HOW TO USE GET - English Grammar for B2 First (FCE)

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So you think you know "get". "Get" is easy! Everyone knows how to use "get"! Trust me, you do not know how to use "get"! Well... maybe you do... Let's find out! My name is Toby, this is SMASH English and here is all you need to know about "get" for the B2 First Cambridge exam! Let's start with the three most basic uses of "get". Get plus noun. I went to the cafe and got a coffee. I got a car for my birthday. I got a new subscriber yesterday and I'll get a new one today. You! Yes! Go on then what are you watching this for? Subscribe! What does get mean in these sentences? To obtain. Simple. Get plus noun means obtain. Often students get confused between get and take. Don't use take instead of get. For example I went to the bar and I got a coffee. This means I bought a coffee. If you take a coffee it means you're stealing it or you're taking it aggressively. Give me my coffee! You took the coffee: you obtained it in an aggressive way. So please say "get" not "take". Yeah? Yes! Get plus adjective. I got pretty fat over the summer, look at my cheeks! One day I'll get rich and famous. If you drink too much you will get drunk. What does get mean in these sentences? To become. A change of state. This is also pretty simple. Get plus adjective: get means you become that adjective. Alright, next! Get plus preposition. Get in a car. Get out a car. Get on a boat. Get off a plane. Get up in the morning. Get down from a cliff. Get away from an angry dog that wants to kill you! This is a bit more complicated. What do all of these expressions have in common? Movement! Movement? Movement? Movement! Now of course there are many exceptions to this! There are more than a hundred phrasal verbs with get and not all of them are to do with movement. But as a general rule: get plus preposition is movement of some sort. For example you can "get over" a problem. if you "get over" a problem it means you have passed the problem and now you're on the other side of the problem and you look back on the problem and it does not affect you emotionally... You have recovered from the problem! For example: Two years ago my girlfriend left me, I was crying every day for one year. Oh! Terrible period in my life! But now I have got over it. I think about her and... Bad example. Now let's get to some more advanced uses! Ah, see!? "get to" somewhere or something! It means to arrive. So again we have get plus a preposition and it's movement, yeah? I'll get to you in five minutes. I will arrive to see you. Let's get to some more complex uses of "get": we are walking on our journey to discover all about "get" and now I have arrived at the advanced uses of "get". Be metaphorical yeah? Not everything has to be literal! To get to do something. Hey Bruce if you treat me well you might get to go on a date with me someday! I would rather eat my own face, Monica! What do you think Monica was saying here? If you treat me well you might get to go "get to go" on a date with me... hmm... Um I meant that if you treat me well you might have the opportunity to go on a date with me someday! Yeah I understood and it's disgusting! If you get to do something it means you have the opportunity to do something. In London I got to see Big Ben! Wow! So exciting! I am so happy that you got to see this fantastic video! And now you can subscribe to the channel and leave a comment and say "wow great video! I love you, Toby!" Cheers! And I want to get to know you better! This is very common if you "get to know someone" it means you spend some time with them, you talk to them, you understand who they are for the first time. Um how did you get to know Bruce? Well, yeah, I found him under a bridge. Oh shut up! Have got to do something. If you have got to do something it means you must do something. I cannot spend too much time talking about "have got" because I have got to move on to the next structure. Brilliant! Just thought of that now, all on my own! To get doing something. Me and my friends, we went to this bar and I saw this really cute guy and we got talking and you'll never believe what he said... What do you think "get" means here? Well it means "start". If you "get doing" something it means you start doing it. For example: come on it's late let's get working! Quick the bus is leaving let's get running! This is me running... To get something done. And now for the causatives. This is where it gets a bit trickier. I've got my hair done and I've got my nails done, and I've got my... Uh then Monica why haven't you got your beard shaved? Yeah? Bruce I've told you before it's not a beard, it's my skin! Shut up! If you get something done it means you arrange for someone else to do it for you. For example: you don't cut your own hair (well maybe you do but now no! For this example you do not cut your hair) instead you get your hair cut by a hair dresser. If your car breaks down you don't fix it yourself (well maybe you do but today no!) Instead you get it fixed by a mechanic. The grammar is subject plus get plus object plus past participle. If you want to say who does the action you can add by plus an object pronoun but it's not always necessary. If you get your hair cut it's probably by a hairdresser, so you don't need to say "I got my hair cut yesterday by the hairdresser". Why? Why!? I don't need that information. To get someone or something to do something. I was really bad at school actually... And I always got my friend to do my French homework for me and this is why after seven years of French lessons I speak zero french. It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing... "I got my friend to do my homework" So what does that mean? It means I persuaded my friend to do my homework. I gave him money, I told him it would improve his French, I told him that in the future I would make SMASH English videos and he would love them. "I couldn't get my computer to turn on". Oh no! Here we have an object. Can you persuade an object? Well not literally but if you wanted to persuade a laptop to turn on what would you do? Well, maybe you would press the on button. If that didn't work maybe you would charge it. If that didn't work maybe you would tap it and say "turn on! Turn on! You stupid laptop!". All of this is like persuasion. So we can also use "get someone or something to do something" with objects as well. And with that we are finished. Now you know everything you need to know about get for the B2 First Cambridge exam! If you liked the video don't forget to SMASH that like button, subscribe if you haven't already, leave a comment down below! My name is Toby and this was SMASH English! you
Channel: SMASH English - Cambridge English Exam Preparation
Views: 2,125
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Keywords: how to use get b2 first, how to use get fce, how to use get b2, how to use get first certificate, what does get mean b2, get b2 grammar, get fce grammar, get b2 first grammar, get something done b2, get something done b2 first, get in english b2, get in english fce, get in english b2 first, get b2, get fce, get b2 first, get first certificate, get someone to do something, smash english, b2 first exam, Fce exam
Id: J41uQxKJbSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 9sec (609 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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