All Rise – Part 3 (Romans 1:18-23)

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how long have we been in the book of romans couple months now still in chapter one i know i'm aware but uh i tell you what with where we're going you're gonna wish we were back in chapter one uh paul pulls no punches we're looking at a message an area a series that is themed all rise we're talking about god's word speaking to us in romans chapter one of the great great scene of god being sovereign and god being the great overruling judge of the universe and that his power presides over mankind and his justice and his righteousness permeates even to our core we're reading romans chapter 1 verses 18 to 23 and we're looking at this particular special uh look today as we read from verses 18 to 23 by god's grace we'll finish off this last half and i'll begin in verse 18 if you'll pick it up god's word says for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead listen up so that they we us all are without excuses professing to be wise they became fools father we pray that our hearts should be open to receive this in jesus name amen church you can be seated i i must i intend to fly this morning in this message to get this portion closed out i don't want any of you yet to read ahead outside of uh verse 23 i i do hope to to to complete down to verse 23 but um listen please understand this as we're going into this study more and more everything that is being said everything that is being taught happily is not an opinion of jax it's the direct word of god and i want you to know that i know where we're going i have known since before we started this book where we were going i know where our culture is at and so the the groundwork is being laid right now for future studies now i know that some of you may be visiting and it will not translate to you because you'll be moving on or some of you after today might say i'm not going to go back to that church i understand that and for you it won't apply but for those of us who have determined to study the word of god as god has given it which means precept upon precept lying upon line the expositional teaching of god's word this is the form of teaching that causes that beautiful thing by which we are commissioned as a church and a believer and that is to make disciples i must admit expositional teachings not popular but it is absolutely effective and so what is god doing he's laying the foundation for us to get to the closing arguments of chapter one which will be so relevant to the day and the age in which we're in so relevant to sexual aberrance false worship the idol or god of the passion of our world today to to take what god has given and to pervert it by twisting his definition and replacing him as god and declaring ourselves to be god whereby we determine what is the practice or the lifestyle of what a human ought to be and when that happens and it's happening the world is near its end as we know it from scripture and so i'm asking you to pay close attention buckle up because as we get to this the bible will prove to you if you're a doubter that it is more relevant than tomorrow's headline news we've been seeing this in verses 18 to 19 that we're called to rise and to hear what god is speaking we saw that in the opening of chapter 1 verses 18 to 19 god in his grand and celestial courtroom says all rise to hear and god is speaking the bible tells us you read it a moment ago that god is speaking to us about his wrath he's speaking about his righteousness he's speaking to us about his justice he's all those things and more and then in verses 20 to 21 we see that god is calling mankind to rise and to see these particular things that the evidence is overwhelming for the existence of god and that it is very obvious that god is god and we are not and that judgment is coming nobody wants to talk about it churches are not taught how to teach on it pastors don't learn about this in seminary because it's part of what i like to call negative church growth tactics you mentioned judgment you mentioned justice and you mention the wrath of god and that he's holy and that his evidence is given to whereby nobody has an excuse and people don't want to hear it but there are some who are pursuing truth there are some who want to hear the truth and to those god is speaking and now we pick it up as we look at this together in those verses 20 to 21 we left off right here if you would jumping in we see here in uh 20 and 21 verse 20 for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by those things which are made so we saw in our argument last time together and we had to end it that god has given us overwhelming evidence he's given us overwhelming evidence that leads to an obvious display of god because god is is bringing all things to a culminating day of justice and judgment so looking at your bible when he says creation he means here that god has announced to us that we better take a look at the fact that for since the creation of the world god says without apology that the evidence is overwhelming that god is the great creator we saw that it's an act of god's production that god has put on display if we want to put it that way and understanding that what he's done is intelligent absolutely amazing and i speak to a culture today that is going a thousand miles an hour where we need to start slowing down and looking at the evidence that god has given us that we might behold our god it's vitally important and you remember last time i mentioned to you that there this is not an oxymoronic statement when the bible here says that his invisible attributes are clearly seen that that which is invisible according to the economy of god can be clearly seen listen it can be clearly seen if you intend to see it have you heard people say well um scene is believing i don't believe that i used to believe that there's more in our world that's invisible that is evidence of god's existence and listen invisible evidence that is science that if you talk to a physicist in the room they'll tell you that what we see with our naked eye is nothing compared to the volume of what is unseen in the scientific realm you've all heard this before but this podium that's here if we were to reduce the space between the molecules of what you see this pulpit would be reduced to something so small you wouldn't be able to see it from where you're at it's weird but you're looking at more space than you are material and god says my invisible attributes are clearly seen no the truth is believing is seen trust what he has said listen i'm not asking you to be dumb trust what god says but put it to the test god's not afraid of you testing what his word says i think you ought to do that but he says here by challenge what you see in is evidence that he exists and that the word understood means that the mind has been exercised to observe by exposure by challenge to ponder to meditate what is and then we see the second thing here and this is vitally important to us is the word that it's obvious in verses 20 to 21 that even his eternal power in godhead so that they are without excuse that verse announces to us that all of mankind is without excuse regarding god's revelation of who he is that is an absolute awesome statement which explains by the way that every culture in the world since the beginning of time even without a bible still practices some form of worship inside of man i don't sound cute but it's true it's theologically true you know people say you've got a you've got a god-shaped hole in your heart you know listen we've said that so much over the last decades that people have become nauseous when they hear about it but it is true it is true that whoever you may be down deep inside there is this hole in you and that is that hole by the way is what causes people to run around all all around the world trying to meet and fill that hole and so because if we are not looking to god we will seek to fill it with all kinds of externals whatever those externals are we need to be careful by the way church listen for those of us who are going to heaven sometimes we can get so used to it because we're so happy about what jesus has done he's forgiven forgiven forgiveness of our sins he's written our name in the lamb's book of life and we're going to heaven and that's awesome but let's remember let's remember something unlike our conference or going to israel or other things heaven doesn't fill up registration is now for heaven and the good thing is you don't have to go online and we don't we don't have to have servers to have to deal with that you decide that right now but those of us who know we're going to heaven we better be careful though we don't look down our noses at those who are not yet going to heaven our hope is that they will decide to follow jesus that they will start thinking with their gray matter and bring things to a conclusion that the preponderance of evidence is overwhelming by the observable universe and by the revelation of the bible they agree together i must believe i commend you a book by dr a.e wilder smith i'll try to quote him later on by the way uh but dr a.e wilder smith we remember him that calvary costa mesa he wrote a book called he who thinks has to believe i don't i don't want to read that silly book well let me ask you this do you have seven doctorates dr a.e wilder smith did why don't you read his book he who thinks has to believe and i challenge you today what is it that you believe in and what you believe in is it obvious listen is it obvious listen is it obvious enough for what you believe in that it is so crystal clear that for you the world looks at it and says wow that's spectacularly wonderful or i will not believe in what you believe in let's say you believe in crystals that that crystals are the way to eternity taking a bath in crystals you know what chris you know crystal rocks uh measuring magnetic forces and meeting people in places if you believe that listen is there overwhelming evidence that it transforms your life and even if it even if you get all excited about it what does what does that harmonic convergence do at that location with your crystal in your nose or in your belly button what does it do what does it do for your sin issue do you feel do you experience less shame less guilt or no guilt or no shame no but i'll tell you this what jesus christ does the evidence is overwhelming and this is one reporter's opinion and i'm happy to report since the day i accepted christ i've had no guilt and no shame how do you explain that he shines his light upon you and he washes away guilt and shame because when you understand what he did at the cross you get it look i'm not innocent neither are you don't look at me like that you are not either the truth is our lives now are hidden in christ we're not hiding behind some crystal or some pyramid it's christ so that we are the out excuse in this world thank god the believer doesn't have to have an excuse do you remember that the word means listen an excuse meaning that it's an unacceptable excuse nobody can say to god i have an excuse for why i didn't follow you or love you or obey you that word means to bring up nothing that can be defended or covered there's no alibi having nothing to uh be effective or an effect effective word to say in defense of yourself nothing and here's that quote by dr wilder smith god having left to us a witness has given to us two bibles one we see is the word of god in print before us on paper in black and white the second is the physical creation of god's witness that is revealed in the physical universe that is before us the whole world is without excuse even if they don't own a bible or if they do own a bible it doesn't matter god's given us a second witness and that is god's creation and it's very very obvious and by the way from this reality and truth it's where it comes to us the ancient questions like who am i these deep questions who am i what am i [Music] where am i i'll come into that in a second why am i because of our modern day system of thinking and schools i'm just going to say schools because the people that have come to me over time are still in school and they met with me not together independently and this is this was literally what they had in common though they didn't know each other how can i believe in the existence of god pastor when i'm not exactly sure that we're having this conversation right now oh don't laugh they were dead serious i said what do you mean by that i'm not sure that this moment's happening no wait these are smart people smart on paper i i should say these are people who can get an a on the test the problem is the test is asking the wrong questions and they studied for the wrong answers this is not a momentary meeting explain to me what you mean this entire conversation where you and i are at right now pastor jack may not be happening because it could be only in my mind ladies and gentlemen i would in previous years have said here's the phone number to my doctor you need help but now we have kids regurgitating this stuff out of high school or college and god says they are still without excuse because i've revealed myself to them tremendous statement the scripture tells us in verse 21 because or that's the reason why although they knew god they did not glorify him as god nor were they thankful that's the effect of disconnecting from god in romans 3 19 the bible says now we know that whatever the law says it says to those who are under the law that every mouth may be stopped and the whole world might become guilty before god what a powerful statement stopped listen to this the word stopped means in fact we'll put on the screen for you to be shut up locked shut to stop the mouth having no words the world someday is going to have no words when they answer to god i've read this to you before but i want to read it to you again it's wonderful it's a it's a quote from the book written by robert jastrow he's now with the lord but he was the director of nasa at the goddard space center and i want to read this to you and i'm quoting this is a big guy he's a big deal he's no he's no goofball at this moment it seems as though science will never be able to rise or raise the curtain on the mystery of creation for the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason the story ends like a bad dream he has scaled the mountains of ignorance he is about to conquer the highest peak as he pulls himself over the final rock he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries jastro continues astronomers now find that they have painted themselves into a corner because they have proven by their own methods he's referring to the methods of science that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to which you can trace the seeds of every star every planet every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth and they have found that all this happened as a product of forces that cannot hope to discover that they are what i or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now i think a scientifically proven fact that scientist astrophysicists said two things there at the end that the believer knows and the unbeliever cannot wrap their heart or mind around and that is there's a supernatural manifestation that god who is invisible has created it and the evidence is overwhelming that's why the world is without excuse today there's no argument if you're not a believer today there is no argument that you can give me or anyone else as to why you're not following jesus i know i'm laying this down direct by design because where we're going the word of paul the apostle to the church at rome is going to rock the roman world and it's going to rock california when we come to it because this is true i will be even more hated than what i am now no i'm serious and i'm not saying to be funny i would rather die stand for the truth because truth brings hope salvation and joy to people then some lie and claim some gain they are without excuse you see pastor why i should believe in the bible what what evidence you talking about well if if jastrow didn't impress you how about this did you know that it wasn't until recently we discovered as scientists that what sustains you as a human being life is in the blood did you know that those that tampered with medicine prior or previously up until about 500 years ago they didn't know this and then somebody decided to read the bible the bible says in leviticus 17 verse 11 for the life of the flesh is in the blood did you know that's a relatively new understanding of science blood is that listen i'm going to be i'll be a little sarcastic with you the bible says life is in the blood is that true or false yep what about this paths in the sea or currents in the sea psalm 8 verse 8 the birds of the air think about this the birds of the word in hebrews actually the birds on the air that's serious that's not i'm talking about paths of the sea but this is the part that leads up to the birds on the air and the fish the word is under or of the sea that pass through the paths of the sea the word is current did you know that fish swimming things are sensitive to the currents of the ocean they do that they're programmed to do this that's that's evolution sorry i'm not going to buy that i don't have enough faith to be an evolutionist here's the deal they're designed to detect currents and they follow that and i love the fact that the previous verse says or the free part of the verse says that birds fly on air now last night i landed i flew from dallas last night to home and i love the fact i know you don't like this but when your plane hits bumps and it gets turbulent you should thank god you know why if the plane was handing on hanging on nothing there wouldn't be any bumps but did you know that airplane is sitting on trezillions of molecules that plane's not hanging out in space there's air underneath you there's a big big blanket a big big tube of air that that plane is sitting on and flying through and the bible says a bird flies on air if there was no air when the bird flapped its wings it wouldn't go anywhere but because there is air the bird flaps its wings and lift overcomes the drag and it begins to fly and the bird will fly via currents i don't want to go off on this but i got to tell you the golden plumber is a bird it's a beautiful bird it's smart smart smart that bird lives in hawaii that's how smart that bird is and you know what it does it flies to alaska it flies to alaska in the spring and it lays its eggs in alaska and it hatches its little babies and the little birds are there and they're flying around they're having a good time and when mom and dad decide we think you guys have got this down translation probably means the little babies are probably telling mom and dad how to do life did you get that mom and dad and and so guess what mom and dad do it's awesome mom and dad they leave the babies are flying around and all the stuff and mom and dad just go are you done with this i'm done with it let's go and you know where they go they go back to hawaii see what about the babies the babies they too later in a few months will join mom and dad in hawaii how did they know to go to hawaii if you attribute that to evolution we commend your faith what about hydrology the study of water in the cycle ecclesiastes 1 verse 6 and 7 says the wind blows south and then turns north how did solomon know this around and around excuse me hello not flat and flat young people listen up the earth's not flat the bible says it's round around and around it goes blowing in circles verse seven rivers run into the sea but the sea is never full then the water returns again to the rivers and flows out again to the sea that's a 3 000 year old statement science god's revelation his bible the world is without excuse it's obvious job chapter 2 verse 10 job 26 verse 10. he drew a circle horizon on the face of the waters he said what does that mean well you can go down to newport beach and get in the boat head west just keep going and when you come to the end of the west let us know because you'll never come to an end you want to know why west goes infinitely and the bible says so i love that kind of stuff third under this point is the fact that god's judgment is coming to a christ-rejecting world it says here but because here's the reason why their thoughts became futile futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened when they reject god their hearts grow dark and when their hearts grow dark they become a self-conscious self-centered self-absorbed self-glorifying individual this is one of the evidence of a christ-rejecting world but their thoughts become futile before we move on i want you to look at this very powerful look at the meaning of the word in the original coin a greek language futile what does it mean for someone to have feudal thoughts empty unable to hold or to sustain that is a thought that is an argument to make impossible claims to cling to unnatural or untrue arguments illogical assumptions or to guess to be empty god is out of your mind now so according to god's judgment what's inside of you is empty and when you go to defend your worldview without god it's emptiness and again i'm not saying this to any of you to upset you i'm challenging i'm begging you to think i'm begging you to think jeremiah said it this way people who have rejected god carve out for themselves cisterns that can hold no water a cistern is a a stone area that's carved out to hold water and jeremiah says you've carved darts you've caught carved out cisterns that can hold no water since you've left god jeremiah might say to us in the 21st century your mind's got a hole in it all the good stuff has leaked out what happens when things leak out please church receive this right now if you would it's an absolutely terrifying thought that when our minds begin to operate without him one has said that it is absolutely terrifying it is here that god reveals to us that a person who is determined to reject god and live without god has no protection against evil and in fact eventually desires evil to them comes his sentencing and that sentencing is that god gives them over to their thinking he gives it to them he allows them to embrace their pursuit are you ready to write down some verses yes if you would romans chapter 1 verse 24 this is next week i'm telling you it's uh it's tough romans 1 24 therefore god gave them up to uncleanness in the lust of their hearts to dishonor their bodies among themselves i'm reading to you a 2 000 year old statement friends ask yourself today in our world that hates god hates christ a culture that is antichrist let me ask you this is the bible true in romans 1 24 when it says that in the end when man gives up thinking about god they turn around and give themselves over to anything and everything that brings satisfaction to their body to their lust 1 26 is for this reason see god making his case god gave them up to vile passions for even their women exchanged the natural use of what is against nature two thousand year old statement found in your bible that says oh by the way there'll be a time coming that is so near to the end that the bible is going to speak about an age when women will burn with lust toward other women what month is this hey you may hate me but i'm telling you the truth right now because i love you i look you have your doctor that takes care of your needs allow me for a moment to be your soul doctor to tell you that god anticipated all this in advance and he does listen in the midst of judgment and warning god wants to give you life he wants you to run as it were from the city of destruction listen god's not woke god is he doesn't have to catch up [Applause] god's not pc god is all about getting you and i off this globe and into the presence of his glory and love and grace and satan's desire is to keep you blind get you all bald up in your emotions so that you can't handle truth and you just you got to go with your own thing and oh just know this in his love he says you are without excuse romans 1 28 says romans 1 28 says as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge god gave them over to a debased mind to do those things which are not fitting are you kidding me verse 28 we could spend a year on this seriously as they did not like to retain god in their knowledge i don't want to hear about god don't talk to me about god don't talk to me we are no longer going to pray in this government in the name of jesus or we're not going to do it in this school i don't want to talk to you wait what is it mom and dad you believe in god i'm not talking anymore because they did not like to retain hold god into their thinking they refused god gave them over you hear this god gave them over you say i don't know if my god would ever do that well you need to find yourself the real god because he says i'm calling you i'm calling you i'm i'm i'm reaching out to you i'm announcing to you my son died on the cross for your sins and god is saying hurry okay hurry i've told you this before when i say what i just this is the picture i get in my mind do you remember that scene in jurassic park when jeff goldblum is in the back of the jeep and they're driving fast and he starts yelling at the driver go faster go faster and t-rex is right behind him and it's catching up okay and i think there's a little warning in the mirror that says warning objects are closer than they appear and jeff goldblum saying go go and then the teeth are like this that's what jesus is saying to us go go go go go go go go go go why because hell like a t-rex with its mouth open is running right behind us and jesus said go go go go go go what go to him flee to him get to him he's the only one [Applause] when that's expired in your life god gives you up in the world today there are people living like never before never before in all of human history on a scale that indicates that we're in the last days because people are living who are defined by that verse god has given them up to a debased mind i'm convicted because i thought when i said that verse to you i was expecting to get all tearful and emotional about it may god have mercy on my heart and soul because when i read that verse that should cause me to get sick to my stomach fall on my face with conviction because my neighbors are still lost i've got family members who are lost there's people you know who are lost we read that verse and what do we do we shrug oh well i thank god verse 28 doesn't apply to me you know what if there's there's people in our lives who are still walking around and i am terrified to think that god may have given them a debased mind do you understand now the word wrath that we visited three weeks ago it's right here the wrath of god is being revealed from heaven now he turns people over in a moment that only he knows is coming the bible says in the book of hebrews he was often rebuked hardens his heart and will be taken away and that without remedy there's a moment in your life when you say no to jesus the last time you don't know when it is i don't know when it is only god knows what it is and it's over for you and god says that's it and he wipes his hands of your life and he fulfills verse 28 i have given you over to the mind that you want to nurture you have ejected me from your mind and so i give you yourself and you can have all of your pursuits this should break our hearts as believers god help us we must reach the lost more than ever before church as we approach the end days [Music] didn't jesus say in matthew 6 22 the lion the lamp of the body is the eye if therefore the eye is good your whole body will be full of light but if your eye is bad your whole body will be full of darkness if therefore the light that is in you is darkness listen to this how great is that darkness what a powerful statement and then we end right here doesn't mean we're ending it means i'm saying we're ending but we still have 15 minutes which means you have 15 minutes to change your mind right you never know we would say all rise to no god wants us to know and that is to know the truth we see this in verse 22 professing to be wise they became the word professing let's look at it together god says the bible says professing themselves to be wise they become fools wow means to affirm one's self to assert one's self to then mutually affirm one another look at this to clap or to cheer on each other to philosophy or to pontificate in the round you know in the round would be it means there are people who get together after they have received a debased mind they get together and they talk to one another about how god cannot exist and how wonderful they are they stand together as it were in a circle and they pontificate they speak to one another you're so great boy that was a great book and your argument is spent oh no no yours is so much better and they all agree on this god doesn't exist or if he does we know how to handle him we'll take authority professing to be wise the declaration means this listen professing themselves to have wisdom greater than god we will sit in judgment we will tell your students in school what's real and what's not [Music] we will be the authority we will announce we'll define what's true and you and i have a world right now that those who profess to be wise but have become fools are those who say what's your truth what's your truth they'll say things like whatever you determine is what is for you listen there's no way that normal humans can believe that you have to be conditioned to the point to receive that do you hear that do you hear me you it is such a it's i'm not supposed to say my grandkids are not supposed to hear me say the word stupid so don't tell them but it's so stupid because what happens is somebody comes in or somebody shows up or somebody is on a on a broadcast to click a youtube channel a blog and says something to swoon the feelings they allure your kid or you down a path of logic and you know what's wrong at first but they're pretty funny you know what's wrong at first but that wasn't that was a true statement you know something's up but every time you take a stand to question what's wrong the next stand you take to question what's wrong is not as intense and you start losing the battle by persistency they just don't go away and you just kick click on you read it again you get their podcast and you listen one more time and then you start to believe this declaration of insanity that your truth is just as valid as the person's truth next to you and god's truth is unacceptable god gives them up to a debased mind professing to be wise what's the result they become fools they lose touch with reality church they lose touch with reality that's the next thing that we look at the fact that truth that they lose touch with it verse 23 says they change the glory of the incorruptible god focus on the word change it means that they go about to alter edit change exchange by intention by design they believe now i must it's a crusade type of thinking it's a jihadist form of thinking i am going to change the glory of god into something incorruptible he's incorruptable i'm going to change it into something that is corruptible the bible says here god is incorruptible but man says god is corruptible and so they have to replace him they have to edit him they have to cancel him a strong indictment i wrote this note to myself let me see if it's going to make any sense can i exchange this if the real god is in your way exchange him for some other god right if the real god is standing here and he says listen this is who i am this is who you are and this is the problem but i want you with me because i love you the problem is you've got sin all over your self the only way to get you from there to here my son will take care of that for you that's the rule that's the ultimate display of my love i can't do any better than that and they say well will you allow me though to to do you allow me to have uh pornography all over the place uh no what about what about thievery what about gambling what about violence what about no no oh well i do have that hole in my heart to fill but i don't want you to feel it because you're no fun so i'm going to find a god that will fill the hole in my heart thus the pursuit of self-gratification hedonism pleasure seeking what's in it for me which leads us listen to verse 23 the consequences they seek to change the glory of the incorruptible god look here into an image made like corruptable man watch this watch this i wonder if you'll catch this corruptable man and birds four-footed animals and creeping things did you see that did you see the order of it let's let's try this way are you guys alive okay let's try it this way let's go this way let's let's read it backwards to change the image from creeping things to four footed animals to birds to man yes thank you you got it this is the evolution of man i'm not saying man evolved i'm saying this is the degradation of man notice notice the order man goes from being created an image of god and he by false worship turns himself into a debased creeping thing like a like something that slithers on the earth when that happens we can do anything we want if we're just creeping things if i like your listen if evolution's true and if you came up here today if you pulled into the parking lot with a mclaren or a rolls royce i want it i want it i'm taking it and i can do it because i have come from the long line of an evolutionary process by which i can do whatever i want i have nobody to answer to except my gods and my gods tell me eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you may die my god say whoever dies with the most toys wins and so if i'm going to die i want to die with your rolls royce or your ferrari or your whatever are you hearing me people see man that's cruel that's cruel really what's cruel about it that it's honest is that is that the problem because right now this message and the holy spirit i trust is hitting people right in the idols right it's hitting them right in the idols when god shows up idols fall down so there's consequences there's consequences to this he reminds us here in closing that these things are made they're made like look at that word made like that which is made like this is kind of if it wasn't so sad this would be funny made like appearance something that's watch that which reflects one's own image you want to know all idols have faces you do know that right have you seen idols right they all have a face desire identity an idol a man made god a goddess that looks and acts like you an idol is the reflection of its maker i find that awesome there's a lot of truth in that statement though in a way though corrupted god says i've made you in my image it doesn't mean that god looks like you doesn't mean that god looks like me doesn't mean he's six feet tall are you with me and the bible says god made us in his image it's moral likeness god is saying in my creation of you not angels as we mentioned last week but you when you walk when adam and eve when your first mom and dad walked with me they glowed they they reflected me i'm light the bible says that god is light he is aurora he's light supernatural nature of god outside of this material world god is light and when adam and eve walked with him they reflected the light of him so imagine what did it look like we can never never imagine when adam and eve looked at each other i seriously i don't get it i'll never get it but the hebrews tell us the rabbis tell us that the genesis language means that adam and eve wore light they wore light not not that they were light i'm talking clothing they wore light clothing light they didn't have clothes it says they didn't have clothes but they were covered in lights you think you can go to bel air and get a nice dress not like that you're not adam and eve were clothed in light but they could look at each other talk totally normal for them they had eyes for that world and that the spirit of god living in them fellowship with god and it was so practical obviously look thank the the bible says that when god created eve out of adam when god presented it's so cute right it's beautiful god presented eve to adam isn't that neat yes seriously i have no problem with god saying adam are you are you ready for this yeah i mean thank you god first of all naming all those animals and all of them with their what their mates i mean that was amazing but i must tell you i'm very excited what's behind door number one because because as amazing as those monkeys were i i'm not into that they the giraffes were amazing but so i'm really excited can you imagine he was the only he was the last one left everybody else had a mate so adam's looking around wow we're gonna have a lot of hippopotamus here pretty soon and god says all right are you ready here we go and god moves adam there she is and the bible says adam called her woman whoa man but they were clothed in light the bible says that the moment they send the moment they send they knew that they were naked and listen without jesus you're naked and it doesn't look good your soul your spirit who you are no wonder why paul said we must all stand we must all appear before almighty god naked the day that you stand before jesus will you be clothed in the righteousness of christ or will you be naked in all in your own deeds and pursuits and love i'm going to ask you in a moment to make a decision for jesus christ right here right now if god is speaking to your heart if god is stirring your heart respond to him he's been speaking to you maybe for your entire lifetime maybe today you didn't like what you heard but you know that it's true that's him speaking rarely does god speak things to us that are convenient but always applicable and practical because he knows what we need father we come before you and we praise the truth we praise you the life we praise you the way and you're awesome and god we pray right now that as heads are bowed and eyes are closed that this traditional moment that we offer here now this is not some routine this is not some patent way of accepting christ and no one can judge how you work in a man or a woman's heart but this is what we recognize that we're here today and we understand i need the savior i need this one who died on the cross for me i need to be clothed in his light i'm naked i'm alone i'm guilty i'm ashamed i'm doing everything to cover it up i've come to this moment of truth and i've got to decide and that is true my friend you've got to decide and make very sure that your decision is the right one don't flirt with god you don't know the day or the hour when he gives you over and because of the nature of this message i don't want anybody coming forward i don't want anyone looking around but i will invite you publicly by raising your hand and i'm going to look but today if you want to accept the forgiveness of jesus christ eternal life because he died on the cross for your sins and then rose again from the dead to guarantee it all that today you want to follow jesus from this time forward not to be a member of the church not to become some labeled entity you're not going to join a denomination but you do want to become a follower of jesus then we welcome you those of you who have raised your hands as we all stand together those of you who've raised your hands let's pray this would you it's not a magic prayer but if you mean it god will receive this this might be one of your most uh virgin prayers that you've ever prayed because the decision that you've just made comes from a brand new person church family you want to pray it out loud with them here we go out loud everyone dear lord i come to you in jesus name i ask you to wash me of my sins remove me of my guilt transform me from the inside out i invite you lord jesus to now live in me and to write my name into your book of life you are my lord and savior and i thank you and all god's people said well hey thanks for listening and we appreciate you and of course we do in this time and in this age us being together and linking up together to get the word of god out is actually ministry being fulfilled and in fact if you would like to subscribe please do so hit the subscribe button tell your friends about us and listen if you'd like to help us get this out on a broader scale you can support us by hitting on the give now button and look we're going to continue on with or without you we're inviting you to join us no pressure but if you'd like to link arms in this venture you'd be greatly appreciated so listen keep praying for us we're praying for you god bless you and we'll see you back here real soon
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 75,704
Rating: 4.9474258 out of 5
Keywords: book of romans, book of romans explained, creation, creationism, glory of god, god's creation, jack hibbs, jack hibbs futures, jack hibbs latest, jack hibbs romans, jack hibbs sermons, real life with jack hibbs, romans audio bible, romans audio bible niv, romans audio bible nkjv, romans bibe movie, romans bible, romans bible project, romans bible study, romans bible study chapter 1, the book of romans, the creation
Id: gpWnHfjS1i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 52sec (3352 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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