lord ensues with Esther eventually coming out with Victor she is then able to bring Ruby back from the dead and to take over as the new ruler of the underworld in this moment Esther finally realizes who that Guiding Light really was her late mother Faith everything's okay now I think mum and dad are waiting for you up there what you're not coming The Entity said this place must have a ruler and someone needs to keep all these souls in check besides there's no place for an old girl like me on the surface anymore I will watch over all of you always goodbye Nana [Music] the ending suggests that Ruby's parents were freed from the grasp of the underworld and brought back to life on the surface World Ruby joins them and lives happily ever after Esther watching over her from the afterlife ensuring that no harm will come to her granddaughter ever again though everything seems resolved one final and very brief cutscene reveals that Isabel has survived and lurks in the shadows of the underworld perhaps she will attempt to resurrect the dark lord and his band of killer toys but for now this is where our story ends and with that we have come to the end of today's video and the story of Mr Hopps Playhouse free explained I hope you found this video both entertaining and informative and if you did remember to leave a like comment down below and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and I will see you on the next video thank you [Music]
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 1,188,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr hopps playhouse 3, mr. hopp's playhouse 3 explained, mr. hopp's playhouse 3 all endings, mr. hopps playhouse 3 story explained, mr. hopp's playhouse 3 game theory, mr. hopp's, mr. stripe, superhorrorbro, superhorrorbro mr hopps playhouse, mr hopp's playhouse 3 good ending, mr. hopp's playhouse all endings, mr. hopp's playhouse 3 bad ending, superhorrorbro explained
Id: gOfkjN1Ejns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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