My Friendly Neighborhood - The Story and Endings Explained

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hey guys superhero bro Mike here and in today's video it's time to go on a repair job at a local TV station full of crazed mascot puppets as we explore the story and endings of my friendly neighborhood so sit back relax and let's journey into this decidedly unfriendly neighborhood [Music] begin to tackle the story of central protagonist Gordon and his journey through the abandoned TV studio we must first learn about the my friendly neighborhood show and why it was eventually canceled and the studio closed this information is revealed to the player through a series of notes and newspaper articles found throughout the game these documents not only explore the show's history but also a fictional War happening to the north at the same time as well as shedding light on events unfolding within the city around the studio my friendly neighborhood was originally made for Public Access television and titled Ricky with friends it was the creation of Al gurswald who aimed to create a show that would bring joy to children but also teach them valuable life lessons after its success on public access the show was picked up by the city Network broadcasting group and its title changed to the one we now know production took place in the city Network hotel and the first episode aired on November 9 1968. it was an instant hit with children drawn to The Lovable neighbors and their idealistic World a series of movies followed as well as hundreds of episodes over the next decade now at this point it is worth noting where my friendly neighborhood differs from most other mascot horror games rather than these puppets being Rogue animatronics or brought to life by human Souls via Twisted inhumane experimentation these mascots are simply alive just as characters within Jim Henson's Sesame Street or the Muppets are the world of my friendly neighborhood is not based in our reality it is set in a completely fictional Universe where it seems puppets simply exist alongside humans however as you will see later in the story these puppets are far more innocent than their human counterparts and easily manipulated by their surroundings sometimes for the worse while mfn was popular for many years it eventually met its downfall this all started as a result of a war waging on the Northern continent this War lasted for 20 years and claimed almost a hundred thousand casualties finally ending on February 4th 1972 while never named as such this war is a very obvious parallel to the Vietnam War this was the first war to be televised and just like the Vietnam War the repercussions of this changed the television landscape as a result moving further and further away from more innocent family-friendly output and more and more towards grittier more adult content audiences became jaded and conditioned by the graphic imagery appearing on their screens during wartime and wanted programming to reflect that by the early 1980s a shift had occurred with programming moving towards crime and drama shows which better appealed to the generation of children who grew up during the televised War a wholesome show like my friendly neighborhood no longer fit in and so the city Network broadcasting group instructed Al gurswald to change the tone of mfn and reimagine the core principles of the series it was also around this time that the city had gone through a massive economic downturn and as a result was being brought up by business tycoon Ronald Rick borker and his company nebu zaradan Enterprises evicting many citizens from their homes as he strived to create a city that could withstand the future by placing profits ahead of the well-being of consumers this led to people of the city feeling more and more alienated and alone there was a feeling of hopelessness and depression the city became a dark and hostile place my friendly neighborhood struggled to keep up with the new format of televised broadcasting which favored pessimism over optimism a scandal had also happened on the set where one of the puppets Rey had attacked the show's lead human actor Richie Bromley who later called the puppet Stars crazy this led Richie to quit and so the show lost its leading man this coupled with a series of failures of a box office and a lack of interest in the show due to a jaded post-war generation of viewers led to its cancellation on July 15 1983. Creator Al gurswald gave a final recorded address to his young viewers in which he sounded defeated and sad he ended by stating that while Darkness exists in the heart of every human there is also light Al urged his viewers to try and find the light and see the best in humanity this message was always the point of my friendly neighborhood it sought to give hope to the Next Generation with the cancellation of the show it seems the city finally lost its last Bastion of light and plunged Into Darkness and that is where our Story begins [Music] fast forward to July 8 1993. the studio had been vacated for nearly a decade however one night the antenna begins broadcasting classic episodes of my friendly neighborhood over the Nightly News Gordon O'Brien a local repairman is sent out to turn off the antenna at the top of the city Network broadcasting group hotel we can tell from this work order that Gordon has a problem with authority and seems to dislike his job he is currently on his final warning at work disable the antenna the last job of the day is always the worst Gordon enters the hotel lobby and heads to the elevator which will take him up to the roof so he can shut off the antenna however the elevator door is stuck together by a sticky jam-like substance with no other options Gordon Rings develop a reception desk and waits for assistance rather than being greeted by a fellow human he is instead met by Ricky a sock puppet who is one of the main stars of the mfn show I'm here to disconnect the internet I am Ricky the suck your television will never be the same we hold on did you say disconnect the antenna yes oh my no no no no no no no no you mustn't do that that would be a catastrophe it's broadcasting over the news the news no no trust me the antenna is just fine as it is doesn't need any disconnecting Ricky tries his best to dissuade Gordon from shutting down the broadcast while the two argue Ricky hacks up a key card before disappearing back into the hole here strong keycard in hand Gordon heads over to stage four in search for an alternate route to the antenna stage 4 is home to many of the puppet stars of my friendly neighborhood there's Norman June bug Leonard Liliana and George each have their own personality and distinctive features however as these puppets have gone so long without stimulation and meaningful human interaction they have turned crazy endlessly reciting jumbled lines from the show's episodes when you go to the park bring some food for all the wild animals for birds you can bring sunflower seeds for squirrels you can bring peanuts for dogs you can bring squirrels for the ambient environment you can bring a punk rock band that practices in your neighbor's backyard shed and for me your bestest friend you can you can just bring a friend all all I need is is a friend in fact the further into the story we get the more we learn about how these puppets require constant human interaction to prevent them from getting out of hand just like people they require love and attention in order to fully function these mascots Rush Gordon on site arms outstretched ready to attack though these attacks seem to be more excitable attempts at interaction rather than malicious acts of violence but puppets are simply excited to finally see a human once more and perhaps slightly bitter at being abandoned by their creator Gordon locates a gun known as the stenographer in the dressing room of mfn Star Richie Bromley this pistol-like gun fires off letters of the alphabet from a roller Dexter which helps Gordon take down his puppet assailants with ease the guns Gordon locates throughout his Adventure were designed by an inventor called Hank he made these non-lethal weapons for security purposes special effects and fun though their use on the puppets may have resulted in some unintended side effects such as the aggression they Now display Ricky shows up to try and take the gun from Gordon Bert's fails oh my that's where I left that fine eventually Gordon gains a circular key which allows him to access the old city set here he meets another mascot of a show a giant bird named Pearl Pearl is missing her eyes and as a result aimlessly stumbles about the set posing a great danger to those around her who she tramples Under Foot while exploring the set Gordon locates a pair of glasses which he is then able to place atop Pearl's beak so that she can finally see once again helping out this giant bird calms her nerves she finally sees her reflection in the mirror after so many years of Darkness that's right it's been a long time since you saw yourself huh happens to all of us we all get shocked sometimes when we look in the mirror sorry sorry by completing a puzzle involving alphabet blocks Gordon retrieves a letter which he can then mail in exchange for a crank handle heading back outside Gordon is now able to crank open a manhole and enter the sewers where handyman Rey resides Rey is a grumpy and sometimes heavy-handed repairman who failed to keep the sewers working properly the water flow jammed up and the entire Place began filling up with trash he now lurks in various sewer Ducks waiting for the opportune moments to jump out on an unsuspecting Gordon as he passes by however as a fellow repairman Gordon is able to solve Rey's sewer trouble by fitting a new pump valve onto the filtration unit this calms Ray's anger and returns him to his former friendly self what do you want yes yeah I fixed wow I I just look when when you've got a problem you can't just clam up and start hitting everything with a wrench that won't fix anything okay well I'm going now with Rey now calmed Gordon is able to continue on exploring the sewers until he locates a pair of bolt cutters which allow him to gain entry to a previously locked stairwell leading to an elevator which takes him to the offices above Gordon also locates a handy new weapon known as the novelist a shotgun which fires off book pages at any puppets who pose a threat now in the offices Gordon is able to continue his search for an alternate route up to the antenna the offices are vast and full of puzzles for Gordon to solve though we won't be covering those in this video as if you are interested in seeing all the finer details of my friendly neighborhood I already have a full playthrough up on the channel for your viewing pleasure within the office resides a handful of new puppets Frets first are a gang of free hand puppets who gleefully leap between floors and walls as they wail at Gordon in high-pitched voices and attempt to latch on to him welcome the second and far more dangerous threat comes in the form of a giant frog-like puppet known as goblet she rushes from room to room like an enormous felt Wrecking Ball and demolishes anything in her path Gordon locates a projection room and by playing various film reels on these projectors notices that the puppets have been watching these movies and have become influenced by them for example when goblet is shown a documentary of a war she becomes depressed and sorrowful this explains why many of her puppets act the way they do while the show was still in production they were shielded from the realities of the outside world Bert's left to their own devices they began consuming media which changed her perception of reality introducing themes such as loss violence and hatred Gordon heads down to the theater where he consoles a downbeat goblet life can get you down sometimes huh first time I ever saw a movie as a kid there was a scene of a man riding into this big blazing Sunset and I remember when it came up it just caught me I don't know if it was the plot or the music or what but my heart just suddenly left like like I had just heard an old friend calling my name Gordon explains how he lost a piece of himself during the war but sitting down in the theater with goblet reminds him of the joy he first experienced as a child watching a movie for the very first time while Darkness exists in all forms of media so does light and this is a reminder for both that wherever is sorrow it is always possible to find Joy this calms goblet removing her Fury and replacing it with a peaceful acceptance it seems these puppets simply require a human touch to remind them of who they once were a little Humanity if you will Gordon eventually manages to locate a key that unlocks the door to the office building however as he heads for the exit he is ambushed by a giant puppet known as curtain core Gordon must use his Newfound weapon a hand grenade that fires out letters dubbed the punctuation to take down the Ferocious fabric with Curtain Call now vanquished Gordon is able to exit the offices and gain access to the park using a set of newly acquired keys after entering the park and navigating its maze Gordon runs into Ricky once again who urges him not to shut down the antenna and also breaks him for his violent gung-ho attitude towards the purpose just doing my job your way through hordes of electric I don't know what you're talking about no so you were just born a bully I'm not a bully surprised you're not a detective they're always bashing down doors and brandishing guns or maybe a gi give you a chance to Rampage through some small defense don't say that Ricky don't talk about the war not just saying see seems like exactly the sort of place you've got this likening to a soldier during wartime brings back some ugly memories from Gordon's past he has struggled to move on from the horrors he experienced while fighting on the Northern continent an experience which left him lonely and angry at the world as a result at the other side of a park Gordon discovers a garden area with a greenhouse and within this greenhouse a mixing machine capable of creating a solvent which will allow him to dissolve the jam sticking up the elevator leading to the antenna in order to mix up for chemical concoction Gordon must backtrack through the various areas of the studio to locate three different compounds while doing so he runs into a group of puppet dogs ferocious hounds who pounce him on site to calm these puppets Gordon must locate two halves of a medallion which grants him access to an Avery and Beyond this building a courtyard where a bag of kibble sits atop a bench returning to the greenhouse area where the dogs reside Gordon pours the food into their bowls and Rings The Dinner Bell this satiating rapport's hunger and turning them from vicious killing machines into Placid pets see you're not so bad after locating the three compounds and mixing up the solvent Gordon returns to the hotel lobby and unjams the elevator door riding it up he now finds himself in the aptly named cardboard Penthouse where the walls and floors are made from crayon covered card by locating pieces of a jigsaw puzzle and placing them down on a power plate Gordon is able to restore light to a musical stage where he meets a piano playing puppets called Moraine this grouchy Out Of Tune musician requests Gordon to play a duet with him on the keys [Music] I can't read music okay okay okay ah [Music] yeah yeah we love it great sounds good buddy I'm gonna go now okay oh God doing so allows Gordon to help out the final puppet in need and restore peace and Harmony to the protagonists of the show with each puppet now calmed he is able to ride the platform to the roof and climb to the top of the antenna to finally shut down the broadcast while doing so Gordon is greeted by Ricky who once again urges him to reconsider I want you broadcasting Ricky You're Gonna Hurt kids hurt them Gordon we want to help them they need us you need us for what for what Gordon look at this city the buildings are dark and the streets are empty no one knows how to be a friendly neighbor it's a city of shuttered up hearts and they need someone to let in the light I don't think that's you Ricky Ricky explains that by broadcasting the show the puppets are simply trying to help out the city and its children they wish to return some light and hopefulness to this dull hostile World Gordon ignores his plea and shuts off a broadcast but just as he does so a bolt of lightning strikes the antenna and sends him hurtling into the depths of the studio Gordon luckily lands on a bag of trash which breaks his fall yet he finds himself in the abandoned set beneath the studio here he encounters a group of deranged puppets who have evolved into vengeful entities as a result of watching the wrong kinds of shows Ricky calls Gordon up on the phone and explains that after the mfn show was closed down and the studio abandoned the puppets sought to find out why and so began watching other TV shows they had never been allowed before and for good reason watching these more violent shows twisted their minds and turned some of them into hateful creatures stop us okay so we turned on one of the old sets expecting to see something amazing but it wasn't amazing it was mean it felt like we were dying Gordon we all got a little twisted then but great then how do I get out of here it said it's locked down oh that means you'll have to pull the security release that's on the other side of their stage no of course it is Gordon picks up a flashlight and searches for an exit in the depths of the old set he narrowly escapes a horde of bad puppets and then runs into a terrifying creation known as the amalgamation a horrifying selection of various puppet Parts fused together which he manages to fight and eventually take down returning to the surface Gordon leaves the hotel and encounters Ricky outside Jordan you're alive I'm so proud good I'm leaving shop well done Gordon turned off our antenna and survived the unfriendly neighborhood you're a handyman extraordinaire tear where the player can select one of three endings let's take a look at each in turn [Music] before we get the three main endings there is in fact a secret fourth ending which can be unlocked at any point during the game by simply climbing back into Gordon's repair van and are leaving the job unfinished you know I could just leave now the next day I got called into the office because the network wasn't happy well I don't know why I hadn't finished the job after a big long fight I got fired I'm fine with that I'd rather be unemployed than have to go back there [Music] but for the next few months I actually started watching the Nightly News I don't know why maybe I just wanted to see what happened but nothing happened man at some point I got distracted I forgot about it Ricky offers Gordon a choice to either stay and help out the puppets in their quest to return my friendly neighborhood to television screens or decline his offer and simply walk away if Gordon should choose to turn down Ricky then the following bad ending plays out in which the show continues to fade from memory and Gordon continues to live a lonely and unfulfilling existence after I got back to the office my boss told me that everyone was really happy with what I did even though the puppets messed up another night's news I got promoted a manager got an office with a window but for some reason I can't stop thinking about the neighborhood for the next few months I actually started watching the Nightly News I don't know why maybe I just wanted to see if something happened [Music] but nothing happened and at some point I got distracted and forgot about it [Music] if we accept Ricky's offer to stay at the studio and help bring back the show but have not helped out each of her puppets in need during Gordon's Journey Through the studio then we unlock a neutral ending in this ending the show comes back and is successful but Gordon eventually stops working on it and moves on with his life a decision he later regrets as he continues to live a life without purpose I help the neighbors get a slot on Public Access TV it was late night on weekdays I don't think anyone watched it within a couple of weeks though word was starting to get out some people love the show some people hated it that caught the Network's attention and by the end of the year we had three channels wanted to sign for a whole season at that point I figured I had done my part so I stopped showing up at the studio in the evenings I don't know I guess I just wanted to keep my head down I never told anyone I was helping bring back the show but for some reason it keeps bugging me can't forget about it Some Nights I catch myself staring out the window wondering what's happening in the neighborhood finally we have the good ending this is unlocked by choosing to stay at the studio and helping out each of the five puppets along the way in this ending gordonos only brings back the show but continues to work on it he loses his repairman job but doesn't care because in helping out the neighborhood he has restored a little hope to the city as well as finally finding a place in society where he feels he belongs fine we'll give it a shot well Gordon I'm not well we'll talk about that oh Gordon thank you thank you for being our friend I am bursting at the seams I must go tell the others at once tomorrow night then no no no no no tomorrow night see you later Gordon toodaloo 23 skadoo ciao oh Brian what have you done this time I help the neighbors get a slot on Public Access TV it was late night on weekdays I don't think anyone watched it within a couple of weeks though word was starting to get out some people love the show some people hated it that caught the Network's attention and by the end of the year we had three channels wind a sign for a whole season of course after my boss found out I was involved I got fired but somehow I feel a little hopeful about it it's hard to describe it's like you've been lost in a tunnel until suddenly a voice calls your name and you turn around and you see the Rising Sun and it's so bright maybe it hurts a little to look at but you don't care because it's leading you home and with that we come to the end of this video and a look at the story and endings of my friendly neighborhood I hope you enjoyed this video and found it both entertaining and informative if you did then remember to leave a like comment down below and of course subscribe for more horror related content thanks for watching and I will see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: SuperHorrorBro
Views: 1,224,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my friendly neighborhood, my friendly neighborhood secrets, my friendly neighborhood full game, my friendly neighborhood story explained, my friendly neighborhood explained, superhorrorbro, superhorrorbro my friendly neighborhood, my friendly neighborhood all endings, my friendly neighborhood game theory
Id: sBB66SOwjkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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