All Phrasal Verbs with Go for B2 First (FCE) - B2 Phrasal Verbs

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This is going to be a long one! Thankfully you do not need to know every phrasal verb with go for the B2 Cambridge exam. However you do need to know quite a few! My name is Toby, this is SMASH English and here is every phrasal verb with go that you need to know for the B2 First Cambridge Exam. "to go after" To chase or pursue somebody. Separable and transitive. Somebody took my phone! Bruce! Go after him! Don't worry, Monica! I'll get him for you! Oi! Give her back her phone! Uh, Bruce! Is that it!? Do you know how important my phone is to me!? Do you know who I am!? Do you know how many guys are going to be be like crying right now because I can't text them back! Oh my god, Bruce! Uh, Monica, if I run I might spill my drink, yeah! Definition two: to pursue a goal. Inseparable and transitive. Hey Bruce, I'm going after my goal of being like a top instagram model and an influencer, yeah. I think that's about as likely as Toby's goal of SMASH English becoming successfu!l Oh shut up! Oh my god, shut up. Are you saying I am that ugly!? Hey 30 subscribers, yeah? 30 people... I teach classes of more than 30 people every single day... What am i doing with my time!? "to go along with something". To agree with something. Inseparable and transitive. i went along with going to the cinema even though i didn't want to go. "to go ahead". Definition one: to proceed. Inseparable and intransitive. The new construction project is going ahead. I went ahead and made you dinner. How nice of me. Definition 2: to give permission. Inseparable and intransitive. Um, Bruce, um, can I ask you something? Yeah sure, Monica, go ahead. Um yeah do you really think that i'm that ugly? Uh, yes. Yes I do. How about now? "to go away". To leave or disappear. Inseparable and intransitive. Sorry I can't see you tomorrow i've gone away on holiday. Oh my god can you all just go away, yeah? I'm unique, and modeling agencies love unique looking girls like me! With beards? Shut up, Bruce! I told you before it's not a beard it's my skin! Yeah!? "to go back". To return. Inseparable and intransitive. I didn't like the clothes I bought so I went back to the shop to return them. I'd love to go back to being a child again, life was so much better then. If I could go back in time I would visit the vikings. "to go by" To pass. Inseparable and intransitive. Time goes by. The days go by. The years go by. Life goes by... and then... Shut up, you idiot! You're so depressing yeah!? Live your life to the full, that's what I say and that's what I do! You know what I mean? "to go down". Definition one: to reduce or to decrease. Inseparable and intransitive. The number of smokers is going down. The price of property has gone down over the last few years. Definition two: to descend. Inseparable and intransitive. The sun goes down at sunset... okay yeah very simple. "to go for something". To choose something. Inseparable and transitive. So i was like thinking, should I go for the black t-shirt or should i go for the white t-shirt? And in the end I went for the white t-shirt because like black can make me look so pale but I think white really brings out my eyes. Do you know what I mean? No. No I don't. "to go off". Definition one: To make a loud noise or to explode. Inseparable and intransitive. An alarm can go off. A bomb can go off. Fireworks can go off. Definition 2: to leave often without warning. Inseparable and intransitive. Monica, do you know where Bruce is? I don't know he just went off. Oh okay. Probably to get a drink again... Alright? What's going on? Yeah... Definition three: To stop liking something. Inseparable and transitive. I studied English for two years but then I went off it because my teacher was terrible but then I found SMASH English and I love English again and i'm going to subscribe and like this vide. and comment down below... I am! "To go on" Definition one: to continue doing something. Inseparable and intransitive. Monica went on talking for hours... and hours... and hours... Definition two: to proceed. Inseparable and intransitive. After eating we went on to watch TV. The teacher explained the grammar and then we went on to do the fun exercises. And after watching this fantastic SMASH English video I went on to watch another SMASH English video. This one for example: about the differences between used to and would... and they are more complicated than you think! So why not watch it? Definition three: to happen. Inseparable and intransitive. ARGUING ARGUING What is going on now!? Bruce said I have a beard and i'll never be a model! Well, Monica, I don't think it's very likely, do you? What do you know!? Yeah?! You look like a baby viking! You look pathetic! Loser! Oh, thanks! Thanks, Monica. "to go out" Definition one: to leave your house to go into a public place. Inseparable and intransitive. Bruce are you going out tonight? What about me and you, night on the town! We can show the girls our conditionals yeah? Mixed conditionals! They love it! Going out? You mean like going out of my house?! No mate I do not do that. OK, so do you ever go out? Well I go to the shop every day... This beer is not gonna buy itself, is it!? Definition two: to talk about something light becoming dark. Inseparable and intransitive. A fire could go out. A light could go out. A candle could go out. "To go over" Definition one: to examine something carefully. Inseparable and transitive. Before you finish writing your B2 First essay you should go over it and check for mistakes. Oh and if you want more information about the B2 First essay then why not watch my great video about the five most common mistakes that students make when writing their B2 First essay? "to go up" To increase or to rise. Inseparable and intransitive. A price could go up. A billboard could go up. Hands could go up. "to go with". To agree with something. Inseparable and transitive. This is a great expression to use in part three of the speaking exam. Don't tell your partner that you agree. Don't say "I agree". Instead say "yes I see your point, I will go with that". And if you want more help with part three of the speaking exam then of course I have a video about how to pass part three of the B2 First Cambridge speaking exam, so click on that as well! Gosh you have a lot to watch don't you? And with that we are finished! Thank goodness because I am very very hot here! Now you know every phrasal verb with go that you need to know for the B2 First Cambridge exam. If you like the video don't forget to SMASH that like button , subscribe if you haven't already, leave a comment down below! My name is Toby and this was SMASH English... you
Channel: SMASH English - Cambridge English Exam Preparation
Views: 3,536
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Keywords: go phrasal verbs b2, go phrasal verbs fce, go phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs with go, phrasal verbs fce, phrasal verbs b2, phrasal verbs b2 first, phrasal verbs b2 list, every phrasal verb with go, phrasal verbs go, phrasal verbs b2 exam, cambridge phrasal verbs, english phrasal verbs with go, phrasal verbs for b2 exam, phrasal verbs for fce, phrasal verbs for fce exam, phrasal verbs first certificate, smash english, fce exam, cambridge fce
Id: jY2zCzw7fpY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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