All Rise - Part 1 (Romans 1:18-23)

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well we're in romans chapter one and now today is if you grab your bibles and turn to romans one we're going to be reading in the 18th verse to the 23rd verse and we now commence as you'll hear today a very very unique portion of scripture and that will be the case for some time romans chapter 1 for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness for since the creation of the world his invisible attributes are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made even his eternal power and godhead so that they are without excuse professing to be wise they became fools and all god's people said amen you can be seated tremendous portion of scripture that we can go almost in any direction in application because it is so universal in what paul now begins in verse 18. in fact it's a form of argumentation that the apostle embarks upon now that frankly for 2000 years has shaken the core of believer and unbeliever alike because of the straightforwardness in which he speaks and the truth that he reveals to us without apology that's absolutely powerful you can take this portion of scripture and for example we can argue the case that regarding evangelism it is from this portion of scripture where we know that in the last days the church will come close not full will not complete it but the church will come close to preaching the gospel to the entire world i don't know if you know that or not but a lot of ministries and mission ventures have believed that the end of the age cannot come until the church finishes the great commission that's not true that is not true the church is commissioned to preach the gospel all around the world to every creature but it is clear from the book of revelation that we will not get to complete that task the book of revelation tells us that god will be the one who sends forth an angel that flies to the midst of the atmosphere and proclaims the everlasting gospel and then the end of the world comes but the church is to be engaged in preaching the full counsel of god and the word of god specifically regarding the evangel the good news of the gospel and we learned in our previous studies that the book of romans in verses 1 to 17 can be summed up in this that the righteousness of god is given to us through the lord jesus christ that we learn from here in romans that as paul quoted habakkuk that the just shall live by faith now in verse 18 on we learn that the wrath of god comes by jesus christ did you get that the salvation of god comes through jesus christ verses 1 through 17 but verses 18 to chapter 3 verse 23 is that the wrath of god comes by jesus christ now your silence is exactly the silence that ought to take place because we're all about the salvation of god aren't we we love it we preach it we have bumper stickers about it we love it there's seminars there's conferences but have you ever gone to a conference to a seminar that is about the wrath of god and yet listen both equally are absolutely pure and holy and the attributes of god himself the wrath of god we don't want to talk about it and yet listen we cannot even embrace the love of god unless we understand that the love of god is a manifest attribute of his nature exactly as the wrath of god it is just as pure it is just as holy it is just as grand but we avoid it as humans we stay away from it and i warned you for the last four weeks that in the book of romans it would be necessary for us at this time at this moment that the church is living in the world and certainly in america that i would embark upon the studies of the book of romans on sundays and hebrews on wednesday nights because the time had come that all of the unknowns would have to be dealt with during a coveted world in a post-coveted world and that is who attends this church now what is your belief system that you've brought here this church has swollen by the thousands over the last 15 months and that sounds like any pastor in the universe would say wow that's great well we would have thought so too at the beginning until now we realize that god has positioned us as a foster church because we have taken in children that are searching and looking and many of them not only having come and given their hearts to christ in salvation but a lot of people have come from various backgrounds of teachings and some of them very lopsided some of them uh very convenient some of them whereby they went to church for years never hearing a message about hell or about sin or about judgment or about wrath and so there is a lopsided view of theology at best at worst it could be the wrong gospel preached to you and nobody wants to hear you see pastor do you realize that if you keep if you keep talking like this for the rest of your message i'm going to leave that's my point and i'm not saying that to be funny you don't understand i'm not saying that to be funny this is not a club we don't need that if we want to have a club we can go somewhere this is all about eternity the bible is 100 percent true and listen it's not for us to play with it's not for us to toy with god has revealed his truth and heaven is glorious and hell is hot and jesus died on the cross so that no one would go to that terrible place that jesus said is hell and and god wants you in heaven with him forever and so paul now dials down on the believers in italy specifically rome and he begins to speak to them because he's never been there but he's heard about their faith but he's coming and he sends his letter out ahead of them and he begins to prepare them and that's what i'm doing in this message and in this series of messages for these next three chapters and it's a very powerful truth i want to give you an analogy that i read this week i'm indebted i spent a lot of time this week in dr gray barnhouse you can buy anything by by dr barnhouse and read him uh you can actually listen to him on youtube i don't know how they did that but uh he's been dead forever uh but he's a tremendous uh tremendous preacher uh but i'm indebted to this he tells a story that that there's a young man who got his first job as a courier for in those days western union so you would insert amazon today before delivering his first letter he told his supervisor that he was and i quote only going to deliver letters that brought joy laughter happiness to the recipient he went on to tell his supervisor quote i do not want to be identified as one who is responsible for giving anyone bad news or anything that would make anyone unhappy sad or depressed i feel like that courier today because you may take god's truth wrong you may take it in such a way that i don't want to listen to this i don't want to hear this and listen the satanic temptation would come to any preacher or teacher of the bible to pull back as it were on the throttle when we come to such truths as these or to kind of water it down the thoughts in the mind say things like this there may be somebody who's coming and they've they're just on the cusp of accepting christ jack go easy and listen that's the enemy speaking and you say well jack you know i just brought my friend today don't don't blow him away listen i'm not going to blow him away i can't blow him away that's not listen that's not for us to do we know that kind of a power but if your friend hears today like a man i saw lisa and i going down the 55 freeway this week and there was a guy in one of those i don't know what you call them anymore they're it's a it's it's not even a motorcycle it's a rocket and he's weaving at top speed i'm gonna guess i was going at a speed and and he flew past me weaving in and out and i told lisa i said that guy has no idea that he's nanoseconds from eternity it's as though he's walking a thread and we all are walking a thread regarding what's next it could be eternity so you might be tempted today to confuse the message with the messenger and i encourage you not to do that acts chapter 20 verse 27 begins there paul the apostle speaks and he says for i have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of god or the full counsel of god all of it the bible in total verse 28 therefore take heed to yourselves do you hear what he's saying i'm going to tell you the truth now it's on you for you to warn yourself i'm the messenger and i'm happily not going to give you my message i'm the messenger the courier to bring to you his message and so today in this series we're going to be looking at it's titled appropriately all rise all rise what comes to your mind when you hear that statement all rise i've been i've done a lot of uh have you been have you been on juries have you been to court yeah i have i don't know why uh i i get a lot of that stuff i had i had a friend of mine who's a cop said you need to commit some sort of a crime so you stop getting invited to all these cases i'm always asked to do jury duty and i've done enough and but one of those things i see in my mind is it's very moving by the way it's not it's you know you're not in the tv show you're sitting there and it's a big deal and uh the bailiff will announce all rise and everybody stands up there's silence and he makes the announcement the honorable judge judge judy presides and uh and and there's this protocol to it and it's very sobering and uh it's serious and it should be serious the courtroom is set there's this grand imposing bench there's the participants there's the jury and there's the call to order as the bailiff introduces the judge and it's a serious moment i want you to be thinking about that as we look at this study this is the judge of all the universe god is judge and we have earthly judges and they sit in power over people but every judge hallelujah thank god every judge will someday sit or i should say stand for their sentencing before the eternal judge god judges righteously they actually sit in god's place as it were until god arrives very serious the bible tells us in romans 3 28 therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith listen apart from the deeds of the law why do we say that because the scriptures announced to us that the gospel is our mode and only mode of salvation there is no works there is no achievement there are no deeds that can sway the jury or swoon the judge the bible tells us that we're all condemned under the righteousness of god that every single one of us needs salvation through jesus christ and him alone what a serious and awesome thing this is the church in the 21st century in my opinion at this hour is in a moment of defining i think the church is being defined all around the world at this moment i believe you're living history and uh i have to be deliberate with this with this series of teachings here are the reasons why matthew chapter 28 verse 18. matthew chapter 28 verse 18 says when jesus came and spoke to them this is the disciples these are the ones who were supposed to be like because they were like jesus we're supposed to follow them because they followed jesus jesus said to them all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth i get that we all agree right of course all authority has been given to jesus then he says something in verse 19 radical he says to all of us i've got the authority so here's what you're supposed to do about that verse 19 go go therefore and make disciples you ought to mark that in your bibles make disciples line upon line precept upon priesthood from one scripture to the next sometimes from one word to the next teach them how to be apprenticed like as we follow the journeyman jesus we are to walk like him we're to talk like him go into listen the nations and do this baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit teaching them to observe all things that i've commanded you listen this is not evangelistic this is church building making disciples of course it starts with evangelism listen if you've given your heart to christ that's the first step the rest of your life is all about being made a disciple and so we are to teach you and i to observe all things that jesus has commanded us and lo or behold i am with you always he says even to the end of the age or the end of the world that's what we're doing here on sunday mornings and wednesday nights galatians chapter 4 verse 16 and 19 have i therefore become your enemy says paul because i tell you the truth am i going to become your enemy in this series because i tell you the truth verse 19 my little children for whom i labor in birth again until christ is formed in you some of you are going to be encountering the holy spirit listen up front the holy spirit is going to come upon your and he's going to start working from the outside in if you hang in here and you continue with us there may be areas of your life that god is going to be speaking to you over the next several weeks and he's going to be saying things like this to you this is unacceptable to me fred or susie or betty or whoever you might be this is unacceptable to me no one's going to be pointing at you i want you to know that your husband or your wife your kids or your parents are not going to be calling me saying hey can you drop this truth bomb on my kid next week in service that's not going to happen but i'm going to say something because i know how god works i'm going to say something that i don't even i'm not even aware of what i'm saying and god will be in it and he will drop it and maybe 90 of us will be sitting here saying what i didn't get what he just said and one two or ten people will be as though they've been called out and when that happens by the way it's as though you may be in a room full of thousands of people it's as though you're the only one here you ever had that happen in your life oh yes listen to you yes listen those of you who are skeptics or unbelievers today did you hear that resounding yes you need to know something when god speaks he goes right after the hearts i mean he plays no games he doesn't fiddle around he just goes for the throat c.s lewis says that he's like um he's like a dentist i'm sorry it's a.w tozer aw tozer says that the holy spirit is like a dentist when you open your mouth listen you can go in for a checkup he said this is nothing i'll be out in a minute i'm going to go to my dentist for a checkup and the dentist says open your mouth that's the beginning of sorrows right there open your mouth and then he pulls out this thing looks like a mini sword and he starts poking poking poking and uh he's listen he she they're intentionally driving this device wondering if you're gonna move if you're going to jerk if you don't respond then it's a good day but listen he's committed and a.w tozer says he the dentist is resolved to not let sleeping dogs lie when he finds a tooth that's wrong he goes after it and he extracts it blood root and all and uh it's terrible it's terrible we've all had that i'm i just recently went through some uh i'm going through some dentist uh dilemmas i i don't like that my my first dent my brother and i our first dennis was our dad i didn't see a dentist until i was 21 years old my dad growing up my dad was a farm boy from south dakota and he pulled our teeth with a handkerchief and uh pliers that's how my i'm not i'm not kidding and uh the first time i ever went to a dentist i broke my i was that jack-in-the-box bit into a sandwich and broke my tooth there was a bone or something in there and i had to go to a real dentist and i found out then though i have a weird thing i have a weird problem because i just came through you didn't know this i i spent months i had an abscess tooth for months and i didn't know it i didn't feel a thing and my daughter looked at my mouth and she said what is that and she said you need uh to go now and i contacted my dentist and i and the the tooth was cracked for we don't know how long it was infected went down into the bone they had to take out uh this lower side of my bone uh and graft uh cadaver bone in there and uh then they put the post in there and a couple of weeks ago lisa and i were having dinner and the post fell right out of my mouth right on the plate seriously it's not working there's something and and who knows what's going on why do i bring it up i have no idea it has nothing to do with the message lost my train of thought right there yes that he is committed now he's poking the dentist is prodding and trying to get every little bit of my mouth mapped out and that's what the holy spirit will do he will say to you things like this this is unacceptable and we're going to deal with this and uh he'll go to work on that and then just when he cleans all that up in your life and you think you're doing pretty good then he says okay now we're going to go after this and listen be encouraged he's going to do that for the rest of your christian life and the day that you pass the test where he like examines you right and there's no problem is probably the day you die because now you're ready to go home to heaven and uh he's pretty amazing until christ be foreign in you ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 for god himself has given some to be apostles regarding the gifts of the church some prophets and some evangelists and some pastor teachers why for the equipping of the saints that's what's going to happen here number two for the working of ministry expect that to happen in your life and for the edifying of the body of christ the church verse 13 is the purpose till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god to a perfect or complete man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ that we should no longer be listen to this that we should no longer be children tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine that's what's going to happen this book is going to lay into you and i and it's going to scrape off all of the dross and all of the strange beliefs that we've come to adopt and it's gonna cause us to stand firm upon god's truth and you know what will happen to you you are gonna stand invincible you're gonna stand sure listen you're going to be rejoicing in the security of your salvation you are going to be delighted in that fact that you belong to god and then scriptures will make sense to you when the bible tells you that nothing can separate you from the love of god that is not wishful thinking that is a spiritual fact that there's nothing that this world can throw at you that can undermine what christ has done in your life and it's a gospel that is weathered it's strong it can handle what's coming may god deliver us from this anemic frail christianity that permeates the world today that we might stand strong in the day of adversity remarkable so here we go church all rise we would say and it is all rise to here verses 18 and 19 to hear how many times did jesus say listen take heed and hear we're going to be looking at this all rise to hear and in these verses you can write it down in advance the first thing that we'll be saying is this all rise to hear of god's wrath that's what we're going to talk about today so if you're weak if you're weak need or tummy now's the time for you to run i highly i had to recommend you stay though and then we'll eventually be looking at to hear of god's righteousness and in verse 19 we're going to hear of god's justice a lot of talk today about justice and most of the talk today about justice is injustice but to hear about god's wrath so church mark this down if you would in verse 18. we'll read it together or we have read it we'll look at it together verse 18. it says for the wrath of god is revealed from heaven mark that down in your notes get ready to highlight these words highlight the word wrath do you see that little word there is where it is revealed is you'll be shocked to find out what that word is in the greek language of course the word revealed and of course the word from and the word heaven you say wait a minute you just almost had us mark every word that's exactly correct this is one of the most serious verses in all of the bible why because it's not just here that it appears regarding the wrath of god is throughout scripture we're introduced now to what is known as the doctrine of divine judgment paul goes from the beautiful greetings and the salutations to the romans and now he begins to lay down a doctrinal theses and it begins with the doctrine of divine judgment so many people today assume listen friends that the doctrine of judgment is an old testament thing oh that's that god of that old testament i'm glad he's what do you mean the god of the old testament first of all people who think like that i want to ask you this question if that's the god of the old testament where'd he go if he's god oh that's the god in the old testament what'd he do quit did he retire did he get converted well i just read the new testament i actually don't think you do because if you did you'd eventually get the scriptures like first and second peter about the wrath of god coming upon the earth because of man's sin you would certainly get to the end of the new testament that's the book of revelation which by the way if you're jewish today i highly recommend this start reading in genesis in your book go all the way through to malachi the end of your book at least in the english version it is malachi and then jump all the way through across the new testament skip over to the book of revelation and read it and if you're jewish and you read it you'll be pleasantly surprised that you will recognize more out of the book of revelation than most gentiles in any church and that's by design what's my point the wrath of god is not a new testament vacation and it's not an old testament exclusion it's in both and for good reason when you write down these meanings the original greek word to this mark it down we're going to start showing you these uh these words on the screen so you can start maybe even researching them but regarding the wrath or gay is this greek word and it means this a perfect or complete anger so listen it is it's the wrath of god it's the perfect complete full anger it means a perfect indignation it means a perfect hatred did you know that you see god hates god hates perfectly we hate sinfully god hates perfectly beautifully that results in the perfect crescendo culmination of judgment against that which offends or what angers that's the meaning of that little four-letter word that this is god in his wrath and it's all about god responding to sin and unrighteousness and wickedness and i don't want you to be offended by that i want you to listen to the logic and reason of this it's not our judiciary system of our nation to be angry and upset at sin and unrighteousness are not police officers and courts and judges to be angry at injustice wrong evil when a maniac kidnaps a little child and rapes and kills them do you not get angry that is a hint within us that is just an aberration of the of our from our fallen nature that was once pure when we get angry at sin listen god gets angry at sin perfectly do you not want to do something about it but that's why we have our system and listen it is just and it is right that the assailant be brought to trial let the truth be found out and those guilty according to the bible be punished for their sins without that my dear friends you have anarchy in your streets if no one pays a price for their acts and their deeds and their wickedness you have a world gone mad sometimes i wonder if we're not flirting with that world this crescendo what a remarkable statement for the crescendo of god's anger and god's indignation is coming revelation chapter 15 verse 1 says then i saw john said i saw another sign in heaven great and marvelous seven angels having the seven last plagues for in them the wrath of god is complete remarkable passage of scripture that's revelation 15 verse 1. here's another one you guys okay okay good even if you're not we're going to keep going pretend i'm a dentist bringing you a letter romans chapter 8 verse 6 says for to be carnally minded fleshly minded all about your skin and desires is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace because the carnal mind is enmity against god warfare listen to this the carnal mind the mind that is all about what do i get what do i get out of this how do i play this how do i angle this where i can get the most how do i shave off just enough to avoid paying taxes and get into they'll never find out my little crime by moving that decimal point how do i get this guy to think that this contract he's signing is binding but before the ink dries i'll sue him i'll i'll take this out from underneath him hey how do i pull off that intrigue and that plot to steal my girlfriend's husband or to manipulate that thing to where i can get access to do you hear this the mind of the flesh is plodding and scheming always for the benefit of the plotter at the expense of all others around him or her and god says that is a carnally minded individual and the way that they live leads to death the bible says there's a way that seems right to a man but that way ends in death you see what do you mean by that how about this it's the only quote i've ever had i made this statement years ago and somehow it made it out there on the internet it's an actual quote of mine which means if it's good it came from god and i had nothing to do with it but i quote myself today never underestimate a man's ability to justify himself and you hear it this way when caught they say well it's because well listen if she would have have you ever heard this or if they would well you know what it's the government's fault it's the system's fault it's everybody's fault but their fault everybody's wrong but them they're carnally minded they're always trying to go about saving their own skin satan said it skin for skin a man will do anything to save his own skin and that's to be carnally minded and the bible says you're at enmity you're at war with god romans 8 goes on to say for it that is the carnal mind is not subject to the law of god this is where the wrath comes in their minds will not obey they will not allow themselves to humble themselves to be subject to the law of god nor indeed can be verse 8 so then those who are in the flesh cannot please god don't think for a moment my dear friend that you you can be living your life and you're here at church on sunday uh and and you're living a life and you know it's disapproving to god and you think that you're getting away with it do you know why you think you're getting away with it because you you have ignorantly gone down the path thinking that because god has not acted it must be okay with him you do know you have enough sense inside to know that he knows but he's not doing anything about it and because he's not doing anything about it i must be getting off scot-free no you're not you'll see how much saw in a moment it's remarkable but pastor jack doesn't god love us yes take a deep breath yes he does he loves us it's true but the bible also says he's angry with the wicked every day so watch this he loves all of mankind right he loves all of us but we confuse our human love with his love he loves all of mankind so much so that jesus died on the cross for you so that he could buy your ticket and my ticket to go to heaven but if you reject that the bible says the wickedness that has always been upon you is still upon you in other words the good news came but you threw off the good news where does that leave you it leaves you where you begin born into this world born under sin we are all condemned because listen we all begin our lives carnally minded in the world of promiscuity and youth think of that i cannot speak for a young woman i was never a young woman i don't intend to ever be one even though i know we're in california i don't plan on identifying as one but uh but i was a young man and um and in in the life of a young man there's a day that he wakes up and he never sees the girl across the street the same anymore she used to be somebody that you threw rocks at and pulled on her hair and then the next day you wake up and she smells different she looks different and at all from that moment on is a perpetual mitigation of temptation and the young imagination goes wild and it can be overpowering where does that come from deep seated within us is to get what we want at any cost from anyone by the way all you young dads you need to know that right now right i think all young dads should be gun owners have a nra sticker on the back of your car wear the t-shirts especially when the boyfriend comes over you need to be cleaning that 45 or that ar and welcoming it have him help you clean your weapon and then tell them you know so you're going to go on a date with my daughter are you that's right sir that's okay vets that's great i tell you i see you pulled up in your in your is that your dad's pickup no no that's my pickup sir those are nice rims yes no i work summers to get those wheels on that truck you like that truck do you i love it i tell you what here you give me the keys to your truck and you can take my daughter out in my car right my lebaron my 1986 lebaron and have a great time and you know what he's going to do he's going to say uh i i had that wash today the truck i had it washed for her armor all the tires myself that's okay hear it take the lebaron i'll take your truck and oh by the way i'm gonna take your truck i'm gonna drive it around and all while you're gone i'll take well i don't know sir if i'm familiar if i'm very happy with that so why is that a problem because i'm afraid you might crash my truck you could get it dirty and you want to take my daughter out [Applause] you can't give me the keys to your truck but you want me to give you the keys to my daughter on this date give me your truck [Laughter] no truck no daughter you see the whole point is this bring her back shiny and in the same condition you picked her up in why because the mind is carnal and we need to be careful about that the wrath of god is coming we'll see how much so in a moment first john chapter one verse five first john 1 beginning at verse 5 it says this is the message which we have heard from him and declare to you that god is light and in him is no darkness at all verse 6 if we say that we have no if we say that we have fellowship with him and walk in darkness we lie and do not practice the truth verse 8 if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth of god or the truth is not in us verse 10 if we say that we have not sinned we make him god a liar and his word is not in this is that strong it's strong because life and death is on the line it's strong because truth matters and the truth is god's wrath is a reality he's not out of control he's not upset where his emotions have gotten the best of him god never does anything whereby he says i'm sorry he's pure amen romans 3 23 says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of god also this psalm 14 verse 1. i love this portion of scripture this is so awesome psalm 14 beginning at verse 1. notice how subtle the bible can be the fool has said in his heart there is no god is that awesome a little side note has not do their bible study check this out the fool has sinned in his heart there is no god you know why it says that the fool has said in his heart because he can't say it in his mind you know how people will say i can't become a christian i got my phd i'm not dumb i can't believe in god why can't you i'm highly educated truth is you've been educated beyond your intelligence that's what's happened here's the reality look out look throughout all of human history the greatest brains that have ever lived believed in the lord give me one newton newton love jesus newton wrote commentaries on the bible did you do that kepler faraday go on and on remarkable no no no the fool has said in his heart he has to say it to his heart because his mind has been touched by god his mind knows that god exists so he lies to himself every day an atheist gets up and lies to himself there is no god there is no god there is no god there cannot be a god there cannot be a god and they convince themselves to the degree that they can and then when they open their mouths they sound like fools and when they try to describe god's great creation it's inevitable and i love it i just sit back and watch they will eventually begin to employ words and argumentation that belongs to a person why do you think the world runs around talking about mother nature because they will not bow the need to father god so they've got to personalize it and then they talk about and in this moment when the universe exploded from this gigantic accident explosion and this order came into being did you know that statement is antitypical to the laws of science did you know that no order has ever come out of an explosion can you imagine blowing up a junkyard into 747 lands it's not gonna happen you ever see the swiss make a watch they don't throw a bunch of trash in there or put junk in a box and shake it and then open it up and say swiss man no you cannot get order out of chaos never no way know how why because the laws of science demand order always begins first remember that so the fool is sitting in his heart there is no god psalm 14 1 goes on they are corrupt they have done abominable works there is none who does good verse 2 the lord looks down i love this from heaven upon the children of men to see if there are any who understand who seek god verse 3 they have all turned aside do we not do that do we not turn aside from what we're told to do do we not turn aside from what is safe and good we are prone to trouble are we not we say don't don't do that listen junior just stay right here don't go over there it would have been safer for him for you to not have told him that that's how that's how evil we are you say jack you know you haven't met my grandchild i don't need to your grandchild's just like mine cute as a button little wretched sinners the moment you tell them now you can play anywhere in the house except over here they're not content now they don't care about the whole house now they're just plotting on how to get to that thing why because they have adam and eve's nature so do we it's in us they have together become corrupt there is none who does good no god says not one and even when we do good on camera the motive could be ill john chapter 3 verse 36 john 3 36 says he who believes in the son has everlasting life he who does not believe in the son shall not see life but the wrath of god abides on him strong words how true are these words listen are you sitting down get ready now here it comes this is the bible listen i'm only the courier delivering the message okay god says in ephesians 5 verse 3 but fornication fornication is having sex with somebody who's not married or that is look watch this fornication is interesting because from it we get the the word uh pornea sexual immorality which covers all sexual indiscretion sexual sin watch this fornication is sex between two people who are not married or it can be when one person's married and the other one is not that is both fornication and adultery but fornication and all uncleanness or covetousness let it not even be named among you as befitting or fitting for saints verse four neither filthiness nor foolish talking nor coarse jesting dirty jokes which are not fitting but rather giving of thanks for this you know that no fornicator unclean person nor covetous man who is an idol worshiper idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of god of christ and of god let no one deceive you with empty words for because of these things here's the word the what wrath of god comes upon the sons of disobedience therefore do not be partakers with them this is crystal clear this is bible amen so think of it today for those who seek to undermine god's word even in church circles they seek to undermine god's word words like this we only read certain portions of the bible at our church you know this is really happening you know there's the red letter believers have you heard of them red letter believers what is that they only read the words in red because they believe those are the words of god jesus spoke them they're in red and you don't need to read anything else and yet jesus is the one who said no no no in matthew 5 jesus says the entire bible is the word of god so today somebody might embark upon the path of undermining what god has said they undermine god's existence they undermine his authority and they say things like this the god that i worship would never would never act like this pastor i'm ashamed up until now i've enjoyed watching the church online and and being here but but the picture you painted is a god that has lost his mind no you know what you're doing i mean it you are imposing upon him your human projection or your human analysis and you are taking him out of his throne of holiness and making him guilty of what man is guilty of you're belittling him i don't believe in god do you know how foolish you sound when you say that well i'm a christian but i believe that i can do this because god loves me do you see how messed up that is doesn't god want me happy no let me think about it no he wants you like him amen it is a blessed thing that when you follow him in obedience it's happy blessed are those that's what the word means blessed happy strong statement so you see the next word here revealed we have five minutes to talk to you about this word revealed the word look at mark it down if you what it means to uncover it means to expose to make revelation having all to become aware of to reveal so listen the wrath of god is revealed the wrath of god is revealed you cannot talk about the wrath of god and being revealed that is it is becoming aware what that little word is this is a remarkable remarkable statement the wrath of god listen is now presently being revealed one of the puritan divines the the great preachers of the sixteen and seventeen hundreds put it this way the man that is out living without god little does he know that behind his neck inches away is the executioner's axe blade invisible to his eyes he walks around does whatever he does not knowing that god's wrath is being revealed it's literally present church listen we have to wrap it up this way and pick it up next week this is so important hear me out clearly none of us appreciate i get it you know when there's some uh natural disaster or something happens and and you see some preacher on tv i i i know that uh i remember years ago jerry falwell being very very much in trouble because jerry falwell attributed the 9 11 attacks by islam on america as god's wrath and people hated him for it in fact he actually quite never recovered on the public scene you want to know why because you can't say things like that and expect the world to applaud you it is a theological fact that listen carefully that if something happens by those types of means whereby a nation is shook a community is hit from a storm earthquake or an attack according to the bible we need to pull back we need to zip our mouth shut we need to pull back and analyze before the word of god what is going on listen to me because look what i'm going to say is not popular either but according to the bible the wrath of god is being revealed it's not listen it's not going to come someday that's not what it teaches it's been there it's here and someday it's going to be completed so when something happens in the world we need to stop if something happens in our lives if something happens listen all of us know someone who is shaking their fist at god if something befalls them don't comment until you know from god what's going on because it is possible you don't know and i don't know it is possible a god's trying to get their attention and mercy b god's done with them their time's up so you don't like to hear this and yet it's 100 biblical truth god says my spirit will not always strive with man i will not always put up with what man's doing see we think it's been so long since we've seen something happen watch out and then i should end here because i have to end here i'm i'm very concerned when i tell you the picture of the man walking around with the axe blade just moments behind the back of his neck you can take that image and you can put it over the united states why well why well either god says i will destroy those who destroy innocent the innocents god says i will destroy you and there will be nothing left of you for worshiping other gods stop right now think well i mean we god is god you know you know god bless america and god we trust but i do spend way more time with my toys than i do with god and nothing's happened to me i do spend way more time i i don't i i love god i just it's more you know i he knows look if god didn't approve of me golfing on sunday mornings and ditching church then why did he put the love of golf in me by the way i don't golf i don't even know which end of the stick to hold but i'm just telling you because he's not done anything doesn't mean that wrath is not being revealed the ax is moving god uses a different clock no one gets away with anything i'll leave you this picture have you ever seen pictures of the colorado river at um i don't know the junction but it's not too far away from henderson um it's the pictures are black and white and it's just the colorado river way down there and then they started building a dam and that dam became great and that that dam became beautiful and powerful and that damn created lake mead and the water that is regulated through there spins those vast turbines that are beneath if you've ever gone to that tour you should all go to the tour by the way it's amazing when you go down under the dam [Music] in the earth and the river is flowing underneath through these pipes and it's spinning these massive turbines that send electricity to l.a it's wow it's how las vegas is illuminated that listen that lake is held in place because they let just the right amount of water out of the dam per second do you know that this is that word the wrath of god is revealed there's just listen for some in some cases it's just a trickle but there's going to come a time when the damn lights lose when the dam breaks the dam the dam it will go down it will break and that lake could you imagine that lake will then be released into the southwest with massive beyond imagination devastation that's exactly god's wrath is here and god looks at america and we shake our fist in the face of god and we we we're taking him on we are saying we are going to abort as many babies as we want and you can't do a thing about it you will not god's wrath is upon this nation based on romans chapter 1 verse 18. well i haven't seen anything when god judges a nation we will see listen your sins and mind have been judged at the cross thank god if you're a believer today you're not going to receive the wrath of god but god listen that's god judges nations also that's why daniel who loved god and was going to heaven wound up being taken captive and was led away to babylon what did he do wrong nothing what did jeremiah do nothing what about isaiah what about all these greats of the bible they did nothing wrong the nation that they ministered to refused to follow god and they were led away captive after being captured by enemy forces god uses armies of other nations to judge his nations that have strayed from him he uses nation to take nation is that remarkable but yet true pastor you saying that there's an earthquake this afternoon that it's from god could be don't know i'm gonna zip my mouth not gonna comment i'm not gonna post anything about it i might say hey there was an earthquake today but i'm not gonna say this is god's wrath it could be i don't know but i know this our nation's guilty we need to pray for our nation and we need to do righteously so we can turn this nation around but listen as believers we need to make sure that we're not doing anything that justifies him chastising and discipline us and if you're not a believer today there's going to be a day when you shake your fist at him one last time and you'll be done and it will be too late for you the wrath of god is about three inches away from the back of your neck you may not be going down the 55 freeway on a rocket but your heart's still beating and it's beating by the benefit of god it's by it's it's his sheer pleasure alone that keeps you alive yes it's his pure sovereignty that you live to see another day come to jesus christ by saying to him lord forgive me forgive me i have been arrogant in thinking i'm the captain of my own ship forgive me god i have offended you and i have sinned and i have been proud and i have been lustful and i have been angry and i have been on the list goes but if you can agree with god that those things are true about your life and then you say to him will you take this from me you know he'll do it because that's why jesus came to the cross and the proof of it and the assurance of it is all bound up in that empty tomb jesus christ lives so that you might live also well hey thanks for listening and uh we appreciate you and of course we do in this time and in this age us being together and linking up together to get the word of god out is actually ministry being fulfilled and in fact if you would like to subscribe please do so hit the subscribe button tell your friends about us and listen if you'd like to help us get this out on a broader scale you can support us by hitting on the give now button and look we're going to continue on with or without you we're inviting you to join us no pressure but if you'd like to link arms in this venture you'd be greatly appreciated so listen keep praying for us we're praying for you god bless you and we'll see you back here real soon
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 153,025
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Keywords: jack hibbs, jack hibbs romans, the book of romans, romans audio bible, romans audio bible niv, romans audio bible nkjv, jack hibbs futures, real life with jack hibbs, jack hibbs latest, jack hibbs sermons
Id: gwjX9NdZrDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 39sec (3699 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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