13 Most Common Phrasal Verbs with ‘GO’

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wanna speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101.com hi everybody my name is Alisha in this lesson I'm going to talk about phrasal verbs that use go so remember a phrasal verb is a verb plus a preposition and then sometimes something extra so today I'm going to introduce a few common phrasal verbs with go that maybe you haven't heard of there are quite a lot with this verb so I want to introduce some that hopefully you can use right away let's get started okay the first phrasal verb I want to talk about is go ahead go ahead this means permission or encouragement to do something before others so I've noticed on this channel for example many viewers like to use go ahead but they mean please continue go ahead does not have the meaning of please continue something it means feel free to do something before me so an example of using go ahead might be go ahead and eat for example I'm going to be home late today go ahead and eat dinner so go ahead means before me so go ahead and do something will follow go ahead oftentimes with and go ahead of me and do something some verb will follow this so in this case go ahead and eat is a very common way that we use this one okay let's move along to the next phrasal verb which is go along with to go along with something means to temporarily temporarily means for a short time only to temporarily believe something that may be false so here I put may be false this could be a story it could be a plan it could be like just the way that someone is behaving but this means to temporarily believe so yes temporarily can be a very short time but this could be over weeks months or years so it's something that perhaps has an endpoint at some point in time that doesn't have to be very soon but you temporarily believe or you pretend to believe something here's an example I don't want to go along with this plan I don't want to go along with this plan so here there's a noun phrase I don't want to go along with this plan means I don't want to pretend this plan is okay so kind of the feeling here of to go along with something is that you're believing it and you're like pretending that you're agreeing with that thing or you're participating in that thing so to go along with something it can't have a negative meaning it can also have kind of like a positive feeling like for example a surprise birthday party like we need her to go along with the idea that she's not meeting her friends today for example like we need her to temporarily believe she's not meeting her friends but it can have a negative feeling like here I don't want to go along with this plan maybe the plan is bad or the plan is kind of evil somehow so to go along with something is to believe something or to like continue doing something to pretend to agree with something that may not be true okay so let's continue on to the next phrasal verb the next phrasal verb is to go around to go around this has two meanings actually the first is to be enough for a group to be enough for a group the second one is one that you probably or maybe already know which is to move past something by moving around it so there's some obstacle that you face and you move around that obstacle so that one is probably a little easier to understand moving around physically an obstacle in order to pass the obstacle however the one I want to focus on for this lesson is this one to be enough for a group to go around so in an example sentence do we have drinks to go around so here do we have drinks to go around as a question means do we have enough drinks for all the people in our group so go around is a shorter way to say that so you can imagine if you have a group of people in a circle you can like gives each person one of something so that means to go around there's enough of something to go around you will sometimes hear people include enough in a phrase like this do we have enough drinks to go around so this refers to having enough of something for everyone in a group ok let's move along to the next expression the next phrasal verb is go away go away this is probably one that many of you know to go away is often used as a command without the to just go away command form so it means to move away from the current location like to move away from the whiteboard for example or to move away from the camera so you're moving away from something so you're not getting closer it's the opposite direction but like I said we often use it as commands so to tell someone to go away to tell a pet to go away another example I wish these bugs would go away I wish these bugs would go away so in other words go away from me go away from me from the speaker so when we say go away it's and it doesn't have this kind of like reference point it tends to mean like from the speaker's location so I wish these bugs would go away from me okay let's move along to the next phrasal verb the next one is go back or go back to so you'll see these both used so to go back to something let's use that to go back to something means to return to a previous location or you can use it for a phase like a step in a project or you can use it for a person to go back to a person to go back to a certain phase of your project to go back to a place so we use this when we've made dressed in some way or we've changed our life in some way and we return to something that we did earlier or we return to a person that we associated with earlier when we use this expression to talk about people it's often because we're talking about a romantic relationship like for example he went back to his ex girlfriend or she went back to her former boss for example so there's something that like we knew in the past we knew was true about the person in the past and they returned to that point so we can use go back to to refer to them more commonly perhaps though is when we just want to return to something we saw earlier for example go back to slide two please so if you're giving a presentation you could say go back to slide two please return to slide two so everyone saw slide two I the speaker the presenter want to return to that slide for some reason so go back to something is to return to something okay let's move along to another one that's very similar so we talked about go back or go back to now let's look at go back on so to go back on something is to choose not to do something as promised so we tend to use this expression with promises or agreements of some kind so to go back on a promise means you make the promise and then your actions do not align with the promise so in an example sentence the president went back on his promises so to go back on his promises this means the president made a promise and the president's actions did not match that promise so for example the president of the company said he would give all employees their birthday off and then the president decided not to do that in the end so he made a choice he or she made a choice not to make that birthday policy happen so that would be an example of the president going back on his promise so choosing not to do a thing that you promise to do in some cases people will do the opposite of what they promised to do we can use that as well so to go back on and to go back to our quite different keep in mind to go back on always sounds quite negative to go back to doesn't necessarily sound negative it can depending on what is being returned - like if you're if a person is going back to a negative relationship for example it could feel negative but to go back on does have that negative feeling of like betrayal okay so let's continue on to the next phrasal verb which is go for to go for something to go for something means to try to obtain something or someone to try to get something or to try to get someone so when I say to get someone here this can mean like to get someone as like a boyfriend or girlfriend or if you mean to try to get someone to participate in something so you want someone to join like a party or a conference or something similar you can use this expression in that case so let's look at an example she's going for the gold medal so very common in the Olympics and sporting events in general she's going for here I have the progressive tense she's going for that means she's trying to get the gold medal she's going for the gold is also a way that we say this so in this case it's an object if you want to use it to talk about a person you could say like oh I tried to go for that girl or that guy across the room but he or she wasn't interested for example so you're trying to get or you're trying to attract a person okay let's move along to the next one which is go in on to go in on something careful go back on and go in on are quite different go in on something to go in on something means to become one of a group of people investing in something so investing in many cases this means investing money in something in probably most cases with this expression so you and some other people have decided you all want the same thing and you invest your resources in that thing an example I went in on a shared office so here we have past tense I went in on a shared office so shared office is the thing that each person wants in this group we don't know how many people but we used I went in on this shows us that there are other people who want the same thing that we don't have to mention the other people I went in I went in on a shared office so I invested money perhaps time effort resources in order to get this shared office with other people so to go in on something it does have kind of a cooperative feeling about it it's neither positive nor negative really ok on to the next one the next one is go off to go off so to go off when you're talking about people to go off means to lose your temper means like to shout or to yell angrily to go off you'll also hear when something goes off it could be like an alarm like the alarm went off this morning so it has kind of the same feel though like when a person goes off they lose their temper they shout they scream when an alarm goes off it makes a lot of noise so you can imagine it's sort of like an object losing its temper or an object making a lot of noise as well so we can use this for a few objects but we we use it a lot for people's tempers as well their emotions example a guy went off at a cop so here you'll see yes I've used it in the past tense a guy went off at a cop we can use at after this to show the recipient of the anger so in this case a cop so cop is slang for a police officer so a guy went off lost his temper at a police officer I've used at here you will also hear like my mom went off on me is another common one or my mom went off at me you might hear both of those I think I probably used on more often but you may hear at as well so to go off on someone means to lose your temper with someone okay on to the next one the next one is to go out to go out so to go out means just to leave your home to leave your home so this can be used I feel positively to refer to doing activities outside of your house it's like you're going to do something fun for example why don't we go out tonight why don't we go out tonight so this is one that you can use when you're thinking about like planning activities so let's go out or we went out to a movie last night for example so to go out sounds like you're out and about doing things okay let's move on to the next one then the next one is the expression go together to go together so yes this does mean to physically go to another location with someone like let's go together let's go to the movies together but this also has the meaning of suiting like to suit or to combine well to suit or to combine well so we use this a lot for clothing actually so a really common example sentence with clothing do these shoes and this shirt go together so the speaker here is asking about two things a pair of shoes these shoes the plural and this shirt so the speaker is asking do these two sort of parts to my look go together so one point to be careful about go together does not mean match so two match means two things are exactly the same 100% the same two go together means they combine well they combine nicely they look good together so you'll often hear people actually drop this together people will sometimes say like do these shoes and this shirt go do they go in go together so when we say go in this way it means do they suit each other like do they combine it nicely so we use this a lot for talking about our clothes and for our appearance so keep an eye out for this one it's quite common okay let's move on to the next one to go with something or to go with someone to go with or to go I'm sorry to go with something to go with someone means to choose to choose we use this a lot in restaurants and kind of in any situation where we're making plans like for example I'm gonna go with the steak I'm gonna go with the steak so here I have go with followed by the object the speaker chooses I'm gonna go with the steak so I chose the steak or I choose the steak if you're using this to talk about a person you might be planning something like you're planning a team like I'm gonna go with person a for this role in my company or this role at the event I'm gonna go with person B for this role so when you're choosing people or maybe you're choosing teams for something you could use go with it sounds kind of like a casual way of choosing someone instead of choose like I choose this person I choose that person using go with sounds a little bit lighter a little less formal okay so let's continue to the last one in this list which is go without to go without so to go without something means to do something without typical items or typical people so there's some like common tasks some kind of well-known tasks or well-known activity but you have to do that thing without something that you usually use so an example I had to go without rain gear for my hike so imagine it's a rainy day and the speaker had to go on this hike but without his or her rain year with no rain gear without using this thing that he or she usually uses so to go without something this does have a negative new ones that this thing that I need or this thing that I prefer to have that it's common to have I did not have that for a task or an activity that I was doing so to go without something in another example like maybe I could say and I had to go without a microphone for this lesson like it would maybe make it less of a good experience the experience would not be as good or it would be difficult to do things so to go without something does tend to sound a little bit more negative okay so this is a lot of information I know but this is just a quick introduction to some phrasal verbs that use the word go if you have any other questions or if you want to know some more about other phrasal verbs that use go I would highly recommend checking a dictionary there are a lot of words a lot of expressions that use go so please take a look at a dictionary for some more information and some more example sentences as well of course if you have questions or comments or if you want to practice making an example sentence please feel free to do so in the comment section of this video of course if you like this lesson don't forget to give it a thumbs up subscribe to our channel if you have not already and check us out at English class 101.com for some other things that can help you with your English Studies thanks very much for watching this lesson and I will see you again soon [Music]
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
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Keywords: English Language (Interest), learn english, Language (Quotation Subject), Teacher (Profession), american culture, english culture, EnglishClass101, how to, speak, write, read, english, native speaker, english grammar, grammar lesson, basic english grammar, phrasal verbs, english phrasal verbs, go, go away, go out, go back, go around
Id: _HJynTB3kps
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Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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