Bendy and the Dark Revival - The Story Explained

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hey guys super horror bro Mike here and in today's video we return to Joey Drew Studios as we explain the story that unfolds within its Inky depths this is the story of Bendy and the dark Revival explained [Music] the year is 1973. exactly 10 years after the tragic events of Bendy and the ink machine where we experienced Henry's never-ending cycle of Torment at the hands of his old business partner Joey Drew Joey had once run a successful self-named cartoon Studio Joey Drew Studios from which many famous cartoon characters of the 1930s and 1940s had been created these included Boris The Wolf Alice Angel The Butcher gang and of course that dancing demon bendy himself as we learned from the story that unfolded in bendy and the ink machine Joey Drew Studios eventually fell on hard times and this led to its closure in 1948. however this bankruptcy the studio faced wasn't simply born from the costs of animating cartoons but rather from a Sinister and inhumane partnership between Joey Drew and the Gent Corporation with gent's help Joey used a new kind of ink known as thick ink which flowed from a device known as the ink machine to secretly trap Souls of Studio workers and rebirth them as living cartoon mascots though this process didn't work as planned and instead bore out Inky monstrosities such as 2p searches and barely human lost Ones other experiments were more successful such as Boris The Wolf and two versions of Alice Joey's end goal was to open an amusement park that would draw people far and wide with its promise of living cartoon mascots however this nightmarish Vision was never fully realized the studio ran out of funds and Joey ended up owing magenta Corporation an unthinkable amount of money and the doors were eventually closed for Good the dark secrets of the studio buried from public knowledge forever Joey ended up as a washed up recluse Vanishing from a public eye and living out his final days in a crummy apartment in downtown New York however as we see during the final moments of the original game he kept hold of the ink machine for reasons unknown we learned that Joey eventually died in 1971 but an old friend of Joey's business tycoon Nathan Arch didn't wish to see his legacy fade from the annals of History Nathan purchased Joey's entire estate including everything bendy related and planned a grand Revival of the franchise at his newly founded Animation Studio archgate pictures friend Joey knew the Thrills of bringing characters to life rest his soul maybe with a bit of elbow grease and a small cash investment and resurrect the past the papers are signed the animation staff is hired Arts gate pictures is open for business as of nine o'clock this morning bendy and all his little cartoon friends now belong to me I'll admit it's strange owning a dear friend's Legacy but I think Joy would be content knowing it safely in my hands with archgate pictures Nathan Arch planned to bring Joey Drew's cartoon Creations to a new audience and so hired a team of animators to help realize this dream one of these animators was a young girl named Audrey and it is here on a fateful stormy night that our Story begins [Music] Audrey is working late the last animator in the building as she races to meet a brutal deadline she heads to the elevator for a much-needed cup of coffee but as she enters is startled by the studio janitor Wilson Audrey Wilson scared me to death I'm sorry my dear didn't mean to frighten you you're working late tonight and pretty girl like you shouldn't be wandering around all by yourself mind if I step in uh of course not thank you Audrey the elevator breaks down on the wrong floor and so Wilson heads into a back room to fix it Audrey finds herself wandering around an exhibit dedicated to the late Joey Drew throughout this historical archive we see many familiar remnants from the old Studio including the ink machine itself though it appears some have been misplaced as six pedestals are missing their memorabilia while Wilson gets to work fixing up the elevator he asks Audrey if she can locate and return these relics these are a record bendy plush Joey's autobiography and inkwell a spanner and a gear once all of these items have been retrieved and placed upon their respective plinths Wilson asks Audrey to flip a switch connected to the ink machine at the back of a room upon doing so the creepy janitor's friendly demeanor transforms into something far more Sinister he grabs Audrey and the two are consumed by the ink now flowing from the machine [Music] come find me and I'll show you your purpose I'll show you the truth this can't be rude and now [Music] what are you doing when Audrey wakes she is no longer inside the world she wants new instead her surroundings resemble that of a monochromatic living cartoon an Inky message on the wall before her ominously reads welcome home but what does this mean she then realizes that she too has adopted a new inky form her human appearance now more reminiscent of a cartoon characters she used to draw as Audrey begins to explore she discovers that this Inky nightmare is a recreation of a long forgotten Joey Drew Studios now inhabited by all manner of Inky monsters these include lost Ones searches and even terrifying versions of the butcher gang brought to life before her very eyes she finds many notes and audio logs scattered about the halls of the studio which explain its dark history how Joey Drew was a tyrant who worked his employees into the ground how the studio collaborated with a company known as gent and how it faced financial hardship along the way there are also notes that refer to Wilson and speak of him as the man who banished the ink demon some notes seem more direct as if purposely guiding Audrey through his Inky World they offer helpful hints and are mysteriously signed with the handle your best pal it isn't long before Audrey encounters a friendly face amongst the masses of unfriendly ones a cartoon rendition of the Beloved character Alice angel what is this horrible Place yeah I remember my first day down here I know it's scary but you're actually pretty lucky the machine could have turned you into a Searcher you mean that that thing that attacked me no that's a piper and he's part of a gang so be careful I don't understand any of this can't think it hurts you'll catch on pretty quickly if you can stay alive of course we know this character to be called Alison and she warns Audrey of a creature known as the ink demon a Monster who still rules over these Halls despite Wilson's claims that he banished him away something doesn't quite add up here as we remember from a story of the previous game that it was Henry Stein an old friend of Joey Drew who helped found the studio and create bendy who banished the ink demon during the final moments of the previous game after playing a film reel titled the end Audrey presses on and makes her way inside the animation wing of the studio where with Alison's guidance she manages to acquire a weapon to defend herself in the form of this gent pipe the pipe is lodged in the stomach of a deceased lost one who has been strung up for following the path of the ink demon it seems all those drawn to walk with demons are harshly punished as a result all at the behest of the mysterious Wilson weapon in hand Audrey can finally fight back against the hordes of Inky enemies standing in her way but she also discovers she has gained new powers alongside her new form the ability to sneak upon an enemy and banish them consuming their life force and transforming it into healing energy Audrey is no ordinary trapped Soul within this world she seems to possess a unique connection to it and draw power from her surroundings [Music] beyond the animation alley Audrey finds a secret room where a familiar face is held prisoner a living version of Bendy himself in his cute cartoon form a far cry from the terrifying ink demon she has heard Tales of Audrey approaches bendy and extends her hand in Friendship but in doing so inadvertently shocks baby bendy with her dark Powers causing him to Scurry away into events [Music] I'm sorry I didn't know that would happen I promise sorry after this encounter with cartoon bendy Audrey finally meets the real terror the ink demon himself who has evolved far beyond the form Henry encountered 10 years earlier this Twisted version of the ink demon has a voice speaking to Audrey as he stalks her through the halls of the studio the ink demon has the power to influence those born from the ink machine he learns of a Soul's Secrets through the ink and then speaks to them his voice turning one's mind to Madness notes found throughout the studio speak of how this demon gives a lost soul purpose while his words are lies he has an intoxicating pull an Allure that many cannot resist it seems for lost souls of Joey Drew Studios all seek out their purpose after being reborn into this Inky realm reality is far darker the ink demon uses his influence to lead the inhabitants of this world to their deaths consuming them should they cross his path some are then reborn back into the studio in a new inky form but others are less fortunate becoming trapped between the real world and the ink World ghosts of the machine all dream is now outwits the ink demon by taking refuge in Vents and lockers whenever he is near if she fails to reach a suitable hiding spot before the monster locates her then she is forever consumed [Music] Audrey's journey is long and hazardous and along the way she encounters a few new friends one such companion is a cheery if goofy lost one named Porter in return for landing Porter a helping hand this quirky character bestows a useful new ability upon Audrey by connecting with her through the ink the power to teleport short distances which helps for both dodging enemies as well as reaching previously unreachable areas of the studio there are new enemies abounds too the first of these is the fourth member of the butcher gang previously unknown and with good reason her name is Carly and she is a mischievous ghost who can appear out of thin air charging down anyone who stands in her way Carly was the design of an underappreciated artist by the name of Jane Todd whose fellow artists mocked her creation and dismissed it Jane then became set on bringing Carly to life and decided to approach Joey Drew to make this happen this story Echoes the fate of Susie Campbell in the previous bendy game the original voice actress for Alice Angel who became obsessed with the character she portrayed on screen and eventually ended up as a research subject for Joey Drew who trapped her soul within the ink machine and created a twisted version of Alice whose imperfection led her to become lost in Madness as she sought to become perfect so could it be that Jane Todd ended up as the soul trapped inside Carly another experiment of a collaboration between Joey and the Gent Corporation maybe but that's a theory for another video after encountering Carly Audrey finds her way to the studio elevators hoping they will lead her out of the studio and back to the outside world she steps inside the Terrace sent is soon interrupted by a mysterious voice [Music] the elevator plunges into the deepest depths of the studio where Audrey finds herself in the lair of yet another new enemy a giant Inky spider known as king Widow the king Widow is another monstrous creature that has evolved from the ink and it lays clusters of eggs all around its home at the bottom of the Elevator Shaft these eggs hatch out many widows Who Bite and Claw at Audrey as she desperately tries to open the exit and defeats the king Widow after finally Conquering the mighty arachnid Terror Audrey makes her way into the nearby sewer system where she encounters cartoon bendy once again however after their shocking first encounter the little fella isn't too trusting and scampers off once more Audrey chases after him but as she emerges into the sewer system she is greeted not by bendy but instead an unexpected figure from the past I believe there's something special Audrey who are you do foreign take a good look [Music] aren't you Joey true In the Flesh what so to speak come on up let's take a little walk [Music] Joey Drew lives on inside the ink machine now in a cartoon form he invites Audrey into the safety of his Hideout and on the way explains a little about how the world inside the ink machine actually works he claims this Inky cartoon realm exists in parallel with a real world outside though in this realm time does not pass in a linear fashion the world inside the ink machine is stuck in an endless cycle a never-ending Loop that repeats over and over with each time it repeats the world slowly begins to crumble and wear down this is why we see messages around the studio stating that the machine must endure it is also why surroundings seem far more unstable and broken than they did when Henry took his own Journey 10 years earlier Joey also explains that someone from the outside world is messing with the one inside the ink machine this disruption has resulted in the appearance of dark entities emerging from the inky puddles we know the man responsible for this disruption is Wilson the worst of these creations are for Keepers who have taken over the nearby gent Workshop these keepers have Frozen the cycle in place and changed events which is why bendy has evolved and the studio become more deadly than ever before Joey then explains Audrey's purpose she is here to set things right and break the cycle you're here for a reason Audrey there's always a reason even when you can't understand it you made this world why can't you fix it because I'm not the man I'm just the memory Joey Fades away revealing himself to be nothing more than a ghost of the machine a memory born from the ink with n after this startling Revelation Audrey faces the inky depths of the sewers where after defeating a high-ruling lost one named Lord a mock she takes the throne in his place she can't sit on the frame for too long though she has a mission to complete and so heads up the ladder and surfaces in a train station overlooking a vast city the city of Broken Dreams here Audrey finally catches up to baby bendy and manages to win him over with some kind words I didn't mean to hurt you want to hurt me either right good let's be friends then okay what do you say you and me awesome maybe you can help me I'm looking for the old gent building [Music] what's wrong is it a bad place it's okay I won't let anything happen to you we'll go one step at a time just you and me let's see what we can find with their trust issues resolved for time being Audrey and bendy head out onto the city streets and over to the Gent Workshop that Joey pointed her toward unfortunately their entry is denied and an ID card required bendy helps Audrey track down a note written by a gent worker this note guides them to a rundown hotel where the ID card has been left for safe keeping as Audrey walks over to collect the card she is approached by Joey Drew once more who whisks her away to a familiar location where a memorable voice can be heard I'm here I'm here let's see if we can find what you wanted me to say Audrey finds herself in the area of a studio where Henry first began his own cycle back in 1963 though it now looks far more ruined worn down by the many cycles this Inky realm has had to endure over the years Joey prompts Audrey to take a seat before a projector and here he explains his history with Henry and Audrey's own Origins Joey had been a bitter man in life frustrated that his old business partner Henry Stein left the studio Joey created the ink machine alongside a version of Henry that he could trap inside its world and torment forevermore within an endless cycle of misery however as the years went on Joey found a Guiding Light a voice actress at the studio named Alison Pendle who took over the role of a character from Susie Campbell befriended Joey and warmed his icy heart inspired by Alison Joey created a version of her within the ink machine a new version of Alice angel that would help Henry on his path and bring him hope within his endless loop after doing so Joey decided to create something to help him find his own purpose in life a daughter this daughter was also born from the ink machine and her name was Audrey although the road to creating Joey's perfect daughter was long and many failed experiments occurred along the way we discover this knowledge in a note located further into the game these failed versions of Audrey referred to Joey as uncle and one can be heard at the end of the original game tell me another one Uncle Joey you will also notice that the picture drawn by Henry Once found hanging in Joey's apartment appears on the wall beside Audrey's desk in her office at archgate pictures proving this connection to be genuine learning the truth that Joey is her father is too much for Audrey to handle I'm not listening to any more of your lies remember you are Audrey leave me alone ah with this Revelation Audrey returns to the present and collects up the ID card but when she exits the hotel bendy is gone Audrey heads back to the Gent workshop and manages to gain entry but upon doing so learns of another worrying Revelation as she makes her way to the front entrance she is ambushed by the ink demon but just as he is about to attack electrical pylons spark to life and to transform him into cartoon bendy before her very eyes the ink demon and bendy are one and the same dual personalities trapped inside one body that can transform in the blink of an eye a balance of both good and evil love and hatred in a days bendy wanders off into an Inky passage in the wall leaving Audrey to live to fight another day foreign T Workshop holds many Dark Secrets it reveals just how twisted the Gent Corporation became in its pursuit of turning people into living cartoon Creations via the power of the ink machine an audio log explains how men from the street down on their luck and living in poverty were paid to become part of gent's research and experimentation unbeknownst to these poor souls this meant becoming imprisoned within the confines of a workshop and killed their bodies pushed down a shoot into a location known as the pit where gent would blend them with the ink and revive them in a new cartoon form just as Wilson did to Audrey at the beginning of the game we see bodies hidden under sheets throughout this creepy location remnants of these experiments while Joey Drew was working with a gent Corporation we hear Tales of how they took over the studio Like A Parasite filling its halls with their staff who were abusive towards the many Studio employees toiling away on Joey's cartoons the Gent Corporation became increasingly interested in Joey's idea of bringing cartoons to life even building a tunnel between his studio and their newly founded Workshop in order to better coordinate their experimentation accountants Grant Cohen even comments on how he believed gent was bailing Joey out financially so these inhumane activities could continue amidst his bankruptcy one scientist named Alan gray continued to inquire about the ink machine after Joey's passing the machine now property of Nathan Arch had made its way inside the archgate pictures building and Mr Gray visited on several occasions to keep tabs on it even after experiment had halted due to the closure of Joey Drew Studios it seems gents were thirsty to continue their terrible experiments after leaving the workshop Audrey reaches a grand industrial Factory where she finally encounters for creepy Keepers that Joey warned her of back in the sewers as Audrey approaches the factory she is trapped in a room by the keepers who appear on a set of giant monitors to interrogate her when they discover she wishes to speak to Wilson they deem her hazardous and attempt to kill her with toxic gas please let me see him [Music] come back Audrey manages to smash open a duct and quickly Escape into the vent system making her way stealthily inside the factory the keepers are mechanical banshees created by Wilson to govern and keep order within this altered version of the inky realm he drew them into reality and gave them life but they have made things much worse so how did this occur well from notes and audio logs picked up around the studio we learn a little bit more about Wilson's story Wilson was a worker at archgate pictures who was working on the delivery dock one morning when the ink machine was delivered from Joey Drew Studios While most of the staff had no idea of the ink machine's purpose thinking it to Simply Be a cool looking Contraption from Joey Drew's Studio's past Wilson instantly knew it held many dark secrets Wilson never fit in around the studio he was Outcast and ignored by his co-workers for his unusual appearance but Wilson used their cruel judgments to his own Advantage due to his appearance he could become anyone a producer an artist or even a lowly janitor fitting in like a chameleon around the studio his original role at archgate is unclear though it is suggested that he may have been an artist himself at one point his janitor role gave him access to the archgate building after hours and access to every room as it was his duty to clean up the place and so Wilson secretly conducted his own experiments with the ink machine and that very special Inc every night after hours this led to him finding a way to remold the inky world how he saw fit this began with the capture of the ink demon after bendy had been imprisoned by the keepers Wilson tasked them with terminating him however this termination did not work as bendy was far too resilient and so a series of torturous experiments were carried out that inflicted great pain and suffering upon the poor creature with no way to destroy the ink demon the keepers came up with an alternate solution they created a new inky form for bendy one that resembled his cute and mischievous guys from the cartoons the murderous ink demon was placed inside this new form which seemed to bring out bendy's good side especially when shown affection from others however the ink Demon's evil side had grown more vengeful and hateful than ever before as a result of a pain and torture he was put through at Wilson's hand he gained a higher level of intelligence too evolving over the many cycles to the point where he could finally talk and influence others through the ink it is unclear why bendy switches between these two forms but he seems to have a dual personality and depending on his current mood Alters between the two almost like an Incredible Hulk style concept the electrical pylon seen earlier keep the demon away from Wilson's Factory and for Keepers who tortured him as long as these pylons are active Wilson can hide away in safety claiming that he banished the ink demons so that other Souls Lost within this Inky world will feel he is protecting them and therefore do his bidding though it seems many of the Studio's Inky denizens despise Wilson and fear his influence over their Inky habitat after Audrey discovers the truth behind the keepers and their experiments she reaches the darkest depths of the factory and a room with the signed cycle Breakers hanging above however she is locked out of this area and is approached by a childlike lost one who offers to Grant her access if she indulges her in a game of hide and seek finally and I'll open the door for you I promise Look Away what I hide and no digging this lost one is known as Heidi and she may be one of the failed versions of Audrey that Joey Drew tried to create when using the ink machine to birth a daughter of his own one of the little girls that referred to him as Uncle Joey this would explain her childlike voice and mannerisms Audrey finds Heidi and in return is given a new power the ability to travel through the inky pipes around the studio with ease she is also granted access to the cycle breaker room this ominous area is full of prison cells each housing character is familiar to anyone with knowledge of Henry's original Journey Through the studio there's Norman Polk for projectionist Sami Lawrence who celebrated and praised the ink demon and Bertram Piedmont for frustrated architect behind bendy land though the cell containing Alice Angel is oddly empty Wilson feared these characters as they all had major impacts on the previous cycle and therefore the knowledge of how to break it as Wilson and the keepers had Frozen the cycle in place they do not wish for it to be tampered with by these cycle Breakers of course for one person responsible for resetting the cycle each time is Henry and lo and behold Audrey finds him locked away here too my name is Henry have you been a prisoner long the keepers think you're a threat they lock you away forever [Music] everything begins completely new obviously Wilson and the keepers don't want that Henry tells Audrey that the ink demon is the key to resetting the cycle and restoring the studio to its original form in order to do this Audrey must complete the same Mission as Henry once did play bendy a realer film labeled the end the film reel is located deep within Wilson's Retreat so Audrey leaves Henry in the confines of his cell and pushes on it isn't long before she is captured by a keeper and put to sleep when she wakes Audrey finds herself on a train heading to Wilson's Hideout Wilson sits before her and explains why he forced Audrey into this world there's nothing to fear as long as I'm with you you're safe now did this to me you brought me here turned me into this this thing this doesn't make sense I've never done anything to you open your eyes and look around you none of this this makes drawn walls nightmarish creatures an ancient Studio that died out almost 30 years ago it's all fiction utter nonsense and yet in here it exists Wilson tells us that while the world inside the ink machine is fictitious anything created within can then be born into reality this was always Joey's plan to create living cartoons inside the ink machine and then birth them into reality a vision he realized in part with the birth of Audrey Wilson also tells Audrey that he needs to help us save his father's life and so she agrees to hear him out and follow him into the retreat here the Keeper's stripper of her weapons and using the electrical pylons subdue her Supernatural Powers she then follows Wilson into his Mansion where he introduces her to a mechanical doll-like figure named Betty a quick rest will do you good Betty will show you to your room she's my housekeeper among other things you never actually killed the ink demon did you no he's too powerful to destroy so we sealed him away trapped him in a different form one that was smaller harmless bendy it was a fitting prison although he seems to have found a way to free himself but enough talk we'll deal with that soon enough there's some nice fresh blankets all laid out for you you'll be dreaming in no time wait Wilson one more thing if you needed my help why didn't you just ask come alone and no more doodling this way now Betty is Wilson's housekeeper and shows Audrey to her room she seems friendly and puts Audrey's mind at ease about Wilson he seems to look after all those that live here and this kindness plants seeds of doubt in Audrey's mind she begins to think that maybe Wilson's intentions are good after all Betty prepares a sleeping remedy to help Audrey get some rest but after drinking the potent concoction Alice Angel breaks into Audrey's room and kidnaps her foreign Audrey wakes up she is strapped to an electric chair in the north wing and off-limits area of Wilson's Retreat where nobody dares Venture Alice is throwing a dinner party in Audrey's honor but her intentions are not Heavenly instead Alice wishes to toy with and torture Audrey consuming her heart in her continued Pursuits to become perfect but for now let's have fun plenty of time for a blood battle later oh how about a game let's all play a game of riddles riddles oh what a wonderful idea Audrey is tasked with completing a puzzle which involves lining up various animal pictures in the correct order and then pulling a lever to power up the electric chair she gains hints as to the correct order from Alice's dinner guests who are bound to chairs around the table if Audrey guesses the correct order then the dinner guests fry if not she will cook instead after correctly lining up the pictures the guests are electrocuted freeing Audrey and sending Alice Angel into a vengeful Wrath she loads up a Tommy Gun and proceeds to try and shoot Audrey as she makes her way through the north wing eventually Audrey manages to outflank Alice and knock her from her post on the balcony the two fall to the floor and begin to fight it out but just as Audrey seems bested a Cutlass is thrust through Alice's chest and Audrey is saved by a friend from the past my face of my face our face beautiful always were [Music] once again good Alice intervenes and saves Audrey from Evil Alice just as she did for Henry in the story of Bendy and the ink machine because Alice escaped from her cell inside the cycle breaker prison an opportunity reopened for the cycle to continue which is exactly what Wilson was trying to avoid Audrey gives a name to good Alice the title we all know her by Alison the machine creates many of the same forms at least on the outside on the inside we're all pretty different well from now on I'm going to call you something other than Alice it just doesn't suit you oh what do you have in mind how about Allison it's not bad okay I'll try it out but only if you can tell me what in Heaven's name you're doing in Wilson's Retreat we also learned that Alison felt sorry for Alice and has been trying to look out for her writing her secret messages to try and bring out the good within her she felt sorry for the Fallen Angel and her misguided mission to become perfect alas the cycle always ends the same way with Alice Dying by Alison's hand while protecting the story's protagonist Alison also brings along a familiar face Tom a version of Boris with a mechanical arm who acts as her partner in crime V2 promised to assemble an army to fight back against the ink demon while Audrey heads to Wilson's laboratory to hear out his master plan foreign and so we come to the end of Audrey's Adventure as she faces Wilson in his laboratory the journey to the lab is strange to say the least it appears Wilson has managed to channel color into this world running it through a series of pipes and into the laboratory Wilson explains that in order to destroy bendy they must create a successor to him an entity even more powerful that can act as a God to rule over this world to do this Wilson created a character of his own a sailor character named Ship Ahoy Dudley however this character would need a soul and Wilson has decided that Audrey with her connection to the machine and Powerful abilities will be the perfect fit it could work but it sounds risky how will we control him we don't want to repeat Joey's mistake no we don't all of the factors must be perfect the right design the right science and the right soul what at last your purpose is revealed Audrey this is why you're here with your soul inside him my creation will live forever stay away from me Wilson also reveals that he is in fact the son of Nathan Arch explaining that he resented his father who never showed him any kind of love or encouragement as he didn't live up to the business tycoon's high expectations Wilson grabs Audrey and pulls her towards his splicing machine but she fights back and manages to push him into the mass of swords and Blades shredding his body to ribbons and entrapping his soul within the Dudley design in the Next Room Audrey locates the ink machine and Powers it up this brings ship Hoy Dudley to life who then proceeds to try and kill her fighting back Audrey almost manages to destroy Wilson and his monstrous creation after a long-fought battle to the death but is grabbed at the last minute her legs ripped from her body she begins to bleed out into an Inky puddle on the floor just as it seems All Is Lost to the ink demon attacks Wilson and tears out his throat managing to make his way into the lab as Audrey had shut down the electrical pylons he then approaches Audrey as she breathes her last breath and offers her a way to survive by merging with him and becoming a singular entity [Music] [Music] [Applause] like me Audrey takes bendy's hand and merges with the ink demon creating the monster Beast bendy the final form the demon took when facing off against Henry during his cycle Joey Drew then materializes before them and tries to reason with Audrey he tells her to fight the darkness and take control but before she can he falls victim to the Wrath of the ink demon the future ah [Music] what do you think you're doing I'm starting over this is the end seeing her father destroyed before her very eyes awakens something within Audrey giving her the drive to fight the darkness and to take control of her host body she overpowers beast bendy from within and uses him to mow down the inky Army of lost ones who follow him as she bounds through the halls of the studio a collection of familiar faces return to help her along the way Alison Tom Porter and even Henry all show up to open up doors and guide Audrey to the projector room where the film reel the end can be played to Beast bendy and in doing so resets the cycle once more this and doing all of Wilson's corruption and returning things to their original state we then returned to archgate pictures where Audrey is once again in her human form though she now knows of her cartoon Origins and her body literally bends just like the rubber host cartoons she used to draw by breaking Wilson's cycle Audrey has been freed and now how she is able to rule over the world inside the ink making it a better place for all of the Lost Souls trapped within and in one final twist her merging with the ink demon allowed her to do something miraculous to bring Cartoon bendy into the real world alongside her separated from his evil side bendy finally exists as a force of good shedding his dark past and finding light within a new friend Audrey has achieved what her father Joey had always hoped to she brought a cartoon to life but as the credits roll we experience a wrinkle in this happy ending the Gent Corporation likely led by Alan gray steal away the ink machine under the cover of darkness and transport it to their workshop this hints at a setup for a third game where Audrey and bendy will have to work together in the real world to stop gent and save those still trapped within the inky depths of the machine and with that we come to the end of his look at the story three of Bendy and the dark Revival there's many elements of his story still to cover in detail and plenty of plot points to theorize over but for now I hope you enjoyed this look at the surface level story and found it both entertaining and informative if you did remember to leave a like comment down below and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and I will see you on the next video [Music] thank you
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 1,965,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bendy and the dark revival, BATDR, bendy, bendy and the ink machine, superhorrorbro, superhorrorbro bendy and the dark revival, superhorrorbro BATDR, superhorrorbro bendy, bendy and the dark revival ending, BATDR ending, bendy and the dark revival story explained, BATDR story explained, BATDR ending explained, bendy and the dark revival ending explained, BATDR game theory, bendy and the dark revival theory, BATDR theories, superhorrorbro story explained
Id: OZ8d552ntW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 21 2022
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