Am I in Alignment With My Assignment? - Josh Herring

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first kings 19 5-9 jeremiah 29 verse 10 what a great crowd we have those watching online give you honor this morning verse 10 and 11. first kings 19 5 says and as he lay and slept under a juniper tree behold then an angel touched him and said unto him arise and eat and he looked and behold there was a cake bacon on the coals in a cruise of water at his head he did eat and drink and laid him down again and the angel of the lord came again the second time and said to him said arise and eat and because the journey is too great for thee and you rose and did eat and went in the strength of that meat 40 days and 40 nights unto horeb mountain of god he came to there into a cave and lodged there and behold the word of the lord came to him and said unto him he said unto him what doest thou hear elijah jeremiah 29 verse 10 and 11 for thus saith the lord that after seventy years be accomplished at babylon i will visit you and perform my good word toward you in causing you to return to this place for i know the thoughts that i think toward you saith the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end and so my assignment this morning uh my mission is to give you uh a message from the lord and and the que it's a it's a question that i want you to ask yourself not your neighbor don't hope that i preach for the person you hate across the aisle but let's let's see the lord can preach to you personally and let's ask ourselves this question am i in alignment with my assignment am i in alignment with my assignment lord jesus have your way in this place thank you for all the wonderful worship and the atmosphere that's been created i pray that you would let your word loose into every situation every battle every everything going on behind the scenes i pray that today you would minister and you would move and that there'd be a breakthrough in several situations not just one or two i pray you'd have your way in every household in every dilemma i worship you and praise you in jesus name would you clap your hands to the lord one more time [Applause] and the words you're all waiting for you may be seated i thought it's one of y'all thank you except for me apparently god speaks from the end and works his way to the beginning and what i mean by that is god always starts way ahead of us and works his way back to us we are not like that we work from the current into the future god works from the future back to the current creation shows us that he started each day in the evening we start our days in the morning but god started his days at night and finished in the morning his words said that he knows the thoughts that he thinks toward us and their thoughts of peace and not of evil to give us an expected end or in the hebrew the end that we hope for by the ray is that's the thought of god to give us the end that we hope for now you'll find in hebrews that the bible says that faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen so when you have faith for god to do something and you think that's your faith and you hope god does it the truth of the matter is it's a thought from god that came to you that you now faith for for something to happen at the end of the situation that is how it really is going on we take the credit saying i have faith for it i hope god comes through when the truth is you only have faith for it because god dropped the thought into your situation and you're thinking about it and now you believe it and the whole time it was the will of god to give it to you when it was over because his thoughts are above your thoughts his ways are above my ways and so when god starts thinking of something or doing something for someone he does it from the end to the beginning the problem with us is we have to filter his voice through our current dilemmas and our current circumstances and we try to force god to talk to us about what we're really going through right now and that's how god gets silent on people when you try to control the conversation with god and you demand that god only talks to you about what you're asking him for god will go silent every single time because he does not fit into my dilemma he fits in my destiny he speaks from my assignment not my circumstance and if i have to have him talk to me every day about my circumstance it's going to get quiet if you're shut up if you're frustrated with god because he's not answering a prayer that you're asking over and over he's trying to tell you leave that in my hand and start praying about what i've called you to be and performing what i've called you to do [Applause] because he speaks from destiny and we try to control him so we we try to somehow come on god talk to me about this and he will go silent every time he speaks from what he's called you to do you'll never be more fulfilled than when you're doing what he's called you to do you were created to do something in the kingdom and when you're doing exactly what you were created to do you will feel fulfillment in your life if you're not feeling fulfillment you're probably not performing what you were created to do and so he'll say things like to jonah arise go to nineveh why that was his destiny don't know what jonah was praying the day before but i promise you it wasn't can i go to nineveh because we know how jonah reacted when destiny showed up when he called ezekiel in captivity ezekiel's wants to be delivered he wants to be free he's a slave but god said can these bones live i don't know what does that have to do with me what about samuel the little boy who's an orphan at the temple living with an old blind preacher mom dropped him off the first time god ever speaks to samuel you'd think he would say hey bub it's okay you're gonna be all right i'm the lord i'm gonna be here with you i'm gonna guide you i'm gonna take care of you i'm gonna use you mightily no behold i do a new thing in israel what what does it have to do with me being an orphan nothing i speak from your destiny not your dilemma take off your shoes moses you're standing on holy ground i haven't said a word to you for 40 years about what you're going through but when i show up i instantly speak life to where you're headed not what you're running from someone needs to realize if you want to start hearing god get in alignment with your future and not with your past get in alignment with what god wants to do through you not what you've done wrong not what you've let down not who you've let down get in alignment with the future of your destiny oh so he says uh to us when we're when we're praying and we're and we feel like doing something great in the kingdom of god we feel something maybe it's missions maybe it's teaching a bible study maybe it's sacrificing maybe it's fasting or praying or ministering we feel this unction come upon the reason why we feel that it's because destiny or assignment is connected to it and when we start looking at everything that's not right everything that is going against us and everything that could be better and could be different and if we only had this and we only had that then we disconnect ourselves from our assignment and we start staring at circumstance it's quiet because that's when we leave worship and start worrying we start to see things from a distorted lens and now we're no longer expecting god to do something amazing in our life we're just trying to survive elijah breaks onto the scene connected to assignment connected to destiny and that's why he was so fulfilled in the beginning of his ministry because he knew he had an anointing to do unprecedented things for god he would call down rain stop the rain call down fire first person to ever raise somebody from the dead was elijah he was anointed to do things no one had ever seen no one had ever done and when you are doing the will of god you will see things that no one's ever seen because if you're really living in the perfect pattern of his will for your life you will step into unprecedented favor that you cannot look back on and find a script for because god is showing you how destiny works for you you're just doing this crazy stuff for god and nobody can stop him he's anointed he's got fire in his hands he's anointed to do anything he wants people were scared of him kings would not come near him because he was that dangerous in the spirit and the only one hell could find brave enough to attack elijah was a woman by the name of jezebel told the congregation this morning you won't find many people naming their daughter that if you think names are no big deal how come no one names their son judas and no one names their daughter jezebel jezebel is from a pagan nation she hates the people of god she silences them she forces them into caves and she keeps them hidden and she kills anything that stands against her and now there's this crazy preacher who's not afraid of her and he's coming up and in her kingdom and he's speaking against he's killing the prophets of baal he's having revival no one's ever had before and she said i've got to figure out how to disconnect him from destiny and put him back into dilemma because that's the assignment of the demon in your house to get you out of destiny mindset to get you away from thinking god can do anything and get you back into i'm suffering no one cares about me where's god is there any help and are we gonna make it through this when you're talking like that you are repeating the strategy of hell in your house preaching to you right now and all of a sudden he he he hears the threat from her someone sends him a letter the threat as she wrote the letter it said tomorrow by this time i will cut your head off love jezebel xoxo can you imagine going on a date with her hey babe i'm not gonna make it tonight oh you aren't i'm gonna write you a letter you'll be there like you're a freak get away from me she's nuts she sent me that her love letters involve people dying just read the letters of jezebel in the bible there was always someone getting killed you would never want a letter from her i just wrote you a note no thanks i'm good she writes him a letter saying i'm going to kill you now we all know this is revelation everybody preaches but that's not she's not telling the truth because had she the power to kill him she wouldn't send the letter she would send a sword but she had no power to perform that which she threatened there you see the pattern of the demonic if they do not have access to do what they're threatening then they hope you believe the lie and become paralyzed with fear and therefore step into dilemma because something threatened you if they've been told yes by god that they're allowed to attack you and they have access to your house they don't threaten you they just show up and cause a storm they show up and go crazy because they've been told yes by god i can trust this child with this trial but if hell has been told no by the master of the universe the only thing left for the devil to do is show up and threaten that which he wants to do but but not allowed to do and if you believe the threat [Applause] when you go back into the dilemma oh man we're going to fall apart we're going to lose everything why are you saying those things because i'm hearing a threat and elijah this bad preacher who can do anything he's literally the most powerful man on the planet he believes the lie and disconnects himself from all the stuff that destiny has and runs into the desert of dilemma are you with me and he goes out there and runs historians some say 90 miles some say 45 miles but most agree it was a lot of miles that he ran into the desert and finally finds a juniper tree lays underneath it and asks the lord let me die how does the guy that once said god can raise the dead now asks god to take my life from me the one who had faith to raise someone who actually was dead is now praying god let me die how does a child of god go from faith when they first step into the kingdom and god can do anything and god delivers them from some kind of crazy life and horrible issues terrible home life and they come in and they know he's able to do anything just a few trials later they're saying well i hope i can make it well i better get a word i can't take it one more sunday i can't take it one more week you came out of drugs you came out of prison you came out of a psych ward you came out of the deepest part of the world you came out of the gutters of sin and now you're trying to say what's quiet in here oh well god if you really cared i wouldn't be going through this as if somehow the pattern in the bible has been if you and this is this is the proof people don't read the bible when you start to pray like this this is a signal to a preacher you don't read because if you read the pattern if you're really in the kingdom you get punched in the face all the time that's just my way of saying it i mean jesus died on a cross at 33. john died at 30. other disciples were executed there's always constant warf if you're doing it right something's fighting you if you're doing it wrong nothing will be if it's always comfy and cozy and sweet and rosy then the devil's probably not bothered by your prayer life but if you're trying to step into destiny and be something that you never were he's going to hate you because you're not satisfied where you are sitting pursuing something the lord hears a lie just say let me die and i told him this morning i can give you proof he did not want to die he's lying because the bible said he was under a juniper tree if you're really wanting to die why are you trying to get shade isn't that revelatory if you're really quitting why are you trying to chill you know we pray now we laugh at that we do the same thing i can't take it one more day then why are you at church if you're really quitting this is the last place i'll wait on the people that are sleeping in the back here this is the last place that you will show up to if you're really quitting because if you're really quitting you're walking away from anything about this but if you're in here it's because something in you says i want to be revived no matter what i'm going through there's something in me that believes if i get in that sanctuary if i get under the juniper tree i'll find shade from what i'm going through in this desert sarah if you're in the back i'm not making funny there's people in the front not moving either i wish brother john's was here y'all would straighten up cat's away the mice will sleep oops sorry not really all of a sudden all of a sudden he's praying things like let me die and you would think god would deal with the dilemma hey elijah don't worry about jezebel she's not gonna get you you're gonna be all right i'm gonna come through i'm gonna take care of her she's crazy but i'm bigger than she is you just hang in there don't be worried about it he doesn't say one word about the dilemma he sends an angel that likes to cook what does this have to do with anything i'm going through there are chef angels apparently in the bible i did not know this but there are chef angels and elijah wakes up under the tree and there's this this being apparently started a fire he's got coals he's got cake and water yeah i need to go help elijah what does he need he needs a cake i need to get some coals water what is he starving no and you if you read the word like i do i i dig into i read it and read it and read it till i see what i don't see okay and so then i realize it says he put the water by elijah's head so when elijah woke up there was this water right in his face you know why he did that he did that because he was trying to remind elijah not just strengthen him there was a time when elijah went to a widow's house didn't have any food said make me a cake and get me some water and god brings the exact thing to him that god performed before why because he's trying to remind his child if i took care of you then i know we think that's cute but if you remember what he's done for you personally i could put the mic down and leave and you'd have a shouting service because if you really remember what he's done you don't need me to preach you into a fit you already know had it not been for the lord that was on my side i wouldn't even be in the sanctuary somebody give god some specific praise right now i mean i'm talking about you've got a memory in your mind and you know the lord did that that should have killed me that should have taken me out but god brought me through and god brought me out i still like the old song he brought me out of the miry clay he set my feet upon the rock i think it's okay to praise him right now i think we ought to break that that weariness right there and begin to celebrate a little bit you know what's so crazy the neighbor that's beside you is not shouting about what you're shouting about but what you're shouting about is something specifically god did for you and that's why the body is so beautiful because everybody has their own testimony of the goodness of the lord that's why we come to church this is why we're here right now because we all know where we were who we were what we were and with whom we were when god found us if someone ever tells you if you're new convert and someone walks and says i found the lord back in 83 they didn't find no one they don't you didn't find god god found you like and i uh every elder's with me on this i already know this but no one found you can't get wise enough spiritual enough intelligent enough hungry enough to find god god went looking for you god found you god found me it's his mercy that's the reason we are here so he said i want you to cook a meal for him and i've told i think i told you before i told him this morning but but a secret to god that we all need to understand is anytime there's provision there will be protection provision and protection come hand in hand what i mean by that is is if god provides he plans on protecting and if god protects he plans on providing okay samson i'm going to give you a jawbone to fight a thousand philistines with i'm going to protect you with that and when you're done killing all thousands of them water is going to come out of the same jaw bone because i'm gonna provide okay elijah if i'm providing food for you i'm gonna protect you from jezebel what are you preaching if the car coming through the intersection that should keep on you and you scream jesus and somehow misses you and you say thank you for the protection you're only giving him half the praise that you should be praising him for because if he protected you provision must be around the corner so next time something should take you out and god blocks it don't just say thanks for looking out for me but thank you for providing too because if you're protecting me you're gonna provide for me and if you're providing for me you're going to protect me as well somebody ought to praise him right now i dare you to ignore your neighbor and worship your god if he's providing he's going to take care of the things scaring you and if he's protecting don't you worry about the money he's going to provide for you as well that's somebody's word right there and you believe it but someone ought to receive it right now i receive the word i receive the word i receive the word oh i feel the holy ghost starting to move somebody been believing a lie but their eyes are open right now god's not done protecting you and he's not done providing for you arise and eat is what the angel said and elijah gets up and he eats the food some of it and goes back to sleep now this is about the ultimate story where you can think of the word rude it's like you're being rude to someone who came from heaven like who could kill you he's cooking food but he could cook you like there's stories in the bible where angels did that you know they're like really tough i ain't afraid yeah whatever homie one angel killed 185 000 soldiers in one night hello i'm here you're dead he's cooking elijah says i don't want all of it i'm good goes back how it's not that he's rude that bothers me how do you go back to sleep with an angel standing in front of you if you wake up tonight at the foot of your bed there's an angel with like a chef hat on i made you this cake here's some water i bet you don't go oh thanks good night see you tomorrow protect my house i bet you will wake up and go what is going on around here it's not even my birthday what's the cake for aren't carbs bad for me like what apparently god is not on the keto stuff he's like eat the carbs bro someone just got delivered right there they're like i knew god was trying to call me off this time [Applause] my that's someone else's word they're like going straight to the burger joint i'll have a bun this time help me lord i'm getting way off and elijah he's like good night goes back to sleep and apparently the angel had to go all the way back to heaven because the bible said he came a second time so he he flies all the way down to long flight guys all the way down to earth makes the cake water makes the fire gets rejected flies all the way back to heaven and god says go back what that guy didn't even eat it he ate some of it and went to sleep the rudest prophet i've ever seen and god said go back and i asked the lord why did you send the angel back when elijah rejected the provision in the first place and he said to me very simply i would have sent him seven times that's all he said i said what do you mean seven times he said in the chapter prior elijah chased me seven times there was no sign of rain and the servant kept speaking doubt and elijah said go seven times i believe if we keep chasing god long enough he'll come through and he said you'll never chase me more than i'll chase you that would mean you're hungrier for me than i am for you so if you ever start pursuing god guess what when you want to quit when you want to walk away when you want to backslide you might think you're doing a good job but you're going to be chase sweetheart the rest of your ever loving life because he's not in the business of letting you just bail and say well there she goes if she goes god's coming after that's why you shouldn't believe the report of the lost loved one they might be acting a fool but if god ever saw them in this altar then you better know god's got something on their trail and it's chasing them you ought to praise the lord for an upcoming miracle in a family situation that you can't even make happen but there's a chasing god in the atmosphere the bible says the angels david pray angels chaste them you ought to pray for the angels to start chasing your loved ones that will be fun for them you're gonna get some calls i had the craziest dream oh did you tell me about it because when god chases he doesn't stop and this time the angel says arise and eat but then he makes a statement for the journey is too great for thee he didn't say because jezebel is too close to thee he said the journey the future is so far journey is so far it's what it means in the hebrew so far it's so big that you're not going to be able to get to it with your own strength it's going to be it's going to take god's strength to do what you're getting ready to do doesn't mention anything about what's chasing you what you've come out of what wants to destroy i'm preaching to somebody what wants to take you out because god already knows if that could have taken you out you wouldn't be in the service right now so you're worrying about something that's never going to get you but if you could see what destiny is saying he said i see something in your future you're going to anoint this got to be a king over this nation there's got to be a king in that nation you're going to know this guy to be a prophet in other words you've got world-changing anointing inside of you your destiny is bigger than you think it is and so elijah goes on a 40-day fast and he comes to mount horeb and i'm hurrying he comes to mount horeb the mountain of god now the only person before elijah to ever fast 40 days is moses moses fasted 40 days on mount horeb on the top of the mountain he and god talked god showed him his hinder parts or his past or creation that's where moses wrote the book of genesis because he saw the creation god showed him his past and moses got to see it that's why you know about everything in creation because moses fasted 40 days and climbed the mountain and god revealed it to him so elijah is on the same mountain that moses saw creation that moses got the ten commandments that moses saw the glory of god he is in the same same atmosphere on the same fast same type of consecration same mountain same god but somehow elijah bales halfway up the mountain and enters into a cave oh this will preach why did one guy go to the top and say show me your glory show me everything and the other guy said i just want to die i'm no better than my father's and goes and repeats what he said in the desert in the cave they're on the same they're both they're both consecrated these are these are spiritual people the difference is one that's consecrating is looking to the future show me what i've never seen and the other one's looking at the past i can't ever be better than what they were and if you're staring at dilemma even while you're consecrating you're headed toward a cave i know we're not going to shy about that but i want you to let that sink in if you demand details about the current problem and you're still fasting for it you're still going to end up in a cave fasting for it to have permanent results has to be combined with faith for something you've not seen or something you expect god to do that's why you see great results in fasting if you fast with faith if you fast out of trying to figure out details you will end up in a cave of discouragement and so god comes by the cave stirs up a little wind the bible said god was not in the wind this is funny i was preaching i'm not going to say where it was in this state somewhere a long time ago and i read that those verses about when there was a wind and then some guy yelled out holy ghost win and i said and the lord was not in the wind he said no he wasn't and i said and there was an earthquake holy ghost earthquake sir the lord was not in the earthquake no he wasn't i said and there was a fire holy ghost fire he started shouting i said the lord was not in the fire no he wasn't i was like and there was a still small voice and he literally yelled out and it wasn't god i said no that was god and after the service is over i'm leaving the revival thank you we're not connecting here every time i read that text i literally think i cannot help it anyway help me i'm sorry i'm dwelling on my dilemmas here and so the bible says the spirit of god passed by there was this wind and elijah's not even phased by he's just sitting in that dark cave wind comes up eyes like a big deal earthquake if you're in a cave and there's an earthquake i think you might be afraid i lived in alaska my entire life growing up when the ground can split open you're standing one foot here and there's a crack in the ground yeah they get your attention he's not even phased by it and then a a wildfire breaks out and he's just watching and he's not moved and the reason none of these things are moving him is because he is used to seeing activity in the elements he's used to rain stopping rain coming fire falling out of heaven so when you think you've seen god do everything he can do everything you see just reminds you of things he's already done and you don't get excited about it anymore what do you mean there are people in this room that hearing the same message that someone else is hearing and the person beside them is excited about it but this message is reminding a message they heard 28 years ago and so it's not moving them listen can i help someone any time you start putting god in your little box that i've seen him do every miracle he can do i've seen every mess i've heard every message i've heard every detail i've seen the pattern of how he blesses and you almost have a a way of checking the list well this didn't happen god's gonna bless he always does it this way guess what you are about to be blindsided by what god can do because the second he picks up on the fact that you've put him in your dilemma box he goes out of the ways i'm not i'm not i'm coming to that you get out of the cave and let me be god and let me do things you can't fathom me doing and i'll show you things you've never seen but if you always have the answer of how i'm going to come through why should i show up and that makes you god that makes you the source of the and you're worshiping your own mind boy i feel the holy ghost but when you say i don't know how i don't know when i don't know where but he's gonna come through somehow i think it could be this way it could be that the tumor could disappear they could do surgery it could be chemo i don't know but god said when it's over he's gonna give me the end that is saying god you're the god of my destiny he never heard the voice of god before he always heard the word of the lord come to him and this time the bible says the voice of god spoke to him what doest thou hear and you've got to understand that no matter what the enemy and what type of cave they push you into you've got to see things from the spirit side and not the flesh if you see it from the flesh you'll always live in fear you'll always live in worry and anxiety and panic and of being afraid but if you see it from the spirit you know that no weapon that's formed against you is able to prosper and if god be for you somebody ought to know that verse if god be for you who can be against you who can be against you i told them this morning remember when david was up there facing that hulk goliath 10 feet tall and goliath is talking trash and he's like am i a dog that you sent a kid with a stick to fight me and david said you know you come to me with a sword and a spear and a shield i come to you in the name i always preach that you know you come to me with i come to you in and and your protection's with you my protection's all man you make sure most most places shout and and when david when david said that he looks at goliath and then he says and this day i will take your head from you okay here's the problem with that david has no sword he's prophesying i'm going to cut your head off and he has no knife but david saw goliath's sword ready and david assumed whatever you're attacking me with becomes mine when i beat you see dilemma says oh please don't hurt me with the sword but destiny says when i'm done killing you your sword will be mine and so i understand that if i see it from destiny you're not gonna take me out through dilemma [Applause] what does that mean preacher that means if if depression is saying i'm gonna take you out you look back at depression and say when this is over i'll deliver people bound by depression if it's fear when this is over i'll lay my hands on people that are afraid and god will deliver them when this is over i'll lay my hands on people with arthritis and god will heal them when this is over i'll speak and other marriages will be made whole i'll pray for other kids that are backs whatever it is that's coming against you it's just a resource that's coming in your future and you've got to see it from your destiny and not from your dilemma somebody ought to praise him for the attack right now you ought to praise him for what you're going through because when you come out of it you're going to have resources you didn't have when you went close with this i feel the holy ghost that's why the bible said david shouted for the battle we only shout for the victory that's why we don't see very many mic drop we shout after we have proof this person was healed this person got the holy ghost what if we said this person is going to get the holy ghost stare down this person is going to be healed we'll see because we only shout y'all can y'all guess y'all come to the front i guess i'm done y'all let me know when i'm done preaching i'll be calling bishop about that oops he said i'm going to shout for the battle i expect a fight i'd rather fight than keep sitting here thinking about what's hovering over my brother's mocking my family goliath's been there 40 days and we're paralyzed with fear i'm fine i'm excited because something's gonna happen i may not survive it but i'm gonna shout because i'm no longer gonna sit in the cave wondering and worrying myself to death is there anyone that's sick and tired of sitting in the cave you need to shout for the battle i don't know what's going to happen but i believe god's going to bless me when i come out of this i believe god's going to anoint me when i step out of my fear and step out of my anxiety and step out of my panic and step out of my worry i believe god will cause me to step into favor when i step out in faith stay standing i'm done oh we're going to talk homie there's nothing that god cannot do for you if you step out of the dilemma mindset out of the circumstances overwhelming and into the assignment what can god do if you go big i'm waiting for the cave dwellers i'm waiting for the whisper of that word to get to the darkest place of the cave in this room what can god do if you step out of that darkness i told them this morning i closed with this that seven and a half years ago on a 40-day fast after that fast ended i saw thousands received the holy ghost thousands baptized the dead raised all kind of miracles and it was ridiculous revival across this nation i thought everybody would be happy all the church people were happy preachers weren't happy all of a sudden preachers got mad and attacked me they liked me when i just preached cute sermons but when i started stepping in the desk they started shooting and i thought well you know what to keep them from shooting i better go back to preaching the cute sermon because my goodness i don't want people mad at me for saying god can raise the dead and i started looking for why they weren't approving rather than what's god assigning me to do it's very dangerous when we start getting away from the assignment of god and start looking at the approval of man so god told me a year and a half ago they was going to do city-wide crusades in america and poured a spirit in big cities in america and i built a packet called several superintendents and had several cities last year in 2020 lined up for crusades all across this nation and and then covet came and city by city san diego kansas city chicago miami tampa milwaukee cities that were planning these all call sorry again we can't do it that's crazy it's everything's on lockdown everything's on lockdown everything's on lockdown and i went this deep depression i thought we were gonna do something big god i thought that was destiny and then i started whining and then i got coveted that really worked out well and so for 10 days of the worst migraine possible and ice in my lungs and i can barely breathe my wife is sick also four little kids no one to help us and and i'm laying there halfway through and i said god where are you don't you care about us and this is what he said now i'm expecting him to say hey josh i've got you it's gonna be all right you're gonna make it through i'm always there lo i am with you always this is what he said in the next seven years i will pour out my spirit in north america like i never have that's all i said i said uh what does that have to do with my migraine nothing we're talking about the migraine that you're gonna remove you know the one that i can't see nothing he stopped talking i tried to make him talk about the covet he wouldn't talk about it but when i came to wisconsin called and said you know the milwaukee crusade wanted to do yeah we want to do one bigger than that we're going to use milwaukee as the base but we want a crusade that it's entire state we're going to take it half the churches are going to come to milwaukee and half are going to live stream 80 churches at one time for an outpouring of the holy ghost i said okay so we started getting a team together we started working hours and hours and hours the last several weeks and we were like we're trying to find a church big enough to maybe a thousand two thousand people so we getting them and so he's church after church after church after church after church kept saying no no no and finally one guy showed up at the meeting one night zoom meeting he said why don't we go for an arena i was like uh because we can't even get a jerk he's like why don't we do it maybe our vision isn't big enough for what god wants to do i'm gonna call the panther arena he said which is the milwaukee bucks old basketball stadium and i said go for it bro he called and said told them what's going on they said we'd love to house your crusade here's the fee we were like 34 000 for this 10 000 for this 50 000 and we're like i was like oh lord no one's going to go for this this is really you god they said come up to our district conference in wisconsin and we're gonna see what happens in this conference we took the microphone they gave us five minutes to speak faith over the district for crusade in five minutes they raised 130 000 dollars the arena is reserved not only that several churches not in the united pentecostal church are bringing their entire congregations ten apostolic churches seven spanish churches three trinitarian churches have said they're coming it's all over the radio in wisconsin you're patty cake like this the arenas each 12 000 people something is happening in the air where god says i want someone to believe in destiny and not just the dilemma apostolic youth corps of the united pentecostal church we're to go overseas this summer they got shut down 40 of the young people are coming to milwaukee the weekend of the crusade and they're going to blitz the streets of milwaukee everything breathing in that area they're going to drag into the building god is going to pour out his spirit like he never has in that state because destiny is looking for someone to say i believe use me use me god let me see what you [Music] i want you to ask yourself are you in alignment are you doing everything you were created to do are you going big oh it's i'm not trying to kill the altar call [Music] but i feel a witness of a current of the holy ghost right behind me right now are you doing everything or are you floating are you an intercessor that's been storming the gates of hell lately are you an intercessor that's been too worn out to pray are you a bible study teaching soul making disciple making machine that's doing it or are you one of those that's just too discouraged to look he loves are you still that missionary god told you you were going to be when you were 12. i hear assignments dropping all over the room i hear the voice of the assignment [Music] here's the secret i preached my guts out to tell you all this here's the secret if you'll agree to the destiny and you'll pray about destiny and you'll focus on destiny he'll take care of the dilemma if you'll focus on the destiny he'll stare your dilemma down until it doesn't matter the way it's mattering is there anyone that'll be honest and say i've been taught i've been thinking about my dilemma too much if you be honest you've been worried about the the circumstance would you raise your hand you gotta worry about the dilemma way too much [Music] would you make a move toward the lord right now would you make a move toward the lord and say god you got to forgive me i'm sorry for being so focused on what was bothering me i'm sorry for the way i've talked to you the way i've prayed the way i've doubted and god i'm i'm renewing myself someone ought to repent right now and say god forgive me for focusing on the dilemma here i am i'm signing up for my destiny i'm signing up for my assignment altar is open somebody ought to bust a move on the devil tormenting you and say no no no no i'm not a failure i'm not pathetic i'm not dying in this dilemma i'm not dying in this mess i'm not dying in this trouble i'm stepping out toward what god wants me to be god can i do it give me one more shot give me one more chance give me one more prayer meeting give me one more altar call give me one more moment there's a breakthrough in here right now give me one more moment with you god somebody's breaking through i can feel it all over the building people are breaking through there's a breakthrough that's your signal that the destiny's still breathing breakthrough it's the signal that destiny's still alive
Channel: Atlanta West Pentecostal Church
Views: 5,475
Rating: 4.9624414 out of 5
Id: -H5d6Aiq9Po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 39sec (3039 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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